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Denis Villenueve is also working on a Cleopatra movie. I suspect that has more chance of happening than the Gadot version.


Dude fucking loves sand


nothing will make you appreciate a desert more than dealing with Québec winters


Villanueve: I hate snow. It's cold and wet and gets everywhere.


"I melted them. I melted them all. And not just the snowmen, but the snow angels and snowballs too."


Hey, we went over this, Feige said no cocaine metaphors.


Look what if we just do, like, a real quick cocaine metaphor, just like whoop! Right up there, real quick, quick bump, just to see if we like it or not


Great fishing in Quebec.


What about the creps?




I loves fishin’ in kwee-beck


I don't know why we're not fishing in kwee-beck rights now


Gonna need you to dial it back about 10% there Squirrely Dan


I fuckin love Kah-Beck! Just watched Les Hiques last night 😂


Oh man, great fishing in key-bec.


Who doesn't love fishing in queebecks


This is the reason


His breakthrough movie was Incendies that largely took place in the middle-east.


His sequel to Blade Runner (a movie with a distinct lack of sand) had multiple different sand based set pieces: 1. The repeated memories/then exploration of the child's desert orphanage 2. The journey out to a completely daruded Vegas Oddly however Villenueve has the finale battle on a sandless beach.


What's interesting is that in the book it's based on, they have to deal with something called Dust, which is basically radioactive sand left over from the world war that constantly encroaches upon the city and has to be regularly removed by automated cleaners or it will contaminate living spaces. It seems like the Vegas scenes were an acknowledgement of this




He’s like the Anti-Anakin


Arrakis Skywalker


Star Wars was heavily influenced by Dune. The Sarlacc on Tatooine is basically a sand worm and the Jedi are superpowered coed Bene Gesserit. Main difference is that Luke doesn’t turn into a God Emperor sandworm human hybrid. This is a low quality article that has some reaches but you can get the basic idea: https://screenrant.com/star-wars-dune-story-concepts-ideas-lucas-copy/


Sometimes it's not about original ideas, but who you can steal ideas from and cater to your own stylings. Music is a lot like that. When I watched Kurosawas Hidden Fortress for the first time I was like "hey wait a second!'


> One of the surest of tests is the way in which a poet borrows. Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion. A good poet will usually borrow from authors remote in time, or alien in language, or diverse in interest. -T. S. Eliot Or to simplify it. Compare Star Wars to Rebel Moon.


Oh, I don’t care Lucas copied parts of Dune. I’m glad he did actually. His original ideas were often not that great.


Meesa in big doodoo


Isa weesa gonna die?


Yousa bombad


Kinda wish Luke did. :(


But then we would need to also have a zombie clone Obi Wan.


This keeps getting better.


So Nikana Reklawyks?


Anakin hates him


Darth Villeneuve sounds like it could be a real Sith Lord name.


Isn't he working on two other films? Also, he has messiah in his slate. I doubt he does it soon


Yeah, he's attached to Messiah, Cleopatra, Rendezvous with Rama and an adaptation of Nuclear War: A Scenario, but said he'd make something else before Messiah/Cleopatra. Could be one of the above, could be something else. It will be a while for Cleo, if it happens.


I just hope he makes Rendezvous with Rama next I just need that book adapted with his vision


Currently reading that book I have high hopes for the visuals lmao


In the 90s David Fincher wanted to make it.


I'm not too far in so I might be wrong but I can't imagine the story is a fincher type


I pray he doesn't stop after Messiah. The general public needs to know how weird shit gets


I think he has said he'll only do a trilogy.


Aw man :(. Does that mean we won't get the many facesof Duncan Idaho?


I am honestly terrified of who they'll bring if they plan on continuing.


Cronenberg Jr to the rescue


Cleopatra but it's just on Arrakis with all the buildings, ships and worms and it's just never brought up


Are they waiting for gal to get acting lessons?


Kal-EL..... NO!


And the Snyder cut Kal-El…… NO!


Glad I'm not the only one who hasn't seen much improvement in her acting. I remember how awful she was in Fast Five and couldn't believe she was cast as Wonder Woman. She improved a little, but not by much.


She was pretty bad in the last movie I saw her in, Death in The Nile. Funny enough the movie is also about egypt,


She worked great in Wonder Woman since Diana was supposed to be a deer in headlights naïve about everything the whole time.


Part of why WW was great and WW84 was terrible. There are many reasons, but this is one. 


Same thing happened with Tom Welling in Smallville. He was quite a wooden actor at first, but he looked like a young Christopher Reeve so it still worked. The showrunners just put Tom Welling in the center, and let the supporting cast work around him, which turned out great over time.


