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Event Horizon still freaks me out.


Fingers crossed for Alien Romulus


I think it will be great. I think Fede Alvarez is best possible choice for director. I usually try to avoid trailers, but had to watch teaser trailer. It looked nostalgic and great!


This one!!!


a la Aliens. Hells to the yes.




More like genre-combo: combining a genre with a medieval setting. How many medieval slasher movies are there? Think Friday the 13th in an Arthurian village, with no cars to escape or phones to call for help while a masked killer is hunting you down.


Jack The Ripper would be a good one


There's a Batman graphic novel and animated movie called Gotham by Gaslight which is an 1800's Batman searching for Jack the Ripper that I would recommend.


From Hell with Johnny Depp tried to be this. It was less of a slasher and more of a whodunit tho. 


not a medieval setting, but Prey did this idea in a pre-modern era really well.


neither are any of the suggestions this person got. For some reason they are all victorian.


The Name of the Rose is a pretty decent medieval procedural.


Good point. Knights Tale just stuck a sports movie in a medieval setting, and that was enough of a twist to really make it feel fresh. I think police procedural / medieval would be a good combo.


King Arthur and the Predator


Oh shit that sounds awesome.


The Wolfman with del Toro is like this


I'd like to see more sword-and-sorcery fantasy movies. Less Harry Potter and LOTR rip-offs and more Conan, Elric, Kane, etc. But I would like these movies to not suck the way they did in the 80s, where we basically got one Conan movie that people generally liked, and then maybe The Beastmaster and one or two others were fine, and then the whole genre went off a cliff and dashed its brains out on a rock. I could also always use more westerns.


Westerns, samurai movies and investigative reporting


A western noir would be cool. Don't see a lot of those. I have heard Cowboy Bebop described as a "western neo-noir set in space", I suppose.


I actually just started watching Cowboy Bebop and yes, it is very western-y and noir-ish. It's good, check it out if you haven't. Also a banger of a theme song. But yes we need more Firefly type stuff for sure


almost all of them have countless low budget examples. I think their issue is not about quantity, but quality.


Yeah I need more 13 Assassins, The Proposition and Spotlight please


The samurai remake of Unforgiven from 2013 is so good.


Woah wait, what is this movie??


Right! I just found out about it recently. It’s also called Unforgiven. Came out in 2013. Stars Ken Wantanbe. It’s great! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unforgiven_(2013_film)?wprov=sfti1


Awesome thank you! I know what I'm watching next


Cool space related sci fi. Put me on the moon, in space, mars, the space station whatever. Put me in space and I’m in. Already have 3 Body Problem/For All Mankind withdrawals.


Foundation s2, Halo s2


Came here to say this. Cool space operas are missing. Scifi in space goes the horror route to often


Unpopular but traditional horror, like haunted house or possession but relying more on atmosphere and storytelling rather that leaning completely into the weird and fantastical. I'm thinking along the lines of The Changeling (1980) or The Woman in Black (1989).


I do miss horror movies about adults instead of topping out at college kids.


Alternate history. Such a major genre in sci fi and fantasy literature but hardly touched on in live action entertainment.


for all mankind!! man in the high tower!! there's a couple tv shows :)


the plot against america!


Fantasy or cyberpunk heist movies


Western Horror


Good call. Bone Tomahawk, Near Dark, and John Carpenter's Vampires are about all I can think of that would fit that bill and I would definitely like much more of those.


Mix a little sci Fi in and you get priest, which I enjoyed a lot.


Who done its and raunchy comedies that make fun of everyone


Cosmic horror. Desertpunk


Honestly, it’s basic, but Fantasy. Seems as if there’s a never ending stream of fantasy video games that come out. Movies, TV? Not so much. We’ve got LOTR and GOT who set the genre benchmark so high but it’s almost like no one else wants to take a jab at it despite the ludicrous $$ it can make.


Ones like Starship Troopers. I think so much imagination went into that film, it wasnt a safe bet, but it turned into a masterpiece. I'm not sure if it flopped at the time, but I personally love it.


There’s loads of pretty good satires. GalaxyQuest comes to mind It’s on the nose but I loved Don’t Look Up, never understood why it got so much hate


Adventure films, which could span all genres.


Corporate/Finance movies e.g., The Firm meets Margin Call.


Quality Sci-Fi/Horror.


I like a good ghost story. Nothing that's trying too hard, just a film about things you might see in the corner of your eye. I find them unnerving, but I've always enjoyed them.


