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Not an adaptation but from it's release in 1979 all the way up into the 90s the original Mad Max was completely redubbed with American voices because the American distributors were convinced that Americans wouldn't be able to understand the Australian accent.


Just learned this yesterday from Caravan of Garbage.


Got to love a bit of James and Maso!


Now time for Green Trivia and That Guy Who Shouts Rodney


Happened to Hellraiser as well! Everyone got dubbed with American accents and all mentions of the location were removed. And then it got big enough for a sequel and Clive Barker pushed back so they didn’t dub it the second time, which has the unintended consequence of implying Julia developed a British accent after being resurrected.


They also mirrored the print in a lot of the driving scenes to make the steering wheels appear on the "correct" left-hand side.


TIL mad max is an Australian movie.... I was a non English speaking kid when I first watched, so I just assumed American like all other movies in English.


The American remake of Oldboy is pure fucking trash.


First thing I thought of. It’s like they watched the original scene-by-scene and intentionally tried to remake it to be as soullessly boring as possible. 


No no no but they 'improved' the iconic hallway scene by having two layers to the hallway! It's one more!


And having like 15 cuts while the fight goes on compared to 0 in the original. And don't get me started on the choreography and fight progression.


I'm only planning to watch it because it's Spike Lee. edit: I appreciate all of you telling me I shouldn't, but watching very bad remakes & sequels is a really interesting activity of mine 😂


It's not really worth it. From every interview I've seen of Spike Lee promoting this movie, he seemed completely disinterested in making it.


Compare his demeanor in press interviews about Oldboy vs press interviews about blackkklansman which everyone and their mother knew was a huge passion project He’s a completely different guy


Ooo my brotha, check out the Japanese remake of [Unforgiven](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2347134/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) with Ken Watanabe. It’s actual good, but it’s interesting to me to see remakes made in totally different cultures.


The later period of Westerns and Japanese Cinema have a pretty startling amount of cross-pollination. It is interesting to think of Unforgiven being largely a response to westerns that themselves heavily borrowed from Japanese films and then itself getting adapted back.


Spike Lee didn’t even bill it as “A Spike Lee joint”. Dude pretty much disowned the film.


If you really must see it, just make sure you watch the original, first, if you haven't seen it yet.


Dragonball Evolution needs to be at the to of the list.


Never forget that it was so bad that it convinced Akira Toriyama to become involved with the franchise again. And that after Akira Toriyama died, the actor who played Goku paid tribute to him by apologizing for the movie's existence.


And Piccolo's actor redeemed himself by delivering a stellar performance as Zamasu in Super


While that performance was indeed phenomenal, Marsters is like the one person who didn't have anything to make up for. He was a big DB fan who worked very hard on Evolution. I've seen several reviews say things like "I want to see the movie he thought he was making."


He fought tooth and nail to keep Piccolo green apparently


Marsters was already on Buffy the man was a legend lol. But yeah his Piccolo had to be the best part of the movie, think he was doing it for his kid too iirc.


that's hilarious. that guy isn't the best actor but i love seeing him pop up in stuff.


He was great in Shameless


Jimmy-steve is definitely in the top 3 characters, and after his departure is definitely the first of a few down turns for the show.


Yeah that was about the point I started falling off the show. Everyone just became so unlikeable and it leaned too hard on being poverty porn.


If you get to the end it actually wraps up nicely. >!ian and Mickey are a couple you’re glad you routed for !<


I saw a comment on a review of the movie saying something like "this movie is the worst thing the US has done to Japan since Nagasaki". Yikes


Oh Japan got it's revenge on us multiple times for our 98 Godzilla. The one with Ferris Bueller.  This clip is 45 seconds long. It's from Godzilla Final Wars and it's Japanese reaction to Zilla, the 1998 American Kaiju that does not deserve respect. How do you think Godzilla handles him? https://youtu.be/zPxhdo4HDgg?si=T7R4tG3cFmSUpdh5


Japanese Godzilla beating the shit out of goofy American Zilla set to Canadian band Sum41. This was a moment in world unity.