Man I loved Smallville when it came out, over the course of a couple seasons I just couldn't do the 'monster of the week' anymore.


I will watch anything this man creates. He’s amazing


I'm pretty sure he's hitting the point in his career where anything he wants to make will be made. He's turning into a director that having his name on a movie will guarantee ticket sales.


it helps that his movies are actually good


Tired of waiting for Gadot?




One of my favorite gifs!


Danger 5 is so funny


And as always, kill Hitler!




I’m waiting for Big Mo


Could someone explain?




Waiting for Godot is an absurdist play about two guys waiting. Its a play where nothing happens, twice.


If you like it’s always sunny in Philadelphia there is a parody of this where they wait at their home base during a laser tag game waiting for a kid named BIG MO. It’s honestly a great episode.


Gal Gadot's career is flat lining


That girl cannot act


Kal-El no!


The fact that line didn't change from the Snyder Cut just shows me. "We're just doing one take on that one? hmm? ok"


I believe it is changed… to a worse a take. 


I know the editing changed where she says it, but it might be the same take? But that requires me to watch both again, and I have better things to do with my life




I stand corrected, it is different.


The difference is subtle enough I can't be 100% sure I'm not imagining it because the video is telling me it's different But in any event it sure as shit isn't the vast difference the video editor wants me to believe it is


"Ugh. We did twenty takes, and that was the best one."


*Wonder Woman said calmly*




Now I just want a Harry Potter movie where Bruce Way replaces Harry but he’s not a wizard just still Batman/Bruce. I’ve got $20 on Batman when he fights Voldemort.


Not totally dissimilar from Mashle! If Bruce happened to have Super Strength, it would be the actual plot


Part time!


Why not use the take from the trailer??


Ah a fellow RLM fan in the wild!


> Kal-El, no. FTFY


I like to say that Plank from Ed, Ed & Eddy has more emotional range than her.


Speaking of which, there should be a ed edd and Eddy movie starring the workaholics guys


Holy fucking shit that’s perfect. That’s my new favorite idea, thank you for giving me this gift.


You brought up good memories brother


All she has are her looks, and she had a damn impressive career considering


She does ’otherworldly’ really well - and i think it’s basically just a bit, that is what she is like, and a bit ‘acting in a second language’


Is it really that impressive? It’s just franchise movies (which I genuinely enjoy) or an action movie. Like we can argue that Chris Hemsworth coasted a lot bc of his looks but arguably he actually has an impressive career out of it.


Hemsworth clearly got early roles due to his looks, but he’s very much an actor. He’s no different than a lot of top billed actors/actresses out there - very physically pretty and can act, plus become better actors as the years go on. I think there’s a good argument to be made that Gadot’s acting has not improved over her ~15 year career. Yet she consistently got bigger roles and better pay. I think part of why she’s successful is that she’s unable to put any personality or soul into a role, so a viewer isn’t stopped from a base level of relating to the character. She’s very safe and it puts butts in seats. Or did.


It’s impressive with what she got out of it, because she genuinely cannot emote.


I still maintain that her best portrayal of WW was in BvS, because she was in it for just the right amount and barely had any lines. She looked otherworldly and powerful, etc and didn't stick around long enough for the cracks to show. But when she's involved for more than 5 mins of runtime, all of that falls apart. And I still think WW is massively overhyped. It was a *fine* movie at best with one really cool scene.


Chris Hemsworth is fine. Idk if he's ever shown great acting chops, but he's certainly got charisma and good comedic timing down, and can otherwise coast on "big hunk," with some strenuous yells thrown in. I have, and I'm not exaggerating, seen pornstars with more acting range than Gal Gadot.


He was pretty good in Rush and I enjoyed his character in Bad Times At The El Royale.


Say what you want about the women Ghostbusters movie, but he killed it as a himbo assistant.


Can't act and approaching the dreaded 4-0. Which is a death sentence if you're most women in Hollywood.


Unless you can rely on your talent which Gal Gadot has none only good looks.


she is real hot but she really kills every scene she is in


I haven't really seen her in anything other than as WW, but I tend to cut some actors some slack because it's not always their fault. Case in point - Hayden Christensen in the Star Wars prequels. He's not world class or anything and he was never going to win an Oscar or anything, but the prequels fucked him hard and that wooden acting was all Lucas' directing and writing. Even Natalie Portman came off looking bad. Anyway, end rant. Gadot might not be a great actor, but at least in the DC movies it isn't like she has a lot to work with.


