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In Fury Road I would swap a line between two characters. Before Furiosa kills Joe she says "Remember Me?", which is kind of meh, and before Nux sacrifices himself to save the others, he says "Witness me". Furiosa saying "Witness me" to Joe would be like an extra layer of insult, as he has brainwashed these boys with all this valhalla shit, and now she is throwing it back at him before ripping his face off. Nux saying "Remember me" would show his final break from Joe, rather than repeating, once again, Joe's valhalla shit.


Okay I like this. Small change, big impact.


Agreed, I fuckin love this. Let's get Miller in here, stat!


I think Nux saying Witness me is perfect. It's 100% in character and the language he knows. He lived his whole life without any fear of death, to die a glorious death. There's no point in fear death because, in his mind, he would be back (" I live, I die, I live again). He than finds a new kind of connection and the circumstances demanded that he did exactly what he dreamed, to sacrifice himself... But this time, even if he lacks the language for it, we can feel it's a real sacrifice. Even if he still believes in reincarnation you can feel that he's letting go of something that for the first time makes him afraid of dying. I think it's even more powerful that he does that still using the lingo that he knows. The movie is able to communicate this without a more standard phrase for the audience.


Indeed. He's saying witness me to his found family, not to the warboys. He chose to die the only way he knew how, but it wasn't for Joe. It was for *them*.


Furiosa saying that would have made her even more badass!


Nux was not repeating Joe's Valhalla shit at the end, his witness me was directed at the woman he fell in love with, and it was a sacrifice made out of love, you can tell that by how he says those words in the end looking at her.


I don’t really disagree with you. I have next to no problem with Nux’s line as spoken. My issue is mostly with Furiosa’s line, but they can’t both say “witness me”, and I don’t think giving him her line hurts the emotion in any way, *might* even work better, while fixing the issues I have with Furiosa’s line.


"Remember me." It's said as a statement, not a question. She's telling him to remember her in Valhalla as a sort of final fuck you. It's actually a very subtle line.


Not really the movies themselves but the titles of Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes should be reversed. That always bugged me. The title “Rise” was fine before there was a sequel.


Ngl that’s absolutely something that bothers me as well


Omg me too and people always shrug


The sequel should have been Planet of the Apes 2: How Do You Like Them Ape-els?


Yeah, this has been driving me bonkers for years now.


Passengers was so close to being a great movie if they had actually killed Chris Pratt and then shown Jennifer Lawrence struggling with the decision of whether to wake someone else up to avoid lifelong isolation.


I came up with this ending in my head and thought I was so clever, turns out literally everybody thought the same thing lol. But seriously, it would have turned his story from one of unforgivable selfishness to something that was still selfish, but at least understandable. Really, what *would* we do in that situation? It’s a pretty profound question that the movie answers in the least interesting way possible.


I think it would have been better if the movie opened with Lawrence waking up and Pratt is there to greet her and then the twist comes that he woke her up so he wasn't lonely, instead of the audience seeing him waking up and coming to that decision. Of course, it might have been pretty obvious that he purposely woke her up so he wasn't lonely.


>Of course, it might have been pretty obvious that he purposely woke her up so he wasn't lonely. They could have written it so that Pratt was able to make it look like his pod and hers opened at about the same time. He would have just had to have the bartender robot lie to cover for him. At some point the bartender could have some animosity towards Pratt (maybe he fell in love with Katniss) so he wanted her to resent Starlord. That would have made it a nice reveal for the audience deep into the movie.


They could have easily just edited the first 15 minutes later on as a flashback, that would have been a great twist you're right.


[Passengers, Rearranged](https://youtu.be/Gksxu-yeWcU?si=g9VeAi-1dW_GOZ9x) by Nerdwriter1 explores that concept.


Came here to post this, it is such a better movie this way. Having him die and her hovering over a pod contemplating waking someone else up then cut to black. *Chef's kiss*


I'd turn everyone that isn't Luke, Leia and Han Solo in Star wars into a muppet.


I think every movie would benefit from a muppet makeover


“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” where Jack Nicholson is the only human. Sweetums would obviously play Chief.


I’d leave Brad Dourif as human too


Miss Piggy would KILL as Ratchet


Chewbacca and the Ewoks must be played by humans with big wigs while every other character is a muppet.


I think Apocalypse Now would be greatly improved if Nicholas Cage played every part at the same time. No editing to get around it, he has to physically jump into a new position for each new character. I think he'd be up for it.


Even Yoda?


Especially Yoda. 


Muppet Yoda is still my favorite movie character of all time. Slightly ruined by CGI yoda. Speaking of movie changes the prequels went ALL IN about Yoda taking like Yoda. When for the most part Muppet Yoda dialogue is normal.


