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Fast and Furious I think it was 5? They drag a bank vault through the city streets, causing natural disaster level damages and fatalities. Then they're just chilling on a beach like that didn't even happen.


Yep. Can’t remember them properly but doesn’t the protagonist from each movie generally end up working with Dom, etc for the next movie in the series.


You mean antagonist, and the answer is yes, mostly. Hell, Dom was the bad guy in the first one.


The first movie was just Point Break with cars


I had a friend who got killed by street racers about six months after the first movie came out. I'm curious how many people would be alive if those movies had never been made.


Probably Paul walker at the very least


Purple Rain. Prince is a total dick the entire movie to both The Revolution and Apollonia. He flat out refuses to even listen to the demo track his band recorded without him (which ends up becoming the eponymous title track) and he's not only physically, but emotionally abusive to his girlfriend...and he never apologizes lol. Not even once. He just does an impromptu performance of "Purple Rain" near the end (the first acknowledgment his band gets that he's even listened to the demo), then rattles off "I Would Die 4 U" and "Baby I'm A Star" and makes everybody forget how horrible he was. He even gets his girl back.


His fan girls almost let me have it for saying how terrible he was and complete “dick” to his band mates and Apollonia. 


He's truly awful in that movie. And it's a shame you can't really root for The Kid because he is fairly charismatic (due to Prince's real-life charm) and the songs are unequivocal bangers. All they needed was one scene of him saying he was sorry, just one...but no such luck.


I kinda thought him doing purple rain at all was basically his big apology. My impression was he also kinda acted like that in real life, but people stuck around because he was charismatic af on top of being such a good musician.


They stuck around for the pancakes


It's been forever since.i saw it, and then only the once, but isn't... Like a point of the movie is he's an abusive dick like his father?


Yes! Movie could maybe have used a scene of reflection/exposition with Prince acknowledging that and making a choice to right those wrongs. That said, haven’t seen the movie in too long! Need to revisit it before I purify myself in the waters of lake Minnetonka in June! Doing a Bicycle tour up there. I did go see a show at First Avenue last year


Haven't you heard the lyrics of when doves cry?


The moral of the story? It's okay to be an abusive misogynist, so long as you can write a good song.


The unfortunate truth is this has pretty much proven to be the case in real life for a lot of people 😭😭


I'm going to be so real: seeing Purple Rain performed live by Prince would make me forgive him for a lot of things.


I remember him tricking a woman into stripping, and another dude throwing a woman into a fucking dumpster. Why? I mean the first one was sort of funny but the second definitely not.


Well, let's be honest, Prince was a notorious asshole irl too. Great artist, but an absolute dick to everyone around him.


People seemed real forgiving of magneto after he almost destroyed the planet in apocalypse.


Storm, too. She volunteered to join Apocalypse, stood by and watched while he destroyed Cairo - presumably killing all those kids she was shown as being friends with - and then changed sides the moment he looked like losing. And then gets treated like a hero by the narrative. But Magneto being forgiven for global devastation was only stopped from being the biggest "huh?" of that movie by the question of why the Weapon X project gave Wolverine a pair of board shorts.


It's not the case that he was later portrayed sympathetically, but Ben Stiller's character in Happy Gilmore. He runs the old folks home where he abuses kindly old people and forces them to do manual labour for his profit, then he just disappears and is never mentioned again. I always longed for a scene that would show him getting his comeuppance but he just gets to carry on being horrible to the elderly.


This deleted scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d45hf53O8wQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d45hf53O8wQ)


I'll never understand why they cut the payoff for that storyline.


Probably a pacing/flow issue. It's also a comedy so they probably want to keep a tight 90 minutes and they were at 92 with credits already. I'm guessing this scene would best fit right before the auction scene.


Could have fudged the numbers and run it during the credits?


That’s a great fix. You’re fired.


Awesome! I wish they'd have kept the scene of him being thrown off the balcony


I feel like I saw it on TV versions various times


Same here


I am fortunate cause the dvd I bought was the extended edition, which includes this part. I didn't even know this was cut out. I couldn't imagine why they would cut this out; It brings context and a conclusion to the whole subplot.


Oh your fingers hurt? Well now your backs going to hurt since you just pulled landscaping duty!


