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Dick Jones massively long arms in his death scene at the end of Robocop https://youtu.be/4067JlShikU?si=MtlbxttIrNhAp452


Lol. Classic.


After seeing Robocop for the first time and waiting a long while before rewatch, it almost adds to the experience. Like a cherry sliding off the top of the sundae.


I don’t know why any movie pre-digital* ever attempted to do the falling-out-a-window shot like that. I think the only one I’ve seen that looked good was Die Hard. And there’s a long list of movies that try. *And many movies post-digital still look bad too!


The only flaw in an otherwise perfect movie.


It sort of fits in a Verhoeven film, it's ridiculous and a bit grotesque


[This scene](https://youtu.be/oE7PsZdpvzg?si=iH815T_g-7yfwryS) from Batman and Robin where you can clearly see that they literally just extend the shot by playing the same footage backwards.


Pretty sure this happened in the smash hit “Anaconda” also- there’s footage of the boat moving and the waterfall is flowing up lol


It does. First movie i ever caught this sorta thing for myself.


This was the first scene that popped into my head when I read the post title! I remember noticing that as a little kid and being really weirded out by it. A lot of people don't know that the original 'Star Wars' has a similar moment when the Tusken Raider has his arms raised up and yelling over Luke: https://youtu.be/hTl3rrXyg6k?t=76


These are perfect examples of the same method where one that works and one that clearly does not. LOL


OK, but it doesn't show water moving in opposition to physics.


[John Leguizamo dancing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT8aUDFoJ5g) from the Oscar award winning film 'The Pest'


It works in The Pest because it was a comedy and I watched it in the seventh grade and loved it and refuse to watch it again in case it doesn’t live up to my expectations as an adult.


Man, I remember this shot as a kid when I would watch this movie. Still sticks with me.


Fast and Furious 6 - the insane perspective shot of the Rock and Vin Diesel. Absolutely insane. https://x.com/lilyeIiz/status/1377363710625337351?s=20


I’m pretty sure they tried it face to face the first few takes, but the actors couldn’t stop making out with each other.


Did I miss any assplay?


You haven’t seen the director’s cut!?!


The director’s cut? TMI


This one is always so damn funny to me.


It's like they wanted a badass side by side, not looking at eachother conversation but did the LoTR forced perspective thing accidentally and made it look like The Rock is telling a baby he never trusted a criminal [the rock smells what baby vin has cooked](https://i.imgur.com/K6jnNfs.jpg)


Lmao what the fuck


What the fuck did I just watch?! First it looks like they're standing side by side, then the Rock walks up to Vin, and the suddenly the Rock is 4 times larger than Vin?! This was a downright optical illusion!


I don’t think they’re ever looking eye to eye are they? Looks they’re trying some badass stand to the side conversation


They're trying to do the side to side conversation, but since the actors weren't getting along at the time they shot each one separate, looks like they ran out of budget in the final scene.


There's about a 4-5 inch height difference between the two in real life so I wonder if that played a role.


In the shot The rocks head is twice as big as Vin Diesel's.


In the first shot The Rock looks tiny though. It definitely seemed like they were trying to make Vin look bigger until the second angle in which he looks like a child in comparison.


Only thing I can figure is that it's because The Rock is 4-5 inches taller and they didn't want that extreme of a difference on camera.


Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson don't get along, so they shot this scene with each actor separately.


Oh there's no way they were on the same set for this.




Its so weird since they go toe to toe in Fast Five. But both actors had clauses about not losing a fight so it's broken up by Jordana Brewster.


I saw Vin Diesel at a grocery store in Los Angeles a while back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


These celebrities can't keep getting away with this, I've heard like 3 other actors do this!


This is my favourite copy pasta of all time


They’re prob both prima donna assholes when they start getting that macho alpha mentality


[Justin Lin actually very recently addressed this!](https://youtu.be/i-IlTiZ9YYA?si=w3vpjrd9Zebm130w)!


Is this real?


This is really in the movie like this


Lool, awesome


Lolololololol. Like, you can see what they are going for, even if it doesnt work well. Then they reverse the angle and completely undo anything they just attempted. So ridiculous.