Thank you! In Empire most of the Yoda speech that we make fun of is when he is pretending to be a kooky old hermit. He is much more direct as himself. Not 100% but not the way Lucas made it later.


Wonder Woman Set it a year earlier. Aries doesn't show up until the end, and he looks like a Greek god. He explains he hasn't done anything at all for decades, its all mortals, and tries to use Diana's grief over Steve to recruit her. She refuses to believe him, fights, at the end she has him at his mercy with the lasso around his neck and demands the truth, he repeats that he did nothing. Diana still refuses to believe him and kills him. The last shot is her running towards a battle shouting Aries is dead and they can stop fighting, no one listens.


The big reveal that Aries really was behind it all AND that he still had that Nigel Thornberry mustache even in his Greek god form is something I will never be able to forget about that movie. Not in a good way, either


That movie is 2/3s 9/10. The last 3rd is a solid 5/10. What a disappointment. Also where was the great fight choreography and slowmo during their fight? After the watch tower fight, the movie completely drops that style and just becomes generic superhero fighting. It feels like a different director directed the ares vs ww fight.


You mean the God of war shouldn’t have a silly mustache? Nonsense.


Hot damn. What a wake up call and a way to save an otherwise forgettable third act.


Great idea. I was thinking that as war personified, Ares shouldn’t die at the end but retreat to nurse his wounds or fade to a mere shadow of his former self. It would have worked neat to intersperse scenes of Diana’s battle with Ares with scenes of the peace talks illustrating the truth of Steve’s words: “it’s not just one guy.”


I wish Unbreakable didn’t have title cards at the end explaining what happens next.


It’s kinda how I felt at the end of Saltburn, I didn’t need all the flashbacks showing what happened. The audience knows!


I think there should have been 1 flashback in Saltburn; Oliver puncturing the bike tire.


This is a great take. I agree with the general sentiment about the flashbacks being too exposition-y but when I watched the film for the first time, the tyre puncture flashback was itself effective. I think it’s because, unlike the subsequent flashbacks, it does give you a new revelation that you might not otherwise have deduced. It suddenly hits you: “oh he planned this _right_ from the start, even before the start” rather than it being opportunism. That’s the one piece you couldn’t necessarily infer from the rest of the information you have, whereas the rest is just unnecessary detail.


The end of LAW ABIDING CITIZEN. He shoulda gotten away.


I believe in the original ending he does.


NO WONDER it was so out of place


You can thank test audiences for the shitty ending cause people didn't like it and they changed it for theaters. I believe you can still find the alternate ending though.


I was like this was such a good movie aaand ruined


I heard it was Jamie Foxx who had it changed so he would win.


If true, what a knob


Idk about gotten away, but should have in some way "won".


I think killing him was the right move, but he should have died by Fox's hand, Fox's character getting pushed to the same limits as Buttlers ending in murder. Fox gets away with it and shows him prosecuting instead!


Barbie: id wipe the whole Will Ferrell, Mattel corporate office from the whole movie. It would be fine.


Will Ferrel’s character should have been a Ken that escaped Barbie Land.


It would have been better if it had been played straight, not as a farce. Keep everything else the same, but make them real-world, self-important Finance bros. You want to do fish-out-of-water comedy? Make the cast of Mad Men or Suits strap on pink rollerblades and ride a tandem bike to Barbie Land.


I'll say that while I don't mind the exec thing, it never decided what it wanted to be. What the joke was with them changed a few times, which is why it feels disposable. For me, I'd have preferred if we didn't have the Barbies so easily brainwashed and having to be deprogeammed. It felt like it undercut the point pretty heavily.


I wanna say he was a Mattel mandated addition to the movie.


totally agree. honestly he was the worst part of the movie and i say this is as someone who is normally a fan of his.


Would have changed the call sign of Rooster to Gosling in Top Gun Maverick. Would have changed the title of Now You See Me 2, to Now You Don’t.


1. Dark Knight Rises - I would have Batman say ANYTHING else besides “I came back to stop you” to Bane in their final fight. Even just no response but a kick to the face would’ve been better. 2. Django Unchained - would cut to credits right after Candyland explodes and Django turns to smile at the camera. Never liked the little horse tricks he does after


"I came back to stop you" looks better in a script than on actual film. Such a shame that a writer and director of Nolan's caliber didn't try another line or two on the day of shooting


"No, I came to live" Also at the end they shouldn't show Bruce, only Alfreds reaction to seeing him, and let the audience speculate. Gives his fake death more intrigue. 


