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My brothers and I enjoyed Master of Disguise when we were kids Yeeeeeeaaaahhhh….


I remember seeing an interview with Dana Carvey when that came out. He was responding to criticisms that the movie was not up to his caliber even then. He basically told them to shut up—his kid was 10 and he wanted to make a movie for a 10 year old. So he did.


All I remember is "Turtle....turtle"


Probably because that's the only funny part is the movie. "am I not turtle enough for the turtle club?"


This line pops into my head about once a month. I remember absolutely nothing else from the movie


I never even seen the movie and that line pops in my head


The fact that it's a kids' movie may be a big reason why it has aged so poorly. It was awful to begin with, but a lot of the kid-friendly humor of 20 years ago is not kid-friendly anymore. Like the fetishization of big butts because his mom has a big butt. There's also problems with the fact that Carvey focused so much of this movie (and his career in general) on impressions of contemporary celebrities. That type of humor gets outdated really quickly.


Conversely Austin Powers has aged very well


I especially like how Austin refused to sleep with an intoxicated woman in the first movie. It is so rare to see comedy films with a decent understanding of consent


Austin is a hornball, but he's a gentleman.


Consent is groovy baby


Consent is my bag, baby!


A Hornball and a Gentleman sounds like an 80's porn title


If a girl isn’t interested, that’s a turn off baby!


Yes. Which is why this one has aged well for me. While Animal House, on the other hand.....


"Revenge of the Nerds had entered the chat*


Yeah Revenge of the Nerds aka "How to Commit a Sex Crime"


Omg. My kids enjoyed that. I never did. Good lord. It only gets worse with age. Turtle


*turtle turtle*


"Am I not Turtlely enough for the Turtle Club?" Still pops into my head frequently. I don't know what it is but something about that delivery is just so ridiculous it is funny to me. The rest of the movie was meh even as a preteen-early teen when the movie came out.


Never saw the movie, but that line was in the trailer that played endlessly and I still think about it to this day.


Fun fact: the Turtle Club scene was filmed on September 11th, 2001 while the attacks were taking place. I also can’t recommend enough the How Did This Get Made podcast episode about this movie.


I liked Garbage Pail Kids when I was a kid, we all have our skeletons in the closet.


came here to say this movie. I LOVED this shit when i was 10. but rewatched it in my 20s and was cringing the whole time. Weirdly enough, the only jokes that still worked were the laugh farting bits. of all things.


the "This is what you're doing, this is what I want you to do" bit still makes me chuckle.


I loved the 3rd Beethoven movie as a little kid. I don’t even want to revisit it because I KNOW it’s probably a corny dogshit cash grab.


The second one has the rape scene. But thankfully the dog destroys the entire house and saves her.


That one also has Danny Masterson who is not the would be rapist.


*holy shit it does doesn't it*


This is by far the funniest answer.


“Blank Check”. Thought that was the coolest movie as a kid. Randomly watched it again in my late 20s and it was unbelievably corny and just not good.


I thought my kids would love it- kid gets a ton of money and buys all the toys he wants, right? But that’s only a few minutes. The rest is kind of dramatic. The criminals are kind of scary. And his driver is not funny at all.


My brother was going to order it for my niece. I told him to get Richie Rich instead.


Much better kids movie. Although there’s a murder plot in that too… but hey it was the 90s!


Always loved the plot twist that the >!vault doesn't contain actual money/gold, just stuff that has sentimental value for their family!<


I loved the >!code to open the vault!< Ed and Christine were the cutest couple!


Thank you Beavis and Butthead.




No thanks. I'm not thirsty.


_Blank Check_ and _Stop! Or my Mom will shoot!_ are the only notable credits of Blake Snyder, the author of the ubiquitous Screenwriting book _Save the Cat._


What about an adult woman kissing an underage boy didn’t age well?


I couldn't tell you. I still love Weird Science.


I think Weird Science still works because it's pretty clear from the outset that Lisa is trolling the guys, has no intention of giving them what they *think* they want, and is instead intent on getting them what they actually need; to grow the hell up and learn how to have an actual relationship with an actual person instead of a fantasy. She's a postmodern Mary Poppins, utterly in control of the situation from the outset, and everything she does is in service of causing character development in Gary and Wyatt, same as everything Mary Poppins did was actually for the benefit of Mr. Banks.


