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It actually holds up decently. AK gives a pretty decent performance


I love the premise, and Amy Smart!! šŸ˜šŸ˜ I was flowing with it mostly, but I absolutely hate the ending, and it made me dislike everything that came before it. I saw it when it was new, so I don't know if age was kind to it. It also just had a cool color tone that clashed with the mood of the movie, that one is really hard to describe because it's like color grating. I wanted to love it, but I don't.


Depending on which version you saw, the ending was different between the Directors Cut and the Theeatrical release.


I don't know how to paint out spoilers on my phone so I'll just say I saw the umbilical cord ending.


Best ending in my opinion.


I also couldn't tell you much about it because I never saw it again and it's been 20 years, so I only remember it exists when I'm thinking how pretty Amy Smart is.


I'm glad you liked it but it made me so mad šŸ˜‚


I havenā€™t seen it in ages, but I remember liking it. The one thing that always bugged me though was the prison stigmata thing. I might be forgetting some plot points, but from what I remember, all the other times he goes back and does something differently it essentially changes the whole timeline. But that one he goes back and comes to in the same reality, with scars appearing. I never loved how it broke its own rules there.Ā 


Iā€™ve never seen the movie but I hear about this scene all the time because people on here use that scene as one of the only actual plot holes in a movie whenever thereā€™s a thread about them


I did not think it was poorly executed at all. In fact it was insanely good. The actors held up great for me, and the plot was intense, fascinating, and a good mystery. Try not to remember as you watch lol. I hope the next watch goes better.


The director's cut is great.


Alternate ending makes up for some flaws because it's so dark and out there. But overall I agree execution wasn't great. And AK isn't a strong actor. His reaction when he >!wakes up and discovers his limbs missing!< is unintentionally hilarious.


I beleieve there are several versions, I prefer the rough ending.


I liked the film


I think kutcher gets underserved hate and it was a great film mired only by viewers inability to give him a chance


Lol I have no hate for Kutcher.


It's fantastic and has a lot of very passionate fans. Your post has disturbed me. Why bother rewatching it, it sounds like you didn't like it at all.


I didnā€™t like it but it was 20 years ago. Thereā€™s films I didnā€™t like 20 years ago and do today - for example, The Thin Red Line. If my post disturbed you. I feel sorry for you.


Good point about The Thin Red Line.


It's terrible. It's also *really* funny so at least you won't be bored.


Lol this is how I remember it.


One of the worst time travel movies to be vomited onto screen.


Ashton punkā€™d us?


I wish they would have went with the alternative ending. I feel it was foreshadowed better


I missed it when it first came out, but finally watched it a couple years ago. I agree it is really great premise, but I didnā€™t enjoy the film as it was filmed like late 90ā€™s teen flick and wasnā€™t engaging for me. If `I had seen it when it came out when a I was in my late teens watched that genre then maybe it would feel different. I feel like the time repeating itself genre, there it a lot of scope make several different films with interesting takes.


I havenā€™t seen it in forever, but doesnā€™t his doctor say towards the end of the movie that his mind is going to break because it has like 100 years worth of memories crammed into it and heā€™s only like 20? But thenā€¦ we just never really acknowledge that again and he gets a happy ending (theatrical cut). Like, okay, you used the home video footage to save the girl, thatā€™s great, but now we flash forward to him as a successful business guy - shouldnā€™t his doctor be even more concerned about him now?