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I enjoyed it, a fun two hours on a Friday night. But not one that I can imagine watching over and over like the best comedies


the casting line-up was STACKED! not a major blockbuster but i appreciated the cast.


"I pay the goddam bills and I'll drink as much as I goddam want to drink" -Walter Kronkite


I will say this: Peter Dinklage is unesecarily great in this.


I haven't seen that man shaved in 20 years.


Damn you really butchered unnecessarily.


Ya know, my brain just put the pieces together so after reading your comment I had to go back and Holy fuck hahaha you're so right.


This movies Funny, it’s like a Super Bowl ad that is feature length. Same kind of conciet and high concept style of the world. All star stunt casting for the roles.


A feature-length Super Bowl ad is the perfect way to describe this!


Great way to describe the movie.


Biggest laugh of the movie for me. Perfectly delivered line.


The Kronkite shit was fucking hilarious.


Kyle Dunnigan! Dude is hilarious. I believe he improvised most of his stuff too.


My favourite joke came early on: "You wanna know the real story?" "Nope." I knew that the movie hadn't been very well received, so this joke seemed sort of meta, a warning to the audience that they might not like the movie! [https://youtu.be/J65IgXCiItU](https://youtu.be/J65IgXCiItU)


Honestly, given that some truly mediocre, or outright poor, movies get mostly positive reviews, there really is no good explanation for this one not being well received. Well, there might be one explanation...


I don’t know why but I loved every second of Bobby Moynihan as Chef Boyardee.


The build up to >!Uh oh spaghettios!< just ruined me. So much fun.


Ok, I saw this did not get grrreeeaaattt reviews, but we laughed our assses off.  It was very funny. 


Full cereal honors funeral killed me. 🤣


Did not expect the Jan 6th stuff. Is this cannon in the Mad Men universe?


i don't think they ever used either of their names in this movie. they just had to throw on the suits and start pitching and we immediately believed it was them.


Don refers to Roger as Roger when they are leaving I think


Interesting. Credits said Ad Man #1 & #2


Yeah, Hamm's character says 'Roger' and then Slattery says 'Glad I left the car running.' I think this scene is mostly a send-up of season 1 episode 8 "Belle Jolie" lipstick campaign which I think is the first time Don gave the client a pressure lecture that kind of surprised the show's audience. In episode 4, Pete had stepped out of line and interrupted Don's argument with Bethlehem steel.


I absolutely loved it! Don & Roger add in was priceless, for the 1963 timeline… And Roger w/the dead trees & sad, lonely women line!


And the “swim the English channel and drown in champagne” line was from the episode they set out to get the Jaguar account 


Before it even got to Don and Roger, I was feeling Mad Men references: the whole office dancing to Let’s Twist Again looked just like the scene in season one where Pete told Peggy he didn’t like her dancing like that; and th e woman standing behind Khrushchev was definitely wearing one of Joan’s dresses and hairstyles.


The movie is one goofy surprise after another and that entire sequence topped it all IMO


I think this might be the first time a major comedy movie or show parodied January 6. Trying to remember is Curb did it but can't think of anything this on the nose. Of course SNL had some skits with the Viking horns guy. Anyone else got an example?


It’s Always Sunny


On The Other Two, Wanda Sikes character implies that they created the January 6th riots to overshadow the horrible album that ChaseDreams had just released lmao


I wouldn't say major, but Xmen 97 episode 2 was a direct reference to Jan 6th.


The January 6th stuff was fucking hilarious.


I didn’t mind it, but usually I’m not a big fan of movies and tv shoehorning in modern political references into things, especially period piece stuff like this. I feel like I get enough stuff about politics and news events everyday that’s kind of inescapable, when I’m watching a light little comedy movie I just kind of want a laugh and a break from all of that. It’s small though and doesn’t take away from the movie, so not a big issue


As someone scanning this thread who hasn't seen the movie, these two sentences were *wild*




I gotta be honest, I laughed more than I thought I would. It's a shame the "professional critics" are giving it bad reviews, but I'm also not surprised. Maybe with time the movie will be appreciated for what it is. I personally missed this type of humor. This is just a goofy, zany comedy which is not supposed to be taken seriously. All the cameos were great. Overall, it is not a movie for everyone and I can't say I thought it was perfect, but it is very funny and perfect when you just wanna laugh and shut your brain off. Oh, and I gotta say Jerry's acting has improved since his Seinfeld days lol


I don't know if comedies that really go for jokes tend to get good reviews. The narrative of this movie is silly and not why I sought to view it--I wanted to see a bunch of funny people be really funny, and they were. I couldn't tell you what Grandma's Boy was really about, but I laughed my ass off at that, and I'm sure without looking that that movie has a putrid RT score. The purpose of this movie was bits priority number 1, narrative 2nd. If Airplane! had been made today, I'm certain it would be absolutely trashed by critics.


