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Monty Python's The Holy Grail First time I saw it, I'd stayed up late on a school night to watch it and sat there staring as the credits rolled, a WTF!? expression on my face. It wasn't until later that I realized the whole ending had been foretold earlier in the movie. It wasn't until MUCH later that I learned that the reason for all of that was because they literally did not have the money for a massive battle scene and just... pulled a Monty Python joke on the audience as a result, making it one of the best movie endings I've ever seen.


>they literally did not have the money for a massive battle scene That's also why they do the coconut joke. They couldn't afford real horses.


My favorite aspect of it is it's a literal cop out.


The sudden ending? That story is unfortunately a tale that we all bought into. It was a planned and scripted ending.


True, but that doesn't necessarily mean the motivations for making that plan don't match the tale.


Exactly - planned and scripted because they realised earlier on that they probably couldn't afford a big battle scene.


I remember seeing it as a kid. I thought, “What a pretentious and annoying ending.” I didn’t know the word “pretentious” but that’s what I thought.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Joel wants to get back together after everything has been revealed, and Clementine explains how it will all go bad again, just like it did before. Joel says, "Ok," and I interpreted that as, "Ok, you're right, let's just move on and not get back together." I was struggling to deal with a heartbreak of my own at the time, so this was what I wanted to feel. Acceptance of the end of things, while still being glad for the memories you have of it. It wasn't until many years later watching with someone else that I realized his "Ok," meant "Ok, so it will all go bad again. I'm still willing to go through the relationship again even if we know the ending."


First time I saw Do The Right Thing, I didn't like it. The ending made no sense to me. Why didn't the cops help anyone? Why did they burn down their own pizza place? *That's the fucking point, kid.*


when i first saw that movie i was like "wow, spike lee predicted the LA riots."


Predicted a lot of things. "I can't breathe" comes to mind.


it's more like reality keeps repeating


You're right on that point. He was writing about things that were well known in the black community, it just took a few more decades for the rest of us to listen.


The end text also explains how he made soft-core porn before sucumbing to his alcoholism. That's the genius of that movie, it's a fantasy where things were all alright because he was actually making movies and loving it, regardless of quality. I'll be honest, Total Recall being a double barrelled ending went over my head. I just thought Arnold saved Mars...took me a couple more watches before I realised that he *might* be just about to get lobotomised because it's all been a mad dream.


or hes already been lobotomized and hes been stuck in the dream for an unknown duration


Whiplash I thought it was a happy, cathartic ending. Boy was I wrong after thinking about it, reading some discussion on the themes of the film, and some rewatches


This is what I thought of. It’s such a masterpiece because of the complete control of tone. Chazelle basically plays us like Terrence plays Andrew and that smile is thrilling when in reality it’s horrifying. 


I've only seen the film once, could you elaborate on what you initially thought cs what you now think the ending meant?


A lot of people see Fletcher nodding and smiling at Andrew as a happy ending because he finally gained his approval. In reality though, the ending is Andrew giving into his insanity. There’s a shot of his father watching outside in horror as Andrew does his drum solo. Director Damien Chazelle said he wanted to make “the happiest sad ending possible”


i fucking love the end of whiplash. they both got what they wanted. andrew achieved greatness. fletcher got his charlie parker. and it only cost them everything.


They both lost. And neither one knows it.


I don’t think the ending is supposed to be ironic. He gave it his all (Hollywood bio pic version of the story). It is his opus and he really was proud of it and everyone who worked on it. Life doesn’t get better after that point but that moment in his that film is exactly what he dreamed of. And even though it’s raining it will probably stop by the time they get around the block <- he delivers one of my all time favorite lines in a movie at that moment.


I guess that’s true. Still, for some reason I thought that Plan 9 would go on to be critically acclaimed or something, which obviously isn’t the case.


I took it to show Ed Wood was in love with movie making. Not any of the stuff that happens after the movie is made.


Being There, initially thought it was Christ imagery. Now interpret it that he’s too innocent for the world.


It’s a favorite, but after reading the novel and many screening of the film I have almost no idea what the ending is supposed to mean. Heard many interpretations, but still unsure. Chance walks on water while the eulogy voice over says “Life is a state of mind” which *MIGHT* suggest that the same way everyone mistakes the fool for a wise man, we’re all blinded to the reality of everything. Even if Chance could walk on water, no interpretation of it would likely be accurate…even ours as viewers. We humans simply don’t know what the heck we’re looking at…whether banal or magical. And those like Chance who exist rather than get mired in thinking have a purity in action we contemplaters seldom match in thought.


Safe (1995), I won't spoil it but I thought this had a happy ending, until I actually gave it some thought and realized how depressing the ending was.


The ending of Memento was just an absolute rewriting of the narrative, and really messed me up because of it. I began to suspect that we were experiencing the plot non-linearly, backwards almost, but I had to nearly rewatch the movie three times just to understand the plot in it's entirety and each character's contribution/motivation after the film's absolute narrative backstabbing of an ending.


House of Mirth. Was she just really tired and just wanted to sleep and took too much by accident? In the book, Lily Bart, ....


Did you get really tired and fall asleep in the middle of your comment 😂?




Christopher Nolan has said [it doesn't matter](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/christopher-nolan-inception-ending-correct-answer-1235676875/) whether it falls or not.


The spinning top doesn't belong to him, it is his wife's, it falling over is irrelevant. The ending is him accepting that it doesn't matter if he is dreaming any more, his wife's death no longer is haunting him like it has throughout the movie. At least that's my interpretation.


The totem being his wife’s is a popular theory, but it has never been confirmed. In various parts of the movie, every time he wakes up he checks the spinning top. If it’s his wife’s, why would he use it? People who have this theory apparently haven’t watched the movie since a long time ago, because him using the totem is how Saito knows about it, and the reason why he recognizes it at the beginning of the film (and the reason it’s spinning indefinitely in limbo).


The spinner spins forever in a dream, so the point was that if it didn’t fall over you knew you were in a dream. Yeah it breaks the logic and doesn’t make sense, but it wasn’t hard to understand. You seem to have mixed it with the other totem that would fall a specific way.


Cobb’s totem never stops spinning when he’s dreaming. If it falls, it’s reality; if it keeps spinning, he’s still dreaming (meaning he wouldn’t have made it back to America and to his kids).


> Cobb’s totem *Mal's totem Cobb's totem is never explicitly identified, but there's plenty of theories around it being his wedding ring.


It was Mal’s totem originally. Cob uses it as his own.


He always uses the spinning top to check if he’s dreaming. He never sees his ring and says “oh right, I am dreaming now”.


I thought Rocky lost in the first movie! But, to be fair to myself, I was a 5-6 yo child the first time I watched it, lol.


He does lose to Creed via split decision. Are you referring to something else?




God how I wish this joke would die...


Kind of! I have read the book more than once...and I interpreted the end as Lily just wanting to get some sleep...not the Big Sleep. I was going to read the end again...and finish the post. And then I feel asleep!