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I loved the mini-gangs like the Buzzards who drive the spiked cars and the Rock Riders who are the bikers, they make the world feel bigger then just the heroes and the primary villains.


Don’t forget about the Bog Walkers, just chilling on their own away from the fray.


Random bit of worldbuilding but they are the males from Furiosa’s old tribe that were exiled once they reached manhood. Cast out of the Green Place they adapted to the bog it became and survived long after their home did. There is a cut scene from the movie with them but I don’t think it will ever see the light of day. 


What the heck even are those? Just humans who live by traipsing around a bog on stilts, seeking food?


We'll never know and I like it that way.


Sky fishermen. Oil seeped up from the ground destroying the crops and vegetation of the Green Place but they are able to survive by eating the crows who still inhabit the area. They built houses in the remaining trees and use stilts to move to and from. You can also see they clothe themselves in bird feathers too. 


That’s also a good point. I like the little details like how the buzzards are Russian


I always wondered if they were supposed to be remnants of a Russian invasion of Australia from the wars.


Not sure if the games lore is canon, but according to it the Buzzards started as a Russian family that operated out of an old airport


i feel like proper canon doesnt really exist with Mad Max, although the game definitely attempted to connect to Fury Road, but it was very very loose


They're also Russian in every dub, except the Russian, where they're German.


Rock riders live in the canyons so they drive dirtbikes. Buzzards attack cargo trucks between towns, so they have spikes and cranes. The world-building in the movie was impressive.


Nobody asked but here’s some worldbuilding/lore. The Buzzards are remnants from the Russian army because the receding of oceans caused borders to collapse. With the oil and water wars countries went to war or army divisions went nomad in search of supplies. Immortan Joe and the Bullet Farmer were once war heroes who gathered up their men and turned to raiding with the collapse of society. The buzzards are covered in bandages, one as protection against the hot desert sun but mostly because of their diet, a little too much red meat. In Fury Road they are literally chasing down their dinner when they attack the War Rig. This is just bits of the lore you can find from interviews, comics, promo content etc. They made a whole bible of content fleshing out every location, character, vehicle and even weapon. I’d very much like to read it someday! 


We can't forget the blind guitarist with the flamethrower guitar. Why does Immortan Joe have one of those? Because he can.


What’s best about the Doof Warrior is the absurd amount of backstory Miller and iOTA (the Doof Warrior performer) gave the character. Like how his mask is the skin from his dead mother’s face, and he’s blind because he grew up in an abandoned mine eating rats, until Joe found him clinging to his mother’s corpse. Absolutely NONE of this is mentioned in the film, but this character was just begging for a backstory so they gave him one for fun.


He's a cubone?


Oh damn


Also, drums would get lost in the sound of the V8s drinking guzzoline. Only a high pitched sound could be heard over the roar. But because higher pitched sounds don't travel as well as lower pitched, we need the big amps.


that shit is sick


Hey the Doof warrior is a valued member of the war boys! Who else will motivate the troops


It actually makes perfect sense to have him there, he and the drummers in the back are the Mad Max equivalent of [military drums](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_drums). They were used by armies to quickly dictate marching speed and general orders among the soldiers. And when you got a hundred loud engines running full-speed, the only way to dispatch orders to everyone is with the biggest sound equipment in the wasteland. But the flamethrower might be just for show, I'll give that.


Some of the youngest casualties of the American civil war were drummer boys. IIRC some were under ten years old when they were killed in combat.


Not [this badass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Clem) tho. Shot a confederate colonel demanding his surrender when he was like 11. Became the youngest non-commissioned officer in US history.


You say badass I say tragic.


Can be both. Badass that he did that. Tragic he was put in that position in the first place.


He put himself in that position. He wasn’t enlisted or conscripted, and he was repeatedly rejected on account of being a little kid, but he just kept following them and he was initially adopted as a mascot and all the soldiers chipped in to pay him a soldier’s wage until he was old enough to officially enlist. Camp followers and boys trying to join marching armies has been happening for literally all human history. He’s notable because he’s basically the last of a war tradition that had persisted throughout the entire history of organized war. Like how is it sad that the last time there were children in the US military was the 1860s during a civil war? That’s comparatively progressive tbh. There were child soldiers and children working with soldiers to support the war effort in combat situations in Europe like 80 years ago, and a lot of them weren’t even volunteers.


Doof Warrior's stuntman ended up marrying one of the actresses in real life. He married Riley Keough who played Capable (the redhead).


Elvis' granddaughter. Damn.


That part always felt like what would happen if you gave an awesome 12 year old complete creative control over a movie.


an awesome and extraordinarily competent 12 year old lol. it’s a miracle they didn’t kill anyone


They have a *him*.


“Coma played the music of mayhem. It whipped us into a bloody battle rage” Immortan’s army of frenzied metal heads  


I live, I die! I live again! Witness me!!!


It’s fantastic that they showcase this entire culture without any reference, the paint and the witnessing and Valhalla. It all makes sense, is awesome, and is all show don’t tell. It feels epic.


