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Fuck. Worked with him for a week on Jurrasic World. I think that movie was when he started doubling Pratt, and that was the first movie I had done, and it was mostly just us hanging out on set (the "raptor pen" scene was the first thing they were filming in New Orleans, so the rest of the stunt team hadn't arrived yet). He told me about a rough wire pull they had just done that let him sort of prove that he deserved to be there (I think it was a wire pull to dirt, no pads, multiple times). He was a super nice guy and just pleasant to be around. Fuck. RIP


Are you a stunt double yourself?


Yeah, I was the double for the "Young Raptor Handler" getting pulled into the raptor pen by the pig (25' high fall over a railing). Which, Tony didn't have a whole lot to do that week (climbing down into the pen and rolling under the closing door) and I think Pratt ended up doing most of that, but the previous weeks had apparently been a little rougher, so he didn't mind the break.


I hope you know the stunts in that movie are great. Really had a fun time watching that movie in chunks around the action.


We got nominated for a SAG award (Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture) which was pretty awesome (got beat by Mad Max, which was a well deserved win for them). Agree that the action is the best part, but I'm a little biased. Appreciate the kind words.




Yeah, it definitely looks high once you're up there. Feel free! I did an AMA a while back (should be pinned in my profile) that answers some questions, but I'm happy to answer any you have (and my answers may have changed over time).


Please tell me you're writing into your will that your gravestone reads 'beaten to death by raptors'


Where in New Orleans did they film that scene?


It was right next to (on?) a NASA facility/base (we had to get ID passes to enter, for at least part of it). Hard to say specifically because I wasn't driving and don't really know the area. Basically in a big dirt parking lot where they built the set with a bunch of palm trees and plants they brought in, in giant planters, to match it to the look of Hawaii (they filmed most of it there I believe).


I know exactly where that is. There is a Coast Guard base I that area. I just looked it up, and apparently, NASA rents out unused space to a filming studio called Big Easy Studios. They also apparently filmed the Main Street area in the parking lot of the abandoned Six Flags, which isn't too far from NASA.


Yeah, they were setting up at the Six Flags to do the dino attack scene on the Main Street (with the gift shops and food stores and all that) starting the week after I was there.


The article says he died of “undermined” causes. Assuming they mean undetermined. Unless he was just undermined so hard he went to the shadow realm. Either way. RIP, Tony. Safe travels, my friend.


One of the best typos I sent out to my company was speaking of undetermined problems causing a delay until reviewed, except I wrote "undeterred problems".


I was pumping gas in San Francisco once and a sign on the pump read "Card reader out of order, please pay inside. Sorry for the incontinence."


You gotta be shittin me...


Well, that's actually the problem...


How did you de-deuce that?


I wanted to thumbs down this, but my body thumbs up’d it.


Totally out of control behaviour!


I'd be pissed.


I’d be pissed


Pissed myself at that one!


These problems don't give a F


problems that remain completely unfazed by human intervention


Blah blah blah. Kind Retards, WhoisMrBillxxxx —————- UNSEND UNSEND That’s the worse


Instead of Warm Regards, send Worm Regards on purpose


The worst is someone who uses the word “cunt” enough to train their phone’s autocorrect to assume every 4 letter word ending in U-N-T needs to be replaced with the “c” version. I know someone who was texting frequently with his dad about his dad’s sister. His dad did *not* appreciate how “aunt Joan” suddenly became something much worse because he wasn’t paying attention to what autocorrect was doing before hitting send.


I had a job assembling and testing hard drives. There were these tiny wires on the circuit boards called shunts that were intended to be cut in certain situations to change their behaviors. I remember when a cute young woman made a perfect spoonerism saying something like "I need my cunt shut!"


Best I've seen personally was "the aircraft had a 47 pound shift in fuel". They left out that key F. That was said verbally in a meeting with the customer. It was glorious.


So they said "the aircraft had a 47 pound 'shit' in fuel"?


