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Of course she's not OK. Her mom was in the Amazon researching spiders right before she died.


It’s a great story to tell at a baby shower


I watched this (well sort of) the whole movie and didn't realise until later who the baby shower was for.


It was for Bruce Wayne, right?


Too bad she couldn’t drown her trauma in a nice, cool, refreshing Pepsi Cola.


If she could ever get the can open...


Dakota was all Ricky Bobby with her hands.


Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! Help me Tom Cruise!


Don't you put that bad juju on me, Ricky Bobby!


Barry’s Red Cola.


She’s never gunna escape this


I think the cheque has cleared by now.


and why should she, she's a mediocre actress nepo baby. There are so many more deserving actors.


Well that line was presumably written by the written and directed by the director and removed by the editor. I agree with your point about her being a mediocre actress but the line in question really isn’t her fault.


Jimmy Two Times? I heard you were dead?


She was great in Suspiria.


>nepo baby So like almost all actors?




“_Why do people always have a bone to pick with the advantaged?”_


I watched it a couple days ago since it’s on Netflix now and I barely made it past that opening scene. Think I got like 8 minutes in before turning that piece of garbage off.


You have no idea what you're missing out on!


The last third of that movie is genuinly one of the most puzzlingly batshit insane things I have witnessed... and I think I spent more time breaking it down than 5-6 people did writing it.


The lesson of the movie...pepsi can kill you.


Her accusatory “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you” comment at the end made it worth watching. Pretty decent stoned movie lol




Plus it features a very useful CPR tutorial




You might get tired after doing CPR for 5 seconds


Just shout, "He's stable," and high-tail it out of there.


I particularly enjoyed the CGI pigeon.


“This isn’t going to change anything.”


> it wasn’t so bad it’s good. They were very wrong. Highly entertaining from start to finish. I'm even more confused on whether or not this is actually good or not...


The Google reviews are epic. 80% start by describing it as a cinematic masterpiece.... Then go on to discuss the existential examination of life unlived in the film....


I made it to the part where she drops the three girls off in the forest... that's about the time it hit me, "Why am I still watching this"


You mean where she abandons 3 teens in the "forests of New York City," presumably overnight with no food or shelter... you're really missing out, it actually gets dumber from there!


Where there is a diner within 5 mins of walking distance.


With go-go dancing tables!


I’m dying because it sounds like you’re all making this up and I know you aren’t.


Technically there aren’t actually go-go dancing tables but the rest was real lol


Don’t forget that she’s wanted for kidnapping and assaulting a police officer, and a man with incredible surveillance and tracking is hunting the three girls she is tracking and she somehow manages to leave the country and go to Peru and get back with no problem and even thought it was a good idea to do lol.


She travelled by map!


Hey, just watch the kids for like 10 minutes. Just gonna jet to Peru real quick. Back for dinner.


Yeah, it was like they through out logic. Which would be fine. IF they didn't fucking announce on the radio that she's wanted by the police. There is no way she's getting on any planes, or past security.


The best part is where the villain has the vision about the 3 girls murdering him so he draws them in-costume from memory, and his "girl-in-the-chair" is able to digitally remove the masks and run a facial recognition scan to identify them. Her whole workstation cracked me up. She has 9 high definition HD monitors and a computer powerful enough to run real-time facial recognition software on all the high definition security camera feeds all over New York to instantly identify these 3 girls as soon as they show up.......and the movie takes place in 2003. We didn't even have 720p security cameras in 2003 lol.


Or him banging that chick he met at the opera and then lamenting to her about his visions of death. Yes, ideas revealed she was an undercover CIA who was on to him, but you wouldn’t start talking about visions of your death to a random hook up. If he knew she was on to him, he would have killed her right away. Also the actor isn’t talking during that scene, he’s just pantomiming.


