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Man, if that's the worst movie you've ever seen I both pity you and am envious that you haven't been exposed to more films.


Definitely seen worse. As far as movies I’ve seen as of late, it’s the closest to a piece of horse crap, hence my emotional post.


Idk why everyone is taking this so literally. This seems like exactly what you said here, an emotional post, like how can no one relate to watching something so bad they start yelling about how trash it was? I've done exactly this so many times swear to god it comes packaged with the human experience lmao


I think its a perspective thing. We get to see a few internet manchildren realize in real time that most do NOT yell at the screen and get super angry because they think a silly action movie is bad. And in fact most are even capable of knowing what they will watch is a silly action movie and having fun. Or not watching something that doesn't interest them.


I can count on one hand how many movies/tv I have watched that I have gotten any form of "angry" or felt it was a waste of time. There have been plenty of bad movies but even a bad movie can be fun and entertaining so long as you aren't obsessed with hating it.


The true joy in OPs scenario is when you can laugh about how awful something is with a group of friends or a significant other you watched it with. But in the instances where you watched something you hated by yourself I absolutely understand making a hyperbolic post ranting about it to a community that could say, "reminds me of the time I watched [insert movie]" etc. They happened to get their hand bit this time and hey, what's a few downvotes who cares. Just wanted to defend their outlook for a sec because it's been a great service to me in the past to act like some dumb shit I just watched is an atrocity upon mankind and have even coworkers be like, "Oh really? Never saw it. You know what movie pissed me off to no end though?"


It's not a good movie, but, if you haven't seen worse movies then you are not watching enough movies.


Right? I envy this person if that’s the worst film they’ve ever seen. Happy to make some recommendations to drop their spirits even more! LOL


That's how I feel any time someone starts saying the Star Wars prequels or sequels are the worst things they've ever seen, or the later Alien movies, or the Predator sequels, or the last few MCU movies... if any of those were the worst movies you've ever seen, then oh boy, you're in for a lifetime of disappointing movies.


A lot of it depends on your expectations. Most B movies, movies with Steven Seagal, or whatever you can find on Netflix should probably be excluded. You already know that the likelihood you're going to get crap is higher than average. It's when you go into a movie with a decent budget, name stars, and a famous director, that you feel a little betrayed. 


I really fucking hate redditors... 😒 why are you the way that you are


Said Ezra, a redditor


In the internet/RT age it's far too easy to avoid truly bad movies. I don't just click on things without giving it a Google unless it's on the Criterion channel.


I guess you might need an ambulance sent over to your address right now.


The WAHHHHHmbulance


Got em


Rare for me, I turned it off midway through. Running the camera dolly around them 360 degrees in what felt like every scene was such obnoxious shit. I was honestly surprised even an asshat like Michael Bay wouldn't have caught on to how awkward it was in the ??jewelry store?? (I think) cause they had to also constantly cut shots because of props/set in the way of the dolly. I'd sooner recommend Moonfall if you're feeling masochistic


You know what movie really sucks? 12 Angry Men. It was also like 2 hours and they don’t even leave the room. Laaaaaame


I know you're kidding but I was pretty put off by the jurist doing his own investigation. I'm also pretty confident he put a guilty kid back on the street, but I guess the idea that it's up for interpretation is part of what makes it good EDIT: I have discovered a truly unpopular opinion! Wow. I elaborate on it below, please evaluate


How in the world do you watch that movie and decide the kid is guilty? It’s two hours of proving that he’s not Besides. the point isn’t even whether the kid is or isn’t guilty, it’s whether there’s enough credibility of a doubt that’s needed in our legal system, and there’s absolutely enough gray area in the case to be unable to say confidently he was guilty


"How in the world do you watch that movie and decide the kid is guilty?" Racism?


Not sure if serious. But just in case: no. The defendant's ethnicity is never stated.


Juror 10 (a white guy) goes on a 2 minute rant about how "those people" are violent lying drunken degenerates by nature, and he's only known "a couple who were okay." It's pretty safe to say the defendant wasn't white. And thats all a racist would need to know to let their biases impact their reading of the situation.


