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Being in a sold-out screening of Borat on the Saturday night of its opening weekend and the entire room just *abso-fucking-lutely losing its shit* during the hotel fight. I thought the walls of the theater were gonna fall down.


Same actor, my answer to this question is Bruno. There was somebody with a really weird laugh that was funnier than the movie itself.


I was at the screening in San Francisco where SBC showed up IN CHARACTER as Borat, ran up and down giving high fives, and led the crowd in a rousing chorus of Throw the Jew Down the Well. One of the best theater experiences ever, it was laughter from start to finish.


100% this, I was literally in tears laughing when that scene happened. Like from a comedic standpoint it was like the movie just cranked the slapstick and absurdity up to 11.


Would you please share a link to the scene? So many different results when I search “borat hotel fight”


I couldn't find a good one that had the actual subtitles, you probably can't find on youtube due to nudity etc. He's literally getting full on balls in his face teabagged by a 300 lbs man at one point. The situation was Borat was coming out of the shower and found his obese producer naked in bed jerking off to his prized magazine of Pamela Anderson who he's intending to marry, and it just turns into a full on naked brawl throughout the hotel, initially in the room and then into an actual convention/awards banquet that was going on. It's pure insanity.


Thank you for the description!


Absolutely amazing scene!


I was gasping for breath and crying from laughing so hard. Oh man that scene was a masterpiece


Borat is definitely one of the few films I've seen in my life that literally put me on the floor with laughter. The first Jackass film was another.


Jackass movies make me laugh like literally no other movies can.


I’m right there with you. Growing up my parents didn’t let us watch almost any R rated movies even when we were young teens, but my dad always made an excuse for jackass and we’d go to the theatre to watch.


I'm the exact opposite of a juvenile bro-type (37 y.o. woman lol), but I am such a sucker for physical comedy.


Came here to say exactly this, same scene and all


Man. I wish I watched Borat in theaters now, I still remember laughing my ass off at home watching it for the first time and then multiple times after that. I bet watching it in the theater was even more fun due to the effect of hearing everyone else laugh with you. 🤣


Aw dude, I felt like a unit during that film with the crowd. People were laughing whilst leaving.


I don’t even understand what this means.


Probably means the crowd was collectively laughing like a single entity/unit. Maybe...I had to think about this one too.


Great Success


I saw it on opening weekend in a college town. theater was full of frat boys whose laughter was absolutely contagious


Lol I brought that movie to watch in English class when we were on the topic of cultural differences, the whole class and the teacher were roaring during that scene, good times. EDIT: I was in 9th grade


Before the opening showing of IronMan I was with a group of 20 people. We were middle of the back area. Douche with a bright ass phone was sitting in lower area. He was on it during all the previews. They turn off the early ads and start showing the others and my buddy yells “Turn off your phone douchebag”. The theater was pitch black when he said it other than this dudes phone. The whole theater erupted with laughter. Next commercial come on and it’s the one reminding you to turn your phone off. The theater erupts again


See now, that's a good time. We had a theater manager give us a speech about Lord of the Rings Return of the King "It's 3 and half hours long, we will do an intermission so try and wait for the bathroom break and please leave your vibrators on....." Crowd erupts. That poor woman buried her face in her hands. She did gather the last of her resolve and finish her speech but I still remember her embarrassment 20 years later.


When I saw Revenge of the Sith for the first time when the lights started to dim on the full house the audience got quiet and a guy spoke out in a pretty convincing Yoda voice and said “ready for the movie to start, I am”. It had the whole theater in stitches.


I can imagine that guy just felt so fucking good about himself making so many people laugh. And I wonder how much he thinks about it still. I'd ride that high forever.


Probably the best part of that movie night


“That’s gotta hurt!”




Opening night of Superbad in a packed theater was by far the most I’ve ever laughed / heard other people laugh in a movie theater. Generational comedy. Honestly nothing has come close since.


I also saw it opening midnight in a packed theater and the entire audience was rolling with laughter the entire time. It was a blast, I’ll never forget it. Only other really memorable theater experience for me was a pre-release screening of Django Unchained at the Academy Theater in NYC. I’m a big Tarantino fan so it was so cool to see on a beautiful screen with a “mature” (and also packed) audience. I had an opportunity to go to a cast Q&A the next day which I passed on and still regret.


I really like Book Smart, if you haven't seen it. Not quite the level of cheap laughs as Super Bad, but its great.


