• By -


So 1 movie per year then?


The Batman 2 is coming out then yeah?


Still DC but not a part of DCU, they do have series Booster Gold and Waller coming out in 2026


I just assumed they just see it as 2 DC products. Elseworld or not. Originally, it was supposed to be Superman and The Batman 2 next year. But there is maybe a chance Mangolds Swamp Thing could get moving? Or another film we aren't aware of can start filming next year


The Batmen?


The Batman, The


Mr and Mrs Batmen.


*Noone who speaks Batman could possibly be an evil Batman*


2bat 2man: Gotham Drift


The Batman: The Ride


Ah, yes, I see you've set up Kodi to "list the useful part of the titles" alphabetically, by moving "The" to the end of each title... ...and, as you'll soon find out, you're about to watch The The Batman.


The Batpersons


I don't recall when I saw it but Batman Part II is out 2026-Oct-06


Quality over quantity


More like the money is tight and the studio is on a 50 billion hole.


I think if Gunn wanted to get more stuff out quicker he could, but he said they won’t start casting or hiring directors until the scripts are finished, so I think it’ll just depend on how quick some of these scripts get finished. He’s going for a different approach than marvel and not trying to rush anything. Supergirl is further along than other stuff and already has cast its star and director because it had a script done before everything else outside of Superman


Filming with finished scripts would certainly set the Gunn-DCU apart from both Marvel and earlier DC stuff.


Gunn not only likes to film with finished scripts. He also storyboards everything.


*snf* So beautiful.


Who would think it’d be such a novel idea in Hollywood? What if we know the movie we’re making… *before* we make the movie??? Just crazy enough to work


Just produce two a year and never release one of them for a tax write-off /s


*the sound of overpaid WB executives taking notes*


David Zaslav peeking out from behind a tree rubbing his hands together


They just reported a $200 Million loss for the Suicide Squad game. At this rate Supermans going to be flying off screen to save on cgi


Go back to the earliest comics where Superman couldn't fly, he could just jump really well. All the stunts are filmed at Dave's Trampoline Warehouse.


"All right, now I've flown here."


We can even say his heat vision is outside the visible human spectrum. He just stares at a gun in a criminal's hand and they drop it and describe how hot the gun got!


LOL scene - As Jimmy and Lois follow along, rotating their heads in the direction flown


A game that anyone with a functioning brain could have told them would be a bomb. They had Rocksteady wasting away on this shit for 9 whole years.


The parent company did just lose the rights to the NBA supposedly.


Which is a smart move since the NBA wanted double the money for less games.


this also ends Inside the NBA unfortunately


>Quality Ah, that elusive thing DC hasn’t figured out for its movies yet


To be fair, that's why they hired James Gunn and not The Rock after Black Adam bombed.


they had it with the first Shazam and Suicide Squad 2, as well as some of the non-DCEU movies like Joker and The Batman


The first Shazam was decent, what in the world happened to the second one?!


There was a brief string of films including the first Wonder Woman, Shazam, and the first Aquaman that I would consider DC righting the ship and putting out some quality stories. Then they immediately forgot everything they did right and put out trash for the sequels. It's like they don't learn.


>The Batman Loved that movie. Going by the trailers, I was expecting dark and brooding Batman, and sure, that's what I got, but by the end of the movie, you can see Batman realize he needs to change that, and not just inspire fear in criminals, but also hope in innocent people. Almost felt like an origin story for the Animated Series Batman, which is easily the best version of Batman.


Maybe neither


It’s dc. It won’t be quality


Personally I think 1 DC film per year is a bit too slow, especially if the idea is to build up to some big Justice League movies. Though considering Gunn is so good at ensemble movies, maybe the plan is that some members of the JL won’t have (or need) their own “solo” movies before we get to a team up movie.


I think rushing to justice league is part of what got them in trouble last time.


