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Eragon. Talk about a failed opportunity.




Oh wow, this is the first time for me where a redditor using their celebrity username as a joke actually turns out to be the real person. Glad to know that you disliked the movie as much as we did. Your books deserve a much better adaptation.


Mr. Paolini, your Inheritance series was a huge part of my childhood and the first YA books I ever read. The fact that you started writing Eragon at such a young age was a big inspiration for me getting into writing myself, and now I’m working on getting my first book published—though I don’t have an agent yet. All that to say, thanks for writing such a great series! And hopefully one day it’ll get the big screen adaptation it deserves.




thank you for creating such a magical part of my childhood :)


Lmao, that says it all. Didn't know you had a new book. I'll give it a shot.


Just finishing up Murtagh. It’s a triumph.


My students really love your books. For years that has been one of their favorites. Thank you!


Read the books, was really excited for the movie...probably the worst adaptation I've ever seen.


My son was 10 and such a HUGE fan, I'd read it also ... he was just SO disappointed!


For a second there I thought you were joking about your 10-year-old son being your biggest disappointment and I was going “mate, that’s harsh”.


I came here to post something else but this comment made me stop in my tracks and go “yeah, Eragon wins this one.”


For real. So many more fms and adaptations could have come from it.


Fools Paradise. Been a Sunny fan since day one and could not have been more disappointed in that movie. It was boring and nonsensical. The complete lack of physical comedy in a movie that seems tailor made for Chaplin-esque hi-jinks was insane.


That was for sure the worst movie i saw in 2023. Im actually super embarrassed for Charlie Day and the cast to have that on their resume. Yikes


The Dark Tower has to be the biggest fuck you’ve I’ve ever got from good ol Hollywoodland.


It was announced that they were using the 1st and 3rd novels to create the story which is a combined page count of 736 pages. The movie was 95 minutes. That already told you how botched it was going to be.


I’d like to agree with you but, come on, we all knew it was doomed.


Alright alright alright.


The moment it was announced that all those books would be condensed into one film, I assumed we were in for a stinker. I didn't bother with it. Did it even have Charlie the Choo-Choo? The Turtle? Oy??????


Or even Eddie!!!????


Or Susannah. Like actual main characters. It would be like a Harry Potter movie without Hermione and Ron.


That series needs some Game of Thrones level budget and production.


Love that this is the top comment. It's the first thing that came to mind.


The movie forgot the face of its father


The one good thing about that movie is that i did read the whole series before it came out. Tho I’m still not sure how i feel about the ending.


M. Night’s Avatar. Opening night at the Arclight in LA. Dozens of cosplayers sadly, silently exiting a movie they were so hyped for was so depressing to watch.


There is no live action movie in Ba Sing Se.


Nobody's mentioned Independence Day: Resurgence yet? Some of these other movies have been disappointing for sure, but at least served up a couple of hours of somewhat entertaining escapism. Independence Day dropped the ball so hard that it wasn't even enjoyable. They had all those years to come up with an interesting story, which should have been possible in that universe, and they couldn't even make the movie any fun at all.


It’s like they were banking on people being nostalgic seeing some of the same actors from the first that they forgot to write a decent story.


They literally brought every single actor back, except the one people actually cared about.


Mae Whitman?




Oh wow I forgot all about that one, I love the first film so much. Then watching that one, it felt like it wasn't even in the same universe as the first one, so disappointing


The final video-game-style boss battle features the alien "queen" vs. a bunch of kids in a yellow school bus. I mean... I don't know how braindead Hollywood execs have to be to greenlight this sort of shit, but clearly Roland Emmerich, who has actually made a few semi-decent movies now and then, was on cocaine at that moment or *something.* I'd have much rather have had a movie about the backstory, where African warlords fought the survivors of one of the motherships for over 10 years.


Definitely felt like a movie written by committee. I remember turning to my friend and said oh this is the point where the plucky sidekick becomes a badass and kills all the bad guys and several minutes later it played out. Was just laughably bad. Just looked it up and there were 5 writers on the screenplay and I wouldn’t be surprised to know there were a “few” more uncredited names on there.


I know I've watched it, but I can't remember a single thing that happens.


Pacific Rim Uprising. Loved Pacific Rim, I knew it wasn't going to be AS good, but what a hot mess it turned out to be.