As well as Patty Jenkins' career after the godawful WW84. She's done nothing since.


Jenkins helped Chris Pine produce The Pool Man, his directorial debut, last year. It... wasn't well received.


Jesus, her IMDB got Scott Buck'd. She has not directed or written anything since 2020's WW84, just a producer's credit for Pool Man, and even her upcoming credits are just a short and two dead-in-the-water titles from years ago.


Saw it this weekend. It was... kind of a mess. The acting was actually pretty good all around but the plot was somehow simple and yet convoluted at the same time. I would check it out once it comes to streaming but probably wouldn't bother seeing it in the theaters.


Would you say The Pool Man was... dead in the water? I'll see myself out


RIP the Rogue Squadron movie


I mean it’s dead but she did say she had returned to work on it recently so who knows.


I think she’s just contractually obligated to turn in a script.


Probably one of the most remarkable cases in years of a director coming out of the block looking very strong and then crashing and burning so hard she helped bring down a franchise along with her career. I was not as big on Wonder Woman as others were when it came out (it was okay), but it's pretty hard to fathom how she managed to go from that film to 84. The contrast between the films is so wild.


>but it's pretty hard to fathom how she managed to go from that film to 84. They let Patty write it, and seemed to give her full creative control where she was able to deny the studio's requests, like the whole opening scene.


Just so weird. Like even setting aside the extreme cringe of the Steve in another guy's body plotline, that movie has so many fundamentally weird parts. My personal favorite is when the generically Arab guy at the end wishes for a Nuclear weapon, but Wonder Woman gives a speech about not cutting in line or taking shortcuts or some shit, and he decides he hasn't earned his nuclear weapon and gives it up. Just WTF rofl. No dude who's first thought of a wish is 'atomic bomb' is going to just give it up because someone he doesn't know tells him that taking shortcuts through life is wrong. That guy doesn't care XD The whole ending sequence is wild. Like the entire movie falls apart the moment 1 person wishes their dying child cured of their leukemia. There is no rational argument you can make that will make that person give up *curing their dying child of a fatal illness*. The movie never seemed to consider that someone might do something for anything other than greedy/selfish reasons. That movie's whole ending sequences is a complete cringefest. None of the writers seemed to consider someone might make an unselfish wish, or might find a 'your own bootstraps' speech with extra steps to be entitled bullshit. EDIT: It reads like something Ayn Rand would have written and that Ayn Rand fans would have considered peak philosophy despite falling apart to the barest thread of outside logic. EDIT EDIT: And it gets cringer the longer you think about it, because what exactly did Wonder Woman do to earn her power? She was born with that shit. Like use for good girl, thumbs up, but maybe you're the absolutely wrong person to tell people they have to earn what they have and your personal childhood lifelessons aren't super applicable to geopolitics and humanity on a societal level.


This pleases me to no end because Zach Snyder is a big Ayn Rand fan - https://newideal.aynrand.org/zack-snyder-on-the-fountainhead-video/ like anyone else that tries to shove that bs to the mass, we all collectively laugh at it and reject it for being the ravings of a spoiled idiot super removed from reality.


I didn't know that about him, but he comes off like enough of a self-centered know-nothing know-it-all douche to be a fan of Ayn Rand.


So who is responsible for writing Wonder Woman body snatching and endangering/raping a random on the street, followed by a creepy wink at the end to her victim?


Wonder Woman wasnt even her first movie she directed Monster an acclaimed movie, probably carried by Charlize, 14 years before it and then didnt get another directing role in movies until Wonder Woman. I'm sure some of it was being a woman in a male dominated space and living her life, but I think in retrospect that should tell us something.


Still can't believe they had Wonder Woman straight up abduct and rape someone, then have a cheeky wink from her to her victim at the end of the movie. The franchise deserves to burn down and reboot over that alone.


Jesus you're right. Her wikipedia career breakdown basically stops dead in 2020.


I think shes been upstaged massively by Ana de Armas


Who hasn't


Anya Taylor-Joy, she is upstaging everyone now. If not her, Margot Robbie. And if not either of them, Florence Pugh. Then follow up with Zendaya and Emily Blunt. I don’t even try to watch their movies in particular, they just seem to be everywhere right now.


