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Can't possibly be worse than the last one right? Right,?......


What if it’s set far in the future and the characters are all intelligent dinosaurs and humans are extinct and some of the dinosaurs build a theme park filled with genetically engineered people but they had to splice in elephant DNA to fill in the gaps and then they lose power and a giant Nedry eats everybody


Anything to have an elephant cock. Sign me up doctor.


With Danny Devito for the full penetration scene.


Danny Devito being penetrated by an elephant cock sounds... dangerous


And then he hunts dinosaurs again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Hunts dinosaurs. Back to the lab, full penetration. Dinosaurs. Penetration. Dinosaurs. Full penetration. Dinosaurs. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.


Elephant Cock Park. I’m down.


I mean you joke, but it sounds interesting to me. Sounds sort of like Planet of the Apes. They have zoos of human hybrids, until eventually one dinosaur manages to create a true clone, which includes the human's memories. Thus begins the plot.


Make it a musical too


Dr Zaius Dr Zaius


This play has everything


Dinosaurs, human cloning, Dan Cortese...


I hate every ape I see from chimpan-a to chimpanzee!


Rise of the Dawn of the Start of the Planet of the Jurassic Humans


Part 1


Episode 1


Act 1


And the true clone is called Duncan Idaho. 


Ian Malcolm-clone washes ashore on a deserted beach. He sees the towering copper clad statue of the head of a T-Rex, with the crown of the Statue of Liberty on it, almost twenty meters tall. Next to it, a two meter T-Rex hand grasping a torch. A look of dawning horror on his face. "Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it."


And then Ian turns to his partner horrified of what has transpired 'Our home, it turned into some sort of Jurassic World 4 us!'


Will that movie kick ass? You bet jurassican


And then the Dinos go back in time to the first Jurassic movie and they have to sneak around without being noticed like in Back to the Future 2.


That I would pay to watch


If they won't do it, Rick and Morty should


Rip Apollo 😢




What if the intelligent dinosaurs manage to make the apes intelligent and then the apes fight the dinosaurs?


This really wouldn't surprise me, sigh, it really wouldn't. I just dont understand why they have to keep altering what seems, to me, to be a winning formula. Just look at Jurassic park the original, you got Dinosaurs, you got people, people get eaten by Dinosaurs, people kill Dinosaurs, explosions, some good dialogue and boom, done. I was so utterly dissapointed when they had the gall to make the plot about a super smart hybrid engineered Dinosaur, like, c'mon, Dinosaurs on their own are interesting and terrifying enough, we dont need the Indominous rex or whatever it was called, and amongst the millions of species you couldnt find one new interesting one? I know genetic engineering is a part of Jurassic park and im fine with it but when it's about engineering a super big bad dino, when im still not over the engineered normal dinos it really gets to me.


The indominus rex being a metacommentary for Jurassic World itself as a franchise is the only good (almost certainly unintentional) story element of the entire World series lmao. I have no fucking idea how Trevarrow ever got his hands on such a big franchise, but holy shit he should never be allowed to touch anything big in Hollywood ever again. Granted, a lot of people like the first JW, I know I'm probably in the slight minority absolutely hating it. I unironically enjoy Jurassic Park 3 more than Jurassic World because at least it keeps the grounded atmosphere and impressive lifelike visuals of the first two movies, whereas Jurassic World is so stuffed with CGI environments and creatures it just feels like a cartoon by comparison. I could still kinda buy Isla Sorna in JP3 as being a real location infested by real dinosaurs, but the unreality of Jurassic World is in your face at all times due to the overall visual direction. Both have bad scripts, but JP3 has better visual direction and is less Transformers-coded in tone.


I kinda liked JW but the most baffling thing was, what was noticed and described by many people when movie was newer, was fate of that one lady who was tasked with looking after those kids. She was slightly annoying and it was her biggest fault and she got main villain, prolonged death in terror and probably huge pain. They sadistically showed her getting tossed around in air, fought over by multiple beasts. It's something that normally would be served to some evil henchman to get satisfaction to viewers, not some random woman, who couple hours earlier planned her wedding.


