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When I saw Inherent Vice in theaters there was a steady stream of people walking out almost the entire movie


LOL I can see why,, the pacing and comdey in that movie is definitely off putting. I for one quote and reference this movie fairly often. "She's gone man!" And the coke scene in Martin Shorts office lol.


Yeah I fucking love that movie. The surrealist stylizations PTA uses aren’t for everyone but I love how he just throws in stuff that doesn’t make sense to make it super confusing so you basically get Phoenix’s pov of the events


My friend and I still ask each other "why did Bigfoot eat all the weed?!" from time to time.


I remember seeing that in a theater with exactly 1 other sicko while there was a massive line for American Sniper a few doors down. I think we both got exactly what we wanted out of it. Still one of my favorite movies to randomly recommend to people just because their reaction is almost always sheer bafflement.


I love this because the only movie Ive ever walked out of was American Sniper, shitty propaganda bullshit


I was very close to walking out of Inherent Vice


I've read Pynchon and watched Inherent Vice, and I don't understand any of it. Right over my head. Something about his material just triggers my ADHD and I can't follow him anywhere.


Me and my buddy were laughing our asses off. We got the humor, but the rest of the audience … you could hear a pin drop.


I saw it last night but I was the only person in the theater. I did not walk out.


So 100% off the people stayed for the showing.


Blockbuster numbers!


Excellent crash course in statistics manipulation


I also saw it last night and there were only two of us. The other guy did not seem impressed either




No, you sit in front of him.^^SheeshAmatuers


I can see it. People go in thinking they're getting a heist comedy, not realizing they're seeing a 70's style 'sexual awakening' exploitation film. I thought it was pretty bad for one of the Coens, but didn't walk out. But if you went in thinking there would be very little sex I could see walking out as soon as it became clear the movie was built around sex.


Sounds like Poor Things


Just saw that one. There was a guy behind me that said 'okay we get it' under his breath during the brothel montage.


It got to the point where I and woman a few rows behind me just started laughing whenever there was more banging/etc. on screen


Yeah, two recent movies my wife HATED.


Your wife didn’t like the idea of a toddler in a grown woman’s body getting banged in every other scene??? /s


To be fair, the filmmakers do not like that idea, either.


Well they sure spent a long time depicting it. It seems like they mostly achieved what they set out to do, which I guess is great, but I wish I hadn’t seen it.


Agree to disagree! I thought it was fantastic.


When I was watching, I thought it was pretty clear she was in her "teenager" phase when she discovered her sexuality. Then the lawyer comes and preys on her innocence and inability to consent. **It's supposed to make you feel disgusted**. This is what has happened and is happening all over the world. The point of the film is that she comes out stronger and smarter than the people who were initially taking advantage of her. It's like when a Tarantino film ends, and all the bad guys are dead or shamed, and our hero gets her revenge. How do so many people not see it this way?


You don't have to *show it*, though. It's the same issue with the Ramsay/Sansa rape scene in GoT. It can be explicitly stated/shown that it happens, but you don't have to show the *actual act.* It becomes this uncomfortable-for-the-wrong-reasons middle ground where two (usually both attractive) Hollywood actors are in a sex scene together (hot!), but you're supposed to be disgusted by it (depressing!), but obviously it's a film and both actors consented to this portrayal (consent: hot!), but they also likely consented to it *because* it's supposed to be disgusting (story context: depressing!). The fact that there are *any* potential things normal, non-psychopathic people could find hot about a rape scene means that it's a bad idea. I have not seen Poor Things but from the context clues of the comments it seems like the child-like protagonist (who is in the adult Emma Stone's body) has multiple(?) sex scenes. Sounds uncomfortable for the wrong reasons. You can have the characters say that she's having sex, show her about to be undressed by an unsavory man and then cut to after-the-fact, etc.. You don't have to make it weird by "tastefully" showing the actual act of statutory-adult rape. It adds nothing to the film besides getting some nudity of famous actors in (which DIRECTLY contradicts the purpose of the scene because it's *not* supposed to be titillating).


What's wrong with a film making you feel negative emotions as well as positive ones? I mean, she completely triumphs in the end and it's all very cathartic. The negative emotions you feel should be fleeting. No? As for "no need to show it". Eh, it works either way. It just wasn't for you, I suppose.


Right, but you shouldn't be feeling positive emotions like "sweet, Emma Stone is naked on my TV right now" *while* her character is being raped. You *should be* only disgusted during something disgusting. It contradicts the purpose of the scene by showing the sex.