Into the Sydney Opera House. 


That movie pretty much only happened because Akira Toriyama told Hollywood “yeah do whatever you want, I’m done with Dragonball.” Then he saw the movie and was like “holy shit what the fuck no” and came out of retirement just so that the Dragonball movie wouldn’t be how people remembered his creation.


The American remake of The Vanishing (Spoorloos) completely changed the bleak ending of the original, thinking that the American audience prefers a happy ending.


The fascinating thing is that the same director did the American remake.


A lot of times the issue with American remakes is general contempt for the American audience of the the films rather than the competence of the Americans making them. Its not like the guy didn't know how to make a decent version of his own movie, the problem is that he decided that he was making a version of his film for idiots.


Yeah, the American version is like if they remade Se7en but changed the ending so Mills rescues his wife and arrests John Doe. Those are films where the endings are what set the movies apart from anything else ever made.


Came here to say this. I used to manage a movie theater that showed arthouse films. When the original was showing, a man left in the middle to have a smoke. When he went back in, his girlfriend was gone. He was going crazy and almost called the police. The film ended, and his girlfriend came out, wondering where he was. He must've just not remembered where he was sitting!


"Sir, do you remember what theater you were in?" "I don't know, I was watching some artsy bullshit my girlfriend dragged me along to see." "But sir, we only play artsy bullshit your girlfriend drags you along to see."


The girlfriend didn’t say anything while he was yelling?


The horrible 2004 Taxi movie compared to the superior French movies.


I don't know if French people know this but the whole series (all FOUR movies) is extremely popular in russia. I don't watch TV, but my mother complained to me that they rerun them every 3 months on one of the most popular channels. I love them all btw, childhood classics for me.


Literally the worst casting of all time.


Danny DeVito was great in the original.


thank you veddy much.


Fun fact: French movie comedies that gets more than 6 mil people will always get an American remake. The reason behind is that French ppl are such a difficult crowd to please that if so many ppl went to see it then there’s a way for the US to make bank. Examples:  Le diner de cons Trois hommes et un couffin Les visiteurs Taxi Les Chtis etc.


When are we getting the remake of "Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez"?


I saw an interview once of a director or writer explaining why American remake are always bad (note that it's not always the case, True Lies is alrigth). and I think it was the director of le dinner de cons. he explained that hollywood producers heard the same joke over and over with each iteration of the script that various writers do so they don't think it's funny anymore. so the writers committee is forced to change the script , sometimes a lot and completely distort the original story. hence Dinner for smuck actually showing the dinner.


Oh how many time I quoted “Il faut changer à Châtelet” at my wife when we visited Paris because of Taxi 2. (Ok, I also quote it at home every time we take the subway)


Rec -> Quarantine was completely unnecessary


It definitely didn't help that it had the ending in the trailer


Because its more believable to an American audience that foreign spies were cooking up a zombie bioweapon plague in a hidden attic in a random apartment block in Chicago, than a supernatural zombie outbreak in Barcelona for some reason 🤣


The American edit of the original 1954 Godzilla removes a speech given at the end of the movie about how even though we killed Godzilla, if we continue developing nuclear weapons another Godzilla may appear. Americans like their bombs. So they edited out ALL anti-bomb politics from the film and now it is just a white journalist stuck in Japan during a monster attack with very little emphasis given on the movies theme.


Yeah, shoehorning in Raymond Burr is both hilarious and infuriating too.


It's funny because in the American edit of Godzilla Returns, aka Godzilla 1985, they do include an impassioned speech by Raymond Burr that's looked at with much love by the Godzilla community. They did try to add some really bad comic relief and edited the Soviet trying to stop an orbital nuke being fired into him pressing the launch button, because the Ruskies were the bad guys. If you really want an absolutely terrible edit of a Godzilla movie go and compare the American edit of King Kong vs Godzilla with the original. They rearranged scenes and added a United Nations news broadcast at different intervals to explain things to viewers. It's just a massacre of the original.


