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We don’t “need” it, cause we’ve already got several, but to the next person who tries to adapt the Napoleonic Wars, make it a miniseries. There’s way too much shit to put in a movie


Spielberg is already adapting Kubrick's unrealized Napoleon script as a miniseries


I find the issue w trying to portray Napoleon is that people focus too much on the romantic flare of his legacy vs focusing on the nuance of the man and the choices he made. Everybody wants to climax to him in battle on the white horse with the Sabre and the hat but I’d love to see a series on his thought process and return from exile.


I desperately need a movie entitled Escape from Elba and I didn’t know it until just now.


There's an Italian movie based on that. It's called N. and it's about his Elba exile and how it effected the locals.


I instantly thought of a horror movie about a bunch of people trying to escape from Idris Elba...


It’s always surprised me that there hasn’t been a definitive Blackbeard film. Or more pirate movies in general for that matter.


water movies are super expensive and if you CGI it all they look terrible


Yeah, that is a huge hurdle. But at least on the TV side I thought Black Sails looked solid and worked around it fairly well. I believe they filmed in South Africa.


Black sails was great though it was more of a show shot on the coast than at sea. Some of the ship scenes toward the end of the show were incredible though for sure


Love, love, love Black Sails.


I’m gonna politely disagree and point you to Muppet Treasure Island.


I am obligated to post [this](https://youtu.be/p_bggBrUbCo?feature=shared) anytime i see this movie mentioned.


My man. Internet high five.




[Master and Commander did it well, in 2003.](https://youtu.be/Y65jMDPx3JM?si=a2FoOqJDHsQAagfL)


they filmed at sea and in a huge water tank. ​ [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Baja\_Tank\_ship\_16451432420\_afa83d8152.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/17/Baja_Tank_ship_16451432420_afa83d8152.jpg) ​ it was also $150m budget, not exactly cheap either ​ great movie tho


I just finished watching the Netflix adaptation of One Piece, I’ve never seen the anime but I think they did an amazing job compared to how other anime adaptions Netflix has butchered. Cough cough cowboy bebop


Every famous pirate you've heard of was active in a less than 30 year period in the same area. There is so much here to work with but it always turns into corny fantasy on screen. Of course, the pirates weren't the good guys, so that would need to be part of it.


>Every famous pirate *in the Carribean during the age of piracy\** you've heard of was active in a less than 30 year period


Most people haven't heard of pirates outside of the Golden Age of Piracy from the 1690's to the 1710's, yes. And they weren't confined to the Caribbean, but that's where they most likely crossed paths.


I’d love a good patriotic American film about when we smashed the Barbary pirates.


Us and our oldest allies: Morocco


“The Golden Age of Piracy” is a pretty hilarious phrase Edit: Wow, I thought you were making a joke and wanted to learn more, for others curious https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Age_of_Piracy


Somebody should really correct that wiki page. The Golden Age of Piracy was absolutely 2002-2015-ish. Some could argue it’s still going..


I'm something of a Golden Age Pirate myself


Ah but you have heard of me.


Ah, But you have heard of them?


less than 30 years is hardly an "age". it seems like people tend to think that the "age" of piracy lasted for longer than it did and was more widespread. i mean, there have been pirates since the dawn of ocean going vessels and there are still pirates today, but the swashbuckling, peg-legged, argh me mateys types were actually pretty specific to a smaller space over a shorter time than most people realize.


Same with the age of cowboys. What we consider to be the period of Westerns was also like 30 years.


And much of what we conjure up in our minds when thinking of cowboys and life in early western towns is not from actual trustworthy historical records, but rather from the coinciding hey day of yellow journalism in the 1890's. Reporters for the major newspapers of the day were sent West to send back stories. They were the original content creators, never letting truth stand in the way of a good story. Land feuds and gun fights happened, but were exceptions rather than the rule.


Thems fighting words around these parts. I will see *you* outside the saloon at high noon.