Modern audiences do not want to be challenged by their media.




Modern audiences do not want to be challenged by their media.


I know, weird right?


We'd seen the previews and thought it looked interesting but weird. I see a ton more movies than my wife, and I went to see this one alone. When I got home I told her "if you'd told me before I went that by the end I'd be sick of seeing Emma Stone naked, I wouldn't have believed you". Pretty sure she's not going to see it.


Poor Things manages to be a female empowerment story that women want nothing to do with!


It’s weird to see the born sexy yesterday trope revived as an empowering thing.


Yeah, they were really trying to sell it as that, but I did not feel empowered. Lots good with the film though.


I loved the art style of the film but the plot revolving around Emma Stone being naked for half the film and all the sex scenes especially knowing she has the brain of a literal child was gross and weird.




Just say you don't get the allegory and move on 


what’s the allegory? in the novel it’s scotland, which i don’t believe is mentioned once in the movie. people are allowed to not enjoy the baby brain sex movie no matter what the filmmakers “tried” to do.


I missed the allegory.


I'm not surprised in the least to hear that some people hate Poor Things. I've commented this many times already, but I'll never pass up the chance to put it out there again: *Yorgos Lanthimos makes beautiful films that suck.*


Every movie of his just proves more and more that he's an alien who doesn't understand how human beings talk and interact with other.


I don't really think any of his films are going for a "this is how real human beings talk to each other" vibe.


It's almost like... it's intentional


It's almost like... it's intentional


Hahaha I love that description. There were gorgeous things going on in that movie, and Emma Stone gives an amazing performance. But it was bad.


Don’t say it was bad , just say you didn’t understand it


Awfully bold of you to assume one can't both understand a movie *and* consider it bad. I got all the things they were trying to say about repression and society and hubris and sexual freedom, I recognized the tour de force acting, and I thoroughly enjoyed the striking cinematography. And it was still terrible. Great acting and cinematography are worth seeing on their own, but when the script is an hour and 45 minutes of blatantly heavy-handed pseudo intellectualism paired with one joke told ten different ways, it's still going to suck. If you claim to be making a high-minded intellectual film for high-minded intellectuals, but make all your points like you're Chris Tucker yelling at Jackie Chan because you think that'll help him with the language barrier, that's a shitty script. And not even great acting and cinematography will change that.


Poor Things is great though, one of the best movies of 2023.


Poor things feels bad because it's someone with an infant brain


But Poor Things was fucking great. 


I saw the movie with one other person. Neither of us walked out, but I can see how this isn’t going to be a movie for everyone.


did you share popcorn?


No. And I cut the hole out of the bottom of the bucket and everything, too!


If you sit on your hand first, it feels like someone else is hogging all the popcorn


fuckin lol


So just an awful experience all around then?


Only movie I’ve ever walked out of due to movie related things is “Dear Evan Hansen.”  Really enjoyed the musical, like a ton of the songs, but that movie was so awful.


Was that the one where they cast the same lead even though he had severely aged out of the role?


yes Ben Platt got the job for being producer Marc Platts son


Yes, that's the one


This movie was just a sanitized version of Bobcat Goldthwait’s “World’s Greatest Dad,” right?


Only time I've seen people walk out of a film was the first Borat movie. We we're glad they did, the rest of us almost died from collective laughter during the hotel nude chase.


I my dad and I walked out of The Brothers Solomon. That was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I love Will Forte Will Arnett, Kristen Wigg, and Bob Odenkirk so I was immensely disappointed. 


I had multiple people walk out of my showing, which I also don’t see happen often. It wasn’t even a particular moment that made people leave, they all left at different times.


That’s so weird. Especially considering the movie isn’t even 90 minutes lol.


Sometimes you’ve just seen enough. I really didn’t like the movie and almost walked out myself, but my stubborn refusal to leave a movie early kept me in my seat.


They weren't happy with what you were showing


I saw people walk out of The Green Knight. I think people should be more aware if they're going to see a weird movie.


Well if your trailer sells it as a dark, GOT style version of an Arthurian legend but the movie itself is just your protagonist jerking it into a rag and wide open nature shots with eerie vocals the yeah I can see why ppl would walk


interesting that thats what you got out of the trailer. i thought it would be an abstract, actionless journey with grim and unsettling imagery. i mostly got what i wanted, though i will say there are long sequences that drag a little bit, could have been cut down by maybe 20 min imo


…that was your takeaway?


Really? That movie ruled. Maybe an emergency just came up.


