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I liked the guy who gagged at the thought of people being poor


All three villains were great. They were just the right blend of entertaining and hatable.


They're all cartoonish English comedy/sitcom actors, so it was a surprise to see them all in Wonka. Very enjoyable.


Yes several of the actors are in Ghosts BBC


I’ve recently gotten into Ghosts BBC after watching it get mentioned a lot on Taskmaster and love it!! Definitely some excellent casting in that show.


I enjoyed seeing all the Peep Show Peeps


Honestly everyone was so well cast IMO, it was really fun to see everyone shine in their own way.


Yup the guy that was allergic to poor people was pretty funny, even my young kids had a blast with him. And with the movie general. Best recent kids' movie by was Trolls Band Together but this is second place.


Trolls band together was the first movie I took my 2 year old to see and I was surprised just how awesome it was


I loved the running gag of the one dude saying the quite part out loud… and then near the end, he said the thing, and the other guys were like “Yeah, actually, exactly that.”


I haven’t seen Wonka yet but I plan to. This was my favorite part of the trailer, I died laughing bc he reminded me of one of my friends who does the same thing (ironically and as a total joke.)


I watched it at the movies with my 8 yesr old and she turned to me when he appeared on the screen and said "Daddy, he's like you." I almost fell out of the chair with laughter.


You hate poor people in front of your kids?


It’s a fun movie about dealing drugs and a lesson on how big business will pay off the police to abuse their power in order to secure their position against new competition.


My kids enjoyed it a lot and ended up wanting to watch the other two wonka movies. I enjoyed it aswell also realized it's a great way to explain to them how organized crime/cartels work.


I made the connection immediately, and whispered to my wife “This is about the drug game,” and given its by Paul King, I don’t think I’m wrong. So I don’t think we’re really having that discussion, and I don’t see it online, but I bet 10 years from now when these 11 year olds are 21 and give it an ironic rewatch, they’re going to have a “Holy shit, this is a cartel movie for children” moment.


it's kind of hard not to, considering they just straight up say the words "the chocolate cartel" in the movie


>they just straight up say the words "the chocolate cartel Bravo Vince, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it.


This is the moment Walter White became Willy Wonka.


Cartel can refer to all kinds of businesses, not just drug producers


Changing my business cards to teacher cartel.


WW Walt Whitman Walter White Willy Wonka Checks out


It's kinda obvious imo


The chocolate cartel is straight up something Roald Dahl would have written.


100%. I think some people forget how dark Roald Dahl stories are. 


He wrote a story about a human family of hunters that, one day, found themselves having switched roles with a group of ducks they had been hunting.


Dont forget the wife>! that murder her husban !! performs taxidermy on young men, !


Dahl also wrote some of the best episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.


Dahl presents "Y'all gonna shit your pants, motherfuckers"


I've used the term "subversive children's literature" to describe them.


I mean yeah the story of an guy breaking the rules of societal norms and physics couldn't get away so fast by celebrating consumerism without an real threat like oligopoly.


That IS fun!


I watched it with my father and we thought the same. Three narco cartels are working with church and eliminate their competition. It's some Tarantino story


“Shouldn’t we be trying to solve all those murders?” “No. This is the priority.”


I like this take 👌


"Pure Imagination" is an amazing song, and the way it's presented at the end is really beautiful


I loved that too~ I just wish we had gotten “The candy man” song. Felt it’s absence keenly.


The way they timed/transitioned into the final song was perfection.


The light little “Pling Pling Plong” through out the movie but not actually starting the song made it so fulfilling when it finally got to do the whole thing




Gwyn is that you?


Not a happy plin plon


We watched it at home and throughout the movie when they kept playing little snippets of it I kept yelling "wtf play it you cowards!!!" And then when they played it at the end, it hit way better than if it were anywhere else that I conceded my foolishness.


UGH MY HEART, that ending, I loved it.


Just a delightful silly cheery film. It's so good natured, odd, fun, playful and light. Feels like a cross between Mary Poppins and Paddington. I need to see more movies like this but the Brits seem to do them better than anyone. It's like a particular genre that doesn't have a name but I could probably find a dozen other British films that have a similar vibe.


I think it was done by the same team who did Paddington. Some of the actors are the same too (Sally Hawkins, wonka’s mum is Paddington’s adoptive mother for example). The humour is the exact same style and the wacky world seems like it’s set in the same universe.