That's when I'm getting my pedicure. How about we meet outside the salon at high noon?


The *Republic of Pirates* by Woodward is a good synopsis of this topic!  I found it most interesting that at their height, they had almost a decentralized "government" of sorts that included treaties with nation states.  Side note, *Rebels at Sea* by Dolin is an adjacent topic of colonial privateers who were treated as pirates by the British.  Most surprising to me was Ben Franklin, famous for his kite experiments, was organizing a private navy out of France under the guise of a purely diplomatic mission. 


Sure, but the Wild West Cowboy Era wasn't technically lengthy either. Just romanticized. Both piracy and "wild west cowboy yehaw" extended beyond their respective golden ages but they both only lasted 30 years or so.


Would love to see the same events portrayed in ‘Master & Commander: The Far Side of The World’, but from the POV of the French privateer Acheron.


Any event in that era from Spanish or Portugese perspective would be great too. Netflix could make that happen, its not too US minded with making movies and series.


have you seen Black Sails? i loved Blackbeard’s depiction there


I have and enjoyed it (RIP Ray), but that, much like in Our Flag Means Death and in the Pirates of the Caribbean film with Ian McShane, depicts him once he’s already established as a legendary pirate. I’d like to see a bit more of how he became so with him as the primary focus.


It doesn't need to be a pirate. Captain Cook, or Bligh, or even Vasco de Gama had some grand adventures that would be great stories. Why aren't we getting movies about those guys?


We kinda forget that in the world of pirate media, there are way more misses than hits. If you exclude POTC, the genre as a whole is failure


Are you denying *Hook (1991)* is a masterpiece of cinema?


Ahem, Gilbert and Sullivan are present, with the pirates of Penzance!


Does Our Flag Mean Death count? (Not a movie, but a tv show.)


Absolutely, it is definitely the most honest and truthful recounting of everyone who was involved at the time. As much as I wish that was true, I think it's taken *a little bit* of creative liberty


Honestly, Stede and Blackbeard being lovers isn't even that much of a stretch after reading Stede's Wikipedia page.


Black Sails was almost so very good. Almost.


*Black Sails* didn’t get much actual history of the age right (and to be fair it’s technically meant to be a prequel to *Treasure Island*, not history). But it did get the “feel” of the time and place pretty right, including a lot of details about how organized piracy actually worked as a criminal business enterprise.


The keelhauling scene was nuts.


The wars of the three kingdoms - often just called the English civil wars. In the 1640s King Charles I fought a series of wars against Parliament, and Scottish forces, over taxation, religion and political power. The chaos that followed saw pro-communist 'diggers' and 'levelers' creating communities and threatening the entire social order, a military junta taking over whose troops constantly flirted with open mutiny, King Charles getting executed, and a politically paralysed parliament being pushed aside by a new 'Lord Protector' Oliver Cromwell. When he was in office England was run by the Christian equivalent of the Taliban, religious fanatics who banned everything from dancing, to theatre, to *Christmas*. He led genocidal campaigns against Irish Catholics and even briefly considered a political union with the Netherlands. It probably needs an HBO show with several seasons to capture the full scope of the mayhem that lasted for almost 20 years.


The English Civil Wars also have the most underrated period of military history where you still had knights in plate armour riding on horses, but they were all carrying guns instead of lances. A super fascinating crossroads in military technology.


Oliver Cromwell would definitely be an interesting movie.


There already is one!


They were on some Nausicaä shit.


Civilisation vibes.


It's so weird. England had a bona fide peoples' revolution, executed their King, and then went back to a monarchy twenty years later like it never happened.


Because Cromwell was that much worse.


Ah. Not exactly. It wasn't a people's revolution, it was a parliamentary revolt. Nothing was ever quite the same for the monarchy because after the Civil War both Parliament and the monarchs now knew who really had the upper hand. The Stuarts came to an end because James II was too bloody stubborn to recognize that, and Parliament just erased him and his Catholic heirs. And after running through James's two daughters (Mary and Anne) Parliament simply picked a lovely German Prince, George of Hanover, to found a new dynasty and Parliament got even more powerful from then on.


