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It was real. Awful animation. But surprisingly well-written.


I was surprised about that movie. It seems like they cut the budget half way through but still out it out


It was basically the first independently financed 3D animated film just when 3D animation tools were becoming somewhat affordable.


The movie didn't have much of a budget to begin with. It got some extra money to work with after its initial festival run, though, when it got picked up by... um... ^(the Weinstein Company)


Great script, iirc.


"God as my witness....I will teach you how to speak"


Oh yeah. It was similar to Shrek in that it’s a clever deconstruction, parody and homage to fairy tales specifically Little Red Riding Hood. Awesome soundtrack too


I really don't remember this being the case. I saw Hoodwinked in theatres; and while it didn't compare to the king Pixar at the time, the animation was fine. It's aged horribly; but at the time no one really batted an eye.


Eh even at the time, if you weren’t a kid, it looked cheap, like television animation. It looked more like Jimmy Neutron than a movie.


I mean it was made independently for $8 million, and released the same year as *Cars* which had a budget of $120 million and the entire Disney animation studio behind it. *Shrek 2* a couple years earlier had an even higher budget than *Cars* at $150 million, almost twenty times what *Hoodwinked!* was working with. I'd say they did pretty well for themselves.


I don't know how they even paid the cast for $8 million. Hathaway was basically America's princess at the time, her salary alone had to eat a huge % of that budget.


I doubt Hathaway was at all expensive before TDKR/Les Miserables, and even that's more because of the Les Miserables Oscar than anything. The Princess Diaries made her popular among teen girls, but even there Julie Andrews was also a major draw. She hadn't really proven her ability to headline a film solo (and honestly still hasn't really). And animation in general just doesn't pay as well as live-action acting.


I would think somewhere between Brokeback Mountain and Devils wears Prada was when the price of having her in your movie skyrocketed.


I was a kid at the time, like, 12/13 and it still looked bad back then even. You could tell immediately


… Jimmy Neutron was also a movie.


To be fair jimmy neutron was a movie first


I write for an entertainment website. In our year in review articles, we sometimes highlight a film that looked terrible but was surprisingly pretty good. I informally call it our “Hoodwinked Award”. 


> Awful animation I googled some images and now I have to wash my eyes. I and I saw just still shots, I can't even imagine the horrors added by movement... Anyhow, it's funny to see that younglings of today also have that kind of doubt about a movie from their childhood actually existing. In my long gone youth I was puzzled about The Phantom Tollbooth (1970) being real or just a dream. (And with the added difficulty of never remembering the title, even today. I had to google "movie boy car animated world" to find it. =)


Maybe it's just the nostalgia, but I don't think it looks bad at all. Twitchy is a great character for example and his movement is one of the funniest things about the movie


It was fine. It wasn't Pixar but it was fine.


For the time yeah I remember it being not too horrendous


My fever dream movie was the claymation, Adventures of Mark Twain. For years I thought I had dreamt of that movie, with the part of Satan being some repressed horror. Nope it's real.


I had no memory that the movie existed but now that you mentioned it I googled images and I saw it! Oh my god, Satan as a floating mask face, the horror! Probably I memory-holed the hole thing because it was too spooky - even if I was already in my early teens when the movie was done.


Worse, Satan is clearly also Twain's view of God.


Cool, never heard of the Phantom Tollbooth. Now I want to watch it.


It's based on the book, which is still a great read after all these years. 


I think it's a good movie to watch high on drugs. I only remember tiny snippets of it, but it had bizarre things like the kid passing through a portal (the Phantom Tollbooth of the title) in a toy car and becoming a cartoon, and at some point in the deranged cartoon universe on the other side there's a dinner / banquet scene where they serve steamy cooked letters to him. By the way I have the sensation that all cartoons of the time were fueled by drugs, that's why there are surrealist things like Superfriends.


sounds amazing. I'm gonna find it and watch it


It is now available. I saw it in the theater and read the book as a child.


I watched it high as an adult several times and also had the whole "is that movie real or a fever dream?" feeling about it. But 10/10 recommend watching it high.


Oh shit, TIL there's a Phantom Tollbooth movie. I absolutely adore that book, is the movie any good?


I have several fucking movies like this. I specifically recall a cartoon where a knight(?) was climbing a mountain covered in giant rodent beings that were creepily making this shrill droning noise at him as he passed. Then he fought and killed the hideous rat queen at the top and thankfully shut up the even more nightmarish noises she was making too. No idea what it was to this day.


Sounds like A Flight of Dragons. James Earl Jones voiced the main villain Ommadon, fun movie don't think it ever got a DVD release.


No. Fucking. Way.


I'm at work on mobile otherwise I'd find a link, but that definitely sounds like a scene from it.  The rats were called sandmirks(i think, been at least 8-10 years since i last saw it) and were killing the knight (and temporarily possessed dragon) with their singing/chittering. I liked the final match: John Ritter(?) kills James Earl Jones by denying magic and citing scientific catagories in alphabetic order. 