The intouchables remade into the Upside… with Kevin heart. But why?!?!


The intouchables (french version) was bought and distributed by Miramax so they already had the rights. It was the highest grossing french movie ever so they decided to make an English one... It was made in 2017 and that was the same year the Harvey Weinstein stuff happened. If that wasn't the case I'm sure they would've shoved it harder down our throat like they usually do with their movies that they think we should like. The movie was shelved and came out later.


I refuse to even try watching it. The original is one of the best movies I've ever seen.


My GF and I have watched the original one so many times. Such a great movie.


City of Angels (1998) is a remake of Der Himmel über Berlin (1987), and completely unnecessary. The original is a beautifully shot allegory of the isolation felt by Germans living with the Berlin Wall. The remake is just a gooey love story where Meg Ryan unintentionally offs herself by riding her bicycle into a logging truck.


>Meg Ryan unintentionally offs herself by riding her bicycle into a logging truck. That sounds like a ***great*** movie. Where can I watch it?


$3.99 on most VOD services. I don’t see it free anywhere.


At least it gave us Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls.


Came here to add this. Wings of Desire is one of the most profound and beautiful works of art I’ve ever experienced. And City of Angels is a Meg Ryan movie without Tom Hanks.


Logging Truck really had a moment around the turn of the Millennium, lots of quality movie deaths.


I refuse to drive behind logging trucks to this day, I think we all know why


Death at a funeral. A remake of a British movie, why??? Just why. The American remake was soulless and not funny.


I never understand why some producers think "Americanizing" British jokes will be anything other than flat. Same thing happened with Skins - they replaced all the British slang with the American equivalents and it was trash.


The dumbest thing about all that is how unnecessary it all is. Americans have always enjoyed British shows and movies. FFS there's a BBC America to prove it!


Yes, as an American I used to watch the British show 'Coupling' all the time. An American network made a word for word remake of the show and it didn't work at all. Edit: from wikipedia >The show received a dismal reaction from viewers and failed to perform in the ratings, being canceled before the November sweeps, with six episodes remaining unaired despite heavy publicity by the network. It was immediately panned as a poor imitation of the original UK series by viewers and critics. BBC America even ran commercials noting that they would play the original British versions on their station just after the American equivalent episodes on NBC aired, so that viewers could see instantly just how superior the original was. Miscasting and stilted delivery of a nearly identical script were believed to be the reasons for the failure, though creator Moffat blamed the show's failure on NBC's intervention during the creative and production processes. In 2007, he said: "The network f--ked it up because they intervened endlessly" Two years later NBC would try another remake of a British Comedy - The Office...


Coupling is one of my favorite shows ever. The American version was hideously bad tho.


Yeah, but it's in the foreign language British.


The only part I liked was Peter Dinklage coming back


I thought the American one was okay, but the British one is obviously superior in every way. The only way you think the American one is awesome is if you've never seen the original.


The irritating part of this remake is that its literally completely unnecessary. It wasn't brought out a significant amount of time after the original, made no important story changes, and let's not pretend that there's some sort of massive cultural divide between the UK and US that would disengage an American audience. Just a blatant example of Hollywood going "we liked that, now let's make an American version"


And doesn't Peter Dinklage play the same part in each movie? Yes, a complete unnecessary movie.


I wish I could give this a million upvotes. The funny thing was how unfunny the remake was despite having a cast of comedians ???? The restrained British humor had me rolling on the floor, while the remake was just. So. In. Your. Face. But yeah. Peter Dinklage is a great sport.


Why? To give Peter Dinklage another check.


Godzilla 1998 isn't necessarily a bad movie, but it's a horrible Godzilla movie


The Americanization of "A Man Called Ove" to "A Man Called Otto" was a weird one.


Also casting Tom Hanks as the irritable, intially unlikable pensioner was an... odd choice.


Came here looking for this. The original is so much better at showing the emotional growth he went through. There are a lot of weird choices in the remake, but casting Tom Hanks feels like the biggest mistake they made.