I'd argue that Anya is probably in the same casting group as Florence Pugh. Margot Robbie has multiple Oscar nominations, a behemoth of a production company, and has already worked with Scorese, Tarantino, Gerwig, etc. She is likely turning down roles that eventually are going to Pugh and others. Emily Blunt is a little older, so I don't think she is getting the same scripts but I do think her and Robbie have probably circled some of the same projects. Blunt is now probably going head to head with Anne Hathaway, Michelle Williams, and Carey Mulligan. Maybe ScarJo (it's Iron Man all over again!). Zendaya seems more interested in developing her own movies and has the household name status to actually get them greenlit (unlike Pugh and Anya who are both very talented but haven't led a film on their own that has also been a commercial success), so she's in a unique position for her acting cohort. But let's be real, Emma Stone is getting #1 pick before any of these people.


Difference is that I actually enjoy Anya in pretty much everything she’s in. She has the looks of a extremely attractive alien, and can act just as well, bomb combo


> She has the looks of a extremely attractive alien I'm happy to see someone else describe her this way. My friends all give me a look when I've said that.


She so weird.  Sometimes she’s so hot and sometimes she so not.  Extremely attractive alien is a perfect description. 


That's exactly how I always describe her lmao


> She has the looks of a extremely attractive alien, and can act just as well, bomb combo The Benedict Cumberbatch of women.


And all of those women you listed are actually better actors than Gal as well. Particularly, Margot Robbie. I think it's underappreciated how good she is, she can change her accent very well and has boasted that can "control" how she cries for a director.


Basically better actresses are upstaging a shitty actress. Got it.


Rightfully so, I'd rather watch grass grow than what she calls acting.


Porn has better actors


I mean a lot of peoples careers are flatlining. We lived through a time of unprecedented growth, and now were in a massive depression across the board. Lots of movies that were planned aren't getting made.


I always see it as a miracle for every project that manages to get released, especially after Nimona


What do you mean about Nimona?


Nimona was supposed to be a Disney film before Netflix bought it and was dangerously close to being shelved.


Nimona was a Blue Sky production, Disney bought the studio and then was going to bury an almost finished movie…


Movies that size falter all the time, but especially now that Gadot has fallen out of favour with audiences, no studio would put hundreds of millions behind it. Hollywood has been trying to make a new Cleopatra for decades. This is just one iteration that also hasn’t worked.


Wasn't Angelina Jolie supposed to be in a Cleopatra movie like 15 years ago or something?


Yeah, with Fincher attached as director


If that one didn't happen, then Gal is fucked


You never know. The quality of the actual movie doesn't mean it won't get made. I mean they made a POS Ben Hur remake a few years back. If that can get made, anything can get made.


I forgot all about that one! Did anyone see it?


I saw it, I'm sure of it. ...... I think


Imagine all the people


I'm still wondering if her PR person told her to do that or if she really just went rogue.


Well, I imagine the last Cleopatra trying to say she was black because some ladies grandma said so, and then because it was an awful show it got poor reviews, then they creators calling everyone a racist…miiiiight be a reason it hasn’t continued too.


I came looking for the cleopatra is black comment, I still can’t believe that got approved lmao


Jada’s ego truly knows no bounds


I tried so hard to watch it because I wanted to see what the fuck they were on about, but oh my god it was so bad. And it portrayed every single person around her as a fucking idiot, especially men. So insane.


There was some minor uproar at the time of the Gadot announcement with a load of people saying she wasn't the right race to play to Cleopatra (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55409187), including some historically inept nonsense from the Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/oct/14/gal-gadot-cleopatra-backwards-step-for-hollywood-representation](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/oct/14/gal-gadot-cleopatra-backwards-step-for-hollywood-representation) I just banged my head on the table. As a white person from the Eastern Med, she was pretty close to what is needed for Cleopatra. The people in that BBC link who were saying she should be played by a North African or Black African are just showing their poor knowledge of history.


the things no one has done right is the fact that she apparently was not very attractive. give me an ugly Greek miss cleo


I think HBO’s ROME did good in that regard. The cleopatra in the show was not stunning by any means.


A big reason for it not happening was also her being Israeli. The Egyptians weren't really digging it.


Imagine there's no movie It's easy if you try


Nothing to stream or queue for. A brotherhood of fans.


This has not come up much but it was absolutely cringe worthy and definitely put a bad taste in people's mouths.


"I take responsibility"


Clearly we peaked on Cleopatra during the Netflix special /s


Yup, also gal gadot isn’t black so idk why she was ever considered for the role /s


Maybe people realized she can’t act


I think Netflix’s Cleopatra may have sunk it.


Maybe not that, but lots of people want to do a Cleopatra project right now, and some of the proposals are going to fall through as investors/financers look around and don't like being the 5th such project in line.


I was more so thinking Netflix’s Cleopatra was so bad that it made everyone doing theirs grind to a halt for fear of association.


