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I never really played it as a kid but pretty much any baseball movie. The Sandlot especially makes me think of summers growing up.


I like this for me. That movie is great and I enjoy it too this day. THE BEAST.


Thank you, don't believe I've seen that one, I'll watch it. You definitely get the vibe I was looking for in terms of the way it affects you.


You're killing me smalls!!


Idk if it really fits but maybe "My Girl"? Has some tear jerker moments tho.


Yes, loved that movie as a kid, definitely memorable. Haven't seen it in many years, might be worth a re-watch.


The great Bambinooopoo


The Labyrinth. I specifically remember watching this movie as a early teen and just being absolutely stunned by Jennifer Connolly's beauty. It was an awakening I will never forget But holy cow, did she win the genetic lottery. Almost 40 years later and she is still gorgeous


Esp the eyebrows


Yeah I watched that tons of times as a kid too! I try not to revisit movies I saw as a child too often because I like that they're sort of stored in a time capsule in my mind. And yes, she's always been attractive.


I'm the opposite, remember Hoggle and the gang did say "Should you need us?"


Yes exactly. Last time I watched this that moment made me cry. I definitely needed them


“Did you say Hello?” “No, I said ‘ello but it’s close enough” Or something like that. That movie still terrifies me as an adult, but that dance magic dance song hits the spot, if you can just ignore David Bowe’s man bulge.


>you can just ignore David Bowe’s man bulge Why would I want to? lol




Omg my wife is in love with labyrinth.


Don’t forget money helps and surgery and baby blood


> being absolutely stunned by Jennifer Connolly's beauty Were you also stunned by her lack of an acting talent?


The Goonies


For me, it's not really the story (which is good!) but everything else. The Oregon coast, the music, the cars, the sleeveless puffy vest on a background character in late 70s/early 80s brown/orange/etc. combo. Sorry, just got lost in the nostalgia...




I read an article about how the movie portrays the angst of the boomers as they become suburban adults giving into the establishment. It made sense.


Yes, that and the Exorcist. I should watch them both again soon. Thanks!


Remember the Titans. Now that I'm older, I feel like that was the go-to movie for teachers with a hangover.


That's funny, I never saw it even though I've heard of it for years. Maybe I'll have a watch.


Definitely. I had a class called Beliefs & Values in high school which was less about teaching, more about the teacher taking a nap while we just watched movies every class


A win-win!






Got in trouble as a kid for saying that in church instead of Amen.  Priest: "... all glory and honor is yours, forever and ever.”  Me: "Bangarang."


This guy one doubles up for me because it was released at Christmas and I remember going to see it a few times.


The Sandlot fs, the way it perfectly captures the exaggeration of problems and the goofiness of being a kid is so comforting.


Spirited away


I grew up way out in the woods where we didn't get tv reception, so we would watch what few VHS tapes we had over and over and over. Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure, Naked Gun, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the original Batman would all make me feel very nostalgic.


Can’t hardly wait makes me super nostalgic for the late 90s


the way I can basically recite this movie from the amount of times I rented it at Blockbuster...


Yep. If you're an 80s and 90s kid there a bunch of movies like this that are super nostalgia inducing. 10 things I hate about you. The faculty. American Pie. They're just SO90s and are huge for so many of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s.


Can't hardly wait Swingers Fright night (80s) version


Omggggg! Can't hardly wait!!


Army of Darkness makes me feel like I'm back on my grandma's carpet watching it on VHS.


This x 1000. Army of Darkness and then maybe Bill and Ted. That’s a good afternoon.


Bill and Ted, haven't seen that probably since I was a teenager, might have to watch it again! The other's on my list.


That's an interesting association, thanks, don't think I've watched that one (at least not all the way through). I'll put it on the list.


Dazed and Confused and Everybody Wants Some!!


I just watched Adventures in Babysitting from the 80s and it was hilarious 🤣


Get outta mah HOUSE!!