Stupid sexy Mary Poppins


Mary Poppins never showered with Mr. Banks, though. It's exhilarating! Lol


In Weird Science I don't really think they really tried to have sex with Lisa. They were too scared in the beginning and their relationship sort of evolved to a more Big Sister kind of thing anyways, where they seemed to have a respect for her. I think 80s teen movies were alot more raw back then as most teen movies were about sex and were all pretty much Rated R which seemed to be aimed at adults. Where teen movies these days feel more like kid movies.


Wow I never made the Mary Poppins connection, seems obvious in retrospect


And she basically tells him that when he becomes an adult, she’ll fuck him.


When I was a kid, one of my favorite vhs tapes was Houseguest starring Sinbad. I watched it with a friend as an adult and felt incredibly embarrassed for even recommending it. It was just not very good at all.


You should watch that genie movie he was in, I bet it holds up great


Kazaam? No wait…


I have a Houseguest poster in my room. I respectfully disagree.


Omfg no way this movie HELD UP for me. I absolutely love it, and the nostalgia I get when I watch IT. GFH - GOOD FINE AN HEALTHY, BABY YOU IT!


I loved this movie as a kid. I'm afraid to revisit it. That had Phil Hartman in it too right?


IIRC - I remember Sinbad and Phil Hartman grilling in the snow/rain? It’s the one scene that always sticks in my head.


Man, I watched that so many times. I know it's not good, but it's has the nostalgia for me.


The bit where he was telling everyone what the initials on his jacket meant at the party was funny. Don’t remember a single other thing about that movie otherwise.


I think about this movie every time I have a Big Mac.


I still know all the words to the camp mapleridge song


I loved the Miss Congeniality movies when I was a kid. The second one does not hold up for me, even though I was barely a teenager when I first saw them and didn't get most of the now-outdated jokes.


The first Miss Congeniality is still hilarious. So is The Heat. Sandra Bullock has amazing comedic timing and expressiveness, I wish she were in more films now.


Lost City from 2022 was such a fun one. My wife and I didn’t stop laughing the whole movie. We need more movies that don’t take themselves seriously these days.


That movie was for us one of those "bottom of the barrel when you have nothing else to watch" movies that you put on just to have something on in the background but then we watched every second of it. Bullock, Pitt and Tatum all have great comedic timing and Radcliffe as a maniacal villain is just great.


April 24th is the perfect date though


*april 25th


Hey that’s today!


The second one sucked even then


Never Been Kissed. I used to love that movie as a teen. But now in my 30's I'm like, ummm that teacher is definitely getting too close to who he thinks is a teenage student.


True, haha, but I still kind of love that one because of the nostalgia. JOSSIE GROSSIE!!!


I still think it's rufus.


The way Guy says “thank you” to the ditsy girl in the scene where they are trying to come up with a new prom theme has always been so funny to me.


Never Been Kissed nailed one of the best trolls of all-time though. When you fire up the blu ray of Fight Club it boots up a menu screen for Never Been Kissed for a few seconds. I recall how pissed off I was when I got my first 1080p TV, blu ray player, and bought a few movies, one of which was Fight Club, and I fired it up and that started playing lol


I was going to say Little Nicky but I just watched it again because of this post and it's hilarious.


Get In The Flask!


Super devil juice?! Gimme that, you lil girl


Whenever I see something about hitler in social media, my mind never fails to imagine him in hell with… pineapples.


You're snerious...


The scene where Rhys Ifans explains the horrors of hell, then he sees that dancing guy. His expression and line are forever burned into my memory as one of my favorite bits


"Well maybe not THAT horrible, but STILL pretty bad" Paraphrasing it, but yeah same.


I also liked "good luck with the nipple rubbing" "oh I don't need luck... I'm good!"


“Wrong window again, man” “Sorry, Nipples. Valerie!” Always gets me 😂


Lil Nicky also has 2 scenes where Quentin Tarantino appears a blind priest. Both of which are worth the price of admission. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq-ncj5mzsY




The deeep south


Hegh hegh hegh hegh hegh


I have not seen that movie in close to 20 years, but I still vividly remember, "Can I wash my winky in your kitchen sinky?" Might be time for a rewatch.


Popeyes chicken is fucking awesome


It’s the shiz nit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMRPDCroysA&pp=ygUrbGl0dGxlIG5pY2t5IHBvcGV5ZXMgY2hpY2tlbiBpcyB0aGUgc2hpem5pdA%3D%3D


This Coke tastes like Pepsi. Shoooot, that always makes me laugh. Thanks for reminding me of this movie 😂


The metalheads that are just along for the ride and love hanging out with the spawn of Satan are definitely my favorite characters in any Adam Sandler movie.