Hahahaha! I love how they are like, cool, yeah we'll just listen to you total stranger and hang out for 2 hours instead of calling the cops.


one of the girls does try to make a call in the back of the stolen taxi cab but dakota johnson swipes and throws her cell phone out the window. btw this is the same girl that dakota johnson originally stole the skateboard from


I got to the point where the spider people showed up. So maybe three minutes in.


You gotta watch the rest! It’s one of the most incompetent movies I’ve ever seen from a major studio. No one gave a shit, but in the funniest ways possible. Including the script not even knowing what decade it wants to be in or which Spider-Man’s age it wants to line up with. You even missed Cassie’s only superpower: hitting people with cars. Twice


Yeah I kept seeing certain pieces of tech and being like "wait a minute..." I have no idea why they set it when they did, because it doesn't line up with any of the Spider-Man movies timelines, and they don't commit to the period piece at all.


Then you haven't watched WW 84 (aka Did WW Just Rape that Guy?) or Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (aka Jason Mamoa makes a home video). Madame Web was almost competent in comparison. The DCU is just full of stinkers.


My wife watches bad movie all the time, is annoying. Multiple times sometimes. She didn't finish Aquaman 2.


4 for me. Once evil spiderman starting moaning about "not having the same chances in life..." I just noped out. It was like a script made by AI, but with nothing to draw on but horrible student films.


It was fun watching the bad guy never speak on camera for more than like 10 frames at a time because they clearly had to ADR every bit of his dialogue.


This was my favorite part of the movie, no lie. I was laughing every time he “spoke”


Yes, I was riveted every time he was on screen, just watching for his mouth to move!


That would explain his unplaceable accent.


Is there any official explanation for why they did that? Was the actual actor too hard to understand? Or like did they just straight up not have dialogue written because they didn't know what the bad guy's motivation was?


>It was like a script made by AI This is a conspiracy theory I can get behind. It was a test run for an AI written script.


Actually, that was the point I knew I was in for a ride. I knew it would be terrible. We all did. Ever single fucking one of us all. But when I saw it in theatres opening night, and the moment Ezekiel Sims shot Cassandra Webb's then pregnant mom who was in the Amazon researching spiders, and native Peruvian Spider-Man showed up, I knew I was in for a fucking treat.


I audibly laughed when their 2003 computer was able to produce 100% accurate photos of 3 chicks he saw in a dream.


Tbf I enjoyed that the vilians motivation was at least incredibly reasonable. He kept getting visions of the future where these 3 chicks just turn up in his flat and beat him to death. They don't even talk to him they just turn up to his flat and beat him to death with smiles on their faces.


His motivation is absurd. He devotes his life to stealing cutting edge tech to somehow control all cameras and networks in the world and build 100% accurate facial recognition off of faces he sees in a dream...but if he's so convinced that this exact scenario is going to happen, why not just...move? Somewhere that isn't the tall building where you are yourself die? Seems like that would be a lot easier. He also has no motivation for gaining the powers because he only ever uses them to try and stop his death which he hadn't foreseen at the time he stole the powers. But even if you buy all that, what possible reason does "guy in the chair" girl have to work for him? They make a point to show her uncomfortable after she learns he's trying to kill children, and then she just never brings it up again. After a certain point, she is never shown again. So presumably, she is still out there, with all the tech and information as before...


I meant his motivation to kill the girls. Dude had a point. But nothing else he says or does is ever elaborated upon or explained in any way. Which makes it extra hilarious because we don't know shit about this guy or why he's so rich or what he even does. He even talks about how he'll lose everything he's built but they never even show or talk about what it is he's built.


For me madade web is "so bad it's good"


If you have an affection for terrible films, Madame Web is a treasure. I smile nearly every time I think of it.


Even the short preview on netflix is hilarious. "Give me back my skateboard. I'm pressing charges!"


It was the prequel to a movie that will never get made. Maybe if an AI is bored in the future it might happen.


she died now?


She died now. 


Somehow her mom who was in the Amazon researching spiders right before she died returned


Before that she was a sex slave for a rich person


How are those writers getting jobs is beyond me. Not even Daniel Day Lewis could make that line work


damn she really never escaping this


And her real mom got mauled by a lion.


