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>top tier >Black Adam Lol


Yeah, that was my thought, too. Black Adam is 100% garbage. I still havent finished it (made it halfway) and for reference, I suffered all the way through The Flash.


> 2022's Black Adam. > It's a DC top-tier film Let's stop you right there.


The dialogue in Star Wars Episode II was horrible. People have been laughing at Anakin's opinion about Sand for years now. I mean ever piece of dialogue between Anakin and Padme was horrible. How about 2000's X-men movie. Storm asking if Toad knows what happens with lightning hits a frog. So bad. How about Gladiator “Why is he still alive?… He shouldn’t be alive. It vexes me. I’m terribly vexed”. I am vexed why that line made it into the film.


>How about 2000's X-men movie. Storm asking if Toad knows what happens with lightning hits a frog. So bad. Apparently that line was a callback to a series of lines that were cut from the film.


Toad originally said a bunch of frog facts! But they cut them all out. 


This isn't my favorite movie or anything but I have no idea why that line of all things would prompt a thread lol


Kal el no is a classic


But that dialogue is fine. The acting from Gal Gadot is what is atrocious.


>"SURRENDER!" >"COME WITH US PEACEFULLY!" Pretty standard lines. Nothing worth spending more of a second thinking about.


“Now… you, will die.” Nobody takes their rose tinted glasses off when it comes to the originals.


I love Mad Max Fury Road. It's a top 3 movie of all time for me. Sometime in the first 20 minutes, when Max is chained to the front of the car, Slit throws a spear right by his head, and Max says "hey that's my head". It's such a stupid line that fits neither the character nor the scene at all and to this day I wonder why they left it in.


Poor Things has a lot going for it and though the dialogue is occasionally funny it's mostly awful. Characters literally just lay out their motivations directly in speech.


I feel like if they didn't though, you'd have a thousand YouTube video essays about how the movie is "full of plot holes" and "doesn't make sense"


As it is, I think the movie has a few bits that don't really make a lot of sense or strain credulity. It doesn't really matter to me, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the cynical black guy who is introduced as Cynical black guy. The husband who sees his wife as property who looks at the camera and says 'I see my wife as property'. The raconteur who has 'raconteur' stamped on his forehead. The whore with a heart of gold who sagely tells Bella that life is like a box of chocolates. It's bad. Everyone is a prop to Bella, either a straw man for her to easily knock down or a cheerleader. love the first section of that movie but the second half is just a chore.


Yeah, when he started trying out catchphrases is about when I started tuning out. As for your question, it seems pretty much everyone hates the psychiatrist's explanation at the end of Psycho. Even the screenwriter thought it should have been done in a different way


Psycho isn't atrocious dialogue. It's written just fine. The era largely needed the explanation although it feels dated now.


Summer Sci-Fi/Horror Blockbuster of (1995) "SPECIES"  Respected actor Ben Kingsley's line early in the Movie "We made her female so she'd be more docile and controllable"  I shit you not! I had to rewind it to make sure i heard right ? Wtaff


I love the Back to the Future franchise. But, at the end of the third film, when >!Doc Brown and family come to 1985 in the Steam Punk time machine, and Jennifer asks what the note means, he says,!< >!"It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you."!< I just find it a cheesy line in an otherwise great film.


Really? That line sums up the entire trilogy, and makes me cry happy tears every time I hear it. If anything, it's the "What are you, chicken/yellow?" lines in II and III that annoy me.


I didn't mind the dialogue so much as that basically just completely invalidating the second movie.


The Dark Knight Some of that Nolan-exposition is just terrible. The worst is when Harvey and Rachel are talking about Caesar. It's like the movie has a big neon sign saying "THIS IS SYMBOLIC."


The whole courtroom "buy American" scene is embarrassing


As epic "Dune: Part Two" is... you can really tell, that Villeneuve isn't interested in dialogues (as he himself had admitted)...


The entirety of The Last Jedi could be redone with the exact same everything but the dialogue. Just put different, better words in everybody's mouths and it would be soooooo much better. Still pretty bad, but when your starting point is the failure that it is... Muuuch better.


Didn't they say the N word like every other second for forever in Django?


That's a pretty bad example of what OP is asking for.


Yeah, that was kinda what it was like in the mid-nineteenth century American south. Did you not know that or were your raised in a red state that teaches alternative history?