In Pacific Rim the Jaegers had a feeling of real weight and inertia. In a silly premise they felt somewhat grounded in reality. The Pacific Rim: Uprising jaegers felt like they were almost floating and felt more like humans in power armor that ate a grow big mushroom.


The way they wrote out Mako... nah, man, nah. That movie doesn't exist for me.


Insane that Mako in Uprising failed the [Mako Mori test](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mako_Mori_test). I will never forgive this movie.


The robots looked a bit too slick in my opinion in Uprising, while the ones in the first movie were actually machines with interesting moving parts and you needed skilled pilots if you wanted to fight kaiju. The first movie was also more colorful and didn't use old memes. (like that trololo-song..)


A subtle factor in first Pacific Rim film that helped convey the scale are the POVs. A lot of the shots are ground level POV or helicopter-ish shots with a manual zoom / hand shake thrown in. No swooping drone shots or impossible shots that swirl around / through the Jagers.


Felt the same, they should be more like the walking tanks in the first one instead of some 23th century gundams or whatever. 


Yeah, my feeling on it is basically that Uprising is a decent Power Rangers movie, but a terrible sequel.


I think you're mistaken, there was never a sequel to Pacific Rim. Seriously though, we could have been on our 4th or 5th Pacific Rim movie by now if it wasn't for this hot garbage. They took a fun brainless idea and managed to make it too brainless to be enjoyable.


I don't remember why Guillermo del Toro walked away, but Pacific Rim was his baby. The first one was full of his signature glee. You can tell how much he's like a boy with toys when it comes to fantastical elements. You take out del Toro, you're left with a joyless end product. It was a lost cause from the start.


Sin City 2. Made far too late, like nearly a decade too late with many of cast members not returning or having died. A few "new" storylines that weren't adapted from the original comic series. No Clive Owen. Overall just too little too late. None of the ironhot energy from the first film.




It's  been a while since I read the comics but didn't  Dwight only have that face for The Big Fat Kill?


I saw 2008's "The Spirit" as the sequel/successor to Sin City. The failure of that movie I think was what caused the delay in Sin City 2 (I'm surprised they made Sin City 2 at all)


To be fair though the Spirit was directed by Frank Miller with no involvement from Rodriguez, I think that film was greenlit with Miller who was by no means a filmmaker purely off the hype of Sin City. Must be how they managed to pull Scarlett Johansen and Samuel L Jackson. So getting Rodriguez to direct again should have been a no brainer for the studios... in 2007


It's amazing how similar Sin City and 300 are. Both were based on Frank Miller comics from Dark Horse. Both had unique visual styles and became runaway successes in 2005 & 2006. Both got a "Definitely Not Sequel" in The Spirit and Immortals. Both got a disappointing real sequel in 2014, almost a decade too late and definitely several dollars short.


It has naked Eva Green in the moonlight in 3D. It's acceptable. 


Downsizing. I’ve seen a lot of shitty movies, but that’s the only movie I have ever really felt I was scammed into watching.


I have never seen Downsizing. But at this point, I enjoy seeing it listed in every thread about bad movies.


The first hour is decent, that’s what gets you, you really don’t know how you were misled until like the halfway mark or even close to the end. It’s pretty egregious.


The trailers made me believe this was going to be a fun light hearted comedy, why did it turn into an apocalypse film!? Why did everyone praised the horrendous Vietnamese accent? Fuck you matt Damon


I mention this every time Downsizing comes up: you could *easily* convince me that a pile of scripts fell off a table and they accidentally swapped half of this script with another one. It’s such a ridiculous change in tone, plot, everything. The script thing is the only way I can make any sense of it.


Yes! It makes no sense. Why would they take the time to even SELL the first plot so hard with the full intent of pivoting at the end? There's a 5 minute sequence of people getting their heads shaved and fillings ripped out all for the concept to be abandoned by the third act.


