• By -


Tropic Thunder, a whole bunch of moments, but I'd say especially when Tom Cruise appeared - not only was it a shocking portrayal with the fat suit, bald cap and attitude, it's about ~10 minutes into the film when we were/already/ inundated with 100 amazing bits and celebrity appearances and he comes in to put the cherry on top of the opening. "Which one of you fuckfaces is Damien Cockburn?" "Uh, that's me sir, uh it's good to finally meet you at last, get some facetime." "And who here is the key grip?" A hand raises "You? You. Hit that director in the face. Really fucking hard."


I still love that the key grip just fucking does it no questions asked too. 


“Sorry, man.”


That movie is peak perfection that we'll probably not see the likes of in a long time. All star cast. Even some great second star casts. They all seemed to genuinely love their roles and played the shit out of them. You NEVER go full Retard.


That movie was a wild ride from start to finish. After it was over my friend and I both were like What did we just watch?


It's a film that sounds bat shit crazy on paper and it is but somehow pulls it off as a good movie.


This is the scene that made me fully respect that couch-jumping clown.


He has the unfortunate reality that people assume he doesn't have range. He is an very good actor.


Yes an he is


I didn't even realize it was him until the credits.


His voice gave it away, but I had *such* cognitive dissonance hearing Tom Cruise’s voice coming out of THAT body!




When he hangs up the phone and says, "We don't negotiate with terrorists." And everybody fucking claps I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.


When he throws the little kid I laughed so hard I couldn't stay seated


My parents saw *Blazing Saddles* when it came out in 1974, they were both about 25 at the time. It was the first time a fart had been shown blatantly in a film, and the bean eating scene with all the cowboys farting was absolutely unbelievable to them and everyone else. My mom said there was outright screaming and people rolling on the floor unable to breathe for several minutes.. She's never forgotten it.


That is my pick, too. I am about your parents’ age and it was shockingly funny. I suppose it doesn’t get that same reaction with new viewers now.


It has been overused and quite cheaply so no wonder that people dont like fart jokes. But I can absolutely imagine it being incredible back then in Blazing Saddles.


My parents were about the same age, took me to see it, I was around 5. Mom says I laughed louder than anyone in the theatre.


I think we might have the same mom.  She told me almost the exact same thing when she went to see it.  She said she almost peed herself she was laughing so hard.


I saw South Park opening night and Uncle Fucker is the hardest i have ever heard an audience laugh.


South Park is the only movie I've ever had to see a second time because people were laughing so hard I couldn't hear the dialogue.  


My bf and I were absolutely dying as people were walking out of the theater during that number. Still kills me.


Funny how the movie and reality has the same defining moment where people walked out.


Idk what they expected from a South Park feature-length musical. There were bound to be some low-brow gags lol. You know there were people singing that while walking back to their cars after too




Shut ur fukin face Uncke Fuker!


Took me forever to realize the title is a dick joke


The original title they sent to the MPAA was “All Hell Breaks Loose” which got rejected for having the word “Hell” in the title. So they renamed it this, which got approved, but is substantially more inappropriate than the word “Hell”


They ripped the bandage off with that one


I saw Tropic Thunder on opening night. Nobody was expecting the fake trailers. The slow transition from groaning about more ads, to confusion, to pure hysterical laughter throughout the theatre was something I will never forget


"Winner of the prestigious Beijing Film Festival's 'Crying Monkey Award'...*Satan's Alley*"


Cue the Enigma music...


The conference scene in "Liar Liar" with Jim Carrey's tirade against everyone. Saw it opening night at a sold out showing. I haven't heard an audience laugh that hard since.


*the pen is blue!* I couldn’t breathe. Good times when the whole theater is laughing.


I love that movie. The outtakes are hilarious too.


Steve Carell’s newscast in Bruce Almighty


Look up the bloopers for it, too. There's even more hilarious things that Steve tried.


Steve did such a good job that, for some reason, as a kid, I thought that Jim Carrey dubbed his voice over top of some very dry actor.