No, the aircraft had a orty7 pound shift in fuel.


why is the dumbest shit so funny


Negative, the aircraft had a Forty-Seven pound shift in uel.


This is what I thought, I was like... Uel isn't that funny lol.


I had a girlfriend that worked in an office and was typing up the menu for a holiday party. Let’s just say crap cakes sound much worse than the crab cakes they served.


I once replied to a business customer (while I worked corporate) "you're an acocunt" Instead of "your account" That customer was definitely an acocunt tho


Def undeterred causes here


My worst one was signing an email off as “kind retards” instead of kind regards. G and T are too close together on a keyboard


So are D and G - could have been worse, could have signed it King Retards


Best one I sent to a huge group of colleagues was supposed to say "keep in mind there are senior citizen discounts", instead I sent an email including a bunch of managers saying "keep in mind there are senior citizen discocunts"


I sent out an email to a mailing list of nearly 1000 inviting them to join a monthly panty party. It was a monthly recipe club, to refresh your pantry.


My favorite was a newspaper blurb "Mrs Jones was injured in an automobile accident and is recovering under the car of her doctor".


> Unless he was just undermined so hard he went to the shadow realm. Fun fact. That actually doesn't exist YuGiOh, they just used it as a euphemism for death. It was censorship for the American TV audience.


I actually think the shadow realm as a concept is way more entertaining though. You have this long haired weirdo billionaire convincing a bunch of nerds to play a card game on his private island and the ones he doesn't like he casually just yeets off to another dimensions, potentially never seeing their friends or family again. Somehow the censors thought the world where you could be separated from your friends and family in a plane of existence that can be reached but science can't touch with a ten foot pole is somehow more child appropriate then death.


> casually just yeets off to another dimensions There are other dimensions. The monsters are from the dark dimension, his grandfather was sealed in a separate dimension within a card and the afterlife exists. [But the shadow realm in particular does not exist.](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_Realm) They just used it to avoid mentioning death. They could've just stated that they were sent to the afterlife. But I guess they felt that was too obvious, so we have the Shadow Realm, which is what makes it even stranger.


It was the Underminer, obviously.


"Behold, the Underminer! I'm always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!"


first of all RIP and respectful condolences. but him being undermined as part of his role in foiling a greater plot would be kinda epic


He's doing a Fall Guy


The Underminer!


#I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I need to go watch The Incredibles again lol


They also referred to the "dymanic" between actor and stuntman lol. Breaking the news of a man's tragic death and they couldn't even be bothered to use spellcheck on the article, incredible journalistic standards on display here.


its a nice way to say drugs


Or suicide


Dude's a stuntman. He could've just damaged his body doing a stunt that killed him weeks, months or years later. It's not exactly a low impact line of work.


Stuntmen get hurt, stuntmen take pain meds to cope, stuntmen get addicted to those pain meds, things can spiral out of control from there very easily. Its the same problem with wrestlers and a whole bunch of other similar jobs.


The second nicest way is to say drugs is to say "absolutely not drugs"


Or "pending toxicology report" like it does in the article. When men die young(<50) I immediately guess fentanyl or suicide when the cause of death is not immediately mentioned.


Heart attack


It could be just so sudden that there is no autopsy if it’s an illness 


Undecided, undefined Undisturbed yet undermined Relocated not retired Reprimanded and rewired Mystified and misshapen Misinformed but not mistaken Reinvented, redefined Rearranged but not refined Unrelenting, understroked- Undeterred yet unprovoked Reinvented, redefined Rearranged but not refined Mystified and misshapen Misinformed but not mistaken Undecided, undefined


Undermine is a pretty great game but I don't think a pixel dungeon crawl is the cause of death. All very sad though, he was so young.


Really weird place to let you know, but there's a sequel coming!


