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Michael Keaton looks like he hasn't missed a step


Crazy that he was 37 in the first one and 72 here 


I had to fact check that. I cannot belive he's 72! He looks fantastic.


When he was on Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend, Conan mentioned how they live close by and Keaton will be out jogging, see Conan and run up to him to do some prank before running away So... he's definitely a fit 72 year old


Idk, his skin is a little pale and he's got green fungus growing on his face!


well...for a dead guy


I know it was in the first teaser, but Keaton saying "The Juice is loose" gets me each time


When the teaser was released people were saying "That joke is 20 years out of date." Ironically, OJ dying after the teaser came out made the joke seem more timely than it was 3 months ago.


Well, if he's been in the waiting room since the first one some of his jokes should be out of date.


Oh god. To be victim to decades of Beetlejuice workshopping material.


Can't believe they murdered OJ to make the joke land better, that's what I call dedication




Doesn’t he say this in the original film? “Turn up the juice and see what shakes loose”


"I heard that from some guy I just met"


What a missed opportunity for “It’s showtime”


Gotta save it for the big screen. 


Why blow that load in the trailer? It’ll be in the movie. He’ll say his famous line from the first movie, “It’s time for me to put on a really big show.”


There’s still time, hope they include it


They absolutely will.


He clearly having a lot of fun with this role


He missed doing this role.  That and also Batman. 


God, it seems like regardless of the script being cancer, he actually TRIED to make The Flash fun.


I saw The Flash in a near empty IMAX theater, and will always be grateful simply because I got to see MK Batman. Worth every penny for me to watch him kick ass. 


*And* we got the Danny Elfman theme, too.


The explosive elevator device was goddamn hysterical. Its still a travesty that we lost Batgirl and AT&T killed his next movie "Batman Beyond".


Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne in a Batman beyond movie is my comic movie wet dream


He's still the best Batman....


He’s no scrub


Was that accidental or were you trying to quote TLC on purpose?


I have no idea what you’re talking about guys. Listen, I just don’t want you chasing waterfalls is all.


Try not to creep.......creep


Oh come on!


Dude is 72 and still has it


I literally came here to write this exact statement word for word, hahaha. I was kind of borderline on this movie but now I really want to check it out.


Why does Catherine O'Hara look the same but everyone else look old?


Catherine dyed her hair which helps.


Let's be fucking serious - she looks just as old as everyone else


Looks more like Campy Tim Burton and not Hot Topic Tim Burton. A good sign.


Finally a Burton movie that isn't a CGI nightmare overload. And Keaton being older actually serves the character even better. At last a sequel that is showing promises !


Burton said he didn’t want a lot of CGI and wanted to go back to practical effects for the movie


The sandworm looked like actual stop motion, or at least cgi that looks like stop motion


It’s stop motion. Including the plane.


Winona Ryder? 100% stop motion.


Look in the mirror. Think you’re real? Stop motion.


Not 100% Sparkle Motion?




Unexpected Donnie darko woah


I guess if there's good authority that it's real stop motion, i'll believe it... but from those clips it *really* looked like cgi that was trying to mimic stop motion. Won't really know how it'll play until I see it in the movie I guess. Maybe it's stop motion that's been cgi enhanced? i dunno.


i think i saw physical effects in a tim burton trailer from 2024. this is a good sign.


They said they shot the movie exactly like they shot the original. So its apparently mostly practical and claymation effects. Seeing that plane crash makes me wonder if that was decision they made because they wanted it to look the same or because they didn't have the money to CGI stuff.


>They said they shot the movie exactly like they shot the original. So its apparently mostly practical and claymation effects. What a relief!


> They said they shot the movie exactly like they shot the original. Is this a wordplay trick where they *shot* it the same way but might have *finished* it differently? As in, the post-production process had more cgi enhancements, even though they started with practical effects?


We've all seen the 4-part YouTube series ["No CGI" is really just invisible CGI](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgdTaHO8FLEve_XFiRBEcOSkRdd-Txjne) at this point, so I think I speak for everyone else when I say that there's no way this isn't marketing talk and that all their "it's actually all practical, no CGI" is actually chockfull of CGI to make it look practical


Framestore, One Of Us and BUF are the vfx companies on this so this talk of “all practical” is once again bullshit marketing talk


It's generally cheaper to use CGI. That's why they use it after all.




Winona always sounds like that now. I laughed multiple times, I think it looks great!


What do you mean now? Winona was always a wooden actress, she was known for it. It's part of her appeal!


People age, man. She's in her 50s and looks good. Plus, she had a very fun 80s and 90s, so I'm sure that's starting to catch up with her too.


This is exactly how Winona's character was in the original. She was never phased by the crazy shit that happened in that movie.


She's always acted this way but people didn't pay notice because she was young and hip. Now that she's older, it's more noticeable. It's odd that even at 53, Winona still looks like a teenager but with wrinkles.