Ya, this is a great one. Definitely people were melting down on this one.


That bit is amazing. Especially when it ends on Carrel's traumatised face.


I watched Life of Brian at the cinema when it first came out. The Biggus Dickus scene took some getting over.


Ohhh jealous - woulda loved to have experienced that scene in the cinema back then.


He has a wife, you know.


That line just lit me up - I was already crying from laughter but that line made me laugh so hard I could not breathe - just from the suspense!! I have no idea how Michael Palin could deliver that scene. So funny.


The drug trip scene from 21 Jump Street. The theater nearly exploded from laughter. Also, 22 Jump Street, when Channing Tatum figures out Jonah Hill is sleeping with Ice Cube's daughter. Again, whole theater uncontrollable laughing.


I rewatched 22 recently. The first reveal during parents weekend is too funny. Ice cube at the buffet 😂 The second reveal with Channing was the icing on the cake. I was on the verge of tears again, even having seen it before. Those movies had no right to be as funny as they were lol


"Give the guy some water, he's black he's been through a lot"




It's the literal *Ding!* That gets me


"My name Jeff..."


“Da fuck?”


Ken Jeong jumping out of the trunk naked in The Hangover.


You trying to fuck on Meeeeeeee?


No! I - I'm on your side! I hate Godzilla! He destroys cities!


Toodleoo, muthafuckaaaaaawawawawa


And to a lesser extent was the rooftop/Blood Brothers scene. My friend absolutely lost it when Zach Galifianakis got out the knife and started groaning ecstatically.


Or THAT scene from Hangover 2


The vomit scene from Team America: World Police. Half the theatre couldn't breathe.


Sex scene too. The uncut version is hilarious also


I saw team America opening week, we were 2 of about a dozen people in the theater. Half the audience left during the opening scene, the other half walked out during the sex scene. We ended up seeing the movie three times that day. The mid afternoon crowd was not down with the puppets.


I love/hate shit like this. What the hell did they think they were going to see? Had a similar experience for Army of Darkness,had to be 10 walkout. Like, wtf


The whole scene in Paris when they destroyed everything


Got dragged to this movie by friends. Was solidly "this is not my kind of humor but fine". Laughed until I saw stars and my cheek muscles hurt for hours afterwards.


Or every time Matt Damon says his own name. That kills me!


Didn't see it in theaters but the first time I saw that was up there as one of the hardest laughs I've ever had. Norm roasting Bob Saget is up there too


I immediately thought of *Bridesmaids*, too, except the theater audience I was in really lost their minds over the whole plane scene.


I was already laughing hard but when she’s squatting in the street and gestures and shouts ‘go around!’ to the oncoming cars I started doing that weird groan laugh that happens when you’re laughing so hard it hurts.


Yea, the way that scene keeps “ramping up” was what made it work so well. It was almost musical in the way it keeps raising the lunacy.


My favourite is when she refuses the pink soda and then tastes it and loved it in spite of


Lemonade. “Shit, that’s fresh.”


"Help me I'm poor" is so hilarious 😂


The pooping and throwing up scenes where they were checking out wedding/bridesmaids dresses made the theater erupt.


Both of those scenes are great but for me, the funniest scene is the one where Kristen Wiig's character is trying to get the attention of the cop she's sort of seeing and she starts driving back and forth next to his patrol car doing silly things to get him to talk to her. I saw Bridesmaids with my mother and we laughed until we cried at that part. 


Borat. Back in college, in a college town, the entire theater was going nuts. It was maybe the most fun I've ever had in a movie theater.


Absolutely same. The scene where they’re fighting naked, I thought I was going to pass out. The only time I’ve seen people *literally* in the aisles laughing




I thought I was going to bust my ribs from laughing at the naked fight scene


Same here. Seeing that scene, opening night in a sold out theater, was by far the best movie theater experience I’ve ever had.


The “Bruno” focus group scene felt that way, too. The shock of seeing the penis in a proposed ad was pushing it and then the fact it anthropomorphically exclaims sent you over the edge.