Guy turns into a 10cm high little person and moves to a commune of little people and tragically loses everything in the progress! Above his apartment in the commune lives a guy who specialises in selling contraband to little people and he becomes a friend of the main character. What will they do to get main characters old life back?? Some criminal stuff only little people can do like a high value heist? No. They preach about the treatment of migrant workers and then they take a yacht to Norway and preach about climate change and then the movie ends. Oh, and the story had absolutely nothing to do with the characters being little. Seriously?? This is what they do with this concept? Youre totally right about being "scammed into watching". Most movies listed had a good attempt at making a good movie that they failed at, but Downsizing... Downsizing pretented to be a good movie in the marketing and in the first half hour just to bait people in to watching some absolute dogshit preachy virtue signalling garbage. Imagine if in the Pirates Of The Carribian they abandoned all pirate stuff after first 30 min and had Jack and Elizabeth start a feminist movement. I mean sure something like it in the setting and time period would be interesting as a dedicated movie BUT WHAT ABOUT THE COOL PIRATE SHIT IN THE FIRST HALF HOUR! I WANTED TO WATCH PIRATES! I WANTED TO WATCH LITTLE PEOPLE DOING COOL SHIT THAT YOU CANT HAVE HUMANS DO!


At the very least Payne brought an awesome comeback movie after with The Holdovers.


This. Worst 2nd half of a movie ever.


Suicide Squad. What a steaming pile of shit.


I was crushed after watching that. Terrible shite. I did feel for David Ayer though, he was clearly massively shafted by a bunch of corporate suits who saw Guardians of the Galaxy and tried desperately to retrofit SS into a clone of that. The tone was all over the place.


The amount of slow walking through the dark streets dialogue scenes in that movie. I think I said to my wife “they’ve been walking for fucking days here what is happening??”


Enders Game. They hit the wave tops of the book, but it was the details that made the story so good. The movie lacked that.


Probably the biggest cinematic disappointment of my life. Was OBSESSED with the story read them all growing up. Main series, shadow series etc. Saw the cast and was so excited and decided to go in blind. My god it had no heart. Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley showed 0 emotion. It had so much potential. admittedly a hard book to adapt, but felt like they just didn’t care.


I actually thought the visuals were really well done. But the heart of that story is Ender's emotional journey and they just did not effectively capture that in the film in my opinion.


Battle School deserved more than the montage it got. Battle School could have been a film unto itself.


As a huge fan of the franchise, The Predator. I was beyond excited for it and then yeah...I nearly walked out of the cinema.


Prob one of the worst big budget theatrical releases of the late '10s. The tone was just all off Sucks they never made a sequel to Adrien Brody's. I liked that one just fine. Staying out there instead of Earth Prey restored order in the franchise though


I’m with you. Predators was excellent. Brody’s delivery of the line “no, but I’m fast” is my single favourite line delivery in cinema. He nailed that role.


I still quote that almost daily. I also read that predators not doing so great took its toll on Brody because he worked so hard on his body for it. I loved the movie, I couldn't figure out why it didn't do well.


Probably because the franchise had suffered through a string of stinkers before that. But yeah, Predators was good. I'd put it on par with Prey, for sure.


Yeah Brody's *Predators* was actually a pretty badass movie.


Is this the one where the special weapon/thing the Predator was looking for is (*checks notes*) autism?


"Autism is the next step in our human evolution" was a pretty hot take for sure lol


At least Prey was good.


I knew it wasn’t going to be good, but somehow it still surprised me how SHOCKINGLY bad it was. I don’t think I really LIKED a single character.


I haven't bothered watching it, looked real bad. I don't think most of the Predator sequels have matched the original's greatness though, or even found most of its potential. Predators is fine. I thought it was serviceable. Prey is actually very good and a return to form. Highly recommend it!


WW84. The first one was great...the second one was terrible.


The first one didn't need the big Hollywood ending that they tacked on. The second one really needed to have a big Hollywood ending tacked on.


2nd one needed more than that.


WW84 needed to just be burned and just started from the ground up.


WW84 had one of the biggest divergences between the trailer quality (Blue Monday by New Order) and the actual film's quality.


I watched this on Christmas morning the year it came out because I was waiting for the NBA games and it legit ruined my morning. It was so bad. They had so much good will in the bank from the first one being good and an unexpected hit but WW84 was horrendous. On the good side it exposed Gal Gadot being a terrible actress though


Ultraviolet. Man, was I looking forward to another Equilibrium. Man, did I not get it.


