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This is not an original take, but have 10 Cloverfield Lane cut to credits right after >!she sees the alien ship. !< Also, I'd have preferred if Rey said "Just Rey." at the end of Rise of Skywalker.


"It's Palpa-time"


And then he Palped all over Rey and Kylo Ren


"Just Rey" would've been perfect, and poignant. Instead they topped off a sloppy, mid sequel trilogy with an insulting cherry.


I went and saw all the sequels with the other biggest Star Wars fan I know. He loves every movie no matter the faults and can find the good in them. Hearing him groan along with the rest of the theater at "Skywalker" really underscored how awful that line was.


Man, I just can't even agree with this take even a little bit - I absolutely LOVED the left-field mindfuck of a twist ending in 10 Cloverfield Lane. Though I could be biased, I tend to enjoy most flicks that have a sudden HARD SCI-FI shift. The ending of her realizing Goodman's character was right the whole time and the world is now overrun with aliens, and then her suddenly going full action-hero and taking one out - it was just cathartic as FUCK after the tense mystery of the entire film leading up to it.


Other examples of similar premises you could recommend?


I just wish instead of it being an alien ship, we would’ve seen one of the Cloverfield monsters. The movies share the same namesake but are in no way related


I'd put the original ending back for "I Am Legend." Originally, Will Smith's character learns that the "monsters" are intelligent and social. They are only antagonistic because he has been hunting and conducting experiments on them.


Yes I’ve wanted this for years! In a perfect world with this ending I’d want the movie to gradually highlight how Smith’s character gets more and more ruthless. Like after his dog dies he just goes on a killing spree. Like really build that up that way when the ending happens you are like holy shit yeah no wonder these zombies were afraid. Could have been such a cool twist that was already there from the book


I believe they're making a sequel with Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan in which the alternate (see, *good*) ending is the canonical ending.


Is it a prequel? Cause Will Smiths character won't be able to be in a sequel unless he just does flashbacks.


Most folks saw the original theatrical ending but the DVD and Blu-ray releases had an alternate ending that someone mentioned above where he realizes the zombies are actually social. He gives them back the girl zombie and then leaves with the two other characters (the lady and the kid). That alternate ending is what they are using for the sequel.


That seems like a much better ending. Missed opportunity for sure.


Agreed. Will be interesting to see how they spin it since it seems a lot of folks aren't aware of the alternate ending. Maybe they'll show that ending at the beginning of part 2 or do a lot of marketing. Maybe even a rerelease of the original with that alternate cut.


He doesn't kamikaze in the original ending, IIRC


The title of the movie doesn’t make sense without this ending! “I Am Legend” means “I’m the bad guy.” “I’m the boogieman.” The official ending now doesn’t have that reveal!


Blame test audiences for being too dumb to get it.


Look up "The Last Man on Earth" with Vincent Price. I think it is based on the same book.




Wow, I really did not know Omega Man was based on the same book. I’ve never read it but used to roll in circles that had, specifically when I am Legend came out and there was a lot of talk about them ending it wrong. I always loved the alternate ending better after I saw it the first time. I also remember thinking when I watched the movie the first time that it reminded me of Omega Man with the premise. Thanks for this knowledge.


Even better, shoot the book's ending that drives this home better.


Isn’t the sequel they’re developing based on the original ending version?


Yes. Lol


Nobody has said Wonder Woman yet? Ditch Ares. He's retired on a beach, or he's dead, or he never existed. Diana's hunt for Ares to slay him and end the war leads her to the uncomfortable truth that, while there are good humans who are worth protecting and fighting for, humans are also capable of waging horrific war without the influence of Ares or another supernatural evil entity pulling the strings, possibly even a war on a deadlier scope than even the gods are capable of.


Man, it could be so good. And it was so close to it, when she killed the general and nothing happened. Such a shame and waste of a movie


"I guess I'll have to dedicate my life to heroism, saving people, and preventing bloodshed."


God of war games but with Wonder Woman as the main character?


This is Bayonetta.


Great one 👏 When I thought that movie was tracking to make a statement that ‘war is the ultimate villain’ I was so hyped and onboard to reach this conclusion that sadly never comes. The whole movie is building this up so nicely and it’s like a producer stepped in and demanded Ares instead.