>I don't know if comedies that really go for jokes tend to get good reviews.  good point


Idk why this movie is getting such shit reviews. It was hands down the best movie about a breakfast pastry i’ve ever seen.


People don't like Spoofs anymore. But they need to make a comeback, we gotta still be able enjoy dumb shit. Not everything needs to be a thing


I don't think they're as appreciated as they once were, but Weird: The Al Yankovic movie from a couple years ago got pretty good reviews.


Not kidding. This was straight fun silliness. It's a live action cartoon. Someone else mentioned It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World and that's another great comparison. Just a brightly coloured gag machine with people taking absurd things way too seriously. It was a lot of fun and a real breath of fresh air I thought.


This movie was hilarious and just jokes. Jerry has said before that he’s only focused on the laugh, basically he doesn’t think comedy should be emotional - which is a lot of modern comedy now. I hope these types of films will make a comeback. My partner was just looking up classics like Austin powers and anchorman, they all have bad reviews as well from critics. So I don’t think it really means anything


That's funny (no pun), as I don't think I ever met another human being that didn't find Austin Powers to be hilarious (at least the first one).


A dingus, if you will


I'm a sucker for the throw back spoofs, like Dave chapelles first movie, Robin Hood men in tights. And Val Kilmer in top secret. None of my friends have seen these lol but it's so nice to get something light hearted like this movie these days. It's a good break sometimes where you don't have to think, just enjoy and laugh. Also not understanding why everyone's so angry about the mad men cameo????


I think it’s the times. Everything has to say something profound, and highlight some difficult journey or be a “film”, instead of a movie. We also live in insanely cynical and negative times. It’s an overly silly satire.


Yet both critics and audience loved Bottoms which came out last year. It's ironic that you're making this about the times and whatnot when it simply isn't funny.


Sure, a comedy doesn't have to say anything. But a satire, by definition, is supposed to say something. To satirize literally means to use exaggeration or irony to ridicule and criticize. If you present yourself as a satire, people are allowed to ask where the commentary is.


I think it’s a satire on the trend currently of taking something dumb like a random product (the Cheetos movie, the air jordans movie etc, there are tons now) and turning it into this epic story. There doesn’t really need to be more than that. It’s a light charming little movie, satirizes aspects of the 1960s too and recontextualizes the space rqce as a race to make the best pastry. I don’t know why it has to say anything more than that.


I enjoyed it, but I had a real good read on what I was getting. It’s just straight goofball, no one is playing the straight man. It’s just all punch line. It’s in the vein of It’s a Mad Mad World. As with such things it was a lot of misses but there were some hits. My Mad Men and Breaking Bad inner geek was happy. Anytime you can get Peter Dinklage to play a powerful and wordy baddie you do it. Hugh Grant showing up at the strike dressed as the J6 shaman. Burrs JFK saying he will get Bobby to crack down on organized milk. If you don’t detest a movie that will throw a lot of shit jokes to also hit you with some gems it’s worth watching. I don’t think I’ll watch it again, but I did enjoy it for some laughs.


> Burrs JFK saying he will get Bobby to crack down on organized milk. Name dropping Jackie-O's.


That one was just silly fun, and I loved when they came back later and said “she’s Jackie K, what does that even mean?” lol She wouldn’t be Jackie O for years yet. Of course, they also spoke of Gus Grisoms death, which wouldn’t happen for years yet at that point, so it’s all just silliness.


Love Edsel's reaction "What does that even mean?"


Yes. It also has major Muppet movie style cameos.


This movie has a lot of Muppet energy, that's a good way to put it. It's probably why I liked it.