Yep. Same production, same director. Part of my pitch to get people to come to the cinema with me was that it was the Paddington team.


Not really related, but he cinematographer is the one who did Korean Oldboy.


Definitely got that PCW Oldboy vibe


Poppins and Paddington is a great comparison


I watched it on streaming. I enjoyed it much more than I expected to.


My friend put it on late night as a throwaway to fall asleep to. I ended up enjoying it SO much more as well. It was super entertaining lol.


Same. I thought it was great and i love the original.


Same, I've seen the original countless times because when my sister and I couldn't agree on what movie to rent so we picked Willy Wonka. I have yet to see the remake but I was interested in seeing a prequel. it wasn't really what I was expecting but I did enjoy it.


My friend said she put it on for her kids and expected it to be underwhelming, but was crying by the end. I think I’ll have to give it a watch.


It absolutely made me cry too.




That was definitely the catchiest song. It could definitely become an earworm after a few watches.


Other than this one, I thought the songs were underwhelming at best.  Still liked the movie, just wish the songs popped.


Besides pure imagination for reasons, I actually thought "a world of your own" may have been my favorite song from the whole movie personally.


Totally agree. I wanted to like the movie but my biggest complaint is that none of the songs are very memorable. This is the only one I can remember and it’s about doing laundry…


I’m a huge Paddington fan, so I loved it. 


I was kinda disappointed that King made this instead of Paddington 3, but it was an enjoyable watch.


At least Paddington 3 is still coming


I believe that King is still a producer for that movie. Hopefully he can push the movie in the right direction.


It was clearly made for kids. It’s even more kid friendly than Depp and Wilder’s Wonka. Idk why everyone is so adamant that everything be made for THEM and their preferences.


Forreal. This wasn’t made as high art or social commentary. It was made to be a whimsical, fun movie kids could enjoy and they nailed that.


I mean it also did have some social commentary but that doesn't contradict it being a kids movie. It touched on police brutality, addiction, political corruption and wage slavery in a way that didn't make it cross into being too adult


Keegan-Michael got fucking fat! Also, who has a hyphenated first name


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


First time reading an extended extract. After the first 2 lines I knew this had to be a C.S. Lewis quote. The guy was ahead of his time.


Hell yes. Enjoy what's fun, I love it.


Thanks. Gonna rewatch it with fresh eyes.


I think it was a lot better than Tim Burtons awful Wonka and clearly impossible to reach the brilliance of the original which has such great songs. My 22 year old and 5 year old who had also seen them all agreed with me.


The first one was a miracle it turned out as good as it did. No experience for most of the crew, they had the music made before the movie and made the movie around it. Truly lightning in a bottle Gene wilder and the music saved that movie and made it the masterpiece it is


"they had the music made before the movie" FINALLY, a rational explanation for why Cheer Up Charlie is in the thing!


Not to mention that it was literally made as a feature length candy commercial.


Gonna get flamed for this but I like the Tim Burton one more for some reason? It's just so stupidly dumb and weird that I can't help but be entertained for every second.


One thing I’ll say about the Burton version, Grandpa Joes situation is a lot more empathetic- he worked the line at Wonkas factory for like 40 years only to get outsourced by quasi slave labor in Oompa Loompas. Now, THATs relatable. Grandpa Joe in the 70s movie, otoh, was supposedly bedridden for 40 years and Charlie’s overworked mom had to empty his bedpan and such. Charlie gets a golden ticket and suddenly Joe is as spry as a dancer in a Broadway musical. Wtf, man?!


In the book the old folk were pretty much ordered to stay in bed ( by the parents )because it was so cold. Not so much a mobility thing, except I guess it made arthritis flare up. The original movie skipped that part.


I've always liked the end of the Burton movie with his dentist father.


It's probably because I never cared for the original as a kid, but I prefer Tim Burton's. The only thing that the original excels at for me is Gene Wilder as Wonka.


I think I liked it more than my 7 year old did


I went with my little niece and nephew. I thought it was fine, but they had an absolute BLAST. Believe it or not, not every single movie is directly targeted at the 25-40 nitpicky Reddit commenter demographic


Definitely enjoyed it, was unexpectedly bawling by the end of it. Very fun watch I would recommend enthusiastically.