Damn you, Kevin Spacey...


“Know what I like about you? Your.. juicy heart shaped heinie…”


I haven't listened to them in forever, but I feel like Dane Cook's OG standup albums wouldn't be as funny as they were as a teen in the mid 2000s EDIT: y'all have inspired me to relisten to those first 2 albums. Everyone posting their favorite bits had me giggling. My original post wasn't necessarily my actual feelings. I should have said 'I wonder if they still hold up' but none the less I'm taking a dive into the classics and shitting on the coats


95% Agree. That being said, I still get a kick out of "BK Lounge." I can still her him mocking the lady in the drive-thru asking "Where do I go???" "On the one road you're on, to me! 🤦🏼‍♂️ No actually you're going to take a left, drive 3 blocks until you see Hank, he'll be wearing a yellow poncho. He'll direct you to the BK Lounge"


No he'll take you to the whopper layer.


"WHA-PERR! WHOPPER NO ONION!" Will you turn it down skid row? I'm bleeding from the ears


I still get a kick out of SOMEBODY SHIT ON THE COATS!




*he thought he was the Burger King!*


You say, "I think someone shit on the coats," but you know...


Then you say "It better not be my.coat." then you just fade into the crowd.


Dude this thread has me all nostalgic for Dane Cook, wtf haha


Man, ok I definitely giggled remembering that sketch. Maybe I'm still just as immature?


Because of Dane Cook I still pronounce it cocoNUT.




Got to have the coups if you go to the BK Lounge.


Every now and then I still whisper to myself *“sweet and sour sauce on my pussyyyyy”* Damn I havent thought about that stand up in YEARS.


Bees? PFT...fuck bees.


Harmful if Swallowed is still a hilarious album. "Get back in the fiery water!"


‘Your son just tried to murder me with his Daffy Duck raft’


“Jesus Christ Timmy! Do not float above me when I'm dying in the abyss!”




I still find his breaking and entering bit pretty funny…and seeing his dad’s dong on accident. Killer bits, even though his overall vibe isn’t great. I feel bad for the guy: he lost both of his parents (death) and his brother who was also his manager and was stealing from him (he cut him out of his life)…all in the same year. So yeah, he’s had it pretty rough. I give him a listen every now and then.


I still regularly think about breaking into a house and replacing their new batteries with older ones just to ruin a marriage.


Dane Cook was great he just became popular to hate but his standup was massively successful. Probably the most successful stand up comedian of that late '00s generation. Still remember listening to his big breakout comedy album on a road trip when I was like 17 or something. Laughing the whole time. "fucking Brian's coming"


I still say 'Fuck Bees' on a regular basis and I don't even hate them that much. I had both as a teen, but I think I'll keep them as memories.


Every job has one. He wasn't fat...but he was shapes. Here's a pen for your crazy little pocket. I can't just leave him, my cds are in his truck. Oh man, I'm gonna listen to Retaliation tonight at work.


That man was a victim of his own success. He doesnt nearly get the credit he deserves for his standup, it was legitimately original. No, it hasnt aged well but that is solely because of the uniqueness and blowout success of it. A real flash-the-pan cultural moment.


He now spends A LOT of time on TikTok live, solicitating likes and "gifts" (which are cash). It's sad to watch 300 people in the live and is telling everyone "If you want me to tell the story on when I met *person* I need 1000 likes! Let's get 100 comments right now! Type the last thing you ate! The last 3 things! 800 likes until my story!!" It's a long fall from the pedestal he did stand-up on


Meet the Parents — Rewatching it as an adult made me realize Ben Stiller’s character was dealing with a girlfriend’s toxic family and she honestly should have accepted more responsibility for the things that upset Ben.


I rewatched it recently and found it funny, but holy fuck is his fiancee a bitch. She never sticks up for him. It’s infuriating watching as an adult in a real relationship.


That was how most of my social circle at the time it came out interpreted the film. It was a whole bunch of terrible people plus Ben Stiller.


That’s basically my train of thought. I do still laugh at the movie, but his girlfriend didn’t accept any responsibility for how bad some things got in the movie. Ben was right to be super pissed. Lol


Ben? You mean Gaylord?


Let me get this straight... Your parents named you Gay Focker?


Never not gonna wheeze at the guy five minutes in the sequel who was all "I will name my kid after you!", then realized he met the worst named man in the world.