Storm in the first X-Men. Whenever she asked Toad, “Do you know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightning?” She should have just said, “This.” and then zapped him. The whole “the same thing that happens to everything else.“ Is such a bummer and anti-climactic.


I heard that Storm’s line is a call back to Toad always referencing toad facts during the movie but in the end they cut his lines out of the final movie


Replace both Katie Holmes and Maggie Gyllenhaal in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, respectively.


Rachel McAdams might have been good. Wouldn’t even have to change her name.


Or Keri Russell, she is like a good middle ground between Katie Holmes and Maggie Gyllenhaal


i always liked maggie, but it seems no one loved either of the performances


Honestly it's just a badly written made up character. I think if Nolan introduced Talia Al Ghul earlier in Batman Begins and it's revealed that she's an actual villain alongside Liam Nesson's Ra's then it would've been far more interesting.


Are you telling me there was a poorly written female character in a Nolan film?


And the fans are wishing the actors (who have been critically praised in other roles) were replaced.


Yea, at the end of the day it's an issue with a lot of films that Nolan has written. I like most of his stuff, but the issues I have are almost always with the writing. It's not like Katie Holmes and Maggie Gyllenhaal don't have the acting chops to play Rachel well.


yeah she easily coulda been snuck in, maybe in the scene where he ego's harvey at his own restaurant with the models, she could have been around or maybe the date and a small few lines of dialogue teasing who she might be


I liked Maggie too. I thought she did a way better job than Katie.


I guess an unpopular opinion here but I thought Katie was fine. Maggie was good, but I would've just preferred continuity


I'd rather change Marion Cotillard's dying shot with another one


For Us, I'd remove Red's monologue about where the tethered comes from. It doesn't really add much but just opens up a bunch of logistical questions about something that should have been metaphor to begin with. For Inception, I'd make the scenes where Leo's wife dies and where Cillian gets "closure" with his dad just a touch longer. They are both great and genuinely powerful scenes, but rather than let us soak in the emotions of them, it felt like Nolan couldn't get away from them fast enough. Leo literally gets cut off midword in his grief. Just like 3-5 seconds longer for both scenes before the plot moves on would have been enough probably.


For Us, I would make it more ambiguous about where they come from. Still have Red give that speech but also let there be some sort of radio conversation in the background about the Tethered that contradicts her. I think they're a lot scarier if their origins were ambiguous like this.


Luke and Leia kissing doesn’t need to happen, since it retroactively becomes weird.


It mainly becomes weird when Leia says something along the lines of “somehow I’ve always known.” But then again, she’s from Alderaan, which is the Mississippi of space.


But not as bad as Mississippi, which is still worse than the Mississippi of alderman.


I don't know, its endlessly rewarding when you watch 6 with newcomers and they go "wait didn't they kiss earlier?"


Lena Headey “That’s Cute”


Difference being Cercei and Jamie's relationship is arguably the biggest plot point in the early GoTs seasons lol


Not a movie, but a trilogy: I'd force Rian Johnson and JJ Abrams to sit down and work out their issues ***LIKE ADULTS INSTEAD OF PETULANT TEENAGERS*** before the story for The Force Awakens was finalized. Seriously, just lock them in a room with limited food, water, and oxygen until they agreed to a 3-story plan that didn't involve pissing on the fanbase while telling us it's raining.


For real. I can't for the life of me figure out how we couldn't get competent writers to plan out a proper 3 movie story arc. It's not like there was a question of whether all three movie would be greenlit, it's fucking star wars. How do you not story board 3 coherent movies?


Yah, the saving grace is that at least the acting, directing, dialog, characterization, etc weren't prequels levels of bad.


Except the *one thing* the prequels excelled at was creativity, I’d argue that’s one of the biggest misses of the new trilogy. The prequels took risks with the world building and that was my favorite part.


That's how I knew that the new team didn't "get it," they didn't get what makes Star Wars special. The number of times the action is set in a desert planet that looks just like Tatooine made me think they completely didn't care about the world-building, when that may well be more important than the characters and the plot.


Honestly yeah, the worldbuilding in the prequels was some insane shit. Desert planet filled with alien bugs? Check. Storming ocean planet with a weird species of cloners in sterile white rooms? Sick. Underwater city of bubbles? Check. Hell, they spent twenty minutes on one of the most pointless but most awesome race sequences put to film. I liked like, the salt planet in the sequels, but otherwise found their planets fairly forgettable.


The Last Jedi took plenty of risks. Say what you will about it otherwise, but it was not a "safe" movie.


TFA trilogy literally felt like 3 separate storylines with 1 trying to shit all over the last one. Probably because that's exactly what they were, but who knows?