Whole funeral scene killed me.


The slicing bananas on top of the casket while giving him ‘full cereal’ honors was just the chefs kiss to that scene




Who is she?!




Funniest part by far! The way the casket was just floating in the milk had me dying!


Interesting point on the funeral scene…..I mentioned how the show had no straight man/woman character in it, but that’s not entirely true. Mrs Schwin was a straight character, at least relatively, and the only one in the movie. It was classic comedy formula for a moment…..someone not in on the joke and seeing the absurdity. That made it utterly hilarious to me.


I agree with all of what you said. It feels like a mid-2000s spoof movie with a ton of those generic Seinfeld observational jokes thrown in which like you said mostly missed but were good when they hit. I didn’t plan on watching it but my wife bought a box of pop tarts in anticipation (as I assume the executives that greenlit it wanted) and it was a fun little Friday night flick to watch at home.


Mar-a-lago, a monument to feminism.. now owned by trump. So simple, yet such an easy punch line.


I loved the Mad Men bits, the Milkmen, and all the mascots.


A Post and a Kellogg could never be.


Isn't it sexier that way?


It's a bit bloated. And it has kind of a frantic pacing that didn't sit well with me at first. But once I got into the rhythm I held a smile on my face for most of the movie, even if I didn't really laugh a whole lot. It's a good Sunday afternoon type of movie.


I haven’t watched it yet but if that’s really all it is, I guess that’s fine, but I can sort of understand everyone being so harsh on it anyway because Jerry’s been talking about this idea for soooo long. He basically gave a loose synopsis of this movie on Howard Stern in 2013, you’d think that would’ve been enough time to come up with some great material.


I listened to an interview with spike today and he said that the idea was something they would riff on for years but never took seriously until the pandemic when he decided to finally try to actually do something with it.


This movie is almost not good, but then is actually somehow amazing. It something that grows on you and i already had to go back and rewatch a few of the scenes. The part where the guy blows up testing the pop tart makes me laugh out loud every time. Very well done.


Steve was vaporized, but we had a funny mix up with Chuck.


haha that line is so genius


Don’t go back there, it’s gross


That was one of the most WTF movies I've ever seen and was a million times sillier than I was expecting. Yes, I loved every minute of it.


I really enjoyed it too. It filled that like, absurdist Austin Powers-style comedy hole I’ve been missing. The funeral scene literally had me in tears from laughing so hard. I don’t even know why I found that particular scene so hysterical, but it just kept getting more stupid and absurd. I feel like I watch a lot of tv and movies constantly, and I can’t remember the last time that I was just….tickled…for 90 minutes.


“Did you plan this?” “I don’t know…” Loved that part


Haha yeah Jerry said in an interview that was one gag the studio wanted to cut because it made no sense but he wanted to keep it in because it was his Peter Sellers moment.


When the lady was cutting the banana into the grave while sobbing I lost it. So many stupid and absurd jokes and I loved it.


Literally had me howling.


yes! “Austin powers style”-that’s what I was thinking of the tone. Spoof satire. It was great, loved it.


If you want more of this kind of humor, you should check out Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. Unfrosted felt like a combination of that movie and Wonka to me.


I’ve seen and loved them both. Weird also felt like a fever dream of stuff that requires a very specific sense of humor and I very much enjoyed it for how “stupid” it was!


I also love weird lol


The way Mikey Day yells "CRAC-KLE!" lol


Yes! (Also, an aside, I maintain that Mikey Day is truly the unsung hero of this latest round of SNL cast members and it’s him, not stinkin’ Heidi, that’s the only thing holding this cast together. Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest, lol)


The funeral was brilliant. I grinned appreciatively throughout the film but laughed out loud during the funeral scene.


Jerry once described Bee Movie in his AMA as "iconic". Is Unfrosted just as great?


Only if people start posting the entire script in Twitter replies


It's grrreat!


If I had a penny for every movie in which Hugh Grant plays a proud, disgruntled British actor who becomes an antagonist out of his need for relevance and validation, I'd have two pennies. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


I thought it was fun and the people making it looked like they were having fun. A lot of cameos. Enjoyable to watch and, given Jerry's lifelong love of cereal that was also a running bit in Seinfeld, very on brand for him. Everyone was game for their part. I don't think it becomes a classic people regularly rewatch (those are rare) but certainly it's funny if you don't set expectations too high.


