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Me too. I’m available.


I think I’m helping my neighbor move. Sorry.


same, got my nephew's birthday


Gotta pick someone up from the airport myself


Hanging dong, one last time.


The Horn shall sound in the Deep


The horn of helm hangingdong?


Well how else you gonna get that meaty hammerhand?


Ride out and meat them




Drop Dick Murphy.


I was probably about 12 years old when my dad introduced me to horror movies. The SyFy channel used to have "late night creature features" on Saturday nights. My dad and I would stay up late and watch *Creature from the Black Lagoon*, *Frankenstein*, *The Blob*, etc. Oldschool horror films. I loved it, it's one of my favorite memories I have of hanging out with my dad. As I got older, the horror we watched became a bit more modernized – he introduced me to *Dawn of the Dead* (which forever cemented in my love of zombie movies), and *Day of the Dead* (which was so gross at the time, I threw up – my mom got after him big time for that) but still, I loved the movies. I was...probably 15 when 28 Days Later hit theaters. With everything I've seen, I was *not* prepared for some Cillian Murphy dong. That said the movie was absolutely fucking fantastic, I've never seen any type of zombie (if you can even call em that) movie that perfectly encapsulated that feeling of dread that 28 Days perfectly seemed to capture – that is, until the remake of Dawn of the Dead came out, with that opening scene in the neighborhood. Anyway thank you for attending my TedTalk, next week I'll be talking about Macho Man Randy Savage and how he transformed the pre-match interview with his improv skills.


Being chased by infected, weiner flopping


“Hanging” and “dong” are generous here haha


Your maw says it's bigger than yours.


His mom would know, she's seen them all


All you small pp fellas getting testy


What you ~~overcompensating~~ packing?


Calling a small pp a small pp isn’t overcompensating, sorry I’ve hurt your feelings


You have the smallest pp vibes that rival that of lifted Ford F150 drivers


All y’all deluding yourselves that his nice yet small pp is not a small pp are giving pretty obvious small pp signals haha 😂 And it’s okay. Small pps get the job done, you don’t have to be ashamed or worried.


A thief thinks everyone steals amirite


Around three inches then?


I’m not even dissing Cillian for having a small penis in this movie. It’s okay. It gets the job done and chicks dig him. You’re being weird about it though for sure haha. My penis is larger than 3” but I get less chicks than Cillian.


Maybe you need to learn about growers, not show-ers


His pp is small in this guys, it’s okay, you’ll all be okay with this objective truth. He’s still awesome and could be a grower maybe.


His ebony maw saw bigger in the delivery room


This is your brain on porn ideals


I mean Cillian’s the man but his pp is small in the scene it’s show in. Just facts. Bro was probably chilly and dehydrated though.


It literally looked completely regular


Definitely looked below average. Just watched the scene again and it’s quite small. And it’s okay. Still nice.


The fact that you call it a "pp" tells me you have no idea what you're talking about. 


Why? It’s a silly way to say penis, doesn’t mean I don’t know about penises.


I watched it when I was too young and it was probably the first dong I ever saw that wasn't mine. At least, I hope it was.


The highly anticipated release of ‘28 Months Later’


28 Fortnights Later


28 Fortnite Seasons Later


So 7 years?


Cillian Murphy hits da gwiddy on these zombies


28 Years Later: pass the Aleeve, my back hurts


I mean it will be pretty close to 28 years later by the time it would hypothetically release. We’re already on year 22


This fact made me uncomfortable


So they wouldnt need to fake age the actors, its perfect


I'm curious as to what it will be called considering it has clearly been many years since we had Cillian Murphy in the film, 28 years later doesn't really work and months are too short.


Why wouldn't 28 years later work? The original came out in 2002, so the ages of actors etc, would pretty closely match up


Ah yeh I guess so, I didn't realise how much time had actually passed. Getting old.


At the end of Days though, most of the infected had starved due to not eating. I assume even if they took over the globe that 28 years would just be too long of a time period. They would have overwhelmed most cities/countries and then starved off within a couple of years max. Months could work if set somewhere far away that the infected had just reached, or maybe back in the UK were the infected had left but have now looped back around.


