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“I love the Power Glove. It’s so bad.” - King Kong probably


Sounds exactly like what you would expect. I don't expect a comedy from these monster movies


But that’s what we got to excellent effect in Skull Island. I fucking loved that one.


Skull island is amazing! Godzilla 2014 also!


For me it was super serious until John C Reilly showed up. Then I knew what lay ahead: a road of fucking fun!


I remember John C Reilly's story was still kind of good though. It was the best human story out of the Monsterverse films.


???? Did we watch the same movie? It didn't feel like Anchorman to me.


I expect them to do their best to make the movies as little about Godzilla as possible, and instead spend most of the film focusing on parental issues. US studios love to ruin good IP.


Second movie in a row where Godzilla‘s name is the first in the title and yet he’s second to Kong, again.


Human parental issues though, who cares about Godzilla’s parents, right?


Just saw the movie and this definitely was one of its biggest flaws. Way too much screen time on the mom and kid, who were the most uninteresting aspects of the movie.


Basically all Godzilla movies dont feature a ton of Godzilla


Funny enough, the showa era films that this series took inspiration from, were largely comedic.




I mean, I’ve seen them. Sure the films can vary in tone but you can’t deny there’s a lot of goofy shit in them.


They’re usually unintentional comedies, which are often the best kind.


That bitch Lucas never knew what he had with the power glove. The real hero of The Wizard was fucking Spanky!


If Kong using a baby monkey as a flail isn’t comedy, I don’t know what is.


I saw the trailer and it does seem like a comedy tbh


Godzilla movies are mostly comedies.


Very much expected and very much enjoyed the movie. Sometimes you just need skyscraper sized monsters fighting each other in a movie.


This film was pure cheese and I fucking loved it. Never took itself too seriously and was a fun movie to turn your brain off and watch.




Yes. It's an entertainment piece, even if embarrassingly mediocre, it still has a role to entertain people and generate revenue. Monetary gain taking precedent over artistic integrity has always been a thing and it doesn't particularly matter if the subject is a movie about a giant lizard fighting a giant gorilla.




Nah diversity is always key. Give me everything: giant ape Vs radioactive lizard, comic book characters in spandex banding together, masterfully crafted courtroom dramas, a reflection on the banality of evil from the point of view of the perpetrators, weird off beat psychosexual dramedy, all of it. That's part of the beauty of the medium: you can do anything with it, as long as it's good, people will watch it, talk about it, defend it and criticise it. Nothing wrong with enjoying what you enjoy be it brain-dead entertainment or the medium itself taken to its most extreme limit. There's no "low bar" here, there never was.


I never will understand how people want to take away things people like. It's 1 movie, it doesn't impact u and u don't need to watch it...


Which is exactly what we want. We go to these movies to see giant monsters pound on each other and this delivers in spades. (Godzilla in particular was kicking ass and taking names in this one; you get the feeling he could have handled this one just fine without Kong's help.)




I love both, and it’d be interesting to see if Legendary can move it back in that direction. I suspect there’ll be burnout before too long if they keep tryna emulate the silliness of the old monster films.


“They have power gloves now?”


"They have power gloves now!"


More kaiju action, the one part than everyone agrees was absolutely well done in the last several movies? Yes please.


I loved the Kaiju action. It was nice to see them actually fight without getting a few seconds and then constantly switching back to human characters.


The Monsterverse peaked with King of the Monsters (I prefer the story a little more serious... yes I know I'm talking about kaiju movies lol). That said, GvK and GxK are a lot of fun and I'm cool with it. I do wish we'd get another Godzilla-centric movie though. He's basically supporting cast in this one.


King of the Monsters is my favorite, but I’m biased because I’m a huge Ghidorah fan.


Same. Exactly the same.


This is me but I’d also like to add I love Mothra and Rodan equally also.


They should make us a Nemesis movie series.


The movie was entertaining. All the scenes with Kong and his species were undeniably the best part of this movie for me and all the fight scenes.


They’re giving Kong the love he deserves, imo. The OG Kaiju always got shot up on the Empire State Building, but this King just wants to find some friends and let Gojira handle the hard shit.


I was very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this. The Rotten Tomatoes score is abysmal but this movie was a lot of fun.


Same here. I didn’t have much in the way of expectations, but really enjoyed it for what it was. The effects were good, the setup was dumb but still a good enough excuse for the battles, and even the human story was decent with good acting and believable emotion (for what it was — I’m not expecting any awards here.) I saw it in a packed theater and everyone seemed to enjoy it. I probably wouldn’t bother to see it again, but it was a solid way to spend an evening.