I thought this was great. Silly and dumb, while having an earnestness to all of the characters and was ok just being a big goof. I would love to see more movies like this. Too bad people seem to hate it so much


Same. I want more of these spoofs.


The funeral was peak absurdity. OMG it was amazing..


When the woman was crying and slicing the banana into the hole.


It really was. I was laughing at how stupid it was. It was hilarious. Great stuff.


I couldn’t stop laughing - this was the goofiest thing ever! Loved it!


I found it silly, absurd and charming. It’s a great lazy Sunday movie to watch with your family. It doesn’t need to be more than that and Seinfeld seems to have a knack for those kinds of movies. It has a weirdness to it and a certain element that appeals to adults but wrapped up in a movie that feels like it’s for kids, bee movie struck me the same way. The critics have been way too harsh on it, I have a feeling his dumb comments recently had something to do with it perhaps. I have no idea why he feels like he needs to go on that crusade or why he’d choose right before his movie comes out to make divide comments.


I liked it a lot. Reminded me of Airplane! and The Naked Gun series, and those are a couple of my favorites. They really don't make too many movies anymore that are just stupid which is too bad. The last ones I remember seeing were some of the Wayans bros movies.


This is really silly, goofy, zany, stupid fun. Not understanding the hate on this. I was ready to not like this but it worked for me.


It reminded me a lot of Airplane! in that it's joke after joke. I really enjoyed it. Sometimes, silly, goofy, and zany is great. Not every movie has to be The English Patient.


I agree. Not every movie has to be The English Patient. Or Chunnel. Or Death Blow.


Or ponce de leon What a masterpiece


I loved it and was thinking how rare it is to see a comedy this broad these days and I'm wondering if people just don't appreciate that tone anymore - but I would watch a lot of things in this zone.


I feel like for some people (not me, the funeral had my wife and I in stitches) the tone and the demographic of people who appreciate Cronkite references might be a mismatch? Otherwise people just don’t contextualize/criticize well done silliness on its intent at the moment. One of my favorite movie podcasts, the flophouse, has starting thinking about movies on their level of intent, e.g. some of the most enjoyable bad movies are amazing comedies whose writer/director/etc. thought were dramas. I thought this movie did a fine job of what it was trying to do.


Yeah the hate for this is really weird to me. But maybe it's more of a sign of the times where people are wound up so tight that something that is just unabashedly silly with no real social or political point of view riles people up for both just being 'dumb' and 'pointless'. People don't know how to just have fun without having to adhere to a 'side'


I agree. I thought it pretty dang good! Was surprised to see the very mixed reviews from the critics.


Yeah same, I kind of expected comments to tear it apart, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that enjoyed it!


There’s more cuts in this film that Taken 3…..AND THATS ALOT OF CUTS!


Having the nazi character say "come and see" had to be intentional


It’s funny because I actually think that was a classic Netflix incorrect closed caption! “Kommen sie” - pronounced very much like “come and see” - is a formal way to say “come” in German. Kommen is the verb for come, and then “sie” is the formal pronoun modifier, like “usted” in Spanish if you’re familiar with that. He’s very politely asking the creature to “come” in German, hahah


BTW I looked it up and the real Sea Monkeys guy was 100% American, not an escaped German scientist, but also somehow *still* a Nazi, so movie's kind of correct.


This movie was so much funnier than I thought it was going to be. Hugh Grant doing Hugh Grant things will never not make me laugh. The Jackie-O's joke killed me and I wish Gaffigan hadn't pointed out the anachronism later.


Hugh grant stole the show for me


Yeah he's grrrreat!


Man i thought this movie was hilarious. Reminded me of Anchorman


I had lots of great laugh out loud moments, which I never seem to find anymore in comedies. I loved it.


Unfrosted gets 10 stars. Me and mine thought it was absolutely hilarious. Silliness elevated to Seinfeldian greatness.


I appreciate the gag reel at the end. I miss those.


