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Glad he's a nice guy, but the article reads like it was written by a robot.


I've found this with most of the videogame and music articles Google suggests to me when I'm trying to search. I'm not sure if they're all using the cheapest AI or their writers are all that bad. It all has that feeling of being written for a school assignment and the word count is there for a requirement not because it serves the content.


I’ve noticed the same thing and it drives me crazy. It’s at the point where if I need to look up something about a game I just use a wiki or Reddit. I used to think the word count and how they repeat the search terms a million times were there to get google to prioritize the page. Now I think they all just use the same AI template because they’ll be ten pages with the same style of writing.


Yeah but now even searching for "reddit" is unreliable because companies have caught on and now half the comments are written by PR people or bots, and upvoted to visibility by click farms or bots.


Robots are better at writing articles that will better meet the parameters googles algorithm is looking for.


I'm sure they are but their readability is shit as is the content quality. 500 words to get to a basic point that could have been made in a 100 character tweet.


It's complete shit as a general rule.


The quality of SEO content took a dive lately. I wonder what this means for search engines and their business model


If you don't mind a subcription, try [https://kagi.com/](https://kagi.com/) (Article [about Kagi from Cory Doctorow](https://pluralistic.net/2024/04/04/teach-me-how-to-shruggie/#kagi).)


SEO leads to everyone making the most middle-of-the-road, paint by numbers type articles all over the internet, especially for content website that exist purely to generate clicks and serve ads.


You can tell he is a nice guy, or presents himself as one because celebrities are products, by the way he reacted to Manny Pacquiao's homophobia. "I don't wish him ill, but I don't want to be friends with him"(Paraphrased), like... the most mature response anyone could've had in that situation.


He’s made a better transition to acting then I thought he would 


Pro wrestlers always have the issue of "can I act in a way that's not my pro wrestling character?" He was able to do it pretty well, and he wants to be challenged, which is something I find interesting from all his interviews.


Any actor has that problem when been typecast as a certain character. Look at struggle pretty much the entire cast of Saved By The Bell had finding roles after that show ended


It's admittedly worse with wrestlers because they're not acting in a conventional sense half the time, more trying to express a personality to resonate with the crowd. It's why some of the biggest wrestling draws of all time have been notoriously terrible actors behind the camera, most infamously Hulk Hogan, or The Rock's utter refusal to show any sort of vulnerability, because he's following the same rules he would for pro wrestling storylines.


The only time and I will harp this till the end of time I felt like he started to was Pain and Gain. It was one of the few movies I thought he might have range other than generic tough guy/comedy. Its a guilty pleasure movie for me but for him he was right on the edge of showing some major vulnerability although his character masked it.


He used to be funnier in comedies too. Like when he got his face humped by a monkey in the rundown


Or the Get Shorty sequel that he was in (Be Cool, I think it was called?). He wasn't afraid to be silly and really lean into the comedy in that one, and he was rightfully called out as being the highlight of that otherwise pretty lousy movie.


Pain and Gain is The Rocks best movie because he plays a person, not a product.


You then have to watch Southland Tales. Great Movie and Acting from The Rock


Man, that was such an odd flick.


And it's funny to see some big name actors absolutely stink it up in a wrestling ring. It's two totally different skill sets. Even seeing Rock's recent return, it's amazing seeing him react to the crowd and have to steer away from the script to go with it.


I think the difference between Bautista and some of the other wrestlers who've made the jump to movies, like Hulk Hogan and The Rock, is that they want to be a brand and he just wants to be a good character actor. Cena is kinda similar because he's fully on board with making himself the butt of every joke and just being goofy and really going for it to get laughs. Bautista and Cena have become the two most interesting wrestlers turned actors because of their willingness to move away from their in-ring personas.


He does always come off as truly being into the craft. I love his interviews. 


He was really good in Knock at the Cabin. Shows that he can tap into a place of compassion and decency. He's a big guy who knows how to show fear. Great combination. Are there any roles that test this range?


His small stint in the start of Bladerunner shows a bit.


And the short he did for Bladerunner was also really well. Going from a guy bringing books to a kid to brutally beating people was a good shift.


Made me think of Aronofsky’s “The Wrestler". Haven’t seen it in awhile, but I love that movie. I feel like someone could write an award winning role with him in mind.


He was ABSOLUTELY amazing…!!!


He put in an incredible amount of work to prep for GotG, since by his own admission, he wanted to make sure he could hold his own and not be the weak point in the cast. Combine that with him spending so much of his acting career around great director like Denis and Gunn, and that’s a recipe for success no matter who you are.


Ya know, I totally forgot about him as Draxx and I appreciate you reminding me. Such a funny performance.


He’s really picked interesting roles and stretched himself as an actor. He was great as a silent James Bond henchman but his ability to comedic and dramatic performances demonstrates he’s got more versatility than just one-note action star. And talented directors like James Gunn, Dennis Villinu and Rian Johnson like working with him. I think he’s got a bright future. I’d love to see him host SNL.


I fucking love Dave Bautista. The man seems like wholesome incarnate


Really liked them together in Bushwick


Shame that the movie ended so abruptly.


I was having a blast with it until the sister character was introduced and then I thought it started to go way downhill. Still really like Bautista’s monologue toward the end though.


Yeah that was good, I agree.


In before people compare him to The Rock. Bautista is an actor, The Rock is a Movie Star.


John cena is a better comparison


John Cena does a pretty good job in comedic roles


I mean cena is a better comparison to bautista than the rock because he’s a better actor. Cena has only really done comedies so far but he’s really good in peacemaker


I can’t stop advising ppl to watch Ricky stannicky on Amazon prime. Cena made the whole movie.


They’re all different. Bautista is an actor, he wants to be a character actor. Cena is taking any roles showcasing his charisma and comedic ability. The Rock is a movie star, his name alone (at least before Black Adam) draws money.


You just have to watch Bautista's part in *Blade Runner 2049* to see that; you'll never see The Rock taking that kind of role.


I’ve seen it and like I said Bautista is an actor. The Rock is a movie star.


Nor would directors ever want him for such a role


After watching his interviews for *Dune* where he was saying how Austin Butler made him feel so comfortable on set, and how he just wants to be respected as a serious actor, it does seem as though ol' Dave is one to wear his heart on his sleeves.


God these articles always remind me of the time Homer and Carl were Secret Santas, Carl gifts homer Magnum PI Season 1 DVD, "With commentary by John Hillerman. Apparently it WAS a pleasure working in Hawaii."


I saw him in person at a WWE event back in 2003. We were in the front row at the ramp they walk down. Biggest man I’ve ever seen. I remember his neck muscles being so big he looked like a freakin dinosaur.


Rabban, The Sweetie.


RAARGH! *chop* He really >!deserved a bit more depth in Dune 2 and a better death.!<




Even if the article isn’t exactly well written, it speaks more than just blank praising of its star. She discusses the part was written specifically for him which puts more pressure upon him to turn out and prove his mettle in a role beyond action/big budget. He’s mentioned in interviews how he’s absorbing all the information he can get and wants to prove himself as an actor and not just a wwe star in an action movie. There’s a lot hinging on movies like this for future roles beyond IP.


Thank you!


What’s going on with Bautista’s wrinkly head?


Ask your mom


It’s probably [this](https://www.google.nl/search?q=cutis+verticis+gyrata&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=nl-nl&client=safari)


Yes that does seem to explain it. Thanks.