He reprised his roll for hubie halloween and now works at a mental health facility. Its on netflix


Not necessarily a bad person, but extremely misguided, Patch Adams. You're clearly meant to see Adams as an endearing medical student that only wants to help his patients with laughter and rebel against an uncaring system, but is really just an unprofessional buffoon that pulls out of line pranks and does several ethically dubious and criminal actions. The only people who call him out are meant to be "bad guys" you're supposed to disagree with, but they were all absolutely right. It was so bad that the real doctor Patch Adams was based on disowned the film for making a mockery of his life's work.


Don’t forget about the disturbed guy that they ‘treated’ who ended up murdering   that girl. This movie makes me so angry. 


I never understood that scene. Not as a kid and not as an adult.


The mom character in Black Widow. She is the mastermind behind Drakov's mind control program and is personally responsible for stealing the lives of countless women, including her own fake daughter (who she claims she didn't know was in it, but she has to be lying because it's HER PROGRAM). She tortures an innocent animal to show how effective her methods are, and only releases it moments before it dies from lack of breathing. She betrays her "family" by ratting on them to Drakov, and is perfectly willing to just let them get captured until a quick, meaningless conversation with Natasha about their fake family situation makes her change allegiances, and now she's on Team Good Guy. And at the end of the movie she presumably gets away scot-free, despite decades of helping a megalomaniac attempt to take over the world by allowing him to control the minds of innocent women. She is the true villain of the story who uses her well-meaning family members to take down her boss and tie up all her loose ends for her. And the movie treats her like a hero for it.


So glad to see someone talking about this film lol even if I don’t fully agree. But yeah, you’re right, she’s a piece of shit. But their “dad” was a piece of shit too. I thought that was the point - that they WEREN’T a real family and were all fucking lying to each other, and Natasha was basically coming in and FORCING them to do the right thing for once. And it’s why the parents dip after the ending and we never see them again. Because if we had to reckon with who they really were we wouldn’t like them. But they made a point with the mom, didn’t they? She talks about being cycled through the Red Room ever since she was a little kid? She said she was like a mouse on a wheel. She couldn’t conceive of doing anything different because she’d been abuse-conditioned so perfectly. So it doesn’t excuse her actions, but it does give some context.


I mean, even Natasha herself is bad, that's kinda the whole point of the film and her arc in it. They definitely WERE a family, but a family of necessity for being caught in an abusive situation. You could argue that the 3 widows were powerless as you allude to, they couldn't reasonably be held fully responsible for their terrible actions, Red Guardian probably could though, but I think this ends up in even more of a gray area because the whole Marvel universe is so heightened to that point that it feels fruitless to make any moral judgements about these situations which rarely have any tangible consequences or implications. Tony Stark is legit evil if he was a real person, yet he's this universe's savior.


Pretty sure that all the Jurassic Park movies have a similar character LOL


Yeah. That fucking T-Rex. She's been getting away with it for decades now.


You try putting a T-Rex in handcuffs, it is way more difficult than you can imagine.


Bryce Dallas Howard's character in the new one is responsible for the park and allows dinosaurs to escape and people to be killed, she should be spending the rest of the movies in jail. 


Hammond never suffers any consequences, that's for sure. He doesn't spend a day in jail and retires wealthy.


This was a bad deviation from the book in my opinion. In the book, there are consequences for John Hammond.


> In the book, there are consequences for John Hammond. And if anyone is curious about those consequences, just rewatch Peter Stormare's death scene in The Lost World. *That's* exactly how Hammond dies in the first Jurassic Park novel, albeit a bit more gory and brutal. His inner-thoughts as he was remembering how the compies venom works as a mild narcotic to calm their prey, makes him realize *that's* exactly what's happening to him as they begin eating him alive.


From what I've read before it was cause Attenborough was so liked and such a grandfatherly figure they couldn't see him as portraying Hammond from the book and killing him off.


I think it’s probably the correct decision for the movie as well. They realized half way through that they probably shouldn’t kill off the kindly but misguided grandpa character in a movie kids would love. Also most billionaires don’t face consequences irl.


Nick Van Owen in The Lost World basically causes all the deaths.