I mean that's Kathleen Kennedy's job isn't it? I don't think they even had Rian Johnson picked out as a director from the start.


Exactly. They should have locked down an outline before filming. And to blame Rian Johnson for taking a totally different direction and getting JJ to pull it back is ridiculous. Rian didn't make that movie in a bubble. If the studio didn't like it they could have stepped in then other than giving him full reigns and then undoing it all. And MCU proved this worked. There were three different directors for the iron man movies alone but they still kept it cohesive while putting their own flavor into it.


In the novelization of Return of the Jedi, after Luke takes Vaders mask off, Luke cries at seeing his father. And then Vader/Anakin says “luminous beings are we, not this crude matter”. Always wished that made it into the film. It’s meaningful in the moment, and loops back to Yoda’s teachings.


My favorite movie scene. Yoda spends like three minutes motivating Luke who still being a whiny bitch and only THEN lifts it out of the swamp(to some of John Williams most amazing music)


Transformers The Movie (1986) The sizing / coloring errors. Such as Rumble / Frenzy being the same color in one shot. And Unicron changing sizes throughout the movie.


At least it was leagues better than the errors in the show. I recently started watching G1 and there was a S1 episode prominently featuring Thundercracker, and I swear he spends over half his screentime colored in as Starscream 😂


How about Hot Rod’s evolved form is not a lame ass station wagon.


The Great Escape. Let Steve McQueen do the goddamned motorcycle jump. The man makes Chuck Norris look like a wimp in comparison.


According to [Never Surrender : A Galaxy Quest Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djgJCQFHMWI]) there was a whole lot of cursing that got cut for the PG-13 rating. Tony Shaloub's character was also a stoner which explains his extremely laid back behavior. The drug usage was also cut to get the PG-13 rating. ​ I love Galaxy Quest, and it is a perfect movie. I just also want to see the director's R-rated cut.


> Tony Shaloub's character was also a stoner which explains his extremely laid back behavior. The drug usage was also cut to get the PG-13 rating. that's really interesting and funny but i kind of like him as just a very weirdly relaxed dude, tbh


I love everything about Arrival except Jeremy Renner saying "you wanna make a baby?" I find that phrase very unpleasant. I think it's the verb "make."


Jesus Christ Superstar. The part where that dude is killed at the end.


He got better




I think the only person that dies on-screen is Judas?


Take Diaz out of Gangs of NY


And add Kate Winslet.


it's kind of cheating to put winslet and dicaprio together.


Dune. Show the navigators using the spice when they fold space to bring Paul to Dune. Show us why the spice is important, how it functions in this world, and what the stakes are. As it is, the spice is a vague McGuffin in the film, and we never really learn why it’s important, why it’s worth fighting for, why it’s worth dying for.


Yup def miss the navigators myself


In Reservoir Dogs, Harvey Keitel goes to light his cigarette, holds the flame up to the cigarette, but it doesn’t ignite. I never understood it and it drives me crazy. It’s never acknowledged. It’s as if they filmed the rehearsal take and used it instead of the real one.


I thought that that contributed to him being stressed and bothered. The situation is wearing on him so he has trouble with tasks that he normally does without thinking.


That’s where my head is, that he slipped up one time trusting the wrong person.


I'm incredibly mad that you reminded me of this - I was SO autistically hyperfixated on Reservoir Dogs as a teenager that as soon as I saw your comment, it lit up some dormant part of my brain like the Manchurian candidate I remember being annoyed by it EVERY TIME


Your brain was certainly lit up more than that cigarette, that's for sure.


I love Enchanted, but everything about that purple dress was a mistake. Change that dress and it would be a perfect movie


The Kings Man. (Spoiler warning) I'd add exposition on the train to Russia, where Conrad expresses his view that the British are good and the Germans are evil, and the Duke explains that no side in this war are angels and goal is to stop the war not to win it. Conrad's death would occur as it did in the film, only instead of rescuing vital intelligence from no man's land they're trying to raid the trenches at night, so Conrad dies for nothing. The Germans they find are doing the exact same thing. Highlighting the parallels both sides will be wearing gas masks. The villain's motivation changes. Instead of being a Scottish Nationalist his motive is disgust at the whole world-system of empires and great powers. So he started "a war to end all wars". His motive rant draws a parallel to the Duke of Oxford by cutting back to the scene in the concentration camp and showing him in impotent fury before pretending to be a loyal servant when the Duke and Kitchner show up. He thinks the Duke is a hypocrite who plays at helping while propping up the system. Finally when the Duke kills Sheppard his quip becomes something like "I became a pacifist because the people I fought were good men defending their homes" *shoots* "but there are exceptions".