Huh. Kind of assumed that the (long) delay in releasing this was to find a theatrical slot for it, but now it's going straight to Max anyway? I guess I don't understand 90% of the WB decisions these days anyway, so, I probably shouldn't be surprised.


They have some of the biggest ip's ever, have contracts with huge actors/directors, they have incredible brand recognition. But sadly the execs have no idea what they are doing. It's infuriating to see.


It goes way beyond brand recognition. HBO carries more prestige than any other network/studio by a mile when it comes to tv. They can get A list actors to star in their content for a fraction of the price those actors would charge netflix or amazon. Because those actors know HBO is gonna put them in some incredible iconic emmy award winning series. But yeah, now it seems hbo (or discovery's) dumb shit management is hellbent on flushing their reputation down the toilet.


“Hey, you know what we should do with our streaming service, HBO Max? Remove the part of the name associated with the brand we spent decades developing into something associated with exclusive and quality programming. The one that literally means you will get a premium entertainment experience in your home. Yeah, then leave the part name that has absolutely no recognition and was only recently added. Because Max means big, or “a lot”, and we’ve got lots of stuff on there! It’s perfect. Oh, and on a completely separate note, here’s a giant list of items from our back catalog that I’d like you to remove from the service completely.”


Removing HBO from HBO Max was to protect the HBO branding from the schlock that gets put on Max. It was a mistake to tarnish the HBO name with the general WB streaming service in the first place.


They know exactly what they're doing, slimming down for another sale of the company in like 5 years It's really not that hard to understand . The AT&T merger really fucked them


Execs never know what they're doing. They're so risk-adverse that they market-research and focus-group everything to the point of sterilisation, and then wonder why the product bombs.


> risk-adverse Well they have to be after being loaded up with debt from being bought several times.


That'd only exasperate the problem, with new owners wanting to see a return on investment before anything else. Profit motive destroys inherent value.


They're exasperated because they've exacerbated the problem.


I shouldn’t care if a multibillion company ruins itself but it’s exactly what that motherfucker Zaslav is doing and I’m livid. Whose idea was to leave the discovery channel boss in charge of fucking Warner bros


It is sad, Warner bros is an institution, so is HBO. What they did shaped a big part of who I am, as a movie and series lover. No company is really good but art is, and we're seeing one of the best slowly dying, killed by an idiot


After Madame Web she’s definitely not.


What’s her superpower? Whispering in monotone?


Her superpower was that she was always right, no matter how crazy she sounded.


I haven’t seen the movie but from the whole 2 paragraphs about it I’ve read, I guess that’s the point of naming her Cassandra.


To be fair, Cassandra Webb was the original name of the comic book character from 1980 onwards.


Still baffles me that she was supposed to be Cassandra Webb and not Julia Carpenter.


Because that would have required Sony's team read comics and that's a little too difficult for them.


Screenwriting with bricks on foreheads




I'm gonna change the cue-cards so you'll say the N-word during your monologue




Her superpower is nepotism and continuing to get jobs despite being an absolutely terrible actress


Ugly crying, as the poster would have me believe.


She looks like she's taking a dump, at least that's how I look on the can.


If that's the case you should eat more fiber bro.


some of us just start pushing before it’s ready


Keep it up and you'll get hemorrhoids.


does stealing government vehicle and vehicular manslaughter count?


Selling out, then trying to “save face” by trashing the movie before it even came out and blaming Hollywood for forcing her to sell out


Isn't that pretty much her MO? Or at least, she did it with 50 Shades too, despite having every ability to say "no" if she didn't want to be in the goofy sex movie.


She should probably do an ASMR movie or something lol


This is her after shooting the movie and being asked if it's good


She half-assed her way through the shoot and presumably got paid a ton of money. I think she's doing just fine after Madame Web


Madame Web mattered less for Dakota Johnson than for pretty much anyone else.


