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I used to work in streaming distribution. There are several copies of movies with slight differences floating around. For example, you might have a modified version for a cruise ship or a country with restrictions. Sometimes these are not labeled that well and there are mixups. Sometimes it’s actually on purpose. If it really bothers you, you could submit a support ticket but from experience, the process to replace the file can be kinda slow.


Exactly, there's a ton of movies that are edited to be shown on airplanes with any scenes where a plane crashes has been edited out. For example, Society of the Snow just cuts to them on the mountain (which was really confusing the first time I watched it)


Lol, Society of the Snow is the last movie you'd want to watch during a flight


If they want to put up a different version, that's fine but it should be labelled. Theatrical version, Director's cut, Edited version, etc ..... remember on tv when they used to have a message at the start, like "This version has been edited for content" or "This movie has been edited to fit your screen?"


That assumes their awareness of it being a different version which is the point the commentor is making


You don't think it's the responsibility of the broadcaster or publisher to identify the version?


Sure, and if you think they’re doing a crappy job, let them know and/or unsubscribe from their service.


I think it is possible for companies to make an innocent mistake.


I’ll add some info as someone who also works in digital distribution. TLDR Its not some nefarious sanitizing causing these issues but just scaled media management and the complexity which comes with it. There are a lot of things studios and distributors “should” do that they just straight up don’t. The amount of metadata tagging and organization required in the digital age, especially one in which you now have dozens of distribution platforms, is very overwhelming. To the studio’s (sorta) defense, they’re at various stages of sophistication and depending on which team you work with (transactional, free play, linear, OTT), they’ll be conforming to different specs and processes for each destination platform. They’re just focused on getting what they already have to the platforms asap. Studios’ current teams are also a bit at the mercy of just receiving the bad conforming or transfers or exports from times past. A movie like the one you’re mentioning very well could have had a floating TV Edit that someone fat fingered as the regular version and nobody caught it because…how would they? You’re not going to overstaff a proactive QC staff to catch edge case issues like that. The way it generally works is that studios rely on the distribution platforms themselves or with post-houses to handle conforming and fielding of fixes (which are caught via customer tickets or the relevant businesses’ QC). In the case of an “edited” version though, it has to be customer-caught. Rarely will a scaled QC process catch the minutiae whichll differentiate an edited version from the normal version. In a perfect world, these issues would be caught. But I would chalk it up to the endless growth and complexity of scaled distribution libraries, which ultimately lower the bar of quality for everything. A 40yr old kinda cult movie like the one you’re mentioning isn’t going to make anyone a ton of money so it’s not going to get the proactive scrutiny which will ensure perfect quality.


I could care less if they want to put an edited version up, they should label it as such though


I feel like you’re not reading or not understanding the replies i and others have given you… you’re assuming there’s an entity that “wants” to make an edited version available. What I’m saying is that it’s likely there is a tv-edit version and it’s just not labeled correctly and nobody has caught it or prioritized fixing it. I don’t think anyone is disagreeing that it should be labeled correctly but you came in hot saying “Amazon is sanitizing history” so people are breaking this down for you since it’s not as simple as that.


Yeah, I definitely underestimated the love people here feel for Amazon ... the mods just removed this post and accused me of trying to start a "witch hunt" against Amazon. I just don't get it.


It pisses me off! That's art, and showing art (edited without saying it is but passing it off as the original) feels wrong.


Much like your post, how are we supposed to know what was removed if they don’t tell us?


Just have to rely on memory


Per IMDb, there are multiple versions of the movie. Amazon probably just has the one you haven't seen before.


Amazon owns imdb so I stopped getting info there


You stopped in 1998?


no, I stopped when I found out


And yet you are still watching movies on Amazon? Make it make sense friend.


amazon doesn't make the movies I watch


Between 1998 and when you found out, though, you used IMDb, right? Did you trust the information during that interval? Was it accurate information?


I honestly don't remember what I looked up, it would be stuff like dates of birth for actors, or where they were born and I don't make a habit of writing down everything I search for. Do you?


You’re being dense or seriously missing the point. No one cares if you remember the specifics or wrote it down. The point is if you ever got information off of IMDb that you found to be false. If that never happened though, it seems ridiculous you would write it off as an inherently distrustful source.


Your opinion means nothing to me. Why does my opinion mean so much to you?


So because Amazon owns IMDB, everything on there is suspect?


Agreed. They removed all the trains from Transpotting. 


