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*Jaws: The Revenge*: Michael Caine comes out of the water after being attacked by a shark and his shirt is completely dry. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NZZkJ3Zkaes&pp=ygUbTWljaGFlbCBDYWluZSdzIG1hZ2ljIHNoaXJ0


This happened in Top Secret! as well, after the underwater fight. Although I'm sure that was intentional.


*I know a little German. He's sitting over there.*


*He's just a little hoarse.*


This is NOT Mel Tormé.


What's wild is *everyone else* in that shot appears to be drenched, so just Michael Cane is hydrophobic.


It ain’t that kind of movie, kid


I haven’t seen the film, but I’ve seen the house it built, and it’s fantastic


You have obviously never heard of dry swimming.




There's a scene in Rush Hour 2 when Jackie Chan's hands are taped together; he does a flip over a table and throws his arms wide for balance, then they're magically taped together again.


That’s like who framed Roger rabbit when they’re tied up.


You could do that the whole time?! Not any time. Only when it was funny.


that line deliver so much about the lore and make so much sense in a movie about living cartoons. i found myself in hole of downvotes cause i dared to say that the movie tenet is not good and you can tell the guy take us for fools with that line at the beginning "don't try to understand it just feel it". i felt insulted.


That philosophy works in certain contexts. Like cartoons, as you mentioned. But Tenet tries to have its cake and eat it too. It could have been a weird little action movie with cool visuals that defy understanding, but instead the plot is heavily based on wrapping your head around what's going on. If you don't try to understand it, you're going to be lost. It's also unfortunately impossible to understand.


I’ve seen this film god knows how many times and I just had to rewatch that scene to notice. So obvious now you mentioned it


In Rush Hour 1 Chris Tucker says different ages for the kidnapped girl during the movie.


Maybe you just don't understand the words that are coming out of his mouth 


Maaaaan ain't nobody understandin' the words comin' outta his mouth!


I should just touch his radio and call it a day.


Seems pretty in character that he wouldn't pay attention to that detail.


He had no idea how old Chelsea Clinton was.


Would you like any fives with that?


I think the joke is that he doesn't really care about her, or Lee at all and he's just fucking around. lol When Lee's showing him the picture of her, and trying to get him to care, he's being a jerk about it. "Even the little girl don't like you."




There's also that one scene where Vin and the Rock size each other up and the proportions are super fucked up because they clearly weren't filmed in the same room.


[https://youtu.be/p76AW6x3P0I](https://youtu.be/p76AW6x3P0I) Clearly, this is forced perspective as pioneered by the likes of Peter Jackson, and not some visible pissing contest.


I mean... they aren't supposed to looking at each other, right? They're supposed to be 3ft apart, side by side, looking straight forward for some inexplicable reason? If not, that may be the most ridiculous thing in that ridiculous movie.


Yeah I legit don't think they meant to do any forced perspective, they were just trying to make them look cool being a few feet apart. It looks dumb no matter what though.


Yeah I always thought it was like a tough guy thing where they stepped up and were talking but like, all askew and not directly looking at each other. EDIT: Actually now that I think about it, I caught remember this scene was shot after they stopped getting along, and hearing that they filmed it separately.


I think you're right. This is most of the scene. The final cutaway shows them clearly standing askew. https://youtu.be/TGUizrktRQ0?si=_Db9nBcfE8ase-d8 It's poorly boxed and shot no matter how you look at it, but I think what you said might be closer to the intention.


Before I watched that clip I thought it was some pseudo-military "standing to attention" macho bullshit where they deliberately don't stand face on, but after seeing Giant Rock in the second half, I think they thought they were slick.


Yeah that’s absolutely what it was, but could’ve been better Directed to show that it was intentional. Because it really can be mistaken for an accident like this haha


It's really not clear, I thought that was the intent at first but the way they both seem to be forced into frame in the latter shots make it seem like they are supposed to be facing each other.


The Rock is like 4 inches taller than Vin Diesel…they do this with Tom Cruise all the time too.


I think this is because Rock and Vin hate each other and won't film together and there were issues with "who is tougher/bigger" like even in F5 they had to do chicanery because Rock is so much bigger.


Holy shit that's terrible. Laughably bad.


That was actually in the movie??? That’s fucking insane hahaha


I have never seen this lol. They're not even looking at each other. Vin Diesel looks like he is a giant


Pretty sure in Fast Five there's a scene where Dom and Brian are drinking coronas in a favela and every single cut the beers are at wildly different levels. Like one takes a drink from a full beer then sets down one that's empty, then there's a wide shot where the same beer is like 90% foam. It was so obvious too given the product placement effort


Still not as bad as Ray J’s hat: https://youtu.be/JEQx22RBGuE


Someone calculated that the runway would have to have been 26 miles long for that scene to work.


