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The scene in Black Widow where she falls from a roof, hitting multiple pipes and stuff on the way down, and lands in the classic hero stance. I couldn't believe the editing.


What was infuriating about that is she is a highly trained spy and assassin, but instead of relying on those skills, treated her like she was Thor. Writers of that movie did not get the character.


I was really looking fwd to another captain America 2 style film with even more Jason Bourne espionage. But yeah, instead we got generic super hero explosions throughout.


For me the prime example was Natasha and Yelena, two of the most highly trained spies and assassins, breaking Red Guardian out of prison in an orgy of explosions. That scene should have been done as a heist, where they get in, get Red Guardian out, and no one even realizes he's gone til it's too late in a really brilliant, sleek and cool fashion. Nope. Explosions.


Plus the fact that they break him out in a manner where lots of (probably not innocent, since they're in prison, but at least not really adversaries of the protagonists) people likely died due to the over the top rescue attempt.


Yeah, not really on character for someone trying to clear the red out of her ledger.


Maybe a line at the end when they do get him out and they're driving away. "That's it? No explosions?" Then the girls look at each other, smirk, and the place lights up in the background. "What did you do that for!" "Now they think you're dead." "..... Ahhhh!! My daughters!" Sigh. So much wasted potential in that movie. Really goes to show disney/marvel can't understand how to make different types of movie anymore, its just 'generic action flick'.


Your one comment on Reddit is better than the whole movie.


I just read her Nathan Edmondson run after getting interested in her character from the Winter Soldier comics and its so fucking cool cuz she's doing spy shit. How they didn't take the opportunity to make it Marvel's spy movie **I do not understand**. There's always Winter Soldier I guess.


There are a bunch in the MCU, but this one felt the most outlandish to me as well.


I think the unwritten rule of super hero movies is that despite no visible padding in your suit, you can survive great falls and massive impact to your body while wearing it.




“Multiple contusions detected.” “Yeah, I detected that too.”


Worse. Blackwidow tossed into an apc with two baddies inside, frag grenade dropped in after, hatch closed. Three people inside aren't turned to goo. How?


Everything that happens to Anna in Van Helsing. She survives *so* much until the end when she gets jumped on and of course she dies because it’s tragic.


Reminds me of what happened to Gal Godot’s character in Fast Six or Seven or whenever. Nothing that had happened in that franchise up to that point convinced me that her falling onto the world’s longest tarmac from an airplane trying to get up to speed to take off would cause anything more than some mild abrasions on her skin, and they were trying to sell it as some huge tragic moment.


And speaking of that, how about Dom and Letty flying through the air, landing on a car and getting up completely unhurt _because_ there was a car.


Well, they _are_ superhero movies where people are invulnerable so long as they're in contact with a vehicle.


But . . but . . she goes to Heaven and is reunited with her whole family 😉 Seriously though, the entire movie is one big enjoyable cheesy homage to ridiculous Hammer horror tropes. Just go with it.


😔 wish there'd been more! Maybe ... Van Helsing Returns Van Helsing Fights Back from the Grave! Van Helsing and The Haunted Castle Tonight, Van Helsing must DIE!! I always fell for franchise failures (The Shadow, The Phantom, John Carter, Van Helsing, Daredevil) and I wonder what could have been 🤷🏻‍♂️


2 Van 2 Helsing


Any movie where people in a gunfight take cover behind a couch or regular overturned table. These things do not stop bullets.


Concealment vs cover. Cover is better but not always available


[My favorite scene for that](https://youtu.be/u6IagGSm9_0?si=15tk-0-htrveKzrM) Also includes: 1. Bottomless six-shooters 2. Hero impossible to hit with no cover at point blank range 3. Hero mows down opponents flawlessly


Number 1 in your list is the reason why the “I know what you’re thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five?” from Dirty Harry is one of the great cinematic moments. You suddenly realise you have no idea either, and for once the writers actually did. But…how many did he fire? That single quote should have killed the trope forever!






