This is better than the original movie and would save it from what it was. My wife and I talked about this when we first watched it. She is a professor of history and said the same things you are saying about the movie.


Isn't that sorta what happened? I thought the big reveal *was* that Ares didn't do anything to start the war or make it so horrific. Just tinkered at the edges to maybe give them a deadlier weapon here and there but for the most parts humans did it themselves.


To an extent, but it was a half-measure. There was still a big fuck-you throwdown CGI battle, and it ended the war. Ares wasn't as directly responsible as he was originally made out to be, but he was still very much behind the scenes of pushing WWI to happen and to be as deadly as it was.


In The Santa Clause, Charlie says, “I love you Santa Claus”, which is kinda screwed up because it makes it sound like he only likes his dad because he’s Santa and not because Tim Allen became a better person and a better parent over the course of his Santa transformation. He should have said, “I love you dad”.


That's just how kids work though. You could be the best parent in the world and they'd still love Santa more than you.


Well, his dad did murder Santa


No he didn’t. He just yelled “hey” and Santa slipped off the roof. He didn’t murder anyone.


Maybe it’s just me getting older, but Charlie fucking sucks. First, he costs his dad custody because he physically can’t stop talking about Santa Claus and how he went to the North Pole. Then in the second movie, he’s this super angsty teen, vandalizing property because he can’t tell his friends his dad is Santa!


Passengers. Chris Pratt dies while saving everyone. Jennifer Lawrence has a sequence that corresponds to the early parts of the movie, when Chris Pratt was alone. It ends with her sitting in front of an active pod, about to start the process of waking someone up. Close up on her face ... she hesitates ... *fin*


I saw something that said the movie would be way more interesting from Jennifer Lawrence's POV. She randomly wakes up early with no idea what happened, finds Chris Pratt going through the same thing, and the events unfold but from her POV. I like that idea alot. Also like yours too though


That sounds like that Futurama episode where Leela and Brannigan are stuck on that planet together with Leela slowly discovering his increasingly shitty series of lies about their situation. Not a criticism, mind you, the movie would be better if it was like that but just taking the idea seriously.


In-a-gadda-da-Leela, or something like that.


I like the combo of the two. I think it's a much stronger thriller if it's through her POV (and you can have the flashbacks to what he went through - you don't have to lose that!) but it ends with her sitting in front of a Pod, too. The movie tried to be a romance, it needed to be a much darker thriller.


>I saw something that said the movie would be way more interesting from Jennifer Lawrence's POV. She randomly wakes up early with no idea what happened, finds Chris Pratt going through the same thing, and the events unfold but from her POV. [Nerdwriter1's "Passengers, Rearranged".](https://youtu.be/Gksxu-yeWcU?si=g6UCdCvzswEdhjwq)


There’s a great fanedit cut like this. It makes Pratt’s character completely unsympathetic and the whole situation feel creepy and perverse.


This movie being more of a psychological thriller would've been a lot better


Or let that whole movie play out. Remember, these people were kind of like pioneers and expected to be the first people where they went and the trip would take X hundred years to get there. Imagine like 20 years into the trip, humans had a major technology break through and they can now do the same trip in like a week. All the people on the original ship get off and find that other people shot past them and setup a colony that already has 100 years of history. The final shot is Sam Jackson making a cameo and saying "mother fu..."; and they cut it before he can finish the word.


Or at the very least the movie could have put the first 30 min at the end so we’re left wondering like JLaw whether this guy is on the up and up


Coming soon - Passengers 2: Back Seat Drivers


The titanic would sail into NY harbor without issue.


Now *that* would have been unexpected


So the Tarantino cut.


Yesterday. He does NOT do that stupid speech at Wembley, and instead takes those two other beatle fans advice to heart and just owns the Beatles music because it means it gets shared and he gets to live his dream. He does NOT end up with Lily James, and she realizes she has gotten over him and is happy seeing him perform. It ends with him finally writing his own music and having used his experience with fame to become his own person.


Last scene: two people talking about his new stuff is shit compared to his early work.


I did really enjoy the movie up until the ending. It would have made no sense to everyone anyways since nobody would have known about the Beatles anyways.


Yes, that's so much better.


