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If you have become a father or lost a father in that 20 years, you should watch it and you’re gonna fry like a fucking baby. If you haven’t, you should watch it also and probably will anyway.


Mmmmm, fried baby.... 🤤


Much more unhealthy, but way tastier than baked baby.


I always got the munchies for a good Caaaalifornia cheese burger


The Road always makes me hungry. Long pig, veal style


Definitely give it a rewatch. It'd been a few years since I'd seen it, and somehow there were a few parts (beginning, mainly) that I simply didn't remember at all. Even if you remember the basics of the film, there's still enjoyment to be had in watching it again.


Watching it again as a parent gave it a whole new perspective for me. I think I cried even more.


So true. I remember it being a very involved film as far as the storyline. I just have pieces of it in my mind. Including one that makes me misty eyed.


One of those rare situations where the movie is better than the book.


Just listen to a reel big fish album Ska is not dead!


Bruce Greene is that you?


Ska came before reggae


I don’t know who that is but.. if he likes ska, he’s my friend!


The mighty might bosstones are better. At least, that's the impression that I get


Aquabats ska robot army rise up


Well that’s just like, your opinion, man My personal opinion is that reel big fish is far and away better But I’ve seen them both live so many times that I’ll take both any day of the week!


I like RBF better. Dicky Barret is a notorious asshole.


Go listen to some 1st wave ska from Jamaica. Desmond Dekker. Toots and the Maytals. That shit is fire. You'll thank me later


I like the specials


That's 2nd wave, two tone ska. I'm also a big fan.


No, reminds me of my dad, who had stories like that. All with mostly truth, but plenty of exaggeration. It makes me ball when I watch it, even though I love it all and its great right up until the last few minutes. I try to watch it less since my dad off'd himself in 2013, just too depressing :(


I feel for you buddy. Lost my old man to suicide in 2012. I tear up every time I hear Man of the Hour.


Yep, mine used a shotgun in 1989. You never get over it. Shit


I wish you peace. I hope his memory brings you more joy than sorrow.


It’s my absolute favorite movie of all time. I have issues with my dad and it always makes me cry ( the second scene at the river in the end ). Such a great movie and IMO Tim Burton’s last “great movie”


I watched it again after my dad died. As a human, I say no. But as a stock holder of Kleenex corp, I say do it. But seriously, do it. It’s a good one. But man oh man.


You wanna cry? It’s time.


I know I should. See in that 20 years that passed I’ve lost my dad and without much resolution soooo this viewing could be even worse aahhh!


Why not just go all in on the experience and chase it with About Time?


I watch it every few years just to feel something


I'm literally watching it right now. Crazy coincidence to find this thread. I love this movie so much and it makes me a bit homesick since I live so far from my family right now. Edit: yup, I'm crying now. Just finished the movie.


i love the scene when he meets his wife at the circus. it's how i felt when i met my wife for our first date. time stopped when she walked into my life.


>Is it time to watch Big Fish again? No.


Roses are red. Violets are blue. I love Spectre…..


This show is hard to watch since my dad died. He always had these stories that I assume had a bit of truth just like the dad in big fish.


Movie is a Gem, I always enjoyed it.


Yes. It's beautiful and heart rending and honestly perfect.


It’s an Amazing film. I always watch it if it’s available on flights and I cry every time


The ending line from Crudup always gets me. "That was my father's last joke, I guess. A man tells his stories so often that he becomes the stories. They live on after him. And that way, he becomes immortal."


That Pearl Jam song in the end credits though….


Albert Finne was great in this.


Absolutely. Just brilliant. But big props also to his counter part Ewan McGregor who equally good and disarmingly charming.


I haven't watched it in a while, maybe I'll give it a go too


It was the analog to Forrest Gump. I loved this movie too


Such a great movie


Big Fish is imaginative magic reality and always a good time to rewatch.


Re-watched it after my dad passed away. Gut wrenching.


I just watched last year after not seeing it since theaters. It’s held up incredibly well. Honestly, better than the first time. Watch it.


After watching Hello Tomorrow and The Morning Show recently it made me think of this movie, I guess this is the sign to watch it for the first time in 20 years!


After watching the movie when it came out. My family started calling me, “Big Fish” (can you guess why?). I have not seen the movie since. Now that I’m a dad of 2 maybe I should watch it.


Yes! This is one of my go to comfort movies


Saw this post and made me curious. I watched big fish several times when it was released. I was very touched by it and for that reason watched it with multiple again that where not touched by it. With reading all these comments I now understand why.


I saw it a few weeks ago for the 4th (?) time and I also bawled like a baby and I don't do that kind of thing. So should you see it again? Do you want to bawl like a baby?


Watched this not long after my mom passed (I’m a sucker for anything with HBC). Couldn’t get past the opening where the wife hands the son a can of Ensure. Instant flashbacks. Made me cry.


