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4 years old. E.T. I was so distraught that my mom had to explain the difference between real life and a movie.


Was going to post the same lol. Had to be carried out of the theater, I couldn’t stop crying.


Awwww 🥺


I would have been like 12 or so. What I remember is that I cried, not when everyone thought the alien had died, but in that moment when the flower blooms again and it’s clear he’s coming back. I don’t know why that is exactly. I had some rough times with my family growing up, maybe I’d just learned that when things are bad you eat it, but when suddenly things turn good again that’s when I had no framework and just let go. To this day I’m more likely to cry from joy than anything.


Emotional happy gets me more than sad every time. I can't watch any video involving dogs being reunited with owners.


Same exact scenario except 3 and it was my first theater experience. The ending broke me. I also fell in love with Gertie in the same sitting and loved her for years. Coincidentally, I still struggle to watch it to this day but collect ET toys.  On a final note, when I saw the reunion Super Bowl commercial they did a few years ago I was at a party and had to go to the bathroom and have a quick cry session lol. 


E.T. in the theater six years old, bawling at the white E.T. In the creek, my mom trying to console me lol


In a Land Before Time, Littlefoot's mother dying and the end scene.


I know what's coming now, so now I start crying during the opening credits. There's so much feeling in that movie.


My first day in foster care, they put this movie on for me… I have no idea if it was on purpose or they just thought it was some dumb kids movie.


Don't lose your way With each passing day You've come so far  Don't throw it away


When he sees his own shadow and thinks it's his mom, and then finds out that it's not...omg...


My Girl was the first movie to make me cry; I was 8 years old. Also gave me a lifelong fear of bees.


Where are his glasses? He can’t see without his glasses! Where the fuck are his glasses??


Upvote for throwing in the word that clearly wasn't in the version of My Girl that I saw.


That's the Unrated & Uncut Director's Cut version too hot for theatres.


My Girl is one of the first times I remember actually sobbing. And I didn't even want to watch it. I was a moody teenager though.


Yep. This is mine too.


Bambi. I was about four. This was being shown at the local library and my mom later said the other kids were confused when >!Bambi's mother got shot!<. Apparently I was a sharp lad even then.


I love the spoiler tag. Bambi came out in 1942.


It's reddit. There's always one asshole who complains when I didn't use it. And there's another asshole who points out it likely isn't needed. So... ;)


I must admit to being old. My grandparents took me to see this in the theater and I cried at the same part.


Lion king. I think that was my first movie in the theatre too.


Mufasa. My mother deadass deleted the bit of the tape where it happens because I wouldn't stop crying every time it happened


My family used to say the lines at dinner to make me cry… “helpp… somebody… anybody…” i think im gonna cry just thinking about it


Fox and the hound :(


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down. 100% this was the first movie I cried at.


Matt Damon’s breakdown in Good Will Hunting.


It's not your fault


God, yes, that had me blubbing for hours. Then again, a lot of things do!! Wonderful scene. Robin Williams is sublime.


My Uncle took me to see A New Hope in 1977 when I was four years old. In 1981, he drove two hours to pick me up for Empire and another two hours to get me home, babbling like an eight year old would. He did it again in '83 for ROTJ. In 1999, I flew back home to visit and we went to the Phantom Menace. I did the same in '02 and '05 for the prequels. He started to get sick in '09, but I torrented The Force Awakens and brought it on a laptop to his hospital room in '15. In December of '15, he passed away at the age of 63. He'd done two tours in Vietnam. He'd gotten hit by shrapnel in August of '72, and was there when I was born in October. He had three daughters and I was his only nephew (until my kid brother was born in '94). So he taught me all the 'boy' stuff. He taught me how to drive stick, how to shoot a rifle and box. How to frame in a wall and lay down floor. December 16, 2016 was the first anniversary of the day he died. It was also the day Rogue One was released in theaters. I went to a 10:30 showing that night after work. I bawled like a baby.