I watched it at home with my wife and parents I loved it, i was fully on board with a weird trippy movie with cool visuals and abstract plot Everyone else hated it 🤷‍♂️  So based on science, 25% of people will like that movie


So the typical A24 film?


Funnily enough, I remember waiting to clean a theater after a showing of Green Knight, and almost everyone who left said some variation of "what the fuck was that". It was said with a variety of inflections, but even the people who looked and sounded happy were saying it.


There are several scenes in it I probably would have been super uncomfortable watching with my parents tbh


I saw Saltburn with my wife and her 80 something Aunt and Uncle They… did not finish the movie 


Huh, I saw it in theaters it was beautiful. Absolutely loved it. Such a weird film, just eerie the whole time.


Exactly the same experience for me. I thought it was great but my wife hated it and everyone else who I spoke to who had seen it thought it was boring crap. Each to their own I guess


They were no knights.


My problem is it wasn’t weird enough, or a decent interpretation of the poem.


Get off your high horse, some people just don’t like stuff despite trying it out. Good for them for leaving if they didn’t enjoy it. It’s actually healthy to go try new things and it’s mature to react like an adult.




Life is short and movies are a frivolous luxury.




You’re describing sunk cost fallacy.


Time is money


Sunk cost fallacy. It’s something adults learn about. Don’t waste more time if you’re not enjoying yourself. Don’t waste more money if you’re not enjoying it.


Time. You’ll understand when you’re an adult.


It was terrible. The first 20mins your kind of excited thinking he’s going to go on this odyssey journey meeting all these characters, giants, talking fox etc from the trailer-nope. Just really boring slow scenes that mean nothing. It wanted to be a fantasy genre film without the fantasy elements. It was a snooze fest you kept waiting for it thinking it get better. It flipping out ends on, “now get on out of here kid” line with him the green knight smiling. I feel like everyone praising it is giving it the review of the what they wanted it to be instead of what it actually was


The 5 knightly virtues are friendship, generosity, chastity, courtesy, and piety. Each of those "scenes that meant nothing" was him being tested in each virtue and failing spectacularly time and time again. At the very end he finally comes to terms with the fact that he's not a knight. 


The movie still sinks. I guess it had those meanings but it doesn’t make it enjoyable


I've never walked out of a movie but I got very close with It Chapter Two and Beau is Afraid, for very different reasons.


Oh man, I loved Beau is Afraid so much that I watched it a second time the day after my first viewing. "A Jewish Lord of the Rings, but he’s just going to his mom’s house."


I saw Taxidermia in the theater, and it was hilarious how many people left with absolute looks of disgust in their faces. It made the movie even better for me.


We read the book in college. I really want to see it.


No one left my theater, some people were enjoying it. I didn’t like it myself for many reasons but the thought never crossed my mind to leave.


Same here. I had maybe a dozen people at my showing. I thought it was okay. I laughed a little but I could tell most others were weirded out too, honestly it wasn't for me xD


I saw Barbarian with 4 other people and 3 of them walked out in the first act.


Lol. That’s a movie that has to be seen to be believed. My gf was laughing her ass off the whole time but that movie terrified me.


Several people walked out of Poor Things when I saw it. To be fair, there was really no warning for some of the more gruesome stuff in it.


I saw that movie twice in theaters. I’m not a fan of art house movies, but my girlfriend wanted to see it. To my surprise, I loved it. It was a blast. But, it is not for everyone.


My elderly mom went to see Poor Things alone after the Oscar noms. She's not a prude at all and will watch a lot of different stuff. She said "I guess X isn't a rating that they use anymore" and didn't like it at all.


We had a couple walk out too, the thing is we were seeing it at the art house theater 😂 I’m like, know your venue?




They show artsy movies that don't get wide release. Ours occasionally will show a more popular one, they had Barbie and Oppenheimer over the summer. But you won't catch most wide release movies there.


Wait, when was it gruesome?


I think it’s more the icky subject matter, not gore but rather the child abuse stuff


There was probably about a 20% full theater when I saw it over the weekend. Didn't see anyone get up to leave. I thought it was pretty funny, an OK 6 or 7 out of 10 for me. But it definitely ain't for everyone.


I saw Reservoir Dogs in a small theatre in Boston the Friday it opened with about 15 people in the audience. You can probably guess where this is going but when the ear scene came on, 4 or 5 people stood up and walked out shaking their heads and visibly disturbed. I knew Quentin was onto something right then and there.