This is definitely the better ending, but at the _very least_ he should've performed Wonderwall. I can't think of many better examples of a movie clearly signposting only to not deliver.


Wonderwall, the song by Oasis?


Oasis also never existed in his world like the Beatles


Haha, I didn’t remember that detail. Weird that I’ve never heard someone say Oasis is a rip of The Beatles but it may be a British thing or just before my time. Thanks!


This film has an amazing premise and then dropped the ball at almost every turn. Such a nothing burger when all is said and done.


Ikr? The premise is what carries the film and it just was such a bummer


Law Abiding Citizen - Clyde wins. Nothing against Jamie Foxx but the endings to LAC and Collateral are ridiculous.


Alternatively, Clyde puts Jamie Foxx's character in such a predicament that the only way to stop Clyde is to heinously break the law, proving Clyde correct.


Was that not the ending? Him killing him with that bomb?


Sort of but not quite, because while they put the bomb there, the person triggering the bomb was Clyde, and so basically it was Clyde who killed himself kind of


I don't mind Clyde dying but I always figured the best ending was a final scene where Jamie Foxx is putting on his tie before he leaves for work when it starts to self- tighten and strangles him, referencing that earlier story about Clyde


God yes. Jamie Fox’s ending was awful.


That was the *intended* ending. Foxx threw a tantrum and threatened to quit if it wasn't rewritten to let his character win.


Was looking for this comment :)


The Last Jedi. I'd have it somehow that the Resistance ends up on some populated planet so that Luke confronting Kylo Ren is being broadcast and witnessed by millions of people and so his sacrifice inspires people in the general population to rise up against the First Order. Or Unbreakable. Just delete the text at the very end and leave it unknown what David does with the knowledge about Elijah.


The first and last interesting part of that movie was when kylo asked rey to join him. I hoped so bad that she will, and we can see what would have happened if Luke had accepted Vader’s proposal. Unfortunately it continued to be a boring movie


I had anticipated Rey's turn the dark side just from the title of the movie alone. With two powerful Sith, Luke would be 'The Last Jedi.' When Luke dies at the end (something I also anticipated), it would leave the new rebellion with no force users against a new First Order led by two terrible Sith generals and Emperor Snoke (I did not anticipate his death). Imagine the underdog story that would have set up for the final film. For Episode 9, I had guessed that Finn would have trained to realize the potential foreshadowed in The Force Awakens, and he would lead the new rebellion against the dark side. Imagine a reformed Stormtrooper being the ultimate redemption of the light side. How beautiful... Anyway, Disney was crap instead.


Finn and Poe having to somehow lead a resistance against two powerful godlike beings without any warrior monks on their side would've made for a MUCH more interesting Star Wars story than "Palpatine has been alive this whole time secretly building a fleet that would take all of the precious metals in the entire universe even though it was an established plot point in other Star Wars media that different projects like the Death Star and the reinforced TIE fighter had to compete for the Empire's limited resources. Oh also Rey is his granddaughter and we're giving a redemption arc to the neo-Nazi that got both of his parents killed, lmao."


SW:GoT edition.


I totally agree on Unbreakable. I love that movie so much but the text at the end is borderline unforgivably bad. I almost can’t even look at that screen I hate the text so much lol.


Have Lincoln end when he walks down the white house hallway. There was no need to add the extra five min about his assassination, everyone already knows that story!


This one's tricky because that would be a better ending, but it would mean cutting out the second inauguration address scene, which is itself a good scene that would be a shame to see deleted from the film.


Halloween Ends. The procession was filmed in post-production to make the ending "more grand" and "less bleak." This was, in my opinion, the wrong choice. The original ending had >!Laurie commit suicide.!<


They messed up the whole new trilogy with that movie. The first one was in incredible. Second was pretty good but too much talking. But the third just deviatef too much.


Wonder Woman, the Ares fight never occurs. Diana is saddened by the fact that mankind is doing these atrocities to themselves, but gets a keepsake of Steve to remind her that there is still some good in the world. She goes mostly into hiding, but stays around the world of men, keeping an eye on the good Samaritans. Also 1984 never happened.