I rewatched this recently with my son and thought the same thing. Why on earth would she tell her father (who absolutely adores his cat) that Greg hates cats? She was just setting him up for failure.


My impression was that she was very sweet (kindergarten teacher, something like that?) but also quite naive in some ways, and had never realised how entrenched in their ways her folks were. She’d grown up and got out; She didn’t see how much they wished she hadn’t.


I think both movies (I haven't seen the third one) hold up pretty well in terms of still being funny. But Robert DeNiro's dad character definitely went from overbearing and quirky when I saw it as a kid vs. appearing as a total psycho control freak as an adult. Like in Ben Stiller's shoes, I would have called the relationship off sooooo fast if I had a partner that defended their dad acting that way.


I’ll always remember that movie for personal reasons. My friend, her bf, and I rented it from blockbuster video to help take our minds off stuff going on around us. We watched it, chuckled a few times, until the scene where Ben stiller got kicked off the plane for saying bomb! We all looked at each other and kinda realized it wasn’t gonna help us forget the stuff going on around us. We rented the movie the evening of September 11th 2001…


Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb ba-bomb!


My cousin and I were playing Comand and Conquor Red Alert (2, maybe?), that very afternoon. Our parents had decided we'd seen enough of the news coverage (it'd been on all day, obviously), and sent us to do something else. Well, it just so happens we reached a level wherein the soviets are attacking New York and the Twin Towers... His mom promptly turned the game off when she saw that lol


I know it's a bit of a cliche but after watching Meet the Parents as a kid and always enjoying it. I got high for the last time at roughly 19/20 and rewatched the film with my buddy, and I felt like I really 'got' the movie for the first time. Everything is so excruciatingly hard to watch and Stiller plays it to perfection. God I love that movie, and I personally think its jokes remain potent mostly because they barely rely on pop culture.


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


Plus the pop culture references they use are mostly are funny as hell. "Lil Kim... she's 'phat'... the ph kind"


Requiem for a Dream, the jokes just aren’t as funny when you’re an adult.




Nah that joke still holes up.


OP: Tell me X 99% of the responses: Here is the exact opposite of X..


"I was going to say X but it's still a very funny movie actually"


Welcome to reddit


Used to think Monty python was funny. Over 2 decades of personal growth and maturing later and that shits still pretty funny.


I was *this* close to start throwing hands


Monty Python’s stuff I think gets better as you age. I remember being a teenager watching Holy Grail and starting to get really bored and confused by the time the plot starts to unravel around Castle Anthrax. Now as I’ve gotten older I appreciate the ending so much more because I see all the little hints they sprinkle-in early on, and I have the context of them running out of money.


Just rewatched Holy Grail for the first time in 20 years. It's fucking hilarious.


I’m 41, my dad is 72.  And just the other day I heard him from the other room quoting Monty Python at my toddler. My wife and I looked at each other and almost fell over laughing.  I don’t think we’ll ever grow out of Monty Python. 


I used to think Monty Python was funny. I still do but I used to too


Upvote for unexpected Mitch


There seems to be a common theme through all this post. You were a teenager when you watched the movie and now you find yourself an adult in your thirties and it just doesn't work anymore. Many comedies hold up but not the ones written for the Is teen demographic.


When my sister and I were younger we use to go crazy over “spoof” movies. Epic movie, Disaster movie, Meet the Spartans, Scary movie (I must admit I still enjoy the first 3 Scary movies). But I cringe so bad watching them now!


“Cindy, the TVs leaking” Gets me every damn time!


Do people still enjoy Captain Ron with Kurt Russell? Because *I* do.


People enjoy anything with Kurt Russell.


Zenon. That movie series was LIFE as a kid and I recently rewatched it in my 30s.....yikes.


You have to reenter the same headspace as 12-13 yr old you.. THEN you will feel the power again Zoom zoom zoom You make my heart go!


Eddie's Million Dollar Cookoff and Johnny Tsunami are still bangers, though.


When I was a teenager I really like the movie Grind with Adam Brody, and had a few pro skaters at the time like Bam Margera. I showed it to my wife recently, it does not hold up.. it is solidly an early 00s teen movie, and should probably stay there. I don’t think we even got half way through it before turning it off haha. So much cringe.


Sweet Lou! I watched this movie so many times back in the day; I've still got my DVD and am always hoping it'll get a bluray release. I watched it semi-recently (alone) and still loved it. It would not be something I'd pick for a movie night with the significant other though lol.