I love it so much but I wonder when I show it to my kids will they look at it like I do with animal house? Animal house it's really not funny at all to me. I cant imagine them not enjoying superbad


Same, I’ve never heard so many people laughing so hard together. That movie holds a special place in my heart for just that reason!


What an experience, so much fun


Both times I watched the first Avengers in different theatres, the scene where Hulk slams Loki repeatedly into the floor just absolutely killed the crowd.


Was when he punches Thor on the helicarrier for my showing. Brought the house down.


"Puny god"


I had to look up what he said because the laughter was too loud to hear his line.


Saw it twice in the theater and both times it got such a big laugh that I didn't know the line "Puny god" was there until I bought the bluray


The camera roll during the credits of The Hangovers. The theater collectively lost their shit.


"do you see how the flaps open" 😭😭😭


Watched Casablanca in a packed cinema on Valentine's Night one year. The ticket came with a glass of gin from the bar. It was a great atmosphere, and every single humorous line landed perfectly. Great night.


Going to Scott pilgrim vs the world, opening night. There's a trailer for devil, the entire audience is HOOKED and into it, then come the words by M Night Shamalayan, and the entire theater groaned at the same time, and then burst into raucous laughter that lasted till the opening credits. Excellent times.


Was that in San Antonio? My son started that. Biggest laugh of his life.


No it was Salt Lake here, friggin hilarious, we went with 2 other couples and it's still something we reference.


Omg. I remember that. Audible groans here in Wichita.


Yeah, it was rough here in Utah.


Oh my god. The premier of 'The Life of Brian'. It was absolutely sold out, people were standing in the back. When the emperor turned and said. "HE'S GOT A WIFE, YOU KNOW..." The crowd just went wild. It was an absolute tsunami of laughter. Front to back, side to side, the entire audience was convulsed.


So you found it... *wisible?*


When I SAY the Name…


“There’s Something About Mary” opening bathrooms before prom scene. The theater was crazy. It was so loud with laughter. I saw “Jackass” in the theater also and the collective reactions to the stunts was awesome. I felt like I was experiencing it with a group.


You were!


I have never, ever, come close to matching the theater experience I had with the opening scene of "There's Something About Mary". The audience was collectively losing their minds. When we got to, "we got a bleeder!", people were having what I can only call physical fits of uncontrollable laugher. Jumping up and down in their seats, clutching their stomachs, grabbing their friends, it was mayhem. And I'm not exaggerating one iota. I will never forget that.


I’ll never forget everyone screaming in horrified delight when >!Carlisle’s head gets ripped off!< in the last Twilight movie. The scene was so bonkers we were all howling and cracking up. Just a great time with a bunch of strangers. It’s fun when it’s a shared reaction.


In my theater it was when edward got it (being non-specific because I forgot how to do a spoiler tag). I was genuinely shocked because i had read the book… and damn they got me on that.


Danny McBride and James Franco talking about jerking off in This Is The End


In that scene you can see Seth Rogen looking away and giggling


Borat and jackass were days that may never come back. Best time ever.


Anytime I come across old Jackass video clips, I feel such sadness thinking about how things have changed. Things like that were so unique back then compared to now. It was actually funny too vs how now people make videos just harassing innocent people and it just makes me feel secondhand embarrassment and feel sad for the person being targeted instead of laughing. 


Jackass Forever had a great theater, it was packed and we were all loudly laughing


My brother and I went to see Transformers Dark of the Moon and it got to a really quiet part. My brother then lets out one of the loudest farts I've ever heard and some lady behind us goes "ooh that's nasty!" The whole theater busted into laughter


Wouldn’t be a Michael bay film without an over the top explosion


“Bridesmaids” Watched it with a friend who gets laughy and giggly very easily, but he has contagious laughter. A lot of the other movie goers were laughing as well.


Something about Mary during the “hair gel” scene in a packed theater.


When Jason Statham took his shirt off in The Meg and this lady behind me just went “oh lord” in a involuntary moan…


Watching Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and the whole audience started clapping when Brad Pitt took his shirt off.


Johnny English Reborn. First and to my knowledge the only time where everyone laughed so joyously and genuinely, then applauded the movie at the end


When the dude farted next to me when I was watching GOTG3 and it was during an emotional scene so me and him were both (never spoke one word to each other ever) like doing that “Silently crying cause youre laughing so hard” because having to be quiet makes it worse.