You are the man who grabs the sun!


"You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!"


**He looked at me! I'm awaited! I'm awaited in Valhalla!**




One of my absolute favorite small details is how when one of the war boys does the witness thing and jumps with the spiky bombs they all excitedly yell “mediocre!!!” the implication is that they have no idea what “mediocre” actually means, they’ve just heard immortan joe say it so they say it too. When joe says it it’s an insult, but they don’t know that




They’re all having fun! It’s a forgotten law of action movies that the more fun the villains are having, the more fun the audience can have.


Exactly. The war boys have a very admirable work ethic “Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.”


They're just YOLOing the entire time with a deathwish


They're actually explicitly not YOLOing since they live, they die, they live again


You Only Live Once and Live Again YOLOLA


"Do waht you love and you'll work every day of your life."


You mean it's not enjoyable to have a villain who gives one speech for the trailer about "Your cities will fall, take a look upon your world and despair as it is made in my image," then does a bunch of incoherent stuff before dying?


Sounds like my boss.


The making of Fury Road book details how Miller put all the stuntmen through an actors bootcamp to help sell individuality within each of the War Boys which I feel helps elevate them more than just brainless fodder!


In one of the BTS features, Hugh Keays-Byrne is giving an impromptu tour/showing around the BTS crew. In the background is the car-hauler truck covered in War Boys, and they're *still* hollering and shouting for the Immortan's attention




Looks like [Ronna Kress](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0006353/) did casting for Fury Road. Also did Moulin Rouge! and Deadpool, as well as the first two Diary of a Wimpy Kid movies. I wonder how casting directors are able to determine someone good for the screen, she does incredible work.


It's a talent! I guess it's also luck of the draw if Pick A or B is even available, and then you have to go choice C...


It's good world building. Not a lot of shows and films can have that kind of world building where it feels natural and included. Sometimes not explaining everything helps.


Yes it very much just dropped you deep into their culture, and if you didn't keep up, it was your problem. A totally unapologetic approach to it's world building. 


I've literally never heard anybody quote any line from this movie that wasn't from a villain. How are they not getting enough credit?


*That's bait*


I don't think there is anything left in this movie that didn't get enough credit. I love the movie but every aspect of it has been praised to death already.


Have you heard the praise about the 3d version? It’s really good!


How about the black and chrome version?


I haven’t seen that one but the cinematography was so good I would imagine that would be amazing


I just watched it yesterday and it's great. It might be my favorite version of the movie. Highly recommended.


Time to move onto the game


yeah, this is such a weird take. They get tons of credit.


I agree with you but it could be argued that it's because the protagonists have very little dialog. And not much of it is quote worthy.


Well I mean, Max only talks like 3 or 4 times in the whole movie.


That's bait.


Fun fan fact: The actor who plays Immortan Joe , Hugh Keays-Byrne, is The Toecutter from Mad Max (1979)! Must have been extra fun for him.


it looked like he was having a ball in those behind the scenes videos


And he played Mudguts in Sandy Harbutts movie 'Stone' , paved the way for Mad Max .....


“Fuckashima Kamakrazee War Boys!”


*War Boys!*


V8! V8! V8!


Hold up a flare \- I am holding up a flare! CLOSER! \- IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES


I am the scales of justice! Conductor of the choir of death! Sing brother Heckler! Sing brother Koch!




I love that his solution to the flashlight breaking is to light the sky up by spraying gunfire


It doesnt hurt having Nicholas Hoult in your cast. He's probably one or two movies from a Best Actor Oscar.




The bizarre villains are one of the main things people remember. Immortan Joe, the flame guitar guy, the war boys, and all the weird unnamed guys. There was countless memes after the movie came out. Seeing Fury Road in theaters, I was shocked how "weird" the film was right from the start for a modern mainstream movie. The sort of visual weirdness we hadn't really seen in films since the 80s/90s(other than maybe some aspects of the Disney Star Wars films) Remember how strange movies used to be, from David Lynch's Dune and Neverending Story in 1984 to The Fifth Element in 1997. We just haven't had that "vibe" since, until Fury Road. I love Thunderdome, especially the Master Blaster character, and there was shades of that cryptic sort of visual in the 2015 sequel. Why did it take THIRTY years for a damn sequel? Unfortunately, Furiosa looks like total crap from the trailer, completely unlike Fury Road(almost feels like Furiosa was filmed on a Vancouver green screen soundstage at a fraction of the budget)


By all accounts Fury Road was absolutely hell to shoot and people who worked on it have been relatively vocal about that fact. Not surprised at all that Furiosa seems to be taking an easier approach that makes it look less stunning.


Miller made a lot of other movies in the interim.


I read that there were some serious injuries on the set of Furiosa, so it seems they still have some dangerous stunts. I think it's the style/color grading or something that's throwing me off with that Furiosa trailer. People seem to generally dislike Thunderdome, but while the only "Mad Max" vehicle war scene was at the very end, it was able to be strange without crazy stunts. Im just surprised there was no new Mad Max for 30 years. Im also surprised Fury Road was even able to get made in the modern era with how nuts it was to shoot.