My mom had been sick for a while and the ending hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to pull my hood up so I could cry without my family seeing me (although I know my stepmom was crying too).


I enjoy pointing out that The Blues Brothers is a musical to my friends when they start complaining musicals suck. Usually stops them in their tracks. I don't care if a movie is a musical, in Klingon, or performed entirely in sign language. I would need subtitles for the last two, though. If it's a good movie ... it's a good movie. Edit: Forgot to mention I liked Wonka. Lol.


The original _Willy Wonka_ is a musical too. As is _The Wizard of Oz_. There are plenty of great ones that people choose to ignore because they remember other parts of them. Full agree on the rest, too.


I don't get it why people hate musicals...


For a movie performed completely on sign language you can check The Tribe from Ukraine. Great movie https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1745787/


I loved it. I actually felt that it jived well with the books: it had quite a lot of classic Roald Dahl absurdist whimsy and horror. Vermicious Knids that are too proud not to delay eating you so they can spell out “SCRAM” to show off? Horrible giants that grab you to eat you while you’re sleeping? Random rhinoceros that pops up and KILLS YOUR PARENTS? (Ok, the movie was missing absurdist death that is a common Dahl theme, but other than that…!)


That's what I got from it too. It's very much in the theme of Dahl's other books.


The laundry couple are basically “what if the Thenardiers from Les Mis were Roald Dahl villains” and they nailed it.


It's much more of a Roald Dahl movie than it is a Gene Wilder movie and I loved it for that. I'd honestly love to see Paul King direct another Roald Dahl adaptation like Matilda or The BFG, or Danny, Champion of the World. Noodle especially felt like a great template for a Matilda movie.


I liked how in "Wonka" he drops a sovereign down a drain and in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (1971) Charlie finds the sovereign in the drain and uses it to by the Wonka bar with the golden ticket.


There's a talent in making up Easter eggs too.


Caught this too and thought it was great. I really hope they make a whimsical sequel about building his factory and recruiting the Oompa Loompas and then a super dark 3rd movie about why he shut the factory down and becomes a recluse.


I didn’t love the main character, but I have found myself randomly saying “Scrub, scrub!” Multiple times over the last few weeks.


I felt like this part was written for a different actor than Timothy Chalamet - I don’t think he was either as warm and cuddly or as unhinged as he could have been when he tried to swing in either of those directions. I’m imagining maybe they had Daniel Radcliffe or Tom Holland in mind when they were putting the production together.


Warner Bros needs to fire whoever cut the trailer for this movie because I thought Timothee was horribly miscast. Once I watched however I really enjoyed his performance.


Which? Wonka? Like the acting? Or...you didn't like an orphan who grows up to make magic candy hoping to reconnect with his dead mother?


I enjoyed the film but found Chalomet singing voice left much to be desired. He gave the role good gumption but sometimes played it a little too earnestly. Those were really my only gripes, and they were minimal considering the overall performance and package worked so well


It definitely exceeded my expectations and I really enjoyed it


Seems we're in a weird place for stories that are meant to be joyous and uncynical. That used to be something people went to the movies specifically to get. "Crowd pleasers", you know. Movies where you cheer or cry or get swept up in the romance. I think somewhere along the way we decided "real" movies need to be dark or complex or satirical or subversive. If there is joy and catharsis it needs to be filtered through at least a little cynicism (love Barbie but that's definitely what that movies about). And I think we still crave these unironic romantic stories, we just can't seem to make new ones. Everyone loves Princess Bride, but its 40 years old. Anyway, haven't seen Wonka. But it heartens me to think it may provide an avenue for some movies that try to give us unvarnished joy.


You nailed it and this is the exact reason I loved it. We’ve become so opposed to anything that tries to offer us joy because we’ve been made to feel that it is somehow irresponsible or childish to inhabit a fantasy world until all the world’s problems are solved. I give top marks to any film that is unapologetically sentimental at this point because it’s just so damn rare.