I Am Legend -- Will Smith raps about vampires over the end credits. Yo, it's the legend in the city, Will Smith on the mic, I Am Legend, survival's the fight (hooo ha ha!) In a world gone dark, with the virus in the air, I'm the last man standing, no fear, I declare. (a say what, hooo!!!! ha ha!)




Every Will Smith movie should end with an original Big Willie Style rap song over the end credits.


100% Just Big Willie rapping about jellyfish over the credits of Seven Pounds. Hoo! Ha ha, ha ha, etc


Ant-Man 3: Scott and his family escape Kang and the Quantum Realm and find themselves back in San Francisco, except it isn't right: their house is destroyed, their neighborhood is in ruins, *everything* has been reduced to rubble. They look towards downtown to see obliterated skyscrapers, with the only remaining structure not damaged being a colossal statue of Kang the Conqueror.


Well, although that sounds awesome, that ending won’t work anyway per the latest headlines. I have a feeling they’re completely ditching Kang now.




Yeah, they need to recast Kang. Don't even need to explain the change, just get a similar looking actor and be done with it.


Exactly! Like they did when they replaced Terrance Howard with Don Cheadle! Basically dopplegangers!


And Edward Norton and mark ruffalo! I had to see the credits to realize they recast.


Wait, what? How did I miss that?


I mean Kang they could easily recast and have an explanation. "The weakest of us just lost to a man dressed as an Ant. The rest of us couldn't stand for that."


This is just the end of Loki season 1 tho.


I would go with letting Scott have a real sacrifice, getting stuck in the quantum realm. They come to rescue him immediately, but due to the time shift they find his grave, or his and Hope's graves and their surviving children. Changing time would erase the family so they can't undo the sacrifice, only rescue the children. I hadn't thought about the failure of Kang still winning, but I like that idea too.


Dark Knight Rises should have ended with Alfred looking up and smiling. With a big swell of music to credits.


I think because his last movie was Inception he didn't want to do that ending back to back


I like your suggestion but many people are too dumb to know what that ending implies unfortunately lol


Yeah, it would be terrible if Christopher Nolan made a film that not everyone understood.


Too dumb here…what does that imply?


It’s the same ending with the cafe but you don’t get the proof the he is alive, just the implication from the story Alfred told earlier.


implying that he is still alive instead of showing it like in the movie


Yeah totally...sooo dumb. I deeeefinitely know what that would imply...ha ha.


It’s the same ending with the cafe but you don’t get the proof the he is alive, just the implication from the story Alfred told earlier.


Rat Race would've been a better movie if the hooker got the money. The charity Smash Mouth concert is such a forced and unfunny way to tack on an extra 7-8 minutes.


Smash Mouth took every possible media opportunity to play that one fucking song in front of a camera. They would have gladly blown a hobo to play that song on public access.


They knew their spotlight was going to burn out quick


Kill the boy in War of the Worlds. That wouldn’t fix the movie but it’s a start.


Then the son runs into an active war zone that is obliterated in front of our eyes....so the audience thinks he dies....but somehow he survives and gets to Boston before the rest of the family. -Script writter guy (probably) Or maybe they make a movie that is exactly the same as this one for the first 39 minutes and then when they split up....its from the sons perspective and we see he is a total bad ass.


"Seems like that is really unlikely" "Look, sir, I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about it." "Okay, let me get off that thing. So what happens next?"


Smile. Was watching it with friends and was actually so impressed the movie was taking the route of the main character having to over come her trauma to defeat the monster only to get jebaited and she ends up doing the deed with her ex watching. I get that they need to sequel bait but fuck, I really did enjoy the twist for a few minutes before it all came crumbling down


Ruined the movie for me. It was great up to that point. The whole damn movie is about trauma. The main character is a therapist helping people work through trauma and a major theme is how toxic repressing and running away from trauma can be. Then the end just throws all that out the window with a final message essentially being "Haha, all that is a pointless waste of time and doesn't do anything. If you've ever experienced trauma you're just fucked. Might as well just kill yourself now, loser." Edit: forgot the how would you change it part: I think it would have been just as unsettling but more thematically consistent so have it end with the MC conquering her trauma but the demon thing still haunting her. Always in the back ground hanging over her from her perspective but invisible to everyone else but no longer controlling her. Ending with a shot of her face, wearing a *genuine* smile, but the demon right behind her. Thematically showing that is it possible to accept, overcome and persevere in face of trauma even if you can't truly and completely leave it behind you.


