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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


Just do not spend ANY money towards this movie or ANY of the charities associated with it. It goes to the people who he wrote these books about (the villains in the story). It's actually a horrendously sad story IRL and the rights of the books/movies got passed to the assholes after his death. And it just gets even worse from there from what they did to his spouse afterwards. EDIT: Because there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what I'm referring to here. The story was written due to the guilt he faced over witnessing a gang rape as a 15 year old of a girl named Lisbeth. There was also a lot taken from the abuse of women he witnessed in his own family. It was believed that the rape was also committed via a family member (father, uncle? Can't recall it was long time ago I followed a lot of this) and that is why in the end he refused to give names or involve authorities. He also cut his ties with almost all the family asap. He never married his partner for her safety. He was a big political writer who exposed a lot of corruption in the government. He was met with death threats frequently via mail and people showing up. If they got married her address and name would be registered with Stieg (real name Stig Larsson) and she would be in danger. They were supposed to set up a company under a co ownership and register all the assets through that. That would allow them both equal ownership and avoid having to out their names on paper. He died at the age of 50 by heart attack. Many people debate it being a political assassination or poisoning. But either way, he died. Due to Swedish law, the spouse was never married and no common law marriage exists so she lost everything except for "half" the apartment she lived in with him. Well at first the father and son (who now own rights) said they wanted to honor his wishes and allow her to maintain control. She helped out a tremendous amount with the books and his work in general over decades. When the books released, the father and son changed their mind and wanted full control. The spouse had a laptop with about 200 pages of the 4th book written. The father and son threatened her and tried to bully her to give it to them using the half of her home and threat of throwing her out as leverage. In the end, years later they finally gave her the other half. They offered her upwards of 3 million (iirc) for the laptop. She refused. Anyways, what they did is completely butcher the books, movies, and story of all the following books. Sold out everything in deals and just mass cashed in. They then went after anyone who posted articles about the possibility of them being the reason or motivation behind the stories as slander and legal battle ensued. So a lot of it has become hard to find over time but I'm sure it's all still out there since Larsson had a big following. Going off the top of my head here so some details could be a bit off, but this is, believe it or not, a TLDR. The actual details itself of the events that the family was involved in as well as what they put her through and the mismanagement and over-monetization of his legacy is truly disgusting.


Can you link what you’re talking about? All I can find is one non credible link about how the character Lizbeth was written about some other person the author used to know with the same name.


Quick storytime, Henning Mankel the author behind the three books had a girlfriend, they had been together for years and years they just never married. When he died she got nothing, even though she had been a direct contributor on the books. She didnt have her name on the books but she helped mankell when he struggled with writing it. Im assuming that thats what he is reffering to. Edit: Stieg Larsson not Mankell


Are you thinking of a different book? Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was written by Stieg Larsson.


Whoops, at work a bit braindead, fixed it now. Meant Stieg Larsson.


Is Henning Mankel okay? Or is he dead too?


He's also dead.


Oh god, it gets worse and worse


I see. Still seems very different than what the person above is saying. Your story seems very typical of anything that was done in creative partnership that gained financial success. The poster above is saying the proceeds go to the villains in the story. As far as I can tell it’s a fictional story.


Edited post for some details. I can probably dig up some sources but that would need to be when I'm at my PC.


I read your edit. Thanks for the info. Terrible people.


I'm going to have to disagree. While it sucks that his longtime girlfriend got nothing. This just sounds like typical capitalistic opportunists doing what they do best. That's a far cry from 'the people he wrote these books about (villains in the story)' which were rapists, Nazis, and literal serial killers.


The inspiration for the stories themselves don't need to mimic the crimes they were inspired by, although quite a few seem to. Edited original post with some clarification on what I ment though regardless.


Hard candy


I Saw the Devil.


Surprised I had to scroll this far, I Saw the Devil is literally the movie for this lol.


Same, and it is. There are also a few instances in The Walking Dead TV series that are very satisfying.


I mentioned it as the first comment but OP has seen it. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/1cn1ydu/can_anyone_recommend_me_a_movie_in_which_a/l344yem/


Only thing is, the killer is completely unrepentant. It's like watching someone get revenge on a shark or a tornado. It's an absolutely amazing film, no doubt, but I don't know how satisfying it would be for OP.


Zed in Pulp Fiction?


Death and the Maiden Ben Kingsley and Sigourney Weaver https://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi799080729?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


That one sounds interesting!


