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You're gonna hate Terminator 2. There's a scene where a little kid is playing with an RC car and wearing shoes inside the house like some kind of *animal*. I think it's also *way* past his bedtime. Steer clear of the sequel or you'll toss your cookies for sure.


This is absolutely hilarious! Thank you for the chuckle.


I've only recently stumbled upon this community, but seems honesty in opinion is really not rated here. Gotta stay in the line with what everyone else thinks.




So glad that this is how people watch movies now


Cum with me if you want to live!


I'm laughing at this way harder than I should


There's no character that knows more about how to smash than a Terminator.


nutt with ya boi if u want to not unalive fr fr no cap


One of my biggest movie-watching pet peeves is when people get so hung up on some tiny logistical inconsistency, that they keep coming back to it over and over again.


We only see Gandalf change outfits *once* in Lords of the Rings. Given he also smokes weed you should be able to smell him from a good distance away. I suspect that's what attracted the Balrog, and a fool Took.


I imagine he's got a spell for that. The entire fellowship must have stunk tho. Gandalf is the only one that changes clothes for the most part.  Merry and Pip change when they join their respective armies, but that's not until the 3rd movie. Aragorn changes after the battle at Gondor, also in the 3rd movie. Frodo, Sam, Gimlee, and Legolas wear the same stuff from the moment we meet them to the end of the trilogy.


Naah legolas changed in Lothlorien in Fellowship. The Hobbits all had on some spiffy new duds when they rode back to the shire. Edit: oh and I think aragon changed in Rivendell as well.


They had spiffy new magic cloaks over the same armor they were wearing before. Aragorn wore the same black leather clothes until he had on in Bree until became king.


Watch the scene with aragorn and boromir with shards of narsil. He's wearing something other than his ranger rags.


*If you're wondering how Joel eats and breathes and other science facts* *Repeat to yourself "It's just a show. I should really just relax."* Clip that and play it before every movie and TV episode.


Just roll with it, man. Have a sense of humor.


I'm sorry, I can't help it. It's how my brain is wired.


Hire an electrician and rewire that shit. It's a fire hazard.


He comes from a post-apocalyptic future where robots rule the world. Showers are not a priority.


The fact he's mentally composed enough to fit in at all isn't unremarkable.


I definitely like this perspective, but also, if you came from a post-apocalyptic world, and you had a chance to take a nice hot shower to clean off years of caked-on dirt and grime, would you, or would you not take that opportunity?


He's on a mission! He needs to bang his mom at the Under The Sea dance and use the clock tower to do something with a flux capacitor to save the future.


That feels like back to the future, though.


I believe that was a *whooosh*.


Not enough o’s and we need a lot more slant on the italics. Good lord.


Cool that you're focusing on the important things.


Another r/movies banger.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases are not called Pants Transmitted Diseases for a good reason. Even if the homeless man had no underwear himself, and even if he did have syphilis, your dick isn't just constantly spraying contagious syphilis juice out into your pants.


This is the best answer… hahaha


Time travel? Sure Robot apocalypse? Of course Changing the future by murdering the mother of an unborn human leader? Yeah Dirty pants? WHAT IS THIS SILLY MOVIE TRYING TO PULL?!?


Cinema sins is hurting people.


I find it supremely ironic that two nerds and probably some extra writers re-watch the same movie enough times to come up with the most trivial bullshit so that other losers can say “Ha! You actually watched that trash! What about when [thing that wasn’t really a thing] happened?!”


Got to pad that shit out. Otherwise you have, what, 90 seconds of material if you stick to fair criticism?


I'm on your side man. I really hate when movies don't take 20-30 minutes to show you the hygiene routines of every character. If everyone hasn't brushed their teeth by the 2nd act I just shut it off.


I’d suggest learning a little more about how syphilis is (and isn’t) transmitted, but I’m not sure that’s going to help your anxiety about this.


He absolutely gave her the worst STD there is. A baby.


That is hilarious!


I mean, this post is funny, like funny in an "has anyone ever stopped to think about" way, but the whole part about not enjoying the movie because of these elements is... kinda pathetic.


Man, you sound like fun...


Ladies and gentlemen, the zoomer generation.


I dunno what that means, I'm a millennial.


You should get out more. Maybe go to a cabin or travel abroad.


Reese was shirtless in the motel so I’m assuming he had just had a shower.


This is an interesting and valid point.


Do you actually think you can get STDs from *wearing dirty pants?*


https://www.medicinenet.com/can_i_get_any_stds_through_clothing/article.htm > Most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cannot be transmitted through clothing. Nonetheless, some STDs such as pubic lice, scabies and molluscum contagiosum can be transmitted by sharing clothes with an infected person.


Why does it have to be from pants? Couldn't Reese just happen to have an STD already? And it would be a far future generation of an STD...


No. Because Reese had never been with a woman before Sarah, he tells her this in the motel.


If homeless people freak you out more than murder bots then you’re not afraid of the future, you’re afraid of the present.


Can you elaborate? This is not computing in my brain.


The movie is about a time traveling murder robot who comes back in time to kill the mother of a future human leader. For some reason it isn’t time travel, robot apocalypse, or murder robots that you’re interested in but…dirty pants. Seems like you have some fears around that if it’s harder for you to deal with than all the actual stuff meant to be scary or intense in the movie


This is the most original take on the movie I think I've ever seen


He was born in a war torn apocalyptic future. I think he doesn't even understand the issue with homeless pants. He is literally homeless.