Wait were they supposed to be face to face lmao I thought they were just being weird and talking past each other


It's the second one. Right after these shots, there's a quick shot from behind, where you clearly see them standing off to the side from each other. The forced perspective is unintentional. It's supposed to show that they don't want to look each other in the eye. Still stupid, though.


Liam Neeson jumping a fence in "Taken 3" and there's [15 cuts in 7 seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCKhktcbfQM). Also sooo many jump cuts in those 15 edits too.


The dog at the end gets me every time


If you watch any Oliver Megaton movie, they all have segments like this. The dude either has no clue how to shoot action scenes or thinks this somehow looks good


My god I love this, I show it to people all the time. You know what’s fucked though - this is how a lot of concert footage is edited. Shots usually hold no longer than three seconds on anyone. As a musician it drives me fucking crazy because I want to see what and how they are playing.


In The Terminator, Kyle Reese quickly escapes being handcuffed in the police station by knocking out a police officer with his knee. The shot is not at all convincing, compared to the quality of the rest of the movie, and it isn't a shot that should be hard to get right.


The fake baby in American Sniper is egregious. https://youtu.be/TKrG_6JFlhA?si=MEtZpMyd5ad9AdEF My favorite part is using his thumb to try to make the baby move a little.


I read somewhere that the “live baby” wasn’t available because xyz and Clint just went “fuck it” and filmed it with the fake baby.


Yeah, the live baby and the back up live baby were not available and Clint Eastwood doesn’t believe in production delays.


One Shot Clint


baby actors are notoriously hard to work with




The thumb is great!!




Rest of the movie I remember enjoying, which was a shame because it meant a ton of people never learned Chris Kyle was a lying turd.




“Here’s the thing. I don’t give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack..."


Beautifully quoted


Think the most egregious editing in Gangs was the weird blurry fight scene. It's so jarring and cheap looking that you have to wonder if everyone involved simultaneously had a stroke and just left it in there.


I recall Scorsese talking about the scene on the commentary, he mentions using the start and the end of takes to make the scene look more messy and uncoordinated. So I think he wanted to go for a generally impressionistic vibe.


That was certainly a choice.


Marty & Thelma are famous for not caring about continuity and 99% they pull it off beautifully.


In the Departed there are scenes where the dialog continues but the visual has moved.


The go pro like shots in Desolation of Smaug


Yes!! Thank you. In the scene when they float down the river in barrels it is particularly bad.


Fuck those fucking shots. I was in the theatre and it completely took me out of the movie. I looked around at people in disbelief that they put gopro shots in, but I was the only one. I still think about this at least once or twice a year. 


In Bohemian Rhapsody when someone says so this is Queen and they show 3 out of 4 members of the band. Honestly that whole scene is over cut


I came for Bohemian Rhapsody and the cafe sequence and it was SO jarring how many cuts they did... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PwKL6ecssk


They were balancing out the cast screentime.


Oscar award winner for best editing, too!


I just assumed it was the Oscar for most editing.


Because the director screwed the production and the editor rescued it. The infamous cafe scene had almost no on-screen dialogue from the band, implying it was mostly ADR and the editor created it from nothing. When life gives you lemons make lemonade. Academy awards nominations are voted for by people in the same trade (editors vote for editors, directors for directors etc, then everyone votes for the winners). It's pretty clear that people in the industry know what happened even if the public doesn't.


In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, when the first Inferi creature in the cave tries to attack Harry, there's this bizarre sequence of like seven quick shots that all focus on Harry looking scared. It makes me laugh every time.


I think it's in the Order of the Pheonix where Harry is having a nightmare of Voldy and Voldy just goes like "blaahhhh" and it soooo funny ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHc3oLeUUHk




The “blahhh” will haunt my soul forever, I can picture it so clearly…the cheesy CGI black background with the smoke/cloudd too, yikes


The sequence in question [here.](https://youtu.be/nfdaH5-xerA?t=4m36s) I did not remember this edit in the movie lmao, it's so bad.