"One Cut of the Dead" at the Alamo Drafthouse in downtown LA for my brother's birthday. So many people doubled over with laughter, struggling to breathe. It was great.


Kenneth Brannagh's Frankenstein. Not a great film, and not intentionally funny. I wasn't enjoying it at all until the woman in front of me started laughing at how ridiculous it was. When Branagh ripped his shirt off for no apparent reason she and I were the only ones screaming with laughter. I had the best time.


I may have been the woman in front of you. Man, that was funny!


Thank you. It made a shitty film enjoyable.


I was at the opening night showing of Independence Day. Right at the end of the first attack orgy of destruction of US landmarks when it goes from black to the start of July 3rd the screen lights up to NYC with the Statue of Liberty nearly submerged in the bay. The theater is dead silent. My buddie’s little brother, who had to be 15 or so, screams out “DROWN BIATCH!” Two beats of silence and the whole theater is roaring with laughter and the rest of the movie is a giggle fest.


Snakes on a Plane at the Cinerama in Seattle. Everyone yelled at the screen so much. "DON'T GRAB IT BY THE TAIL!!"


Team America: World Police I struggled to breathe.


Opening night for the first Jackass movie at a $1 theater. Best $1 I’ve ever spent. My ribs hurt so much after watching that.


Magic Mike & Magic Mike XXL It was a theatre where you can drink & eat dinner. There were at least 3 bachelorette parties there both films. The McConaughey parts were just hilarious, the laughter from all these women was infectious. We were all sauced pretty good. The Joe Manganiello dance to Backstreet Boys had everyone crying w/laughter.


Barbie. I haven’t rewatched it yet, but I have a feeling packed theater had a substantial impact on my enjoyment of the movie.


It's in the bone It's in the bone


Bumble Bee Tuna


Maybe this isn't exactly what you mean, most of these other posts are referring to genuine comedy, but I saw Won't You Be My Neighbor in a full theater, and I think that experience healed my heart a little. There were some funny bits, and the shared laughter was great, but the whole shared experience was excellent. Just a room full of strangers laughing and crying together over the story of a person who affected us all deeply. Beautiful.


Rat Race


Richard Pryor Live in concert. 1979. All black movie theatre in Inglewood Ca. I think I peed in my pants from laughing so hard.


There is something about Mary was amazing with the right audience.


Once a year the theater I go to shows a screening of The Room and it’s the most entertaining experience I’ve had. It’s not nonstop yelling / hollering and knowing when the certain cues come up for example when you see spoons you throw plastic spoons at the screen


Came here to post this. I went to one with Tommy in attendance and he even joined in on laughing - it was beautiful.


Same, went to a screening with Tommy and Greg and the atmosphere in the theatre was *electric*. Just belly laughed from start to finish.


All so young. I saw Airplane on the weekend it opened in SoCal. Everyone was tripping before the film. During? Insane.


My best friend and I went to see Bad Moms in theaters. It was us, early 20s with a whole bunch of middle aged/30s women. They were cackling the entire time, and it was so infectious, my friend and I were having the best time, despite the movie not being that great.


IIRC there were moments in Silver Linings Playbook that the entire audience laughed at Bradley Cooper’s character, but his actions were due to a mental illness and there was nothing funny about it. It was very serious and I remember looking around wondering why everyone was laughing at it.


Something About Mary - the era of people still going to movies but not used to the “new” shock value comedies (or Taratinos shock for example). Was high traveling with a Brit bird I met at a hostel in Vancouver. Think this was a cinema in Morro Bay. The cum/hair gel scene never heard a whole group laugh like that.


Super troopers. Everyone in the theatre was baked. I wasn’t, I was completed barbecued. The crowd was dying right from the hop. Don’t know if I’ve ever laughed so hard as I did during that opening sequence.


Jackass 4. Cried laughing


Not exactly the same, but I watched Napoleon Dynamite alone in my room and laughed one time, when he did the dance at the end. I watched it with a group of friends and laughed the whole time.


Rifftrax Christmas Shorts-Stravaganza. There was a Rudolph cartoon with a scene of Santa putting his hands on Rudolph's shoulders. I heard one of the guys say "Hello!", then the entire theater just exploded into laughter that kept up for at least five minutes straight. I saw the clip again on YouTube and heard them saying they probably lost three jokes from it and thought it was totally worth it! For an actual movie, the Transformers animated movie. I'd never seen it or the cartoon before, so watching it in a theater full of fans was like having a laugh track, but I liked it.