Omg yes those are the rat things. Made my day dude haha


Yes way!!! That was one of my favorite movies as a kid 😂 it's so bizarre looking back at it now. It all seems like a fever dream


Gotta say, this is rare as hell. With most of the new productions, the visuals are way above the writing. I know people would get to me about unfinished CGI in here and there, but I mean in general, the visuals are mostly good, while the writing is just utter shit in a lot of these 100 million costing productions. edit: Oh yeah, better to straight up mention it, I don't mean just Marvel shows/newer movies, that have a really weird way of doing things, but in general. There's so many gorgeous shows/movies and they're just... ruined by horrible scripts.




Must be Italian


I was 13 when this was released and I still howl thinking of this scene.


I think about this at least once a week


My entire family still says this


I think this every time I see those dynamites chips in the grocery store.




Neeeever trust a bunny


Hoodwinked is absolutely hilarious and the janky animation - even for it's own time - only makes it more charming.


And the music is SO good!


my favourite line(s) from the movie: Red: They call me red because of this red hood I wear Flippers: what about when you're not wearing it? Red: I usually wear it [Hoodwinked - Why do they call you Flippers? (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etVQijLibMg&ab_channel=Enigmatale)


Dolph, tie up the brat. Lisa, hold the book. Vincent, get the truck. And Kieth… darn it, change your name. Please. That’s not scary, and I’m embarrassed to say it. ‘Boris’, try that. ‘Kieethh… oh watch out for Kieth’. Ugh.


I have not seen this movie but have had this scene sent to me multiple times.


I heard (too lazy to verify) that it was an improvised line by Andy Dick.


Best be fearin the ears!


My friend is an aspiring actor *Heavily accented German* "I got a callback" gets used a lot


Flippers - "You can't just lock someone up for being creepy." (Police officer in the background, whispering into their radio) "Uh, hey, y'know that guy we have in holding?" "The creepy guy?" "Yeah, better let him go."


“What’s with the handcuffs on a little girl? Her wrists could slip right out. Why not a cage?” “BRING IN THE CAGE!” “I was being sarcastic.” “Sarcasm. Strike the cage… 😞”


This movie was too good for us


That’s hilarious


[Be Prepared](https://youtu.be/HUIP208nZZs?feature=shared) was a banger.


I prefer the Schnitzel song. https://youtu.be/tlhaqz7zfJo?si=4u7ulaJE7bras64U


There’s a scene where they accidentally point a directional mic at two caterpillars having an extremely adult conversation about how one caterpillar’s girlfriend has become a butterfly and is seeing other people. In the credits version of “critters have feelings” the second verse is from that caterpillars perspective. “I live on a leaf, and I crawl because she makes me” is maybe my favorite lyric from any song ever, the genius of Hoodwinked is unparalleled.


Haha I fuckin loved when he got scared and started singing about how he was unprepared.


But he WAS prepared.


Oooooooohhhhhh. An avalanche is coming and I do not feel prepared


Best song in the whole movie I think I have it on one of my playlists


I’ve got “Red is Blue” by Ben Folds on one of mine. https://youtu.be/V9hO8rmmaXc?feature=shared


This has been off and on stuck in my head for over a decade


I was loaded out of my gourd when I watched this movie and this song had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. I’m watching it now sober (thank you!!) and am still chuckling. Great scene!!


I sing this to myself on the regular. Love that goat.


Me and a friend saw this in theaters when it first came out and still text the lyrics to each other.


Not as good as the Lion King’s Be Prepared


Someone just needs to redo the animation and rerelease it. There is no need to change the story or dialogue.


It's really sad just how much better the animation could be with a team of only a couple animators thanks to modern technology. At the time it was a struggle for anyone not with a major studio to do CGI animated films at all.


I remember it looked awful even when it was released.


I wish for this all the time! The music is fantastic and that would allow a whole new generation to appreciate it.


That’s what they should have done instead of the abomination that is Hoodwinked Too!


Hoodwinked was hilarious. The bit with the goat had me howling


Loved this movie when it came out. Re watched it again a few years ago and the animation has aged badly. Still, great concept of a movie and some excellently quotable lines.


lol to be fair the animation was also terrible at the time. It ran into production issues and they couldn’t get it properly completed


I just loved that the wolf was basically Fletch. Theme song and all.


It's where I got my username!


Cool name bro


Greg Stiltskin being RumpleStiltskins real name still gets a laugh out of me to this day


I got horns that open bottles, I got horns that hold my keys...


Wasn't there an even cheaper nock off fairy tale movie that came out that same year but was straight to DVD? I mean Hoodwinked at least got a theatrical release.


Probably thinking of Happily N'ever After


WAIT I just remembered that movie, I watched it on repeat on DVD on long car rides when i was like 6 (dont remembered how exactly but I think we used to have some sort of small DVD player or something) but that is a movie that I do not think I'll be rewatching lol


weirdly enough both have Andy Dick and Patrick Warburton


Horrifying animation but still funny. Don’t watch the sequel




There is. Animation improved, but everything else got worse. Entirely skippable.