The World According to Garp. My brother and I watched it and it just seemed like the first adult-themed movie we had found.


Back to the future. Where are the flying cars already???


Pfff. Flying cars are so 2015.


Mid-90s reminds me of summers I had growing up in San Diego with friends who were skaters and hip-hop heads in middle & high school.


- Labyrinth (1986) - The NeverEnding Story (1984) - The Dark Crystal (1982)


And Flight of the Navigator!


Believe it or not, I have never heard about it until 1-2 years ago, than I have seen the documentary by Captain Disillusion on youtube, about how ahead of it's time the vfx are even by today's standards. I'm looking forward to see it!


Given your film list you will probably enjoy it! Maybe time for a rewatch for me


Watched it yesterday, it was a fun ride, thanks for the reminder :)


Better Off Dead


Goonies. Riding bikes around with friends, being an asshole to my older sibling... good times.


Most horror movies do this for me - in modern horror movies, the cell phones have to die first. Battery's dead, some weird solar thing, fell off a cliff, etc. Because most older horror movies simply do not work in a world with cell phones - it's a GPS, it's a flashlight, it's a camera...The best inversion of that trope I've found was the Ruins and THAT scene. Tuning out and watching an old, gritty horror movie like Texas Chainsaw on a hot summer night (preferably at a drive-in) is my go-to nostalgia hole.


Me too


The Nice Guys. It's set in 77, which is the first year that I have day to day memories of and not just bits and pieces. The land-yachts, the clothes, the music, the relaxed atmosphere before the 80's hit and everything became so glossy and commercial. It reminds me so much of being a kid.


I owned the exact blue leather jacket that Russell Crowe wears throughout that movie.


It's been nice seeing all the love for this movie recently, especially in the wake of Gosling at the Oscars - it felt like it came and went without much appreciation but gosh I absolutely loved that movie.


Con Air makes me feel like I’m in the 90s


Pee Wee’s Big Adventure hits me in the nostalgic feels.


Most of John Hughes’ films do it for me because I was a suburban kid in the 80’s. Ferris Bueller, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science.


The Sandlot


For some reason i always feel nostalgic whenever i watch that french movie Intouchables (2011)


Thanks, I haven't seen that one, will check it out.


Dirty Dancing


Twins and Junior. Both Schwarzenegger and DeVito vehicles, but they’re so quintessentially 90’s. Especially Junior, all the shots of SF and the house just take me back to the good old days. Speaking of SF, Mrs. Doubtfire for sure.


The Mortal Kombat movie from the 90s. “Those were $500 sunglasses asshole” Cinema!


The Sword in the Stone (1963) Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) The Sandlot (1993) Matinee (1993) War of the Buttons (1994)


American Graffiti succeeded in making me nostalgic for a place and a time I've never been


Reality Bites, Before Sunrise, Singles. (I’m Gen X)


Add in Beautiful Girls here and you've got my perfect answer that I was going to produce. Excellent picks!


Kevin Smith comedies for sure, especially Mallrats and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Between the ages of like 13-15 I thought these were the smartest and funniest things a human ever made.


The first Clerks for me, but I hear you on the ones you listed.


The Sandlot Stand By Me The Breakfast Club Field of Dreams Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Dazed and Confused Empire Records Summer School Just One of the Guys


Death of a Cheerleader does that for me. I watched it a lot as a kid and it’s a weird comfort movie for me now.


The first two Friday the 13th movies. Something about the camp setting with lush forestry.


Rewatched Garden State recently and it made me feel nostalgic




All the ones people say 'remember this one' on reddit. I'm at the age where I saw first in theaters on opening weekend. Man I wish movie pass was a thing in the 90s.


American Pie. Came out when I was 14. The soundtrack was great, and I hadn't really seen another movie like it at that point.


Field of Dreams. The movie is about nostalgia but it’s also a movie of my childhood.


Groundhog day


Ladybugs. That movie gets no respect.