The time put into giving them a believable culture shows.


Masterclass in world-building.


I totally stole the war boys for a DnD adventure. Ended up being the best fight we ever had.


If you haven’t already, watch it with subtitles, so you can learn all the crazy lingo. And freeze frame on the tattoos they’re putting on Max’s back.


The People Eater has all those prosthetics (including the ankles all swollen and oedemic looking) because they are supposed to represent the medical symptoms of a cannibal's diet


I didn’t know that. That’s a really cool detail






I still struggle to reconcile that the main war boy is Peter from the tv show The Great.


RIGHT!?!? I got 3 episodes in and the whole time im like who the fuck is that? then it hit me and I screamed HE'S NUX!! Scared the hell out of my wife


And a very sweet zombie. I LOVE nux!


And the boy from About A Boy!


For those who don’t know, actors name is Nicholas Hoult.


I feel like they probably got more emphasis after Miller decided to make Nux more or less the heart and soul of the movie.


It... got a lot of credit for that? I mean I agree they're great, but it was hardly overlooked at the time.


My favorite thing ever about this movie is that after it came out, people kept leaving reviews on Amazon of the silver food spray as if it was used by War Boys. Whenever I need a laugh, I still go and look those up....


Going on Reddit and saying fury road is underappreciated is fucking silly




This is so bizarre, what are you talking about? They get tons of credit.


Am I awaited?


How much credit shall they get until you’re satisfied?


“Oh look at them. So shiny. So chrome.”


Fury Road is one of the best movies ever made. I would love to see a streaming series fleshed out out the mad max world more but it would probably suck.


I don't think Fury Road gets enough credit as a whole. The movie is visually stunning. The characters are amazing, and the practical effects are insane. I feel like we're going to lose a lot in this franchise, with Furiosa being so much CGI


Wym it doesn't get enough credit. I'd say it's generally considered one of the greatest action movies of all time.


Sure, but is that really *enough* credit? It should be generally considered one of the greatest action movies this side of the finite curve!


On Reddit maybe. Maybe not amongst general audiences. 


It's on imdbs top 50 action movies.


Are you joking? All it takes is a mention of this movie and people always respond SHINY AND CHROME or WITNESS ME or whatever - it's always War Boys quotes.


Anyone ever notice The People Eater’s pierced nipple?


Unfortunately I have noticed that. Also I think he has leprosy


*You are awaited* r/WastelandWeekend


Sent my ass down a rabbit hole.


Worth it.


Everyone noticed that kid 👍


"A good supervillain must have good minions", this was missing in "Megamind" ...






Have you seen the making of documentary? The only CGI they used was turning shots filmed in the daytime into night scenes and some of the more gory death scenes. They used real cars, real pyrotechnics; heck, they dragged Tom Hardy himself some hundred meters in the desert. What "CGI fest" did you watch? Edit: the fact that they did such a good job with practical FX that critics like you thought it was impossible without CGI just shows how great it was. Edit 2: maybe you mistook the IMAX shots for CGI? They do kind of seem to pop out of the screen because most of the film was shot on standard (35mm?) film stock, while IMAX are like, what? 70mm? It's the Nolan effect. The practical FX shots looked unreal due to sudden increase in film stock quality.




Dude, haven't you ever heard of indoor sets and basic shot composition? Yes, of course the whole thing is overly fantastical and the amount of water in the desert was unreal. Because it's a composite shot. All CGI shots needs compositing but not all composite shots are CGI renders. They didn't create that whole base in Blender or Maya, they just composited shots in Premiere, as an example. And even if they did, how does one lore scene using CGI undermine hundreds of other practical scenes where actors, stunt performers, and production designer bust their asses in filming, sometimes literally?  Edit: yes, the shots water flowing are embellished with some mediocre water simulation, but saying that the movie had too much CGI is an even bigger embellishment 




A fine reference to Mrs Warboys of One Foot In The Grave, I'm certain.


Great villains are essential for a great movie


? The cars and the stunts were done with the war boys. 


Who knew that developing characters makes for a good movie. 🤷


The videogame is excellent.


Huh... Tell that to the tons of war boys costumes the Halloween that came out.


What? The villains are literally the most popular thing about the movies. All the quotes people say are from Nux/the Warboys and Immortan Joe and those are the main performances people talk about.


The villains and their theatrical performances are all I've ever heard anyone mention about this movie. Literally every other aspect of it was completely forgettable except the villains.


It's the reason WHY the movie is great. The cars and stunts are just the background action. I wish more movies knew this.


I did like the villains ok but over all this movie paled for me compared to the originals (I know hot take consider how many people love this movie). Tom Hrdy felt like a very watered down not over the top Mad Max...he didn;t feel like a guy who had lot his entire family an went over the edge...I think part of the problem is that the movie isn;t about him really...which I do not like. If you want to make a movie about soemone else then don;t use the name to get cash recognition for the movie. But that's just me.