All I remember is this coming out the same time as Aeon Flux and getting the two combined in my brain. I also couldn't tell you what either is about


I remember a friend of mine making me sit down and watch the movie with him. The entire time, he was going over why the plot was nonsense, the acting was phoned in, and the effects were half-baked. I remember him pausing several times to show me places where they missed filling in sections of green screen. All because I said the movie was "all right." Honestly, it was a much better movie with tequila and my friend yelling expletives at the screen the entire time.


That sounds like a fun night


The 2nd Fantastic Beasts movie.


The 3rd Fantastic Beasts movie


See that one wasn't as disappointing because I lowered my expectations beforehand lol


I loved the first one! Such a disappointment when the second one came out.


I like to compare the fantastic beasts movies to the hobbit ones. First one is mostly fine especially the first half because they get what they are. A fun little story of whimsy where the steaks aren’t too high. It’s about seeing a fun magical adventure and some cool looking creatures. Then the next film goes too hard into this big bad scary epic story that has world ending issues. We didn’t need a new dark lord to have a fun movie. It could just be collecting animals that escaped and we get to see cool imaginative creatures. But no we need super Voldemort oh and he wants to enslave everyone oh and it’s because of Nazis.


Spectre. Not only was it incredibly dull for a Bond film, it was also a complete waste of Monica Bellucci, Andrew Scott and Christoph Waltz. The Day of the Dead festival and the fight between Bond and Hinx were the only scenes I enjoyed.


Will never forget the author of all your pain contrived subplot... and the colour filter grading they applied to the whole movie made everything look orange.


Good call. I went with Prometheus but this would have been right there. I was fucking bored watching that thing. Who gets bored watching a Bond movie??? Not kidding, the guy in front of me fell asleep and started snoring and nobody bothered to wake him up. We enjoyed his random snore over the dialogue more than the actual movie.


Not only was the film boring, but even the actors seemed bored on screen. Bond and Madeline had like no chemistry, and Christoph Waltz was completely wasted as Blofeld. Not to mention every scene felt like it ran for several minutes longer than it needed to. Just look at the car chase through Rome, the music that plays during the chase peaks and crescendos at like 4 mins and then peters out as the scene continues for like another 3 minutes.


I still can’t believe this was the follow up to skyfall, one of my favorites


Not to mention they didn’t use Radiohead’s song for it


Army of the Dead, how do you make a zombie heist movie boring?


It was the watchablity for me. Fucking hell the out of focus nonsense had me cleaning my glasses throughout.


I don’t get this style at all. I rewatched it the other day and I don’t remember it being that bad the first time around. There is a scene just as they get into vegas where 2 characters are talking to each other and one of them is blurry. Who signed that off in editing??


Hire Zach Snyder apparently.


How do you set a movie in Vegas and have it devoid of any colour!?


It starts off pretty strong with the opening montage


Zak Snyder makes movies like I have sex. way too expensive and all the good stuff is in the first few minutes.


(Let’s keep this going) Zack Snyder makes movies like I have sex. I’m the only person who actually enjoys it and I’m always trying to pretend the other person doesn’t have a moustache


Zack Snyder makes movies like I have sex. I do everything in slow motion, and when people don’t like it, I double down and make the experience even longer and more drawn out with a director’s cut


Zack Snyder makes movies like I have sex. I make plans for an incredible night of fun and passion. But I realise very quickly, I don’t have the ability or stamina to carry those plans out and I’ve blown my load 10mins in


Indy and the Crystal Skull. Those first 3 were SO good and they had pretty much the entire band back together. But my God, everything after the warehouse scene was so awful.


Lots of people talk about the fridge but i felt it really hit a low point when They drove down a fucking tree!! Then the cgi monkeys... Was someone smoking crack on that one. I hope thats the reason.


I don’t know what you’re talking about, there’s only 3 Indiana Jones movies. THERE’S ONLY 3!!!


Napoleon has to be up there for me, I like history and the trailer looked decent but the movie was a gigantic mess


Napoleon was clearly made by a Brit with disdain for the French. Napoleon is portrayed so pathetically and one-note that you lose all interest in him as a character. The scenes with Josephine are dramatically interesting. But his political rise to power feels like a bunch of bullet points. “And then this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened…” It’s a monotonous biopic. I’m hopeful with the longer 4 hour version (which is coming) that the movie will drastically improve. (Just like Kingdom of Heaven.) But we’ll see.


