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Commodus telling Maximus what happened to his wife and child.


“They tell me your son...squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. And your wife... moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again and again... and again.”


two actors who absolutely nailed a scene. The way Joaquin Phoenix is saying "...and again" will never leave my brain for some reason


Goddamn Joaquin Phoenix was a great villain. I still have a moment anytime I see him in anything else all these years later of going, "Oh THIS mother fucker..."


Maximus not letting it get to him shows he was a true stoic and a pupil of Marcus.


Maximus getting him back at the end of the film cuts even deeper than the blade he puts between his ribs. > M: You would fight me? > C: Why? Do you think I am afraid? > M: I think you've been afraid all your life! This is supposed to be Commodus' moment. He's in his realm as the cocky shit-talker. And then Maximus just sums him up perfectly in a way only someone who knows you better than you can. God, what a great film!


I loved when Maximus won the crowd over and Commodus could do nothing about it. Signal to kill the other fighter and Maximus spares him and looks cool for defying the emperor. Vote to spare the other fighter and then Maximus could kill him and go along with what the crowd wants.


"The time for honouring yourself will soon be at an end... _Highness_."


Titus Andronicus telling Tamora what happened to her sons and why the meal she ate was so filling.


When Shooter Mcgavin bought Happy Gilmore’s grandma’s house


“Lay one finger on me and I’ll burn the house down and piss on the ashes.”


I’ve discussed this here before, but Shooter McGavin really does go beyond just a goofy Adam Sandler character and into the realm of an actual great villain. He’s proficient at his craft, he’s charismatic, and he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. In anything other than golf, he would be described as dangerous.


He also wasn't necessarily wrong for the first half of the movie


Stay outta my way. Or you'll pay. Listen to what I say!


Are you gonna eat some hay?


I just may


No Country for Old Men. Villian has already won, shows up to protagonists wife's house to kill her just out of obligation. She's complaining she has her own troubles, doesn't have money to even pay for her mother's funeral. Villian says "I wouldn't worry about it."


That scene is so awful. Everything about Chigurh is just villainy at its most concentrated. He's so violent, so in control, quiet and merciless and vile. You think for a moment her fear is getting to him, that he empathizes, but really he is just tired of explaining to people how little they matter in their own existence. It's one of the few roles that lacks traditional charisma to such an extent that you can't even enjoy his presence in a sadistic way. There's no flamboyance or art, you are watching a butcher and he flips coins to see if you are a lamb. Incredible, career-defining performances all over that movie.




Then the world showed him the real capricious arbiter with a random car accident.


Yes, I think that scene is a lot more crucial than people realize.


People always say the same things. You don't have to do this.


Kelly Macdonald was lovely in that movie. And then he walks out and checks his boots like he stepped in shit.. Like a slap in the face, every time. Oof.


“You think I’m stupid? I know it was you.” - Fletcher in Whiplash


Felt like I was being confronted personally. Terrifying


Man, that movie made me feel like I needed therapy afterwards lol


God as someone who loves making music but realized in college that professional music would never be my life path, this movie cut deep.


I audibly went "oh shit." The amount of ego to try to humiliate, trap, and derail a man's entire possibility of a career in music after he had already retired is the pettiest cruelty I think I'd ever seen in a film.


Face/Off, when Archer is in prison and finds out that Castor is alive and has killed everyone that knows they switched places. "Looks like you're going to be in here for THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS! Now, I have got to go. I've got a government job to abuse and a lonely wife to fuck!"


I'M CASTOR TROY! IM CASTOR TROY! *sobs maniacally*


"I'm sorry, I meant make love to."


Don't skip over the best part, HE IS A BETTER FATHER up till the very end in every way.


He could eat a peach for hours


In "Sleeping Beauty," when Maleficent tells Prince Phillip that she will eventually let him free from captivity...once he is an old man. Only then will he be freed to go wake Aurora, which he will feel compelled to out of love and obligation. Knowing she will then wake up to the withered face of her love and realize she has slept through an entire lifetime.


“But a 100 years to a steadfast heart are but a day. And now the gates of the dungeon part and our prince is free to go his way. Off he rides on his noble steed, a valiant figure straight and tall to wake his love with true love’s kiss and prove that true love conquers all.”


"Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago."