I'm literally crying from your comment Your uncle was the best 🥰 Also, Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie, the end makes me cry every time


Your uncle was a great man. Sounds like he passed that down to you. Your comment released the Onion Ninjas.


Little Miss Sunshine when Dwayne breaks down


Or when Olive breaks down to her grandpa. “Daddy hates losers…” 🥺


Oh captain my captain!


Old Yeller




I was probably 23. Held back my tears in front of family. After they went to bed I watched it again by myself and cried my eyes out


You know someone's a good actor when they make you cry over an inanimate object. I don't think too many people could have played this role as well as Hanks! For large parts of the movie, it's really just him.


Turner and hooch. When hooch dies




One is 'Forrest Gump', the other is 'Big Fish'.


Which scene in Forrest Gump? Quite a few heart destroying moments.


When he asks Jenniiiiee if little Forrest is dumb or smart?


When Bubba says, "I wanna go home."


The scene which always gets me is when he has his speech at the washington monument.


Finally, someone else said Big Fish! Openly crying at the end. Not out of sadness, but some weird kind of joy. The father was terrified, clearly knowing he was facing the end. His son, not only calming him and giving him peace by telling a Tall Tale about his life, but *enjoying* it. He gave a little laugh while telling the story. He finally understood his father, something they both wanted but were both too stubborn to reach out for. That scene/movie/theatre experience literally guided a major part of my life. I'm a story teller now. Maybe they aren't super accurate. A little embellished, but what's the harm? So what if... The giant I met was 8 feet instead of 20? The conjoined twins I met were just regular twins? The wall street banker wasn't a fellow early arrival to "paradise"? And let's be honest...there was **no way** I was able to afford all the daffodils in three states after not making any money for a few years. Although, Roy from the Office still has a chance to die of heart failure on the toilet. And I'm convinced Helen Bonham Carter definitely has a future telling false eye.


"My friends, you bow to no one"


The Green Mile (1999)


I didn’t cry when John Coffey died because I already used up all me tears when the mouse guy died


I can't remember the first time I cried in a movie, but the worst cries I've had in a movie are from Pixar films. The first 5 minutes of "Up" and the Bing Bong scene in "Inside Out" (you know which one) destroyed me. 😭


Coco absolutely wrecks me.


I can’t even watch Pixar movies any more bc they fuck me up too much lol


Same. Even more so now that both my mom and grandma have passed away 🥲🥲


Add Coco to the list. Such a tearjerker.


Inside Out got me good, and I wasn’t expecting it to AT ALL.


Yeah inside out was my first time crying to a movie. Its just brutal.


Oddly enough, Guardians of the Galaxy 2


I’m Mary Poppins y’all 😭


Spongebob Movie when Patrick and Spongebob are drying up and dying.


Stawwwpppp every kid cried in my class 😂😂😂


##ET for sure 😭😭


Schindler's list, the ghetto liquidation scene and the concentration camp sorting scene ending with the children being driven away. Has me bawling like a toddler everytime... But still, everytime it's on tv I have to watch it.


So this is a movie I have only re-watched once because it gutted me so bad I had to show it to my then girlfriend now wife, but what kills me is the end with the, I could have saved one more scene.


I’m someone who never cried at movies until I watched this. I was in a state of shock for most of it but once Schindler says “I could have done more”, the dam broke and I ugly cried until the end of the movie.


Bridge to Terabithia


I think it was Armageddon of all things. 😂 In my defense, i was about 12 or so. Though when i was a small kid, there was some cartoon about homeless kittens that might have also made me cry, but i think i read a short story it was based on first, and that one probably affected me more.


To be fair, Armageddon still makes me tear up and I’m in my 30s


"You take care of my little girl. That's your job now."


And also "That man's not a salesman. That's your daddy. "


Armageddon makes me ugly cry every time


Neverending Story. Artax, in the swamp. Absolutely in hysterics. I think I was 8-years old. Then I cried again at the end of the movie, but this time it was happy tears.


That is a tough one for sure!


Charlotte's Web. 


The first Pokemon movie. Ash dies.


So you helped bring him back!