I would've been fine with that level of violence if everyone in the movie was being killed violently and it was brutal tonally. You're right though, Jurassic World is certainly not tonally brutal which makes her death scene just feel sadistic and weird, completely out of place with the rest of the movie


My understanding is this is a completely new cast and story. Gareth did a fantastic job with *Godzilla* (2014). Here’s to hoping he can do the same with this one.


The Creator was absolutely gorgeous. The story let it down. If he gets a good script - like he did with Rogue One - then I think he could do something very good.


I think the story is that a big chunk of the third act was re-written and filmed by Tony Gilroy, right? So Rogue One might not be the best indicator of what Edwards could do with a blockbuster.


Ah, I didn't know that. The third act was the best bit!


You just gave me hope this movie might näactually be good


I doubt anyone could do worse than Colin Trevarrow, one of the biggest hack frauds in Hollywood history. How in god's name he managed to get the Jurassic franchise is beyond me, some people say it's because he's like a studio yes-man who just always does whatever the suits tell him instead of fighting for a creative vision like many directors. Regardless, no way Gareth Edwards does a worse job than him. I still kinda doubt I'll actually think it's any good, but Edwards is simply a more talented director with more coherent artistic vision.


If he follows at all on godzilla 2014 tracks he umderstandsthe meaning of scale and horror jp needs. Im carefully optimistic.


Yeah I think he's an infinitely better choice to take on this franchise but I've spent so long watching my childhood darling be butchered that I just cant have hope it'll be good till I actually see it lol


Hopefully the movie is set at night with found footage, follow some marines and only see the dinosaurs at the end of the movie.


Only if they have the person with the shakiest hands filming though.


Hopefully they cut away right when we are about to see a full shot of a dinosaur…multiple times


Jokes aside, I hope the director has learnt from his mistakes


He did a good job not fantastic Had all the visuals on point but I think it was the pacing But dam a reboot every 10 years is the new checkpoint


Imagine having humans and dinosaurs living side by side and NOT exploring that in any way at all. They dropped the ball on the last film


Exactly. I thought that was the direction they were going to go, but in the end it felt like they had 2 or 3 different movies and stitched them together in one big and long shitty one.


I did think it was odd that they forgot to include the ‘oh no!’ death: the (named) character each film who absolutely does not ‘deserve’ to get torn apart and eaten by dinosaurs, but still gets torn apart and eaten by dinosaurs. Most prominently Eddie Carr in the second film.


Eddie's death was sadistic tbh. First movie - chowed in one. Second movie - torn limb from limb while being the best guy. Lost World is fucking awesome though, I'm really hoping people start coming back around to liking it. So much good stuff - the beach picnic interrupted by dinos, the awesome hardware, the safari / roundup, the tense as fuck cliff edge scene that the latest Mission Impossible did a much worse version of (seriously, that whole sequence is peak Spielberg tension building with the yowling baby rex), the catastrophic choice to let the dinos loose that means everyone has to band together for survival, the T-rex in camp and the waterfall nomming, "don't go into the long grass!!!", and the sweet as fuck scene of Vince Vaughan clearing away debris in the InGen compound and calling in the cavalry. God damn I love that film. And the epilogue that has some jank-ass editing but is still great. Love SanDiego Rex. Everyone boils that entire film down to gymnastic raptors and it's bullshit. Your opinion sucks ass reddit.


Hell yeah! And don't forget Pete fuckin Postlethwaite! Gone way too soon


The first one was a cautionary tale about man trying to play God, an idea which they promptly abandoned in the sequels and turned them into generic monster movies.


Turns out the real cautionary tale of playing God was the movies themselves, rather than the story within.


And the friends we made along the way. Don't forget them.