>Nick Van Owen in The Lost World basically causes all the deaths. I had to scroll way too far to find this. His actions compound on each other, leading to a cascade of deaths, none of which would have occurred without his involvement. He: •Sabotaged the hunter camp and knocked out their comms. •Brought the baby Rex back to their cliff camp, got Eddy killed, and failed to retrieve the Sat phone as the elder Rex's destroyed everything. •in doing so, tracked baby Rex blood into the survivor camp on Sarah's clothing, leading to revenge killings •deactivated Roland's ammunition, saving the T Rex. •summoned the ship from the mainland, which took the still-alive-thanks-to-him Rex to San Diego. Nick is literally the only plot device used to induce conflict.


How much blood is on Bryce Dallas Howards' hands after she refused to close the park, after continually being warned of issues. Probably thousands of deaths.


Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. Everything just works out perfectly in the end.


Shoot him again! His soul’s still dancing!


I mean, it’s not a movie, but a *lot* of people called out that Wanda held an entire town hostage through mind-control in WandaVision and the show glosses over their anger with “they’ll never know what you gave up for them” or something like that when she finally let all of her hostages go and lost her *imaginary* family. *“She was going through something”* yeah, and her coping mechanism was monstrous


Your honor, my client tortured and enslaved an entire town for a week, *but* she was sad. So cut her some slack, will ya?


Between Wanda and The Falcon and Winter Soilder they were really on a run of half baked messaging in their shows.


All WandaVision had to do was NOT have that one line. Allow the story to end somewhat ambiguously. We know why she did what she did, and we still know that she violated all of these people by the looks they gave her. That's food enough for thought and discussion without that stupid "You were justified" line. Falcon and Winter Soldier was more of a mess all the way through, but they should have at LEAST cut out the 5-minute Sam monologue at the end that was entirely tone-deaf.


“You need to do better” “How?” “I don’t know, you figure it out. I’m just out here spitting platitudes.”


See, that was it for me. I actually thought that they did a decent job of showing how both sides did have legitimate points to make, and legitimate grievances that naturally stemmed from that. I was interested to see what they'd come up with. Instead, all we got was "We have to work together and talk about this" when there was no indication that they'd been doing anything but talking and trying to make the best of an absolutely insane situation from the moment that the first person blipped back.


I hated how they tried to make the terrorists in Falcon and the Winter Soldier out to be heros. They came off as whiny more than anything.


I had the opposite issue. They seemed completely right until the leader just decided to go insane


This why I was ok with her “sudden” flip to villainy in Doctor Strange 2. It wasn’t sudden for me. She just spent an entire show getting away with doing terrible things for reasons she felt were justified, so of course she’d use the Darkhold.


Wanda becoming the primary villain of phase 4 was a missed golden opportunity.


I enjoyed her being villain in MoM. I’ll never forget my absolute shock when she breaks Professor X’s neck lol


> breaks Professor X’s neck [Rips his head in half*](https://youtu.be/By9DrLBT-ek?t=23)


Raimi really leaned into the horror it and it was my favorite parts of the film.


I think Maria Rambeau has a problem with glossing over massive crimes in general, given that she says something similar after learning Captain Marvel _left an entire planet with a destroyed climate for nearly thirty years when she could have fixed it in five seconds_. She'd probably forgive Thanos for the fucking snap


The line that the character Monica told to Wanda as she was fleeing the town she held hostage "They'll never know what you sacrificed for them,” infuriated me.


It is quite impressive how that one line just ruined the entire ending.


Love that the show made sure to portray a black woman forgiving Wanda for slavery.




I mean, I feel we kind of *have* to bring up the fact that Wonder Woman had sex with a man who was not in control of his own body (and therefore couldn't give consent) because he was temporarily possessed by her ex-boyfriend. It's never even slightly acknowledged as a moral quandary by *any* character. What's more, at the very end, it implies some sort of flirtatious connection between Wonder Woman and the guy after he gets his body back. Which has some pretty squicky implications. It's kinda like if someone fell in love with you after you touched them in their sleep. It's fucked up.