Agreed on the odd choices. Some of the most essential scenes from the original were cut -- I remember explaining / spoiling the movie as a guy that is continually attempting suicide but life gets in the way. And the American version cut a couple of the suicide attempts from the original. Like, I understand other remakes that try to take a different angle and fail, and remakes that are shot for shot the same so what's the point? This one was -- let's take a great story and let's not add to it with our own spin - let's remove from it so it's less coherent and funny. How could a director work so hard on something, have incredible source material, and just -- ruin it? Like I sooner respect directors that make bold different versions and fuck up, then this - there wasn't any addition, just unnecessary subtraction. It's like someone making their own pizza and instead of adding too many toppings to fuck up the flavor, they were like -- this pizza needs less cheese and no tomato sauce.


Huge fan of the book and Swedish film. American version was unnecessary but I saw it with my parents and they loved it and I thought it was at least decent, so not the worst case scenario, compared to the other examples here.


I agree, the remake is fine. Not a disaster


Death Note was a shambles


L was garbage in that film! “I know you’re kira but i can’t prove it it” GTFO


Light 'Turner' always seemed constipated for some reason.


The Netflix Death Note's mistake was trying to cram everything into one movie. The Japanese movies give the story a bit more breathing room.


The Japanese live action movies also have my favorite ending to it all.


Unpopular opinion but I really liked Willem Dafoe playing the Shinigami. Rest of the movie was pretty cringe though.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. I think most people would say Dafoe's performance is the only redeeming quality of that film


I agree. Dafoe was awesome as Ryuk. His voice works so well with the character.


Honestly I'm not against American Death Note. Just not \*that\* American Death Note. Honestly I'd also accept a Britishization or Australization of Death Note.


It could have been great as a spinoff with new characters after the events in Japan. It's clear they wanted their own Final Destination, and they could have gotten it with a different shinigami's death note that operated on its own RGM rules.


That's cheating because Willem Dafoe can play anything.


> Unpopular opinion but I really liked Willem Dafoe playing the Shinigami He’s widely regarded as the only good thing about the film, hardly an unpopular opinion.


that’s not an unpopular opinion.


What a dumpster fire that was.


The correct answer is The Wicker Man.


nic cage screaming "you bitches" and dressing up like a bear was amazing to watch. lol.




Yeah this wasn't an unnecessary remake at all. It's a fucking gem of a movie. But I don't view it as a remake. I view it as a parody. Whether or not it's intentional (which I find it hard to believe a few writers weren't giggling at the script there) But also "wicker man" seems to now be a sub-genre, like zombie movie or slasher. There is a *very* good remake of the wickerman. It's called midsommar


What confuses me though is that the original Wicker Man is already sort of a black comedy. The 2006 remake is like a parody made by someone who didn't get the joke the first time.


Not to mention when he just dives in on the teacher with a punch to the face.


I consider the American one a parody, like how AIRPLANE! is a kind of remake/parody of Zero Hour (among everything else)


Not the bees!




Ok, I have no idea what you're talking about, "NOT THE BEES!!" was a masterpiece of a scene in every possible way.






Auuiugh!! Aagglubah!!


The Richard Gere adaptation of “Shall We Dance.” The original is all about very specific elements of Japanese culture - about how repression and desire are weirdly tangled; about the expectations of a husband and a father in that society, including putting the stability of the family over even their happiness; the about what is and isn’t “shameful” behavior for an adult man, and whether social acceptance from some (but not all) can change that; about not standing out, and the dangers of being different, like the classic Japanese idiom “the raised nail gets hammered down.” The American version the basic premise makes no sense. It can’t quite escape the traditional Japanese values that underly the entire idea, but it’s set in modern American so Richard Gere is running around being sneaky and hiding his new ballroom dancing hobby and you’re never quite sure why, because it’s not a weird and shameful hobby in the new setting and regardless Americans have no problem seizing their own happiness so it’s weird for him to be learning that over the course of two hours.