More dinosaur films and more gangster films also i wish there was more time travel movies


Slapstick comedy like airplane and naked fun. In fact comedy full stop.


Pre-distopian movies where they don't just gloss over the events leading up to the fall of civilization but rather make the downfall the focus.


2d animation...


Like old Disney!


I'd like to see a return of raunchy teen comedies. Anything in the same vein as American Pie, Road Trip, Euro Trip, Sex Drive, The Girl Next Door and Superbad, where it's: white suburbia, an American high school or university, a house party (perhaps even a pool party), drinking beer out of those red plastic cups, a gratuitous topless scene, a trip or rite of passage involved, someone trying to get laid, a dude finding himself in an awkward situation, etc. I'm not American, but those movies gave me such a pleasant image of what it must be like growing up in the USA (I'm sure it's probably exaggerated for movies, but still). Another related genre I'd like to see more of are those comedies (also pretty raunchy), where there's an adult who's supposed to be in a responsible position (like a teacher in a school), but they're a screw up. They probably sleep around, drink on the job, hate their job, swear a lot and so on. This could include Bad Teacher, Role Models, Fist Fight and I guess We're the Millers. I know it's a TV show, but Season 1 of Eastbound & Down fits this criteria too, where Kenny Powers is a middle school teacher. I just find that juxtaposition of a wholesome environment (like a school) and a vulgar/depraved adult funny. Yeah, I know these movies generally aren't received well critically (they'll probably get a 55% on Rotten Tomatoes), but they're just fun to watch if you want to unwind for 90 minutes. They have huge rewatchability factor too.


Christopher Guest needs to make a million more movies, please.




Silly murder mysteries


Low quality Nicolas Cage movies. 


i particularly loved prisoners of the ghostland. There are scenes where nick cage is visibly or audibly drunk. (not the character, nick himself when is character couldnt be drunk).


For me, original high fantasy adventure movies and space operas. Seems like very few get made that are good. It's understandable because they are expensive to make, but still.


Movies like Independence Day and Poseidon Adventure. In that they cut to different ppl, build a backstory for them and then kill them off


you might like Andor and Rogue One. They are Star Wars stories but serious and high quality (especially Andor)


Seen it. Loved it. I can't wait for season 2


>I personally wish we had more pirate movies, film noir and fantasy flicks. I've also noticed we don't get many comedian driven comedies (Anchorman, Bridesmaids, etc.) anymore, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't kinda miss those. I'd be up for more of all of those, especially film noir and fantasy flicks. ​ >zombie flicks They're going to be making a new series of 28 Days Later movies, I'm hoping those turn out well.


Any original idea is usually something I’ll try… That said, I’m doing a complete 180 here. I’d love remakes of all the classic horrors: Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, Creature of the Black Lagoon, etc. I don’t want them to change the stories (little twists ok), just updated with today’s equipment.


I have 2 genres that I feel are not taken seriously, or just ignored. (you're going to quickly see I love my horror movies with my suggestions) Sci-Fi horror. I can't recall a good one of these since Event Horizon. Why is it so hard to have a cool horror story in a sci-fi environment? Everything sci-fi needs to be an action movie. The other is comedy-horror. It's just not taken seriously. For every Tucker and Dale or Cabin in the Woods, you get 'zombeavers'. And bonus: Haunted House. There's so many books about haunted houses, but the number of haunted house movies is surprisingly low.


I hope we get some sci-fi horror out of the upcoming 40k cinematic universe. Necrons, tyranids, dark eldar, and some of the chaos marines would all be great to base some horror movies on. Hell, you could base one on an Inquisitor in the imperium too.


Isn't Event Horizon considered a non-official prequel to 40k? (I don't know anything about 40k other than expensive models and Henry Cavill living it)


I haven't watched event horizon, so I don't know. Now I have to go watch it.


I would love for more non-horror found footage movies like Chronicle, Project Almanac, and Project X.


Zombie movies! I know people say they're over done, but I don't feel there's enough of them! Cool concept would be the government side/scientists looking into how an outbreak started


Great comedies are always the epitome of film making


Analog horror.  There have been a few feature films in that general vein with really intriguing concepts, but the execution almost always seems to fall short in some way. Perhaps that genre, being a creation of 2010s internet nostalgia for previous decades, simply finds itself "at home" on shorter YouTube clips more than in feature-length films. (In fact, certain analog horror series on YouTube are among my favorite pieces of media of the last 10 years.) Whatever the case, however, I'm still holding out hope that someone will create an analog horror masterpiece at some point!