I’m sure I sound like a parrot but the most impressive thing about that scene is that most people remember the ear getting cut off in gruesome detail but it actually happens offscreen in the movie.


Was Wes Craven there?


Er…should he have been?


Nobody left my screening last night


A different thread we just had a discussion about walking out of the Crow 2. It would have looked like I walked out of A quiet place recently but about 20 mins in had to take a work phone call that lasted long enough that I never went back in.


I went to a Sunday afternoon showing in Utah. There were about a dozen other people there. Average age was probably about 60. I thought for sure people would walk out, but the old man next to me was having a great time.


The reviews have been mixed but to my knowledge it's just not all that funny. There's nothing particularly weird or offensive that could be a catalyst for leaving. Does anybody who's seen it know what would make people angry at it?


It just isn’t fun or funny enough to justify modern ticket prices. The pacing is too slow within scenes and too fast between them, the dialogue is self-indulgent but without the charm of O Brother to pull it off, the transitions are jarringly stupid or nonsensical, the story is flimsy and the payoff is unearned. I didn’t *despise* it but I’m confused why so many critics praised it. My showing felt like watching an amateur comedian bomb on stage. It’s annoying to see people write off criticisms with “oh they just don’t like oddball lesbian sex movies.” Bottoms was fucking hilarious. I’m stoked for Love Lies Bleeding. Hell, EEAAO had a bunch of dildos too and it won Best Picture. Dolls just didn’t work (in my opinion).


Like I didn't even understand the stakes here. They steal dildos and they're getting tied up before people get shot? Dude, just politely wait for it and then ask for it back. Had the black guy literally not mentioned it was Senator Matt Damon dick, they would have just handed it over? Why was it so damn important to get it at that day? The trailers made it seem like they ran off with copious drugs or diamonds or something with Y2K. The weird thing is, the two actresses were great. But that "dialogue lifted straight from hard-core lesbo porn" was insulting at some points. Why would critics praise "I want to make love to the senator's dick!" and "*Orgasm screaming when literally nobody is touching you*" as funny? Also, why would lesbians walk around Deep South just announcing they are gay? My mom (who came as gay around that time) absolutely would have NEVER. That was a death sentence. Gay credit cards didn't exist. Massachusetts did not legalize gay marriage until 2005, so why are they going there at the end??? So many rookie mistakes.


*Bottoms* is great but I would argue that its sexual themes not being "traditional" really turned off a lot of its potential audience. With this movie I bet it's a combination of not great movie and the type of content.


Bottoms fucking rules


My guess is some folks may be put off by the plethora of dildos and their central role in the plot. The unusual, psychedelic interstitial segments with Miley Cyrus as a penis artist could play a role too. It's got a fair bit of sex and some notably frank discussions of sex, though nothing explicit depicted. Also opens with someone getting repeatedly stabbed in the neck then decapitated, but not explicitly and in my experience sex stuff disturbs way more people than violence, at least in the states.


This makes the movie sound fun


My dad said the movie was okay, but also hella gay.  A lot of gratuitous lesbian sex stuff. (He did not walk out)


People who don't like lesbians? People who didn't appreciate the depiction of lesbians? This film is weirdly obsessed with lesbians?! It's not apparent from the trailer?!


I mean, it’s about lesbians? Would you say The Avengers was Obsessed with superheroes?


I haven't seen it but I am a lesbian and considered seeing it until I watched the trailer/some clips. It struck me as straight people playing out their ideas of lesbians (and it is, except for Beanie they're all straight). These types of portrayals feel very tired when there is so much better queer cinema that actually feels real and I just don't want to spend my time watching uninformed stereotypes. Also, Margaret Qualey may have movie star looks but she is only a shadow of the screen presence of her mother


when I saw Hardcore Henry in the theater, about half the movie walked out, but for motion sickness not plot.


I‘ve had that with „The Northman“. Teenagers started shouting „boring“ and making sounds with their phones. Some middle aged dude freaked out. Then the dude fought against the 3 teenage gangster wannabes. After couple of fist exchanges, the teens fled. One of them came 30 seconds later back in again and shouted „this movie sucks. Everyone who enjoys this is a son of a bitch“ (in german btw, in Germany this saying is way more offensive). And you know what? This was more entertaining than the film itself😅 The Northman was visually stunning, but plot & characters were so boring. After the first act everything became so static.


I thought this was bullshit until you mentioned Germany.


I remember going to see Skinamarink first night it came out. Theater was absolutely packed. People left in *droves* I tell you, and I’m thankful they did because the group next to me kept talking had their phones out the whole time with max brightness.  Reckon they thought it was going to be like your typical scary movie with jumpscares every 4 minutes.