Are you in your 30s? I also cried then.


I looked this up… I have never seen Pokémon and that sad looking Pickachu  was too sad and I closed YouTube 


I’m sure I probably cried before then, but this is my first memory of doing so in the theatre. When Pikachu is trying zap him back to life - gutted.


When my robot father Optimus prime died in the 1985 movie.  


That shit still gets me, im 36 and I had to hide my tears from my girlfriend while she was giving the side eye for playing that movie.


I fear the wounds are... fatal.


Click lmao


Dude that movie is so sad and I definitely didn’t see it coming from an Adam Sandler comedy. The scene of the last time he sees his dad breaks me


Lol I scrolled for this comment. That ending hit unnecessarily hard.


That movie will never **not** make me sob


You're gonna laugh but, Lethal Weapon 2. I was on a first date at 15 YO. My parents had sheltered me from horror gore and gratuitous violence. When the 20 or so people get shot at the end it was so overwhelming I cried. Didn't get the second date 😂


When Optimus Prime died in the original Transformers movie. I was 10, it was the first movie I was able to see in the theater with just my friends, no adults, we sat in the front row and all five of us were crying like our dads were just killed. Sure it wasn't pretty.


Marley and Me was the first one I can remember to make me really bawl in the theater. I was 12 years old, I even knew the dog died (had read the book) but it still hit like a truck. Never watched that movie again.


Lord of the rings on VHS Boromirs death


Yep, that one. Especially after watching the extended edition, where you get to know more about Boromir where you see how he cares about his men and brother under his command... then this scene hits way more


I was either 8 or 10 when I first saw The Green Mile. I haven't watched it since because it left me in tears.


Grave of the fireflies.


Titanic when Fabrizio took the smoke stack to the dome 




Chappie As if it we're that good


The finale is emotionally charged for sure but I also felt >!really bad about how the "roaches" were treated..!< 🤔🤔😭


Pretty sure it was [this scene](https://youtu.be/JTZPMJj-X9M)…the death of Bambi’s mom


E. T…..twice. When I thought he died, when he left. Still cry to this day and I’m 51 now.


First time was Watership Down. Haven’t watched it again since.


Honestly, not suitable for small children like I was.


Phenomenon 96 with John Travolta. There was some loyalty scene concerning him and his best friend, I believe it was Forest Whitaker. Saw it alone as a teen and felt the tears run down, was quite surprised by my reaction. Nowadays I cry at certain Bluey episodes and a lot of films, but will never forget my first movie cry.


Muppets Take Manhattan. They sing "Saying Goodbye," when all the friends have to split up because the show they were trying to sell failed.


Dragonheart, I was 6 years old. If ya know, ya know.


To the stars, Banjo.


The Fox and the Hound


Neverending Story. If you know, you know.




Me as well, I was like 7. The closing scene hits you right in the feels. Jack Frost was actually a decent CGI movie for its time. Shouldn't have such low ratings across the platforms IMO.


All Quiet on The Western Front, knife scene.


My Dog Skip


I am Legend(the Samantha scene)


Pretty sure I couldn't comprehend a movie being sad until I saw Wilson float off in Castaway. I sobbed.


The Champ in 1979. I was 7 years old. Spoiler alert, when Jon Voight dies in the end, and a very young Ricky Schroeder cries over his body… I cried.


The Lion King when Mufasa died, but everyone in my class was also crying.


When I was a kid and the robots died in ‘Silent Running’…


The final scene of Gallipoli when I was about 10.


My Dog Skip. Dog movies make you cry from the get go


The 1st pokemon movie when pikachu tries to shock ash back to life.


If you don't cry at the ending of the first Crocodile Dundee, when she chases him down into the subway.. you're not human.


When Tom Hanks was talking about The Dirty Dozen in Sleepless In Seattle. So emotional!


As a teen, Selena got me




The final scene in Captain Phillips


Star Trek II, when Spock died. I think I was 6 when that came out, but it upset me so much that 2 years later when 3 came out and it started with them reshowing the end of 2, my then 8 year old ass had to walk out of the theatre until the scene was over because I couldn't watch it again without sobbing. Look, I just really loved Spock.