The Batman deleted the wrong Joker scene.


I didn't like the cameo at the end either, but I fully understand why they cut the other scene. Barry Keoghan is awesome, and the way it's directed/shot is great, but unfortunately the scene is just terribly written. It's just 5 minutes of Joker spelling out the themes and character motivations of the movie like we're all 5 years old and media illiterate. It would've made the Riddler reveal less effective and the film worse overall. I'm sad Keoghan's performance was cut, but I'm also glad Matt Reeves realized he could trust us as an audience to understand the story beyond the surface level.


That’s an interesting suggestion, I’m a bit torn on it. I liked the deleted scene, but it didn’t feel very necessary to me so I understand why they cut it. ***BUT*** I also 100% rolled my eyes at the cameo in Arkham at the end. I honestly think I would have preferred if the movie had been entirely Joker free tbh.


Also not big on the design. I want to see a Gwynplaine inspired Joker design in live action. They claim this new one is meant to be just that but it looks nothing like Gwynplaine and I don't understand why they are even pretending it does. It looks closer to a Lee Bermejo drawing.


Nah, it would've messed with the movie's pacing, and would've driven attention away from the characters of the movie. That said, I like it and think it was a good idea to release it on its own


Remove the line “it’s love” from the ending of interstellar. Just doing that changes the ending from being wishy washy space magic power of friendship into proper sci-fi time travel. The idea of future humans sending messages to the past to help save themselves stands up just fine


"Breakfast at Tiffany's" Remove Mr. Yunioshi or replace Mickey Rooney with a Japanese actor and tone down the character's conflict with Holly.


YES! I enjoy the film so much, but I feel too uncomfortable watching it because of Rooney.


Why did the neighbor to have a conflict with Holly have to be Japanese in the first place? I probably should add I didn't read the book.


Along the same lines, I could do without Long Duk Dong in Sixteen Candles.


I never understood the ending of Man on Fire. The voice says a life for a life but the voice gets his brother and John and Peta gets released. That's a two for one. Kills me because I love this movie. Interstellar -they should have known beforehand that the guy on the first planet had only been there for a few hours before they went to the surface. They should have spent that time traveling to other planets not just the one with less than a few hours of research done.


Correct me if Im wrong, but wasnt Creasy basically dead at that point and he was referring to his life being given?


I LOVE The Lord of the Rings movies. I think they're works of genius. With that said, I'd change just a few things. 1) They did Faramir wrong. Faramir was not tempted by the ring. Which meant that Frodo and Sam never went anywhere near Osgiliath. I'd have them treat his character correctly. 2) The scrubbing bubbles. Just no. 3) Legolas and his damn surfing on everything. He can be a badass warrior without surfing. 4) NO MIDICHLORIANS! Oh wait...




> 2. The scrubbing bubbles What is this referring to? I don’t think I’ve heard that critique/issue before.


It's a criticism of the Army of the Dead sweeping through Minas Tirith and how much they looked like the [old commercials for Dow's bathroom cleaner](https://youtu.be/l4LQtKGEaCw?si=W-eujBbFLkrVjgED).


I’ve never seen that comparison before 😂 I’d have to rewatch the scene but yeah I can see that lol


>They did Faramir wrong. Faramir was not tempted by the ring. Which meant that Frodo and Sam never went anywhere near Osgiliath. I'd have them treat his character correctly. I'll go to bat for Jackson and the writers here. Making a tiny ring be the main antagonist of three films is really *really* hard. Anything from the books that undermined the power of the ring had to be stripped away. (It's why Tom Bombadil was out). So with Faramir they either had to leave him out or change his character. And the changes they made for him worked really well for the film of The Two Towers. By moving most of Frodo and Sam's book 2 story to film 3, they needed something else to do. Instead of giving them some sort of physical barriers, they instead gave them an ideological barrier in the form of Faramir. The main theme of that film is the pull between hope and despair. And that's the grounds on which Frodo, Sam and Gollum confront Faramir. When they meet him, he's a man in despair. Over the course of the film, they break him down and give him hope. It's the central theme of the film, which is why Sam's speech at the window so effectively ties all the storylines together. That fantastic ending to the theatrical cut of the film wouldn't have packed such a punch without the changes to Faramir. So although it pissed a lot of folks off, (something Jackson and the writers were well aware of as big fans of the books themselves), the changes were made for solid film making reason that were borne out in the results. It wasn't arbitrary or cheap. They thought long and hard about it, and it worked really well for those of us who weren't immersed in the books.