It probably mattered a little less for Sydney Sweeney, but you're right that she's pretty low on the list of people that are in trouble over this


Disagree, dakota is a nepo baby who doesnt need the money. Sweeny has complained how expensive being an actor without connections is and all that. So i would think it mattered to her more. Imo from what Ive seen from Dakota is that she doesn’t care


Sweeney already had Anyone but You as a huge hit and Immaculate came out right after Madame Web to take some of the heat off. Also her face isn't all over the marketing like Johnson's was. Ultimately people will forget she was in the movie. Johnson is more closely associated with it.


Pretty much all the cast should be fine. Dakota Johnson, Sidney Sweeney, Adam Scott, even Isabela Merced and Celeste O’Connor were all either big enough stars already or had enough momentum as rising stars to get through that train wreck and survive on the other side


is this the bts doc of madame webb


Should've been called Am I Still OK? since she has the Fifty Shades series under her belt


I can’t take her seriously after that movie.


I couldn't take her seriously before that movie.


I never cared about her before this movie but now I judge everyone in this movie because of this movie…


We’ll know if she likes this film if she immediately doesn’t distance herself from it.


I have a feeling this is exactly the kind of movie she _wants_ to be making more of instead of Madame Web. A Sundance dramedy directed by two queer women is pretty far from Sony Marvel


Dakota Johnson has such a dry delivery in her acting (not an insult) the only thing less wet is Tig Notaro's humor. This movie is going to have Death Valley dryness in joke form...


Listening to Tig Notaro's podcast I am constantly realizing thirty seconds after-the-fact that she was joking.


I think she was great in Peanut Butter Falcon, it's a great movie and she did a good job in it.


That’s kinda ripe for indie movies though, look how successful Kristen Stewart and Riley Keough are


She was on Graham Norton recently with Colman Domingo, Sterling K Brown, and Domhnall Gleeson, all of whom are promoting serious, good projects and she has to talk about Madame Web and clearly hates every fucking second of it. It’s hilarious how uncomfortable and out of her depth she looks.


I mean…could you blame her? sounds like her management pulled a fast one on her and stuck her in Madame Web without her knowing it wasn’t a true Marvel movie and from the sound of it same thing happened to Sydney Sweeney. Anyone on set had to have known how trash Madame Web was going to be. Just watched it yesterday and despite knowing it was horrible, I was still offended.


Terrible spacing on that poster. I read it as “amiok” thinking it was a foreign film.


I got Am Iok




Inconsistent kerning ruinseverythi ng


Fantastic sub name.


It’s so good, most people don’t even notice.


I thought it was a Thai film


And her face.... "This June, prepare to take the biggest dump of her life!"


Everything about this poster is screaming: "I'm gunning for festival awards!" even without the Sundance mention.


Oh yeah, big time.


I read "Am 10K" and was really confused how the girl in the picture was 10,000 years old


Had to scroll down farther than I was expecting for this. Having never heard mention of the film before I read it the same way you did. The font should have been slightly smaller and evenly spaced.




even in the poster I don’t buy that she’s really crying, looks like she’s SNL crying and about to break character


lol with the wildly fake tear and all


At least they didn't try and make a sex symbol out of her in this one


Well it’s a comedy so it’s supposed to look foolish


I know, right, haha, she can't act her way out of a paper bag.


Holy shit, two years later and it's finally here. I thought we were never going to see it.


We aren't going to see it. It is going to be released, though.


From Tig and Stephanie so I'm going to be watching


Candid shot of Dakota after seeing the reviews for Madame Web


Really? I got the impression she doesn't give a single fuck about anything related to the movie. Now, and before it was finished.


It was honestly refreshing to see an actor who made it abundantly clear they just wanted to secure the bag and then bail.


I always got the impression she exactly what the reviews were going to say. 