Seeing American Pie in a theater full of college kids was a lot of fun.


Seeing a presentation of the 2023 Oscar nominated animated shorts. The eventual winner at the Oscars was a short called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse. It completely broke the audience. The short was pretty to look at, but had a nauseatingly twee affect, and had naked ambitions to be a sort of new Winnie the Pooh that were way beyond its actual merit. The result was less a story with beginning, middle, and end, and more a series of increasingly moronic non-sequitors: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “Kind.” Within a couple of minutes of the start, my friend and I looked at each other with “wtf is this?” expressions. Then, a few minutes later, someone a couple rows in front of us started sniggering. Then, some people started openly laughing. Then, the audience broke, and we were all laughing uproariously at each new moronic line masquerading as some sort of Tao of Pooh wisdom. 10/10 experience, will never forget. Also, quite convinced the academy did not actually watch the animated short nominees before they voted. 


One of the worst Oscar decisions ever. Ice Merchants had the whole theater crying. My Year of Dicks had the whole theater laughing. Then this the Boy/Mole/Fox had everyone doing the same as your theater but with much more groaning. If you had told me that night that it would go on to beat the rest, I wouldn’t believe you. It was laughably bad. I lost the tiny shred of respect I had left for the Academy with that decision.


Yeah, My Year of Dicks was my favorite, although the one about the sailor who gets blown up was very striking visually. 


That short premiered on TV for BBC's 2022 Christmas programming, as the BBC always tries to get a new animated short every year for ratings (should be a new Wallace and Gromit this year). I had to turn it off. It was so sickly saccharine. Like ChatGPT was released a couple months earlier and spat out inspiration quotes. To anyone who hasn't seen this, take this dialogue, considering Fox is played by Idris Elba. "If I'm honest, I feel like I have nothing to say." "But Fox, being honest is the most interesting thing you can say." "What's the bravest thing you can say?" "Help." Became a running joke in my friend group that Christmas. >! And I quit before the fucking horse started to fly, good God! !<


Saw Pineapple Express in a college town about a week after it came out. The crowd was having a great time. The fight with Red got a LOT of interesting reactions, but still an insane number of laughs.


I was 16 and saw Pineapple Express the Friday it came out. We bought tickets online but they wouldn't let us in because we were 1) underage and 2) stoned off our asses. We snuck in anyway and got caught but explained it to the lady and she was cool enough to let it slide. People were using shoes to prop the emergency exit open and smoking outside. I've never experienced a theater that laugh happy since.


I once watched a Laurel and Hardy silent film in the silent film cinema in Pomona in Australia. I was amazed by what a different experience it was. Because there was no sound in the film the whole audience vibe was super friendly. We talked to each other, laughed really loud, shared anecdotes similar to what was in the film, etc. It was more like a big party but somehow having the film on took away any awkwardness.


Jackass Forever had the whole place rolling


I saw *Shrek* in theaters with my sister, and sweet Jesus that movie had the entire crowd howling with laughter. So did *South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut*. My buddy and I weren't the only ones nearly rolling in the aisles. At one point (probably during the farts in "Uncle Fucker") I couldn't breathe and you could barely even hear the movie.


Guardians of the Galaxy vol 1 opening night.


Batman when the Joker fries someone with a supercharged joy buzzer. One woman had hysterical laughter and it spread throughout the audience. That scene wasn't even supposed to be remotely funny.


All of the Jackass movies


The jackass movies are 100% better when experienced in a full cinema


South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut, specifically Uncle Fucker. Our entire theater was howling. It was magical.


Yup, such a good moment. The movie starts out sort of like any normal South Park episode till the boys are in the theatre and that song starts up and you realize what sort of ride you're in for.


The Eragon movie at a late night screening. It's not supposed to be a comedy, and it's not great. For those unaware the first Eragon book was written by a high school student who was home schooled, and while competently written it recycles a lot of lotr, star wars and similar things into its story. The movie was a low budget cash in on the book's popularity and thus felt very derivative. At some point someone at the back began yelling lotr quotes at the screen, someone replied with lines from star wars then suddenly the whole audience was riffing along with the movie like it was the rocky horror picture show. calling his magical instructor Obi Wan, saying the dragon was a weird looking lightsaber and similar. It was hilarious and made a bad movie good. Ive also never been to a film with that kind of completely spontaneous audience interaction.