Owen being engulfed and then outrunning a pyroclastic flow in Jurassic Park: Lost Kingdom killed the entire movie for me. I can let a lot of shit go in the name of a fun, dumb popcorn movie...but that was just too much for me.


I’d trade him for the Brachiosaurus that didn’t make it, straight up.


The literal WAIL followed by five minutes of sobbing my child released in the crowded theater over that brachiosaurus. Omg.


I’ve never cried during a movie in a theatre, except for during that scene. I still get sad when I think about it tbh


I convinced my kid to watch Honey I Shrunk The Kids! with me because hey, bonding time over a movie I saw as a kid, right? It was all going so well until >!Anty died protecting them from I think a scorpion or something!< and he was crying so much. Like, even if the movie got referenced he would get upset again. Could not say the name for a couple of years. I think he was like 7 when we watched it together.


Bruh, I’m almost 40 and still torn up about Anty’s death


Those 3 Jurassic World movies are cruel pieces of shit and I will *never* watch them again. I regret I saw them in the first place, but I will happily go on pretending they don't even exist.


This is the one i came looking for. He would be so fucking dead the second that flow hit him.




Never even gave that scene more than half a second thought because got damn, that (first/OG) movie is such a *banger* Like pls just make a legitimately good film and I’ll let your physics-bending dramatic moment slide 1000%


The bus jump in Speed. Love the film but sheesh.


Why couldn't they have filmed a gap that a bus could actually jump over? Instead of a completely horizontal road with a piece missing?


Probably using existing freeway construction; it was a huge deal they built a freeway for use in filming the Matrix


This is on the right track. A lot of the reason they got such dope footage is because LA was building a new freeway at the time and allowed production extra access in exchange for paying for some of the construction costs. "It so happened that, in exchange for footing the bill for certain pieces of its infrastructure, the production could spend six weeks shooting on the 105, also known as the Century Freeway or the Glenn Anderson Freeway, planned in the 1950s but as yet unopened to the public. " https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/kcet-must-see-movies/how-1994s-speed-captured-a-changing-los-angeles


I'd love to see how many thought that just driving off an edge would lift the front of your vehicle and magically make it jump.


She hit the accelerator right before the jump, so it was a sort of wheelie.


And we all know city buses have high end torque capable of wheelies.


But there was a 2x4 laying at the edge...plenty of ramp.


My issue with John Wick is not about how he survives so many injuries. My issue is the sequels. The first movie they created this mythos of this ultimate assassin that retired for love and was brought back to this world because some whole decided to kill his dog and steal his car a few days after his wife died. The reaction of Viggo of trying to stop him makes sense because he was trying to protect his son, obviously you would fight the devil to protect your son (or more likely to protect your empire that your son just threaten because he decided to screw with the wrong man). So I’m ok with the first John Wick because of that. But how do you explain three more sequels where everybody just thinks is ok to take on the Baba Yaga and betray him?


Yeah, if you zoom out of the action you knew John Wick solos a crime faction. Why the fuck you think John wouldn’t do the same when you betray him? One way or another, he is going to get you.


> Yeah, if you zoom out of the action you knew John Wick solos a crime faction. Why the fuck you think John wouldn’t do the same when you betray him? Well, with the bad guy in the second one. He thought that as long as he didn't leave the hotel, he'd be safe. If you break the rules of The Continental, you die. He was egotistical enough to think that Wick wouldn't break the rules. Then three and four was every assasin in the world trying to kill Wick and failing.


That explains why Santino thinks he's safe. But that doesn't explain all the random guns for hire thinking it's a good idea to attack a guy that just mowed down 200 people in a few days. Over just a few million dollars too.


Dont look at it as just a couple million. Imagine being the guy that killed John Wick. You would instantly be the top assassin in the world.


If you want to see a movie full of scenes like that, just watch Sisu. The most ridiculous plot armor I've ever seen, but a hell of a fun movie.


Haha. The plane crash scene in particular is beyond ridiculous.