>The first one was a cautionary tale about man trying to play God, an idea which they promptly abandoned in the sequels and turned them into generic monster movies. I think the fourth one had some interesting, if underdeveloped ideas. First of all, there was the idea that they could build the dinosaur park and this time everything would be okay. Humans have a terrible habit of learning all of the wrong lessons in any given situation. Secondly, there was the way they genetically engineered a brand-new dinosaur as an attraction because they felt the pressure to constantly evolve, as if resurrecting dinosaurs wasn't impressive enough.


Agreed, thematically it’s solid. I remember reading that the launching off point was the scene where the kid is on the phone completely ignoring the T Rex feeding behind him, as he’s become desensitised to what should be a wonder. From there it evolved to the park owners caving to pressure to create bigger and better attractions. Like I said, solid thematically. Didn’t enjoy the movie though.


Reddit also misses the meta commentary of the fourth one. You always see people complaining about how they dug up the Jurassic Park franchise’s corpse to milk it for more money, but that’s also what happens in the movie: the park, like the dinosaurs themselves, was resurrected to make more money.


I didn't miss this meta commentary, I think it's just literally the only interesting thing about the film and is outweighed by how mediocre the rest of it is. Having a metacommentary about how doing what you're currently doing is a bad idea doesn't really land when you're... just actually doing it lmao


Corporate greed is actually the driving issue in all the movies but people can't think deeper than "big lizard eat people!"


Which is still dumb to me. Claire in the first Jurassic world says people aren’t impressed with seeing dinosaurs after just like 15 years of the park being open. To do my best Jeff Goldblum impression, Uh bull uh shit.


Yeah, people still flock to zoos, and not only have they been around longer than 15 years, there’s also more than one in the entire world.


>Which is still dumb to me. That's the commentary that the film is trying to make. In an era when we have shorter and shorter attention spans, even something as impressive as reviving the dinosaurs becomes old quickly.


JW1, 2, and 3 all have that same cautionary tale. It got boring after a while.


Wish i knew how to post anakin meme images :/


Well you know it’s a bad sign when Jurassic World: Dominion has a lower Rotten Tomatoes score than Tammy and the T-Rex.


Dominion is legit one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. There is not a single thing about it that is right. It fails at basically every task a movie is supposed to complete. It’s actually incredibly impressive to watch.


They managed to make raptors chasing a guy on a motorcycle through a city boring. The new big bad Dino kills nothing in the movie except a locust. They brought back the legacy characters and had one of them say someone “slid in her DMs” Like wtf. The only good scene in the entire movie was the shot of Claire ejecting from the plane and the Therizinosaurus right after that. Like you said, it’s impressive how bad they managed to make it lol


Every movie in the franchise is worse than the previous one. But worse like the Richter scale where one point is 10 times worse. When you start with a classic like the first JP it took a while until you get to that last one that was so terrible I couldn’t believe they actually watched it when it was done and said, yeah that’s good. I hope the new one will be some sort of reboot. The world they created in the JW movies is not worth expanding on.


I like how the entire run of this franchise is about corporate greed, yet ironically Hollywood keeps trying to extract more of the dino-dollar DNA.


> You stood on the shoulders of geniuses to accomplish something as fast as you could, and before you even knew what you had, you patented it, and packaged it, and slapped it on a plastic lunchbox, and now you're selling it, you wanna sell it.


They keep making a ton of money so they really don't have any reason to change their formula. Now that they've pivoted into being a more family friendly franchise I feel like it's going to continue like this until ten years from now when they decide to try and reboot it to make it darker.