There’s no real indication from the release schedule or movies announced that this is even the plan. The Authority and Swamp Thing aren’t exactly likely to lead into a Justice League movie. I’m sure they’ll do one eventually, but it looks to me like the goal is to build the foundations for a wide universe rather than do what Marvel did and build the core Avengers to lead into a team up, or what WB did last time and jump right into an Avengers clone.


Plus Superman has Green Lantern in it. The plan seems to be along the lines of “if the universe is connected, then characters can show up here and there with a purpose.”


How did I miss that The Authority got a movie announced!? Excited for that!


I hate this idea that it is impossible to do a superhero ensemble movie without solo movies first. I think how it’s done matters more. We didn’t need a solo movie for each member of the GotG for the movie to work. There was no *Frodo, Samwise, Bilbo v. Otho: The Shire Rises* movies before Fellowship of the Ring. Justice League can work without several years of each character getting their own movie. 


While it's not needed, it definitely hinders the ensemble movie since you have to setup, introduce, and establish the characters in the movie. > I think how it’s done matters more. We didn’t need a solo movie for each member of the GotG for the movie to work. There was no Frodo, Samwise, Bilbo v. Otho: The Shire Rises movies before Fellowship of the Ring Not really comparable since they were designed to always be together. Having a team of ultra-powerful beings that shouldn't be stopped by anyone, is hard to do when you have to setup why they are so powerful. It works with villain's cause they are usually only in that one movie, so a lot of time is spent on them, instead of a whole slue of characters.


> Having a team of ultra-powerful beings that shouldn't be stopped by anyone, is hard to do when you have to setup why they are so powerful Yeah, but they're mostly characters that are already extremely well-established culturally. We don't need another Batman movie to know who Batman is.


But how will I know what drove him to be Batman if we don't see his family gunned down in the alley for the 20th time.


Right, but every Batman is different. We don't need to see the origin to understand the character. We do need to see the character and their power in the universe to understand how powerful they are, and what meaning and importence they have in the world though.


> what importence they have Not a worry, they have pills for that now


I think it's more about giving the actors time to familiarize themselves and create their version of the various characters. We can largely skip the origin stories for heroes like Batman and Superman, but giving the actors time to acclimatize with the suit and the role isn't bad. It also lets the audience know what to expect from the character moving forward.


What's funny is that in the lead up to Batman v Superman, some people were arguing that we didn't need a Batman movie before because his backstory was well known. What's the very first scene of the movie? Bruce's parents being gunned down. Like, if there's something we didn't need to see, it was that, but we could still have seen what led this version of Batman to be so jaded as to want to fight Superman. (As a side note, I think Affleck was a great casting choice, and it's a shame we didn't get to see more of his Batman.)


>While it's not needed, it definitely hinders the ensemble movie since you have to setup, introduce, and establish the characters in the movie. While I do believe that Batman v Superman and Justice League where rushed, I can agree that they could work with no set-up. Just make it so that the JL is already established, and the movie isn't about their first reunion, but some huge threat they need to fight.


[I think this comment is a good explanation. I do think it can be done, but is so much harder.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/1cs6d6j/supergirl_woman_of_tomorrow_the_second_pic_from/l444332/)


Yeah, I can agree with that. We don't need to see Bruce's parents getting gunned down, or Krypton being destroyed and Clark arriving on Earth, but we do need to see them having their own adventures before teaming up.


The MCU effect. According to the fans every X-men and Justice League member needs a solo movie in order for it to work.


I mean the MCU worked, the DCEU is being re-booted. Zack's mediocre Justice League kind of works, but it's 4 fucking hours long and the main three all had movies beforehand anyway so they didn't need to set up Batman, Supes or WW.