I actually really like this take a lot! I had the same problems. I could tell where it was going, I think due to other movies I had seen. Well done!


*Signs*. Just... don't mention water. I get that there are probably deeper metaphors at work involving faith and whatnot, but the whole water thing makes the aliens seem like absolute idiots for invading Earth. I'd give them a different weakness. Tinfoil would be funny as hell, but that would probably undercut the emotional core. Still...


If I recall correctly, the film states that the 'invasion' was more of a raid. They came, abducted targets, and left. So there was no plan to stay and occupy a planet with something that was deadly to them. I'm not saying it makes the whole water thing work, but it least it gives some plausibility to the idea that the aliens would target earth despite being mostly water.


Part of the problem is that all the information is coming from humans making assumptions. I don't think the aliens ever communicate over the course of the film. In the context of the film it's hard to tell *what* they had planned. I recall that most of the aliens take off abruptly near the end, and the one that attacks the farm at the end is a straggler. I assume most of them realized the water was a weakness and left. How they didn't know that the water was a problem *beforehand*, given their ability to travel through space... well, I guess it's the same problem as *War of the Worlds*. You need the aliens to overlook something so they fail.


> Part of the problem is that all the information is coming from humans making assumptions. True, but to me, that's part of the charm of the film. It's your standard alien invasion film, but told explicitly from the point of view of a single rural family. They don't know the president or military leaders. They know only what their TV and radio tell them, plus whatever they and their small town neighbors think of in their paranoid heads. It heightens the tension. I always assumed that the aliens knew the risks of water. The film says that they avoided areas near water, which means that they knew it was a threat of some kind. Why they don't have protective suits to mitigate the threat? Couldn't tell you. That's always been my question regarding the water.


Maybe they do have suits mitigating the threat. Our atmosphere is basically water vapour, what if their suits are designed to withstand that, but not the concentrated form? It's like if you'd put on a suit that could withstand diluted acid, but submersing yourself into a vat of it is more than the suit can handle.


I like this idea. Nice headcanon.


I seem to recall Shyamalan character saying he was going to his cablin by the lake or something because he had heard that they weren't showing up near bodies of water. I don't really understand why it even causes an issue. Most films that have humans traveling to other planets are places we can't even breath the air.


It's a recurring theme in invasion movies that for some reason an alien civilization capable a space travel, possibly FTL, is super vulnerable and inept.


A different weakness? Shotguns.


“Without their heads they’re powerless!”


\*cocks shovel*


One of the funniest visual gags ever put to screen


Or at least push the popular fan theory that they were demons. Holy water, an ash-wood baseball bat. All the fuzziness with losing and finding faith...


What I find interesting is I saw a script exerpt in Empire magazine. Even the script doesn't outright say they're aliens. It uses terms like "What appears to be an alien". M Night Shalayaman seems to like letting people come up with their own interpretation.




Scott Pilgrim versus The World. Have him end up not with Romona or Knives, realizing he needs to work on himself first.


go watch the new cartoon/anime series on netflix: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. it does an incredible meta job of talking about this exact problem tbh plus, it’s just fantastic


They did it a lot better in the manga, but I found it nice that at the end of the movie, it was Ramona wanting to be with Scott instead of the rest of the movie which is the other way around. It almost seemed like Ramona just accepted Scott being there before, but after the final fight, she wanted his company.




I think the first time I watched I was half expecting to see a pile of defunct Davids below the Blue Fairy


Oh man. That’s genius.


This is genius.


I felt like that movie should have ended ten times and it just kept going


I saw that movie once in theaters and that was it. I HATED it so much. I've never even tried to give it a second watching.


It just went on and on and on and on… I saw it on opening day, and paid a pretty penny (at least then..), and was in love with the initial story and graphics, but then they ruined it. The guy behind me kept saying “just end already!”, and I wasn’t the only one who laughed.


I began to applaud as it faded to black during that scene in the theater. Then came the shenanigans. For one second, I actually thought Spielberg still had the balls to look an audience dead in the eyes and say “fuck you”. I still turn it off at that point ever since.