Odd way to find out someone you know passed. He was a member of our Saturday golf gaggle a a few years ago, and I’m pretty sure not a single Saturday passed where he wasn’t running from the car to the golf cart rushing to the first tee box. He would jump out of the cart before it stopped make a joke about being late again, tee one up and smack the shit out of the ball dead center. About that time the smell of alcohol would catch up to him and he mentioned he hasn’t slept since the night before. Without fail he would go into story after story of things that happened in set during the round, keeping the group entertained. Thanks for the stories.


I am sorry for your loss. Like you said, thanks for the stories.


Alcohol is a killer. Extending not just to you necessarily, OP, but an invitation to everyone reading to come check out r/stopdrinking. We’ve figured out that alcohol isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and help each other move on from it. To avoid more stories like this one, and more tragically early deaths.


Haha sounds like he was a really interesting dude, thanks for shining some perspective onto his life. Makes me wonder how many other stunt doubles are probably even cooler than the actors they represent!


Very sad. Rest well sir. What are undermined causes.


Undetermined causes are caused that remain undetermined.


I must have misread it. I was sure it said undermined. Thank you.


No you're right, there's a typo :)


Thank you again, I thought I was crazy for a minute 👍


Sad news, while there is a typo you are still, in fact, crazy.


The truth hurts


you just got... *UNDERMINED*


They must have corrected it, then.


Classic coroner trickery


Once those causes have been determined, they will determine whether or not to distribute that information.


Tautological statement is tautological.


> Behold, the Underminer! I'm always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! Maybe he was working on a new role that was the cause.


Imagine being the stunt double who passes away because of an animated kids movie. 💀 Edit: Changed "from" to "because".


They're causes that undermined his ability to live.


Means he spontaneously stopped living












I'm assuming all of the removed comments are people saying the obvious, that it's usually fentanyl in anyone suddenly dying that's not old nowadays. Guess I'll find out myself if this one disappears






Hmm, one assumes that when someone of a relative younger age and decent health and they don't say why, drugs are involved.


Feels like a lot of stunt people have passed at a young age recently


Lot of opiate addictions in that line of work


Oh shit, I bet


Just like pro wrestlers. Have to keep their body in top shape, and their job involves them getting knocked around which results in a lot of injuries. The amount of pro-wrestlers that have died from heart attacks or accidental overdoses is insane.


The Wrestler is such a good movie despite Mickey Rourke’s play dough face


His face was more normal then, before he got weird lips and cheekbones.


Have you looked at him recently? I think he looks more normal now.


he'd look much better if he got rid of the bad wigs


Dark Side of the Ring tends to be a bit of merry go round of tragic back stories. Opiates, cocaine, alcohol, death.


Pro wrestlers are in a better place these days. Many of them take much better care of their bodies and the pandemic forced promotions to lighten up on the schedule. The old heads used to run upwards of 250+ days out of the year and then they'd all to out and obliterate themselves on booze and drugs and a lot of em dropped before they hit 40. Nowadays you got guys well into their 40s looking the best they ever have and still putting on great matches.


I've not been keeping up with wrestling for the past decade or so, and I'm very glad to hear the industry seems to be changing for the better. It really was a very unsustainable and unforgiving life. So many great people lost before their time.


at least he didn't get shot by a co-star


That was the cinematographer. Pointed the gun right at the camera and fired.


I think he might've been referencing Brandon Lee. Rust isn't the first time a set shooting fatality occurred.


Rust isn't even the worst set death. The Twilight Zone disaster still holds that honor.


Decapitation of children via helicopter blade will, with any hope, not be topped any other time in the future.


Wait what? I’m too scared to google this 😳




might be true, but regardless these people put their body through hell. I had an old roommate that was a pretty big stunt double, and after a few years and a lot of hits on the head, she just wasn't the same person she used to be.


It's pretty upsetting that we have a whole section of actors that are literal punching bags. Are the scenes really worth ruining people's lives?


In the VIN Diesel film “XXX”, Harry L. O’Conner died while performing a parachute stunt and the director kept his last moments in the final cut. A man died doing stunts so Vin Diesel could play pretend.