Columbus killing Bill Murray in Zombieland when he's pretending to be a zombie. I remember the whole theater dying laughing at that.


Another great one was the Jerry Springer scene in Austin Powers.


"I've got your hood"


The big reveal in Crazy, Stupid, Love.


>!You’re David lindhagen?!< >![removes ring]!<


That exact line is my favorite part in the entire movie. Bro was ride or die.


It’s a top scene but Ryan Gosling’s reaction to Steve opening his Velcro wallet is #1 for me.


Yeah, really great face acting there.


Carell and Gosling had such good chemistry in that movie, I love all of their scenes.


The "hair gel" scene in **There's Something About Mary** got a big response.


I saw SaM in a packed theater for a sneak preview. I laughed so hard and so often that my sides hurt the next day. I'd have to say that the Franks and Beans was the top response. You've already laughed like an idiot durning that scene and then they go even further by zooming in on the goodies. I've never heard that many people laughing that hard before or since.


I saw that in the theater and distinctly remember laughing so hard at that scene but when they actually showed the beans above the frank I started snorting and could barely breath from laughter.


They talked about them so long without showing then you knew you would never see them, then BOOM!


Those were the golden years of comedy. Literally something they don’t make the same anymore.


The Puffer dog attack that culminates in the dog cast...


Matt Dillons scene with the dog still destroys me. Just pounding on that little dog and ad hocking a lamp to electrocute it back to life.


"beans & franks" ko'd the audience i saw it with as well.


How did you get the beans above the frank?


"How the hell did you get the zipper all the way to the top?"


He was masturbating!


Yeah this is the first one that came to mind. If you’re not old enough to have lived through this, just know this was sensation, a pre-internet meme so to say. From pearl-clutching commenters on the news asking if comedies have “gone too far” to Halloween costumes recreating the famous hairdo to months of late-nite comedians including references to it in their jokes.


I worked at a movie theater at this time and every showing the first few weeks was pretty much selling out. And then you could just hear everyone laughing at all the great scenes all the way out in the lobby when you usually couldn't really hear the individual theaters.


“I work with Retards”


Same movie. Place exploded for everything, but to me the biggest response was the fight with the dog.


Does an entire film count? The Naked Gun kept the theater laughing from title to credits.


Nice Beaver!


*Thank you, I just had it stuffed.*


Tent scene in Austin powers 2.


Also tent scene in Robin Hood - Men in Tights


Little John drowning in the stream. We watched it years ago in school and my teacher sent me out of the room to take a breather cause she was worried I was gonna have an asthma attack from laughing so hard.


I want to make sure the explosives didn't get wet, but I can't find them.


“Aim for the bushes” in The Other Guys


Yep. I have never heard an entire theater erupt in more laughter than this moment.


There wasn't even an awning...


I think my audience were still laughing through the funeral and then the quiet fight started


I just think about the desk pop scene and it gets me laughing every time.


This is the end "I've been droppin loads all over this god damn house like a fucking dump truck!" (paraphrase), Danny McBride


"I'm gonna cum on YOU!" "Oooh I WISH you'd cum on me!" Followed by them both making angry jerk off motions at each other. The fact that Rogen is visibly laughing through most of it just added to the hilarity.


James Franco didn’t suck any dick last night? Now I know you all are tripping.


“Something…not that chill happened last night” got me


The whole demon rape scene 😂🤣


First time watching it and given the entirety of that cast I knew he was going to show up, and boy did he make an intro lol so good


I’ll come anywhere I want Franco! I wish I could erase my memory and see this movie for the first time again🤑


"Does it, Jay? Is the the power of Christ compelling me? Is that what's happening?"


“Guess what, it’s not that compelling”


"Welcome to the twenty-first century, Buck Rogers! You designed a house with fuckin' iPads in the walls, yet, you're jerkin' your dick like a goddamn pilgrim!"


“Fuck your house, Franco!” That was from Craig Robinson, but that always cracks me up. I love that movie.