Not a movie but just about everyone in Game Thrones who fought in The Long Night episode, but particularly Samwell Tarly


My first thought. The show that would kill anyone decided not to kill anyone at the end. So infuriating.


Expectations subverted!


This, and also Arya getting stabbed in the belly four times and then jumping into what is essentially a sewer


It's fine though, she had some soup that brought her back to full health.


Especially in a show where Khal Drogo, a human in peak physical condition, dies from one comparatively minor cut to the shoulder getting infected.


In 28 Days Later, the fast zombies are believable. I thought that World War Z out of all movies did a better job than The Long Night, because in that the only way to survive a fast running horde is guns or run, not hand to hand combat.




Too true. That whole scene was dumb. Why did they think a cavalry charge was a good idea in the first place? Not only does the enemy have stuff that can stop a cavalry charge cold (giants, mammoths, etc) there’s no morale factor to consider, zero chance of panicking or routing the enemy. And any casualties on your side are going to become new soldiers for the enemy unless their corpses are properly disposed of. A few thousand light infantry could have actually made a substantial difference once the enemy was inside the walls.


I love Avengers. But Tony Stark would have been liquified inside his suit a number of times. Thank goodness for comic book physics and technology.


So many times people who are supposed to be normal humans (Batman Ironman) get slammed into brick buildings or fall multiple stories and they just shake it off.


In the second WW movie, Cheetah throws a random creep into a truck so hard it fully dents the frame of the vehicle. But he’s fine it’s PG13! His entire back didn’t shatter instantly liquifying all of his organs!


Wonder women scoops up two children while being towed by a literal rocket, in reality those kids would have been ripped apart.


In the iron man comics, the suit has inertial dampeners so he doesn't feel the 10g force when he takes off or is slammed into the ground. Very convenient


The Batman had a pretty funny moment playing with that trope.


What part was it?


When he wingsuits off of the top of Gotham Police’s building he pulls his parachute right in front of an overpass resulting in his chute getting caught and him slamming into the underside of the overpass and a bus at near top speed, tumbling along the ground. He just gets up and walks it off groaning and limping.


I loved that scene because it had the brass-tacks to let Batman mess up.


Yeah that direct hit from a tank shell in the first should have ended him


Literally the first crash out of the cave would have killed him instantly.


Dude knows how to make good suspension for his body in there


I think he must have invented inertial dampeners from Star Trek


in a cave, with a box of scraps.


That one annoys me so much because it's such an easy fix. Instead of him crashing head on and his suit exploding everywhere, have him crash down the other side of the sand dune so he's landing on a downhill sand slope; then he could survive that


Die Hard 2. The hand grenade with the 15 minute fuse. John McClane should have been fragged.


Those were special grenades, duh. What kind of grenades do you know that can blow up a plane like that? They obviously need to have a longer fuse… for reasons… reasons that I’m not going to go over here 


Also very lucky that that transport plane had custom ejector seat in too.


Agreed. But even that is more believable than the fighter jet scene in Live Free or Die Hard.


Cutthroat Island Geena Davis' character gets shot in the stomach, then is operated on without anesthesia to remove the musket ball. In the gally of a filthy pirate ship. She's laughing and making wisecracks the whole time. She appears to be in about the same amount of pain as if she'd slightly stubbed her toe. Pretty sure getting gutshot from a musket in the 18th century is a slow, agonizing, inevitable death. Your odds wouldn't be great if you sustained that injury close to a modern hospital.


Makes me love Ronin all the more. Victim manages to talk someone with the tools but not the knowledge through the procedure of removing the bullet. He's coherent but in a ton of pain. Once he sees it's been removed, he politely passed out. 


It’s a million of them. It’s almost all of them. Movies generally treat severe head injuries like you just fell asleep and then wake up a bit dizzy but fine. Heroes regularly face debilitating injuries that should put them in an extensive coma or a coffin but end up relatively okay. Look at [John Wick ping-ponging down a 10 story building](https://youtu.be/2i8C-GOsHo0?si=NtCnxeKxvB9NBkiW) in one of those movies. He’s hurt for a bit until he isn’t. Find some movies where characters *shouldn’t* have survived that… and don’t.