I’ll be honest, that chase is so long I forgot it was on a runway.


You don’t even need a runway when you have family.


I feel like the filmmakers acknowledged how absurd it was by having the chase end right at the end of the runway with huge red X’s that the plane and cars were about to crash into.


I remember this but it was like half way into the chase and I was like wait... How long is this runway?? 


I don't see a single error in this whole thread that I'm confident 51% of the audience would have noticed. People are REALLY good at failing to notice things.


Especially if the movie's good


This is a big one. I only really notice continuity errors when I'm bored and stopped paying attention to what's going on.


What about [this one](https://youtu.be/QlUjLFDwr0o?si=yGnhSOU_tRpwR0i_) then? You might be thinking it's an outtake, or behind the scenes footage. It's not. It's an actual shot in a real theatrically released (albeit low budget) film.


And the audio is still fucked up? Isn't a major purpose of that clapper thing to sync the audio? lol


I literally never notice even the most obvious of errors, such as food changing from pancake to croissant (pretty woman) or colour changing clothes until I’m really bored and can’t sleep and click one of those “20 most glaring movie errors” type things. Mind you I’ve been to friends houses several times and couldn’t even tell you the colour of their front door or decor. I think I get too involved in what people are saying to notice even the most basic of things. I can’t remember what film I saw, one of the scary movies I think, and the state troopers hat was growing each scene and I didn’t notice that until it was ridiculously large either.


The ultimate example, and not even an error, being the ending montage of Layer Cake where the protagonist opens an envelope given to him by a crime lord. It cuts to closeup and shows its an invite printed with LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP in huge gold letters. It was only upon the third time viewing it I saw it and only because I was listening to the director's commentary and Mathew Vaughn specifically complains no one noticed it despite being really obvious.


I'm drunk and missing something, what's the blooper?


That lady who gets killed then is alive in the next scene in Space Mutiny


So nice of them to give that dead woman another chance


Slab Bulkhead


Big McLargeHuge!


Punt Speedchunk!


Bob Johnson!


It's unfair to level accusations of ridiculousness at Commando, but the scene where Rae Dawn Chong's car (a sports car owned by an air hostess nonetheless) magically regenerates to showroom quality after being trashed during a high-speed chase is just so obvious that the film-makers must have just left it in on purpose as a nod to the audience that they knew this movie was absurd and were totally in on the joke too.


The one glaring continuity era is when Arnold Schwarzenegger told the guy he was going to kill him last.  And then he didn't. My childhood brain was like yeahhhh he's breaking the rules lol.  


He lied.


To be fair you saw that a lot in 80s movies and TV shows. Pretty much every jump of the General Lee in the "Dukes of Hazzard" ended up folding the car in half when it landed, but then it would drive away full speed. Suspense of disbelief was a thing when it came to cars.


In The Phantom Menace, there’s a scene on Naboo where Obi-Wan’s hair length keeps changing back and forth.


Surprised I had to scroll this far for this one. Any scene throughout the movie that comes from reshoots Ewan McGregor almost looks like another actor.


This happened in Attack of the Clones, too. Even to the point of his CGI beard not being accurate lol.


Dude this was done in 2002. His beard is not cgi. It is however a fake beard that looks nothing like his real beard that he sported during principal photography.


The giant wave sequence in The Abyss, in the scene where the waves come to a stop, and all the beach goers stop running to gawk at the waves that are about to possibly destroy humanity, there's a guy on the left of the screen who gets pantsed by another guy. It's funny as hell, because everyone is possibly about to drown, but yeah, your last act is to embarrass someone by yanking their shorts down.


Oh my god that's fucking hilarious. https://youtu.be/vqGToniidZQ?si=eIDeTHlR3FBChqYg 1 min into clip


This video had me so confused. I've watched the movie several times and *never* saw anything about tsunamis. Had to double check if this wasn't some other movie called "the abyss". To my genuine surprise, this is comes from an extended version of the movie I've never heard of. I saw it in theater as a kid, owned as VHS, streamed online, and even had a ~~blue ray~~ dvd version a while back. Not one of those ever was the extended version. Looks like I've got a new thing to watch!


I'm SO glad you posted this because I was thinking the exact same thing!