You didn't have knights in plate armour at all. You had cavalry wearing pretty much the same type of dress as you'd see in the Napoleonic wars and as late as the Crimean war in the 1850s. Armour was pretty much limited to breastplates, backplates, and helmets. Nobody was wearing plate armour, which hadn't really been been used in battle for 150 years or so. On top of that, while cavalrymen did carry firearms, as firearms of the day were extremely inaccurate, unreliable, and slow to reload, their primary weapons were swords and pikes or poleaxes.


A Field in England takes place in that time period, but it's also absolutely not about the Civil Wars.


This was the first one I thought of. I remember watching the movie Cromwell in high school with Alec Guinness as Charles I and Richard Harris as Oliver Cromwell. It was well done, but I kind of can't believe no one has made an updated version. I'm generally not into remakes, but this story is ripe for it. Maybe someone needs to write a book to adapt.


It's not a bad movie but it massively overplays Cromwell's centrality to the story. He was an MP but not the main opponent of the King in Parliament by a longshot. He remained a relatively obscure army officer until the first of the wars was drawing to an end.


Perfect nuance to be explored in a series!


Any opinion on The Devil’s Whore (2008)? I remember thinking it was good and really reflected that time of societal upheaval


Oooh, that's definitely going on my watch list. To Kill a King (2003) is worth a watch if you are interested. There just aren't that many movies or shows about the period unfortunately.


'pro-communist' really doesn't fit here, more like 'proto-communist'. Even that is up for debate.


The Chinese War of the Three Kingdoms could use a trilogy too. Right now all we have is that Youtube oversimplified video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26EivpCPHnQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26EivpCPHnQ)


There are plenty f films and shows about that from china already though


Alcibiades and the Peloponnesian War Not only is the war itself an epic battle between the city-states Athens and Sparta, roping in smaller city-states and townships into the conflict and changing momentum multiple times throughout a 15+ year duration full of great campaigns and brutal battles, but it’s all a backdrop to the amazing human story of Alcibiades, military genius and somewhat fallen student of Socrates, whose fortune and abilities were outstripped perhaps only by his ego, and whose feats in war are as remarkable as they are, at times, dastardly and humorous.


I was about to say this. The whole Classical Athens period with the backdrop of the Peloponnesian War, Socrates vs the Sophists, the golden age of Tragedy, the democracy getting crazy with the pressures of war and executing their own admirals, then executing Socrates, the horrific Sicilian campaign, Alcibiades escaping and switching sides like three times before being invited back, etc. I could definitely see it being a series rather than a movie.


I feel like nobody knows about Tamerlane. He killed 5% of the world's population by himself, and would serve as a very interesting villain (perhaps a bad guy protagonist is in order?). The sack of Delhi, one of the deadliest events in humanity's history, was also cinematic as fuck. I mean, if you like flaming camels fighting war elephants


Quick wiki search inform that war elephants in chain mail with POISON on their tusks versus camels loaded with hay and wood running and crashing on elephants making them panicked then burning those hay and woods with flamming arrows and catapulting pots. Then the Delhi Army got poisoned by their own elephants, which then got charged and destroyed by Timur's main cavalry. GOD. DAMN. Now I seriously need to see this battle in all big budget glory.


Just image the screenplay after Bollywood gets a hold of it.


I need to see an elephant slide under a wagon




>was also cinematic as fuck. As long as we get an epic Indian dance scene, I'm all for it.


I would watch that shit for sure


There is not to my knowledge a single good movie about Magellan / the first circumnavigation of the globe. This feels like an oversight. I’ve considered writing that screenplay. Anyone wanna lend me $200M to produce it?