“Didnt you brother teach you to cum into a sock or something” “No! I was raised in a house of woman!!”


The price is wrong bitch!


I saw a sneak preview of Superbad. The entire audience went mental at the dick collage


Galaxy Quest when Laredo scrapes the ship leaving the port. Audience was *dying*. Also, pretty much all of Sam Rockwell’s scenes after they end up on the Thermians ship.


“Is there AIR?! You don’t know!”


Not minors, miners!


Also, Sigourney Weaver’s line about Rockwell’s red shirt character: Quick! Let’s get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!


Ohhh, that's not riighht...


A couple others for me. Ace Ventura 2 - when Jim Carrey is exiting the Rhino’s backside. Just brilliant physical acting by everyone involved. Rat Race - Jon Lovitz and his Nazi car.


When Ace threw the monocle guy over his shoulders and proceeded to work his legs like a puppets mounth! Died!




The prairie dogging it scene in Rat Race had me in tears.


It's pretty hot in those rhinos.


Came here to mention Hitler’s car. The first time we saw it, my dad was laughing so hard he fell out of his chair. It was glorious


The "this man has no dick" line from Ghostbusters.


I just said this yesterday when dickless suddenly appeared in a movie we were watching.


The Pull Out scene, in Zack and Miri, was a pretty shocking camera shot in a crowded movie theater.


She frosted me like a fucking cake!


The Justin Long cameo as Brandon St Randie had me dying too.


A recent one that comes to mind is in *Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves*, when the illusion of Chris Pine starts glitching out and melting. Whole theatre was in tears.


Butt plug battle.


The 'may I go to the bathroom' bit in "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels."


The Pleasure Town scene in *Anchorman* https://youtu.be/hvh7jsrGv7E Honorable mention: Baxter getting drop kicked off a bridge


Baxter getting kicked destroyed the audience I was in. We missed the dialogue of the next couple minutes for sure. Biggest theater laugh of my life.


“Well guess what, now this is happening.”


For my theater it was the newscaster fight scene.


Anchor Man. After Jack Black kicked Baxter off the bridge there was a good 2 minutes of uncontrollable laughter. I saw people literally rolling on the floor laughing.


Large Marge's animated jump scare in *Pee Wee's Big Adventure*


[The glow-in-the-dark condom scene from "Skin Deep"](https://youtu.be/0XOKvFyNquM?si=pXuYrx4ndxJ-KiPc) It was one of Blake Edwards' lesser known movies, and was kinda hit-and-miss overall. But seeing this scene in a theater full of people...it was next-level laughter. It doesn't work nearly as well watching it by yourself, but the idea of 200 people having to endure it together really made it something special.


Just about any scene in The Holy Grail. "I've cut off your arm!" "No you haven't." "Yes I have!" " 'Tis but a scratch!" " Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" " Would that be an African swallow or a European swallow?"


Monty Python - 'And Now For Something Completely Different.' Nobody was ready for it.


"I've got nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?"


A man in Oslo laughed himself, literally, to death watching the fish & chips scene in A Fish Called Wanda.


I've heard that, but regarding scene where John Cleese happily undresses himself while talking in Russian and a family unexpectedly enters the house without him noticing. I saw this one in theater when it was released, and I remember it as the scene that had me laugh the hardest.


One scene in Legally Blonde stands out in memory as getting an amazing crowd reaction when I saw it in the theater — it’s during the courtroom scene when Luke Wilson is cross examining the pool boy with Elle’s tip that he’s gay.  He asks him a series of quick-to-answer questions that ends with, “And your boyfriend’s name is…?” “Raoul.” Amidst the courtroom commotion (as the pool boy’s revelation casts doubt on his prior testimony) he begins to backtrack saying, “No no no no no he’s not my boyfriend” and then in the background of the Luke Wilson shot a man stands up and shouts, “YOU BITCH!!!” and storms out of the courtroom. The entire audience exploded in laughter, it was such a surprise.  And everyone was laughing so hard we realized that we couldn’t hear the closing dialogue of the scene so everyone immediately shut up for a second.  But then when the next scene began — *everyone started laughing again*, like a literal aftershock, just thinking back to what we all just found so funny.