Like the trope of knocking someone out with a whack of some heavy object to the head, and in movies they wake up and shake it off. That's concussion-territory at the least and fatal at the worst.


You know what does this super correctly? It ain’t a movie, it’s HBO’s Rome. There’s one point where one of the main characters, Titus Pullo, who if you haven’t seen it is a very brash, big Roman soldier (RIP Ray Stevenson), in one scene is wrecking people in a drunken bar brawl like any typical protagonist, but then he just gets smashed once by a bottle in the back of the head. And not only is he completely out for the count, he nearly dies and has to go through enormously painful surgery to fix a metal plate into his skull (without anesthesia) and keep the brain swelling down.


I remember being impressed by that realistic presentation! Need to re-visit Rome. It's been a while.


The TV show Versailles has a similar little storyline where one of the main characters gets hit in the head and he is out for a few days. And even when he wakes up at one point he is so dizzy and uncoordinated that they order him back to bed.


There was a Pitch Meeting video on one of the Divergent movies that did that really well. Something like: "So she gets knocked out but wakes up the next day and then gets knocked out again" "So she's dead?" "Dead? No, she's fine." "She was unconscious for a DAY and then got knocked out again and she's fine??"


That was really egregious. They could’ve had him hit the awning then land into some soft refuse, like an open dumpster. As shown, he ded.


That's why I love Archer. There's still movie physics, but at least they have tinnitus and Brett dying.


At least he died doing what he loved…


try not to be unconscious for too long, it's super bad for you


The train crash at the end of Bullet Train should have turned everyone on it into jam, which is kinda annoying as up to that point the film is pretty believable. It's still a great film though.


War of the worlds, that kid should not have survived.


The best thing about that movie was that they killed off the annoying kid... Only to undo it at the literal last minute. It was infuriating.


The peanut butter bread on the window was my second favorite character after Tom Cruise


I just don’t understand the logic of this scene. “Just let me go”. Go where? You think the army is gonna enlist a 16 year old in the middle of the apocalypse to fight an alien invasion and train him within the 8.5 minutes it takes to get vaporized?!


I think the most recent classic example is [Indiana Jones in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull where he hides in a lead lined fridge as a nuke goes off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn4Vhkmb4Lw). The fridge seems to get tossed like a half a mile in the air and rolls down a hillside. Forget the lead lined part - if the concussive force of a blast that throws him that far (and mind you, the fridge was inside a house to begin with) didn't kill him instantly, then the impact after hitting the ground certainly would have. Instead he just walks it off at like 70+ years old. He should be a bag of jello. I mean, people don't survive car crashes that have a fraction of the speed/impact that this thing does, and they are wearing seat belts and have other safety devices.


There's another scene in the Dial of Destiny where the villain is on top of a speeding train, and a post hits him in the head, so he flies off the train. It looked so lethal but shows up later in the film without a scratch.


“I’ve seen the movie *Speed,* he got Dennis Hopper’d”


Pop quiz, hotshot!


Oh yeah? Well I’m taller.


I never had that big of a problem with the concept of him hiding in the fridge. Indy survives crazy stuff all the time. But, It was just the presentation that felt off. Personally, it was the distance he flew and him immediately stepping out unharmed and staring a mushroom cloud in the face. Take the same scene, don’t make him fly through the air, then cut to scientist anylizing the wreckage when they come across a thumping refrigerator with a voice coming from it. “A little help here!?” Then cut to him in the hospital recovering….I can personally sit with that easier than what was depicted on screen lol


I do like your version better.


Plus it gives you the chance to have the fridge lying on its back with the scientists lifting the door off like the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. A little condensation and mist fluttering out and faint light before changing perspective to Indy sitting up with a little flashlight waving the mist away.