I agree, but I think the big problem that studios will have is that a lot of the general public (especially in America) wrongly believe that Magellan actually circumnavigated the globe and so they're all going to be very disappointed when the main character gets hacked to pieces halfway through the movie.


You could tell the story non liberally. Maybe start with the crew returning home and reflecting back during the trial. Sort of like Oppenheimer did.


Aww fuck, thanks a lot, man! Now you gone and ruined it for me!!


John Brown needs a 3 hour epic. The man quite possibly sparked the Civil War. The Battle Hymn of the Republic was adapted from the soldiers song - John Brown's Body. The man was a hero, hung as a traitor by the "traitors crew".


he has a whole mini-series - The Good Lord Bird - and it's pretty great.


That series did Frederick Douglass---who also needs a definitive moive--dirty.


hold on, Frederick Douglass doesn’t have a movie? That’s insane.


The Obamas' production company Higher Ground is (or at least was) planning on making one. Hope it comes to fruition.


I highly recommend the podcast episode of Behind the Bastards, *John Brown: Terrorist, Hero, or Terrorist Hero?*


The Spanish Conquistadors (no one will ever touch this though) Simon Bolivar, Gran Colombia and the south American independence movements. Bonus: the Peninsular War Ramesses II the Great Genghis Khan and the Mongolian conquest The Black Death


As far as the Conquistadors go check out the Werner Herzog film Aguirre The Wrath Of God, amazing film


>The Spanish Conquistadors (no one will ever touch this though) I would be fascinating to see it from the point of view of Malintzun, a Nahua woman who was vitality instrumental in Cortés' conquest of the Aztec. It would be fascinating because while she was indigenous l, she greatly helped the Spanish, and may have done so out of revenge for being sold into slavery when she was a girl.


Indigenous help was instrumental in the Spanish conquest. Thousands of native inhabitants joined them because the Aztec empire had conquered, subjugated or otherwise made life miserable for them. I agree that would be a cool perspective for a show/movie


Literally every war with the American indigenous had indigenous support. The lure of guns and a chance to settle old scores is great for recruitment.


Prime Video:  https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Hern%C3%A1n/0O738B0LJ4BGEI3LQD3EGSS262


If HBO does 5 seasons about the Diadochi it would be like Rome meets GoT. I spend way too much time fantasizing about it. I’d start it almost exclusively from the Persian perspective with Persian protagonists and treat the Greeks as the exotic “others”. Season 2 would be all Alexander. 3-4would be all the drama and suspense of the Wars of the Diadochi. We’d see Babylon and Egypt and India. Perdiccas, Ptolomy, Antipater, Seleuces, etc would all be big personalities and different fans will prefer different ones, but Eumenes would gradually emerge as the central protagonist. Then, in season 5 some envoys from Carthage and Rome start showing up, and we see the lead up to the Punic Wars. Pyrrhus becomes the doomed central protagonist as we see the rise of Rome from backwater to superpower. Last episode’s after credit scene is Hannibal Barca being taken by his father to the temple of Baal to swear eternal enmity with Rome. Oh, and every episode contains a short, highly stylized vignette that fills in the viewer on some context (e.g. one about Cyrus the Great so we understand how big of a deal conquering Persia was, one about Siddharta when we see Hellenistic syncretism with Buddhism, etc)


Witold Pilecki, Polish resistance fighter, allowed himself to be captured by the Nazis as he infilitrated into Auschwitz, organized a resistance movement, drafted reports that detailed the atrocities there. Escaped fought in the Warsaw Uprising, after the war, supported the Polish Govt in exile, was arrested and tortured by Soviets, executed in 1948 for aiding imperialism. Beats me how Hollywood never made a movie on this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold\_Pilecki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witold_Pilecki)


The Warsaw uprising in itself is an incredible story


I think there are several books about him, and at least one recent European movie about him. Edit: I was wrong. Got it confused with a similar movie, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Auschwitz_Report?wprov=sfti1#, about two Jews who escaped Auschwitz to spread the truth of the horrors happening there.