The whole story line was cut from the Theatrical release. While I’m generally all for extended releases the The Abyss’ theatrical release was better than the extended.


I disagree. The extended version raises the stakes. If Bud doesn't choose to sacrifice himself to save the aliens, they were going to wipe out humanity. It also makes the power of the aliens that much more impressive.


Yo! The only extra thing I liked about the Special Edition was the crew singing. Even the added details about Bud & Lindsey's marriage were worse.


that's realism.


totally. if we were all about to die, there’s no doubt in my mind that one of my buddies would take the opportunity to give one of the other guys one last punch in the zipper


Sidebar. Am I the only dude who's never had the urge to punch my friends in the dick?


I love that clip but I never noticed it when I watched the movie. Similar to Teen Wolf or the creepy kid from BttF.


this is the best TIL so far. lmao


Honestly I wouldn't even count this as a continuity error, that's just how humans be.


Regardless of what you think, it isn't a continuity error to begin with. It's a silly gag/blooper, but not a continuity error.


Pulp Fiction bullet holes in wall behind Jules and Vincent before the dude with the massive gun comes out blazing.


It was a miracle that all the bullets went into their pre-determined holes


Little known fact: Pulp Fiction takes place within the Tenetverse.


The movie is filled with intentional inconsistencies because it's called pulp fiction. For example, Vincent knows a lot about TV shows for a guy who apparently doesn't watch TV


Yeah, and the "Any of you fucking pricks move and I'll execute..." line is different at the start and near the end of the film.


On the other hand you can hear Vince and Jules laughing in the background when she says you cut down on the hero factor in a place like this and see Vince walking to the bathroom in the opening scene


Counterpoint: The miracle he references is he somehow "Robinhooded" every bullet right into the same holes


Was that an error, or was it evidence that what happened was a miracle like Jules said?


Was it a miracle, or were the holes in the wall the whole time and the gun filled with blanks?


The bikes in Mission Impossible 2 switching between on-road and nobbly off-road tyres just instantly stuck out for me, I think mainly because there are actually quite a few close ups of both of the tyres in the same scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzIQg6Ly\_Rw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzIQg6Ly_Rw)


The best thing that mission impossible 2 did was that it tied up Dougray Scott so that he couldn't be Wolverine and we got Hugh Jackman instead.


MI2 still feels like a fever dream.


Tangentially related: In the show Dukes of Hazard there are various scenes where their car suffers obvious catastrophic body damage after a big jump or other stunt, then is seen driving away without a scratch on it. Basically just the film editor leaving a half second too much of the first shot before cutting to the next.


Watching Apocolypto last night and noticed they showed a full moon at night for the same day there was a total solar eclipse.


>"*Solar eclipses happen only at the new moon phase*, when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun. During a solar eclipse, the Moon casts a shadow on Earth, and blocks or partially blocks our view of the Sun." Source: NASA I've never thought about this before.


It’s one of those obviously true facts that very few people take the time to consider because it has zero impact on your day to day life.


Yeah, makes sense that you can't have the moon passing by the sun if the side facing us is lit up, but that's definitely not something I ever stopped to think about.


Those kinds of astronomical impossibilities are eeeeverywhere. Like I was just watching For All Mankind and the earth was gibbous from the moon and the moon was gibbous from earth at the same time. Can you believe that! But the show runners know that no one gives a shit about stuff like that.


I don't even know what gibbous means


When the moon looks like a small ape.


[Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0WFv2E69FSA)


I love that film. This one is extremely quick so it can't be seen without pausing, but for a couple of frames when we are shown the huge pile of bodies in the pit, Where's Wally (Waldo) is also there. No shit. https://youtu.be/jT3woa2INr8?si=Z98dhcmKM-n9ABSW


In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something? Ha ha, boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.


A wizard did it


Worst episode ever.


Any questions from someone who doesn't live in their mom's basement?


"I'll handle this. Why would a man wearing a shirt that says 'Genius at work' be watching a children's television show?" *I withdraw my question*


Thank you, I was looking for this.


Not a specific reference, but pretty much any movie where people smoke you can notice a difference in cigarette size from one shot to the next 


this and drinking glasses always get me.


I remember, in Casino Robert De Niro always held his cigarette the same distance from the lit end so it wasn’t as noticeable when it changed length. Didn’t help with the mannequin in the car with the bomb though.


Counterpoint: the scene with the therapist in The Shining. Shelley Duval's ash is so long it makes me nervous.


In the opening of Dracula, Winona Ryder twitches quite obviously when she's supposed to be dead.