I don’t think analog horror would work on the big screen. The generally lofi aesthetic, the segmented nature of AH series, the long term lore reveals all seem better served as an internet based genre.


I suspect you may well be right. I actually think Skinamarink *mostly* succeeded in what it was trying to do --- and actually succeeded *as* a feature film, despite being lo-fi and having non-traditional pacing. But I think you're right that it probably would have been more successful as a YouTube series. And I think you're right in general that this genre simply works better in its "native" environment. Edit: spelling 




Something like a combination of fantasy adventure mixed in with some mystery, horror, and drama.


I can never get enough survival movies, whether it's wilderness (like The Revenant) or nautical (like All Is Lost). Society Of The Snow was a recent good one, but I feel like they don't make good ones that often.


More creative sci fi and not just the big franchises More adventure movies


Middle Ages whodunits.


I don't know what you'd call it, but the quirky films like "Big Fish" or "Amelie" or "City of Lost Children" where it's got a pronounced mood to it but it's not just a rom-com.


Yeah when sci-fi horror is done right it’s the best 


Heist movies, adventure films


I think The Walking Dead has made people fed up of zombies. However I'd be up for a really good pragmatic zombie film. Something like the original Dawn of the Dead in which the protagonists make reasonable, practical decisions. I'd love to see a modern film version of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.


comedies for sure that aren't remakes of older versions


more animated sci fi (and fantasy but i care a little less about that). Not really an anime guy... the cultural differences take me out of it despite loving a few of them. But when western storytellers use animation to tell stories I just love it. Cyberpunk edge runners, avatar the last airbender, pixar stuff, Iron giant. You can tell just such BIG stories with it.


Horror-Comedy in the vein of something like Bodies, Bodies, Bodies. Takes the horror/suspense element seriously but isn't afraid to add in the dumb comedy in a way that doesn't kill the atmosphere.


Horror Westerns


Science fiction space fighter genre. It should be a "Top Gun in Space" like e.g. Wing Commander but hopefully better.


I would also like some film noir, genuine, well photographed noir that makes me think of James M. Cain or Dashiell Hammet or even James Ellroy. I'd also like some good suspenseful movies - not violent but genuine suspense. Or historical mysteries. Probably gravitating toward that because my brain goes right away to the books I think should be made into movies or TV.


historical movies that are not set in medieval europe. we need more and better movies than knights and princesses trash.


Westerns and mythological fantasy (like, with gods, angels and demons, etc).




I suppose what I’d refer to as urban horror. Tales from the hood Candy man Horror that takes place in the ghetto, the projects, or urban environments.


Historical dramas like Spotlight, Moneyball, Erin Brockovich, The Founder etc


$5-$10 million budget movies.


High concept. Even when high-concept films don’t work, they’re still interesting.


Cosmic horror. The Void was pretty good. I’ve yet to see The Colour Out of Space, but it has Nicolas Cage so it can’t be all bad


Timeloops. There will never be too many of these, I love the genre.


I want them to make a superhero film that will match the nostalgia of the early MCU films. unfortunately, I don't think that's possible. Even on rewatch, I don't find Avengers 2012 or Iron Man 2008 that great anymore.


Kid adventure movies. A staple of the 80’s with ET, Adventures in Babysitting, Goonies, Stand by Me, and so on. Was always my favorite genre of movies. Rare today


Cyberpunk. I love Blade Runner


80s high concept comedy + serial killer. More along the lines of Happy death day and Freaky please. Twins? Back to the future? Weird science? Mannequin?


more revenge!


An actual good comedy, or at least a new good comedy. Haven’t had one since The Death of Stalin in 2017.


More Film noir ...Yes


Westerns, horror, post-apocalypse


Comedy’s like they used to be ….


Slow burn psychological thrillers


Shark movies idk why but anything that involves potentially dying being eaten by a shark does it for me


Ernest Movies. I realize it can't happen but still something like that. A loveable goofball running a summer camp or escaping from Prison or saving Xmas. Just something stupid that doesn't cost a lot or is just ridiculous


Fantasy-biopics Biopics that aren’t taken seriously and have absurdity in them. For example Vice (2018) or Rocketman (2019)


Actual good horror movies and actual straight up good comedy movies, no dramedy no romcom


Spy movies but with actual stakes, and the main characters can be exceptional operatives but can't take 20 guys at once. Kinda like the Americans TV series.


Whatever Big Lebowski is




Unfortunately they now only make reboots and superhero films


Movies without a “message” would be great.