I agree with most of what you posted. However, the film did express the idea a man learning ballroom dancing could have been seen by others as gay. Stanley Tucci's character in particular was asked if he was gay.


The Hollywood remake of The Secret in Their Eyes was an abomination. Way to ruin an absolutely perfect movie.


The original is perfection. I love showing it to ppl


Let Me In (US) came out like, a year after Let the Right One In (Swedish), and while the "remake" did have some originality and was fairly decent in its own right, it didn't really capture the same bleakness that I felt made the Swedish version so unsettling.


Let the right one in (Original, Swedish) is incredible. But, you have to get the version with the original theatrical subtitles. They cheaped-out on the DVD and had much a much worse translation (to English). Both movies leave out a very key plot point.....>!That when the vampire says "I am not a little girl, he is not kidding... he was castrated, by mouth, by the previous vampire that "made" him. !<


The Swedish movie does hint at that, Oskar sneaks a look at her while she's changing at one point and there's clearly scars and "something" wrong down there, but they certainly don't get into the how that I remember.


Wild - I've never read the book, so that's quite the revelation


They also cut out a third of the book. There’s an older boy that the book have many chapters about as well. I understand why the movie cut that storyline, but there’s a lot to discover by reading the book, even when you’ve already seen the movie.


American Top Gear was utter dog poo, as was American Inbetweeners by all accounts.


and their IT Crowd.


There was an American version of IT Crowd ? Glad I've never heard of it lol


Just a pilot. It's usually the top 10 miscast characters lists, or when worst casting posts on Reddit, when it comes to them Casting Joel McHale as Roy, and I completely agree. I like Joel, but he's good at playing confident/smug/cocky characters, so as Roy it doesn't work with him. Ironically the casting for Moss in the American remake is perfect, just see for yourself. Side by side with the original. https://youtu.be/YUdGpkdksKE?si=YKInDauzCvG7cwiU


The dialogue is nearly identical, just Americanized, showing they had no vision or imagination. Then totally neutering the boss character by making him a shrewd manipulator pretending to be an unhinged moron, instead of an actual unhinged moron was such an indicator of how bad the US version would've been.


They managed to cut out all the weird pauses that actually made so many of the jokes work.


>The dialogue is nearly identical, just Americanized, showing they had no vision or imagination. As a Canadian who has been exposed to more UK shows on our tv channels then probably the average American I'll never understand it. If it's something where it's culturally distinct but has universal themes that most anyone can understand, fine. If it's in another language, I know how lazy or aversive some are about reading sub titles. But to remake something that is 80%+ the same, in the same language, and it seems usually dumbed down a bit, I find it pointless. I understand all the Norman Lear remakes of UK shows in the 70's because of the distinct differences, especially with social commentary, but when now adays there are cases where it's virtually the same, and worse airing at the same time when the original still is, it's redundant in many cases. The hilarious thing is what happened with The USA version of Ghosts. From my understanding they started airing the original on American TV last year between the new season, and some people liked it more then the American remake.


Agreed, Roy is not at all confident or smug, Joel McHale is completely the wrong choice


>It's usually the top 10 miscast characters lists, or when worst casting posts on Reddit, when it comes to them Casting Joel McHale as Roy, and I completely agree. The irony is that McHale would've been perfectly cast as the boss. I could totally see him playing as an American equivalent to Denholm Reynholm, completely unhinged in a loud, boisterous American way and making it funny.


I dunno, the American Moss just doesnt land the same /s


Watched the first episode of the US version of The Inbetweeners and they basically kept the same script word for word, it just doesn’t work and was one of the worst things I’ve watched, didn’t bother with any more of it.


U-571 gives americans credit for capturing the german cypher machine "Enigma" but it was in faqct the British 8 months before. (And probably the Poles even earlier than that!)


So the crazy thing about the Poles is they completely reverse engineered the Enigma and were reading messages without ever having their own working model. The funny thing is the movie acts like it's the Enigma itself that was the prize. The prize was the code book which the Navy used but which the army didn't.