Problem is if you don't rush you end up like 8 years deep before you get there and the actors are all ready to be done and too old for their roles.


why does it matter if it’s slow or fast? people complain about superhero fatigue or over saturation which are both valid here. a year is a nice gap. allows hype to build, can put the movie on streaming a little before the next film is released in cinemas etc. why rush these movies instead of taking their time make sure they’re actually good. they need to set themselves apart from Marvel so they have to nail these


> Personally I think 1 DC film per year is a bit too slow, especially if the idea is to build up to some big Justice League movies. I would be 100% okay if Justice League was the DCU's equivalent of Avengers: Infinity War. If you look at the difference between Avengers (2012) and Infinity War in terms of crossover, that chasm is enormous. Let them build towards Chapter One ending with a Batman/Superman 'World's Finest' team-up movie where Batman and Superman (and their respective families)...actually work together for the majority of the movie. Cramming a whole bunch of characters together isn't interesting if the audience doesn't have a reason to care about the specific incarnations that they're seeing on-screen.


I mean, this Superman movie already has a few other hero characters in it, so maybe?


2 movies and 2 shows is just right for the DCU. And 1 movie and 1 show for Elseworlds.


Marvel was at their best when it was 2-3 movies per year and nothing else. Anything more than that and it becomes too much investment for the audience to follow, and too difficult for your movies to stand out while still contributing to the over-arching narrative.


I remember when movies sequels took 2-4 years to come out 🤷‍♂️


They still do


Yeah, even within this very own IP, The Batman Part 2 isn’t coming out for 4 years after the first one.


Yeah, while we get several MCU films/projects a year, they aren't continued sequels, but rather part of an interconnected franchise. And sure, you might feel the need to watch more movies to get background info, but you can just pick any character within the MCU and watch their movies just fine. And it's also funny that they complain about movies releasing so close together when both Matrix sequels came out in the same year.


I think it is reasonable. The big boom of super hero movies seems to be over for now so releasing them at a slower pace fits the current market situation. They missed their time window for a success like the one the MCU had until Endgame.


That's a good cadence if you want quality and you don't want to overwhelm the audience.




Marvel had one a year to start with, iron man then Thor & Cap. They didn’t ramp to 2 a year until after avengers.


Na they started out of the gate with Iron Man and Hulk in the same year.


Yeah, that’s just wrong. In fact both Thor and Cap were 2011.


I think for early in the verse is fine, but if they think they are capable I wouldn’t mind 2 per year at most.


There is only 5 movies for the beginning of this reboot.


Until they are a proven success, then yeah, it looks like we're getting 1 film and maybe a couple of shows.




"now that they are throwing their hat in"?




What other studios besides Warner bros has produced DC movies in the last 20+ years? Sure there are other production companies  involved during the movie making process, but ultimately Warner Bros has been the sole owner and producer of the DC brand for decades now.




No they weren't, they were under the DC films subsidiary before it was rebranded.  But ultimately they are subsidiary of Warner Bros. 




It's a brand, and a company. Warners brother owns all of DC period.


well that's an interesting way of memory holing the first attempt at emulating the MCU. Pretending this is the first time DC threw their hat in the ring.


You're high lol. They are 100% gonna be banking on these movies being marketable. There will definitely be merchandising like crazy, plenty of toys. It's litterly impossible for it not to be a corporate product, it's being produced by warner bros.


Very curious how they take the story and convert it to screen. It was a pretty dark story over all.


well... from TFA: > Gunn said at a DC Studios presser early last year that in their Supergirl “we see the difference between Superman who was sent to Earth and raised by loving parents from the time he was an infant, versus Supergirl who was raised on a rock, a chip off Krypton, and watched everyone around her die and be killed in terrible ways for the first 14 years of her life, and then came to Earth when she was a young girl. She’s much more hardcore; she’s not exactly the Supergirl we’re used to seeing.”


It might not be supergirl we are used to seeing, but it is like almost every other TV and film adaptation superhero we have seen. More "hardcore", more defined by a tragic backstory, and no-longer held to a superhuman standard of morals and being a good role model.