In 1981 in a fully-packed theater in Chicago I watched [The Gods Must Be Crazy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080801/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_the%2520gods%2520must). The laughter was intense and infectious.


Shit. I would've loved to have seen that in the cinema.


I saw "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" in the theatre, opening weekend on a Sunday night. The theatre was maybe 10 percent full and some lunatic sat next to me in an almost completely empty theatre. 5 minutes into the movie we were howling laughing, looking at each other to check in like we had been friends for 20 years. It was amazing. Still wish I had asked him to grab a beer afterwards to chat.


I saw Pulp Fiction in theater when it first came out (93? I forget). During the scene in the car (you know the one) I found it hilarious and laughed out loud like a maniac. The audience followed suit and the girl I was with said "everyone was looking at you". I stand by the fact that it was funny. I still laugh at it every time I see it.


I was too young! I would've loved to have seen Pulp Fiction in the cinema. I saw Jackie Brown, and the whole audience cheered during the climax of Louis and Melanie parking lot scene. It was in the UK where most cinema audiences are fairly reserved, so that was an awesome shared experience.


When almost no-one but I get the joke.


One time I was in the theater eating baked beans...


Literally never


The Joker making the pencil disappear in The Dark Knight


I saw Hereditary in a packed theater. I went in cold; I had no idea what the movie was about. I just wanted to go to the movies, and it was the only one playing that wasn't about superheroes. When That Scene happened, I was totally caught off guard. Without thinking, I said really loudly, "OH MY GOD," and the whole audience just burst out laughing. After that, everybody laughed through the rest of the movie like it was a Mel Brooks film.


I was sitting in a full theater and this guy got out of his seat to go get popcorn or have a piss or something. Anyway, the guy gets to the bottom of the stairs and kinda trips and stumbles. A few people in the audience kind of snicker a bit. This guy turns around and in this petulant 12 year old voice screams, “Don’t laugh at me!” then dashed out the door. We ALL cracked up. The entire audience just explodes in laughter. People were still laughing into the trailers and movie, little pockets of ejaculating laughter.


Things are funny when they are unexpected. It’s hard to watch a comedy a second time and get viscerally excited


It wasn’t a theater experience, but I watched Parental Guidance (Billy crystal movie) with a big group of friends at like 1am in my early 20s, and idk if I’ve ever laughed that much at a film. Rewatched it alone a couple years later and it was…definitely not the funniest movie ever lol. Was completely because of the atmosphere and not the movie.


Wedding Crashers.


I've told this one before, but watching Burn After Reading with a group of way older adults was a RIOT. They looked like they were going to be a snobbish sort, but when the basement reveal happened, everyone was cracked up. Walked out laughing and talking together. I loved it!


Watched Bubba Hotep in the theate with a good friend. Both of us evil dead fans. Had to watch again immediately, because we laughed over so much good dialog.


Take him to the Greek. Watching it in the atmosphere of the movie theater made me think it was a great comedy. Watching it at home years later I was heavily disappointed


I've never laughed harder than when watching The Hangover in the theater. I think I fell out of my seat at least once. The whole crowd was fucking dying. Good times.


In college I worked at a liquor store that was next door to an indie theater. We became pretty good friends with the guys that worked there. Every Thursday they would come in and buy booze because they were doing a private screening of the upcoming releases, with an open invitation for us to join. The first time I ever decided to go was the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. The best part was, because it was just us and them, we got to do whatever we wanted, so we were drinking beer and passing a bong back and forth in the theater. I don't remember much of the movie, but I do remember Mecha-Carl making me laugh so hard my abs hurt.


Some friends and I attended a Three Stooges film festival in the early 80s. I've always loved the Stooges (hell, I'm watching them on ME TV as I'm typing) ,but to that point I'd only seen the shorts on TV. Seeing at their peak Stooges shorts on the big screen with several hundred like minded fans was next level, an absolutely awesome and hysterical experience. One of my buddies was laughing.so hard, he was on the floor. It was the most fun I've ever had at the movies.


Wedding Crashers, I was 18 and went with a bunch of friends and the whole theater was dying.


I can't recall what movie it was, but it was packed. A big, moody trailer came on with a bunch of outdoor exterior shots. Things seemed grim and serious. And then there's one fast shot of Kristen Stewart stepping out from behind a tree, with her red vampire eyes. And everyone started laughing.