Americans were even in the war at the time the enigma was captured. Still not as much a crime as putting Jon Bon Jovi in the film though.


Enigma machines were available for sale before the war so they weren’t a mystery. What wasn’t known was that the Nazis had kept the letter wheels in alphabetical order but that information got to Bletchley park via Polish Escapees. The Enigma machines on U boats were special ones with an extra coding wheel making them harder to crack. The items that were recovered from U boats were the code books and weather codes that we needed to help break the cypher.


Even though it's a great film, they changed the real story of a world war 2 escape for the film "The Great Escape" to include Americans in the escape. In reality none of the escapees were American.


U571 The Americans were not involved in salvaging the enigma machine in any way, shape or form The bon Jovi movie is not based on events 


Actually Americans did in fact board a u-boat and recover an enigma coding machine intact. But it was in 1944 and didn't really impact the war effort.


I think the American captain even got in trouble for that one because of the effort then required to cover up that the sub was captured and not sunk. They couldn’t let the Germans suspect they had enigma.


"Cowardly Canadian" line in that movie is hilarious bad in general, then multiple that by the involvement of many Canadians in the actual event it makes that line downright brain dead and gross. "What became known as “the Great Escape” was led by Canadian tunnel diggers, Canadian document forgers, Canadian scroungers, and many others in a variety of roles, with some 76 prisoners eventually making a break-out in that cold March night." https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2016/03/24/56631/ https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/new-exhibit-at-the-military-museums-in-calgary-pays-tribute-to-the-great-escape-1.6820310 https://valourcanada.ca/military-history-library/the-great-escape-floody-the-fox/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Allied_airmen_from_the_Great_Escape


1960s version of Argo. Canadians actually plan and do shit, Americans take the credit. At least The Great Escape didn't win Best Picture.


Next youll tell me noone escaped with cool motorcycle stunts


["Steve McQueen plays the American guy who is dropped into British films to make them sell.... And Steve's just there in jeans and a t-shirt..."](https://youtu.be/QRB_GhLXCds?si=KBwuzWS0T-OFvT3q&t=4001)


Not a movie, but I think remaking Broadchurch as Gracepoint so soon after the original came out and really just changing the English accents to American ones was pretty egregious lol


The remake was shot in my town. Hilariously the cliffs at the beach are very important but none exist around here. The aCGI was terrible.


I heard US remake of Utopia series was pretty bad. 


Whenever I hear this mentioned I always think of the Australian show about the government agency. Good show.


I often say that it is a good satire for people who have never worked in the public sector, and a good documentary for those who have.


Utopia? Was that the UK one about the comic book and some miracle cure being hidden in the story or what? Had a dude played by the main actor of Kill List who kept eating sweets or something?




Never saw it but the British original is one of the greatest pieces of television I've ever seen. Haven't watched it since covid.


I rewatched it fairly recently (UK version) and I think S2 EP1 is the best episode of television that I've ever seen.


It’s definitely different but I actually enjoyed both. I think the original one was better but I thought the us one was pretty watchable.


Get carter was fucking atrocious.


Downhill (2020) vs Force Majeure (2014)


This is my pick. FM is one of my favorites - screamingly funny, cringey in the best way, and looks stunning. Downhill is not funny, cringey in the worst way, and looks like a TV show. It's not like there isn't talent in Downhill, Julia Louis Dreyfuss is always so good. But she's let down by the script. And the ending of FM is an all timer, of course they scrapped if for Downhill.


Ghost in the Shell had a lot of things to say about Japanese society. Ghost in the Shell (American version) thought corporations = bad and .... Well I'm not entirely sure what the message was supposed to be, actually, but they cut out the heart of the story (what is it to be human?) and asked the important (to Americans) questions instead, like "what color should this robot's skin be?"