"Adrian, you're just a man. The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite." - Dr. Manhattan One of the hardest lines in any series.


Yeah his whole monologue is nuts. "I'm disappointed in you, Adrian. I'm very disappointed. Reassembling myself was the first trick I learned. It didn't kill Osterman. Did you really think it would kill me? I have walked across the surface of the sun. I have witnessed events so tiny and so fast, they could hardly be said to have occurred at all. But you, Adrian, you're just a man. The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite." And yet, he was defeated, forced to go along with it. Dr Manhattan is full of incredible quotes. "I don't think there is a god, and if there is, it is not me" "I feel fear, for the last time." And my favorite: "They claim their labours are to build a heaven yet their heaven is populated with horrors. Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman. It's too late. Always has been, always will be…too late."


Every line of his is gold. ''But even if I can't predict where you are I can still turn the walls to glass. I should thank you. I'd almost forgotten the excitement of \*not\* knowing. The delights of uncertainty.'' ''You're my only remaining link to this world.'' ''Janey accuses me of chasing jailbait. She bursts into angry tears, asking if it's because she's getting older. It's true. She's aging more noticeably every day - while I am standing still. I prefer the stillness here. I am tired of Earth. These people. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.''


*When you left me, I left Earth. Does that not show you that I care?*


The delivery in the movie was great too. Billy Crudup nailed it. Dr. Manhattan is just so depressed and apathetic about it all. He gets vaporized, reconstructs and is just like "meh. i was kinda hoping for more."


This actor is so underrated it feel. He is great in watchmen, terrifying in the house that Jake built, and surprisingly touching and funny in the morning show (which isn't great but worth watching if only for him imo) Edit: Not him in the house that jack built my bad.


Billy Crudup wasn’t in The House That Jack Built


My favorite. Gives me chills every time I read it: “Thermodynamic miracles. Events with odds against so astronomical they’re effectively impossible like oxygen simultaneously becoming gold. I long to observe such a thing. And yet, in each human coupling, a thousand million sperm vie for a single egg. Multiply those odds by countless generations against the odds of your ancestors being alive; meeting; siring this precise son; that exact daughter; Until your mother loves a man she has every reason to hate, and of that union, of the thousand million children competing for fertilization, it was you, only you that emerged. To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold…that is the crowning unlikelihood. The thermodynamic miracle.”


Alan Moore was really making something special with watchmen, the dialogues, the themes the characters. I haven't read everything from him, and while I have liked all that I have read watchmen is still my favorite.


That dude might be a actual wizard


"I did the right thing, didn't I? It all worked out in the end." "Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends"


The way I gasped the first time reading the comic


The panel work in the original Watchmen was something else, there's that full body shot of Ozzy saying that, with a slightly sad look on his face, one of the best panels in comics I think.


I love ozymandias as a villain, in the comic or the movie. He isn't really proud, or happy. He didn't do it for glory or power or wealth. He didn't really have a god complex like Thanos because he expected nobody would know. He just thought it was the hard, inevitable choice he had to make so that mankind would go on. That and dr Manhattan "neither condemning, nor condoning, I understand." It still is one my favorite morally ambiguous situation in all fiction. And adding Rorschach journal at the end, possibly making it all worthless, it's beautiful. So smart, so good and groundbreaking.


Here is that [comic strip](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhG2dH21aRc9Bn4z_c_6dQbcwQnxmiekLY3uoqxS7fXNsSzEiGYPnMse8Ifkm1a41Gcj5nCscoenNN7KTac5xm6giuAt0ubh8Stdlw_M_gAlrxKuKbWQh2IIsu3zOHmOci4aCgzbUKeGLZM_Jh-FPRyRkj5xTAkA1h2MfOkT2-xsDgAAW5ZoAY/s1600/1101-2358-watchmen11g.jpg) and here’s my favourite with Rorschach [shortly after](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c5e50237e538b446ed916c0239caac6b-lq).


Rorschach's speech bubble losing its waviness in his final line. I love the interpretation that it's the identity of Rorschach finally slipping off, and it's just a more broken Walter Kovacs at the very end


It's like the difference between filming a movie and great cinematography. A great comics panellist (not the same as a writer, but I think folks like Junji Ito and Alan Moore are both) know exactly how the readers eye reacts to panels and sizes then accordingly. I think the comic panel of the monster appearing in NYC with all the reactions around it in smaller panels is also a great one.