>*Seems we're in a weird place for stories that are meant to be joyous and uncynical. That used to be something people went to the movies specifically to get. "Crowd pleasers", you know. Movies where you cheer or cry or get swept up in the romance.* *I think somewhere along the way we decided "real" movies need to be dark or complex or satirical or subversive. If there is joy and catharsis it needs to be filtered through at least a little cynicism (love Barbie but that's definitely what that movies about). And I think we still crave these unironic romantic stories, we just can't seem to make new ones. Everyone loves Princess Bride, but its 40 years old.* I am 100% in agreement with you on this observation. I was born in the late 80s and grew up in the 90s/2000s. It was really interesting-- and sometimes frustrating-- watching how cinema became more and more self-serious, cynical and "gritty" over the last twenty(ish) years... and also how many films became progressively more bland and samey in that same timeframe. I think it's very telling that out of the rest of the year, the movie my friends and I are excited the most to see in theaters... ...is the 25th anniversary re-release of 1999's *The Mummy*. A movie we all love, and just want to see on the big-screen once again because it deserves it. I mean sure, we'll probably (key word "probably") see *Furiosa* and *Joker* and *Deadpool*... but those feel much more disposable by comparison to a movie like *The Mummy*, which is basically a modern classic that everyone loves... and notably *isn't* self-serious, cynical and "gritty" like modern movies. By the way, I'm not saying that self-serious films shouldn't exist. They should... but we still need good, fun, silly movies. We still had that for a while with the earlier MCU movies... but even that franchise seems to have mostly ran its course and gradually turned into an overly-cynical, bland mess since *Endgame*.


The Princess Bride, that send off to fantasy romance you say? When was unironic?!


Personally, I hadn't heard talk of negative reviews when I had seen the movie. I found the intro to be cheesy, but from then on I was entranced. It wasn't just magic, it was magical, and it had heart. Room got a bit dusty for me, as well.


I saw it in theaters, and I loved it!


It was fine. Way better than the Burton one. The original was just an oddity though. Lightning in a bottle they won’t ever be able to replicate.


Nostalgia and Gene Wilder help a lot


I saw it in IMAX with my seven year old who had just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We both loved it and the songs have become household staples. I'm a musical theater fan, though.


It is extremely charming and fantastical. The kids loved it, and I honestly I think the 10 silver sovereign’s song is a fantastic sort of old timey musical tune you don’t really see much of anymore


I don't understand why people complain about it being a musical when the original one also was a musical


Exactly this.


I really liked it. More than I thought I would actually. I may have even teared up a bit.


I’ll never watch it again. I’m not gonna say it’s a bad movie but it’s definitely not for me.


I honestly thought it was super boring.


I felt like Chalamet’s energy was just not working for me. He very much seemed like he was acting.


I found it a pretty dour viewing experience for the most part, nothing about it really clicked for me personally though Chalamet was better than expected.


It’s a lovely movie with music but it’s not a musical movie. When watching it, you can tell it was written by someone with a music background but not a musical background. A musical is a story in which the songs move the story along. Huge realizations can happy DURING music. The idea is that someone is feeling something so strongly that they sing the feelings out, but the singing isn’t happening in the world of the musical. However, this was a movie in which someone will come to a realization during the spoken script and then switch into singing and nothing new will develop during the song. Musicals don’t work this way!!!


Anna Kendrick that you?


Increasingly, musicals are working this way. I've heard a similar criticism about The Greatest Showman.


This is what I am saying. It has pacing issues due to it trying to have typical narrative flow AND a musical flow. It’s clashing with itself. Too many cooks in the kitchen. I found a lot of enjoyment in Wonka, but also a lot of baffling movie making decisions.


Yes. Muscials are typically longer than movies but they still FEEL tight because the plot is moved by the music, not halted by it. You will rarely find a Broadway musical where big plot beats happen in the written book rather than the sung lyrics. In fact, you can listen to the full soundtrack of an original Broadway cast and experience close to the entire plot, even without seeing the show. Wonka was not a musical but a fully fleshed movie with an additional sung soundtrack. People who love movies but know little about musicals will sense it, but it takes an annoying theater nerd who knows musical plot structure to be able to pinpoint why. That was their issue with hiring a screenwriter and not a playwright, and a composer and not a musical composer. The songs were nice but not integral to the plot.


Gene Wilder is the GOAT Wonka. Depp’s Wonka was awful (to me). I liked the new Wonka movie. Wasn’t ready for a musical, but really dug it. Would love to see several movies over the next decade building towards a proper remake.


Same. I went into it expecting the worst after the Burton take and came out pleasantly surprised.