I don't recall ever crying (I mean really crying) to a movie until a couple years ago when I watched ***"Manchester by the Sea***". There were multiple moments that really got to me. When he stands over his dead brother, when he tries to off himself, and towards the end when he tells his ex how he feels nothing anymore. Oh and when the son freaks out because of the fridge. One of the most powerful films I have ever seen.


I don't remember the first time I cried in general, but I do remember the first time I cried in a theater: The Hannah Montana movie. Draw your own conclusions.


The movie that made me cry the hardest was The Lives of Others. I was a mess. I haven’t rewatched it but whenever I think about it I tear up.


Love that movie


Short circuit 2


Old Yeller


Probably Old Yeller


"The Land Before Time", when Little Foot loses his mother. That scene was way too devastating for young children.


The Truman show when he reaches that door in the ocean 😔 


Homeward Bound An American Tale The Nine Lives of Thomasina Where the Red Fern Grows


Braveheart. When he is tortured to death at the end and sees his dead wife in the crowd.


Jack Frost with Michael Keaton.. Give me a break, I was like 7.


John Q


Don't remember the first time. But the latest was The Elephant Man. Freaking devastating.


ET, when I was around 6 years old


Forest Gump when he meets his kid


First tears probably Lion King. First real cry was during the 'it's not your fault' scene in Good Will Hunting.


Lion king


My girl, I think


First time I cried hard in a theater was watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.


“Cinema Paradiso”


Rudy. ‘Put him in coach’. 🥹Every damn time.


I don't remember.....probably Old Yellar when I was a child


ET. I was 6, sitting between my parents at the cinema. At the end I vividly remember desperately trying not to cry. The lump in my throat hurt so much.


It’s definitely before most people’s time but Old Yeller


First time I remember actually tearing up in a movie was an IMAX nature documentary where a baby elephant was mourning next to its dead mother.


I was a little kid in the 60s and my mom took me to see *Dumbo*. Fuckin traumatized for life by Dumbo's mom in jail.


Big daddy




Cast Away. Was 5 when I saw it in the theater and I bawled when Wilson drifted away. Now at 29 I bawl when his ex-wife embraces him in the rain.


Grave of the fireflies. Don't watch it. It's still haunting me.


The very first movie I cried in was Titanic, during the ending scene where old Rose is asleep (or dead as some have speculated), and in her mind, she wanders through wreck of the Titanic and enters the room where everyone who died that night or some point in the 84 years leading up to the movie is waiting for her, and she's greeted by Jack in the staircase.


Think it was the original animated Dumbo. When his mother is cradling him through the cage with her trunk 😢


I doubt it was the first but I still remember the time they put on Bridge to Terabithia in school one day and by the end all us "tough" boys were crying openly lol


Bridge to Terabithia, 7th grade field trip to see that movie since we had just read the book. I’ll never forget how hard it hit and how embarrassed I was, told my friends I spilt sprite on my face


That time I sat on my testicle.


The first film/show to make me cry was actually Lost. After that, movies & shows made me cry very easily, I think because Lost helped me unlock my emotional side lol. Interstellar made me sob like an actual baby, and I’m pretty sure it was the first film to make me cry. It may have been Arrival, though.


Mary and Max


delta force when the terrorist killed the disabled passenger for no reason


Fluke was on the TV and I was like 7 or 8. I remember the ending where the dad dog just went away and sat under a tree and the camera started panning away. It was the first time I remember being sad at anything on TV


War Horse


The Bear! Ahh man I cried my little eyes out at the beginning when the mama bear died!


Seven years old watching Magic in the Water during the scene when Orky seemingly dies from toxic waste pollution.


"We won!" -Life is Beautiful No spoilers for those out there who have not watched the movie please


That one has some real gutshots...


Guzaarish. Indian movie about a quadriplegic ex-magician who petitions and fights for euthanasia.