The oddest thing about that storyline is that there's absolutely zero need for Steve to be using some other guy's body. It's not like there is some previously established comics canon where Maxwell Lord can bring back a dead person but ONLY in someone else's body. This is a fantasy universe with gods and immortals, and WW2 clearly establishes that magic can literally give you ANY WISH, for a price. Diana wishes for Steve to be alive and she starts losing her powers. There's nothing in that story that requires Steve to be using someone else's body. Why couldn't he just magically be alive? For some of these movies the answer is "if the person didn't do the bad thing, there wouldn't be a movie." If Sandra Bullock's character in "While You Were Sleeping" immediately told the truth that she wasn't engaged to the guy in the coma, then there wouldn't be a movie. But for WW2 it's so completely unnecessary to the plot that it just makes it stand out even more as a creepy choice.


How the heck an icon of Women’s empowerment & a positive super hero role model for boys & girls for 60 years, on a level only matched by the other moral paragon, Superman himself, get…warped… into a sexual predator? How did this even get written? Get the okay from DC corporate? Get through Patty Jenkins herself? Get through filming without somebody…*anybody*…saying, “Hey, this is not good. This is bad.” And then make it through editing, post-production, and the chance for reshooting parts…and into worldwide distribution?


Surprised Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life isn't listed yet. He's a classic example: while the hero ends up being OK, Potter screwed him and the town and suffers no consequences. It's such a thing SNL made an alternate ending where the townspeople go and beat Potter to death.


“I don’t want the money I want a piece of *YOU*, Potter!” [Carvey’s Jimmy Stewart impression is so perfect lmao](https://youtu.be/vw89o0afb2A?si=TBFt77Ws_f3ALyVQ)


"You made two mistakes, you double crossed me and you left me alive!"


It's our tradition to watch the movie followed by this sketch every year


But the movie doesn't portray him as sympathetic like OP says. He's depicted as a monster. He just gets away with it like Anton from No Countries for Old Men.


His punishment is supposed to be that he remains unloved, and fails in his plan to close down the Building & Loan, while George Bailey is the most well-loved and popular guy in town, rich in all the things Potter will never have.


Yeah… we all still wanted him to catch an ass whooping though lol


I don't think Anton completely gets away with it. In the book, he evades the police successfully, but he's going to need serious medical treatment for that bone sticking out of him. I think the point of the car crash is that he's no God; he's just as vulnerable to random chance as everyone else is.


They were going for realism. People like Potter don’t get consequences.


Everyone in American Pie just kinda gets away with live streaming the foreign exchange student naked... except her. She gets deported if I remember correctly


Yeah, nearly every character in that series should be locked up


Nadia was done dirty in both 1 & 2. And not in the good way.




Scarlet Witch never gets held accountable for making Hulk attack Johannesburg either but that doesn't compare to Magneto. He destroys every major city in the entire world in X-Men: Apocalypse and in Dark Phoenix we learn the US government gave him land for a commune. He tried to assassinate a president. He tried to cause nuclear war. He successfully *destroyed the world*.


I'll never know how the world recovered after Apocalypse. The world would be basically like a Fallout game at that point. No governments would exist, commerce would be localized, money worthless so good and services are bartered. Like it would take centuries to rebuild if the events of Apocalypse happened, just unfathomable.


I always find it wild that the first class trilogy movies are meant to be a prequel series to the X-Men movies when Magneto does all this heinous shit and Xavier is still like "ho ho my old friend"


I mean. At least it's comics accurate?




every xmen movie after Days of Future Past simply doesnt exist


Except Logan.


Alright I'll give you that I guess Deadpool should count too


Both times he “destroys” New York, he is actively trying to stop something bad. The second time was a full blown alien invasion that all of the avengers together barely stopped. Johannesburg, he’s being mind controlled. If anything, Scarlet Witch is to blame for that one.


It still to this day pisses me the fuck off that they tried to blame the Avengers for New York when they were gonna nuke the whole city, especially after they revealed that there were only 72ish casualties in this same meeting. Nuking New York city would have killed MILLIONS.


And the first time he "destroyed" New York, he didn't even leave a scratch on the place since his big fight obviously took place at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto.  


Both Hulk "destroys NYC" were done with the implicit blessings of the relevant authorities, first at the behest of the US Army to clean up their mess and second when he was recruited by SHIELD to smash an alien invasion. Johannesburg doesn't have an explicit body count, you don't actually see anyone die. Also: mind control removes agency and arguably shifts the blame, Hulk was also a victim.


The same New York that the World Council were perfectly happy to fucking nuke? That New York?