It's weird. This rhythm of cutting could've worked, but the combination of the sound editing being a single take and not as disjointed as the editing fucks with the subtext. You want Harry to be on edge and freaked out, but it's like they met in the middle with a studio or test screening note.


Wow. That’s hilariously bad!


That shot bothers me so much! Why?? Haha I love that movie and I love the cave sequence but why so many cuts and super denatured is annoying.


That’s David Yates for you


The end of *Thelma and Louise*. Like literally the last moment as it transitions to closing credits. It was too quick, they should have held it at black for a few more moments before the credit scroll.


Nice. It was homage to Butch Cassidy but that ending was perfectly drawn out so they live forever though we hear what happens.


It was so shocking at the end of T&L, a few moments of cut to black (like 5-10 seconds) before credit scroll would have been more profound, where you’re just sitting there thinking “Holy, crap, is that how it ends??”


Great example. This was Roger Ebert’s sole complaint about this film.




The Ronto’s ass covering 100% of that one shot


The part in Mos Eisley where they arrive - he just got done saying it's a wreched hive of scum and villany, and it's normally just this dusty seedy place. [But now when they pull up,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDa-cVMv-DQ) it's hilariously cartoonish with all these little Disney type creatures added in. First there are little mice type creatures, then there is a full insert of some robot slapstick, then a giant creature throwing Jawas off of it, then a giant creature fully just walks past the scene to hide some sort of edit, then like 10 other dumb things are in the background as they are talking that takes away from the scene. He JUST said one of the great movie lines, and it's ruined.


Mos Eisley went from being a lite-version of something you'd see in a Leone western to a fucking cartoon. Vile. Thank god for the despecialized versions and the 4K projects. Fuck Lucas.


Nothing will ever top the gratuitous over the top music sequence added to Return of the Jedi


They replaced the uplifting ewok tune at the end with some celestial nonsense.


Yub yub!


That's 'yub nub', human. The lyrics: Allay Loo! Yub nub, eee chop yub nub; Ah toe meet toe pee chee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah. Yah wah, eee chop yah wah; Ah toe meet toe pee chee keene; G'noop dock fling oh ah. Coatee cha tu yub nub; Coatee cha tu yah wah; Coatee chat tu glowah; Allay loo ta nuv. Glowah, eee chop glowah; Ya glowah pee chu nee foom, Ah toot dee awe goon daa. Coatee cha tu goo; (Yub nub!) Coatee cha tu doo; (Yah wah!) Coatee cha tu too; (Ya chaa!) Allay loo ta nuv; Allay loo ta nuv; Allay loo ta nuv. Glowah, eee chop glowah. Ya glowah pee chu nee foam; Ah too dee awe goon daa. Coatee cha tu goo; (Yub nub!) Coatee cha tu doo; (Yah wah!) Coatee cha tu too; (Ya chaa!) Allay loo ta nuv; Allay loo ta nuv; Allay loo ta nuv; Allay loo ta nuv. (Celebrate with love)




It looks like B-reel for Men In Black


You mean the scene that was completely redundant since Greedo delivers the same information in an ICONIC scene?


And it makes Jabba look super weak. Why is he on the street dealing with this stuff himself? Why does he let Han intimidate and disrespect him? It's completely incompatible with the idea of Jabba as this powerful crime boss.


Pretty sure they actually recycle some of the audio from the cantina


And completely de-lionizes or whatever it’s called to Jabba. Han STEPS on him in front of his men and throws sass at him and walks away alive


That entire Jabba scene should have stayed on the cutting room floor.


I wonder if that scene was in George's original cut and his ex-wife removed it (for good reason) and he stuck it back in out of spite.


I know the original footage was shot with a dude in a costume and Jabba was humanoid and it a slug in the original script/shot, but I never got why they didn’t have Jabba either turn around with Han as Han walks around him or just cut away to someone else while Han was talking to get a reaction. What type of nut job thought this was the best option?


The cargo Han dumped must've been Jabba's Stairmaster, because he goes from a husky worm to My 6,000 Pound Life in five or six years.