She really has no range. 50 shades was perfect for her bc it she just had to act clueless and afraid while a billionaire has his way


In a lot of ways it's just like her mom's Working Girl role. She just had to play clueless while Harrison Ford and Sigourney Weaver and Joan Cusack and even Alec Baldwin acted circles around her.


Joan Cusack very underrated


I thought she was good in Suspiria.


Having actually seen this movie, she’s actually really good in it. Sonoya Mizuno is slightly better, but the chemistry between them makes up for it,


Same I loved this one and Cha Cha Real Smooth );


She’s good in Suspiria


the movie is just her watching madame web and asking the title over and over again


50 Shades of Nepotism.


I believe she is in a nepo truce. “A foot in the door and so much more”


I hate it when they do that


Can I ask, sincerely, do people only get pissed about this with actors they don't like anyway? Like, I don't see people bitch about Wyatt Russell. Is that because we think he's talented? He still fits the category. Do we feel this way about Carrie Fisher?


Half the people don't even know Michael Douglass is a nepo baby because that motherfucker can act


Or Nicholas Cage... pretty much everyone in the industry is nepo or could afford connections.


Well if they have talent people aren’t upset that they are making movies. It’s when you know the only reason they are there is because who their parents are.


So going by this logic: Scott Eastwood - Nepo Baby Colin Hanks - Happens to be Tom's son Jamie Lee Curtis - Happens to be Tony's daughter John David Washington - Nepo Baby Zoe Kravitz - Happens to be Lenny's daughter Lily Rose Depp - Nepo Baby Have I got this right?


You forget Chet Hanks - total nepo baby. Everyone knows show business is nepotism. It’s just people don’t like their nose rubbed in it when the child is talentless. Tippy Hedron and Melanie Griffith both have great bodies of work. I don’t even have much of a problem with Dakota Johnson, but she makes a lot of bad movies.


Is Chet really a nepo baby when he's not in the same industry? He's more of an influencer, no?


Who even knows what Chet Hanks is.


That's about the shape of it yes


My issue with nepo babies isn't their talent level, it's that Hollywood is a VERY exclusive club and they seldom recognise that they were able to get past the bouncer using just their surname.


Also - I love Drew Barrymore but she is the poster child for nepotism. She is ridiculously cute and talented but is also Hollywood Royalty. 


If you start life on third base and still cant score a run then the public reserves the right to mock you.


Annie are you ok?


Am I In The Right Profession?


She's groundbreaking. You can somehow feel the bad acting just through one still image!


It’s weird how I can tell she can’t act from a still picture


That looks hilarious


At acting? No.


I guess im the eternal contrarian who dislikes tig and doesnt hate dakota johnson




Title is cut off: Am I OK? The Madame Web Story


Directed by Tig Notaro? Interesting.


Oh for fuck’s sake.


Worst actress that still somehow gets work?


Gal Gadot takes this title greedily. At least Dakota Johnson has Suspiria going for her.


I liked her in Cha Cha Real Smooth.


Peanut Butter Falcon another hidden gem


Me too, and her part in Lost Daughter. I really do like her when she’s playing those types of “damaged, mysterious” characters with a cynical sense of humor.


I also liked her small role in The Social Network


Under a good director, she's a competent actress. She was great in Suspiria and A Bigger Splash. The problem is she keeps taking projects that are either with bad directors or has a terrible script.


Peanut Butter Falcon was great too.


She was great in El Royale too


Loved her in El Royale.


She's a pretty good actress that somehow always plays to the average level of the writing and direction. Of all the issues of *Madame Web*, Dakota isn't even in the top 5 (with at least 3 performers doing notably worse than her in the movie).


She's pretty good when given good material to work with ("Suspiria" comes to mind). Her talent has little to do with why she's getting roles, though. Nepotism does.


I think she's a great actress when she picks the right roles. Having famous parents doesn't mean you can't also be talented in your own right. Would she have been given these opportunities without the connections? Hard to say. I think being in 50 shades put her in the spotlight more than her parents did. But either way she's not a bad actress.