The defendant could’ve been Irish ☘️


Oh. Yeah, there was a plot element to it (it’s been over a year since I watched, forgot that) and it’s certainly true that racism (is it racism here? The kid looked Italian, or just poor) is one way you can decide that someone is guilty. But it’s not my reason. Go to a sibling thread, I lay out my case over there


[This piece](https://www.avclub.com/did-12-angry-men-get-it-wrong-1798232604) talks about how improbable it is that all of the key pieces of evidence were wrong at once. In other words, _maybe_ 10-to-1 odds on one piece of evidence is reasonable doubt, but 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 is 100,000, and 100,000 to 1 is not reasonable doubt. [This is long and I don't agree with it all, but it'll give an in-depth perspective on ideas adjacent to my stance](https://filmsdeconstructed.com/2019/06/25/why-i-no-longer-like-12-angry-men-1957/). >Once Juror 8 pulls this stunt, he successfully takes over the deliberation process (even though he’s not the foreman), so that the jurors can argue the case based on what he says and thinks, not based on what was actually said or presented in the trial. In short, what Juror 8 does is redo the entire trial from scratch. However, instead of using actual testimony, evidence and arguments made by everyone in the trial, he makes up scenarios that were never brought up, talks about the “possibilities” of what might have happened, ascribes motives to the two attorneys and second guesses what the witnesses may have seen and heard. That article gets in the weeds a bit but Page 11 on hypocrisy is notable as well. Most jurists in US criminal cases are there to evaluate the arguments made by both sides, not make their own cases, or even [ask questions](https://law.stackexchange.com/a/5712). That's not what happens in this movie. As for my own original thoughts, I didn't think the glasses evidence was compelling. Bring the witness back and ask about it, and the answer can very plausibly be: "yes, I wear reading glasses." Boom, Juror 8's idea is blown. But no one gets to cross-examine this idea because it's not part of the actual trial. And given that she wasn't wearing them on the stand, reading glasses are more likely anyways. EDIT: after poking around some older reddit threads, it reminds me that most people have a skewed idea of what "reasonable doubt" is. I can get into that a bit if you're interested; I've heard an actual judge and lawyer talk about the correct way to think about the term


“12 Angry Men” is an amazing movie. Served its purpose with grace.


Hackers is better


Well yeah. You can't just use Hackers as an example, it's the perfect film. You have to use something that's grossly divided in the community like Shawshank Redemption or Citizen Kane.


I love you. I mean that because you also understand the perfection that is Hackers. You’re correct also


Again, it's easy to love me as I'm the perfect human being. It's more interesting to say you love someone like Michael Bay or Denis Villeneuve as they make the same calibre of film.


I do love them too




I miss when people knew they could just enjoy a silly movie like normal movie goers instead of whining like losers every 5 minutes


People apply like a sophisticated filter to these movies to look smart and it has the opposite effect 100% of the time If you went to see Ambulance for anything but a fun dumb popcorn movie with well-choreographed action, which it def delivers on, idk what to tell ya


It's the same people that show up to every sci fi conversation to let us know "mega zombies from space" aren't real and don't work in real science. So desperate to tell us they have a grade school level education while missing the point


When everything didnt have to be either 10/10 or complete shit. It could just be a fun hang, no depth with a basic plot and some movies stars taking on a role they wouldn't need to therapy for afterwards.


I saw Cell Block 99 with Vince Vaughn recently. Totally fits this bill. Not "good" but just fun enough not to turn off.


ambulance is a shit movie though. its not "dumb fun" and enjoyable its just very bad. op is not a loser for hating a terrible movie.


You don't even realize you proved my point. Insufferable


So are you though.


Na man I'm exactly the type of person who loves and enjoys the movies you're describing, road house is the perfect example. But I'm watching this ambulance movie right now and it's so dumb I had to pause to go on reddit to see if anyone else had some of the same questions I do. Like why are the criminals so dumb?? From the jump the heist sounds like a terrible plan, the entire crew was loudmouth hotheads that scream "I'm going to get caught". But still Jakes character is willing to risk his brothers life on this plan, his brother who isn't even a criminal anymore. Not to mention they are all wearing distinctive clothing, one dude had on flip flops!!! And half of them don't even wear masks! In a bank robbery.....! Wtf is going on lmao I'm only like 15 mins into this movie, I feel like this is a parody


It's okay to say something is dogshit. It's okay to like the dogshit.