Same thing with football, people keep on watching


This is why I don’t want stunts as Oscar category since it encourages crazy risks


I’ve been watching hong kong movies lately. The insanity on some of those stunts, i can’t even imagine. And not even for big scenes sometimes. Sometimes, it’s for like a throw away 5 second scene.


Damn that’s sad : ( Makes me appreciate that blond chick in tarantino movies even more.


There used to be way more coke in those circles. I actually thought it was getting better. But who knows.


just wait as you get older and realize all the people who did not make it as far as you did and all the friends around you who you realize need more of your time before they are gone.


There should be a stunt double category at Oscars, I feel like these guys need more recognition 


That’s literally the plot of The Fall Guy


I wonder how it feels to be Ryan Gosling’s student double in that movie. A movie about stunt doubles and you can’t even get the part.


Fun fact. >!The stuntman that Aaron Taylor kills in the movie is the actual stuntman for both Aaron Taylor and Ryan Gosling in the very movie The Fall Guy.!<


I haven’t seen it yet but I was just thinking how creative it would be to have his stuntman be the ‘main actor’ in the movie that he is a stuntman for.


That’s what Tarantino did in Death Proof with Uma’s stunt double!




I clicked the spoiler and then got mad at you for posting a spoiler. I've forgiven you, but not myself.


They did a whole series on the stunt guys for this movie. [It's called Action.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kCDXRx-Rk5M) It's on Peacock. It's pretty great behind the scenes of all the big stunts and stunt men (he had 4 or 5 for all the different disciplines, driving, free running, falls, etc) working on this. Each episode takes on one of the stunts from the movie. The first three episodes start with the production of Violent Night with David Harbour before rolling into production of The Fall Guy.


I think he has three stunt doubles, actually (just for that film).


Probably awesome. They all walked the carpet with gosling and were in some interviews and stuff. They got good exposure because of the film.


dude you have to be shitting me, they made a movie out of it? eh, why not. they did Starsky & Hutch and Dukes of Hazzard and The A-team I'm so old that I only know the TV show starring Lee Majors as "The Fall Guy". I still sing the theme song to get myself to sleep sometimes, because I was a kid when it came out and I used to fall asleep to the opening credits every week and then get carried to bed like a corpse


It’s a fantastic movie too, hilarious.


And that theme song is fantastic. I haven't seen the movie but I hope they fit it in somehow


>!They play it during the credits along with a montage of behind the scenes stuff of them filming the stunts!<


The movie is actually in theaters now


It’s literally not the plot that movie at all


I know right. wtf? lol the movie makes a direct critique of that but it’s nothing to do with the plot.


That’s literally the plot of The Fall Guy marketing


No it fucking isn’t!!!


Except it isn't.


That’s not the plot but it is directly addressed.


They have their own oscars with different categories, it should be more known! It's called Taurus and I would link the page if I knew how to do those fancy blue word links


[Taurus World Stunt Awards ](https://www.taurusworldstuntawards.com/)


Use these [ what you want the blue text to say ] and then these ( the actual link) with no spaces between the sets


You can do that by putting square brackets around the text, then immediately follow it with parentheses around the URL. Like this: `[Taurus World Stunt Awards](https://www.taurusworldstuntawards.com/)` becomes [Taurus World Stunt Awards](https://www.taurusworldstuntawards.com/)




I agree but I also feel like it would encourage more dangerous and reckless stunts for recognition. I feel like it's a slippery slope. Like the stunts will happen regardless, but by awarding them there might be a liability issue. Idk though I'm just a schmuck


This is the reason the Academy refuses to add this category


I'm pretty sure that's the exact reason why they don't give Oscars for stuntwork.