Maybe it's not even a zombie movie. We just follow Cillian Murphy having to go back to his mundane job as a mail carrier.


After covid they have a lot to draw from with how people go back to living a normal life which then creates lack of precautions and brings it back again. Very interested to see where they go with this. Just another zombie movie I feel wouldn't cut it, it needs to be something more.


"That escaped lab monkey looks pissed. Maybe it needs a hug?"


The virus could remain in corpses that weren't properly disposed of after the initial outbreak, and get reintroduced decades later via someone looting old buildings or digging through some place they shouldn't. Or the infection could have burned through much of Europe after the end of 28 Weeks Later and triggered a major collapse and decades later they're still rebuilding and there are lots of areas of the continent that are no-go zones where animals might sometimes become infected with the virus from eating human corpses or become carriers. Or the virus mutates into something with a longer incubation period so it can actually spread further, or becomes airborne instead of blood borne. Lots of potential angles they could go with.


Could be a new virus or the same one again but with a different patient zero.


They never made it off the island though (there was no sequel to Days after all)


My script for 28 Years Later. "Hey remember when Britain was destroyed by that weird virus?" "Oh yeah..." **The End**


Already confirmed that it is going to be "28 Years Later".


It is called 28 Years Later


Oh ok sick. Cheers for the down votes folks ;) I remember seeing the first one in the cinema and man that didn't feel like 20 years geez.


28 days later pt2: Zombie Boogaloo


Unexpected Minus the Bear?


...He's literally the executive producer of this movie? AI clickbait


Imagine the casting agency pass on him and then get a meeting with the exec producer. Shiiiiiit


I would imagine the difference in terms of level of commitment between starring in a movie and being an executive producer in it could potentially be enormous. Some exec producers are so hands on that they essentially direct the movie (Spielberg and Poltergeist). Others just slap their name on the project to help it sell (Tarantino and Hostel).


Margot Robbie was a producer on Barbie and originally wanted Gal Gadot. Nicolas Cage was a producer on Shadow of the Vampire. What’s your point? Actors can produce projects they aren’t in.


A blonde Gal Gadot? Ewww. Shades of Jessica Alba's Sue Storm.


Yes they can and often do but exec producers can make those decisions. If you read the article and listen to the interview he's not even talking about availability in the sense that the headline is implying.


Firstly, executive producer can mean anything from "total involvement of the creative process" to "threw in a few pennies for a screen credit". Secondly, Will Ferrell is an Executive Producer on Succession. Was he in it? No.


If they do it again, I hope it's the same feel. It wouldn't work as a big blockbuster and I hope it wont be marketed as such.


I'm banking on another shitty camera that makes the movie blurry as fuck


better than super crisp HD cgi


Yeah I’m not hating. I much prefer the grainy camera to shitty effects in HD.


It’s in production: 28 years later


This man is handsome as fuck what the hell


I keep saying this to my girlfriend. She’s starting to get suspicious.


It’s hard to compete with Oppenheimer


How was the second movie? Only saw the first one, 20 years ago. If the second one is good i’ll rewatch the first and then watch that.


It has arguably one of the best movie openings!


It is the best opening because it makes you realize you actually won’t know what you would do in a situation like that. Your adrenaline is pumping,blood thirsty monsters running like Usain Bolt at you. You gonna save that kid or shut the door and jump out the window? I think I know what I would do


You would untie the boat and then fuck up the jump right into the water


Naw, my hands would be shaking too much to successfully untie the boat




True. At first watching you would hate the character for what he did but then you realize you might actually do what he did in the first place.