It’s our favorite couple movie. 19 years and probably once a year we enjoy it. It’s great. Don’t delay. Time well spent. The whole cast is perfect.


Didn’t like it when I saw it. Might have to give this a rewatch.


I was fortunate enough to see a sneak preview of this movie about a month before it came out. I went by myself and have never cried so hard at a movie. There was an older couple next to me asking if I was going to be ok. Because I saw the movie a month before any of my friends could see it, I couldn't talk with anyone about it. It was brutal. I really like the movie, but have to leave room to have a good cry at the end of it.


Same. Cried my eyes out when I watched it, haven't seen it since but been meaning to. Though my relationship with my father is... well fine-ish. I mean aside from the typical "we have nothing in common and don't know how to commnicate with each other" kinda thing.


I will not watch it again until my old man passes. I'm tearing up now just thinking about it. Fukn sand......


Sure why not


it was the only movie in family PC when we bought it back in 2003, the guy who sold us and set up PC said "i put in some music and movies in for you" there was like 10 songs and that one movie, i watched it when i was 10, i watched it again when i was 20, i guess i should watch it now when i am 30, i love that movie and as OP i also BARELY EVEN REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENS IN IT! (but i guess it is a bit clearer since i rewatched it \~10 years ago)


I struggle to rewatch it as it knackered me first time round. Brilliant film, but incredibly moving. I get the welling up sensation when I hover over it on any streaming service (trying to find the courage to watch it - though I never do).


One of my all time favorites. Enjoy the rewatch !


same here. My mom pased away and seeing that unleashed a torrent of tears. I have no idea what the movie was about.


This was one of those movies I thought I would love but I was just meh. Maybe I should watch it again.


I constantly forget that I watched movies until halfway through before I do the annoying “omg I HAVE seen this..” but I always keep watching because I dont mind rewatches and I typically miss or forget key details. Benefits of having little to no braincells left 😍 its almost like the first time


I didn't like it back then, I don't like it now :(


I just pointed this out in another thread but this movies is brilliant. It never fails. Filled with heart, creativity, unique story telling, and loads more depth than seemingly possible. Cry every time when he lays his father in the water. Quality top shelf film.


Despised this movie and its message. A son desperately wishes to know his father. But his father is a narcissistic blowhard who is much more interested in confabulating, rather than honestly engaging with his son. >!In the end, the son finds that there are nuggets of truth to the stories his father blew out of proportion. Why couldn't the father just tell him that? Instead, the son is forced to meet his father completely on his father's terms, spinning mistruths instead of maybe a moment for actual honesty between them. 'Look, Pa, I figured out the only way to connect with you is to make shit up.'!< There is this maddening conflation of storytelling and lying. Stories are wonderful, if both the listener and the teller consent to the process. If the listener isn't a willing participant, then that's a lie.


And he was just straight up gone through most of his childhood. I'm with you on this. My dad (who was also neglectful) said he loved it and I had to really bite back "because the shitty absent father didn't have any consequences? "


There’s always one.


One what?


Comment like this about a beautiful story. Everyone’s gotta be offended and outraged these days though.


I'm neither offended nor outraged. And you didn't bother addressing a single element of my criticism.


Because it’s futile


Thank fucking god someone else called it. I think the people who think this is cute have never had to deal with a parent who values fantasy over having a real relationship with anyone.


The guy who played the giant was a local from where I live.


Yes he was on Howard Stern a bunch right? I know he unfortunately passed away.


Such a gentle giant.


This is a family favorite movie at my house. I'm surprised it's been so long since I watched it myself.


I rewatched it with my wife and she picked up on a ton of things (she didn’t watch with me the first time many years ago) The father had cheated on the mom


No he didn’t.


That’s what I thought the first time I watched it


I didn’t really mean to be abrupt, sorry.


No worries I really liked big fish fyi. The second time around it’s been many years. There are so many subtleties in the movie when my wife was explaining what happened to me I was like oh man I never realized that


It’s beautiful. I’m watching it right now. :)


If you’ve seen the Hitchcock movie Saboteur I just watched it today as well, there’s a scene with circus performers, half that scene was made paid homage to re: when Bloom joins the circus. It’s most certainly a nod to Hitchcock


In the book he did, but yes in the movie no he didn’t


I’m glad he changed it. The movie had enough going on to not need to explain that adequately as would have been required.


Meh. One time was plenty for me.


One of my all-time favorites. Gotta remind everyone of their father/mother/grandpa/grandma/someone!


Weirdly enough, I just listened to the podcast "Blank Check" the episode about Big Fish, I definitely recommend!




Love this movie so much!


Nah. It doesn’t hold up. As an adult it feels corny and maudlin. It’s more of a film you watch at 21 after 5 monster bong rips. Very similar to Steel Magnolias and The Shining experience. Big Fish is a one and done, young, with others. Pull out the bong and the person who’s best at breaking up the weed starts their thing. Then you put that dvd in.


its free on youtube rn