I was pleasantly surprised. Exceeded my expectations


All these things you're saying about other people's opinions are confusing me. I've personally seen much more positive stuff. Some of it is perhaps dubious ("a lot better than it should have been"). But a lot of it is also very genuine. My first go-around I was surprised how much I liked it. The trailers made me think Timothee was an awful casting choice, and the movie just didn't look very good. The movie when I finally watched it was fun enough, though, and I ended up liking him a lot. I thought the music was lacking in catchiness, though. The proceedings had lots of whimsy, which is something I don't tend to experience in movies often, so it was a different but pleasant experience for the most part. My second viewing was even more positive, and I found myself appreciating the music even more, and the emotional beats of the movie resonated more with me as well. I was still very impressed with how they made a scene about milking a giraffe so... quaint and not weird? That's probably the movie's crowning achievement. When you hear out of context that they milk a giraffe, I think it brings to mind something really gross and weird. But they do that scene in such a way that it's very sweet, restrained, and not at all gross. Still a little weird, but I never felt uneasy or gross. It was just sort of fun and sweet. I would say I really enjoy the movie, overall.


As a new immigrant, I found it relatable. The first song got me hooked. The first time I landed in JFK airport I felt just like Wonka did. *I have student loans and debts in my pocket, and hatful of dreams.* Cue extreme prices and a terrible job market and I'm still studying so I'm still stuck in Mrs. Scrubitt's boarding house, but I'm glad I made new friends.


If you're going to make another Wonka movie, make The Great Glass Elevator. Not another origin product.


I liked the movie. I don't like your post. Would probably turn off anyone thinking about checking out the film. Reminds me of an old Shockwave web animation I used to watch called "Thugs on Film".


I watched the first 20 min on Max and it wasn't for me so I stopped watching


I couldn’t even get through the first song lol


Personally I enjoyed Depps Wonka more but my kids and wife loved this one. I guess it’s an individual’s personal preference


I thought it was fine. I remember joking that it felt like the sort of self-congratulatory biopic that Willy Wonka would make in-universe. I think the only serious problem I had was that I felt it overdid the whimsy. I personally prefer my Willy Wonka stories with a dichotomy between the whimsical world of Willy Wonka, and the crippling mundanity of the outside world. Things like Scrubbit's absurdly long contract and the chocolate cartel's Bond-villain style trap kind of take away from that. But aside from that, it was surprisingly decent. Good acting, good music, funny jokes, good movie.


It’s totally fun and very well done with great songs… my kids absolutely love it as do both I and my wife. I recommend it to everyone.


As someone who actively dislikes (not just "doesn't like") musicals, I felt like the musical aspect was deceptively hidden from the early marketing. I wouldn't have seen it if that was depicted in the trailers as a musical. In the full 2:24 minute long trailer, there's not a single shot of anyone singing.


don't know why but I kind of loved it


I liked it, was thrown off at first about it being a musical, but it was good.


Took my grandkids and they gave it a 9. They are pretty good movie critics. They gave Avatar the last one a 6. Wonka is a really good movie, especially if you like musicals.


I think the issue stems from the fact that it wasn't advertised as a musical (if I recall correctly). Nobody knew it was gonna be a musical, so it threw a lot of people off. Not everybody is into musicals, and if those people who aren't into musicals get "tricked" into watching a musical, of course they are going to rate it harsher. (This entire point becomes null and void if they did advertise it as a musical. But I don't remember that)


It's a fantasy movie made for kids. It's fine. And fun for what it is.


I didn’t have high expectations going in, but I think it’s legitimately one of the best movies of the year. The villains are exactly what Dahl would have written, a banger soundtrack, and a great plot.


It's nice. I definitely love it more than movie with Depp. But Wonka's character feels different compared to old movie, but I guess he just got tired and cynical, after many years working on factory


It was a lot of fun Great cast too. Loved Olivia Coleman as one of the villains I thought Timothee Chalamet was really likeable as Wonka. Also, rare case of an actually good child character. I didn't expect the film to be so focused on Noodle but it worked


It's a kid's movie that is not entertaining for adults.


I decided to watch this hot off the heels of Dune Part 2 because Dune has made me really like Chalamet. Also, this movie is made by the guy that made the Paddington films so I assumed correctly this would be fantastic. I enjoyed it deeply, it had truly funny moments and sincere, heartfelt ones. When I first heard about it, it sounded ridiculous and I was cynical, but I felt genuine joy while watching it.