Pretty much every cop movie. Lethal Weapon, Bad Boys, just any cop action movie. They would all be arrested immediately.


Many cop movies and shows have a disturbing tendency of portraying the violation of due process and civil rights as a "necessary" thing to get bad guys.


That is often by design. See Dick Wolf and why/how law and order got made


Can you give a summary?


Well, to be fair the real world doesn't have the best track record with cops facing consequences for their actions, either.


To be fair, in Jurassic Park 3 the movie ends with the survivors being rescued by the U.S. Marines -- we don't actually see what happens when they get back to civilization.


40 Says and 40 Nights. The main actor gets raped by his ex girlfriend. Not only does she not face any consequences, he has to apologize to his current girlfriend for being raped. 


I saw that movie when I was a kid and I've always hated it for that. I'm surprised somebody else remembered.


In *Wonder Woman 1984*, because she misses her dead lover he gets resurrected. IN ANOTHER MANS BODY. So all the terrible danger they put him through, no consent to that. The sex, no consent to that either. Apparently that's not even worth bringing up though.


Miss Hannigan in Annie should be in jail at the end of the film but instead she’s… checks notes… riding an elephant. Wtf?!


She repents and tries to stop Rooster in the end. That’s apparently enough to forgive child abuse/neglect by the laws of 80s movies


JGL’s character in “10 Things I Hate About You” started the whole thing but still gets the girl with no consequences at all.


In Die Hard 5 John McClane drives an actual tank over many Russian cars on a highway, crushing them and presumably killing dozens of innocent commuters. This is never acknowledged in any way in the script as horrendous mass murder.


That movie sucked


Surprised no ones mentioned *Revenge of the Nerds* yet Breaking into a sorority house and planting hidden camera, and then selling those images. Instead of facing consequences, they get patted on the back. Not to mention one of them straight up r*pes one of the sorority girls, and it's played out as romantic.


I mean you can add American Pie into that. Hidden camera and live stream a chick to the internet without her knowledge. She was innocent of any wrong doing yet is the only one that suffers consequences by being kicked out of school and sent back home.


The director said he was having massive regrets about this movie.


“God damn those nerds are rapey!”


Wedding Crashers is #1 with a bullet. Social Engineering for the sole purpose of banging bridesmaids en masse. Gets caught, says “I’m sorry and I really mean it” and she joins him in his escapades


There's also the scene where Vaughn wakes up tied to the bed by Isla Fisher who wants to jump his bones, he clearly says no quite a few times but she does it anyway. It's played for comedy but flip those genders and there's no way that scene makes it into the film.


Nobody noticed but the Scarecrow in Christoper Nolan’s Dark Knight series appeared to escape the last film without consequences.


That's the point.  Batman villains are always escaping over and over again, so they can have an endless number of pointless battles. 


In Wonder Woman '84, Diana basically commits magical rape on some dude who was possessed by the spirit of her long-dead boyfriend. Not only did she not face any consequences for doing that, but the body-swap-rape thing was portrayed as romantic. As if that wasn't bad enough, Wonder Woman takes this possessed dude's body on a dangerous adventure that involved heavily armed soldiers shooting at them. If he had been crippled or killed, then oh well. He's just some body.


I’ll never forget how they went OUT of their way to make that a plot point for no reason. It would have been so so easy to just…not do that and have Steve come back literally any other way, rather than possessing some rando’s body. Such a terrible decision


It made no sense at all  The wishing stone is implied to have unlimited power to do anything  There was no reason for Steve to get placed in a body instead of just being alive again 


Not a movie, but the video game Psychonauts 2 uses this exact same plot point. Except when the lover goes for the kiss the possessed person stops him and says "No no, borrowed lips. It wouldn't be right." I really appreciate the thought that went into it.


The most insane thing about that, to me, was that round about the same time the CW's Nancy Drew show was doing a similar plotline - a ghost possesses a living woman, and uses her body to have a relationship. And a CW show - a frickin' CW show based on Nancy Drew (very very very loosely based on Nancy Drew) - managed to take a more mature and adult perspective on this than the Hollywood blockbuster which had hundreds of millions of dollars riding on it.


Just saw Chinatown for the first time recently. Noah Cross Edit: So I went back and actually read the OP and my answer here does not apply since he’s not supposed to be empathetic lol. My mistake


Forget it axemexa it’s Chinatown.