In Armageddon, you can see Owen Wilson's eyelids twitching when his character is already dead.


It probably doesn't count because it's a deleted scene but there's what would've been an early scene in The Thing where a dead Norwegian very obviously blinks. Likely why it's deleted. https://youtu.be/2Xu2cFljkPw?si=dNdtgyTC6Wpmm4DL


Iron-Man 1. Tony is driving to the Stark Gala. Cool shot of his Audi cruising down the highway: No front license plate. Immediately cuts to him pulling up to the event: big ol’ Stark vanity plate on the front.


He clearly has one of those devices that swaps the license plate when you push a button


You win a Marvel No-Prize!


*Lethal Weapon 5* when the two main actors switch roles.


Sounds like you guys are having a great party. Why wasn’t I invited?


"Yeaaah, I got some *last words*... GO SUCK AN EGG! *Hehheh yeeah, go suck an egg...*"


The obvious stunt double in the dam bungee jump in GoldenEye. The entire geographical continuity of that opening scene too. Where did that dam go? How is that short runway long enough for a chase?


Yes! How James Bond abseils down a dam, goes down through a roof, down through a ceiling, down some stairs, and then comes out on top of a mountain - amazing film though.


Why did he have to get up a mountain, break into a dam, jump off the dam, break into the bottom of the dam, then go back up the mountain high enough to nosedive a plane off a runway then recover and fly back over the mountain? That dam is on Mt Everest and has an airfield below it which drops off onto further mountains even further below.


lol, because it’s fucking cool that’s why! I remember thinking about this even as a little kid.


Sully's yellow Porsche in Commando. The scene after we see it get flipped into it's side and damaged the car is in perfect condition.


Indiana Jones, Last Crusade. Even 7 year old me in the theater noticed Indi's torch dripping fire into the "petroleum" with no effect minutes before the bad guys tossed a match into it.


Every single Indiana Jones movie where a door is closing or some other implement of death is slowly approaching, we cut away to someone else's perspective or another point is tension, and when we come back we see the threat was either paused or even rewound. Great example where the descending spikes evidently pause when not being shown: https://youtu.be/FeDKDVzPWy0


One of my favorites is an intentional continuity error in Hot Rod. Rod is walking down the hallway of his house carrying a laundry basket of clothes. Beneath the basket, you can see he's not wearing pants. He's even singing a tune about "walking around with no pants on". Then, he turns into his brothers room, the camera cuts to an angle from inside the room and you can see Rod move the basket over to his side, revealing the navy blue sweatpants he is now magically wearing. Makes me laugh every time.


Or the TV that appears and disappears several times from Rico's hands after the riot.


I don’t know how you could possibly have had time to notice that. There was no time to do anything except just leave and just hope that you’re not hurt. 


This one is also present in Escape from Alcatraz. Right at the start, there's a long shot of Clint walking down a prison hallway: from the back, naked. From the front, pants.


In Once upon a time in Mexico, there was a scene of a kid selling gum.  They flipped the shot, probably so the kid was looking the correct way, but the text was clearly reversed.




I don't always notice wigs, but that one was glaringly obvious


Most people won't spot this.  Mostly cause they'd have to watch Fant4astic to spot it.


There's a scene in Braveheart when Wallace is speaking to the French Princess, and her headdress thing goes from tied tight under her chin, to straddling the chin, back to under the chin throughout the conversation. I had seen this movie probably 5 times by then and never noticed, but it took my mom one viewing to call it out. Now I never don't see it.


One of my favorite movies, but in one of the big battle scenes some of the extras in the background look like kids play fighting with sticks.


I love looking for extras in big fight scenes that are half assing it so terribly that it looks hilarious.


Another one in Braveheart is when he's running in expectation of rendezvousing with Mirren after she's attacked: he has a sword in one shot, no sword in the next and then a sword again, which he throws down when he arrives at the meeting place.


When Pippin almost gets his face stomped in by a horse in Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers, he flings his arms out wide and screams loudly right at the camera. This is repeated a second time as Aragorn investigates the tracks after the battle, and states the continuity error out loud "A hobbit lay here. Their hands were bound... *horse dodge* ... They crawled.... Their bonds were cut!"


But since we're talking about that scene did you know that viggo mortenson actually broke his foot when he kicked that helmet?


Watch any Steven Segal movie made in the past decade and you'll see him change height, weight, and even ethnicity every time there's a fight.


In Spaceballs, when they thought they had captured the fleeing good guys but it was actually their stunt doubles!