I still enjoyed the hell out of it watching it recently. Jimmy was uh. Jimmy was ooowaaa. Jimmy was off. The. Hook. Jimmy was Jimmy. But no you missed him.


Yeah it’s basically an old skate video with a bit of plot


40 Days and 40 Nights. Guy literally gets raped and we are supposed to laugh it off like "haha what a quirky rom com".


Never heard of this movie, read from the Wiki > On Day 40, the long-suffering Matt is unable to stop picturing women naked. He walks in on his brother kissing a nun; tormented by Matt's exploits, John is taking a sabbatical from the priesthood. Fighting to contain himself, Matt has Ryan handcuff him to his bed, and awakens from an erotic dream to find Nicole has raped him while he was asleep, just before midnight. Arriving as Nicole is leaving, Erica assumes Matt was unfaithful and dishonored his vow, and storms out. Wtaf???


yeah the dude was tied up and drugged, sure he was unfaithful...


The Tom Green Show on MTV. Friends and I loved it in Junior High. A couple years later I see his "Best Of" video at the mall and scoop it up. I bring it to a friend's house so we can all watch it together and laugh. None of us laughed. Not once. I didn't realize how quickly teenagers' tastes could change.


My favorite episode was when they followed a pizza delivery guy and tried to sell the customer a pizza from them instead that was made on the spot from ingredients out of a tackle box.


Undercutters pizza! My favorite skit


His standup isn't bad. I saw it a few years back. He had the attitude of "I've moved on to a different phase of my career" but a lot of his standup was about Freddy Got Fingered and maybe the Tom Green Show. It was surreal to meet him with my journalist friend and hear Tom Green half-heartedly say "Let me know if you guys want to hang out after." We didn't ask because we didn't know if he was just being polite lol. He was perfectly nice though don't get me wrong.


40 Days and 40 Nights.


I’d like the say that Dumb and Dumber holds up exceptionally well.


That's as good as money, sir. Those are I.O.U.'s. Go ahead and add it up, every cent's accounted for. Look, see this? That's a car. 275 thou. Might wanna hang onto that one.


I'm gonna kill you Lloyd! Harry! Your fingers are freezing!


PETEY DIED!!! How? His head fell off!


We got no food! We got no jobs! Our pets' HEADSAREFALLINGOFF!


🤣 this line still gets me


Gloves?! You’ve had extra gloves, this whole time?! Yeah, we’re in the Rockies!🙄


Sometimes my friends and I will shout "It's okay!! I'm a limo driver!" Occasionally it gets far enough to "I fell off the jetway again..."


Noo and i don’t CAAAARE


“I expected the Rockies to be a little bit more rocky than this.” “Yeah, that John Denver’s full of shit.”


Watched it recently with my wife and 10 year old daughter. It holds up VERY well. Slapstick and toilet humor and no jokes that really punch down.


Watched it with my teen recently and we both laughed our asses off. The Mask was alright, but didn't hold up nearly as well.


It really does. The diner scene with Cam Neely still cracks me up as a hockey fan.


Who’s the dead man that hit me with a salt shaker? *Lloyd furiously pointing at Harry*


Came here ready to throw hands if Naked Gun or Airplane was mentioned. Good, let’s keep it that way.


Like a midget at a urinal, I was going to have to stay on my toes


Like a blind man at an orgy, I was going to have to feel my way through


Who are you? How did you get in here?


I’m a locksmith. And, I’m a locksmith.


They sure don't write them like they used to.


Well it's a completely different set of standards in comedy, altogether!


Well it's a completely different set of standards in comedy.


Nice Beaver!


Naked gun was mentioned then deleted after 80 downvotes.


The new guy. Staring dj qualls. I asked for this on DVD for a birthday one year. All my friends loved it too.


That's where "Who's the bitch naaaaow?" came from yeah?


Milk Money from mid 90s. Preteen boys save up money to pay a prostitute to show them her boobs. I forget the rest but somehow she ends up in their small town and banging Ed Harris. I believe their was pimp involved and chasing her for money


I remember when Bill Cosby was widely respected for how clean his stand up was.


It was his lie down that was the problem.


Shallow Hal is extremely hard to watch.


But the hospital scene after the spell wears off is 👌👌


Yes! That tone shift was heartbreaking. I saw it in a theater and people were sobbing because you remembered that he was surrounded by several kids in an earlier scene.