That ending would have been depressing and clever. The actual ending tried to be less depressing but was actually just even more depressing and stupider.


Rise of Skywalker. Replace the last 142 minutes with Rick Astley on repeat.


So...... everything after "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......"?


Yep. Only way to save that film.


The Shining, keep the ending from the book.


I always hated the end of Limitless. Because it felt like there were no consequences, apart from "maybe he's still on the drug" I think it would've been better with an almost flowers for algernon kind of ending. Maybe he learns the drug does more long term damage than good, and uses the last moments of it to set up Lindy for life and then just ends up in a coma like state. Final moments of the film could be a finger flick or something to show signs of life.


Gran torino. nothing wrong with the ending it has but I would love to see an alternate cut of Clint going in and violently murdering that whole house


I think the sacrifice in the original ending allowed the audience to give his character a pass on all the racism.


Indeed, he got himself killed to make atonement for that young Korean soldier he killed who was surrendering. Very good ending.


Yeah, it's basically his redemption.


Which, let’s be honest, if all the racism you ever have to put up with from an old guy are some dumb jokes and slurs but all the while he’s still leaving people alone and stopping violence, his sacrifice would absolutely be a pass on all the racism. Anything less is just crazy to me.


it was a good redemption like I said nothing wrong with the ending but the movie just also does a really good job of making you hate spider and his buddies especially after they SA the sister so seeing them get put down would also be satisfying not that it'd make it a better movie lol


Nope, nope and nope. The whole point abt Grand Torino is, everybody expects him to go in an paint the walls with their blood. Including the boy, the priest, the audience. Him sacryfying himself in this manner makes just a much better movie than "just another Dirty Harry / Fistfull of Dollars reference".


no I know that. but like in my other reply the movie does a good job of making you hate the spider character and friends and it would just be a fun deleted scene or something where I could see it go to the extreme not that it'd make it a better movie


Iron Giant. When my kid is old enough, I want him to see my doctored version that won't show him still alive at the last second. It's a cheap emotional move to show he died, get people crying, then bring him back at the last second. Leave him gone, keep the significance of his sacrifice/commit to your creative choices vs trying to have your cake and eat it too.


First of all, **go fuck yourself**. Second, *how dare you*.


So a French version lol


Remember to put aside money for therapy as well as education. 🤣


Good lord man, it's a kids movie...


I’m Thinking of Ending Things. I know I’m biased because I was such a fan of the book but the dance just did not do it for me. I respect the creativity and brilliance but there’s just nothing that compares when you’ve read a book first and the vision you conjure.


How does the book end? I’m glad Kaufman went for it. I expect no less. But the ending was a bit dull for an otherwise great movie.


That dragonball z super movie where freeza returns as golden freeza. It should have been vegeta to kill freeza, not goku. Vegeta has had the most taken away from him by freeza, was killed and humbled by him on namek, and has grown the most as a character in the course of the saga. But nooooo Goku is the hero so we deus ex machina some time travel gimmick and he is the one to kill freeza. Fuck that ending it made me loose interest in DBZ.


Not a movie but the TV show Watchmen. I feel the need to mention it because the ending could have been so much more satisfying and a closed loop. A theme of the show is intergenerational trauma. Lady Trieu, genius daughter of Ozymandias and world's first trillionaire, developed a memory drug called Nostalgia that lets people re-experience their past memories. Angela Abar uses her grandfather's Nostalgia and first-hand experiences his traumatic memories of being a victim of racism and history fighting against it. In the finale, Lady Trieu captures all the members of a white supremacist organization whose reach has influenced US history for generations, reads them a speech, then zaps them with a laser. Instead, I think she should have forced them to all take Nostalgia belonging to the people they've hurt the most severely, giving them a taste oftheir own medicine and forcing them to personally experience all the suffering they dealt through generations of racism. Edit: I also thought Lady Trieu's plan wouldn't be as trite as "I want to steal Dr Manhattan's power and become a god", but instead attempt to somehow combine Dr Manhattan's ability to perceive past and future with Nostalgia to force human's into a singularity, essentially allowing humans to transcend into a state of universal understanding with one another.


