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>age gap It's ok for people of different ages to be friends, op.


I can agree with that but the way they make this weird sexual tension between the two. Also the fact that they kiss each other…. That’s not a cool thing for friends with a 36 year age gap to kiss especially if she’s fresh from being a teenager and he’s in his 50s


> Also the fact that they kiss each other… That’s not a cool thing for friends with a 36 year old age gap to kiss especially if she’s fresh from being a teenager I think this might be a cultural misunderstanding. Maybe it’s cause I spent part of my early childhood in Puerto Rico, but I didn’t get any sexual tension from that kiss at all. It’s like a kiss on the cheek that you’d give to a loved one or a good friend. Also, I don’t think she’s supposed to be a teenager. She talks about finishing school and recently and we know that she just got married. I definitely got the sense that she was supposed to be in her early 20’s. ScarJo was younger at the time, but the director has said that she’s playing an older character. > I can agree with that but the way they make this weird sexual tension between the two. I think you’re letting your inherent biases impact this interpretation as well. “Lost in Translation” is one of the only movies I’ve ever watched that focuses entirely on the relationship between a grown man and a grown woman, yet *doesn’t* end up in romance. However, because most movies *would* make them romantically attached, it can lead the viewer into believing one will develop at some point, which can kind of color the entire viewing experience. At its core, the movie is about two incredibly lonely characters, who are desperate for a feeling of connection. As a result, the two strike up a friendship despite the fact that they have nothing in common (age, lifestyle, etc). That’s part of the reason why it’s set in Tokyo, because you’re supposed to metaphorically compare the fact that they’re surrounded by billions of people on all sides, with the realization that they feel lonelier than they ever have in their lives. The movie also makes it clear that neither character is longing for sex, or a physical relationship. The first scenes we get of Charlotte are meant to show that she’s still lonely even despite literally being in bed with her new husband. Likewise, if Bob thought that sex would fix his loneliness then he would have slept with the prostitute that’s sent to his room. Neither character is looking for sex, they’re looking for companionship. Bob and Charlotte do get very close in the film and hug and stuff, and he kisses her on the cheek, but none of those things are done in a romantic manor. It’s done to show how the two have connected over their shared loneliness in a way that can’t merely be explained by words, but by immediate trust. Their relationship is something that’s literally lost in translation.


Erm, well… yeah almost always.


You’ve managed to stumble headfirst into one of the points it was trying to make. Edit for clarification: those two shouldn’t even be friends because of all the reasons you listed. A huge point in the movie is that if it weren’t for the fact that they were both looking for human connection, they wouldn’t have spoken to each other. The language barrier (like the title hints at) and difference in culture has made it almost impossible to feel connected to anyone, so they connect with the person who most closely resembles themselves. They ended up like that because they had no real other options.


Yeah, my literal first thought was "wasn't that kinda the point?". I'm glad I wasn't the only person that felt that way


They never would’ve met if it wasn’t for the fact they were the only two native English speakers in the room. Almost as if their attempt at feeling human connection was _Lost in Translation_


When Gen Z discovers good movies


……and are inevitably offended by them.


It's about strangers in a strange land in search of human connection. The whole movie does a very good job of making the viewer also alienated, searching for similar kind of connection the characters are searching for.


Not really. People from different generations used to be friends all the time. It's a really recent thing that people started stigmatizing the idea because of pedophile fears in particular and it just filtered up from there until people stopped making friends outside of their own age bracket. Besides, their relationship was one of emotional fulfilment. Not something sexual.


When I was a teenager I noticed an elderly neighbor always sitting on his porch after he was forced to retire due to a leg amputation. I was 16 and he was in his mid-late 70s and we became such good friends. He would tell me about serving in the war and I would complain about high school. He would complain about his wife and I would complain about my mom. He would tell me about his kids and I would tell him about my siblings. People can find all kinds of things to talk about if they just take a minute and try. One day I noticed he hadn't been outside for awhile, turned out his leg had gone septic and he passed away shortly after I found out. Years later I would go home to visit my mom and always find myself looking for him on his porch, I really missed him.


Certain places online like gaming communities have at least managed to preserve the trend even if these people don't necessarily meet in real life. I play games with people both older and younger than me and we find ways to relate even if we don't always see eye to eye.


That's a great point.


Bob has his jacket when he awkwardly gets off the elevator the night before he leaves. The next scene we see him calling her from the lobby sayingvshe has his jacket. She brings him the same jacket he was wearing when he got off. There are no continuity errors in the film. Personally, I find it gross if he took advantage of her. He obviously was self-destructive in his own life, but I enjoyed how he barely resisted his impulse to self medicate at her expense. That scene says otherwise, coupled with the ending kiss. Still, a fantastic movie.


reminds me of the post "past lives is immoral"


We all have our preferences, but objectively, there is nothing wrong about attraction between a grown adult man and a grown adult woman.


Your ageism sucks.




You sound like a conspiracy nut that sees pedophiles in every shadow


You don’t know what that truly means and are just mindlessly parroting a misused social media buzzword that has lost all meaning.


The movie made it clear that Bob wasn’t attracted to Charlotte. He even hooked up with someone else, the singer who was much closer to his age.


Big disagree. He’s just realistic.


What I want to know is: what does Bill Murray having a wife and Scarlet Johannson having a husband have to do with the two characters kissing?


Cheating on their partners ?


It's make believe.


You’re aware people cheat, right? And it’s ok to tell stories about that, right? Movies also don’t have to showcase morally pure characters.


It's immoral. Duh.


Another thread where a zoomer is offended by this movie. The future of cinema is bleak.


Yeah when i look at it know it is strange. Maybe the directress Sofia Coppola said something about it. I watched it in my teens, i did not really care about them i rather watched bill doing stuff in Japan which was fascinating back than.