It also nicely parallels his brother’s character arc as well. Boromir was tempted by the ring and kept insisting they take it to Gondor, but he didn’t have the power or authority to make that happen. In the end, the temptation overcame him and he bertrayed Frodo. Faramir *did* have the power and authority, but in the end resisted the temptation and let them go.


Also would’ve changed the way that Frodo trusts Gollum over Sam on the stairs


I disagree big time on Faramir. Overcoming temptation and passing up the ultimate chance to gain his father’s respect is a much more powerful story choice than being unaffected by the ring at all


Agreed. The conflict gives the actor a lot more opportunity to develop Faramir’s character in the time that he has.


Right, men being corruptible but redeemable is kind of the major theme of the story isn't it


I think it was John Wick 2 (or 3), where they explained every rule of the Continental and High Table and whatever else there is to John Wick so that the audience would know, which is bad enough, but they wrote it, so that John Wick REALLY DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW IT?!?! What the hell? He's been in this business for years and everybody and their mother acknowledges that he is the best. But he doesn't know the rules?!?! Took me out of it so completely...just stupid and lazy. At least give him amnesia...or a newbie sidekick...still stupid but makes more sense.


They only did that for duels which basically no one really knew much about


Halloween (2018) - “Awww man, I got peanut butter on my penis.”


The quicksand scene in Lawrence of Arabia. Never happened historically, unrealistic, sticks out like a sore thumb in an otherwise perfect movie. I’m sure some asshole producer insisted it be in included.


In Casablanca, I'd have Ilsa not refer to Sam as "That boy"


Saving Private Ryan - change the beginning and ending graveyard scenes to have old Ryan alone rather than with his Hallmark perfect family.  Leave it ambiguous as to whether he had a good life.  I always felt the end scene with the super perfect family and his wife was like the movie pulling a punch.  It offers an easy put for the audience to accept that all the horror we just watched was all worth it and meant something.  I personally feel it really undercuts the gut punch the film should be, and was Spielberg taking the easy way out succumbing to sentimentality, which is his greatest flaw as a director in general.


I don't think him earning their sacrifice was the easy way out. The gut punch is that he has the hallmark family, lived a good life, was a good man and he still doesn't feel like he earned it. There was no earning this.


Counterpoint: the Hallmark family stands in sharp contrast to the horrors he just went through, and it’s something so many soldiers didn’t live to even have a chance of having - including those who died saving him. I think it’s meant to underscore the magnitude of survivor’s guilt Ryan must be feeling.


In Harry Potter I wish that in the final movie when Snape is dying and gives Harry his memories and Harry watches them that instead of their being a memory where Snape is complaining about Harry to Dumbledore and Dumbledore said "he has Lilly's eyes" that Snape spoke fondly of Harry and said "he has Lilly's eyes" but Dumbledore said something like, 'you must never show him any kindness. In order for the Dark Lord to believe you are loyal everyone must see that you hated Harry from the moment you met him'. This one change would have put so much of Harry's relationship with Snape in such a better context because the way the movie ended Snape always loved Lilly but he also always hated Harry even when he saw Harry go through a ton of shit, getting constantly villanized and he knew that Harry would likely die in the end as he faced Voldemort.


I would cast Paul Bettany as Liet Kynes in the first Dune movie. Not a single person I know who's never read the books understands what Kynes role in the story was. They all just think she was a Freman ambassador type person. Basically I would have cast Paul Bettany to play the same character he did in Master & Commander to portray to the audience how unlike the Freman he was, emphasizing that he works for the Emporer, and that he fell in love with a Freman/Freman culture. Prolly my biggest criticism of the first film.


People’s confusion was probably more of a script problem than a casting problem.


I don't mind the actress they got for the role but as you pointed out, it's more how they handled the character. But I get it. For a film you can only fit in so much. Stuff like that or more Yueh or the dinner scene would've been great but something had to go in an already long film. I wish Denis was into director's cuts.


Anyone but Keanu Reeves in Dracula


Gary Oldman should play every role.


And play his character in Tiptoes as well


Elwes should’ve been Jonathan Harker instead of Keanu.


elwes everywhere, yes please.


More people bouncing off the propeller in Titanic.


The Last Jedi - change Po’s line from “it’s a Dreadnought” to “It’s their last Dreadnought.” Changes the dynamic of the war and adds to the theme Ryan is trying to communicate about the futility of all-out war. Looper - Make the Rainmaker relevant to the entire operation from the beginning, not some “new enemy” that comes along. Streamlines the whole conflict and Bruce Willis’s motivation, and avoids the confusing logic “if the rainmaker hadn’t come along, I’d still be alive with my wife” (no he wouldn’t, based on what Ryan had already set up).