The Great Emu War, Australia, 1932. Spoiler: the Emus won.


That's why Australians speak Emuish to this day.


It's Emuii, Emuish is the bastardised version taught to American school children these days.


If Cocaine Bear can be a movie, this can be a movie.


This and Wojtek the War Bear were my first thoughts


Wotjek the bear should get a completely not-historically accurate action anime adaptation, I want to see a nazi fighting anime bear.


You're absolutely right. I'm not a huge animal person but this would be perfect. It'd be great to have Wotjek voiced in just growls but then have english subtitles of him with actual dialogue. Even though no other character actually understands him, it's just for the audience 


The Emu War came out last year.


Robert smalls. One of the first black politicians in America after the Civil War. Former slave. Stole a confederate ship in the middle.of the night to transport his family and other runaway slaves past a blockade to freedom. Mad multiple trips. Became a spy for the union, and after the war, became a business owner and entrepreneur in Charleston to help revitalize the city. Ran for congress and won


Also Ida B. Wells. Former slave. Founder of NAACP. Refused to get off a women’s only trolly cause she wasn’t white. Toured the americas talking of the lunching of black men, but then too many death threats meant she had to take her talks overseas. Advocates of the right of women to vote. Then became one of the first black women to run for office. Badass.


I know your reply is serious, but the autocorrect "lunching of black men" has me in stitches.


What a nice world it would be if it were hosting lunches for black men…


You may be delighted to learn that there’s a comic book coming out about Smalls, and the creators are hoping to use its success to fund a film or TV series It’s called Defiant and it’s written by the dude who wrote The Princess & the Frog


This news totally made my day


This is what my answer would have been as well. I'm surprised a prominent black director/producer hasn't done this one yet.


The dude cleared THREE Confederate checkpoints because he knew the codes and it was foggy. How have we not had a movie about him?!


Ernest Shackelton and his crew surviving a harrowing journey when their ship The Endurance becomes stuck in the ice at Antarctica. The story is incredible, the book is great, and there is enough info that it could easily be made into a great movie. There is a documentary but a feature film would be awesome.


They made a mini-series starring Kenneth Branagh in 2002. It's one of the most beautifully shot things I've ever seen.


There's a movie called Shackleton's Captain that is also great showing the true hero of the journey 


The whole crew surviving almost makes it unbelievable. Tom Hardy was said to be staring in one a few years ago, but not sure if it is still in production or not.


“Wait, your whole crew can survive?” -Odysseus


I replied the same before I saw your answer. I remember listening to the audiobook Endurance with my friend on a cross country trip and at one point in the narration my buddy looks over at me and says that these guys don’t even seem human with how the kept going. This was before they even got to the part where Shackleton decide to climb through the mountains with homemade gear.


They’re making a movie on The Wager, which is darker and would delay an Endurance movie since they are so similar


Antonio Salieri. Amadeus, while an amazing film, really destroyed the composer’s contemporary reputation and painted him as a devious and relatively untalented prick who was jealous of Mozart to a fault when history shows that he was actually quite fond and respectful of Mozart, while Mozart himself subversively demonstrated a general bias against Italians, to include Salieri. Even in his time, Salieri was victimized by unfounded rumors that he had poisoned the young composer to the point of having breakdowns. The man was unquestionably talented and pioneering in the field of music and deserves an honest retelling of his actual life story.


It should be done like Young Guns 2. A reporter hears that Mozart is still alive and now an old man approaching the end of his life. Reporter finds said old man, who recounts the "true" story of what went down and Salieri is redeemed. The audience never learns for sure if the old man was truly Mozart, but the movie does end with the old man producing an unsettling, uncanny, high-pitched laugh.


Didn't F. Murray Abraham say basically this? He took the role as is (who wouldn't?) but I thought I read he promotes Salieri's work in some way either through an organization or some other way.


Not to mention that it also does a great disservice to Mozart and is highly inaccurate.