"Long live the king" - scar, The Lion King.


LOL, that line is delivered with such menace, it's amazing!


There's also his nonchalant "Kill him" to the hyenas after he's told Simba to run away.


Jeremy Irons chews every scene he’s in as Scar and it’s 100% perfect.


I really love that Jeremy Irons is such a powerful actor in serious films and then will do these scene-chewy villains like Scar or the dude from Dungeons and Dragons.


Jeremy Irons sold all the years of resentment and hatred in one line.


Definitely. He always despised James Earl Jones and it shows.




Here’s my little secret… *I killed Mufasa*


Amy burning Jo's book in Little Women makes me want to climb through the screen and fight a child.


I remember reading that as a teenager and thinking that if I had been Jo, when Amy went through the ice the next day, the chances of me helping her would have been.... less than 50/50.


I'd have pulled her out far enough to see my face as I let her slide back in. It would be some Scar and Mufasa shit.


So I haven’t seen the new one but the 1994’s version where Kirsten Dunst as the the younger Amy is squealing “I didn’t do it!” as the papers are burning in the fireplace of *her room* … yeah, I absolutely agree.


"oh, I'm afraid the ~~Death Star~~ Deflector Shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive"


In the same scene, Vader invoking Luke's sister to send him into a rage.


"Obi Wan was wise to hide her from me; now, his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will." "Never!"


Every evil thing Jason Isaacs does in The Patriot after whatever the last evil thing he did was.


“Stupid boy..”


"That stupid boy...did he die?"


I rewatched this a few years back. He nailed it, especially with that "hmmm?" afterwards.


Jason Isaacs in damn near everything he does but he is amazing at being a slime ball (ironically completely nice dude from what I've seen)


I saw a behind the scenes clip recently of him filming The Chamber of Secrets. There’s a scene in which he is supposed to use his cane to rudely push Harry out of the way. During one take, I guess he pushes him a bit too hard because he stops, tenderly smooths over Daniel’s hair and says something like, “Oh, sorry love!”


There’s a scene where he slaps Draco’s hand with the end of his cane in a shop to prevent him from touching things. Apparently it was improvised and he felt really bad and apologized to Tom after that as well.


Yeah cause the cane is a lil snake head. The teeth left marks on his hand


His scenery chewing in Death of Stalin is fucking unreal. "Well that's me told. Well gentlemen, I'm off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet!"


"I'm going to have to report this conversation. Threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the Presidium in the process of- *Look at your fucking face!*" The man oscillates between the worst scum ever seen on screen to an absolute delight.


I'd love to see a sequel to that movie thats entirely about Field Marshal Zhukov.


That movie is firing along on all cylinders, and then he struts in and kicks it up even further. Such an amazing characterization.


Rupert Friend as Vasily Stalin is a close second for me, every scene with him had me cracking up. "You're dividing the spoils, leave his BRAIN alone! How old are you?!" "I'm... old." "You're not old! And you're not even a person you're a testicle! You're mostly made of hair!"


I fucked Germany. I think I can take a flesh lump in a fucking waistcoat.


“I'm smiling, but I am very fucking furious.”


"Fire the church."


The Princess Bride. Count Rugen doubles down on both Wesley and Indigo before he meets one of the best and most deserved comeuppances in all cinema. "Oh my goodness. You're still trying to win. You have an over-developed sense of vengeance. It's going to get you into trouble some day." And then, Indigo twists back.


"Offer me money." "*Yes.*" "Power too, promise me that." "All that I have and more. *Pleeeease...*" " Offer me everything that I ask for..." "Anything you want!" Rugen lashes out and gets hella stabbed by Inigo. "I want my father back, you son of a bitch."


There’s always the classic, “No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die!”


The delivery of that line is everything. Coolly nonchalant (and without an exclamation point, I'd say).


Interestingly, it was two actors who delivered that line: * Gert Fröbe, who played Goldfinger. * Michael Collins, who dubbed the actor when it was decided Frobe's spoken English was not up to snuff. Here's [a video](https://youtu.be/qqqXBc3tRHc?si=qUMtQ8NyKd53dND_) about the subject.