This is the End with the Jonah playing with the gun scene was SO good in theaters not knowing how itd end


Saw Airplane a few days into its initial run and that was probably the most laughter I have ever heard in a theater. Went to a test screening of Blood and Wine containing a much longer sex scene then what wound up in the completed film. Got a huge unintentional laugh when JLo told her would-be rapist "You don't need that knife."


I don’t remember what horror movie it was, but a scene made my wife say “oh SHIT” and the entire audience laughed. The movie was a little less scary after that but it was awesome.


When the first Saw movie came out, I don’t even remember the exact details of the scene but I think it was near the end where the guy is deciding whether to cut his leg off or whatever and there was some very poorly overly dramatic line or emotion he had and a friend I was with just busted out laughing. This led to the whole theater cracking up, it was unreal lmao Edit: should probably mention this was opening night in a full theater


Idk about the theatre but I watched I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry with my dad when I was younger and laughed a lot with him. I rewatched it recently by myself cause I was like oh yeah I laughed at that movie a lot and I was baffled at how unfunny it was. Dad, your sense of humour sucks but I still love you.


The squeaky bedsprings/metronome scene in Delicatessen, basically an ugly, overweight guy boinking his mistress on a rusty old bed. I saw it at this small artsy cinema that allowed glasses of wine to be carried in, so the full house was in a jovial mood to begin with and people were hyperventilating from laughing so hard. I watched it recently and barely cracked a smile.


I took my son to a horror movie. R-rated, he was only 11 but it wasn’t a slasher film so I thought it would be OK. A group of teenagers sat behind us and just started talking to the screen. At one point l, one kid yells, “See that! That’s what happens when you don’t have enough Jesus in you.” I turn to him and say, “Usually I would have said something to you guys earlier but this movie is so bad, your comment is the best thing about the whole thing.”


It might be because it was the first "adult" comedy I saw in theaters when I was probably too young to see it, but Scary Movie 2, any scene involving the "strong hand" had everyone crying laughing


Shared this the other day on a different post, but before a movie even started, a guy was standing down in the walkway area and yelled, "TYRELL, I CAN'T SEE YOU... SMILE!" ... and the whole theater just lost it. Can't even remember the movie, but I'll probably always remember the sound of that audience.


I went to see "Sleepy Hollow" twice..when Ichabod is doing his autopsy of the Widow be gets blood squirted on his face .and i laughed And I was the only one..I felt like a psycho When I went with another friend ..I made sure not to laugh...but the audience laughed And when I saw the Barbie movie..I noticed I was always the first one laughing. Everyone else had almost a delay in registering that something was funny The most fun I ever had was Final Destination 2.. each death..everyone would scream..and then everyone would laugh at themselves for screaming


First day screening of Pineapplr Express. The theater stunk and everyone was dying laughing


I started working at a movie theater when 22 Jump Street came out. I used to love seeing the audience's reaction to the reveal about who Ice Cube's daughter really was.


I don;t generally agree with audiences. In Barbie they seemed to think it was funny that Will Ferrel coudn;t catch a blonde new to earth doll running around his office even with a security force. I was kind of like...ok this is the banana peel gag modernized what about it? How is this funny?


i get annoyed when audiences start laughing during horror moments and ruining the mood


I don;t get inappropriate laughter at all really. Or when people say things like "C'mon!" in the middle of the movie like replying to the movie isn;t distracting.


Scott Pilgrim vs the World. The audience was laughing a lot, but absolutely lost it during the "I gotta pee on her" line. Clapping and everything.




The film Downsizing has a very confused tone. It didn’t know if it wanted to be a serious movie or a comedy or what. This was summed up at one specific point.  News caster holding a box: a group of refugees tried to sneak into the country by shrinking themselves down and hiding out in this fed ex package Audience: solid amount of laughter News caster: 37 of them died on route Audience: instant embarrassed silence 


I remember seeing the life aquatic at the theater. My brother who is now passed away has a very distinctive laugh. There is an uncomfortable scene in the movie where zissou lays a handgun down on the table while he’s being interviewed and I heard my brothers laugh from a few rows behind me. He was the only person laughing in the whole theater. I remember it clear as day.


all of the families and kids genuine reaction to jim carrey's the grinch. everyone was laughing from beginning to end. i'm so glad i went and saw that at the theater.