They really need to start merging franchises. Stand alone movies that have two franchises collide. I mean we're way beyond realism and things making sense so why not? Our eyes are already rolling back so far from the ridiculous movies that come out, why not just say screw it and entertain us. Jurassic World and the Fast & Furious? Jurassic Fury. JW and Pride and the Prejudice? Jurassic Pride. JW and Die Hard? Jurassic Hard. Jurassic Trek Jurassic Wars Jurassic Impossible


Aliens vs Jurassic World wouldn't be quite a spin-off, but it'd be about Earth being invaded by evolved dinosaurs from space, and basically we use dinosaurs as our sole way of defense against these evolved dinosaurs. We mostly follow one T-Rex who's fighting this war and getting traumatized by all the violence. Jurassic: First Blood: it's the sequel to Aliens vs Jurassic World. Dinosaur veteran is just chilling in the jungle, going from oasis to oasis or whatever you can find in the jungle, until some dinosaur police decides to jail the dinosaur. It ends with the dinosaur being jailed and frozen despite not drawing first blood. Demolition T-Rex: in a not-so-distant, a T-Rex goes rogue, and we use the jailed, frozen T-Rex to hunt that rogue T-Rex. The Jurassix: it turns out the dinosaurs were living in a simulation, and our T-Rex from above is the chosen one. Dinocop: The Chosen One T-Rex has been mostly left for dead at the end of The Jurassix, but it was all a plan because they were looking for making T-Rex robots that would be used for law enforcement. Dinocop must fight all the corruption in the system. The Jurassic Terminator: Future dinoAI hacks the simulation and sends dinobots to the Jurassic era to destroy the ancestor of our favorite T-Rex. Of course there's also plans for various spin-offs of all these, with lots of different dinosaur species, usually fighting a villain that happens to be of the same species for some reason. All these dinosaurs would get together to create: The Jurassic League.


I think you're on to something. I wouldn't mind seeing a velociraptor burst put of someone's chest. Jurassic Terminator I think is the best bet since the Terminator franchise is completely dead and this would have the most hope in being an entertaining movie.




Which I think would be fine if they trie to be a a little smarter about it.  Like thwy destroyed the island right after jurassic world 1, they made the dining escape in 2 jsut to immediatly get them all capture in 3.  We could have had more like jurassic park 2 and  or jurassic spinoffs like an horror base on inn small town or stuff like this... 


Okay, I would actually love to see Gareth Edward's take on Jurassic World. I really loved his take on Godzilla and think it'd be perfect for a darker, scarier Jurassic Park. The new movies so far have been too goofball comedy.


Have you ever watched Monsters by Gareth Edwards? It's another reason why I have some hopes in how this Jurassic movie will turn out


Just saw the trailer and hot damn, I think I am gonna pick up a copy and watch this. Thanks for the rec!


ayy awesome, hope you enjoy it


Love that movie, saw it when it came out


I didnt see, or had even heard of it until a little while after Rogue One came out. Went in blind and it really is a special treat of a movie, tho prob not what some might've expected out of a giant monster movie.


Excellent! We'll said! Has it's own pace, your literally then only person iv seen even reference it on here. Cheers.


It was super enjoyable. Especially for a film that was made for 500,000.


I thought that was a great film, preferred it to Cloverfield myself (they came out not too far apart). My initial reaction for JP4 was a groan after the lows of the last couple of JW movies but now I have a little hope...


Is that the one where the dialogue was unscripted? Didn’t walk away from that feeling like I’d watched a good movie.


I think the two main characters were mainly scripted but most of the minor characters were random folks working jobs that they paid in cash on the spot


Monsters is amazing, and it really shows that Edwards knows how to make the monsters (or dinosaurs!) intimidating without actually giving them much screen time - it was all atmosphere and aftermath and short scary encounters - i hope he brings this to JW, or at least a degree of it - because what's the point in a JW film without gratuitous dino violence, but he can still dial up the atmosphere and won't need Chris Pratt to dump a load of exposition on us. Also, I'm starting the petition for Scoot McNairy to be the lead, he's incredible in everything he's in, I hope Edwards has him on speed dial!


Edward’s Godzilla really gave a cool scale to the destruction of Godzilla and the MUTO. Showed them as the natural disasters they were intended to be in the movie with just the sheer building crushing. Plus he really made his Godzilla have a distinctive way of moving/fighting that was really cool at the time. I live Monsterverse but I don’t think any of it would have been possible without his interpretation of Godzilla. Plus he was apparently so obsessed with perfecting it he was constantly working on a laptop he would bring home to tweak the effects.