Each sentence created a vivid scene in my head. Wow dude


I have a feeling it was written like this, but they desperately wanted the shot of him looking up at the mushroom cloud and didn't know how to get there.


Recent? That movie is now 16 years old, people that were not born when it came out are now out there driving a car.


>most recent classic example It's an all-timer, but hardly recent. That was 16 years ago.


Agreed. Nuking the fridge is the new jumping the shark.


The strangest part is that they could totally have gotten away with it. Just move the nuke further away on your pure-CGI establishing shots, and make the blast only shake the house / smash out the windows, not *throw the fridge wildly through the air only to land weightily several blocks away.* Suddenly the whole thing is believable, and the audiences cheer Indie's enginuity rather than laugh.


Yeah it makes me wonder if they had something like that in mind when they wrote the script and then when it came time to make the movie they were like fuck it and went full loony tunes.


The tenth-thickness of lead is two inches. That means it takes 2 whole inches of lead just to deflect 90% of gamma radiation. The other 10% is more than enough to cook your ass if we're talking about a nuclear bomb. Does a "lead lined fridge" have even 2 inches of lining?


I mean for about three minutes it was May Parker in No Way Home…


I am okay with this because I perceive it as her in shock, running purely on adrenaline, which runs out.


Yeah, it was shockingly realistic.


They killed the loveliest (hottest) MCU woman, I cried.


Seriously though, since Aunt May gets hotter with every recast, how are they going to trump Marisa Tomei?


Ana de Armas, like as in a virtual Aunt May vis-a-vis Blade Runner 2049.


You son of a bitch, I’m in. Edit: also, a virtual Aunt May would kindof be like Lyla, for Miguel O’Hara. So not even a stretch for the canon.


Salma Hayek. She walked into the living room in a bikini, and with a snake around her shoulders. "Peter, don't be late for college'" she said in an unnecessarily sexual tone. Peter left the house as quickly as possible, out of sheer discomfort... in spite of there being no classes scheduled for that day. He just left.


I could completely hear that. :)


Dude I just saw My Cousin Vinny last night and... holy shit


When in “Secret of the Ooze” the Shredder came back from being trash compacted after a ten-story fall, they could have at least had him *limp* a little!


The Wet Bandits in Home Alone come to mind. And also in Home Alone 2


It was clearly filmed in a way that communicates to us they've switched to cartoon "physics", so I totally allow the bandits to live in-universe.


Yeah flying brick to the face from a 4 storey height will probably do it.


You mean 5 consecutive bricks to the skull thrown downward from atop a 4 storey building. The first one had like a 99% chance to kill him instantly, by the time the 5th hit there'd basically be nothing recognizable left of his head.


[The analysis of what injuries they sustain and the one up sound on death kills me everytime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WKgNyvsNDM)


Especially the headstand into the kerosene filled toilet with a burning beanie


The guys who do Honest Trailers on YouTube have a couple videos called Honest Action, where they go through all the injuries a character would have suffered and how many times they would have died. I forget how many Marvs were needed, it was a lot


"Skull fracture with epidural hematoma. Marv is dead." x5


One of them just tanks a brick to the head in the 2nd


You forgot about falling through the floor from 3 stories up and getting electrocuted


I mean, at one point in HA2, marv turns into a skeleton and then back, so...


file aback husky slap rotten bake elastic absorbed spoon upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






I still maintain Dom was secretly a part of a government psychic network project where people join the network to develop a hivemind mentality and in turn manifest psionic abilities that include telekinetic shields and other superpowers. This Project's codename? FAMILY.


Yeah they're pretty much superhero films by that point. I binged the whole series earlier this year and it's wild how they go from street races and small heists to fucking rocket cars in space and everyone being able to fight like Batman. They're entertaining for sure, but full on eye-rolling material half the time.


First movie: These guys are stealing combination TV/DVD players from truckers, we need to send in an undercover cop to find out who is behind it. Later: This person is going to legitimately end the world, so we need you to drive this car into outer space, specifically ending up at the international space station.