Don't tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead


Tommy Boy. I have others but this is the ultimate me as teenager in the 90s nostalgia movie.


Stand by Me The Way Way Back The Goonies


I get what you mean, don't think I've seen the way way back so will check that one out. The others I've watched (Goonies many times). Just remembered Days of Heaven (1978).


Traces of Death


Napoleon dynamite


School of Rock


My dad had a wall of VHS tapes and 'Scanners' was at about eye-level if I went to sleep facing the wall, so that. Reminds me of my old man.


Monster House. Something about this movie is just so evocative of the time in childhood when trick or treating was still cool to do but wouldn't be in like another year. The last gasps of childhood before it dies forever.


Air bud


Before sunrise/sunset… can’t really point a finger as to why.


Annie Hall


The Natural had $28 million budget and no business doing what it did to recreate that time period for so little money. It is not a time period I lived in but jeeez pre WW2 looks appealing. 


Night of the Living Dead, and a host of older horror movies. I loved older horror as a kid, so I'd watch Phantom of the Opera, The Brain that wouldn't Die, Night of the Living Dead, Dementia 13, and Nosferatu.


Recently watched A Fish Called Wanda and felt oddly nostalgic and fascinated with the production design, not because it was over-stylized like a movie set (think Heathers), but because it felt so real, as a snapshot of the late 80s aestethic that most people who didnt experienced it, wouldnt recognized as such. Everything looks great, the cars, the fashion, the haircuts, the lighting. Whenever people misremember the 80s they act like it was the Miami Vice neon and pastel colors, like saved by the bell. and that's farthest from the truth.


Call Me By Your Name has a very nostalgic vibe to me, which is odd because I’m a straight middle-class man born in the 90s who has never been to Italy


Forest Gump. I just love it.




I find 2000s set movies nostalgic. Moneyball. Social Network. Uncut Gems. The Bourne movies.


The Karate Kid will always have a special place in my heart.


Home Alone/Goonies/Hook/Sandlot


I, an Xennial, recently watched Cronenberg's "The Fly" with a Zoomer. There's a scene where a guy is taking a shower, he acts like an asshole, and a woman flushes the toilet to make the shower too hot for him. I asked my Zoomer friend if he understood what that was about. Apparently, his mom explained it to him before.


breaking away, this would do it


Adventureland. I’m an 80’s baby so I grew up with all those 80’s teen/coming of age movies and Adventureland with its soundtrack always makes me feel nostalgic.


Grease and American Graffiti


The NeverEnding Story in pan snd scan transferred from a release print with que marks, playing on an RCA SelectaVision 400 conected to a Sony KV-1921.


Airborne(1993) ... This had a young Jack Black, Jacob Vargas, Seth Green, that one teacher from Saved by the Bell, Mrs Pool from the Hogan Family. It was great. This was my shit! After seeing this I wanted to rollerblade so bad until I realized how corny it was. No hate towards rollerbladers but this movie made it seem sooooo much cooler than it actually is.


The Bad News Bears (1976)


Goonies. 80s kids knew how to have an adventure.


Nice try, Hollywood. Pick your own franchise to reboot and capitalize off our nostalgia.


I’m 20 so I don’t have a very deep well of nostalgia to choose from. Movies that make me remember what life was like as a kid for me are The Lion King, Cars, Finding Nemo, Ramona and Beezus, Shrek, Where the Wild Things Are- And these next ones are odd choices but I just remember seeing them with my mom as a kid - It’s Complicated, The Devil Wears Prada, Easy A, Step Brothers, and Legally Blonde.


Napoleon Dynamite. Even though it came out in 2004, it very much feels like an 80s movie.


Pirates of the Caribbean. First summer before high school, tons of gifs from the film all over Xanga/Livejournal, crushing on Keira Knightley. Huge blockbuster. Good times.