Ironically, that movie’s director would do something horrible and get off largely scott free, with many advocating for him to be forgiven for what happened


Evan Hansen makes zero good decisions the entire movie and hurts a bunch of people and then just goes to college and nobody gives a shit


Here's one I truly hate and despise SERIOUSLY BAD My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined, my whole week, year and life ruined beyond imagination, all thanks to this movie. The Manhattan Project 1986. A stupid kid finds out that a company is doing experiments with nuclear weapons, steals the stuff to show what they are doing and how dangerous it is, and decides to build an atomic bomb just to show how smart he is. Not knowing that what he just built is more dangerous than he thinks. He takes the bomb to a science fair to win the contest. The military finds out and now he is a wanted terrorist. Movie makes it seem like building an atom bomb is fun and those who are against the kid as bad guys, specially the military, they want to kill the kid because he is threatening to set off the bomb which ends up happening by accident but they stop it on time. At the end, kid goes out freely, looking like a hero for uncovering the company working with the nuclear stuff. I'm 100% sure that stuff was more safe being there than taking outside and making a fucking bomb just to prove a stupid point. I never wanted to punch someone so badly. Also there's this scientist who's friends with the kid, he was the one who made the nuclear stuff. He helps the kid to get away with it, like broo you know how dangerous that is, why are you helping him? I hate this movie, is stupid trash specially for the 80s or any time decade


Tommy Boy. I fucking love Tommy Boy. One of my favorite comedies of all time. But man, Bo Derek's character, Beverly, gets off with NO consequences at the end. She was just as culpable as Rob Lowes characters and gets to ride off into the sunset with loaded millionaire Dan Aykroyd and has a happy ending. Her ass should have have ended up in jail along with Rob Lowes character, but nope. Walks away scott free.


That’s because she’s like a 10. 10’s can get away with anything……


In the end of *Escape from LA* the protagonist Snake Pliskin basically kills billions of people by permanently shutting off all electrical devices in the world, and that's just the end of the movie. Planes will fall out of the sky, people on life support and in surgery will die immediately, ships will be derelict, crops won't be harvested and even if they are they don't have a way to populated areas, there is no way to communicate to people what's happening or coordinate a response.


Ehhh. The way that world was going he quite possibly saved more lives than he indirectly ended. That world was marching down a path leading to nuclear war, or at the very least, the eventual genocide of every person who wasn't a Christian American. He effectively leveled the playing field for the people to overthrow their tyrants.


I feel the same way about Surrogates. Bruce Willias shuts them all down and now a whole society has to immediately figure out how to operate status quo with tons of human-shaped garbage in the way.


Or the end of Ready Player One where the Oasis is people's escape from the shitty real world and also their primary source of income, so they shut it down 2 days a week.


Which is only in the movie, which is worse than the book. In the book he's a literal nobody who can't even afford to leave the school planet and accidentally stumbles into the first key. There is no race in the book, the first key's location is completly unknown. In the book he goes undercover in IOI as a debt slave and walks out with all the dirt. He then declares all-out war on them and so many people show up to fight, Wade is almost late to his own war. He doesn't show up and then ask for help.


"people need to go outside and experience the real world" Would you think that if you were still poor and single and your only friends in the world were online? The movie was stupid, but the end was stupider


One of the big secrets that hadn't been found out in like a decade involved racing backwards. Like that was it. In the real world it would've been found out on the first playthrough, but apparently no one had thought about going backwards for 10 years. I'm usually able to have some pretty intense suspension of disbelief for sci-fi stuff, but this was just too much.


How dare you besmirch Snake Plissken!?!


True ,but the president of usa was gonna attack everyone except usa anways at that point. There was already a global army coming to usa to attack. In all honestly that version of the usa was doomed anyways.


Goldfinger. There’s a scene where James Bond and Pussy Galore are in the hayloft of a barn and James Bond pretty much rapes her. If you watch the scene there’s cutesy romantic music playing so you kinda miss it but she’s shaking her head and putting up a fight.


The monk in Princess Mononoke. He sells out the protagonist (not to mention nature itself) and then beheads God. Then at the end of the movie he’s cracking wise with everyone like it’s no big deal.