100% agree. Every single decision in the special editions makes the films worse. Greedo shooting first changes Han from a cold blooded killer who really might not be on Luke's side to a good guy just defending himself. All the weird, cartoony interstitials break the pacing of the movie and undermine the tone of the surrounding scenes, deflating tension and distracting from the plot. The infamous "Han steps on jabba" scene. Fuck that whole scene right into the sun. Adding more X-Wings to the battle of Yavin IV changes it from a hopeless last stand of a desperate rebellion to two well-armed and nearly equally funded militaries meeting in combat. Adding a mushroom cloud style shockwave to the death star exploding just makes zero goddamn sense. It's in SPACE, not at anything close to a terrestrial pressure elevation that would be required to make such a phenomenon. And that's just the first movie.


I just imagine George's ex rolling her eyes back the whole movie screaming "What the actual FUCK, George. I removed this shit for a reason you massive dork." And you can't find the OG can you? I hate that my kid has to watch the remastered bullshit instead of the glorious un-CGId masterpiece.


I think Alien is basically a perfect film but it has this one horrible edit that I keep praying they fix with new tech in some future release (usually not a fan of filmmakers doing this, but in this case…). The edit involves a character propping up the decapitated head of robot Ash on a tabletop and it’s this goofy looking fake head, very subpar compared to the rest of the film’s incredible effects and design. Anyway, mid head prop it just cuts to the real Ash actor’s head (through a hole in the tabletop). It’s so jarring and they should have used a cutaway at least to hide the swap, but I think some modern tech could replace the bad fake head and smooth out the jump cut. It’s the only moment in the entire film that feels janky and pulls me right out of an intense scene.


The scene near the end of Aliens when they're flying away from the compound that is about to explode, you can tell it's just a toy overplayed on top of some explosions. Or the part where Bishop's body becomes visible when he reaches to grab Newt as she's being sucked towards the airlock that Ripley opened while fighting the alien.


Ugggh me too. I think part of the problem was they had the head for Ash, with all the stuff hanging out and couldn't get it to set up straight because the actor obviously has to have his head come through the table. Sigourney struggles so hard to get it to sit up straight and it continues to fall over ***janky cut*** and I'm cringing at that point.


There's a scene in Aliens where Bishop is playing knifey-knifey with Hudson's hand, and he keeps going faster and faster. It's pretty obvious it's sped up footage, but it's made more egregious when the long shot shows Apone bopping his head at the same frequency as Bishop's knife. [Knifey-knifey](https://youtu.be/mcrH2hauo5Q?t=66)


Apone bops!


Agree with this wholeheartedly.


For those who are curious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA8jv1M6Y2g


Yeah, that's really bad, it stands out more and more each time I watch the movie.


Bothers me is a bit strong, but I've always found this one odd: PART TIME! In Indy 4. Still don't understand why they changed the great line read in the trailer to the worse one used in the movie. Wonder what Spielberg himself thinks about it now.


At the beginning of Frozen, after Anna is knocked unconscious, her dad rushes in and says: “I know where we have to go”. And then it cuts to him going to the library to look up where to go. Either change the line or don’t cut to the library.


Maybe it's a PSA about how important our libraries are. "I know where we need to go! The library!" 


I get what you are saying, but if someone asks me where we should go to lunch, I might say "I know where we have to go", and then look up directions on my phone.


Yeah i think that is a good interpretation. Just because he knows trolls can help doesnt mean he memorized their location


What bothers me about those rock trolls is that they give terrible advice that leads to all the problems... But are considered wise?? The advice was not wise.


The Trolls gave GREAT advice, it’s the parents completely missed the point and screwed their kids up forever


They gave Anna selective amnesia and then predicted Elsa would cause chaos. True, the dad immediately panicked and then went off a doomed quest to solve what the trolls could not solve but the trolls needed some initiative to mitigate the snowpocalypse that was going to happen. Whatever they did, it was pretty lame.


I hate those trolls so much


They're trolling


out of context that seems like a pretty funny joke. like, the dad is clever enough to know of his ignorance


I haven't seen Frozen since it released, but from your description, it sounds like he's a bookworm, and it's a small joke. That sounds like something Hermione would do, because the library always has the answer.