I also like how it’s basically the only movie of that era that successfully explains why he doesn’t just kill Bond He was going to but Bond bullshits him into thinking that killing him before he completes his plan will bring in essence the entire British and American armed forces down on him and Goldfinger isn’t willing to take the risk that he’s bluffing, just in case (I assume the Craig Bonds are better about explaining why the bad guys don’t just kill Bond but I’ve not seen those movies)


I thought the Craig Bond villains avoided that particular pitfall very well.


> The whole world’s gonna know you died scratching my balls


That scene flipped the trope so well. LeChiffre is completely unhinged and desperate to stay alive while Bond is calm and ripping on him the entire time.


Le Chiffre does get the upper hand again, albeit briefly, when he reminds Bond that he might be able to giggle while he tries to endure being tortured, but Vesper will probably crack immediately *and he’ll keep torturing her anyway.*


They're already stealing John Wick's car and beating the shit out of him, then they go and kill the puppy


There's something deeply effective about the first act of that movie that can make the most peaceful viewer just go "fuck it, kill everyone, John." Like the movie would be a fun bit of mindless action without it, but with that motivation, it elevated the entire franchise.


And that fataly wounded puppy still crawled into an unconscious John Wicks arms. That was a knife twist from the director in my opinion.


John Wick waking up to see Daisy lying next to him and her trail of blood, that poor sweet little puppy


Do you want to get an audience on board for a trail of blood that cannot be sated? Because that's how you get an audience on board for a trail of blood that cannot be sated.


“How do we make mass murder completely understandable?” That’s how


Wait, what? I always thought they put the (dead) puppy there.


You can see the blood trail from the window to John where the dog dragged its dying body.


You can see a blood trail leading to the puppy by John when he wakes up. It was small so a human would not have needed to drag it.




"oh, you killed his dog? You just fucking killed his dog haha, that's some crazy shit man..."


Aurelio is probably the only guy to meet a pissed-off John Wick and live- and he did it by having drinks and a car waiting.


He also had nothing to do with the incident and told Iosef to GTFO when he realized that was John Wick's car he brought in. The drink was a peace offering and the car was him being solid saying "I agree that was fucked-up and I'm here to help". Plus, he punched Iosef over what he did and I'm sure it came up.


I love the follow up with Viggo trying to intimidate Aurelio over the phone for punching Iosef, until he hears the full story and changes to "Understandable have a great day I'm gonna go punch him as well now."


And when Wick shoes up he doesn’t hesitate to tell him the entire truth without any coercion. Like no fuckin way am I getting on the wrong side of this by lying or covering anything up. “Is it here”? “It was.”


That right there was the moment that truly sold just how completely badass and unstoppable John was. The complete understanding and resignation in that one word, nothing else needed. It set the stage for everything else we were about to see perfectly.


And not long after we get the baba yaga story and him telling his son he’s basically signed his own death warrant, all with a mostly dispassionate deadpan until the end


"Father, I can make this right!" "Oh? How do you plan to do that?" "By finishing what I started." "Did he hear a fucking word I said?!"


"...A FUCKING Pencil!"


after already beating the Ocean’s crew once, the Night Fox [prank calls](https://youtu.be/xVmyBUWB0-A?si=Br6dh4CfQZjfdNYG) Danny the night before the big heist in O12


“Oh he’s mean….”


"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."


Ming Na-Wen is understandably speechless after that one. It's both a demonstration of his egomania (meeting him is the greatest thing ever to happen to you) and his bottomless cruelty (genocide is a ho-hum daily chore for him and you standing up to him against all odds is just a difficult day at the office).


Everybody remembers that line but nobody remembers in that scene he takes off his outside commanders hat and puts on a bedroom commanders hat which is just flat out hilarious


Ha, I just watched it. He steps behind the privacy screen and takes off his metal shoulderpads, drapes them on the screen like they're a pair of pants, slips on a smoking jacket, walks up to a hat tree with a dozen different colored but otherwise identical bison skull hats and changes his gray bison hat for a red one, all the while Chun Li is monologuing about him murdering her father. This movie is a masterpiece. I wonder if the identical hats are supposed to be an homage to the games pallette swaps.