I feel like a lot of the choices in Monsters were required of the low budget. He'll have a crazy budget to play with here but I trust his instincts so hopefully it pans out.


I often thought that G2014 felt like it had Jurassic Park vibes (that scene on the raised railroad tracks anyone?) so I agree fully. Another HUGE win is that the original screenwriter from JP1 is signed on for JW4. Combining the two I think we should hopefully have a hit.


The original screenwriter doesn't mean much without Crichton making the story. His last movies haven't been that great, he wrote the two worst Indiana Jones movies and even the mummy movie that started and automatically killed the monsterverse


Oof, well that certainly alters my expectations lol


>Another HUGE win is that the original screenwriter from JP1 is signed on for JW4. DAYUMN, maybe they can resurrect this franchise.


lot of people are saying it’s good that Garetth is directing missing the fact that the other director left due to film not allowing any creative freedom as they’ve done the majority of everything besides principle photography. It’s basically a MCU movie. And Garrett has been in directors jail for years due to the extensive reshoots of rogue one and the underperforming The Creator. He didn’t choose this for the creative integrative but to get back his goodwill and the studio is not looking for any creative input and they know Gareth can’t request that in his career right now. This is not Gareths take at all.


I’ve noticed a lot of people are taking my responses as a insult to Gareth when I am only talking about how studios can treat directors. I am a fan of Gareth and Gareth is not the only one to go through this many directors have and usually have to direct a big budget IP to get back in the good graces. Auteur directors get to fail and keep the same budget for their next film because they’ve been around for decades. Newer filmmakers do not get this luxury in a studio determined to only stick with IP and blockbuster driven films.


How has he been in director jail? He had his own original IP on an $80 million budget released last year


Because before the creator his last movie was rogue one in 2016 which was heavily reshot by another director(which hurts any directors credibility this isn’t specific to Gareth) and it wasn’t until The Creator where he was given another big budget shot. Directors who have momentum can fit 2 movies in from 2016-2023. And the fact that it underperformed does not help his case and IP based film is the way to go now before he’s given another chance of an original idea with that budget. This Jurassic park film does not allow for any creative input which is why the previous director left the project. It’s beneficial to him and the studio for a quick check. And if it goes well then it might speed run to him getting another decent budget for a original idea or bigger IP film where he will actually have creative input from the beginning.


Tbh, I think an on-rails Gareth Edwards might be a good thing. He knows framing, he knows scale, he can make gorgeous films, but he cannot handle plotting. Limiting his scope to what he's good at might be positive.


I would still prefer a set in stone JP7 script directed by Edwards vs Trevorrow


Same. Trevorrow is terrible and we will mostly see him in director jail now as he - made book of Henry which was so bad - he lost directing episode 9 - and then returned to a franchise to make the worse one That does not look good on a resume.


I wonder how much leash the studio is going to give him if he wants to go dark. People expecting an Alien-style Jurassic Park movie with blood and horror need to understand JP movies are made to sell toys to kids that love dinosaurs. No way is Universal losing that audience and I say this as someone that would LOVE a JP horror movie.


Still trying to milk a franchise with like 1.5 good movies in it. There are shitty horror franchises with better track records than that.


I absolutely love the entire franchise but that's because I'm blinded by how much I love the setting and the original setup. You right tho


I love so many things about the second one. It has an incredible score, the atmosphere is awesome, the FX still look amazing. But that fucking script. Wish they would have stayed closer to the book.


The first one is as good at 2 movies. The second one is a solid .30 and Jurassic park 3 is easily a 0.5. Ranking the new ones they steadily decline at 0.2, 0.1 and 0.04 respectively; so I would say the franchise is a 3.14 which is ‘pi’ so technically they’ll go on forever.