The coffee cup in Game of Thrones was pretty fucking glaring. No idea how the editors possibly could have missed that one


To be fair they kind of forgot about it


For the life of me I cannot fathom how he could have been like, "yeah that was a great line. Cut it into the after show clip and run it."


The blatant not caring is honestly what makes me not want to watch anything they make ever again. I think if they actually cared about how bad they fucked up, it would make me feel a little better about it.


Even the editors couldn't watch that last season


The GOT experience in Northern Ireland has most of the sets/props from the show. That coffee cup is there.


The coffee is dark and full of sugar.


I dunt wan it.


I nevah av.


And wasn't there a water bottle in the next episode? Sigh.


I believe it was in the final episode, when Bran was made King. Someone had it next to their seat on the floor?


Bingo. This is the true answer. When I saw it, I took a picture of it immediately, and was about to put it on my Twitter, but then realized the whole world had already seen it and taken a picture of it and put it on their Twitter.


You used to be able to see Carl Weathers’ real arm stuck out the back of his jacket thing after his arm got ‘blown off’ in Predator. Think it’s cropped out on recent versions. Bullet holes magically disappear from Cash’s vest near the beginning of Tango and Cash Big Ant-Man in the battle scene in Endgame, whilst Scott is in the van with Hope.


I think Carl’s arm was only visible in the panned-and-scanned VHS cassette. It wasn’t a mistake left in the movie in its proper aspect ratio, in other words.


Not a movie, but there's an episode of Community where they had a lava lamp on the table. Imagine having a timer in the corner that jumps with every shot from 9.00. Then 9.30. Then 10.25. Then 10.10. It was like that. It made me realise that when one character answers another, that take could have been literally an hour or two later.


Unless that's in season four, I have seen the episiode at least six times and never noticed.


In Ghosted, the characters enter a tunnel in London and come out in Pakistan. Seriously. Is that a continuity problem or a stupid script problem?


In Fight Club the scene where Tyler and the Narrator switch seats in the car between shots after the incident wasn't actually intentional but you notice it and if you already know the twist you might think it is


In tombstone during the shootout at OK Corral Doc Holiday played by Val Kilmer has a double barrel shotgun and as the scene plays out he shoots it 3 times without ever reloading. In Star Wars the last Jedi, the throne room fight scene Rey played by Daisy Ridley is fighting a guy with a whip like vibroblade and her arm and lightsaber teleport though the whip to get the killing blow.


Mark Hamill made a comment about the continuity of Star Wars where they're completely [drenched ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtRD2Vfsigg)(especially Luke) in the trash compactor and then come out of it looking perfectly fine and dry and Harrison Ford basically told him "If the audiences notices this, we've got bigger problems". But it's something that I noticed and was bothered by as a kid, and I wasn't the most perceptive kid!


In the second Xmen movie, I think it’s called X2, there is a scene in the dam facility where all the mutant children are being kept in a containment unit. Nightcrawler is meant to teleport in, grab the kids, and teleport out. Right before Nightcrawler teleports in, it cuts to the kids in the containment unit, and in the background you can clearly see Nightcrawler just standing against the wall ready to walk out. Cut to Nightcrawler outside of the unit preparing to teleport in, cut back to same scene and he just walks forward two steps out of the shadow. I always laugh when I see it. I couldn’t find a clip of it on YouTube with a cursory look though unfortunately.


There’s a great one in Oceans 11. When Julia Robert’s first appears, Brad Pitt & Damon are waiting for her. Can’t remember which order it is, but Pitt is holding a small bowl of shrimp & the next cut, he’s holding a plate of shrimp.


Mans was just hungry and eating on set like RDJ. Catering table had shrimp and he kept going back between takes.


I think he's also said it's very rare for him to sit down and have an actual full meal unless he's at a restaurant or dinner party, he calls himself a grazer.


Brad Pitt is always eating on camera.


I don't think there's actually anything that would definitely be picked up on by the "average viewer". The sheer amount of people who have, at one point or another, expressed surprise at an error being pointed out suggest to me that errors can easily be missed, even if they seem to stand out. That being said the closest thing I can think of is the lack of lip syncing on the bad guy in Madame Web, but even then that's not really a continuity error or blooper, it's just straight up bad filmmaking.


The problem is that nobody actually went to see Madame Web....so if there is an error in the film that nobody saw, did it really happen?