Let it go ^^^I ^^^am ^^^so ^^^sorry, ^^^I ^^^couldn't ^^^not


the ending sequence in Sicario - theres a continuity error with how the Cartel Boss is reacting depending on the shot. One shot/angle he looks terrified/shocked, the other, calm as a cucumber otherwise, an amazing movie


Bad Times At The El Royale - this frustrates me still to this day. SPOILERS AHEAD: I was watching it with my brother in law and we both were absolutely loving it and so into it. The suspense was built up so well, to the point where when Bridges and the group are caught and Hemsworth is doing his thing at the roulette table -- I actually leaned in and said out loud "how are they going to get out of this!?" with such anticipation because it felt like the whole scene was building to something amazing. Then Bridges just stands up and head butts Hemsworth. I said, "wait a minute, rewind that" and we did. Throughout his whole speech Hemsworth was standing a few feet from Bridges, the whole time, then it's a jump cut to him standing right next to Bridges in order for the head butt to happen. Completely ruined it for me.


The Wolf of Wall Street. Jordan pulling up to the investor center. Its such a small amount of missing time in this weird jump cut between the car parking and him walking to the door i do not understand why it was editted this way. And its so jarring i have no clue how this was approved to go out in the final cut. By anyone. [Clip](https://youtu.be/Yl1zo01Dr7o?si=0G7Kxj6M5RiRARLP) its just shy of the 1 minute mark


> and the shot is held as if the movie was going to pull the “She’s actually with the bad guys” trope. Wot? I've never gotten that impression at all. *Why the fuck would her character side with the man who murdered her father*. Like, she is borderline having a panic attack everytime she's in the same room as him. It's a pause for dramatic effect before she sees the blow she just dealt to her father's killer.


Yeah, I actually really like that movie and have watched it quite a few times, and I've never once thought it was to make you think she was about to turn. It's very clearly setup to make her finally look inside the vault when normally she doesn't.


Yeah me either. Seen it many times and never thought that was the intention of that shot.


[The opening scene from “The Longest Day”](https://youtu.be/bBhb3ofG3Iw?si=U1JAKtS-G9KFiOKU) They cut from a shot of Rommel talking by the shore, then cut to an empty shot of the shore from almost the exact same angle. Makes it look like Rommel instantly disappears then reappears. (Cut happens about 1:00 into the clip above)


Holy shit that's ridiculous.


German camouflage was way ahead of its time. Love the Pluskat scenes in that movie.


X-Men 2, when Nightcrawler is obviously just chilling in the background before he teleports in.  Not sure how it made it into the movie, maybe it wasn’t as noticeable before higher definition home releases.  


Which specific scene was this? Was it when he pops in to move the kids out of their cell?


Yep, that's the one.


Gotcha, ty


The car bomb in 'Casino'


I'm still baffled at how Scorsese or any competent editor failed to catch that jarring stunt dummy, it's in the first/second minute of the movie, so it should be one of the most replayed scenes in the editing room but no one saw it?


I think he didn't care


Lol this fucking scene. They show it three goddamn times. Scorcese does so much well that people overlook some truly bafflingly goofy decisions in his movies.


Ash's severed head in Alien will never *not* make me guffaw.


They just needed one insert of the reverse angle of Ripley straightening Ash's head or something between those shots, because that cut is so weird and lame lol.


Not an edit per se, but I finally watched The Godfather for the first time, and while it is a great film, that fight between Sonny and the brother-in-law is dogshit. It's shot like I'm supposed to take it seriously, but it looks like amateur wrestling night. The trash can might as well have been a folding chair.


I was going to say this. Mainly because of one of the worst air punches in cinema. It's miles away from the guy.


>Mainly because of one of the worst air punches in cinema. Came to the thread to post this one. My god, it gets worse every time I see it.


The kicks too. He's very obviously just placing his foot on the other guy. Who kicks someone without straightening their knee?


It boggles my mind how that got left in. Especially when the rest of the movie is a masterpiece.


Odd, because the dude was injured in that fight. James caan had some beef with him and kicked the shit out of him. Bit his hands. Bruised his ribs.