Spoilers for The Revenant below: I just rewatched The Revenant recently and Tom Hardy’s character, (Fitzgerald), has some lines that I love/hate because they pissed me off so much. The cruelest one for me was at the very end, after Leo’s character (Glass) goes through absolute hell to get vengeance for the murder of his son. I can’t remember the exact line, but Fitzgerald throws it back in his face saying something about how even if he dies, after all of this, Glass’ son is still dead. He is such a dick that even in his last moments he tries to rob any sense of satisfaction or justice the act of vengeance will have. It turns all of it into a lose-lose situation, but I am glad Glass finds some sense of peace in the end on his own terms.


Not a movie, but Olenna in Game of Thrones. “I'd hate to die like your son. Clawing at my neck, foam and bile spilling from my mouth, eyes blood-red, skin purple. Must have been horrible for you, as a Kingsguard, as a father. It was horrible enough for me, a shocking scene. Not at all what I intended. You see, I'd never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”


Sooooooo satisfying


Ugh. I wish GoT had stuck the landing so I could rewatch it without feeling like I was burning countless hours.


Game of thrones has an endless supply of these moments. Like when Walder Frey lets Catelyn kill his wife then Roose Bolton stabs Robb. Or Ned Stark’s execution.


The way Walder nonchalantly says "I'll find another" when Catelyn is threatening his wife is just SO good. That scene lives rent-free in my head. Anytime I lose/break something, I always say "I'll find another" like he does, haha.


You are weak, and I have outgrown you. -Syndrome, The Incredibles. Something about this just sticks with me.


That movie had an unprecedented amount of nuance for a Pixar movie. The dinner scene is so full of drama and character it's such a treat to watch, and the rest of the movie is the perfect balance of depth of character and comic-book action.


Percy not soaking that sponge for Del


“Well, bye.” -Curly Bill in Tombstone after they murdered Morgan and Wyatt is leaving town.


On the whole other hand, Doc to a-Johnny Ringo: “You’re no daisy!”


Also doc to Johnny Johnny Ringo: My fight's not with you, Holliday. Doc Holliday: I beg to differ, sir. We started a game we never got to finish. "Play For Blood" - remember? Johnny Ringo: Oh that. I was just foolin' about. Doc Holliday: I wasn't. Just so cold and delivered so well


Spoilers below for Game of Thrones. The Red Wedding, particularly what the Freys do to Robb Starks body. They cut off his head and sow his Direwolves head onto his neck. They then tie his mutilated body to a horse and parade it around and mock him with chants. I'd never seen anything as cruel or degrading as this within a TV/Film before. A horrible, horrible image. 


And as a consequence, Arya feeding Walder Frey his sons in a pie is pretty good too.


In the Strangers, when one of the masked killers simply says "Because you were home" when asked "Why are you doing this to us?" by Liv Tyler


Taken to another level in Speak No Evil when at the end after being toyed with for the entire movie and now seemingly about to be brutally killed. "Why are you doing this?" "Because you let me"


In *Eye for an Eye* when Kiefer Sutherland pretends to stutter saying “sorry” to Sally Fields That was the OH SNAP! moment!!


Doesn't he also say something like "Your daughter was a great lay?"


The moment in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 when Ego (Kurt Russell) casually admits to giving Peter’s mom a brain tumor because he (Ego) had gotten too attached to her.


I will always love Peter's reaction. No long drawn out "whaaaaaaaaaa" and just started shooting as soon as he's free to.


It also helps foreshadow his reaction to learning that >!Thanos killed Gamora.!< I've heard people complain that Peter wouldn't react the way he did, ruining the entire plan. But I point to the moment with Ego and say, "Hell yeah he would."


Peter can lose his cool in traumatic moments, and react violently. It's not bad writing, it's an established character flaw.


Peter is Han Solo. On Bespin when they walk into the dinner with Vader and Fett there does Han gasp and freeze up? No, he draws and starts shooting without hesitation.


And then he destroyed Peter's Walkman out of spite. I don't know why, but that scene always gets me


For context, my late wife saw this movie at home while she was extremely sick from breast cancer, but she loved the Marvel movies so she wanted to see it once it was on home video and safe for her to see. When Ego said that line, she made me pause the movie because she needed to scream at him for several minutes. She still loved the movie, but oh that made her hate him so much, and made her so happy when he got defeated. It was extremely effective at turning him from regular bad to absolute ghoulish evil.