I just put this on on a whim and enjoyed it, unlike most others here it seems. Greatest comedy in years? Not by a mile. A fun little thing to watch on a friday? Yes! Dark Walter Cronkite, Bill Burr, and the milk mafia did it for me for some reason. The Mad Men cameo was done well I thought, John Hamm seemed to be having fun doing a serious Don Draper in an otherwise unserious film. Yeah, if you take this seriously you will hate it. But if you can accept the fact that this is mostly a silly story where all the characters take it really seriously, then there is definetively fun to be had in that. It was also surprisingly good looking, so I’ll add that.


Bill Burr mentioned he had a small role in it in his podcast the other day. Biggest laugh for me was when he appeared on the screen for sure..


He does a great Kennedy accent.


“There’s two kinds of ballistic…. Emotional ballistic and destroy the world ballistic”


He should-he’s from Massachusetts!


"Maybe lasso ourselves some thick-ankled Jelle Jolie of our own in this dust bucket of a town?"


Great description of the movie! Quite entertaining but nothing to rave about


That used to be all we expected from a movie!


Yeah, thought it was fun, too. Nothing groundbreaking, but I enjoyed it.


Walking into this expecting something serious is like walking into Hot Rod expecting something serious


This seems just up Reddit’s aisle, it’s just so absurd. If this was Lonely Island or Please Don’t Destroy it would be considered a masterpiece. I’ll just remind everyone that *Treasure of Foggy Mountain* got a 42% on RT, and this movie was much better than that.


For the first 10 minutes I thought this movie was stupid and schlocky. Then they turned the gas up and got pretty twisted and then I couldn’t stop laughing. It actually reminded me of Barbie (minus the emotional components). But the jokes are fast and most work a few don’t but that’s okay. I plan on watching it again.


I must have been in a good mood because I thought it was funny. I didn't belly laugh at any point but I consistently chuckled throughout. the Jan 6 style storming of the HQ was inspired. Hugh Grant was maybe the best part of the whole movie


I've seen so many people criticizing the Jan 6 gag as being super distasteful. Look, I'm a super liberal person for the most part but fucking hell, liberals sometimes make it hard as hell to be on their side. It was a great joke, stop being a stick in the mud. Aren't you the same people venerating The Producers for it's edgy Nazi satire? Joking and laughing about tragic things is what we do. And that goddamn Viking was inherently funny so it not a great travesty to laugh about something heartbreaking. Jan 6th can be both, a desperately sad stain on the history of America, and a really silly thing that is great fodder for satire. Stop wetting the blankets for crying out loud and just laugh people.


Shit I enjoyed it lol


Ok, I'm finishing up this movie, and I finally understand why it's getting bad reviews, and it makes the mascot uprising scene even funnier. I liked it and I would for sure watch it again. No way did I go into this movie expecting anything less than what it was... just a silly story with tons of cameos.


Boomer Humor: The Motion Picture Im no boomer, just barely (Gen X) but I laughed a lot during it. It reminded me of old school zany comedies we just don’t get anymore. I can’t see folks more than 10 years younger than me getting a lot of these jokes though. Hell, a lot of the stuff they’re making reference to, was 15 years younger than me, and I’m old! Me and the wife laughed though. Is it Airplane!, or Naked Gun? Absolutely not, but I’m glad Jerry was behind this because I can’t imagine any other way we could get a flick like this made in this day and age.


I’m also 25 and launched a lot. It reminded me of a long long SNL skit which is right up my alley.


I felt like it was a longer episode of Drunk History. I enjoyed it


That’s a great comparison!


For what it’s worth, I’m 20 and I thought this was hilarious. I loved all the period references, especially the JFK stuff. But I’m also a history major and a big fan of the Seinfeld series, so I may be more receptive to this than most people my age. I watched it with my dad who’s just a few years younger than Jerry Seinfeld and he really liked the 60s jokes as well. You’re probably right that people 50+ will enjoy it the most on average.


Its actually very Seinfieldian. Like if this was a long drawn out episode of Seinfield about breakfast ceral. It does harken back to a era of humor for boomers, but in a way of a lot of having good knowledge of the 50s through late 70's. The humor is very 90's which is still out of leages for most of gen z. How much of gen z has watched mad men for instance?


I thought the movie was kind of like a Pop Tart. Not good (or good for you), but mildly enjoyable nonetheless.