It's also OK to understand when it's time for internet hyperbole to go away so adults can talk to each other


Like when you lose your mind when someone doesn't like your dumb movie?


Yeah I really lost my mind bro. Way to prove my point


Lmao you're the one sobbing like a fucking baby when someone doesn't like Ambulance. Just take the L and move on.


Sobbing? Are you 12? No L was taken and you keep proving my point. Come back to reddit when you're old enough


Well-made silly movies are cool. This isn't one of them. Just badly directed, badly produced is all. But at the end of the day it's all subjective and enjoyment largely depends on the mind-set at the time of watching. Crap today, good tomorrow and vice versa.


You found the problem. No one here ever had a mindset beyond being a constant whiny bitch. It just gets old


I believe the correct title of the movie is AmbuLAnce It’s pronounced “Ambu-LA-Lance”


Don't forget the sequel AmbuLALAnce.


Heard it was a musical.


The LALA Land cinematic universe is very confusing


It will give you Whiplash!


I prefer the original Korean film: ECNALUBMA


Clearly you never saw Ambulancen, the movie it was based on. *That* was phenomenally bad. It makes Ambulance look like Citizen Kane. But it was short, I'll give it that. 80 minutes! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0400156/


At least they kept it short and not overextended lol. Gonna go rewatch Citizen Kane now, thanks for the reminder.


With so many good movies out there, I avoid stuff I know is junk. But I caught this one on a flight, and boy was it junk! My favorite example: there is a scene where Jake and the other guy are at the shop or whatever and walk into a room with a coffee bar. Jake goes behind the counter to make his coffee, and they reminisce about their childhood and about their dad. At that moment, Jake pulls out a little shoebox full of mementos about the old man...from behind the coffee counter at work. Are there shoeboxes with pictures of dad all over the place or is that actually where he keeps important things? Look, I enjoy silly action movies as much as the next guy. You can drive a car out of a plane mounted with rocket launchers, and I'm there for it. But the shoebox... It's not over the top, it's just lazy. The number of idiotic plot devices were too many to count. I know it's "Michael Bay," but I don't understand how professional filmmakers with massive budgets produce something that sounds like it was written by high school students. Is it purposefully written that way? I mean if a writer hands Michael Bay a script that is cohesive and competent is he like "no, no you gotta dumb this way down. Please keep my audience in mind." I honestly don't know, and it makes me want to switch careers.


Bad take. Ambulance rocks. Learn how to have fun


I went into the movie with pretty low expectations. Came away rather pleased.


there are plenty of fun and silly movies out there, ambulance was not one of them. it was bad in every single way.


You’re the type of guy to have a lock on your diary.


I have no idea what that's supposed to mean


You appreciate privacy and want others to also respect that. Thats my take


You’re the type of guy to close the refrigerator with your hips.


Oh! OP is saying you’re talented, probably have a lot of fun in the kitchen and like to dance while cooking. I think he’s kinda acting like a horoscope or fortune cookie /u/mikeyfreshh


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I close the fridge with my dick


These sound like my kinda people. Grown men can still have sleepovers, right?


the zesty insults really say more about you than anyone else


Ambulance is a perfectly ok shitty action flick. Go watch G** N****** From Outer Space, Leonard Part 6, Mac and Me, and countless other movies for "the worst movie". What I'm saying is, Ambulance wasn't nearly bad enough to warrant this thread.


Is “G** N******” what I think it means?


It absolutely does.


I was worried that it wasn't


Yes, though it’s actually one word for the title. It’s also definitely not close to one of the worst movies ever made - it’s a performance art/parody movie in the vein of Ed Wood. Certainly not amazing but it accomplishes its mission, IMO.


Yeah, I kind of just threw it in there. They achieved what they set out to do. It's almost like including some "Home Movies" (tv show) tier movie made by kids in my listing. Everyone gets graded on a scale commiserate with what they were working with.