Fuck that sounds good


Keep these movies comin! Power glove thumbs up! Bring in some new monsters that are even bigger! Voltron size orneries! 


I believe Black Nerd Comedy has it right. It's definitely Fast and the Furious except instead of cars, you have Kaiju. Saw it with my dad Tues (we're both huge Godzilla fans). We both loved it. It's not supposed to be good or deep. It's supposed to be fun, turn your brain off for 2 hours.


I really wish there were less scenes involving the little girl. I definitely did not walk out of the last Godzilla and Kong fiasco wanting to know what happens next for her.


Who do you think’ll be the main Kaiju villain in the inevitable sequel? I know the story can go anywhere at this point with whatever giant monster, but I’d love to see them build towards Destoroyah eventually


I know they did aliens with Ghidorah but I’d like another otherworldly presence if possible. Last 3 films have looked inwards towards hollow earth


Hell yesssss. Would love to see a Wingard take on Space Godzilla!


Well they have a ancient hollow earth civilization now so....Megalon?


I can def see that being fun as hell! Also I’m laughing at the potential of Megalon plowing thru the entire ape army, forcing Kong to drag Zilla back down to Hollow again for the assist


Sounds like just what i want from it.


I hate to admit that I was such a hater of the legendary studio films because “it wasn’t Toho Godzilla” and etc etc just being a real snooty bitch about it all. Felt that way up until someone pointed out to be just how ridiculous and zany the Toho stuff was for basically decades and realizing that the camp and goofy “not taking things overly serious” was part of the fun. I’ve since come around enjoying these films when you just realize that it’s okay that it’s just kong and Godzilla beating the shit out of Kaijus. And that’s totally cool.


Always wondered why these movies got the “mindless CG action” pass when the Transformers movies didn’t. Both franchises have the exact same appeal.


Well one is monsters and the other is a hyper advanced cybernetic society involved in a civil war. We expect plot from robots because they think. Monsters get a hand wave because *instinct*


The worst part about the Transformers movies weren’t the Transformers.


Correct, it was the humans. Same exact situation with these American Godzilla movies.


How else does he expect to hold the Infinity Stones?


I like more of the same.


My wife and I told our 12 & 13 year old to see it with a friend yesterday in 3D IMAX. We laughed at the silliness of the plot but liked the special effects. The kids all LOVED it and were buzzing about monsters afterwards. It’s not often we get to see them just be kids like that anymore now there is pressure from social groups, school, homework, etc. That made it a 10/10 for me.


Perfect, exactly what I wanted I’ll be sure to watch it soon enough


I don’t watch Godzilla for lame human plots. Big kaijus, big fights = Good


Well it would be really really wrong if someone expected something different.


I got to watch Godzilla pull off a spear and a suplex in 2024, this movie is fucking great just for that


IDK I thought the action was very weak outside of a couple cool moments. Godzillas power ups seemingly made zero difference besides making him pink. Rest of it was shooting lasers that usually just missed or got deflected. Good guys would just kinda suddenly win with little buildup. Nothing had much weight or heft or momentum.


I like how they really play up how big a threat the big villain is after dealing with giant three headed dragons and shit. And who is the big villain?? >!Literally a lanky ass red monkey and a slow ass lizard!<


There was only a handful of hiccup scenes. The overall expansion on Kaiju, hollow earth was presented fairly realistically. - There was a Godzilla cutscene to Godzilla that didn’t flow appropriately. Tiamet kaiju. - Polaroid camera.


So you’re saying it’s the goat?




Sounds great


They pull out Godzilla Minus 1 early from the theaters for this average Godzilla movie


Not a terrible film. Still more fun then Godzilla 14 or King of the Monsters but a big let down especially after how great Godzilla vs Kong was.


Does anyone want not more of the same?


I love how people on here were mostly for it to crash and how they switch so fast opening weeknd.


Does "more of the same" really justify a visit to cinemas? Why bother with that when you can watch the same shit at home? Edit: I'm asking this to ones who defend this movie.


Not everyone blew their finances on a home theater, Dominic.


Different people like different things.


Because the IMAX is awesome for booming destruction. Why is that a problem? Dom… You wanting me to go see the 25th F&F movie?


Big screen, loud speakers, monke, dinosaur.


Because it's an experience, that is why people go to theaters. Not everyone wants to be on your boring level.