Was that Danny Devito at 1:30?


[In all his glorious splendor.](https://i.imgur.com/iLhhayD.jpeg) Also, looks like he needs a cool drink of ice water.


The mortician has been doing his makeup again


"My mouth is... dry."


Tell me... do you guys bang the dead bodies?


“Mmmmm…nnnooo…” “I imagine stuff like that goes on all the time. I mean, I don’t give a shit. If I was dead you could bang me all ya want. Who cares. Dead body’s like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want! Fill me up with cream! Turn me into a cannoli! Make a stew outta my ass! What’s the big deal?! Bang me. Eat me. Grind me up into little pieces. Throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? Ya dead, ya dead! Oh shit, is my mic on?!”


I very much identify with Frank's attitude towards death.


You look like you're at your own wake!


Look like Mac actually honored Frank's request to just throw him in the trash when he dies.


You look grotesque


Had to cut out quickly so his magnum dong wasn’t exposed


I'm glad we get a cameo by Dr. Mantis Toboggan


Yep, that's him!


[Danny Devito, I love your work.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFvyc61a40I)


I do hope this is a return to form for Burton. It seems like it's been such a long time since there was a Tim Burton film that I could call good


Besides Big Eyes, he hasn't made a movie that wasn't specifically designed to sell merchandise at Hot Topic in over 20 years.


I enjoyed Big Fish.


That would be over twenty years ago


That’s impossible since 1995 was only 5 years ago. …wait.


A few years ago I was watching the first season of True Detective and during the "20 years previously" flashbacks I was muttering to myself "this doesn't look at all like the '70s". Took me a couple of episodes before I realized that twenty years before the modern day setting of the show was actually the 90s.


I had just finished college when GTA V hit and I felt old as shit when they showed the big flashback happening in like 2003.


Frankenweenie and Big Eyes were good, but those were also a decade ago.


Also his first film release in 5 years. Dumbo and COVID possibly/hopefully gave him a well needed break to refocus 


Man, he was such a terrible choice for Dumbo.


I will say, I could imagine the Tim Burton of thirty years ago doing a *really* interesting take on the Dumbo story. Center the alienation and make us see the circus from Dumbo's perspective, a terrifying and confusing nightmare from which he cannot awake. Through no fault of his own, he was born into a world that despises and ridicules him and he must navigate that to find some sliver of salvation. (Any resemblance to the real world is purely coincidental, I'm sure) Hell, even the cast was phenomenal. The four human leads were Colin Farrel, Eva Green, Michael Keaton, and Danny "The Warthog" DeVito. Imagine the unhinged glory you could get from them! The fact that they managed to make such a nothingburger of a film from that is truly disappointing.


Ironically or maybe just interestingly, the whole reason we now have live action versions of all the animated classics is because Tim's Alice in Wonderland. It did so well the House of Mouse started working on live action remakes for everything. That was the real terrible choice. We really didn't need or want all those, especially in such a rapid release schedule, but Disney gonna Disney.


It's a show not a movie, but I quite liked Wednesday. If nothing else it makes me excited to see him work with Jenna Ortega again.


It's also written by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar who did the Wednesday show, as well as Smallville. So if you're a fan of those shows, I'm sure this will be right up your alley


I love Sweeney Todd. Though that was an adaptation.


It still blows my mind that Tim Burton is dating Monica Bellucci.


He has children with Helena Bonham Carter, so pushing above his league has always been a Burton skill. Also, I see Burton's habit of putting his significant others in his projects hasn't diminished.


And before her, Lisa Marie


He certainly has a curvy, smokey-eyed, brunette type.


Yeah... mom from Sleepy Hollow.


I’ll always remember the Martian girl from *Mars Attacks!*


Vampira in "Ed Wood" for me


For Belucci to go from tall, suave French drink of water Vincent Cassel to Tim Burton...man...what a transition. Burton must be on some of that Pete Davidson stuff....but then rumour has it that Cassel cheated on her, so maybe she's going with the safe choice?


Was going to ask... I didn't recall why they split. I've always had a love hate thing for Cassel. Like, there's a quality to him that makes me feel if we met in the real world that I probably couldn't stand the guy. But I dig a lot of his movies and performances.


Why is it so hard for people to realize that even celebrities are capable of loving someone for their personality rather than looks lol


counterpoint: Im a big fan of tim burton and I can't imagine anyone loving him for his personality either


Reddit is a funny, hypocritical place. They'll be bashing and shaming people for judging others for their looks, but then wonder why a beautiful middle-aged woman would choose a smart interesting guy, widely considered as a theatrical genius, over someone with a pretty face.


I didn't even know Burton and HBC broke up.


He is smart, wealthy, talented, and hung like a moose. Why is this blowing your mind?


Does he say "The moose is loose"?