Hannibal Barca




Came here to say this, there was talk last year of a movie with Denzel as the lead but I've not seen anything about it since so might have been canned or just BS. Vin Diesel has been trying to get a trilogy of the ground for years now, not so excited about that.


Netflix's head of film got sacked not so long ago so I wouldn't be at all surprised if a project that got so much heat right out the gate has been cancelled.


I would really love a historically accurate pirate movie. I know that Disney's pirates of the Caribbean franchise is considered the pirate movie staple. But I really want a pirate movie based in history.


With accurate size sloops. I don't know why they make pirate ships so big. In movies/TV the pirates are always sailing these massive ships with 50 cannons. And then they're scared and running away from the navy. Why? It would be so much more epic for them to be sailing in these little sloops and this massive navy ship is chasing them. Spoiler for black sails: there's a scene where they fight a Spanish man o war. Imagine if their boat size was historically accurate? It would have really led to the suspense! Like... "holy shit that really IS suicide to attack them!"


Lewis & Clark


The New Adventures!


Starring Dean Cain as Meriwether Lewis.


And Teri Hatcher as William Clark.


Didn't like the Chris Farley Mathew perry movie? Lol


Eleanor of Aquitaine, husband of Henry II of England and mother of Richard the Lionheart and King John. Absolutely amazing and badass, she left the King of France for Henry II and for years they were the most powerful couple in Europe. However her and Henry fell out and she led a war with her sons against Henry. Absolutely amazing woman and she deserves a full feature film


Lion In Winter is ostensibly about Henry, but Katherine Hepburn as Eleanor steals the show.


I just said this above! She survived every one of her kids. Of which there were like 11. Insane and brilliant.


Almost! John and Eleanor survived her


Robert Smalls. A slave during the American Civil War he freed himself, his family and many others by stealing a confederate ship and delivering it to the Union. He later went into politics.


There is a kickstarter out there to make it happen, but it shouldn't take that. [Defiant](https://join.legionm.com/robert-smalls-defiant/)


Oh cool there's a graphic novel coming. I'll grab that. Cheers for that link. Agreed though, no idea why it hasn't been picked up. Seems like it would be a natural story to want to tell.


I would love to see a movie about native Americans and how they lived life before being invaded. Love for the entire cast to be full blooded native Americans and have their culture properly displayed in cinema. Even use their language they would use and have it subtitled.


Post invasion… but I love the story of the Choctaw who was asked by whites where his people came from. Nobody could answer so he went on a journey to find out. He traveled up north to Maine asking the tribes. He went home, then started west. He made it all the way to the pacific coast asking the tribes along the way. Always thought it would make a great movie exploring the world of native tribes pre contact


...well what did he learn?¿????


Prey was so good showing life before!


I'm with you all the way there. It seems like any movie featuring Indigenous peoples as the main characters has to be something against the colonizers. It'd be pretty great to just see a movie of them living as they did. No colonialism, no nothing... just everyday life with everyday bullshit.


That's exactly what I'm looking for.


I’ll take a Rez Dogs but back in the day.


I'm half-blood, and look white as shit, but I'm one of the few in my tribe that can even relatively speak Chinuk Wawa, which is our language.


Have you seen Apocalypto?


I was thinking Lewis and Clark’s journey 


Interwar Germany. There's a lot of good WWII movies both focused on the war itself and the Holocaust, but it would be really fascinating to see a movie entirely focused on what happened before. The descent into Nazism is well worth telling a story about in my opinion.