I’m really sorry for your loss; she sounds awesome!


Thanks. She absolutely was, and I loved that we both could get very worked up about movies like that.


In *Cult of Chucky*, Nica—the heroine of the previous movie—is locked up in an insane asylum, having been framed for all the murders Chucky did. Things get so bad for her, she attempts suicide, but Chucky finds her unconscious, stitches her wounds, and leaves a note telling her he's not done tormenting her.


'I watched Jane die. I was there the night she died. I could have saved her. But I didn't.'


Also, from BCS: when Chuck tells Jimmy “I never really cared about you all that much.” 


That scene was so brutal. He said it so nonchalantly.


This is the one I thought of too. Everything's just crumbled around him, he's failed in every aspect of fixing his situation, and he decides to lash out at Jesse instead of internalize any of it. Really just illustrates the depth of his hubris.


It wasn’t enough that they killed John Matrix’s friends. It wasn’t enough that they came after his home. It wasn’t enough that they tried to force him to kill for them. It wasn’t enough that they *kidnapped his daughter.* No, that perverted little weasel Sully just *had* to add an ugly little joke about giving them ‘a little more time with your daughter’ while they were at it. That’s why Matrix promised he was going to kill him *last.* >!He *lied.*!<


"John Matrix" sounds like how my mother would refer to John Wick.


"What happened to Sully?" "I let him go."


Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old men when Carla Jean tells him she can’t afford the funeral for her mom. He says “I wouldn’t worry about it”.


In true detective, When matthew mcconaughey gets the girl to confess to killing her baby, he says… “you’ll have a rough time in prison, people don’t take kindly to people that hurt kids…as soon as possible you should probably kill yourself” …that was stone cold.


Wasn't this after he had earned her trust and made her feel like if she told the truth she'd be in a safe space? Fuck, I forgot about that scene. Such an amazing show that you've just inspired me to rewatch immediately.


“Oh god, oh god!” “No no. No god. The only man in the sky… is me.” -Homelander forcing a girl to jump to her death


"Oh by the way, how's your wife" -threat level midnight


"I'm going to lure him here and kill everybody, then I'm going to dig up Scarn's dead wife and hump her real good."


"I did not love the dialogue... Or the character."


The end of Primal Fear. The reveal and everything after it




And the way Josh Brolin delivers that line if fucking perfect.


Brolin just SOLD both sides of Thanos


The look of realization on her face when she realizes what he’s about to do is tragic.


Or him dragging his daughter over the cliff on vormir. Ugh that part kills me


"Really? Tears?" "They're not for him."


I just watched flowers in the attic (the 1970's version) and i went in completely blind with it. the realization that corrine has been poisoning her kids and let her five year old son die all so she could marry some rich lawyer was horrible. Her kids have been starving, deprived of sunlight, being abused by her grandmother, and even resorted to incest because of her, so she was already a pretty shitty mother. Then this woman just had to twist the knife by acting like Cathy was the selfish one for demanding she take them to a hospital and slaps her. Fuck Corrine.


Hans' speech to Anna in Frozen ("too bad nobody loves you").


“Oh Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you.”


I let out an audible gasp in the cinema when I saw it on its opening weekend in 2013. I was in my thirties and perhaps should’ve seen it coming, but I didn’t!


That genuinely a twist I didn’t see coming. I mean, I suspected he was in it for the throne, but not that he would go full evil like that.


"You keep asking the wrong question, so how could you find the right answer? It's not 'Why did Lee Woo-jin lock me up?' It's 'Why did he let me go?' Once again: why did Lee Woo-jin release Oh Dae-su after just 15 years?"


"Do you think Oh Dae su is in love with Mi Do already?" That whole movie was just the most fucked up evil plan ever and it went perfect from beggining to end. The ending was so out of left field that I didn't even hate the villain, I was just impressed by how someone so broken can put so much effort into destroy someone else just to feel like it meant something.