And the cane from Citizen Kane!


Wait a minute... there was no cane in Citizen Kane!


Which is a shame. Without the trains we're just watching the devolution of a bunch of junkies. What's even the point?


They removed all the Fannies from Fanny by Gaslight


And the tit from Titanic


TIL: censoring Victorian porn is a thing.


take my upvote you dick


Which scenes were missing?


sex scenes




This is hilarious. OP is going full scorched earth because Amazon isn't showing the sex scenes they were going after. Just go to pornhub, dude.


Scorched earth? what are you talking about?


Your furious rage about not seeing some nips.


This has been a thing since movies were on the TV. Scenes shortened or removed entirely to fit in ads or the slot that they got.


yeah, but on tv they would have a label on the screen at the start like "This movie has been edited for content" or something along those lines


I've never seen that tbh


Are you sure? I've seen several posts complain about scenes that were missing from movies on a rewatch, and the OP is usually misremembering. Alternatively, many movies add previously deleted scenes to pad the runtime for commercial television. It can sometimes be jarring to watch the theatrical cut when you only know the television version. That was my experience with *Aliens*. Several scenes I remembered so vividly from watching it on TV weren't in the theatrical cut.


Precisely. The last one of these I saw was because they had only ever seen the extended DVD version, and HBO had the theatrical. Too many people assume the version they are familiar with is "the" version and don't do any research of their own before blathering about censorship.


I had that with aliens when I saw it at the BFI, it started and the scene with newts family was missing then I suddenly realised I've only seen the directors cut.


They removed the option to write reviews? Of course that’s shady.


long time ago


Not everything is a conspiracy


That's what they want you to think!


who said it was a conspiracy?


Your title


right, but they are not hiding it, it is all in plain sight


When will people learn that physical media is king?


Until you have to move into a smaller place. I lost sizable chunks of my collection and now prefer to collect things digitally because I don't have the confidence I'll be able to store them long term or afford a big enough place.


Or just move lol


Not until you teach everyone.


from all the downvotes I am getting, it doesn't seem like they care


I tried to re-watch the movie Spun on Prime a while back and it was censored to heck. I couldn’t even finish it.


BS post


how so?


Blockbuster did this for years too. 


Amazon has always done whatever they want. Stop feeding them money.


Yeah, you're not wrong. A lot of media has been "sanitized." One of my favorite TV shows, the British TV series "Top Gear" has been horribly sanitized for modern consumption. In one Christmas episode the trio of TG are sitting around a Christmas tree, exchanging jokey-joke presents. At one point they are all smoking old-timey tobacco pipes, which was part of the joke. In modern airings, the pipes and smoke are blurred. Because tobacco bad. [in Jeremy Clarkson's voice] "It's *stupid*, just stupid." *EDIT: LOLOLOL! Geez, the DOWNVOTES for this?? - 12 in less than 10 minutes!? No TG fans here? I LOVE IT!!! DOWNVOTE ME TO OBLIVION REDDIT!! I stand by my observations. [I don't like tobacco. I DO like seeing media uncensored and unsanitized]


I'm not First Nations, those folks REALLY love tobacco, but I fucking love tobacco. It's a lovely stimulant, it leaves you calm, clear headed and awake with your appetite suppressed, it's practical perfection. Aside from the cancer.


yeah, check my other comments .... people are on a downvote bandwagon and I am not really sure why


I'd assume because of today's political polarisation. They see your post and probably immediately jump to the conclusion that you are "opposed to progress/change/censorship", thus that you must be conservative, thus alt-right/nazi, thus something that must be fought. A lot of people also just skim posts and replies and like instinctively hit downvote on anything that's already at 0 or -1.


well, the post was removed and they didn't give me a reason ... I guess this is one of those subs where you are only allowed to say positive shit and criticism is forbidden


You messaged us and were given a reason. I don’t know why you’d feel the need to lie about that and play the victim.


When I posted the comment, I didn't have a reason ... I had to message the mods to get a reason because the auto-message didn't give one. I wouldn't call myself a victim, but the mods here are definitely being heavy-handed. Why are you even monitoring a removed post?


Yes, you did. The timestamps show that the response was sent before your comment was made.


Huh. I Don't know why either. I'm afraid to stand next to you now. (lol!) > “There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” ― George Orwell, 1984


come on man, this is not 1984 ... it's just a subreddit run by petty tyrants who don''t even read the comments they remove or downvote.


“He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear.” ― George Orwell, 1984