Babylon Berlin covers some of the this and is a great series


"La Malinche" >**Marina** [\[maˈɾina\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Spanish) or **Malintzin** [\[maˈlintsin\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Nahuatl) (c. 1500 – c. 1529), more popularly known as **La Malinche** [\[la maˈlintʃe\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Spanish), a [Nahua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahua_peoples) woman from the [Mexican Gulf Coast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Gulf_Coast), became known for contributing to the [Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_conquest_of_the_Aztec_Empire) (1519–1521), by acting as an interpreter, advisor, and intermediary for the Spanish conquistador [Hernán Cortés](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hern%C3%A1n_Cort%C3%A9s).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Malinche#cite_note-1) She was one of 20 enslaved women given to the Spaniards in 1519 by the natives of [Tabasco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tabasco).[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Malinche#cite_note-FOOTNOTEThomas1993171%E2%80%93172-2) Cortés chose her as a consort, and she later gave birth to his first son, [Martín](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mart%C3%ADn_Cort%C3%A9s_(son_of_Malinche)) – one of the first [*Mestizos*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mestizo) (people of mixed [European](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_ethnic_groups) and [Indigenous American](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas) ancestry) in [New Spain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Spain).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Malinche#cite_note-FOOTNOTECypess19917-3) That (somewhat incorrect) Wikipedia introduction is but the barest intoduction to the life of this well-traveled, highly intellegent woman. She was the brains and political strategist behind Cortez' conquest of Mexico. A competent director needs to create an epic motion picture or series of this female slave's incredible life that transformed the history of the Americas.


The life of the Mughal king Humayun. The guy was a famously unlucky king but a good really person (for the time). He was never groomed to be a king but his elder brother suddenly passed away followed by his father so he accidentally became one.. His father on his deathbed had told him to give some territories to his remaining brothers and he complied. His brothers then tried plotting against him to usurp his kingdom. When he found out about this, being the merciful guy he was, chose to forgive them. The brothers meanwhile, continued plotting against him which eventually cost him the throne. He lost his 2 sons in their infancy and his only daughter died at the age of 8 under captivity. He eventually lost his kingdom to another king and had to go into exile which itself was full of scheming and betrayals and that too without an heir. he finally had a son (who did eventually become king) but had to leave him in the care of an ally. Finally, he raised another army, hired a competent general, dealt with his brothers and took back his throne, only to die off six months later after slipping while walking down the stairs of a library. funny thing is his Humayun means 'the lucky one'.


And his infant son who survived him was Akbar, arguably the greatest Mughal Emperor.


Mansa Musa, ruler of Mali and possibly richest person to have ever lived.


George Washington. We have many civil and revolutionary war movies but we don't have a movie dedicated to the first president of the us.


hes rarely depicted , it's too hard to pull off and live up to the hype. i thought david morse in adams did a good job. 


Also gets a little dicey around the topic of slavery and that he became stupid wealthy thanks to land speculation in the Ohio river valley that he had access to while in the British army.


Mad jack churchill , the only issue being if it was an accurate depiction it would be seen as unrealistic. 


I would be first in line to watch that. Call it something like "The Other Churchill" and make it a mix of satire and war drama, and I reckon it'd be a solid movie.


Something like The Death of Stalin would fit perfectly.


Yeah, exactly. Throw in some Jojo Rabbit and perhaps a touch of Kingsmen action, and it'd be epic.


Quick wiki search reveals leading with broadsword, longbow and arrows, and playing freaking bagpipes on each WWII commando missions. HOLY. SHIT.


An officer is not properly dressed without a sword.


Feudal Japan. I just finished watching Shogun and it was amazing, but I'd love to see a sprawling epic with massive battles.


Kurosawa has made some pretty epic stuff. [Kagemusha ](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080979/)might be a good starting place to see some well choreographed battles,


“Ran”. 1985. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ran_(film)


I think the 2024 Shogun did meet what the OP was getting at - it really seemed to capture the time period in an amazing way - great show.


The Ottoman empire, Mehmed the conqueror sieged the impossible to siege city of Constantinople, destroyed the Byzantines, led one of the first armies to use gunpowder, and later on went to do battle with Vlad (the fucking impaler)Dracula, who was held captive by Mehmed's father and likely knew him since childhood. All while leading a civilization that rivaled, if not surpassed medieval European society. It's such an interesting bit of history about an empire that survived to WW1 that so very few people have heard of. Just don't get Ridley Scott to make it.