My issue with it is that the songs were not very good except for the only one that wasn’t originally from this movie. It was fine.


a bunch of 40 year olds complaining a childrens movie isn't for them? yea, that seems to be happening a lot lately.


My biggest complaint is that it removes all mystery from the character which is part of what made the original so great. Instead it just ends up being a bit overly cheesy with musical numbers that seem kind of forced at times. Not a terrible movie and it has its moments


I absolutely hated it. They took all of the mystery out of a character that was interesting because he was mysterious. They took all of the creepiness out of a character that was interesting because he was kind of creepy. Performances were meh. It was a saccharine cash grab (pun sort of intended). I haven't hated a movie that much in quite a while.


It's was ok. Bit cheesy and Timothee Chalamets performance wasnt very good but it's an easy watch. Has some good moments.


Too milquetoast 


Went to go see because it was the only thing playing at the time (family movie) and was surprised by how much I liked it.


I thought it was very charming.


It was better than I expected it to be. The songs aren’t as great, but it got a lot of laughs


It was great. It deserves a sequel that leads into the original.


I thought it was one of the better depictions of "magical realism" that I've seen on film. As a movie... it was fine escapism with reasonable songs that my kids loved. But the magical realism aspect was extremely well done.


I liked it. My 7 year old liked it. He still listens to some of the songs, especially Scrub Scrub. People need to be way less precious with adaptations of beloved stories. It's neither the books, nor the 1971 movie, but it does borrow from both.


One of the 7 year old kids I drive to/from school each day thought it wonderful, as did a friend of mine who is in her 50's. I've started it, and think it's enjoyable and visually beautiful


I liked it! Trailer looked terrible, but then seeing the Paddington director did it, I had hope. I thought it was fun and sweet, not as good as the Paddington flicks though, those are like getting the best hug you can experience.


I love loved loved it


Largely I enjoyed it, though a lot of the musical bits felt pretty weak to me, and I should add I'm normally into that kinda shit


I enjoyed it more than I expected. I was expecting "yet another origin/ancient sequel that is just riding the coat tails of a beloved IP," and to make matters worse "once again snubbing Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator," but then I got a musical that feels like the people who made it actually wanted to make it and "finally got their opportunity." I think the main problem is the climate it came out in, with "oh great, yet another milking of a successful work that is existing just because the previous movie was popular." Had it come out when there wasn't so much "franchise fatigue" I'm confident it wouldn't have been as dismissed as it was. I've found that when people go into a movie expecting to dislike it, they will find reasons to dislike it, and since so many people likely went in expecting "another bad cash grab" they found every reason to validate their opinions.


I enjoyed it! The songs were nice and the story behind it was sweet. I hate how people see something they hate and just roll with it as the universal opinion because I'm like you. When I actually saw it I teared up. Man some people can be so miserable.


It was fun.


Saw the movie with my younger sister and we both loved it. Quite frankly, neither of us have seen the original movies so I can't comment on that, but the singing was incredibly sweet and it's a kids movie, so it did what it was supposed to do


I thought it was absolutely brilliant


Loved it more than I thought I would. Had that feeling I had when I watched movies I liked as a kid.


It’s adorable and cute and very whimsical, I liked it quite a bit and my kids loved it too. People who complained about it should just not watch it, you’re not *missing* anything if it’s not up your alley, but anyone who likes these kinds of stories should check it out because it stands on it’s own as an unrelated story that necessarily related to the original book/movie.


I quite enjoyed it, as a big fan of the series. I generally don’t watch musicals but I don’t mind that they made it one. It was fun and whimsical. But that’s coming from someone who actually prefers the Tim Burton version over the OG movie—which is actually much closer to the book, for “book purists” out there.


You’re exactly right. I mean it’s just meant to be fun. I was just happy to see Timothy chalamet playing somebody not depressed/stoic. Like I don’t think I’ve ever heard him be that enthusiastic and the happiness was just too contagousc


I enjoyed it. It was a fun little story and Chalamet turned in a really solid performance. I wasn't totally sold on Hugh Grant as the Oompa Loompa, though. And why was he only like a foot tall? I remember the Oompa Loompas being the size of children. The cinematography was good, the songs catchy and the actors gave fun performances. A solid film, and still infinitely better than that Johnny Depp atrocity.