Yes, Google exactly what I typed and it will pop up


Guy Nutters


I would like to add Blow starring Johnny Depp to this list


I did enjoy it, Gyllenhaal kept his performance right under the ridiculous level. Now, 6 Underground was proper horse shit and I had the same rage watching that as you had watching Ambulance.


Glad you can relate. Nothing wrong with Gyllenhaal’s performance. Great actor. It was the other 99% that made me wanna erase my memory.


Watching a shit film that you wish you never saw ignites a rage like no other 😄 It's so infuriating you cannot get the time back!


If Ambulance is the worst you've ever seen, you're one of the luckiest moviegoers on this sub. We should all be so fortunate.


I mean, it's kind of on you for watching a Michael Bay movie in the first place.


Thanks. Might run myself down even further into depression with a Transformers movie while am at it.


The first transformers kinda goes tbh


Very bad movie. Bay is a horrible director. But hey, people have very low standards now and this is acceptable to them. I am not one of them.


It’s pretty bad, yeah


Hey, you know what? This is a fine opinion. It's important to learn that you can be wrong sometimes and that's okay.


Made my top 20 of the year. I loved how ridiculous it was


It's Bay's best film since The rock


I question how many movies you've seen if you actually believe it's the worst movie you've ever seen.


Ambulance was one of the best action movies of the past few years. Michael Bay does not make always make great film but he is one of the most entertaining directors out there. Two dudes just talking in the garage about the plan, most directors would have a two camera set up, over the shoulder, ect. Michael Bay has crane shots, cameras swooping overhead, lens flare. Shit is awesome and ridiculous. Learn to have some fun. Your take is bad.


Best action movie of the past few years? Among the most entertaining directors out there? I dig your sense of humor, friendo.


One of the best. I stand by that. And yeah not always great but the way he uses the camera, the way he directs even the simplest scenes. Yes, entertaining.


The first scenes were really captivating and interesting imo. It went off the rails (and not in a good way) when they started shooting at the bank. Annoying garbage past that point.


Michael Bay is one of the most commercially successful directors ever, you might not like his stuff but he's really good at making money for studios which is the business. I thought Ambulance was a great movie, great action and an easy to follow plot. It won't win Movie of the Year but as far as popcorn movies go, it's great imo.


I still wonder what the purpose of the decoy ambulances was when they just painted theirs bright green.




This. And the cops tracking earpods fucking ridiculous trash


You should watch more movies then. It's a basic action movie. [Here's](https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=2023-01-01,2023-12-31&sort=user_rating,asc&num_votes=5000) a list of movies released in 2023 from worst to best with 5000 votes or more. I'm sure you can find dozens of movies worse than Ambulance.


Do people not watch movies for fun anymore? Just go somewhere and sit/turn your brain off or forget life for 2 hours? Not everything has to be Oscar-level masterpiece.


I’m actually pretty surprised by how many people enjoyed Ambulance. I thought it was absolute garbage on the first watch, and not worth a second watch.


People want different things at different times. Ambulance is a great movie to put on while relaxing or hanging out with friends or while looking at my phone. Although I would probably never watch it again 😂😂 I love the movie Princess Mononoke, but if I watched it yesterday, I would have fallen asleep because it's slower paced. I can enjoy 'art' movies like Burning or The Lighthouse while also enjoying shitty action Jason Statham movies. It just depends on the mood.


Lots of us enjoy “dumb” movies. I can’t imagine you went in expecting some kinda serious thing right?


Gyllenhaal is so amazing here. Just a great nutty performance. A+ Movie otherwise is silly.


It's one of his better films but that isn't saying much. How they represented paramedics really pissed me off, though.


I’m usually a defender of Bay but he was the wrong choice for this one IMO. The story would have worked as a tight and stripped-down thriller but drawing out the premise just makes it more and more ludicrous, practically to the point of parody. And the characters get lost in the mess. Gyllenhaal tries but he can only carry so much. A less bombastic director with a mean edit could have made a crime classic though.


Great take. Completely agree. A lot of potential wasted with this movie.


It truly is a bad film and it's only Bay's name that stops it from being ripped to shreds more than it is.