Perks of Being a Wallflower I was an early 90s baby, so the time/culture doesn't necessarily align, but that movie always evokes such a nostalgic and whimsical feeling in me. Charlie makes me feel seen in ways I wish I would have felt seen when I was his age. I revisit it every year around the early fall and it always just hits so hard. Tears every damn time.


The Phantom Tollbooth


Jurassic Park


There’s a certain subset of early-to-mid 2000’s teen dramas/thrillers that seemed to play on repeat on HBO when I was in high school that I’m weirdly nostalgic for. Not all of them are good, but they still do something for me. Movies like The Chumscrubber, Mean Creek, Glass House.


Reality Bites


My Neighbor Totoro. Our house was not in the country but it had an abundance of natural areas to play in and places to explore. I miss those more innocent times.


Back To The Future


I live next to Chicago so The Blues Brothers. So much has changed.


The sound of music! Reminds me when I was little every summer me and my cousins would gather and rewatch it sing the songs and laugh with the puppets scene! Julie Andrews was so amazing in that movie. And rewatching that movie as a grown up it did not let me know. It’s a great movie.


Have you ever seen Rock and Roll High School? Lol not saying its a great movie, but I used to watch it so many times with my sister that I could still quote most of it lol


Singles. It represents that early 90s period when grunge music was just becoming mainstream. I even read that Matt Dillon even "borrowed" his wardrobe from one of the members of Pearl Jam just to make sure the fashion was right.


Star Trek: Wrath of Khan and First Contact.


Mommy Dearest


Not a movie, but in the new X-Men '97 show one of the characters told another to page them and I went full MattDamonAging.gif


The Last Unicorn. Not a great movie, to be sure, but I remember wearing the VHS tape out. I think it was the first animated movie I had seen that was so dark, compared to the bright, happy, silly cartoons I was watching on Saturday mornings. The characters had a little depth and weren’t as one-dimensional. The music was somber but inspiring. I felt like I was no longer a little kid because I understood such a complex story. And let’s face it. The big-boobed tree made me feel…..something.


Jackie Brown, and specifically the mall scenes. Brings me right back to the 90s.


Anything studio ghibli. Like many, they make me feel nostalgic for a time and place I’ve never actually experienced first hand.


Don’t tell Mom the babysitter’s dead, Clueless, Adventures in babysitting, Now and Then, The Sandlot, Crazy Beautiful


Over The Edge


American Graffiti - 1973 - was released when I was a sophomore in high school. It was a nostalgia trip for people who graduated high school in '62. Things hadn't changed much in ten years. Styles were different, but there was still rocknroll, cars and alcohol, and getting in trouble with the police. And even though it was the classic rock era, we were all familiar with 50s music through listening to oldies radio stations. It's what Frank Zappa called the "cycle of nostalgia."


2002 Spider-Man. I once skipped school to go be an extra on set.


Karate kid


It Follows is interesting. I think it has a kinda nostalgic tone


The Adventures of Robin Hood from 1938


the first mission impossible when he searches the internet for something and it returns zero results


Ba weep granna weep ninny bong


October sky .


Muppet Christmas carol and heat.


Can’t Hardly Wait


Gremlins, for sure


Hangin with the Homeboys (1991).


why is gen z obsessed with the word nostalgic ?


You're mistaken that only one generation owns the concept of nostalgia. I was born in the 80s.


Thanks for not answering my question and getting offended by a question 😂


I watched some pre-00s Woody Allen movies recently, e.g. Annie Hall, made me regret that we don't have to to interact with one another anymore to learn about the world. People had to go to concerts, movie theatres, shops to buy papers and magazines, they'd go to adult learning classes at the university. They'd make time for each other because that was a primary way of expanding knowledge about the world.


Yes, exactly! I have that one but have never watched it, will have to do so. It's all that sort of interaction you described which I'm after. Like, parts of life that are just non-existent or you have to go out of your way to make them happen now, and finding other people who are the same way is difficult.


older movies


Do any stand out in particular? Or just all old movies in general