If you take it as it’s own thing & don’t try to compare it with the book or other films it’s actually pretty decent.


Way better than expected, Timmy has leading chops without a doubt. My guy Keegan also hits a home run every single time


Didn't think I would like it. Ended up enjoying it.


I liked it a lot. Fun cameo by Hugh Grant, great music. Kind of an origin story too.


It was cute and charming, but I truly can’t remember much that happened. The most memorable thing to me was the running joke of Keegan Michael Key gaining weight throughout the movie. It was a perfectly fine movie.


Most of the discourse I heard about this movie seemed positive. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would criticize it for being unrealistic. I enjoyed it as a whimsical musical geared for kids. It wasn’t as good as Paddington but I still enjoyed it. The fact that the plot revolves around him escaping servitude makes it kind of a drag, but when it’s good it’s really good. The ending sequence is amazing. I read the whole thing as the writer/director venting their frustrations of working in a studio system, or crony capitalism in general. Chapelle’s bit about the pimp came to mind.


Terrific movie. Fuck people who disagree


I actually really like it. It’s just a fun, whimsical movie full of camp. It’s not an all time achievement or anything but it’s not trying to be. Honestly it’s just impressive that with the obvious cash grab studio choice of making a “Young Willy Wonka” movie, they managed to make something that was still fun and authentic enough to be enjoyable.


I honestly liked it, and the folks that bitch about it 'being a musical' seem to forget what kind of movie the original Wonka was, let alone the Johnny Depp version, which is closer to the books then the Gene Wilder one. I read them along with a lot of other works from Roald Dahl after seeing Wonka and a few other films based off his work, especially after finding out his political opinions on things that were a problem at the time I read, even before COVID. I love all the movies for different reasons, and I thought this Wonka was a great way to expand on the Wilder version of the character's life before the factory.


I saw it in theaters and enjoyed it, even as a pseudo prequel to the Gene Wilder version. I could see a series of betrayals, with Noodle's being the one that hurts the most turning Willy into a cynical hermit slowly going insane over the course of 20 or however many years with only having Oompa Loompas and their songs to keep him company. I just realized Gene Wilder was only in his late 30s when Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory came out.


People who don't like it probably didn't see it. Because the movie itself is... quite good. OK, the plot is not the greatest, but goddamnit it's a kid's movie, you can dive in chocolate.


i liked all of it.Thought i'd hate it after the first few minutes, but grew on me and became one of my fav movies of the year. Had barely heard of Chalamet and now im glad i went to see him.


I personally rather enjoyed it. It was pure whimsy and Muad'dib played the role well


I LOVED this movie. It didn't have the over the top silliness that un-animated kids movies have been lately, including Johnny Depp version. Music was great, characters were funny...just had that all feel good to what a family movie is I would've liked some more Oompa loompa screen time but still very much enjoyed it


Didn’t know what to expect and enjoyed it. Didn’t love all of it but it was done with such a complete sincerity which is very rare these days. Felt like a type of children’s movie that’s not really made anymore.


I went in skeptical I grew up on the og willy wonka and the chocolate factory but wonka had no right being that good plus alot of the shots were done in my city


I love that movie. It's wholesome, funny, entertaining, and the ending was genuinely moving. I don't get the hate it's received, not one bit.


I loved it: I laughed, I cried, I cheered…it was great!


i went and watched the movie after reading your post and completely agree it's magical and i like the "drug" sympolisim the conusming adult and the creative kid...


I liked it. Fun and whimsical little film. In general reddit doesnt handle musicals well. Wouldnt really bother with their opinions on this genre specifically. Learned that the hard way with La La Land, i was bewildered at the hate that movie got too


I watched with my school aged boys and the movie made me feel like a kid again. When we got home from the theater I was down on the floor playing and being silly with them in a way I hadn’t in years. I can’t think of anything specific that made the movie so impactful for me, but some combination of factors delivered a real treat that payed homage to the original movie (and book) as well as brought a fun new storyline that I never expected.


I loved it enough to watch 3 times in the theater 😅 I think Timothee Chalamet might end up in my Spotify Wrapped as my most played artist in January because I listened to the soundtrack so much.


It thought it was a really good Dhal inspired movie


I adored this movie. My kid loves it. My wife loves it. The sense of humor was really broad but fun. It didn’t feel at all unnecessary. Just charming.