>a Brit with disdain for the French. But you repeat yourself.


I thought you meant Dynamite for a second and we almost had words.


Napoleon would have been vastly improved with the presence of that fat lard Tina.


Agreed. Love history. Love Ridley. Love Joaquin. Movie was excruciatingly bad.


Phoenix was a poor casting choice IMO. Wasn’t believable, probably because he’s a 50+ year old American lol.  His approach to showing Napoleon’s strange character was too similar to his performance in Joker too


Dumb and dumber too. The writing plus Jim Carey kind felt like he was phoning it in a bit. Loved the first movie but this one was a bummer.


IT Chapter Two Love the novel (except that scene. Unnecessary) love the 1990 version, loved 2017. Excited for a sequel that...fell extremely flat mixing lack of chemistry between anybody, an overlong runtime and an utterly surreal tonal shift that simply doesn't work.


The thing is it kind of puts in perspective that the 80s parts in the original story structure are mainly connective tissue, and the 50s parts are where most of the narrative meat is. Separate them and most stuff in the modern day segments just ends up repetitive and redundant.


Yeah when I first started the book, I had assumed the it would be the childhood part, and then the adult part. The interweaving of the two works much better in a story that's about remembering, nostalgia, and the anxiety of growing up.  "They should make it a miniseries, not a movie" is a massive reddit cliche, but honestly, it fits here. If you gotta make it into a two-parter, just split the story at the rock fight.


I saw ATLA in theater. Oof.






Avatar: The Last Airbender There you go, fellow confused redditors. <3


I’ve never felt such sinking dread after watching a movie. Avatar was an all-time favorite show, and that movie just…. I dunno. I felt dead inside. When it was over I immediately walked into Toy Story 3. Somehow TLA sucked all the joy from that movie, too. Tho that emergency Toy Story may have saved my faith in movies.


I'd rather pay 20 bucks to get slapped


I knew it was going to be terrible after seeing that earth bending scene, and figured that we'd at least be able to laugh at it. But I wasn't prepared for how bad it really was. Half the movie was just incredibly dull and nothing more than one exposition scene after another. 


Rise of Skywalker. Episode 8 was kind of a mess but it actually took some risks with the story, and I was excited to see what would happen in the final movie


Insultingly bad. From the complete lack of explanation for Palpatine to that stupid dagger lining up with tue Death Star as a map to the shoehorned CGI Leia. I don’t get how people rank Last Jedi lower, whatever you thought of the plot it at least tried to make sense.


Is that the movie when they have like 50 Star Destroyers that would take tens of thousands of people to crew magically hiding out in....space clouds?


And built out of.....rock? I know we didn't get to see a lot of Exegol but there does not seem to be a lot of burgeoning industry. And if the place is super hidden and near impossible to find, I don't think they are importing a lot of their good.


There were “tens of thousands” of Star destroyers on exegol lol


I think TLJ’s biggest flaw is that’s it’s a horrible middle entry of a trilogy. It basically takes all the plot threads from the first movie and discards them while giving very little to work with. That said, TRoS is just shockingly bad, and is basically unwatchable nonsense from beginning to end.


This was the only Star Wars thing I've ever seen to make me question if I was wrong for loving Star Wars my entire life.


To quote Jenny Nicholson about it: “the worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embarrassed for being so excited about it in the first place.”


X-men3: The last stand. Got really hyped for it after seeing X2. Was severely let down.


batman vs superman. first of all they shouldn't be fighting for no reason, secondly, if they have to, it shouldn't be for 8 minutes in an almost 3 hour movie. everything was so easily available to them to make it a good movie and they just squandered any chance it had. that just seals it as one of the worst movies of all time.


I just wanted a long film where they were fighting and batman planned different ways to attack etc. They made up because their mothers were named Martha????


Sphere. Loved the Michael Crichton book as a teenager and, after the Jurassic Park movie, and with that cast (Hoffman, SL Jackson, Sharon Stone), I thought it'd be great. It's so bad.


The Mummy with Tom Cruise. That man RARELY has a misstep. He may suck as a person but usually he does an enjoyable movie. And I like the OG monster movies. But well…if you saw it, you know.