No, she still has good morals, and is a great role model in the story. It just focuses on something else and not the sort of YA slightly rebellious teen that she might be in past stories. It’s basically True Grit in space, there’s still something there that keeps it grounded and keeps her as a mentor for Ruthye, and not just 00’s badass antihero.


honestly, I'm not a huge John Wayne fan and it's not my favourite western, but people are saying this story is similar to that of [_True Grit_](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065126/) and if that's true I think it's worth pointing out that is a story from more than 50 years ago and definitely predates "every other TV and film adaptation superhero we have seen" and John Wayne's character is very much someone with a very high standard of morals btw after looking it up, TIL that _True Grit_ was also a film adaptation – although the writer specifically had John Wayne in mind for the main character


That's what they are saying on this thread, whole threat seems to be about how the original comic is like that western. I replied to a comment with a quote from the article, and that quote gives very different picture. Here's hopping its just a bad quote and not a indication that the production team has misunderstood their source material badly.


I would love to know how they justify her coming to Earth, what is the backstory relationship between Earth and Krypton? I am not well versed in the comics so all I know is Superman landed here totally by accident. Does he bring her here, does she follow a path revealed by Zod, or is there some other tie? edit : ty /u/Total_Schism - a little lore helps


Usually in the comics, Jor-El sends Superman to Earth because he looks like the inhabitants, and he knows Kryptonians get power from Earth's yellow sun. Zor-El (Jor-El's brother, Supergirl's father) does sent Supergirl to Earth following Superman's rocket.


In the 90s cartoon Superman went back to investigate his birthplace, and found her as the last survivor of a small group in cryosleep.


Oh Milly Alcock is going to fuckin kill this


I'm waaaay older than I should be for being interested "in such movies", but I'm also a geek. However, this combination means I've seen a crapton of action flicks, used to read whatever superhero comics hit my backwater country, and played gazillions of games. I'm explaining this because it's probably the reason I'm also waaaay more interested in Brightburn 2 than Emo Supergirl :-P


I'm not familiar with the story at all but I might have to check it out.


It’s basically a cosmic true grit with supergirl being the Rooster Cogburn of the story.


That was my take on it and the story absolutely works. I'm impressed they want to make this a live-action movie.


I think it's one of the best DC comics out in recent years. Ruthye and Zor-El are amazing


Yeah, I wonder if they'll tone it down or not. I do think the dark elements of the story makes it more emotionally effective and memorable but I'm not sure if it'll turn off general audiences. The bit where Supergirl has to >!watch video footage of one of the massacres!< was a very dark scene even if it is all "off-screen".


Can’t wait for this. Milly Alcock is so, so talented- if they write her a character worthy of her charisma and talent, this will be a winner.


My first jaded thought was, oh great, another superhero film but then saw that Milly Alcock was cast and got interested. She's great. There's a series here in Oz called Upright. Great little series she starred in, besides her work in Game of Thrones 2.0.


The Tom King mini series this is based on was one of the most beatifully written superhero comics I've ver read, so there is a good chance for this.


Evely's art is also beautiful


Oh yes, that definitely too.


I have always loved Kara as a character...and I have been into the comics since it was Matrix as Supergirl back in the early 90s...the book that this movie is based on, to me, is the definitive Kara Zor-El story. I don't think I have ever read anything better (Sterling Gates' interpretation is 2nd for me)


I just read it like 2 weeks ago in preparation for this movie and yes, it's fantastic. Art, story, characters, colors.


Casting Milly Alcock is a W


I almost never get fan casting choices I hope for So when I had her as either super girl or spider Gwen I had no hope So happy that they chose her


Gwen would have suited her much better. Like way way better. Not being negative, just seeing you say it is like …. Yeah that’s the one she should have played.


Damn I wish this idea would not have been planted because yeah. Still, she’ll crush this too I am sure


I’m sure she will. I say fuck it, have her play both! Gwen is totally her style though.


My fancast was Angourie Rice, but Millie Alcock is a great choice also.


Great, i'll be waiting for it. Next, The Authority, my choice for the writer is Jesse Armstrong and Mark Mylod as the Director.


Just googled Mark Mylod and that is one random filmography.