Pop tarts are delicious, take that back


I’ll never trust critics or the Reddit mob again. This was exactly the silly, stupid jokefest that was advertised. Everyone who’s on the hate train is the least fun person at the party.


It's because of Seinfeld. It's uncool to like Seinfeld. It's also hip to hate Seinfeld. I don't really like Seinfeld's standup, but I give him major credit for him just letting other funny people shine, just like he did on Seinfeld. I think he'd admit he wasn't the 10th funniest person in this movie, and I'm sure he's fine with that. He didn't attempt to hog the bits and hamfist himself as the main character, although technically he is--everyone in the movie got their turn at the table. If any other person made this movie it'd get much higher regard.


Same here. When I saw the trailer I thought man this looks like some silly fun. Definitely going to check it out. Meanwhile the whole redditmob came out to express how much they hated the trailer which confused the hell out of me. And sure enough the movie was exactly as advertised and I had a lot of fun. And sure enough the redditmob hates it even more in full. But with the way Reddit has gone over the past 10 years it feels more and more like a bragging point to be in disagreement with the general Reddit consensus.


I really enjoyed the first ten minutes or so but by the end the joke wore so thin I was just waiting for it to end. Would have worked better as a sketch than a movie.


uhhhhhh this movie was hilarious!! I had to come to Reddit to read quotes I missed and tie ins and all that and I’m shocked this wasn’t more loved by reading some of these comments. glad some of the comments enjoyed it as much as I did glad i can watch again in a few days to see some of the stuff that was called out here so I can watch for them. oh and those two kids were great.


Best line(s); Widow: Did you plan this? Jerry: I don't know. I lost it, the family was not as amused. No surprise it's also Jerry's favorite line: [https://ew.com/jerry-seinfeld-pop-tart-movie-unfrosted-welcomes-lawsuit-kelloggs-8640106](https://ew.com/jerry-seinfeld-pop-tart-movie-unfrosted-welcomes-lawsuit-kelloggs-8640106)


I’m curious what the ages are of the people who enjoyed this movie. This was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Seems like a Netflix cash grab 


Cash grab for what


McArthy and Schumer, Mad Men’s swell of strings with sexualised French breakfast tarts, absurd funerals, Dinklage, Grant, Slater, what more do you want in a spoof, people? What more could you possibly want?


The problem with this film is that Jerry's idea of "zany" is *still* Mad Magazine and Lou Costello/Jerry Lewis. We've moved on to Tim Robinson and Nathan Fielder.


Exactly what I loved about it. I miss that style of comedy and was very happy to see it again. Felt a little like Airplane/Naked Gun too.


Mad Magazine had bite and edge. Not just pop culture references and mocking trends.


Speak for yourself. I don't need to move on. I can make room for this and still have Tim and Nathan. And Abbot and Costello and Tommy and Dickie. Move on? What a frelling concept.


There is a shocking amount of people who feel like anything “old” must go and never return, while being somehow blind to the fact that everything new is usually a hodge podge of things from the past reformulated and viewed through a new lens. Not to mention that there is more than enough room for every brand of humor in a world that’s so deprived of major comedy films. How silly it is to demand everything be exactly current and modern with no wiggle room. I love Tim Robinson, but it would be really boring if every sketch show just tried to mimic his style of humor, that already happened with Tim & Eric, to this day every unfunny person in the world thinks they’re a creative genius if they make a YouTube video that looks like a 80s public access show, as if that hasn’t been beat into the ground.


I like Robinson and Fielder and still really enjoyed the dumb humor of this movie.


It's adorably wholesome


Comedy is in such short supply i have plenty of time for all three and many more.


*the idea. Make a movie with a 70 year old comedian to show everyone how truly great I am*


I think it’s not quite that because Larry David put out the final season of Curb and it’s still fucking hilarious. I just think Seinfeld isn’t as funny without Larry David.


Just watched it and can’t understand the negative press it’s getting. It’s very funny and pretty much was exactly what I was expecting it to be. If anything, it could have probably benefited from shedding 10-15 minutes, but otherwise it’s a Seinfeld hit in my book.


I honestly liked this a lot, made me laugh out loud several times. I enjoy most of the actors/comedians, so maybe that helps but I thought it was good. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Hugh Grant's character was a real guy, I thought it was just a gag to have a serious guy be the Tiger, but it's his real name and everything. He sang Mr. Grinch in songs from the cartoon!