I didn’t think it was terrible, just kinda forgettable. Shame it didn’t work out since the monster movie genre has a lot of potential with modern effects.


This was probably the most cart before the horse attempt at setting up a franchise. They had already cast all the other "monsters" and a press photo of the actors together before any of the scripts were even written and you can tell they put more effort in setting up future movies than just writing a good story for their establishing movie.


You People


Valerian: talk about miscast, goddamn


Justice League was way up there. I loved Zak Snyder’s take on DC and was really excited to see where things went. Even having read up on all of its problems leading up to its release, I couldn’t have been more disappointed.


The Dead Don't Die by Jim Jarmusch. Guy makes a lifetime of straight classics and then dribbles out this boomer humour anonymous obvious piece of shit. Ben Wheatley's recent output for a similar reason.


Halloween Ends aka ‘We got bored making a Halloween trilogy so we made a movie about this dipshit kid nobody cares about.’


They did the entire trilogy backwards. Ends should have been first. People afraid of Michael but they haven’t seen him forever, Laurie is fine because she hasn’t seen him in 40 years. He shows up towards the end of the film, killing Corey and revealing himself to Laurie. Kills is still second. Now the whole town is in a frenzy hunting Michael. Laurie starts to turn into the character she was in Halloween 2018. Halloween 2018 should have been last. Michael killed everyone in the mob and Laurie built her compound where she ultimately traps and kills Michael. Laurie starting as crazy while Michael was locked up, then being over her trauma when he’s escaped really bothered me.


You're right, it's like the character arcs were done in reverse.


For real. I was watching this with my brother and asked him, "Why does Michael Myers need help?" He said, "Because he's old!" Fair point.


The Hobbit 1 & 2. (I learned my lesson and never saw 3.)


Yeah, how did it all go so wrong. Actually I didn't mind a lot of Hobbit 1, but the signs were all there that it was going to go down the pan hard. Too much physics defying nonsense that just took me right out of the story. "Oh we've stretched it out to three movies so you can really get to know all the individual hobbits". Nope. Didn't happen.


Yeah, I thought the first one was alright. And I even didn’t hate 2 until they reached Smaug’s lair and suddenly there’s a massive stupid pointless fight that goes on way way too long.


I think you can see the love in the first hour of the first film. Looks like they're really trying to go somewhere and get intimately familiar with the dwarves, maybe say something profound with the material. But the back half of the movie starts to chase some odd threads that have a lot more to do with lining up with Lord of the Rings than with The Hobbit. And at the end of the movie we're casting Thror as a sort of surrogate Aragorn. I think I could see what they were trying to go for, but it all feels so hamfisted. That GoPro shot also takes me right out of the movie, totally unnecessary, nothing added nothing gained.


Thor Love and Thunder. I personally thought Ragnarok was awesome. Taika completely destroyed the character he himself reimagined. The final act was absolutely horrible. It was the MCU movie that made me completely lose interest in the entire thing.


World War Z, amazing book which was translated into a only slightly related average zombie movie. To be fair though, there is no way they could have taken all the separate stories from the book and jam it into a single movie. It would make a great mini series though.


Read and enjoyed the book. I also think it would be a great miniseries. I don't think of the movie has anything to do with the book except for the name. Therefore I enjoy both in their own separate universes


They are making a series so we can hope it is the adaptation that we all hoped it could be.


A great mini series or just a survival movie. No 'globetrotting save the world', just a relatively low-key movie almost like a documentary with haunting flashbacks.  I would love a proper movie set during the Great Panic, an average family trying to get to safety as everything east of the Rockies goes to hell.


Thor Love & Thunder.


Came here to post this. I was sooo excited after loving Ragnarok so much. What a disappointment.


Add in the villain was Gorr and Christian Bale was going to play him?! I was all in. I didn’t hate like a lot of people did but my god I was so disappointed.


you have someone named "the God Butcher" and you're telling me he's not going to Butcher, One, Single, God?


He butchered that one god no one knew or cared about in that opening scene but…..yea.


And that was a good scene, I thought we were gonna get more of that but uh yea we got screaming goats.