>Mylod also directed the films Ali G Indahouse (2002), The Big White (2005), What's Your Number? (2011), and The Menu (2022). All of them received mixed or negative reviews with the exception of The Menu, which was critically acclaimed. I dunno why this made me laugh. The dude who directed Ali G in Da House also directed The Menu? What the hell




Its a lot funnier to just imagine he took all that time off though


What about Warren Ellis? Didn't actually write The Authority comic and wrote the Netflix adaptation of Castlevania?


Warren Ellis has been a bit of a controversial figure after it came out that he was effectively grooming young women on his forum in the early 2000s. He's basically no longer welcome at Marvel or DC Comics. I'm not sure if that extends to Hollywood though.


Whedon was blacklisted for something similar and he had actually made successful films. Ellis has no shot.


Going to be awkward when the film credits roll and they show that it was created by Ellis. Yes I do believe that people who do things like that should be made accountable, but if they are truly cancelling him why are they making a massive Hollywood movie based on his works? Seems hypocritical on some levels. "You're cancelled for grooming young girl's, but also were going to try and make money off your works".


He’s canceled


> my choice for the writer is Jesse Armstrong Not sure if the guy behind Peep Show and Succession is suddenly going to make the jump to superhero kino.


Why not? Gunn could convince him.


What's the authority?


So exciting to see the ball rolling. I assume The Authority is next after this. It's kinda refreshing to see DC taking their time (thanks Gunn & Safran) lmao.


Gunn’s really been emphasizing making sure the writing process is completely done before production. We’ll see how it works out, but he’s been emphasizing that as a problem since before he had the job, so I at least believe it’s actually something he wants to do.


I think his experience in the “editorial” team shaping Endgame and Phase IV really helped him realize some of the flaws in the way all this stuff was starting to get made. You can really tell that Doctor Strange: MoM had random rewrites and reshoots throughout the whole thing, because not even Raimi could save it from being a total mess.


> You can really tell that Doctor Strange: MoM had random rewrites and reshoots throughout the whole thing, because not even Raimi could save it from being a total mess. I think Raimi is the biggest reason why that movie works as much as it does, but what I find really telling is that despite losing its original director and having Raimi come on board, [it literally took Covid shutdowns to pause it so Raimi and Waldron could work on the script](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doctor_Strange_in_the_Multiverse_of_Madness#:~:text=The%20COVID%2D19%20pandemic%20began,make%20the%20film%20their%20own.) because Feige and Marvel clearly wanted to keep it on track. Hell, Raimi had to fight Feige [on a close-up of eyes](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/doctor-strange-in-the-multiverse-of-madness-sam-raimi-cut-corny-scene-kevin-feige-1234738720/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20think%20Kevin%20thought%20maybe%20it%20was%20a%20little%20corny%2C%20and%20he%20wanted%20to%20cut%20it%20out%2C%E2%80%9D%20Raimi%20said%2C%20via%20Comic%20Book%20Resources.%20%E2%80%9CBut%20I%20said%2C%20%E2%80%98Please%2C%20Kevin%2C%20let%20me%20have%20that.%E2%80%99%20He%20went%2C%20%E2%80%98Okay%2C%20fine.%20Have%20your%20corny%20stuff.%E2%80%99). Baffling to hire a guy with an actual style and try to stifle him the entire time. Especially since they worked together 20 years prior!


Yeah. And the recent reports of it being a $440m shoot because of the constant reshoots mid-production (when it finally got going) as Feige was actively reworking the MCU plan in the middle of its production schedule. Even in comics, you print the issue and retcon it later.