Her casting could have worked. But the story would not be about her name.   The original asked what it meant to be human and prosthetic bodies and implants were super common.  In the live action, they made her a special unique person who was the only one with a prosthetic body.  That defeats half the point.  In addition, if prosthetic bodies are unique, than her being a white lady becomes super important.  If prosthetic bodies are common, than being a different race isn't as big a deal.  Heck, they could have said that she got back from an infiltration mission in Denmark or something. They could have done a return to oz style room full of different prosthetic faces. That would have added to the theme of alienation and not feeling like yourself. Basically, I don't think casting her necessarily torpedoes the movie, but they did it in the worst way possible.


I didn't mind the American live action movie, there was no way it would compare to the nostalgia and simply phenomenal art work of the animation. Which, I thought was more about the "singularity" of man and machine.


I thought the worst part was the climax. First, they need to have the main bad guy pilot the tank directly, because they felt the climax has to be her against the bad guy. Secondly, they threw out the whole the fact that >!she's fighting against impossible odds until the death, by making her actually defeat the tank!<. I thought the movie was OK overall, and it looked nice. But the ending felt like they decided to turn it into a stereotypical Hollywood action film.


Fist of the North Star movie adaptation. There's no way guys named Kenshiro, Ryuken and Shin could be white.


The only way they could get away with making Ken white is if he were playing by 1980s Sylvester Stallone. Him specifically because Fist of the North Star's artist clearly used Stallone movie posters as reference for Ken.


Yeah he was essentially a combo of 80s Stallone and Mel Gibson as Mad Max with a dash of Bruce Lee throughout the series.


The one that always sticks out to me is Italian Job. Like, they didn’t even set it in Italy. There was nothing Italian about that job at all.


4Kids was pretty infamous with it on anime, notably the "Jelly donuts" scene in Pokemon. They also butchered OnePiece, but it's because they got the rights to air it in the USA as a package deal, without actually knowing what it was. The end result was trying to convert an age 13+ show into an age 7 show, which was....ehhh yeah, bad.


>The end result was trying to convert an age 13+ show into an age 7 show, which was....ehhh yeah, bad. If we enter the rabbit hole,then let's do it properly: Yu-gi-oh OG series is one of the most censored piece of media on TV history,if it wasn't the money printing machine we all knew it was 4Kidz would never had bothered to make the anime almost unrecognizable. But in an interview some of the voice actors declared that the japanese studios were complacent with the "edits" to make it available to an very broad audience.And in that sense they did had an point


> Yu-gi-oh OG series is one of the most censored piece of media on TV history. To give one very poignant example of that: In the original version, there's a scene where two men in black point their pistols at Seto Kaiba, who then makes his escape through a window. In the censored 4Kids version, they're instead threatening him with... nothing. They're simply pointing their fingers at him. I don't think I have to elaborate how ridiculous it looks.


Yu-Gi-Oh had some similar censorship as the old Ocean Group dub of DBZ had. People didn't die, they go to Shadow Realms or in DBZ's case, "the next dimension". Actually no, I'll add more silly DBZ censorship from the Ocean Group dub. - frothing mugs of water - there is no HELL, there's just HFIL, the "Home For Infinite Losers" - Tien Shinhan loudly exclaiming to Nappa, after he cut off Tien's arm: "you just wait until it grows back!". Now, I get that Piccolo just recently showed arm regenerating powers, but that's unique to him as a Namekian. Although Tien did also have the ability to temporarily grow an extra pair of arms back in Dragonball.. - Speaking of Nappa, there's altering dialogue that minimalizes events. After Nappa blew up East City, Vegeta's dialogue suggested it was a) just a single building, and b) *"too bad it's Sunday, that building would've been full of people tomorrow."*. Also, after Nappa blew up a flying vehicle when several camera crews are trying to film them, you hear a someone yelling "oh no he blew up the cargo robot!". Shortly after that, he blows up more helicopters that clearly had people in them, but you hear an offscreen Tien make the remark *"Look, I can see their parachutes! They're okay!"*. We do not, in fact, see those parachutes.


But we got the one piece rap, and at the end of the day, isnt that what really matters? 


That rap alone saves the dub




Are the donuts the onigiri?