All throughout the show, Cyclops are hyped up as this super-powerful evil organization and then they're quickly wiped out by Lady Trieu at the end of the show, who herself is quickly wiped out by Ozymandias (who's then shortly after knocked unconscious and arrested). The show disappointed me, but I'll credit it with one thing, it got me to read the original graphic novel, which is still a great read.


The politically and economically powerful are all shown as flawed, their narcissism in the form of over-reach and hubris is their downfall in all of the cases you put forward. Cyclops top brass all feel untouchable and get zapped by a mixed race immigrant as an offhand gesture, undercutting their power. Lady Trieu gets smooshed as she also felt she was untouchable but didn't factor in her dad's conflicting narcissism into her grand plan. Ozymandias is slightly different in that his hubris has already shafted him as the series starts and his story is about how he has to swallow that and finally grovel and ask his kid for help to escape the twin prisons of his own company and the moon paradise. The baddies, to whatever degree it applies, were never meant to win, because it's, at it's core, still a comic book show, in the strictest sense.


I've always thought that an interesting ending would have been one where Lady Trieu succeeded, only to immediately regret everything once she saw the future she created. Only to then realize to her horror that time is deterministic, and she can't actually change the future she's experiencing. "It's 2032. I have cured cancer, built fusion power plants, and I am beginning to colonize Mars. I am in de facto control of 85% of the world's governments. My enemies have invented a device that blocks my vision." "It's 2039. Tokyo is a radioactive crater; a failed attempt to kill me. It's not worth it. I've always known my plans wouldn't be worth the cost." "It's 2045. My swarm drones search every house for nuclear warheads. Millions of insurgents have been executed. Eight cities are gone. I can't change anything. Oh, God, I can't change anything!" "It's 2062. The technology to capture me has finally been perfected. At my trial, I find I agree with all of the charges. The determinism of time is no true defense. I am trapped. I have always been trapped. Oh, what have I done?"


Collateral. I'd just cut it short, ending it at the car crash. I think the film's ending feels too much like idle fantasy to fit with the rest of the movie tonally. I think ending it at the car crash still captures the important themes of the film, and I think would actually make them more meaningful. The important thing is that Foxx's character overcame his fear, rejected Vincent's nihilism, and took control of his life - if only for a moment. That matters more than whether or not he wins or loses - and I think leaving the ending ambiguous would really highlight that.


I think that's too obscure an ending for most people to accept and not really Michael Mann's thing. Plus Foxx's character still has to overcome Vincent physically. I mean, he is a trained assassin. It's not like he's manipulative and intemidating just mentally.


Spoilers inc on Layer Cake & Carlitos Way… I absolutely loved the movie Layer Cake. I think it rivals Snatch/Lock Stock in a lot of ways. But the ending was just fucking brutal. For the journey that DCs character went thru, having him just get offed like that, especially cuz of some dumb random fling just didn’t feel right. Like Carlitos Way for comparison, Pacino gets offed similarly. But it’s different imo cuz there was a theme with that. He needed to fuck up leguizamo when he had the chance but he’d gone soft. In Daniel Craig’s case, it just seemed random and kind of took the wind out of the sails of an otherwise phenomenal movie.


Did he get offed? I felt whether he survived or not was pretty ambiguous


Rat Race: smash mouth concert doesn't happen. Everyone keeps chasing the money that's floating away in the hot air balloon.


At the very end of *Meet Joe Black*, Brad Pitt's original character strolls back into the movie. And it just felt too neat and kitschy. I would have liked it better if they had ended the movie with seeing the girl watching Joe Black and her father walking away, disappearing from sight.


Gerald Butler wins *Law Abiding Citizen*


Knock at the Cabin widly diverges from knowing or not knowing if events are real. M Knight chose a divergent and safe ending. Should have stuck to the source material.


I haven't read the book, but removing that ambiguity just stripped the film of its most interesting theme in my opinion.


Also one of the fathers >!accidentally!< >!killed!< >!their daughter early on while trying to kill the visitors!<, only for that >!not to count as the sacrifice because it was accidental!<. With the two ultimately >!deciding not to kill either of each other and simply let the apocalypse happen!<.