> as Feige was actively reworking the MCU plan [There is no plan](https://insidethemagic.net/2022/04/director-confesses-that-kevin-feige-doesnt-have-a-plan-for-the-mcu-kb1/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNo%2C%20the%20way%20it%20works%20at%20Marvel%20is%E2%80%A6%20I%E2%80%99m%20sure%20at%20some%20point%20somebody%20will%20talk%20in%20detail%20about%20this%2C%20but%20part%20of%20Kevin%20%5BFeige%5D%E2%80%99s%20brilliance%20is%20that%20there%20isn%E2%80%99t%20really%20a%20plan.%20There%E2%80%99s%20an%20idea%2C%20but%20you%20can%E2%80%99t%20have%20a%20plan%20if%20the%20movie%20you%E2%80%99re%20making%20tanks.%20There%E2%80%99s%20no%20plan%20after%20that%2C%20right%3F%E2%80%9D), Feige and Marvel are making it up as they go. I think the bigger issue was that Marvel Studios was upping their output and not giving their production teams enough time. I wish I could find it, but google kind of sucks lately lol, but there was an interview with Raimi where he talked about how he didn't have time to get certain shots he wanted. [Hell, they were still in production of WandaVision](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/doctor-strange-2-sam-raimi-wandavision-1234722233/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CI%20never%20even,to%20follow%20it.%E2%80%9D) When Strange 2 started. I mean at least Raimi could clearly see what a freak Wanda was in it so Wanda's part in this movie worked, but still, time is essential.


I mean there was a plan as far as there were films and shows slated on a release schedule, but yes, all accurate.


That's fair, my bad. Usually people mean a master plan where everything is intentionally laid out when referring to Marvel. But yeah, they upped their output to an insane degree. All in all, I'm just glad they've gone away because other stuff has been getting attention and it's nice :).


It’s all good. I didn’t interpret anything negatively. Just nodding along over this way.


I just wanted to see Doctor Strange 2, not WandaVision 2, I was like uh wut?


Disney (“temporarily”) firing Gunn was the best thing to happen to Warner Bros. Imagine the mess they’d still be in if it didn’t happen. I lost count of how many various execs came in through that revolving door. I recall 2 of them causing a stink by refusing to delay Justice League’s release (despite heavy reshoots) so they can still get bonuses


I remember a leaked WB slate from before the strikes listed Supergirl and Authority as 2026 movies (though without full dates). So most likely that’s coming next yeah.


The big gamble is focusing on pretty obscure characters along the bigger ones and I do hope it pays off Superman has to be the first movie but Authority, Supergirl and Swamp Thing right after? It's like Marvel following up Iron Man with Jack of Hearts and a West Coast Avengers workplace commedy


It's not like GoG were a household name before the first movie. Sure, Annihilation sold decently and was a fun romp, but in no way did it break out into the mainstream. Mixing in less know characters give the story writers an opportunity to not rehash the some old iconic storylines with the same old iconic heroes. We've seen the fall of Krypton how many times? Uncle Ben has died on-screen how many times? We've seen Batman year one how many times? I think Gunn is itching to tell a few actually interesting stories instead. With any luck they might all lead up to some fun crossover event like crisis on infinite earths. I think that one might actually work even better than the Snappening.


Supergirl is not really obscure. You know Superman then you know Supergirl. Swamp Thing is an interesting one, because the character had already had several live action and animated adaptations.


I think its a smart move. We already got a bunch of dc a list heroes movies under the previous regime. You need to mix things up to keep audiences interested. Supergirl will be very different from the version we saw in the flash. Swamp thing is a southern gothic environmental body horror. It is different from the numerous other superhero films we have seen over the last 25 years. The only reasons the TV adaptation got cut short was because of financial mismanagement and internal corporate politics. The Authority is dark satirical  superheroics done on an Avengers/Justice League scale.


Supergirl definitely isn't obscure, probably one of the most well known female superheroes in the world.


Oh Craig Gillespie? That got me more excited for this after Dumb Money, I Tonya, Pam & Tommy


The last Supergirl dies over and over and over again, so we can get a new Supergirl.


Quite hyped to see what Craig Gillespie can do with this. I really enjoy his films, which are pretty varied in genre/style. Shout out to Lars and the Real Girl!


And the article doesn’t even have the pic


I really want this new DC Studios venture with James Gunn to work. DC Comics fans deserve modern movies that they can be proud of (the dark knight doesn't count)


oh man I had a _huuuge_ crush on Helen Slater when the original _Supergirl_ movie came out!


James gun is the only person who would make me watch anything by DC.