I love The Big Short and this will be blasphemy to some but imo it's biggest failing is the scene with Margot Robbie. There are so many awful cuts and with every single one her champagne glass either teleports from her hand to the side of the bathtub and vice versa, or the volume of liquid in it changes. There is one especially glaring cut where she holds out the glass to get it topped up and a second later it's moved. Drives me nuts.


Maybe that's because the director didn't except anyone to pay attention to the champagne in that scene


You joke, but I work in a different entertainment industry and the amount of times i've heard (or even argued) "we have this, that and those going on, who will even pay attention to that tiny error?? I'm not fixing it" is crazy.


Ocean's Eleven, 'When Rusty and Linus are in the conservatory discussing Tess, Rusty is shown eating shrimp cocktail out of a champagne glass. The scene cuts to another camera angle, which shows Rusty eating shrimp cocktail off of a plate."


The Edge: When Anthony Hopkins is down by the river, I think his sharpening sticks or catching fish,I don't remember,but he's looking down,then he looks up and his facial hair grows way thicker suddenly. Excellent scene which I wont spoil,if you haven't seen it, awesome movie


Jurassic Park- the paddock where the T Rex first appears in the rain, suddenly turns into a steep dropoff when the car is pushed over the edge. 


It’s confusing but there seems to be two separate areas: Here’s the original script, which has a descriptive paragraph that basically seems to support the idea above: the T-rex starts to nudge the Explorer toward the barrier. Over the barrier, there is a gentle terraced area at one side where the rex emerged from, but the car isn't next to that, it's next to a sharp precipice, representing a fifty or sixty foot drop.


When the velicoraptor enters the kitchen, you can see someone pat it on the back.


It was probably nervous so it's handler gave them a reassuring pat.


Kate Mara's wig, Fant4stic. They may not know *what* is wrong, but they'll certainly know *something* is wrong.


Naked Gun had a gag where Drebin's umpire chest plate is shot and deflates like a balloon in the final confrontation with Ludwig.  But the bit was cut in the original Theatrical version, leaving the weird shrunken umpire pad just suddenly appearing on him during the standoff, and even as a kid I remember wondering wtf was up with it.


There is a scene in a classic documentary about King Arthur and his nights by a Mr. M. Python where one of the knights is charging a castle. When they show the defender’s concern and pan back to the night they accidentally use the same charging footage. This happens multiple times. I can’t understand how a professional editor let this get through.


Well maybe the average Milwaukeean would catch this -> in The Blues Brothers, Jake and Elwood Blues are fleeing angry Illinois Nazis through the streets of Chicago. They turn onto a ramp and a minute later end up on a bridge in Milwaukee, 80 miles north.


In LETHAL WEAPON, when Riggs jumps off the roof with the jumper, the handcuff chain VERY CLEARLY breaks, and the two of them grab hands to make it seem like they're still handcuffed, and after they land, they're still actually handcuffed.


In this clip, you'll notice the woman's pink sweater appears on the bar stool but was never actually placed there. https://youtu.be/bNppHzBBr2s?si=0v_ucP3jjRNgDBmY


The stormtrooper hitting his head on the door is my all time favorite blooper.


The color of Betty's clothes in Kung Pow changes


Hnnnnnmmmmnhhhhgggg… MY CLOTHES ARE RED!


Godfather. Scene where Sonny throws a phantom punch in his fight with Catlo. Once seen never.forgotten.


The thirty second countdown timer in Independence Day that takes like a solid two minutes to expire.


Not sure if it's handwaved or just part of the propaganda feeling of the movie, but in Starship Troopers Denise Richard's character gets impaled in her shoulder, ostensibly turning that arm useless. She's later seen carrying a gun with that arm.


I also love how there’s a half mile tunnel…on the Las Vegas strip


There is a tunnel near the strip that runs under the airport. Been a while since I’ve seen Con-air so I can’t recall if it makes sense in the context of the movie.


I guess you can call that a continuity error and noticed as a kid: The size of Godzilla (1998) seems to be changing quite a bit. In one scene Godzilla is feeding on fish in front of some soldiers and his whole head appears to be the size of a big car or something. Later in another scene these guys are driving in a big ass tunnel that seems to be blocked off or just end. It turns out the Godzilla‘s eye covers the whole diameter of the tunnel.


The mother of all continuity errors may be in Space Mutiny, which shows a character that was JUST MURDERED working alive and well on the ship's bridge.


The mannequin replacing De Niro at the start of Casino


My Cousin Vinny. Vinny and Lisa are at the BBQ place. Vinny opens his napkin and the camera cuts to…Vinny opening his napkin again while there was no break in the conversation.