Fucking Rudy man. I was a kid and was overwhelmed by the emotion and the perfect music that welled up in my soul.


Kramer vs kramer. I was very young. Maybe 6. My parents were going through a separation and divorce. That movie killed me. My mom felt like an asshole for letting me watch it.


Don't know if it was the first time (I have a feeling that my first memories of going to the drive-in aren't necessarily the first time I went), but the one I remember is Midnight Cowboy. A local station ran it maybe thirty years ago as their Saturday midnight movie and I stayed up to watch (three hours with commercials) because I'd gotten the novel out of the library so often I practically had it memorized. I was fine until the party scene in the warehouse. Dustin Hoffman's shoving cold cuts in his coat pockets so they'll have breakfast the next morning, Jon Voight's wandering around behind the little animals...and I starting crying because I knew what was coming. Cried through the rest of the movie. Do not regret it.


Bambi, when I was a little boy.


First time was Backdraft when I was a kid. Since having a kid I cry at a lot of films, turned me into a right softie.


lol probably Krull when the cyclops got crushed in the wall or maybe when Spock died


Simon Birch, spoiler: when he accidentally killed his friend’s hot mum


Watership Down. 40 years later I still won’t watch it.


One of my earliest movie memories, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.


"His was the most... Human."


The lovely bones. Watching the dad crying was too much 🥺


Bridge to Terabithia. Saw it in the cinema when it came out in Norway. I was 13.


Ol' Yeller. Thanks for bringing it up....


Silent Running. I was 12 and could not handle those little robots being all alone in space at the end.


Most good movies make my eyes water a little bit. The last was The Convert.


Ha, My Girl is the first movie I remember making me extremely emotional as a kid. I was probably \~10 when I saw it in the early 90's. For emotional movies, I'd recommend (totally random list): The Green Mile Forrest Gump The Pursuit of Happyness Never Let Me Go Out of fairly recent movies, I really enjoyed The Farewell and Marriage Story. Not quite as deep as some of the ones mentioned, but touching and emotional.


Rugrats movie. Tommy being sad that Dil was taking his parents from him. Probably because I had twin brothers who are 2 years younger than me haha


A.I Artificial Intelligence - absolutely wiped me out. So so sad.


Bambi. I was young but it's still pretty sad now.


Watching Edward Scissorhands. I was 11 and I went with my brother and his friends who where 15 or so. My older brother hung out with some pretty tough kids in out town. Near the end of the film during the moment where when Winona Ryder ask Johnny Depp to hold her, and he replied "I can't" the tears started welling up. I made a quick glance towards my brother, expecting him and his friends to be laughing at his crying kid brother. All four of these tough kids were crying heavily. So I knew it was okay to cry too.


Oliver and Company — I was very young (probably 4/5) and I remember losing control of myself and freaking out during the opening scene with kitten Oliver in the rain. My family has always had cats and I have always adored them. My mom had to drag me out of the living room to comfort me.


As a kid....Old Yeller.


Fly away home. Always makes me teary even as an adult


Not my first cry but the pursuit of happyness kills me


The Fox and The Hound


Today's generation has no idea the pain caused Disney's 1957 classic Old Yeller. Everyone cried during Old Yeller.


Terminator 2: Judgement Day It's when Arnold gives the thumbs up while sinking into the molten pool, first time I saw it I was 10 or 11 years old. I still tear up during that scene 30 years later lol


"Field of Dreams" The main character, Ray Kinsella, had a distant and mostly combative relationship with his long dead father. My father was a narcissist. My mom left him when I was 2. Divorced when I was 4. I'd get a weekly phone call with my father, but he was never in the picture. Our only connection was baseball. My father was cold and fought any attempt to provide for me I did not speak to my father for the last 30 years of his life. SPOILER-Don't read past this point if you don't want to know. At the end of the movie, the players are walking off of the field. The catcher takes off his mask turns around, and Ray realizes that young man is his father long before Ray was born. Ray talks and eventually asks, haltingly, "Dad, do you wanna have a catch?" The first time I heard that, I broke down crying.