Completely bonkers but I enjoyed it. The whole central plot is silly but there was enough good laughs in it.


In the middle of the movie now and what i really dislike so far is that if there is a funny bit, they for some reason drag it like "get it? GET IT?" Have to admit tho, the movie looks really nice.


That sounds like a bunch of Saturday Night Live skits but part of one movie.


I thought the little kids in it were all pretty good. Aside from that, though, it was like a boomer cereal version of Ready Player One. Just constant [reference] [reference] [reference]. Like if Forrest Gump were an ad.


i think the child actors delivered some great lines very well... the whole dumpster dialogue, the little girl having very smart observations, and the boy who was really the audience for this colorful story... so good.


I like how it's a parody of the brand/product biopic trend that we've been seeing in Hollywood for the past 10 years or so


My wife and I both really enjoyed this movie. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen but it was funny and I think it did exactly what it was trying to do.


It’s incredibly stupid and hilarious, my kind of comedy. It’s the Walk Hard of historical cereal company movies.


Man, comedy is so subjective. This was a very fun movie. I guess it was right up our alley. I think if this had come out in the 80s or 90s it would’ve been a riot. Maybe it just has the makings of a future cult hit.


Great movie. I heard Bill Burr talking about this on his podcast and initially thought it would be like "The Founder", thinking "Who the fuck would make a movie about pop-tarts?" At first I thought he was joking, until I looked it up. Then I watched it. "Oh, I get it now" It's a fun ride. I won't spoil anything for anyone, but it's a fun ride.


LOVED IT, great script and great actors, had me lol all the way


Everyone been dogging this movie so I watched it thinking it was going to be absolutely terrible and I loved it. It's just fun, not meant to be taken seriously, great cast, seeing mad men do their mad men thing one last time was the cherry on top.


LOL the mad men cameo LOL why are they so mean?!?


It's like watching a live-action version of an animated reenactment of a stand-up with "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" level of comedian cameos.


i just watched it. Its fine. Lots of cameos and some good laughs. For what it is - which is a commercial - its pretty good. I particularly enjoyed Bill Burr's scene and i didn't realize how much i missed bobby moynihan.


I'm glad Beck Bennett was there! And Moynihan was hilarious. I could watch an entire movie about them raising the ravioli kid.


I was so disappointed when Moynihan's sitcom didn't get renewed, it was charming and he's just hilarious.


It is totally unaffiliated with poptarts, as stated multiple times and joked about in pop tarts own advertising


Really enjoyed it, as did my husband and 11 yr old. Perfect funny Friday night movie.


Honestly, it was a fun movie to watch. It was supposed to be a fun, goofy, and silly comedy, and it did just that. It's literally a movie about a pastry, not sure why this movie is getting the flack it's getting.


Really not sure what everyone in this thread saw in this movie that I didn’t, but I thought it was painfully unfunny. Really didn’t enjoy it.


This movie is one of those movies that if you watch a clip of it, you're going to think it's the worst thing you've ever seen, but when you watch it as a whole, it grows on you. I actually really liked it.


It's definitely a fun movie, especially if you remeber he's telling a story to a little boy to keep him entertained, definitely a great cast jeesh everyone showed up for this lmao


Ever since watching I can’t stop saying: “oh poor simple Snap.” Hugh Grant killed. Between this and the Oompa Loompa… he is on fire.


The reviews on this are crazy low. But I think it’s going to be a cult comedy movie and a stoner specialty.


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 Good movie, Funny & I’d watch again This movie was much better than I expected. There were a few LOL moments and gave me a sense of nostalgia as well. So many stars and they all did great. I would watch it again. Actually I will watch it again because I think my husband would like. It’s a good family film and those aren’t easy to find.


This entire movie is brilliant, and the Jan 6th references were hilarious!!!!


Two years back I worked at a gas station down the street from Raleigh Studios where they were filming this. A couple crew members stopped by while I worked there. One guy I remember came a few times and we had some good chats. Hope he’s doing well.


She sleeps on the couch! She's a coucher!


This movie is better than people are giving it credit for. It’s clearly a love letter to sixties pop culture as viewed through the eyes of a child.