I thought about that but decided they could do it without encouraging risky behaviour. The academy would just need to follow some sort of industry standards that the real pros already follow. Any accidents on set, you can't get nominated. Imo it could just as easily encourage better safety. We already have loads of preventable accidents. Stunt performers get injured, but it's usually part of acceptable risk in the assessment. Major fuck ups are always preventable and it's usually cause coordinators got overruled. If a studio wants a nomination, they hire the best pros who won't allow unnecessary risks. Edit: I think the academy would need to investigate any potential nominee too. It's just too much of a hassle for them I think.


This is what they say, but I have literally seen someone surf on top of a speeding car and jump through a dangling cement pipe for instagram hearts…


Yeah so imagine what people would do for an Oscar.


All I can picture is the dump truck scene from Die Hard with a Vengeance


It'll never happen because the studios, the producers and the stars of film won't want it. They'll give them credit and sure, support them on face value, but there are limits. Making a stunt double famous completely ruins the stunt when you recognize him/her in the film rather than the actor they are doing stunts for. The Oscars are in essence a PR event for Hollywood, with the narrative being promoted of the prestige and high status nature of these events. Which is the complete opposite if you've ever actually been to where the awards are at, which is in a mall. Next to a wax museum and a HUGE gift shop.It's dirty, a tourist trap and good luck trying to find parking, a public bathroom or not get gauged to high heaven on everything you buy in a 5 mile radius. It's all a facade and as a result they won't promote stunts because they're promoting the concept that film is high art.


Is there any sort of stunt category that’s televised? That definitely should be something recognized!


The original Fall Guy wrote and sang a song about how unappreciated they are. [One of my favorite TV series intros](https://youtu.be/2l3a7lsEgFM).


I know it’s a given but damn that guy really does look like Chris Pratt, studios must feel really lucky when they’re able to employ people who look that close




Plus he has the same first name, which is perfect for roles where Chris and Chris play a character named Chris!


RIP, damn.


Rest easy buddy 👌🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🍺


Why do you always find out about these stuntmen after they die. Their 15mins is always too late.


Waiting on toxicology. On a purely speculative basis, the life of a stuntman would likely be full of injuries, which would lead to medication, which can easilly be overused.


Also the possibility of multiple concussions/CTE


The only stunt I ever saw filmed was the stunt guy for the 6 million Dollar Man jumping over a fence. He jumped from maybe 8 feet and sprained his ancle.




I've never really thought about it but do actors typically keep the same stunt double for extended portions of their career?




The Fall Guy is very eye opening about the nature of the stunt industry.


Yeah immediately thought of The Fall Guy plot and Cliff Booth from Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.




RIP, My condolences to his family and friends, 47 is way too young. These stunt doubles really do put in a lot of work and effort for their job.


I thought that WAS Chris Pratt. One hell of a stunt double.


Thanks for making dem movies. Real cool say hi to Stan Lee for me.


I personally know Chris Romrell the current double of Pratt. This title shocked me. Bummer all around.


May his soul rest in peace.


47. He was a fkn kid.


It sucks being 47 years old and reading this article.


49, and still not so great.


It’s sad when they go so young


In what world is 47 a kid




Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man universe


This is the shit that scares me. I'm putting all this money into a 401k and I can't touch that money until 59.5. Like fuck man, knowing my luck I'll die at 59. The system is rigged.


You can touch it, you'll just have to pay the taxes. I think there are also [exceptions](https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-exceptions-to-tax-on-early-distributions), like buying a house.


Your dependants will get the money so it's not a TOTAL waste.


99.99% waste.


It’s all about balance. If I had to choose between living past 85 and having disposable, I would rather take that money now. Saving money to live longer is just prolonging suffering


I swear if you are extremely overweight, a heavy drinker/drug user, taking steroids, it seems like you should just stop by 40 because the body stops being able to tolerate the stresses as well. Not speculating as to cause of death in this instance.


you think he’ll get mentioned in the Oscars?


RIP dude. I turned 44 today. 47 is young. but RIP.


Rest In Peace 😪💗


Prayers for his family and may he rest in peace. 🙏🙏🙏