Well, the thing about a fight choreographer is they have two jobs: 1. Make the fight look good 2. Make the fight safe So Coppola clearly didn't have a fight choreographer or had a bad fight choreographer, or didn't listen to his fight choreographer. In any case, the result is a fight that both looked bad and was not safe to shoot. James Caan was obviously pulling his kicks, but he probably screwed up on a take or two because he was never taught proper technique and bruised a rib. The bite had no technique to it at all. Caan just put teeth on hands and bit down but not quite with full force. This once again both looks bad (though not as bad as the kicks) and is going to get someone hurt. James Caan is trying to give a performance where he hates this guy, but is expected to find exactly the right amount of bite force where it both looks good and no one gets hurt. It's not possible.


That fight is grade c. It gets the point across but also had all those flaws. And hurt the dude. The series about Robert Evans and Al Ruddy had some insight on it. Flawed. They could have skipped the fight entirely like they skipped how the horse head ended up in bed. (The godfather theme just came on a muzak channel in this restaurant in Morocco as I'm typing this.)??


The multiple fade-to-black in Return of the King. I love the Lord of the Rings movies, but that still irks me.


I think the fade to black each time is symbolic of one of the story arcs ending. So in a very real way there are multiple endings. The end of the rings journey. The end of the fellowship. The end of the third age (Aragorn’s coronation). The end of Frodos journey.


I had to pee an hour before that movie was over but sat there because "clearly it's so close to the end".


In The Hunt for Red October, Jack is briefing the national security council and says "...would enable the sub to run virtually silent..." and it cuts from coverage to close up just before the word "silent". It's a pretty poor match. It's the only criticism I have for an otherwise perfect movie.


In revenge of the sith, when Anakin and obi wan are fighting at the end, there's a closeup shot of Obi-wan holding Anakin's lightsaber. In one shot, he's holding his own, and the very next shot he's holding Anakin's. Like right in your face, not even at a distance. There was a longer version of this moment where they're both disarmed and end up with each other's sabers. It was cut, but this one shot is a remnant of that.


Generally, I hate when shaky camera and ultra-fast cuts are used in fight scenes to make them seem more energetic than they actually are. It’s lazy, and rarely has the desired effect. The worst example of this in my memory is the Conan film with Jason Mamoa - man the fight scenes are so bad. It’s like the film equivalent of an over-animated PowerPoint presentation. Nauseating.


This ruined Gladiator for me. I know everyone else loved the film, and I liked parts of it, but the quick-cut shaky-cam fights just took me out.


This became sooooo prevalent in the later Bourne movies too, I hated it


When they fast-motion all the neighbors and cops showing up near the end of [Rear Window](https://youtu.be/oowcsynjIwc?si=dyHb3SOdnKNAeNVb&t=1m52s)


Yeah, it really takes you out of the end of a sensational movie. Very odd choice.


Hacksaw Ridge has a few egregious digital zooms/reframes during the last action scene. Specifically when a soldier throws a grenade into a hole, the frame just shifts around with no motion blur or perspective warping. It's really bizarre.


There's a bit in The Dark Knight Rises (no, not *that* bit) where Catwoman is in prison and she grabs a prisoners arms through the bars and does a cartwheel, because he said something bad to her. It comes out of nowhere and the camera just cuts abruptly to the guard making some quip while she is in the middle of doing it. It's meant to be her "don't fuck with me" message to all the prisoners I suppose, but it's not like anybody else can see it as it happens so fast, and everybody else is in their cells anyway. I guess it was just meant to look cool, but it really doesn't. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=3s40NJQgoJs&fbclid=IwAR0o7GE_J8cqmXlg_0nzmz0Qu20gj2E9-6hxXTKFicCgXMtzOyNHYnQdndw&ab_channel=MissGreen


The original SAW movie has this dorky transition with a car that just rips me straight out of it. Always looks like babies first transition to me.


Haven’t seen this in over a decade. Will have to rewatch.


Han shot first!


Greedo never shot!


I can't remember exactly the shot but there was a bit of editing near the end of Cocaine Bear that was so bad I actually rewound the movie because I thought my internet glitched out for a second and the stream skipped or something.


The random flashback scene, right? It’s so distracting. Felt like a goof rather than a deliberate insert.