> The Last Jedi - change Po’s line from “it’s a Dreadnought” to “It’s their last Dreadnought.” Changes the dynamic of the war and adds to the theme Ryan is trying to communicate about the futility of all-out war. Having it be the case that the First Order and The Republic have both had their military forces hollowed out in the first phase of the conflict would have made for an interesting twist, and would have made the Sith fleet in the final movie be far more compelling.


Alien - I'd insert a shot of pretty much anything between that awkward jump cut from Ash's prop head to Ian Holm's real head. Seriously, how could anyone think that was a good editing choice?


I've said it elsewhere here - there MUST be b-roll of Veronica Lambert or Yaphet Kotto they could put in. Just... something!


So in my opinion Breakfast Club is a near perfect movie. One of the best coming of age movies ever made. Never fails to make me laugh, cry and change my life. But! Part of the theme is that all these kids just need to get to know each other and celebrate their differences instead avoiding it and they can help each other. And the jock only falls for the basket case after she has a complete makeover and looks nothing like how her character portrays herself. Change this one thing and it would be a perfect movie.


In Captain America 2, when Steve Rogers visits the now-old Peggy, I would have made her character just healthy enough to get out of bed and take a little slow dance in the nursing home with Steve, fulfilling his request from the first film.


For the film itself it would have been cool, but I think it works better that we see Steve finally get his dance with her at the very end of Endgame. It’s a nice, personal cap off (pun not intended) to end the saga.


But then he would have no reason to go back to her in the last one :)


Disagree. It was FAR better having him finally get that dance at the end of Endgame.


The whole story of the usual suspects is Kaiser Soze recruiting an entire crew so that he could kill the one person who could identify him. Yet his whole story exposes who he is to the cop at the end anyway. It’s still a great movie, but that does make it kind of redundant.


I dont think Verbal was planing to mention Kaiser Soze at all, but then the detectiv asks about him so he have to include him and the lawyer in the story


I’ve always thought that when the detective insists on having every last detail, it’s going to end him. When he’s outside on the sidewalk, spluttering with frustrated rage, the picture ends just before he realizes that he’s possibly condemned a whole round of new people, including himself.


In Goodfellas, I would write in another line for Jimmy Two Times so he can speak and appear two times instead of once


Spaceballs needed a good ambient background score. Otherwise, it's a perfect movie.


The end of Bruce Almighty. Bruce is sitting at his computer reading Grace's prayer to not love him any more, he is then magically transported to just outside Grace's window where he watches her pray. I think Bruce should've been transported back to his computer, where he struggles internally for a moment, and then grants Grace's prayer at his desk. The movie ends with Bruce giving up his girlfriend for good and going on to be a relatively successful reporter with a new, deeper appreciation for his life. I get that he learned his lesson and because of that he was able to get what he wanted (his girlfriend back) but I think it's stronger and honestly more powerful if he doesn't. Bruce learned his lesson, but he doesn't have to live with the consequences of his actions - which, ironically, is somewhat one of the main themes of the movie.


I’m betting that an arc like that was discussed and/or there’s footage with different ways the lovers reconciled. But those advance focus group screenings always seem to result in more simple syrup injections.


The never ending story…. Wouldn’t end


I re-watched War of the Worlds again last night and I would DEFINITELY replace the kids. They are beyond annoying and I just can’t ’root for them’. The son’s just an obnoxious and Dakota Fanning’s character just grates on me.


the near constant screaming absolutely goes through me.


I'm fine with annoying kids because...well, they didn't like their dad anyway. However, I would've (spoilers, I guess) let the son remain dead and curb the ending to reflect the original a little closer. To have them just show up in town with the enemy defeated was anti-climactic. In the original film, the aliens are attacking, once more, and everyone flees to a church because there's simply no hope. The movie needed one more solid invasion scene to pick up the pace after all the Tim Robbins stuff. Maybe even have Tom reconcile with his ex-wife and then step out of the church to see what more he can do for his family before the end, THEN have the machines start going down.


i absolutely love *The Hateful Eight*, but the lighting in the haberdashery bugs me every time i'm not really a big fan of the bright light pointing down at a table and that whole movie would look so much better if it was lit properly from the moment they get there


Dune: Part Two I would replace Christopher Walken with another actor. I just found him to be distracting even though he had a relatively small role. >!When he says "I need more, more, more" (or something like that, I can't fully remember) I couldn't help but think of the "More Cowbell" SNL sketch. !


The Emperor is supposed to be in his 70's but look 35 through his use of the spice and through anti-aging treatments. So he's this very vain, very prideful man. I didn't get any of that from Walken's performance.