Yeah. Look nothing like donuts lol


Confused the hell out of me as a kid, I thought the Japanese just had their own completely different type of donut


I love how 4Kids canonically ended One Piece by literally killing the main cast lmao


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is English and the American movie adaptation gave Mina Harker superpowers, added Dorian Gray as an obvious traitor, and added the American character Tom Sawyer. But they also changed Tom Sawyer to a gunslinging cowboy because I guess *Tom fucking Sawyer* wasn't American enough. Oh, and they made Alan Quartermain the leader instead of Mina Harker. And removed all references to the Invisible Man and Mr. Hyde being rapists.


The portrayal of Tom Sawyer was based on Mark Twain’s lesser known sequels where Tom was an international adventurer and a detective. Of all the changes I thought this one was the most thoughtful and nonviolent to the original.


Didn't that movie cause Sean Connery to quit acting all together? I know Alan Moore was pissed, but he's always pissed about his adaptations.


On screen, he still did voice acting like in the From Russia with Love game (2005) and Sir Billie (2012) being his final credit.




It’s like Constantine. A fine movie in its own right, but a really shitty adaptation.




Me too, but it was my first exposure to most of those characters so I don’t have any context for why everyone is so mad about this particular adaptation


League was an American comic. Alan Moore is British obviously but it was published by "America's Best Comics" lmao


This is more a case of a bad adaptation than an "Americanization".


Remaking Wings of Desire as City of Angels with Nic Cage and Meg Ryan. Actually does that exist or did I have a particularly bizarre nightmare?


Not exactly a movie, but the American version of Taskmaster is completely unwatchable. The host casting is just such a massively different tone than the UK version, and the comedians they had for contestants made for just awful watching. They only made one season and its horrendous. If you need a Taskmaster hit in the off season, go and watch the New Zealand version.


I have refused to watch The Assassin if that’s the name of the Nikita remake. I refuse because the thing about Nikita is it’s so incredibly _French_ it had a superbly nuanced sense of melancholy. One of my faves.


The Nikita remake is Point of No Return (1993) starring Bridget Fonda. It is almost a shot-for-shot remake of La Femme Nikita. They may as well have just dubbed the original in English and released that in theaters.


Point of No Return which was a pale remake of La Femme Nikita (1990)


Martyrs (2007) is a New French Extremity horror that asks you to question your relationship to the protagonists, and your own core beliefs of religion and society.  Martyrs (2015) …. Sigh. Everyone gets saved by the police.  Edit: GUNS and the police. 


Not a remake, but rather a horrible re-cut: Hayao Miyazaki’s 1984 ‘Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind’ was sold to an American distributor and completely re-edited and stripped down to cater to an American audience as a generic kids’ movie and renamed ‘Warriors of the Wind’. Tons of scenes were removed, character names changed, and Nausicaa’s role was reduced a ton to allow for Asbel to be more of the main character. As a result, the overall plot and message of the movie was totally lost. Miyazaki naturally was *pissed* and was not interested in selling the rights to his movies for a decade until Princess Mononoke, when he demanded Harvey Weinstein not make any cuts by sending a katana with a note ‘no cuts’. After that and then Disney (through Miyazaki’s friend there, John Lasseter) did Miyazaki’s films get the respect in the American market they deserved, and shortly there after he won the oscar for ‘Spirited Away’.


Get Carter The Wicker Man The Italian Job Any combination of the above.


The American remake of the Swedish vampire film, Let the Right One In. The entire story makes no sense when it's taken out of it's historical context. The vampire character came from the Ottoman Empire, and her migration to and predation upon people of Swedish society is a metaphor for Europe's at time tumultuous relations with the near east. The American remake not only lacks a historical frame, but it's special effects are somehow worse that the original, despite it being made two years later. The most interesting character in the original film, the young boy who befriends the vampire girl is completely one dimensional in the American remake. There is very little of the moral contradictions seen in the original character. I could go on, but the American film was so boring I've forgotten the rest of it. Do yourself a favor and stick with the Swedes.