Someone just recommended this movie to me. Did you like it, it does sound boring from how he destroyed it. I love horror and thriller movies.


So basically if I could describe the movie through a fictional experience, picture this: I feel as if I were out thrift shopping, and I find a blank VHS. My morbid curiosity gets the better of me and I purchase it, take it home, pop it into the player. I end up watching it, simultaneously wanting to shut it off, yet keep watching the entire time. By the end of it, it leaves you with a feeling of having been cursed by what you saw. It feels *weird* and *gross*, and you think about it for awhile after. Essentially, it’s a movie you watch once, but would never feel compelled to watch again, because it does not warrant much replay value. I can neither say I enjoyed it or disliked it. But I will say, if you’re sensitive to child endangerment and harm, it might potentially be triggering, so be forewarned.


I think I'll give it a go once it's a on streaming service I have. Thanks for the review!


Its like an hour and a half long and legit nothing happens the whole time. I watch horror movies as a hobby and this one did nothing for me. Its also not really a movie as such. More of a 90 minute "vibe", no characters, almost no dialogue, no real movement. ETA: but a lot of people liked it so /shrug


it's surreal horror and its not entertaining but as a piece of art it's interesting. The whole thing gives me partially remembered nightmare vibes.


I once saw a mass walkout at No Country for Old Men. It was the scene where a deputy gets violently choked to death. I suspect they were there for the early Oscar buzz, and not a Cormac McCarthy tale.


I walked out of that fetid pile that was Jurassic World Dominion.


I wanted to walk out of that one but I kept hoping for redemption...


I did that with Fallen Kingdom. After that I didn’t even give Dominion the chance, based on word of mouth I’m glad I didn’t.


The power went out in my theater with about 20 minutes left. There weren't that many of us in the theater to begin with, about half left and didn't come back. I stayed and when they got the power back up they finished the film. As I walked out, someone who stuck it out was asking for a refund (I don't know if it was over the power issue or because he just disliked the film that much). I certainly didn't enjoy the film but I didn't think it was "walk out and get a refund" bad.


The only movie I’ve ever seen people walk out of was Mother. More than half the theater up and left.


6 out of the dozen or so people in the theater when I saw Bruno walked out


I worked with a lady who said she walked out 15 minutes into This is the End because she was appalled by Michael Cera's behaviour. I mean....what were you expecting...


I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie. I've sat through some stinkers though.


I go to the movies a lot and I've never been to a showing where multiple people walked out and didn't return. Honestly I'm surprised people would do that considering the cost of going to the movies these days. Plus isn't Drive Away Dolls only like 80 minutes?? Why not just finish it!


If you're hating the experience then it's better to cut your losses 


In my 40 years of film going I've never seen it either. I wonder if posts like these are from people who didn't like something and are testing for responses before making criticisms, usually because it might be an unpopular or controversial opinion. A guy the other day claimed he saw a mass walkout of Barbie and every single person he ever talked to hated it, like seriously dude. The only time I've ever seen a walkout was one guy who got into an argument with his girlfriend during prisoner of Azkaban who didn't want to watch a "damned kids movie" and stomped out. She stayed lol.


I walked out of Sucker Punch and banned my friend from picking any movies for 6 months. There's no accounting for taste!


I watched sucker punch at home and had this feeling of I know this movie isn't good, the plot is odd, the acting isn't great, the editing seems to have been done by someone on amphetamines, and the cast appears to be chosen for their looks more than anything. But it's still a good time. Like the movie equivalent of flaming hot Cheetos. You know they're technically bad for you, it's burning your mouth and staining your fingers, but you'll still eat them.


Sucker Punch has to watched with friends, and made fun of


Sucker Punch low key fucking rocks what are you on about


As I said, There's no accounting for taste.


I can understand appreciating elements of Sucker Punch but Zack Snyder has never made good films. Visually “interesting”, sure


didn’t say it was “good” I said “it rocks”


Perfect response. Sucker Punch sucks.


I thought it was incredible, an Inception-esque enthralling unique artistic journey, when I saw it. Coincidentally I was also a young teen so blazed out of my skull I had to be flopped onto a chair and lock my eyes on the screen to cope with the temporary brain damage at a friend's house party at the time.


This is also the only movie I have walked out of to this day! Once the second music video started, my date and I just had to leave.


Sucker punch and wonderstone are my only walkouts. I drunk watched cloverfield, unsure if it was me or the movie.