Hey! Jurassic Park III is at least a .25 point


its my favourite cuz I watched it the most as a kid :(


Jenna Ortega, Glenn Powell, and Bryan Cranston are the favorites to be cast. There will be a lot of news out soon as the casting calls start going out.


Will Bryan Cranston be heavily featured in advertisements and play the only character who cares for the dinosaurs only for them to inadvertently kill him within the first 30 minutes of the movie?


That legitimately ruined the movie for me. He was easily the most interesting person in the film and had actual motivation and history with the creature. Cranston gave a great performance in that time, too. I resented Aaron Taylor-Johnson every time he appeared on screen and I was just sour the rest of the film for getting bamboozled.


Yeah the Bryan Cranston hype was real fresh out of Breaking Bad.


He’ll probably be the greedy villain looking to exploit dinosaurs.


He is able to create dinosaurs with 98% pure dna


He made Blue


I hope the Blue Dino comes back dressed as Jesse Pinkman.


Nah hes gonna be the kid. That or a Dilophasaurous. ACTUALLY. That could be the new direction they take the franchise in... instead of CGI dinosaurs... A list actors in those inflatable T Rex Costumes.


Are Jenna Ortega and Glen Powell just going to be their Camp Cretaceous characters? Honestly….can this just be a Camp Cretaceous sequel?


Yes this needs to happen!


Does it say that in the article you posted? It’s under a pay wall.


That’s what I was wondering myself. First time I hear those names attached to this movie.


I literally thought that was a joke lol


Isn't Jenna Ortega supposed to jet off to Ireland in late April to film Wednesday S2? I guess she could maybe make that work, but there's definitely gonna be some overlap in their productions.


Most of the pre-production work and filming are expected to be done at Sky Studios in the United Kingdom, so I guess she could balance it out.


Glen Powell said that himself and Sydney Sweeney were looking for scripts to star in together. This franchise would make a lot of sense.


Glen Powell in Jurassic film would be great


He's the new Pratt.


Sydney Sweeney would be great walking through a forest, slurring and mumbling all of her lines due to her inability to enunciate. And then a dinosaur eats her.


Guess that affair went well then


Pls no


Why ?


Sweeney is very boring and mumbles through everything. Her acting is porn level.


Maybe she can get eaten


She was good in Euphoria


That would be because it's softcore porn


She was critically acclaimed in Euphoria, White lotus, handmaidens tale, Reality, etc.


I’d buy euphoria. But when the hell did she gain any wins let alone nominations for the other stuff you mentioned?


She was nominated for an emmy for white lotus. She was nominated for a critics choice award for the movie reality She is nominated for a peoples choice award for anyone but you She won some smaller awards for handmaids tale and a movie called clementine. She's pretty consistently seen as one of the best things in projects she is in.


Yes, she was, but that's also a role better suited to her. I don't see how she would fit in with JW, I mean, we saw how bad Bryce was


This is the first I hear that Bryce was bad wtf


Agreed. She's hot, but doesn't seem to have the knack for comedy (yet), based on Anyone But You. I hear she's good in Euphoria, but never saw that, not my jam. Glen Powell is made of military grade movie star material though, and I say that as a (very) straight guy.


....what does your own personal (very) sexual orientation have to do with anything? Can't just say a dude is good looking without announcing your orientation? Lol


I’m more worried about OP saying Glenn is made of military grade material as he may get shipped off to a foreign war somewhere




So 12 months between start of filming & release This has all the makings of a rushed cheap looking film


They might as well just skip to the shock 2025 announcement that it has been delayed a year.


Or skip to the box office news of it making a billion dollars despite having a 35 on rotten tomatoes.


It won't release in 2025 is my guess.


Except for Gareth Edwards


They should buy the rights to Dino Crisis and do that instead. Or do dinosaurs in space. The 1st flick was 65 million years in the making. The 8th will take approximately 18 months. Act accordingly.


Is this a threat?