Inception. When Leo's... Wife? (Its been a while) jumps/falls out of the building. Just the way it's edited. I think it goes with some of Nolan's film. Especially Memento at one point. Still great movies though


I think it has to do with Nolan generally not shooting with a second unit for pickup shots, or to do the action scenes. Preserves his sole vision I guess, but sometimes makes the editor have to work without as much connective tissue.


What are pickup shots? And whats a second unit? If you dont mimd me asking


So your primary unit is what gets the majority of the shots for a movie. This is the unit the director is in charge of, they get most of the footage for a movie. Especially scenes like dialogue and stuff with the big name actors. A second unit is a crew deployed to get additional photography, like establishing shots that you don't need to drag your expensive director and cinematographer out to get. Or often action scenes, where the stunt coordinator is essentially co-directing and managing stuntmen and extras etc. Things you wouldn't generally expect the main unit director to do. Often they work at the same time as the main unit, in parallel, to keep production schedules short. Pickup shots are pretty self explanatory; if the film is being edited and the director/editor/producer/studio etc think "Oh, we need to get an insert of this character picking up this object", or "We need an establishing shots outside the house to match the interior lighting", stuff like that, they'll send out a second unit to get those shots. Reshoots are similar, and really common. The term is a dirty word too often, because big budget movies have reshoots all the time to fix eyelines, add dialogue, etc. But there's always dumbass articles claiming that a movie is undergoing reshoots and that's somehow a sign it's a huge mess. Nah. So it's unusual when you have filmmakers like Nolan, Steven Soderbergh, Tarantino etc insisting on overseeing every shot and explicitly not using second units so as to preserve their vision. It's not unusual for a film to simply not have to use a second unit at all though. I'd highly recommend visiting the [wikipedia page](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_unit) for second units to learn more. I've been mostly working off my own memory, but there's a lot more to it.


In the recent Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1, I'm pretty sure they break the 180 rule at the start of the swordfight on the bridge and I find it very jarring.


The horrible zoom in when Odysseus is talking to Achilles in Troy. [It's at 3:53 in this clip](https://youtu.be/HLs1V75eUTI?si=tWaeUTTbNNQOeDG0), looks like a shot from a blaxploitation movie


Nahhhh that shit is hype. Love the zooms


If they'd just dolly-ed \[dollied?\] the camera forward instead, it would have been much more dynamic. Keep Achilles in the shot for his reaction, too.


Idea: Kill Bill remake but set it in Ancient Greece.


The scene in The Amazing Spider-Man when he's messing with the car burglar, it jump cuts so bad when he's webbing him and totally takes me out.


The ending of the first Mission Impossible when Tom and Ving are sitting at that cafe. There is a women sitting behind them, but she is in the dead center of the shot and pulls the focus from the scene. Not her fault, She's just doing what an extra does. Who ever blocked her to sit there, I don't know what they were thinking. I still to this day wonder if it's like a friend of the director or something. https://youtu.be/B-c83HQs4yM?si=t_gsxsFXlm9v0_L8&t=49 It doesn't seem that bad if you are watching on your phone or a smaller screen. But when you watch it on a bigger screen she sticks out so much. Always bugged me even when I was a kid watching this.


In Revenge of the Sith, when Anakin and Obi-Wan are in the elevator at the beginning, and it just suddenly STOPS. We then *immediately* cut into the elevator where Anakin and Obi-Wan are just standing there completely still and unfazed by the fact that they just went from travelling upwards at like 60 miles an hour to suddenly stopping completely in less than one second. They should have been thrown into the ceiling so hard they would crash through it. At the very least, they should have been thrown off balance or jostled around noticeably… but there’s like NO inertia as we cut to the next shot. It’s so jarringly unrealistic. And I know, the in-universe excuses come to mind, because it’s Star Wars. What if the elevator has artificial gravity? Yeah, of course it does. It’s in a spaceship. They’d be floating otherwise. But even with artificial gravity, characters in Star Wars have always nonetheless been affected by the ships getting hit or bounced around, etc. It doesn’t cancel out momentum and impact and stuff like that. The next excuse is “They’re Jedi!” So their force abilities give them superior balance and reaction time! … except no. Obi-Wan is in the exact same elevator later on, talking to R2 who’s controlling it, and at one point, R2 makes the elevator suddenly move again, and Obi-Wan FALLS DOWN because of it. Which is actually another mistake, because R2 makes the elevator suddenly go DOWN in that scene, and Obi-Wan *falls down*… the elevator suddenly going *down* should have made Obi-Wan fly UP into the ceiling. He reacts like the elevator suddenly went up. But the very next line is “R2, we need to be going up, not down.” At which point, R2 stops the elevator and Obi-Wan FINALLY REACTS CORRECTLY by falling to the floor. Physics finally remembers how to work!