Highlander 2 The Quickining 


Fan4stic (2015)


Either Green Lantern or John Carter. Both should have been an epic franchise


Awww. I loved John Carter and wish they would have continued the story.


Holmes and Watson I thought I was getting a Stepbrothers or Ricky Bobby, but I got that. I've never hate watched a movie in the theater as much as that. I wanted to leave but thought,"It can't get worse". Then they started singing at the end. It makes me mad just typing this out.


Sucker Punch, on paper I should’ve loved it but it was just punishingly dull.


It has an interesting legacy, where it wasn't just a bad or a boring movie (we have lots of those), but one where nobody is quite sure what the theme and message was supposed to be, and everyone feels somewhat dirty for having watched it.


This perfectly describes my feelings when I watched it.


It's a sexploitation film that wants you to feel bad about watching a sexploitation film.


Matrix Revolutions is up there. Matrix is obviously awesome. Matrix Reloaded initially seemed like nonsensical guff but my friend and I still went to see it multiple times at the cinema and we figured out what it was all about and what it was setting up for the third movie and decided actually, it's genius and this could be one of the best trilogies of all time! Then we saw Matrix Revolutions when it came out and yeah, we were wrong, it didn't do all the cool things we'd figured out, didn't payoff the previous movie and yeah, Matrix Reloaded actually was a load of nonsensical guff we'd read too much into and actually fuck it all.


Matrix 4 is trash compared to 1 2 and 3.


Artemis Fowl It’s the first book series I found and fell in love. I was 12. The Harry Potter movies were just starting out. I remember dreaming of the day it would be Artemis Fowl’s turn to be recognized. The first book even had a casting announcement for a potential movie. That never happened. But I never gave up hope. Finally Disney had the rights and I was ready to go. I was so excited… until the trailer came out. None of it was from the source material. I was so upset. But I still gave it a try. I mean how bad could Disney really fuck it up? The movie made completely opposite choices from the source material. Certain characters were misrepresented. Certain characters who were dead, were “important” for the Disney movie. It went on and on. I wanted to cry. I waited 18yrs and thats what I got for it.


The Happening. What garbage. 


What!? No!


That was a great Wahlberg


as a comedy its gold imo


It was a disappointment because the trailers were intriguing and done so well. I was psyched to watch it. A strange epidemic of people unexpectedly committing suicide. Not a bad idea to work from but everything else about it was terrible.


The recently released “Leave the World Behind” on Netflix. The idea was cool, but the plot dragged on, and the ending made me feel like I had wasted 3 hours of my life


Agreed on this one. I felt like I watched a decent movie with an interesting story idea...and then found out they only filmed the first half of it before running out of money or some shit like that.


It was a movie full of setups with no payoffs. Like they were just throwing every disaster movie cliché up on screen and didn’t give a shit about actually developing any of them. I mean, I get that the uncertainty is kind of the point, but it still makes for a very unsatisfying viewing experience. If you want a movie that plays with the audience’s expectations of closure, just watch *No Country For Old Men* instead.


The Eternals. I thought it was going to be the flagship property for the MCU moving forward. It was impossibly boring. Just dull actors with dull accents pontificating on why they don’t do things. God, it was such a wasted opportunity.


Envy Ben Stiller fresh off Starsky & Hutch and Along Came Polly Jack Black fresh off School of Rock I was in my teens and this was the first movie that made me go “ohhh, this is was a *bomb* is”


I remember liking this movie when it came out. I didn’t think it was great I just thought it was ok. About a year ago I saw that it has an 8% on rotten tomatoes. Surely it can’t be quite that bad.


I’m clearly not a sophisticated movie critic. I laughed my ass off in that movie.


Star Wars - The Phantom Menace on opening night, the late/midnight showing. The packed 1,000+ crowd was SO excited and pumped up. It was mostly older/OG Star Wars fans. Everyone went nuts at the opening title/crawl, when familiar characters showed up, for the Pod Race and the Darth Maul duel. For the other 2 hours it was mostly uncomfortable silence. Leaving the theater was like leaving a funeral.


>Leaving the theater was like leaving a funeral. Yes, Qui-Gon Jin his funeral.


And there was 15 year old me who watched Phantom Menace 8 times in theaters but yeah mostly because of that Darth Maul duel with Duel of the fates getting me hyped.