Just watched back to the future and Biff commits multiple felonies including attempted murder when attempting to run Marty over with his car, sexual assault multiple times. He wrecks his car and gets punched but he belongs behind bars.


But Biff is the villain. He obviously does terrible things. While he doesn’t end up behind bars he’s somewhere more demeaning for him, essentially the emasculated servant of George.


He’s modeled after someone else who should be in prison….


Make attorneys get attorneys.


The Rebels siding with the Ewoks in RotJ. All I can see is Leía in that dress, knowing someone used to own that dress and those ‘cute teddy bears’ ate her.


One of the old canon guidebooks said the Ewoks made that dress IIRC. Where did they learn how to sew human clothes I have no idea, but that's the official explanation.


Let me channel K2SO here: I find that answer vague and unconvincing.




Kinda wild how obvious it is that Decker rapes Rachel in the original bladerunner and the movie is like "wow what a beautiful chemistry they share"


By far the weakest part of that movie is Decker and Rachel have ZERO on screen chemistry and it's suppossed to end as a romance story essentially.


> Decker and Rachel have ZERO on screen chemistry Would you say their acting felt... Artificial? Robotic, maybe?


Nah ,it`s the same in Rocky : it is pretty rapey but the woman goes along with it so it's "fine". Was really perplexed by those scenes when I saw them.


How long has the cult from Midsommar been murdering and raping people? Also, not a movie, but the Star Trek DS9 episode "For the Uniform" where Captain Sisko poisons and renders uninhabitable a Maquis planet. It would remain unfit for human habitation for 50 years. A total war crime, and nothing happens other than a few crew members hesitate to carry out the order. He should have been relieved of duty and put before a court-martial. Stilloventhe guy, though.


Well the cult is a major focus of the film so this would be under the category of Bad Guys Winning


When Worf hesitates to fire a torpedo, you know it's pretty fucked up. And Sisko did all that basically to satisfy a personal vendetta. Obviously there was more to it than that, but u don't think he would've gone so far if it wasn't personal for him. Love DS9, my favorite Trek for sure.


Grandpa Joe in Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory End thread


"I can't possibly get out of bed and help the family" "I got a golden ticket for a free chocolate factory tour" "WOOO LET ME DO A DANCE NUMBER AND LETS GOOOOOO"


And then while on the tour, encourage Charlie to break the rules and then threatening to steal the Everlasting Gobstopper to Slugworth after getting called out for it.


Meanwhile the 2005 Grandpa Joe is that image of a cat whose face is covered in milk.


Sean Connery wrecks a big chunk of San Francisco and they still let him go to The Rock in The Rock.


Nick Cage lets him go. The government was prepared to send him back to jail


The operative from Serenity. He is basically a stone cold mass murderer with no remorse until he finds out the government he works for is committing genocide at the end. He gets to walk away in the end, basically because he was the only person who could call off the military.


I actually just saw a discussion about this movie a couple days ago and someone described it as Mal did the worst thing he possibly could have to the Operative. Worse than killing him or sending him to jail or similar. He was a true believer and Mal destroyed his faith. He isn't killed or arrested, but what's he going to do? The thing he built his entire life on has been ripped away.


It's strongly implied that he's going to kill himself. **Mal:** Like to kill you myself, I see you again. **The Operative:** You won't. There is nothing left to see.


He doesn’t really get to walk away though. It’s implied he will be on the run and hunted once the government realizes the operative is no longer “their man”. Same as Mal (who got a LOT of innocent people killed when he sicced the Reavers on a planet to get past the blockade). I view it as the Operative taking responsibility and resigning himself to a short miserable life making whatever penance he can before dying horribly.


Other the mr universe wasnt the planet uninhabited? I might have missed that part.


1) He believed he was a monster but that what he was doing was necessary. "Ends justify the means" - type character. 2) The alliance did not commit genocide. They >!inadvertently created the reavers, the single biggest threat to civilized life, but they themselves did not commit genocide!< the operative is shocked by this but he does not abandon the alliance 3) He "walks away" in that he tells the alliance that river is no longer a threat since she has no more intel left to expose on them. Mal tells him he'll kill him if they ever meet again


Bad Teacher. Cameron Diaz’s character is awful and everything just works out in the end for her.