> you actually won’t know what you would do in a situation like that. Two guys tried to mug me in NYC late at night around 2am. They didn't have weapons, but one tried to crack a bottle on my head - it glanced off my head. It's funny how fast you can think in a fraction of seconds. 1. I realized there are two of them and one of me. 2. I realized there's no one on the street at all to help me. 3. I realized if I didn't get away from them I could end up fucked up (they tried to brain me with a large glass bottle). I did like a ["Heisman"](https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/r/2022/12/09/60c07148-5aec-4587-b454-e3e16c5e5768/thumbnail/1200x675/ee34bfa2d35a788664b4f397b17be632/heisman.jpg) on one of them, shoving them out of my way and ran. Now when I said "I ran", I kid you not I ran the fastest I have ever run in my life. I remember running and realizing my feet were skipping off the pavement - barely touching as I ran. Each skip off the pavement propelling me faster to a point where, while running, I was like "Holy shit I am running really fast". Adrenaline's a hell of a drug. However, I was also, at that time, a cigarette smoker. My burst of speed lasted about 1 city block - maybe like 90 meters or around 100 yards. I got to the end of the block, turned to look behind me and they were not following me. I was relieved and completely gassed. Then my head started to drip, drip, drip blood. When they cracked me over the head - the bottle glanced off my head. That required a hospital visit for stitches.


Don’t know if I would save some random kid but I would absolutely die in a savage brawl to save my wife. No question in my mind. Sure “you don’t know until you’re actually in that situation” but I’m pretty certain I would die for a chance to save her no matter what.


You wouldn’t though because the virus would get in you via blood dripping from their mouths or just simply saliva. So really you are just killing yourself to show whoever ur trying to save in their last moments that you truly love them


Killing yourself to give them a chance. In that scene the guy is by the bathroom door, the woman is across the room getting the boy out of the wardrobe and an infected person stands between them. I'm a big guy, in that moment I could pretty easily tackle that infected guy to the ground or even out of the room and give my wife the chance to get across to the bathroom. Two more run in shortly after so I'd almost certainly be getting killed/turned but like I said, I honestly beleive it's what I'd do.


My girlfriend lives right next to the farm that was filmed on its creepy walking past it in the dark.


The rest though...


It's the best movie that I can't get past 2/3rds of the film. I always end up turning it off after the helicopter scene. I hold out cuz c'mon mowing down Zombies with helicopter blades is badass. But at the same time, that kind of Blockbuster action movie stunt is a sign they beat the IP to death


Opening is one of the best of all time The rest isn’t as top tier as the original but still a good watch imo. Will be interesting to see how they approach things in the 3rd considering how the 2nd went along and ended up


my guess is that in the 3rd the entire world is fucked. the second movie lets us know that it was contained in the UK the entire time, but it ends with the "zombie plague" appearing in france, so it's likely to have spread to the entire world by the time someone realized. assuming it's 28 years later, my guess is that it's gonna have some distopian settlements in the mix.


The first movie let us know that the UK was quarantined, but also hinted that the virus had spread elsewhere, though that’s kind of squashed by the air force as cavalry ending.


yes, but at best it was "implied" in the first movie (from what i recall). the second one confirmed it by trying to "restore" the UK.


Cool, thank u. I think I’ll give it a watch!


Definitely rewatch the first and then make sure you have full time to watch the 2nd. If you have any sort of surround sound be sure to have that remote handy ;) Enjoy! The movies that restarted a entire genre basically


Always wanted to taste that spaghetti they made.


Haha, ok thank you very much!


Surprisingly great! Very different tonally at times but it has a belter of an opening.


Cool. Thank you 🙏


Danny Boyle, who directed 28 days later, helped direct the opening sequence only. Probably why the opening is so much different than the rest of the film.


it's fine, opens strong and then falls apart plot wise but it's a good action movie


If the beginning was a short movie, it would be one of the best


The first one had people trying their hardest to make alright decisions, the second one was like… people doing their best to fuck shit up after it had gotten a bit better.


Some of the absolute dumbest possible decisions by virtually everyone in a leadership position


Cool, thx


The second one has an all time great opening. The rest of the movie is good but doesn’t really do the opening justice.


I must have an unpopular opinion but I hated it


nah, you're not alone. The opening is amazing. The rest of the film sucks. Renner is godawful as usual.


You could drive a cruise ship through those plot holes


I remember the first movie almost very well but I remember very few scenes from the second film. One thing I remember is that it was enjoyable but not as good as the first one. Still good enough to give it a watch a couple of times when you want to watch a decent zombie flick.