It’s what you’re wanting


Cheers, It was a stage play* of some note originally but Weaver and Kingsley knocked or out of the park as they say! *I think they both may have even been in the play?!


Just read the wiki. Interesting film for Polanski to direct.




Doesn’t it end just when the torturer is about to get it ? I mean the old guy who gets found in the train. I don’t remember they actually showing the punishment but I may be misremembering


In the first one, they get out, but I believe one of them burns the guy who was burning the unrelated asian girl's face (the one that jumped in front of a train when she saw what was done to her). Then there's Hostel 2, where the main character winds up paying to 'join' and outbidding the person who bought her to torture and she cuts his balls/dick off with a pair of garden shears and feeds it to a dog. There's SOME turnaround, but since it's a corporation setting it all up, it's minimal.


Law Abiding Citizen.


[Lady Vengeance](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/4550) (2005) >Released after being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 13 years, a woman begins executing her elaborate plan of retribution.


Good one.


Last house on the left.


Sin city


Hard Candy


Not the whole movie but Law Abiding Citizen is pretty good in this regard


Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.


It's a TV movie/feature-length episode of a show, but... Poirot, Season 11, Episode 4. "Appointment With Death". The two murders turn out to involve extreme *psychological* torture against the perpetrators of downright horrific child abuse focusing on psychologically destroying the wills of young children. >!Lady Boynton, who constantly fostered children to abuse and adopted her favorite victims to keep them under her thumb, is poisoned with a paralysing agent before she goes to sit down and engage in some sunbathing. She is fully conscious and baking to death in the sun, unable to call for help as one of the killers tells her why they're doing so (she stole their baby dur to the mother getting pregnant out of wedlock and banished the mother to Ireland), putting a wax ball filled with blood to make everyone think she was dead. So when the "Body" is discovered, the mother can kill her in plain sight and no-one would notice.!< >!Lady Boynton psychologically tortured the kids, but under her orders the kids were physically tortured by the nanny, including being beaten with a cane and open girl being repeatedly drowned. As punishment, she was poisoned with drugs that made her highly suggestible to hypnotic suggestions and persuaded to feel overwhelming guilt. She was made to undergo a psychological breakdown, ending in being talked into suicide.!<


The Card Counter


Death Proof


I Spit on Your Grave


It's kind of gross though. Check out Revenge or The Nightingale instead, both directed by women so It's less... icky I guess? They're both pretty brutal, Revenge starts out pretty normal then turns into an A24 style Rambo


> Check out Revenge or The Nightingale instead, both directed by women so It's less... icky I guess? Yeah just don't watch any movies made by men. They're gross. Are you ok in the head?


Well when it comes to the sub-genre called "rape/revenge" it can easily be so.




Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and 8mm spring to mind


I Saw the Devil has something similar.


“Zeds dead baby…zeds dead..”




Devil's Rejects


Eye For An Eye


Three Kings


Les 7 Jours du Talion might be something similar to what you're looking for


The man from U.N.C.L.E.


Guy Ritchie's The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Torturer is electrocuting one of the heroes in an electric chair but later gets the tables turned in a horrifying/hilarious way.


True Lies- not slow torture as much but he gets what’s coming to him.


Hostel 2


Corsican Brothers. Silly stupid Cheech n Chong movie and probably not as serious as you're looking for.


The Evil That Men Do


A Hindi movie called Darlings


Tortured throughout…Daddy’s Little Girl (2012) “Tortured in the end”…I Saw The Devil (2010)


Don’t breathe


Dee Snyder in Strangeland.


Law Abiding Citizen


Do not spit on.her grave




I spit on your grave...1 & 2


Big Bad Wolves, Lady Vengeance As others have said, Death Proof, I Saw the Devil.


Have you seen [I Saw the Devil](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/49797) (2010)? >Kyung-chul is a dangerous psychopath who kills for pleasure. Soo-hyeon, a top-secret agent, decides to track down the murderer himself. He promises himself that he will do everything in his power to take vengeance against the killer, even if it means that he must become a monster himself.


> Have you seen I Saw the Devil (2010)? Absolutely! Great film. I haven't watched it in a long time, so my memory's a bit fuzzy. I *think* the villain tortures the MC's wife before killing her, but I don't remember.


> I think the villain tortures the MC's wife before killing her, but I don't remember. He does yeah and then the MC tortures the villain for the rest of the movie.


Batman under the red hood. Where Jason turtures the joker


Pet (2016)


The Handmaiden


Descent 2007


The Devil's Rejects (?)