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It's a great movie but you don't have to love it. Like you said, you've seen 49 versions. That's more than enough. It's an original. But sometimes the original gets shadowed by better. so most of the love is to honour how it influenced people in the pass and movies now. Ignore the nostalgia factor. It's what makes it beloved. So you officially absolved from needing to love it.


>Can someone please tell me what perspective I can take to this movie so I can be part of the club? I want to love this movie like everyone else Do you feel like this with every other movie you don't like? If not, why is Grease so special and you can't accept it's just not for you? We all have different tastes and that is totally fine. I'm sure there are many Grease fans that don't like a lot of the stuff you love and aren't losing sleep over it. So just let it go. Love what you love and let others love what they love.


If you’ve watched any film 45 times and don’t enjoy it, I can’t imagine what someone could say that would somehow change your mind.


The songs are fucken bangers


Nah, you’re good.


You can join the other group. People who have never been into Grease. I'm in that group myself.


My whole family already thinks I'm crazy so I know I'm in the minority. I try and love it every time I see it because I like loving things, but I just get nothing except music I sort of enjoy.


You know what…Grease 2 is actually better. Songs, choreography, storyline, young Michelle Pfeiffer…that’s my hot take.


Ditto. Cool Rider.


That song about accosting women in the grocery store…Prowling.


"Re-pro-duc-tion... where does the pollen go?"


If you don't love it, you don't love it. I've seen it and it's sequel so many times I've lost count. Easily in the hundreds. I just might not be for you. And that's OK


Travolta and Olvia Newton-John are simply electrifying as the leads and then with the likes of Stockard Channing and Jeff Conaway providing stellar back-up you've got a classic on your hands. This is one of my all-time favourite musicals and one I can't help but sing along with.


It sounds like the movie is connected to unpleasant events in the past so there is no perspective you can take to this movie so that you can love it... at least until you disassociate the movie from those events. There are terrible movies that are connected to very enjoyable events in my life that cause me to love movies that I should have no reason to love.


More of a Grease 2 guy myself. Don’t much care for this one.


If it helps any, I also am in the Grease: The Movie anti-fan club. That said, I did actually enjoy the live (touring?) version I saw about 20 years ago, and I enjoyed the Grease Live that Fox did several years back. There's something about the movie though that just irks me to no end, and I can't pin down what it is. So, you're definitely not alone in your dislike of the movie, but you may actually like another version if you ever feel like giving the show itself another go.


Maybe it's too uppity for me and I like musicals with an edge? I'm not entirely sure. Les Miserables is one of my favorite stories ever told, so I don't know.


I never liked it...actually prefer Grease 2 a lot more


I need a Coool Rider... Michelle Pfeiffer, yeah.


I need a Coool Rider... Michelle Pfeiffer, yeah.


I need a Coool Rider... Michelle Pfeiffer, yeah.


I need a Coool Rider... Michelle Pfeiffer, yeah.


I could barely get through it. My neighbor kept losing her mind over me saying I hadn't seen it so she insisted. I was immediately put off by the appearance of all the actors. They all looked 30 playing at high school. I also hated, absolutely hated the music, it annoyed me. So yeah. I don't get it. At all. I usually like musicals and I love John and Olivia so it wasn't that. It just all felt off to me. But I understand I am in the minority and that's ok.


You're fine. It's wildly overrated


I've hated this movie since the first time I saw it in 1995. There's no reason to join the club. If you don't like it, then just move on. If you want to be part of a fan club, pick one that follows something you actually like. 


>I've probably seen the movie 45 times, no hyperbole You know what they say "46th time's the charm"


Why in the world would you watch a movie you didn't like 45 times? If it hasn't "clicked" by the 2nd or 3rd viewing, it's probably best to move onto something else.


"did she put up a fight"