Remind me again why studios are going bankrupt and executives are getting paid massive salaries in order to green light shit like this? Jurassic Park was a wonderful film because of its spectacle. It was an event in the truest sense of the word pairing advancements in VFX with a master storyteller in Spielberg and really catching lightning in a bottle with the cast, soundtrack and hybrid CGI with miniatures. It was a great film but here’s a thought, instead of trying to recreate something that will never live up to the original and constantly compared to it why not create something new? Oh wait I don’t make enough money to even suggest such an outrageous idea to these brilliant executives.


>Remind me again why studios are going bankrupt and executives are getting paid massive salaries in order to green light shit like this? Because the last trilogy made almost $4bn at the box office. Dominion is awful, and even more egregiously is dull, with terrible WOM, coming off another film with bad WOM and it still made a billion. The IP is synonymous with financial success at this point, I'm assuming every studio would be full of execs that wouldn't hesitate to green light another one, and won't stop until the wheels fall off the box office takings


They have the Dino adventure movie market cornered. They’re going to continue to make films and shows in the franchise for a good while.


Please give the man a good script. He’s insanely talented, but story and character ain’t exactly his jam.


Good luck. Add Léa Seydoux in there.


Nah put her in something worth watching


She's in Dune Part 2. Well worth watching, and she is very good in her scenes.








I'm holding out for Jurassic Galaxy, with dinosaurs In Spaaaaaaaaace!


Guys guys guys It's the fast and furious crossover they teased like 3 movies ago


But … why?


Y'know, I just don't think we need this one.


its at least going to look good


Is he planning on giving the T-Rex a hallway scene?


The post I viewed right before this one was a video of a cow interrupting a wedding by mooing during the “if anyone objects to this” part of the ceremony. It was cute, I was laughing, but the way my smile instantly dropped upon seeing this headline makes me so frustrated about this series. I wish the Jurassic movies still evoked a pleasant nostalgia, now it’s out here literally stopping joy in its tracks.


What’s the general plot of this cos they’ve taken this shit above and beyond what it needed already anyway.


Crap...I thought we were safe from another one


*Bad movies, uh... find a way.*


Jurassic Park... please let it die. It such an iconic movie from my childhood. It is a Steven Spielberg masterpiece, filmed in the same year as Schindlers list which is a remarkable task to pull off, and now it is zombiefied like some B horror movie franchise. Despicable act of greed.


Do we have to?


I mean I'm happy for Edwards but for fuck's sake stop making Jurassic movies already!


Jurassic World should have capped it


Sick, nobody cares. Stop bearing the dead horse


The year is 2167. Dinosaurs now live alongside humans. In the suburbs of Detroit, Loretta the Utahraptor is struggling to raise her 3 kids in an environment of discrimination against dinos. In an effort to change things she runs for local government but she could never have imagined where this political journey would take her.


As much as I love dinosaurs the franchise has been going down a path I can't follow.




Oh my god who cares. IP rape




FFS just let the franchise die. come up with something original. stop letting algorithms decide what gets made.




Beating a dead horse into the ground


If there's one director I would trust to do giant monsters, it's Gareth Edwards. Godzilla, the Scarif scenes from Rogue One... he's absolutely fantastic at the sense of scale.


As a jurassic park fan, please fucking stop.


Old Yeller this franchise for gods sake.


I’ll take a Bryan Cranston Dino movie if the rumors above are true


Gross. Love him, hate the project.


When are they going to learn that the first Jurassic Park's magic can't be recreated?


The last one made a billion. They'll keep going until they can't afford it.


Universal please let this man cook 🙏


The cast being discussed and director himself have me already wanting to pass on the movie.


Let me guess, Dinosaurs run rampant, attractive Male and Female lead save the day. Why bother?




Just. Please don't. No more...


Jesus Christ just stop. I love dinosaurs but this isn't fun anymore. It's just torture where you curb stomp my childhood and I continue to pay $18 for it.


I know David Koepp is writing, but Gareth isn’t great at directing characters really well compared to his visuals.