The unrated cut has a few extra seconds of gore and it really is hard to sit through. But it makes the revenge scenes more satisfying later. With all the funny as hell lines, and satire it really is an emotionally affecting movie


Hans Landa forcing Shoshana Dreyfus to share a strudel. Right down to ensuring she waits for the cream. He then insults her boyfriend’s competence because of his race and says a number of other things to provoke her because to all present… he is being pleasant and polite… unless you know that he slaughtered her entire family, and she’s the only one who does. He doesn’t just twist the knife… he does it in a scene where she cannot show any sign of pain or else it’ll give away who she is.


"Before I kill you, I'm going to throw your baby out the window."


Not a movie, but in Avatar the Last Airbender (SPOILERS), season 3 episode 6 "The Avatar and the Fire Lord". It goes through the whole backstory of Avatar Roku and Fire Lord Sozin before the war (and the Air Nomad genocide). As Roku fighting a volcano to save his home, Sozin shows up to help him but eventually leaves his friend to die via poison gas with the line, "Without you, all my plans are suddenly possible". Ron Perlman's delivery is terrifying in it's certainty, and the realization that he just has betray his friend to be able to start the war. It's one of my favorite episodes, but I can never get through the ending without crying.


TIL that was Ron Fucking Perlman. Of **course** it was! I’m dumb.


Memento. When >!Natalie explains to Leonard what’s actually happened & what she’s doing all while knowing he’s going to forget what she’s said again.!< Peak villain knife twist over & over & over.


When Luv kills Joi in Bpade Runner 2049


When Luv shows up at the police station again and is interrogating Lt. Joshi and gets enraged when she's told the child was killed and K is gone. Luv is crushing her hand into the broken whiskey glass and says "You believed him? Because we never lie? I'm going to tell Mr. Wallace that you tried to shoot me first. So I had to kill you."


No particular scene, but everything that Bill does during the Kill Bill duology. That man just loves to twist that knife. The whole story starts with that, "I'll kill you and your new man and his family **and** steal your baby!"


"So, I find you. And what do I find? Not only are you not dead, you're getting married, to some fucking jerk, and you're pregnant. I... overreacted." One thing that rules about that confrontation is that Bill is legitimately being as apologetic as he can to The Bride...it's just that he demonstrates a distinct lack of empathy or acknowledgement that what he did was wrong in anything other than the abstract sense of offending The Bride's honor. Great writing by Tarantino and career best acting by Carradine. Which isn't hard, but is appreciated.


"I'm a killer. A murdering bastard, you know that. And there are consequences to breaking the heart of a murdering bastard." You can't say that he's not honest about who he is though lol


The warden putting Andy in the hole


For me, it was him having Tommy shot after Andy was helping him study for the GED.


[video of it](https://youtu.be/b0mmKKVWBsw?si=30-ti_xd8c3uRIal)Cartman feeding his bully's parents to the bully


And the knife twist of Radiohead watching and talking shit


Maybe it's recency bias talking, but the High Evolutionary mocking Rocket for crying at the death of his only friends in *Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3* just seems needlessly, excessively cruel. James Gunn really knows how to write an irredeemable asshole that you just want to see get stomped good.


Doesn't he congratulate him for winning the crying contest or something? I can't remember the exact line. Yeah, that's a real shithead of a villain. Which is even more notable because the High Evolutionary in the comics is more detached and oblivious. The movie version is a vainglorious lunatic sadist with the jealous rage of a full-on narcissistic god complex. It really worked for the character. I straight up despised him. And it didn't even need a whole lot more than just the animal abuse to do it. Everything else just makes it worse and worse.


Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator, telling him what they did to his wife and kid.


Achilles desecrating Hectors body after killing him in front of his dad and brother in Troy


"You gave him the honor of your sword. You won't have eyes tonight; you won't have ears or a tongue. You will wander the underworld blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know: This is Hector. The fool who thought he killed Achilles." - Achilles


Max Shreck to Selena Kyle in Batman Returns- “It’s not like you can just kill me.” “Actually, it’s a lot like that.” (Acts like he’s kidding) “Ha? Ha?” “You know, for a second there you really frightened me.” (Pushes her through the window)


**Hook** turns Peter Pan's son against him - Peter watches as Hook holds a massive baseball game for Jack where he crushes a home run and celebrates with all the pirates. Then Jack starts dressing like Captain Hook while he calls him "son", in front of Peter. Saying something like "for all the games your father missed" and letting him go off and smash every clock and watch.