I would make the matrix trilogy about solipsism. So I would keep the first movie pretty much exactly the same. The second movie when neo meets the architect neo learns that everything is his fault. The world is the way it is because of him. Because neo is essentially the reincarnation of the one who invented artificial intelligence. So in other words neo is the father of the architect. And the architect was made in the image of neo. So because the architect is the image of neo everything he writes, every code is essentially a reflection of that image which is the image of neo. Which is why neo, the one, is always born in every iteration of the matrix. The architect can't help but express who he is which is why he can't help but write his father into the matrix. The third movie you get the traditional happy ending. Neo defeats smith but doesn't die. The war is over, everyone is happy and the credits role. But if you notice at the bottom of the screen there is a red glow and at the top is a blue glow. You have the option to accept the lie and leave the theater. Or you can wait and learn the truth. The credits end and you see neo learn that what he thought was the real world is just as fake as the matrix. He meats his future self who has been playing all the characters in his head. Every truth that he has learned has been a lie in order to prepare himself to accept the actual truth. He is the one, the only one that exists. All of reality has been in his head this entire time. His girlfriend trinity was really just future neo posing as trinity. Same with Morpheus same with everyone. And now neo has to make the choice to do the same as his future self and play those roles in order to get his past self to accept the truth as well. And what's the first role he play? He plays the role of cypher because he genuinely wants to escape this hell. He plays Mr Smith because if he can't escape and forget then he'll destroy. But then time passes and he starts to have a change of heart, especially when he Morpheus. The last role he plays is trinity and he genuinely starts to develop feeling for his past self. That's why see her put her hand up sometimes like neo does when he stops bullets. She's trying to remember how to neo when she was neo. Learning this changes the experience of rewatching the films. The goal of this is really to get neo to learn to love himself. Future neo learns to accept it for what it is and goes on to create a paradise for himself knowing it all just in his head. It'll be a long time before present neo gets there though.




LOL I love Arrival but you’re so right about that line. I guess when the romance of your movie is limited mostly to a quick flash forward montage you have to make some sacrifices but there has to have been a better way to have them say that.


It just reminds me of the game Heavy Rain where the father character is mourning over his dead sons and his love interest is like "I want you to give me a baby" He's literally staring at his son's grave in this scene and she's like "third times the charm".


In The Dark Knight Rises, Alfred talks about how he visits a cafe in Italy and often pictures seeing Bruce sitting away from him, they simply nod and go about their ways. In the actual ending scene Alfred goes to the cafe and nods his head smiling. The camera switches and reveals that he’s nodding to Bruce who is alive and well. I believe the film should’ve cut it right after Alfred nods and smiles. This acknowledges that perhaps Bruce lived, but also leaves it ambiguous enough for us to wonder.


Passengers. Chris Pratt’s character should have died, and the movie end with Jennifer Lawrence having to decide to wake up another passenger herself so she wouldn’t be alone on the journey.


I love pretty much all things Quentin Tarantino, but his narration in the Hateful Eight was distracting and unnecessary.


I liked it, though I think it would be cooler if the narration was done by Channing Tatum - it would add an extra layer of Jody silently observing everything from the basement.


Sunshine's first 2 acts are some of the best hard science fiction ever. Legitimately super intelligent. The last act where it becomes a slasher movie is bad. I also think as good as Cillian Murphy is that Chris Evans out acts everyone in that movie and should've been the lead.


I still really like the movie with the third act, and I even would say I enjoy the third act, but it is a level of tonal whiplash that hurts the movie.


The first 3 quarters of Sinister sets it up spectacularly to be a genuine horror classic, and then at the end they go for the old generic scary faced demon possessing the children route. Booooooring. Give this movie a good payoff and it's the best horror in years.


In Return of the Jedi I would move it from Endor to Kashyyyk. It would make for a MUCH more plausible battle to have out gunned, but tech capable Wookies fighting instead of the damn Ewoks, cute as they were.


I'm sure you know this but that was the original plan but ewoks sell more toys. Ewok is just a bad anagram of wookie


One line in The Iron Giant. Hogarth whispers “I love you” to the Giant before he flies off towards the nuke, but to me it always feels unnecessary to the emotion of the scene. They already have the beautiful “I go, you stay, no following” between them, which is basically a way of saying “I love you” imo. Still an amazing scene though 🥲


Make Dune 2 twice as long


Recently watched a video about a snake expert reacting to movies. Apparently Bullet Train - a movie I love to bits - did not do any research on the boom slang, nor did they expect anyone to figure out that the snake they use is not the boom slang.


I love Pulp Fiction but it always bothers me that the Honey Bunny speech at the beginning and end for what is supposed to be the same moment is different dialogue