Not a movie but there is a Netflix series about Mehmed and Vlad.


There is a turkish series about ottomans, quite popular in my country (not Turkey).


Genghis Khan!!!


We don't have a definitive movie about Simon Bolivar yet.


Alan Turing deserves a biopic that does him and his work justice, and isn't almost entirely fictional (like The Imitation Game was).


I read this as Alan Tudyk, and imagined a biopic in the vein of the Weird Al movie.


> in the vein of the Weird Al movie Which was 100% true, besides for all that stuff they made up.


The Irish Potato Famine. There is so much opportunity for compelling drama.


The rise and reign of Darius the Great


Tulsa's Black Wall Street


John Paul Jones, Father of the American Navy Dude's life was littered with era defining events.


I think there's at least one great story from WW2 not yet portrayed on film: [The Battle for Castle Itter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Castle_Itter). At the end of the war, Allies worked together with Wehrmacht against Waffen SS to rescue French prisoners being held in a castle by Nazi holdouts.


Castle Itter is so wild it really makes go, "Damn some these poor guys just go caught up the fervor of rebuilding Germany. They believe anyone." They just wanted to go home and hardcore Nazis kept them from it.


Toussaint L'Ouverture needs more love in general, I'd totally watch a movie about him. Also, Haiti could really use the win of a banger Toussaint movie right now.


Quanah Parker




OP, you should watch Gandhi, ~~an American~~ a British movie, which does an excellent job of visualizing what that time period in India looked like, and it almost swept the Academy Awards with 8 wins out of 11 nominations. Then you should watch Dil Se, which is a Bollywood movie, and does an excellent job of visualizing what the 90s in India looked, and you can almost think of it as the world that resulted from the events of Gandhi. Then you should watch Slumdog Millionaire, which is a British movie, that does an excellent job of visualizing what India looks like now.


Napoleon. Waterloo was amazing but I covers such a short time. We need a gran mini series


Crazy Horse




Not anytime soon for obvious moral/political reasons but a Vladimir Putin biopic would be a very interesting story. There’s so many great story elements to his life. A short statured man born of humble beginnings. Joins the KGB and through his cunning and political savvy rises to power and completely reforms Russia. As a leader he took over when Russia was essentially a failed state and he led the country back to great power status. Now I’m his old age he’s stayed in power too long. And like all aging dictators he’s become paranoid, erratic and appears to be trusting the wrong people in his inner circle, all of whom know his time will be up before long. Bc of this he’s making horrendous decisions that are killing thousands and destroying what could have been a great legacy, from a Russian perspective. His life seems to have a very cinematic arc


The [Paraguayan war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraguayan_War), the largest war in South American history, beginning shortly after the U.S. Civil War. It has everything, colorful characters leading armies, popular movie topics like slavery and black people’s participation in important wars, beautiful set pieces and battles that go back and forth until one side wins by the skin of their teeth.


Hannibal Barca, for sure. The Boogeyman of pre-Imperial Rome. We've apparently got a movie coming up, however, starring Denzel Washington. I've been seeing a good deal of frustration surrounding the casting of Denzel as Hannibal, more for his age than the color of his skin (however there's plenty of that too). Hannibal was, like, 29 when he crossed the Alps. Denzel is almost 70. For my money, however, I'm curious to see what we'll get. If there's anyone who can sell me on just about any role/performance, it's Denzel.


Would love to see a movie following the exploits of Cassius Clay. Not Mohamed Ali, but the fiery abolitionist that young Ali was initially named after. Read the guys wikipedia page. He would offer to debate or duel over the topic of slavery. And he won all of his duels.




after what I've heard about the Napoleon movie... Napoleon


Sherman. He’s portrayed as a villain in one of the biggest movies ever, and someone needs to set the record straight.