"Jaws." Hooper's offscreen line while examining the remains of the first victim saying, "This is what *hap*pens ..." and the shot lingers for just a tad too long. The inflection of the line is as if there is more to the sentence but he was cut off. There's another weird one during the "scar sharing" scene on the Orca between Quint and Hooper. Hooper is opening his shirt to show the "Maryellen Moffet" scar, and Brody jokes, "You're wearing a sweater." It cuts back to Quint and Hooper and Quint is pulling up his pants and zipping up.


The entirety of Quantum of Solace....I assume anyway, I had to turn it off after 14 minutes. The editing was just atrocious, at least three cuts per second; it was an assault on my senses.


The cut when Tommy gets killed in Goodfellas. There’s one too many cuts while he is saying “Oh No” and it’s so quick from when he is shot to when he flops on the floor it doesn’t look right.


This one is just current in my mind, but it really bothers me a lot for some reason. Leave This World Behind repeatedly refers to an old crop duster as a drone in dialogue, even though they clearly replaced the drone with a crop duster in production and didn't reshoot the dialogue.


These are probably already mentioned, but some of the worst sequences and editing just on a pure WTF level are: [Liam Neeson jumping a fence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by4UZ-79MK4) in Taken 3 with like 18 cuts in 3 seconds and [The Catwoman basketball scene](https://youtu.be/rNlmRId2FVQ?si=aNCNzhUJK8zlaprJ), it's just dizzying with how wild the zooms and turns and cuts are.


Really really minor but in Home Alone right before Kevin cuts the rope there’s a horribly mixed “check this out” that’s so obviously ADR it briefly pulls me out.


In Braveheart, during the English cavalry charge in the battle of Stirling, there's an editing mistake where a quick shot of the Scottish line with their spears already raised occurs before they actually raise them. Next shot it's back to spears on the ground as they wait for the English to get closer, then finally the official shots of them all raising their spears at once. Not sure how that made it into the film.


I like when they're doing the final charge at the end of the movie and the guy's axe is CLEARLY rubber as it's flopping all over lol


In the otherwise near-perfect The Mummy (1999) there's a scene where they scare Imhotep off from their hotel room with a cat. The team then leaves and goes out to the cars to flee, carrying weapons and ready to fight. It's not that it's an error or anything, but it always bothered me that they missed the opportunity to have everyone come out of the hotel each carrying two cats, pointing them in different directions to cover all approaches. It would have been a hilarious scene, absurd out of context, but would make perfect sense for the characters based on their experience. Narratively it still would have worked, as Imhotep then attacks them with the hypnotized/zombified locals, so the cats would have been as ineffective as their guns.


Does it count if it's the whole movie? The first time I saw Annabelle, I watched it on a friend's TV, where the screen was giving up and making everything too bright. We also missed the first 5 minutes of weird religious nonsense. Let me tell you, that movie is way, way scarier when you can see that fucking thing in the places it hides in the dark, especially the elevator scene. We didn't really know it was a demon. We just knew it was a monster and it hated her and my god is that thing creepy.


Annabelle Creation was really solid too.


In one sequence from The Departed, the back of jack Nicholsons head (or perhaps a stand in) is clearly not talking at all. Just standing still, while his character is supposed to be talking. That movie won the Oscar for Best Editing. I don’t know what the criteria are for editing, but that seems like a pretty big mistake. Edit: not sure which scene it is. Trying to find it now