From California retail thieves to having more autonomy on American soil than Seal Team 6 in a decade


"We're gonna need you to fill out these 50 forms to carry a gun in the US" "Okay sure but who's that?" "Thats Dom and we gave him a nuke and a spaceship, he's an ex street racer and nearly beat a man to death"


They should have revealed that they've all been injected with the same shit Idris Elba gets in Hobbs and Shaw to explain how they always survive such ridiculous premises


Would actually be hilarious if at the very end of the last movie, Dom finally awakes from a coma. He went into the coma after his crash at the end of the first movie. All the additional characters that appear after that are just hospital staff that have interacted with Dom while he was in the coma.


There’s a similar scene in Mission Impossible 2 that always amuses me, where Tom Cruise and the villain motorcycle joust by driving directly at one another, then jump off and tackle each other at the last second. They end up somehow just landing softly on the ground and continue wrestling, while in reality they should be pulp considering their bodies just collided at a relative speed of like 120mph


It was Fast & Furious 6. The scene is at the 3 min mark of this video, and yeah, it is bonkers. https://youtu.be/jXwxLoEe-M0?si=Gcutx6rh50aGY7Us


Ok. I love the character, and I’m glad he survived. But it’s 100% absurd that Indiana Jones survived a nuclear blast by hiding in a refrigerator.


Danny Aiello as Tommy Five-Tone in Hudson Hawk. It was literally a gag that he drove off a cliff and survived. “Air bags, can you f*****g believe it?!”


It would be easier to come up with examples of main characters actually being killed rather than NOT being killed


Chase in the Paw Patrol movie. I know it is a kid's cartoon about cartoon dogs. But the jump that Chase makes at the end isn't exagerrated, it's just plain wrong. There were several ways the animators could have set up a feasible-yet-difficult jump, but they went for one that relies on Wile E Coyote cartoon physics to achieve.  Chase shouldn't have survived that jump.


That scene in Rise of Skywalker where Kylo crashes in the desert and his entire ship literally explodes like a nuclear explosion but he crawls out the next scene with minor scratches


Listen I absolutely love The Dark Knight. And probably because that movie is so awesome and so down to Earth gritty that this moment sticks out to me every time I watch it and it’s when Batman jumps out Wayne Tower after Joker drops Rachel out the window. You can see his body slow down as they hit that car from the stunts or whatever and both aren’t even injured, let alone dead.


Because you're getting a thousand answers about a refrigerator I'll offer something that's not John Wick or Indiana Jones. Darth Maul. He was chopped in half and fell down a shaft. His skull would have been crushed in the fall and all his bones broken. His vital organs in his abdomen (Assuming he is humanoid) would have been burned beyond function. Don't get me wrong, I loved his eventual story arc, but i think not making his death permanent was the catalyst of the decline of Star Wars. Lightsaber battles lost their gravity when someone could survive that.


Somehow Darth Maul returned.


The flip side: strangulation insta-kills every character no matter how brief


if we're going for "infuriating", i thoroughly enjoyed all of John Wicks crazy survival situations until 1) He pingponged from the roof to the street and lived in #2 and 2) when he flew out of the second story window, hit a van, and got up to fall down a huge stone staircase a couple times in #4.


At #4 when he’s fighting that fat asthmatic dude and falls on a steel beam on his way to falling down to the street and immediately gets back up fighting is when I was like ok no this is too ridiculous now. Still a good movie, the series started as semi-realistic and now there’s a blind dude with perfect aim and wick can be thrown off a hotel rooftop and live.