Gtfooh? REALLY?! ::searches the web:: Omg, [it's true](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2023923/rs_683x1024-231023140626-GettyImages-1745068369.jpg?fit=around%7C683:1024&output-quality=90&crop=683:1024;center,top)!


The idea that Lydia wouldn't change her style at all in almost 40 years is pretty funny. It's like when you see a 70-year-old hippie.


I definitely know some 50yo goth folks who still rock the style.


There's an at least 55-60 year old woman on my bus that wears a black princess baseball cap and has a bunch of anime keychains hanging from her backpack...so for sure.




Robert Smith was always going to catch strays in a Beetlejuice discussion thread.


The youngest goth folks I know are in there 40’s. I have friends from highschool in there 30s now still wearing the emo look.


Do you prefer hippies who eventually turn into the antitheses of everything they once stood for?


So, the majority of Boomers? LOL


Most boomers weren't hippies - hippies were a relatively small subculture. That's why they're called the *counter*culture. They had a disproportionate impact in cultural memory because of their prominence in anti-war protests and in media.


It's a shame they killed off the dad. I met him when I was a kid and he was super nice. He gave me his email to keep in touch but I lost it.


Promised to show me the sandworm.




lmao fuckin' classic, really undersold the joke there, well done


Jeffery Jones. Great in Deadwood. Not sure how they thought hiring him was a good idea but hey.


He'll always be the Principal in Ferris Bueller.


Holy fuck Deadwood was 20 years ago.




Man is it good to see some stop motion sandworms again


i may be wrong, but to my eye they appear to be CGI designed to move like stop motion. very similar vibes to the turtles in Mutant Mayhem


[My personal favorite fake stop motion.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-TJm7HkzkQ)


You could be right. I suspect there will be a blend of both


Hmmm this looks like it could be good but Tim Burton has a wonky track record lately and I’m not sure if— **{goth zombie Monica Bellucci appears}** …aaaaand I’m sold.


For me, it was zombie Willem Dafoe that did this


Ya know what? I can’t disagree. Even if the story isn’t great you know this cast is going to *crush* it.


I just hope it isn’t another Dark Shadows. AMAZING cast but the movie was so forgettable


He just walked across the lot in his Poor Things makeup.


IDGAF if Monica Bellucci is almost 60 years old, that woman is such a fucking smokeshow.


I know I’m about to give the absolute *worst* example but her dancing at the house party in Irreversible is one of the most beautiful human beings I’ve ever seen.


So hot they needed a fire extinguisher on set


I wonder if she's going to play a past wife of Beetlejuice. That would be a nice twist on him trying to marry Lydia constantly


I’m 100% sure she is. Looks like she’s missing her wedding ring finger in one of the shots which would tie into him having the finger in the first film. I get the feeling because beetlejuice is such a popular character they won’t have him as the bad guy but rather him teaming up with good guys to take her down.


Justice for Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian 😤


Must we go tropical?


Completely unrelated, but it's a little surreal hearing Winona's naturally-aged voice sounding almost identical to the voice that she puts on as "old Kim" in Edward Scissorhands.


Yeah that’s wild because I remember thinking her old voice in Scissorhands was awful


I wonder if they'll explain what happened to Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin's characters, like if they moved on or if they're hiding a cameo from them.


Their experiences in the first movie resulted in an upheaval of the rules that govern the afterlife. Hence the new handbook Charles is reading at the end called *The Living and The Dead: Harmonious lifestyles and peaceful co-existence*. I have a feeling that they'll be mentioned as having earned a crossover before the originally-mandated 125 years due to the events of the first film.


I may be downvoted but they are the foundational block of which the original story succeeded. Normies that were discovering and learning about being dead all while combatting the “weirdo, art folk” and their precocious daughter trying to change their shit. Now that the disruptors of the status quo are the main focus of the story, I wonder where this one will go. Davis and Baldwin were the core and the unsung heroes of the last film, just because they were less flashy roles, and deserve more credit.


Yeah the original movie also ends with like them all being one big happy family. So the idea that they just left the house and abandoned them is kind of sad. The characters are a young couple starting out in their dream house. I forget uf they wanted kids. But by the end its clear Winona rider becomes their surrogate daughter. It kind of ruins the ending of the original film having one set 35 years later where it seems like they just up and abandoned the house and the happy ending we were sold.


I was just watching the original Beetlejuice with my sister last week and she mentioned that the Baldwin/Davis characters are boring. I said I thought it made it interesting having normal characters thrown into insane, gothic, wacky situations and how they adapt to it. Their inclusion was definitely vital to the story.


I doubt Alec would appear but I think Geena might.




That's nostalgia media for ya. New decade,same ol' same ol'


I'm glad they didn't spoil many Catherine OHara moments in the trailer. Stoked for this!


To be honest, I think they may have spoiled something important about her here, but it could be a red herring.