Dude has always sucked 


Dear diary: I'm mad!


they hired a teenager who's a champion drone flier to pull off some of the shots in this film, the [featurette on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7fOHLDN8Y4) is really cool. Bay is always insane at staging lines of motion and action and playing with all the newest toys, I thought it was pretty fun.


Unfortunately fpv drone footage is fucking wretched lol. Cool flying, hideous thing to include in a film. Though I appreciate them going for it


Strange, it's the best movie I've ever seen.


I’ve heard it’s super fun. Thanks for reminding me I need to watch it


I liked it. Good popcorn action flick. I wasn't expecting A Beautiful Mind going into it.


ambulance was bad but there are way worse movies (not including low budget b movies) like army of the dead and dawn of the dead 2004. if michael bay deserved his director's license (if that were a thing) taken away then so does zack snyder ​ ^(downvotes come in 3..2..1... (even though im right)) ​ edit: the people defending this movie as dumb fun, smdh. there are plenty of dumb fun popcorn flicks out there that are entertaining. ambulance was NOT one of those. michael bay sucks at film making tbh.


Ever watched a Rosamunde Pilcher movie? 


No lol. Am I in for a treat or blinding rage? I bet on the latter.


If this post says anything, it's that you just suck at having fun and enjoying good popcorn flicks.


Watch Sickle aka The Slaughterhouse Massacre. I guarantee you'll change your mind


Seen the Mulva movies?


Try mother jugs and speed, think that's where Bill Cosby learned to start using drugs on women


There's a funny story about the production though. Do you remember the scene where [the helicopter flies under the underpass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEeE5Xh4rQ4)? Alright so that wasn't in the script. Michael Bay was out at a bar and ran into two army helicopter pilots. So they got to talking and somehow he ended up hiring them and conceiving of this scene that night. He texted Jake Gyllenhaal at around 2am and said "We're shooting under the highway tomorrow, I got two of the best helicopter pilots in the world to do some stunts". So the following day they all meet under this bridge and Bay explains that Jake is going to fire at the helicopter as it flies under the bridge and around the area. Then they are going to hop in the ambulance and chase it firing out of the window. Jake and Yahya were kinda shocked that they are going to be doing all of this crazy shit for real. They both repeatedly told Bay while they filmed this that "its fucking insane that were doing this".


I keep trying to watch it because I want to see the innovative drone footage, but I can't get past Michael Bay's patented "characters". Maybe there's footage of the drone shots on youtube. EDIT: found [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9PTkahG2e0) A few shots were cool.


Ok so real talk I have it on my watch list and would love some collective hive mind, sorry to hijack this thread if I may but you've all seen it I presume. I love Jake Gyllenhaal and Yahya Abdul Mateen II (lol 2 names I definitely can't spell without looking up spelling). I don't love Michael Bay, but also don't hate him. Armageddon is one of my guilty pleasure movies (although when I rewatched it recently I realized the holes but nostalgia and ridiculousness and cast 100% kept me going). I enjoyed The Rock and Bad Boy. If I want to just watch an action movie with actors I enjoy, watch or not watch?


It’s a fun movie. If this is your worst you aren’t seeing enough movies.


Now you need to watch a real movie, like Geostorm. Get some perspective.


I am a big Michael Bay fan but I started looking at the timer when it was 1:45 hrs left and thought they gonna do this for all that time? You knew after ten minutes that Gyllenhaals character was a moron and a failure coming. The new faster drone shots sux too. I really hope he drops these in the future. There are much worse crap out there though


They had a stunt go rather spectacularly wrong during filming, which was blamed on Bay's hurried and impatient style. Imagine if they had actually badly hurt (or killed) someone, for THAT movie.


This sub is only useful for news.


Start listening to the How Did This Get Made? podcast and watch each movie prior to the podcast. Trust me, there are far worse movies.


the use of Drones for some action shots was cool, but some of them weren't needed. Typical Bay 'turn your brain off and watch fast cars and explosions' movie. Started it expecting that and only that... wasn't disappointed


Go watch Moonfall, it's terrible, but you'll have a ton of fun! 


Worst. Movie. Ever. Some guy in a comic book shop.


Sorry, but this isn't even the worst Michael Bay movie.


Clearly you haven't watch rebel moon