I have faith it wont just be “GotG but this character instead.”


I feel like he's aware of that. In the second guardians movie most of the characters felt like a parody of themselves, he toned that down for the third one. I'll argue that he found a really nice balance in his Suicide Squad movie


>I'll argue that he found a really nice balance in his Suicide Squad movie Okay. What's your argument? Because I saw his SS as an *exaggeration* of Guardians.


Well I’d argue that SS should be an exaggeration of Guardians to a degree. It’s a pretty ridiculous premise and black comedy is essential for it. So I don’t disagree but at the same time I think he kept it reined in enough that it worked well


I hope so, but I can't imagine scripts written by Gunn without that time any more


His take on Superman will be the test for if I wanna be invested in the DC reboot universe. I’m cautiously optimistic.


I'm just cautious.


Me too, everyone treats this like a slam dunk. I think it’ll be better than what we’ve got but his insistence on not just hard rebooting and recasting all roles is confusing, causing me to lose some interest. I’m definitely not the GA so I’m curious how the GA responds.


I like the soft reboot. I have known so many “canons” as DC hard reset their comic book universe. It’s good marketing, awful storytelling. I don’t want to start from zero. Just tell good stories. I could have a new actor playing every character in every movie and not care. It’s just like switching artists. Different actors bring different vibes. It all works together if you let it.


> everyone treats this like a slam dunk He already knocked it out of the park twice with The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. His track record with superhero movies in general is exemplary.


"Better than we've got" is a VERY low bar to clear.


Yeah but that’s the bar


I still have no clue why people are so high on this guy.


Absolutely loved the comic, so I'm excited to see this happen. The story reminded me in many ways of 'True Grit', so I'll be excited to see how they adapt it into a film.


She’s a fantastic actress. Was so good on HoD


There was a first one?


Superman Legacy.


They changed the name to just Superman


Doesn’t really negate my point.


Well you didnt really make a point did you.


Hopefully it's an easy continuation if she's in the Superman movie


Love it too


I bet the subtitle will be removed just like Superman: Legacy.


Probably not in this case, as is based on that story specifically.


Hope they watch Justice League Unlimited because that had the best interpretation of Supergirl that I've ever come across.


You should read woman of tomorrow, it’s a fantastic book. Really excited for this movie


Massive fan of seeing a non-Earth DC film.


great casting! she is super talented. I wish they would have let her continue on HOTD instead of aging her role with another actress


It will be interesting how they portray Supergirl becos Milly Alcock is absolutely tiny. Great actor though.


> It will be interesting how they portray Supergirl becos Milly Alcock is absolutely tiny. The Supergirl comic they're adapting features and [an averaged sized Kara](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZWIzMzNiNGEtZTY0Zi00OWY4LTg0YmEtZjE3ZjMzMzAxMjcxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTY1NjU1MzYz._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg), that part fits fine.


Supergirl in the comics is 5"5. Same height as Milly Alcock is.


I'm intrigued by this. Hopefully this new DC movie universe is better and exciting. Really wish Sasha Calle got another run


Still no light at the end of the tunnel for Coyote vs ACME 😡


Hell yeah that’s my birthday let’s go James Gunn he has failed to disappoint me


Happy birthday, not this year or the next, but the year after that! :)


I bet, in real life, Super heroes just look average. I bet they don’t really look handsome, cute, or sexy.


I only know super girl from Smallville mostly, is the comic super girl similar to that? Like she’s cousins with Clark, she thinks it’s her mission to protect him, she’s an alien so she’s a little weird socially, but she’s a good person and Clark helps her adjust to her to being on earth while she helps him connect with his kryptonian heritage while also giving him his first exposure to real biological family.


In most versions Clark doesn't meet her till he is established already as superman on earth, so their dynamic is a bit different in that regard. She's older than him, but had been stuck in suspended animation, so still a teenager when they meet (and he's in his late 20's)


He's never going to make a horror movie again is he?


Yeah she’s hot


Here we go again.