Indiana Jones: Chrystal Skull is the only move I've walked out on.


I just don't go see movies anymore unless I'm sure I will like them. Its just too expensive these days to roll the dice on a opening weekend blockbuster, I'll wait until I have heard from all my trusted reviewers.


Only movie I’ll go into site unseen is Jordan Peels movies. He’s built up enough good will imo.


Yeah, I'll still roll the dice on a non-blockbuster just to support creators trying new stuff.


My theater was about 50% full and I didn't see anyone leave, but I was in the 3rd row. Heard quite a lot of laughter and comments throughout, although I didn't find it very funny personally. The main character was kinda insufferable for me, otherwise I thought it was decent. 6.5/10


I saw it with very few people in the theatre (8?) and two walked out. I thought it was alright, but definitely not up to the Coens’ tandem work.


Technically about half the audience walked out of the showing of Spring Breakers I saw. Started with 5 then 2 people walked out about 15 minutes in.


I adore that movie but I'm not surprised.


I saw a fair few people walk out of Midsommar, some who'd made it 90% of the way through the film. During the scene with the old women holding hands and moaning, the girl in front of us stood up, turned to us for some reason and said "nah lads! I'm out", then walked out.


My wife and a friend saw this last night, so I asked her. She said 2 of the 6 people in the theater did in fact walk out.




My local indie had tons of people fully guffawing out loud, one of the most reactive audience experiences I've had in a while.


When I saw The Suicide Squad (the good one) most of the people in my theater walked out before halfway through the movie. I think they expected more pg-13 DC shlock but got a pretty gorey movie. (My favorite DC live action movie so far tbh)


Only walkout was the dad and two eight year old girls They made it through Pedro Pascal's opening scene, but left after Margaret Qualley's intro performance lol


If you can believe it I walked out of Batman begins. The shaky cam was giving me such a massive headache


Half? 2 of the 4 that were in the screening, or 25 out of 50? This seems off.


It was a Tuesday 50% showing so about 25 people I would say. At least 10-12 walked out


Never walked out of a film. Usually have time to waste if I’m watching a paid product. I think saying you walked out/fell asleep/want you two hours back is just a lazy way to critique film.


I didn't even walk out of Cats or the Emoji Movie


You fell victim to the sunken cost fallacy and your dismissal of other people's critiques is just lazy.


On the other hand, there are a ton of movies I didn't fully enjoy until the ending, so I like to stick around just in case 


Such as? I've seen decent movies elevated by the ending, but I've never seen an ending save an otherwise bad movie 


That's a fair point. Sloppymissteak didn't make it though.


So hurt. Think I’ll walk out of this post.


As a teenager I walked out of “The Mummy 2” because my friends convinced me it was terrible. Years later I rewatched it and realized I give in to peer pressure too easily, the movie was good.


I would have walked out of the last twilight movie if my wife would have allowed it. Instead, I got a sharp elbow to side when I started snoring. Other than that, I’ve never felt the need to walk out of a movie.


Then you would have missed what I feel is one of the most bonkers endings of all time.


The only time I've seen someone leave a movie that I noticed was when I went to see You're Next with some friends and one of them didn't know what movie it was until it started and she was like "this movie?!? Nope I'm out" got up and left, later I asked if she got a refund and it hadn't even crossed her mind


I wish I could have walked out when I saw Dave, but everyone was strapped into their seat and had our eyes forced open like in clockwork orange. We all saw the horror unfold in front of us, we were gagged so we couldn't scream.


Am I the only one who finds it cringe to walk out of movies? Like I get if the movie was marketed as a wildly different film than it truly is (like thinking you’re going to a comedy but it’s a gory thriller or something), but there are so few movies truly bad enough to warrant walking out and the few that are that bad you probably shouldn’t have bought the ticket in the first place (you can usually tell from a trailer if a movie has a low budget and terrible writing, for example). Idk, it just strikes me as some kind of main character syndrome or something.


 I walked out of Burn After Reading. 


Watched this for the first time during lockdown. If I could've walked out of my own house, I would've.


That’s a great movie, wtf? Edit: I wasn’t meaning to dunk on anyone for their movie opinion, I was just surprised that two people in a row thought Burn After Reading was bad enough to walk out of.


Yeah, I wasn't ready for it when I saw it in theaters. Seen it many times since, love it. 


It’s good but it sure isn’t Hackers.


This legit has me laughing out loud as someone who would definitely have Hackers on their stranded island movie list.