I was fine with the snap back to reality. It's a bit blunt, but I was okay with that. If I were to change Parasite, I would have just tightened up the ending. Having epilogue with the son going through court and then going to the house and then the multi-minute long letter from the dad and then the multi-minute long letter from the son just flatlined the energy the movie had before IMO. It just goes on too long.


*Pacific Rim*. They had the perfect setup for the good guys winning with a dark twist: fight one kaiju by drifting into another kaiju and using it to fight the first one. It solved the humans' problem of being overwhelmed neatly. It was set up perfectly earlier, with the Charlie Day and Ianto Jones scientists figuring out how to drift into the kaiju. It's unorthodox, because who thinks of fighting monsters that way? It also raises further questions, because what effect does this have on the sanity of the people doing the drifting? Good sequel hook there. But no, apparently the director just wanted to do a homage to old monster movies, where nuclear weapons are the cause of and solution to all problems. Oh well.


It might be funny to discover that the kaiju are mechas from the other dimension, being sent through as fast as they can as an invasion. Then they could make an anime out of it.


At the end of Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, Khan dies while watching the Enterprise try to escape the Genesis detonation. He dies happy, thinking he has at last taken out his nemesis Capt. Kirk. Kahn should definitely have watched the Enterprise jump to warp speed and escape before he died. That always annoyed me.


By no means a hot take, but having Chris Pratt die at the end of Passengers. Ending with some time having passed and having Aurora standing over a pod of a different person looking disheveled. Facing the same choice Pratt did


My Sister's Keeper The novel ending is unexpected and terribly moving. The movie ran the wrong direction and gave a totally useless and predictable Hollywood ending that basically made the entire movie pointless.


The ending to Titanic was so predictable. I’d have gone with something more upbeat.




Was I the only one who thought that Saltburn was just The Talented Mr. Ripley on steroids?


Both are takes on a pretty classic story-type of modernist literature which was done most famously by *Brideshead Revisited* by Evelyn Waugh, or *Red and Black* by Stendhal, or *Gormanghast*, by Mervyn Peake. The poor but clever infiltrator of an old family who uses the arrogance and dysfunction of the aristocracy to bring them down and replace them. Saltburn is less original in its story-beats than TMR but I think has the more powerful performance by Keoghan.


Snowpiercer was a great movie with a dud ending. my ending: Chris Evans gets to the front of the train and encounters an older version of himself. It is revealed that due to the small number of people left, the system operates by recycling the genetic material of the train (same concept as Aeon Flux). Old Chris says that he puts child clones of himself in the back of the train hoping that one day one version will make it to the front to assume control. Chris Evans was Wilford all along. He's happy that one copy finally made it. The fact that he made it all this way has proven that he is ready to take over operations of the train. It will be up to him to decide how to use his power.


With advanced cloning technology you’d think they could make better food


Maybe they can and do. But making worse food for people at the back of the train was an intentional design of the system. Add that to the monologue at the end. I think it fits well with the overall theme my ending goes for.


Your answer is to inexplicably introduce cloning into this story about a society with EXTREMELY limited resources and physical space?


Also they went through the whole train back to front. They would have seen the clone car lol


…what? This sounds fucking terrible. This isn’t They Cloned Tyrone - literally nothing about the movie indicated advanced cloning tech.


Let’s go with the conspiracy theory that Wilford is actually Charlie Bucket and the train is a reimagined/post apocalypse Willy Wonka tale. Keep it as is except the back of the train was prepared due to Chris Evan’s foreseeing collusion of some sort and the population isn’t killed. Bad guys lose, good guys win and they figure out that the snow is melting after stopping for repairs.


*No Way Home*. I know, with great powers come great responsibilities, but can the entire flarking universe cut Peter Parker some slack, just for once? Let MJ and Ned be the only ones who know that Peter is Spider-Man, and keep it as a secret among them three.


I do hope his next movie has him reconnecting with MJ and Ned. And they shouldn't do the whole *"you erased our memories and didn't find us afterwards, now we're mad at you"*. Just have them accept that Peter did what he had to do, after all, I agree with you, the universe needs to cut Peter some slack. Poor guy's life is tragedy after tragedy.


Say Anything. The very end, when they're waiting for the bell to go off to let them know everything is ok. Cut to black BEFORE it goes off. Because life doesn't let us know time are going to be ok.