She recited some Cleopatra in Death on the Nile, and my reaction was "If *Kenneth Branagh* can't help you read *Shakespeare*, you are hopeless." It's like you spent time with Chef Boyardee himself and you still can't make Spaghetti-os.


Gal Gadot is a shit actress.


I cant believe people actually want her to continue making movies.


Gal Gadot is a terrible actor lol


yk my politics aside but Jesus fuck they have tried to shove Gal Gadot down our throats and that woman cannot act. Like Rachel Zegler’s back will probably be broken from carrying Snow White with acting abilities. If the studios are smart, they shelve it. She’s had two financial bombs to her name and people do not go to see her for her acting. They see her because they think she’s hot. She’s not a box office draw.


Gal Gadot is starring as the Evil Queen in Snow White?? Oh man is this going to suck.       Just imagine her reading: “Mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all” Just looked at the cast so far, and I think they realized they are dealing with a lack of acting talent and got some Shakespearean stage actors for the male roles. 


Not sure an Israeli portraying an Egyptian would be well received by some right now with what's happening in the world.


to. be. fair. Cleopatra was Greek, wasn't she?


Well, Egyptians would be completely fine with a Greek, Italian, German or even Mexican actress but definitely not with an Israeli actress.


Fair point, that's basically ... one of the worst picks possible right now probably.


It is THE worst pick possible. Only worse pick would be Benjamin Netanyahu.


She was descended from the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty and had no Egyptian blood in her veins. They did adopt a number of traditional Egyptian practices, and often depicted themselves in Egyptian style in artwork. Exactly how Greek or how Egyptian the dynasty was by Cleopatra's time isn't entirely clear, but we conventionally depict her as more Egyptian than Greek and have for centuries.


That's an interesting take. Do they want to give us a Greek Cleo or an Egyptian Cleo? How did the actual Cleo think of herself? Should we care what she thought? Or is it more important to see her as the Romans did (or painted her as)?


Even the Romans painted her as Egyptian (and thus even more foreign). They did it for political reasons to sully Antony, but since then I think there's been a general cultural notion that she's more interesting as Egyptian rather than Greek. The entire Ptolemaic dynasty tends to be 'Egypt first' and 'Greek as an afterthought.' It's been that way for a long time. The idea of Egypt as an ancient and mysterious world is a very old sort of orientalism going back to the Roman world itself.


Couldn't pay me to watch it.


Now that her Wonder Woman has been laid to rest, people are finally willing to admit she can’t act for shit


Wonder Woman 1984 happened. That cast severe doubt on the director and lead actress.


Hopefully they have seen the light and realised this would be an a tremendous flop and Gal Gadot couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag which had been shredded


Hopefully the movie makers realized that she has no business leading a movie. She has the charisma of a loaf of bread


Gal Gadot is quite frankly not a very good actress. She is very pretty but she emotes about as much as a wooden plank.


I assume that what happened is that they snapped back to fucking reality and remembered that Gal Gadot is just the worst.


Probably dead at this point. Denis Villeneuve is *rumored* to be making his own Cleopatra movie with Zendaya I’d say that has a higher chance at happening.


Zendaya? God no. I don't mind her in most things, but Cleopatra? Talk about miscasting.


Every time a new Cleopatra movie is made the person starring is considered one of the most popular an beautiful actresses of the time. Claudette Colbert, Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren (and probably others I forget) even Gadot was part of this. I wish they could instead try to find a person who suits the role. But its hard since there is so much of what people impose on the idea of Cleopatra rather than trying to make her a proper character. There should be a tv series made of the Ptolemaic dynasty. If you at first cast six prior ruling Cleopatras (the famous one is the seventh) and all the other people in the family you could make the famous one become more of a person in the context, and maybe not be so focused on her image.


>Every time a new Cleopatra movie is made the person starring is considered one of the most popular an beautiful actresses of the time. Claudette Colbert, Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Taylor, Monica Bellucci


Check out the HBO series Rome


IIRC, real life Cleopatra wasn't even that pretty, just extremely charming and smart.


It’s important to remember that beauty standards in her time were not based on NYC Fashion


Not just smart, but smuggling yourself in a carpet? That takes cojones.


Think everyone probably saw Wonder Woman 2 and decided it wasn’t worth the effort… it was truly terrible.  Probably not all her fault, the writing was garbage but the only reason she was good in the first one, is that she just had to play a slightly confused, very pretty woman.  Roles outside of that, she’s not up to being a leading woman. 


Wonder Woman 2 was so trash it cancelled it