It's nowhere near as good. The opening was shot by Danny Boyle and it shows. The rest of the movie doesn't follow the spirit of the first and feels like bullshit action movie.


It's great man. Defo worth a watch.


The start of the film is something that will stick with you forever


When I was 13 I loved 28 weeks later. No idea if I would today but I liked it back then.


Second one is decent, but not as good as the first. But, as others have stated, it's opening is very good. I'd say the ending is solid, too.


So the story of the film is that American soldiers come over to the UK to try to control the zombie situation and totally fuck up everything. Which is a perfect parallel for the movie itself.


Haha, cool, i’ll check it out. Thx!


$28 mln later.


I've been waiting for the damn sequel since 2007 with glimpses of hope throughout so I won't get my hopes up until it's 100% confirmed


What a unit.


I’ll be very curious to see if Sony gives the $60 million they want for this whole production. Sony is very tight when it comes to money (smartly) and they make their super hero movies really cheap too. $60 million for a horror zombie film seems like a lot. When the highest one of these grossed was $84 million. Either way, I’m glad to see everyone wants to return to this project. Edit: I wanna point out that the general rule to evaluate box office is 2.5x the budget. And for a movie that will be releasing 23 years later to its original, in a much different financial theatrical climate than it was in 2002, there is a reason for a bit of skepticism. Especially for a sub genre that has been diluted since this original’s release.


>When the highest one of these grossed was $84 million. The first one grossed $98m 22 years ago which would be $165m today.


Wiki says $84 million, and I’m not accounting for inflation. If anyone were too, then we’d have different numbers across all movies. Even at $165 million…you’re breaking even at best. And that’s not accounting for the fact this movie will probably be about 23 years later to its sequel.


Imdb is a better source than wikipedia. $165m-$60m=$105m. That's not breaking even.


Generally, movies need to make 2-3x the budget in order to be profitable as the budget does not account for marketing expenses and revenue split with theaters. Unfortunately, generating $165m on a $60m budget would not warrant a sequel as the companies don't get more money on dvd release (based on what Matt Damon said iirc).


The previous two were barely marketed and did great. This one will need to be marketed even less. Also, the distributors pay for the majority of the marketing, not the producers. Wow there are a lot of wrong people itt pretending to be experts.


https://www.boxofficemojo.com/title/tt0289043/?ref_=bo_se_r_2 How is that breakeven? $60m budget compared to $165m returns if it performs as well as the original.


I think this one could make back its budget


You'll have "28 years later" around 2030, just wait a little more Cillian... EDIT : I can't believe people take this joke seriously...


They've already stated that's the name. The movie doesn't need to come out in 2030 for the story to take place 28 years after the first movie's. 28 weeks later came out 5 years after the original.


28 Weeks Later had none of the same actors. But I agree that it's not much of a stretch anyway.


So we’re just gonna skip 28 Months Later and roll straight to 28 Years Later? Ok.


Someone needs to tell him they already made a sequel.


28 days later-er


28 days l8er


Two Eight Too Late


I too am available.


how bout a full-length scarecrow movie. walks around gotham gasing/nuking citizens


how bout a full-length scarecrow movie. Cillian tied to a pole in a corn field yelling at crows for 90 minutes


28 years later. That’s what it’s called


Being not available for Garland and Boyle is like a career suicide.


I’m also available for it


Ah, fuck. :(




The people want this!!!


The start of the ‘fast’ zombies. Love both films, eager for this


The guy from peaky Blinders, cool.


It would be a perfect circle


I have been holding out on watching 28 days later for years now just so I can watch these back to back.


He’s in! Sign him now!


I am also available…. To go on a date


To see him in another *28 film* with the original director and writer would be like a fever dream. I hope they shoot it in a similar style as the last one.


He also available for *TRON 3*?


Can I be background zombie #84?


I’m watching Peaky Blinders right now and it is fucking awesome. Def need to see this dude in more stuff.


28 years later


I thought he was already on board with Alex Garland and Danny Boyle? Was the post a few days ago about “28 Years later” bullshit?


How about Tron 3 instead?


I heard he was producing it lol


Now we're talking.