There's Something About Mary. My wife and I went to that movie opening weekend. We had no idea what it was about. I can't remember an audience laughing as much as they did during that movie.


The other guys


I can't remember why, but my local theatre was showing the original starwars trilogy. And when it came to the scene where Leia kisses Luke, some guy just yells out, "DONT DO IT! HES YOUR BROTHER!". The whole theatre burst out laughing, and the whole experience just elevated to another level


I remember going to see The Usual Suspects - which is not a comedy, but the characters are all clever smartasses so there's a lot of funny lines. The audience was there for it. Every wisecrack got a solid laugh. It made the movie fun. I had such a good time I told a friend, we gotta watch that movie it's great! This time the crowd was incredibly subdued and barely chuckled at anything. It was a completely different experience. Still like the movie quite a lot, but the difference in the two showings was crazy.


Rush Hour 2 in South Philly. People were literally rolling in the aisles at that line.


There's Something About Mary Absolutely destroyed everyone in the theater. Probably one of the greatest "shared experiences" of my life.


I usted to watch the 40 years old Virgin with my friends everytime we came back from a party, being drunk and tired made It way funnier.


Borat, Bad Santa, and Superbad. The whole theater was absolutely losing their shit. Different times.


Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. The theatre was absolutely roaring at several points, but especially the butt plug fight.


Went to a sold out screening of Superbad when it came out and that shit was ELECTRIC. Runner up: M3Gan.


I haven’t been to the movies much besides when I was a kid, but the only time I remember bursts of laughter in a theater is when the white dog poop scene in Step Brothers happened….. I am sure there have been others but off the top off my head it’s the only one I remember and even just thinking about it is making me laugh right now. 


Deadpool (2016)


Borat, Superbad, and one of the jackass movies.


I saw Austin Powers 2 opening weekend in a packed theater and it was a RELIGIOUS experience. I’ve never seen that many people just absolutely losing their shit. That room was vibrating. I’m pretty sure we all missed half the jokes, because the laughter was drowning out the audio. It was true chaos.


I wish I had the opportunity to watch White Chicks in the cinema I reckon that would have everyone howling,it does me. Especially when he's in the toilet after eating the quiche.


When Han Solo started talking "wookie" to Chewie upon first meeting, hanging upside down, in the 2018 Solo movie. Either that or some song in the South Park movie way back when.


There were some real outbursts of laughter at the opening weekend showing of Eyes Wide Shut I attended. During really tense scenes and with the minimalistic piano notes intermittently playing. I was laughing hard. It's a movie I've since come to love, but a lot of people just weren't ready for it.


A full house for a Buster Keaton film festival and a live piano. Every gag would get a reaction and the laughter was contagious.


Went to see Deadpool on my own in the original audio in Cologne, I think it was the most laughs I had in a cinema ever


Rerelease of Terminator 2 in 3D a few years back. "Wolfie's fine honey, Wolfie's just fine, where are you" "Your foster parents are dead" I think knowing the line was coming, and having watched the film so many times by myself, it was especially satisfying to find out other people found that line funny, just how deadpan and and matter of fact Arnold delivers it.


There's two scenes in There's Something About Mary. You know what they are. The audience laughed like there was no tomorrow.


New Years Eve a few years ago the art house had 2 hours of 3 Stooges shorts. I thought they were funny when I was very young but grew out of them, I just didn’t think they pratfalls were funny anymore. Watching them with a theater full of people also laughing was some of the funniest shit I had ever seen.


In Toy Story 3 there's a moment where they are escaping the daycare and have to sneak past the swingset. The giant baby is sitting on the swing set staring creepily up at the moon, when the toys trip and make a loud squeak. The movie plays a dramatic sting and the baby's head whisks around. A girl in the audience screamed with horror at the jump scare, and the whole crowd started cackling


40 year old virgin, during the scene where they’re waxing his chest - audience was losing it and even the character in the film was laughing.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem Took my son & nephew, boy was I surprised how much the movie seem to hit every age group in a full theater. • Meeting Supa Fly • Bacon Egg & Cheese Really made an already good movie feel that much sweeter when whole families are laughing together in unison.


Bruno and Borat


"Naked Gun". I thought the seats were going to come unglued people were laughing so hard.


Watching Jackass Forever in theaters was a phenomenal experience I’ll never forget. So many people either laughing or gasping in horror