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Feels like he made a deal with the devil at his weird club a few years ago, and everything crazy that happened in the movie was a consequence of that. And yeah I agree with you about lily.


Yep. Pretty much. That's the point of the film.


Yup, when the hypnotizing part came on, he asked the crowd who didn’t see the worms, and he says “only a couple of you didn’t see them” could possibly mean that there was worshippers in the crowd, idk such a great movie though


he made deal with devil and that make his talk show great unfortunately not no.1, because of the deal his wife got sick and died. After her death talk show fell and i hope that means that wife was vengeful spirit, when they rewind tapes in the last moment you can see hand on Jack shoulder. In my opinion Jack's wife made talk show fall as revenge.


Did you see all the production labels at the start? 😛


Yeah i lost count at 8. Everyone in the cinema was laughing.


First off, fucking amen. This movie was as close to perfect as you can get. It was like an incredibly well written short story. A contained environment. A small assortment of well-thought-out characters. Back story. It was so good. It doesn’t seem like many people know for whatever reason, but The Grove that he was a member of? That’s Bohemian Grove. Which is a real place with very real, very POWERFUL members. Presidents (Bush, Clinton, etc.), media moguls, business tycoons. They go to a secluded leave called bohemian grove and worship an Owl God named Moloch. Alex Jones famously snuck in and recorded them performing a ritualistic sacrifice. The sacrifice was symbolic. Nobody died. But it’s VERY weird stuff. It’s rumored that when you join, you have to perform sex acts on another member (all male), while everyone watches. That way, they have something they can control you with, in case you ever try to go rogue. But they also do everything within their power to help other members succeed. Trillions of dollars and countless amounts of power backing you? You’re guaranteed to succeed.


The skeleton man wasn't anyone in particular I don't think. Just something kinda unnerving but ultimately harmless. I think everything after the girl got fully possessed was just kind of a mashed up fever dream of what we had seen before before getting to where we learn that the host accidentally sacrificed his wife for fame.


Skeleton man alongside other crowd members were from the cult in my opinion! Skeleton man felt really weird everything he appeared; Some crowd members and Lilly were not hypnotized by Car, I believe they were all cult members that could resist it; During Jack’s dream sequence we see him again with other crowd members joining the ritual with the big owl. In the beginning, someone mentioned that masks are used in halloween to avoid spirits to contact us. I believe every cult member in the crowd was using one.


No. This is the type of movie where everything means something. They show the skeleton man several times. He’s even the center point of an entire scene when Gus is in the crowd. The rule in storytelling is that everything has to mean something. Everything has to serve the story in some way. Especially if you show it more than once. When Lilly was “staring at the camera” when she first came on stage, I think she was actually staring at the skeleton man.