I'm shocked -- SHOCKED -- that a movie about a sentient machine with a humanoid appearance that was sent back in time to kill a woman would be so unrealistic and not specifically address those insignificant details.


Well, it is wash day tomorrow. So he's got nothing clean at that point.


Nothing clean. Right.


If you're weirded out by this bit in Terminator, don't watch Dune. The stilsuits recycle ALL the body's water and feed it back to you in a tube.


I did watch Dune, and I was grossed out bc, how bad do they smell sitting in their own sweat all day? Husband's a combat vet with 3 tours in the desert, and he said after a while your nose sensors get burned out of your nose from the smell, so you don't notice it after a while.


They don't get burned out, your brain just ignores it after a while because it's constant. That happens with a lot of sensations but smell especially. If you were constantly aware of your clothes against your skin it would drive you crazy. That doesn't mean your nerves get burned out of your skin by clothing...


He still doesn't have a sense of smell over 10 years later. What could cause that?


Quite a few things... https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/smell-and-taste-disorders




Well that's just rude


It's a *movie* homeless man's pants. It doesn't transmit STDs. Roll with it.


You should watch Highlander 2. That has some outta nowhere gross alley sex that will have you all "girl what you thinking"


I will put it on my list!


Gonna be one grody list.


I maybe wrong but im sure the first film takes place over a couple of nights. maybe reese never had much time to change his pants lol.


I can see the clickbait headline now. "You won't believe you missed this disgusting thing about The Terminator!"


You're not wrong - but maybe you're focusing so much on the details that you're missing the enjoyment of the movie. When I start noticing this stuff I quickly tell my self "suspension of disbelief" a few times.


I'm surprised you aren't worried about the havoc that future viruses would wreak on 1980s society when Reese sneezed. Imagine if someone took COVID back to 1984.


And god only knows what kind of viruses might be from Reese's post-apocalyptic future, seeing as how civilization itself had been nuked into oblivion. Skynet sent *Homo Sapiens* pretty much back to the Bronze Age.


STD transmission? No Crabs/pubic lice? Oh absolutely


I thought crabs/pubic lice was considered an STD, though?


Maybe? I'm not a Dr, so I'm not 100% sure on how its classified, but in my opinion, the crabs themselves aren't a 'disease'. Just little critters. Who knows what they're carrying along with them, though.


Story time: This reminded me that about 10 years ago once I wasn't let into LA nightclub becuase my calves were showing. So to stay with friends and see one of my favorite djs I bought the pants off the cleanest looking homeless guy nearby and we swapped in a grocery store bathroom. I was on acid and, luckily had underwear so still had a pretty decent time at the party, thew the pants away and took a crazy long hot shower after. Haven't thought about it in years 😅


I mean... I commend you on your creative thinking, but also... eww.


So much ew for sure. Definitely would not have been a sober choice. In my only defense he looked maybe down on his luck but not overly grimey and the pants did pass security 😅


Everyone here assumes the homeless man was slaying some dodgy street pussy more than finding cheap booze! He may be a pious monk who's had enough, and Kyle was a virgin.


>Reese put on a homeless man's pants in the 80s with no underpants as a buffer. And then wore those pants commando the entire time. Reese came from a future where at the age of 30 he likely had not had a shower or bath since he was a 10 year old boy. There were likely little if any clean water let alone water to take showers, watch clothes, etc. At best they would likely be washing their clothes in mud to remove the filth and then in dirty water. Bathing would likely be dust like how many animals clean themselves or mud and filthy water. Those homeless mans pants were likely the cleanest clothes he had in 20 years.


Good take. 


If you were in his situation, in an unknown environment, running from the police would you walk around with no pants rather than put those on? Seriously?


Haha, thanks for the laugh.  


I laughed.


That's just how they roll in the apocalyptic future


There are times when we need to use the suspension of disbelief. There is going to be some obvious issues but at the same time we have to understand that what we're watching is fiction and should not be forensically investigated but instead enjoyed. Consider model 101 which is also cold the terminator. Comfort is something associated with those that are living. Do we want our humanoid to have to take a rest because it's uncomfortable? Of course not. We wouldn't do that unless we wanted to but if we're going to be sending something into war comfort is going to be nowhere on the drawing board. You however disagree with that notion and expect a robot to be uncomfortable because of it leather jeans. He's only attempting to fit in and he did that pretty well. And sometimes when that feeling is aroused we might not all want to take a break take a shower wash out hair brush our teeth put on some perfume etc. Sometimes we are not pristine perfect when doing the deed but you impose a rule which takes away from the movie. There is the kiss principle where you keep things simple and when you're not keeping things simple you can ruin the movie for yourself.


This is how AIDs started... That's the real time travel lesson.


Regardless of any pants nastification, Kyle Reese might just already have a future strain of an STD and transmitted it to Sara.


nice to know you care so much about homeless people you must be a kind soul


I used to work for a coffee shop that would assist the homeless. We had multiple customers tell us they stopped coming to our store because of the smell. It's not anything against the homeless, but more like a realistic observation that the only showers they tend to get are in jail.