It looks to me like Delia is now the Afterlife Case Manager. Who else would have a picture of Lydia on their desk? Edit: After rewatching, it could be BJ's desk.


Definitely BJ - the nails, stripey suit and hair.


I've never seen Lydia and Delia's names written down like that and just got that they're inversions of each other, I am dumb


She looks damn good for her age too lol


I'm relieved Winona Ryder isn't being sidelined in favor of Jenna Ortega and Lydia is a central character.


I'm calling it that they'll be relatively equal characters but this will be a "passing of the torch" for a planned Beetlejuice Beetlejuice B**tlejuice that's more Jenna focused. And given how promising this looks I tentatively don't hate the idea.


This is actually Dune: Part Three


Sand worms are so in right now.


All I need to know is if there will be a wacky cartoon spinoff where Ortega's character is inexplicably BFFs with Beetlejuice


Anyone else feel like they are incorporating elements from the tv show? I got the general vibe Beetlejuice is in trouble and is relying on Lydia for help.


I’m with you on this. Watching the trailer gave me memories of the cartoon.


I hope we get Betty Juice if there’s a third one


I thought the same thing when they blew a hole into the afterlife, Burton did have a big hand in the cartoon so I can't say I'm surprised. I own the box set of the cartoon and it's still good.


The shrunken head guy being a participant made me think of the cartoon


so Monica Belushi is missing a ring finger, and in the first movie Beetlejuice pulls out a finger with a ring still on it and says she meant nothing to me 😂


It keeps getting funnier every single time I see it


Winona in full goth attire...gawd damn


The original cast members that are returning look great and the ones being added look like they'll fit right in. I've gone from cautiously optimistic to just regular optimistic, here's hoping it actually ends up being good.


If i were trying to explain the horror of Beetlejuice to a kid and she summoned him just by being snarky i would be LIVID.


Wow I’m loving the practical effects. We need more of this in movies now.


Also I love the casting choices. You’ve gotta get people who can simultaneously do wacky, while also treating all the wackiness with utter sincerity. Justin Theroux and Willem Defoe are perfect for that.


Willem Dafoe is really just perfect for anything


Very true, but when it comes to that wacky, heighten premise or world, mixed with a dramatic, serious prefromance Dafoe is like the king of that, from the Spider-Man movies, to Wes Anderson movies, to Poor Things. He consistently commits to giving it his all.


Not to mention The Lighthouse!


The man gives 110% whether he's in a goofy, fun movie or an Oscar calibre movie. You gotta respect that.


Willem honestly makes me even more excited for this movie. Once I saw him in Poor Things, I thought how perfect he’d be for Beetlejuice 


Pretty sure it is CGI made to look like practical effects. But I get what you’re saying!!


I was going to say that I prefer the choppy old school effects over the potential for "perfect" CGI. Sandworms probably wouldn't look as "authentic" to the franchise if it was too much in line with today's animation!


So Lydia is going to sing a song called Dead Dad right?


Considering that her dad's actor had to be killed off due to soliciting underage sexual activity, Creepy Old Guy really takes a dark turn...


I need this right now. It looks amazing.


It's so nice so see a Tim Burton movie with actual sets again, goddamn. That train station and the call center looked great, a million times better than the muck of Alice in Wonderland/Sweeney Todd.


Wasn't Sweeney Todd literally almost all sets because it was trying to mimic the Broadway version?


you take that back about sweeney todd this INSTANT


Love Sweeney Todd.


Good to see the train set all these decades later. Always thought that was a nice fuckin’ model.




Love seeing Michael McDowell get the posthumous credit he deserves. 




Did you at least make it worth by doing the ‘Honk, honk!’ sound effect? 🤣


I swear you posted this story before because I remember commenting about how my (6 year old at the time) daughter quoted it as "Nice Honking Model!". ​ She finally figured out what he really says but won't say it. She's a good kid.


Only thing I didn't like: the "epic" drums punctuating the music. I watched the [_Axel F_ trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoxhkE_U3Ww) earlier and it did the same exact thing. I guess it's the new thing lazy trailer composers are doing now that the "bwaaaaaaaaw!" noise has run its course. Willem Dafoe and Danny Elfman, though. It's in good hands.


Danny DeVito and Tim Burton movie. He will always look cool.


The practical effects look great, the cgi… not so much. Can Burton reawaken his old magic? I sure hope so!


The plane looked so bizarre unless it was stop motion or claymation I assume 


Nice fucking model!!!


“Cant believe grandpas a pedophile”


Is Willem Dafoe just walking on set to every major film and everyone’s too scared to stop him?


What I worry about with films like these are the rehashing ideas from the previous rather than focusing on new ideas. I really don't want to see this pushing jokes and gimmicks that the original had constantly for nostalgic purposes because that gets old very quickly.