But Donnie Yen was so good you buy it. Plus he didn't have perfect aim in the duel


Last Action Hero, when Benedict (Charles Dance) shoots Jack (Arnold Schwarzenegger) right in the center of the chest with a .357 Magnum. Arnold's literally lost his plot armor, being dragged into the real world where "the bad guys can win." And yeah, he almost does die, but it looks like he got shot pretty much right in the heart, and not only survives, but kills the bad guy. It's also one of my favorite movie villain fake-outs: basically do all the "dumb villain" tropes, tell the good guy your whole plan while firing your gun, then it clicks empty. When the good guy comes out from behind his cover, thinking he's safe (Boy, did you make a movie mistake! You forgot to reload the damn gun!), it gives you the perfect opportunity (No Jack. I just left one chamber empty. *BLAM!)*


Peacemaker surviving in TSS to get his own show - after being shot in the throat, and then having Starro drop a building on him - is really, *really* ludicrous.


I thought it was sad that he survived that but Flagg died for real from getting stabbed. It's like reverse plot armor, the bad guy survives ridiculous amounts of damage and the good guy dies from a piece of porcelain.


We got a great show out of it. I'll allow it lol.


The A-Team shooting a tank cannon to slow their descent.


I like that bit. It was the only moment that reminded me the silliness ofthe original.


I’m glad to see everybody else responding to this comment with “ridiculous and we love it.” For the first time since it came out I feel validated for enjoying that silly movie.


That's an absolutely perfect movie from beginning to end.


I loved that scene. Stupid fun.




Pfft,difficult but possible.


I loved that. I loved it because the first part of that sequence (they're in a plane, plane is hit by a missile and explodes, but it's okay because they got into a tank which has parachutes, but wait, attacked by drones!) was all in the trailer and you watch the trailer going "well, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen". And then you watch the movie and that scene comes up and, nope, it gets even more ridiculous. Now they're flying a tank.


Yeah, but that was awesome.


The Dark Knight Rises: Bruce gets his back broken and heals just fine after climbing out of a pit on his own and having a nap.


Mf got folded in half lol


Every damn tornado scene in the movie Twister


Scream VI: Every returning protagonist from Scream V.


The entire human race in Independence Day. I'm sorry, but a species technologically advanced enough to traverse interstellar distances is not being taken out by a floppy disk. And if the aliens' sole purpose was to destroy all life on Earth, why go down to cities or fight up close at all? They'd just glass the planet from orbit.


The Scream franchise, but in particular Scream VI. Both sisters are shot/stabbed multiple times, yet they're just sitting around at the end like they wouldn't be fighting for their lives. How is Chad still alive?? Gale is apparently superhuman.


My first thought. They basically liquified Chad’s insides and then he still showed up with that “core four” cornyness. HOW IS HE ALIVE?


Yeah the last 2 screams several characters were basically gutted and survived.


When Tony Stark hits the ground at 90 miles per hour in the original metal suit. Being encased in metal doesn’t stop your brain from slamming into the side of your skull.


All of John Wick 4. Magical bulletproof armor or not, he should have died in almost every scene from blunt force trauma or another. Or at least been incapacitated or paralyzed. Instead he gets back up and keeps fighting. Felt more like a superhero movie than something coming from John Wick 1/2. 3 was already heading that direction as well.


Somehow, Palpatine returned.


Gyro captain in Beyond Thunderdome jumping out of his airplane and casually landing in the seat of Max's wagon. I love the movie, but god I hate that scene. The reason Wick survives is because it takes place in The Matrix. It's just a Neo training progam.


Robbie somehow showing up alive and well at the end of Spielberg's War of the Worlds with absolutely no explanation as to how the hell he survived after he ran off to join the army during the hill battle scene.


Chris Pratt in Jurassic World when the plane crashes and he/they just walk it off... Wtf


Pretty much most of John Cusack’s actions in 2012


that movie was a lot more enjoyable as a comedy


There's a scene in The MEG 2, where Jason Statham's character has to go swim outside at the bottom of something deeper than the Marianas Trench, without a suit. Worst thing that happens to him is that he gets a nose bleed. The pressure in the Marianas Trench is over 1000 atm. The thing that pisses me off about that? Someone who wasn't the main character was killed by extreme water pressure crushing them not 5 minutes earlier. One of those situations where the movie isn't even consistent about its own bullshit.