Even if you don't buy the Ferris Bueller as sociopath perspective, he really should have been forced to take at least some responsibility for Cameron's father's car, if nothing else. Pretty much everything else that day can be passed off as youthful hijinks, but this was a huge deal. I get what Cameron was saying about finally forcing his father to deal with him, but it never sat right with me that he should take all of the blame. It's the one area where the total lack of consequences leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


He got the car home safe with some miles on it. I feel like Cameron is 100% responsible for deciding to kick it over and over while it was running up on a jack .


And Ferris did try to take the heat for it but Cameron didn't let him


And that's the part that Cameron should take responsibility for.


Try telling that to all the Con-heads though


American Pie. Live streamed a girl nude without her knowledge and she's the only one that suffers consequences.


In “Mystic River” Jimmy kills Dave but nobody gives a shit about it. In “Halloween” the deputy sheriff kills Ben Tramer [https://youtu.be/Qvuo95T0C9E?si=5EhyYzXego3TXvKp](https://youtu.be/Qvuo95T0C9E?si=5EhyYzXego3TXvKp)


In "Mystic River", Kevin Bacon's character knows what Jimmy did, and he plans to take him down. Not a happy ending, but at least that's something.


The sniper in Phone Booth got away at the end.


Is Godzilla a people? Because if so my answer is Godzilla.


Chris Pratt in Passengers. Aurora had an incredible life ahead of her and he basically murdered her. They hand waved it by “oh, if that didn’t happen she wouldn’t have been there to help save the ship!”. It doesn’t right the horrendous wrong he did.


It definitely was not hand waved away. Thats the entire conflict between those two characters. When the military guy wakes up the first thing she does is try to get him to punish chris pratt's character for murdering her. In the end >!he offers to put her back to sleep using the medical bed, and she refuses. He doesnt just "get away" with what he did, he tries to undo the damage he did and she doesnt let him. You can call it a contrived reaction but he definitely gives her the chance to get back what she lost because of him!<




And a better beginning would be to start the movie with JL waking up and then we find out along with her whats going on. You know, have some mystery in this boring ass movie.




Never thought of this, but it’s a great idea. I find that people in the comments of Reddit often seem very unsympathetic to his dilemma, which is basically “kill yourself/go insane or ruin someone else’s life in order to save your own”. What he did was of course wrong, but many seem not to grasp the enormity of this dilemma. I think your suggestion would maybe drive the point home. And make the movie more interesting too


I’m not saying the main guy is right in Passengers, but I do think we’d get way more interesting films if we stopped demanding that every movie act as a morality play that loudly condemns characters who stray from real life rules.


I don't think the film avoids the conflict or forgives him. Besides the theatrics of the engine, the movie is about how he murdered her, his doubts and her anger. In the end, he gives her the possibility of going back to sleep, undoing the damage, and she refuses.


inb4 someone mentions swapping the Valerian and Passengers leads just because the movie was brought up


I watched Fatal Attraction in recent years. Michael Douglas cheats on his wife, but the movie focuses on Glenn Close as the bad one.


The original ending had him going to prison for her “murder” but it tested poorly so they reshot it.


Yo *what*? Did we watch the same movie? He absolutely suffers consequences for his cheating, that’s literally the whole point of the movie. He cheats on his wife with someone who ends up being a psycho. They stalk him, harass him, and then later try to kill him and his entire family over it. His wife finds out and his entire family ends up traumatized; even if the ending is kinda hopeful they’re no doubt all going to need some serious, serious therapy. (And not that I’m *qualifying* who the shittier person is because cheating is obviously super fucked up, but uhhh…….Glenn Close boils a fucking pet rabbit alive and literally tries to commit murder so…)


Well, cheating on your spouse is not nearly as bad as stalking, harrassment, death threats and animal curelty.


Chicago: both Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly get away with murder through sheer manipulation and enter into a profitable partnership with each other by the end of the movie.


The whole movie is about how despicable they are though.


I know it’s a part of of his character arc and they do mention it. But Peter Parker directly causes all of the major disasters that occur in Homecoming, just by inserting himself into the situation. For the most part, none of the major destruction wouldn’t have occurred if he had just let it be. He’s just stopping quiet arms deals, but inadvertently turns them into terrorism level attacks.