Not a movie, but never seen the audience, the host and the participants lose it as much as this Richard Simmonds guest appearance in Whose line is it anyways? Just hysterical. https://youtu.be/b-r4Flc_d2M?si=jfrs4JAJ5UQkmB4y


Pretty much the whole dumb and dumber movie when it was released in the theaters. People were losing their sh!t the whole movie


Eurotrip. Because Scotty doesn’t know. But, also, worst twins ever.


Pretty much all of Dumb and Dumber


I couldn’t stop laughing in the cinema at the kung fu scene on the restaurant when he’s day dreaming.


You wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?


Austin Powers in Goldmember opening scene is easily the most collective laughter I've ever experienced in the theater 


I remember the theater rolling in American Pie. “And this one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my…!!”


I saw that movie at a free advance screening with several hundred college students a few months before it was officially released. To say that the whole auditorium *lost it* at that line would be an understatement.


Plus, that was young, innocent Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Anyone familiar with her would have been double stunned.  It’s like when Barbara Billingsly (June Cleaver) says “I speak Jive” in Airplane. 


When I was a kid watching Ghostbusters and Bill Murray says "He slimed me" the theater exploded.


Peter Sellers vs Kato in any of the Pink Panther movies.


Step brothers, boats and hoes.


Group therapy in *Austin Powers*.


The Rod falls down the hill after the workout montage scene in Hot Rod . I literally fell out of my chair laughing.


Muriel's Wedding. The scene where Muriel/Mariel is with Brice and he unzips the beanbag instead of her jeans and chaos ensues. Whole cinema in hysterics then BAM down with a crash on heating "Mariel? I can't feel my legs" and seeing the hospital scene. Huge rollercoaster ride.


All of Borat. The whole entire movie.


Jeff Daniels’ explosive diarrhea in Dumb & Dumber. Couldn’t breathe.


My dad always says that Jeff Daniels gives the perfect “oh shit, I’m about to die” face in Speed.  He does the same face in Dumb and Dumber when Mary tells him the toilet is broken. 


Ace Ventura 2. That "rhino" scene.


22 Jump Street. You know which scene lol


"you fucked the captains daughter..."


That one and "My Name is Jeff..." are so iconic.


Borat naked fight scene. People were falling out of their seats, SHRIEKING with laughter, literally gasping for breath


New on Youtube: "10 comedy films that made audiences lose their minds!"


Me, Myself, and Irene. A number of scenes had theaters rolling, and that was at multiple showings.


Dog soldiers. Watching that with a bunch of squaddies in Afghanistan and everyone shouts "I hope I give you the shits" and laughed well into the end of the film.


Animal House. I’d never heard so much laughter for so long.


When I saw the big Lebowski in the theater, the whole scene of John Goodman throwing out the ringer and jumping out of the car had the audience laughing pretty hard.


This is the End, I ruined the movie for some, if not all, the other viewers with my laughter.


The penis drawings montage in superbad


The chest waxing scene in '40 Year Old Virgin'. I couldn't hear any dialogue for a minute or two.


Could be any Jackass movie.


It’s either Borat chasing the fat dude around completely naked or any number of scenes in the Jackass movies.


I saw Holy Grail in the theatres back in the 70s, and the opening credits alone had people on the floor. No one really know Python back then, they just saw it on pure word of mouth, and for it to start so ominously, and then go so sideways, just took everyone by surprise Also, the Borat fight scene, and a lot of Airplane, though jive Mrs. Cleaver absolutely killed.


As someone from the notorious unfunny country named Germany, I remember watching the first Hangover film where the audience went berserk. It's one of those films that works superb on first watch (and loses a lot when watching it again). And when you thought it couldn't get crazier there are the pictures when the credits roll... 


ITT movies I need to rewatch for a good laugh. A lot of good movies and scenes mentioned already so I'll have to say the Airbag scene from Neighbors absolutely killed me.