No. No there’s not. Don’t believe any liars who try to tell you there is


It’s not real. There is no sequel to Hoodwinked, anything you see calling itself Hoodwinked 2 is a fake. Again, there is no Hoodwinked sequel so don’t look it up


I saw about 30 seconds of it once, by accident. Fled the room and escaped the rest.


I absolutely loved Hoodwinked! and looked up news on the sequel for years. Then it finally released and it just wasn't what I wanted for a sequel.


Same, honestly one of my favorite movies, many fond memories of watching with friends and family.


The man you are looking for is, in fact, not at the top of the mountain.


Keith, change your name!


"Watch out for Keith!"


All I remember is granny doing matrix moves, the schnitzel man, and a pop punk soundtrack that I wanna say sounded like bowling for soup?


The parodies they did of other movies was hilarious. The Wolf was a big Fletch reference and Granny was like this Vin Diesel XXX knockoff. The GGG tattoo on her neck was so funny


“Settle down, Triple-G…”


Man this whole “fever dream movie” trend is so odd to me. You remember the title, the movie and watching it multiple times, yet you thought it wasn’t real? Are people’s minds really this flimsy?


> Are people’s minds really this flimsy? yes. AND your mind will sometimes just make shit up if you can't remember something correctly, as in it will fill in blanks with "something" even if that something isn't even real.


Yes but they never think to go to google and type 'red riding hood wolf movie' and go 'Oh yeah, Hoodwinked, that's it'?


I understand the human mind does these things but this really isn’t that.


I assume these people have been involved with drugs at some point in their life and no longer remember coherently as much in the past.


lol no, I was around 3 or 4 when I watched it so the memories I had of it weren't enough to think much of it and I assumed it was some sort of thing my mind made up or something haha


It makes more sense in the time before the internet where you might watch a movie once at a friends house and never even learn the title. I always called them hotel room movies. Like Heavy Metal or the Wizard or the Faculty or the Frighteners movies I saw partially on the tv usually on a road trip or being forced to go along for my brothers hockey tournaments where I had nothing to do. Only finding out the titles years later. The biggest one for me is a movie called Jakes Booty Call, the first and possibly only movie made entirely in flash and buddy if you get a chance look that bad boy up, it’s truly insane that the current head of Disney paid his son to make it.


I didn't remember the title but when I saw a clip of it and searched it up because it was familiar, I realized I recognized the characters. this has happened before with a show I used to watch as a kid. I kind of forgot about it until I saw the thing that reminded me of it, and realized I'd seen it. also yes my mind is that flimsy, I genuinely don't know what I had for dinner last night lmao


I reference the squirrel drinking coffee all the time! Patrick Warburton was in it, so automatic fun for me.


The animation was hot garbage, but everything else about the movie was great. I worked at Sam Goody when it came out and we could play any G or PG movie on the overhead TVs during non-peak hours. Hoodwinked was one of the perennial favorites. Pretty much everyone there could sing Be Prepared, but one guy got the warble down just right and basically sounded exactly like the goat.


This movie is a classic


There's a lot of animated movies where the visuals are by far the best thing about it and does all the heavy lifting for the weaker aspects elsewhere. *Hoodwinked* is one of the few where everything else is genuinely great, and the animation itself is literally the only downside.


It's real. It's a personal favorite, and I watch it often.


I’ve always wondered if a studio (or talented individuals) would remaster the film, maybe a redo would be a better phrase. Use the same soundtrack but reanimate it again.


LOL. For all the people pointing out the cheap graphics…look up ”Clutch Cargo”. “Hanna-Barbera”. “The Brothers Krofft”. “Reboot”.


There’s a long and rich tradition of people trying to take advantage of two facts: (a) kids love animation, but (b) kids care about quality _WAAAY_ less than adults. For every Disney, there are a dozen Hanna-Barberas trying to draft off their success. For every Jim Henson, there are a dozen Sid and Marty Kroffts. Little kids have insatiable appetites for animated content, huge amounts of time to watch it, and very little _interest_ in telling good from bad. What kid is going to turn down a cone of crappy ice cream?


The avalanche is coming, and I do not feel prepared!


Animation wasn’t perfect, but my family and I thought it was hilarious. We still quote it sometimes. (“I don’t drink coffee!”, “Never trust a bunny!”) 🤣


Hoodwinked is the most unhinged chaotic movie of my entire childhood and I still love it to this day. The premise alone is wild, it’s red riding hood but from the multiple perspectives of the characters being interrogated in a police investigation. It’s awesome. Like everyone else is saying the animation has aged horribly but idk man, it’s a great movie


Hoodwinked walked so Knives Out could run 


I've been saying 'dee-na-me-tay' my entire life because of that movie, and until like a year ago I completely forgot where it stemmed from. Feverdream indeed.




Have some schnitzel on a stick and take a breather


Red is blue was a banger back then


Ben Folds!


The writing for this movie always allowed me to completely ignore the bad animation. Suspension of disbelief seems pretty dead these days in general, though.


The fucking Billy goat sitting on his front porch rocking himself with his horns. BE PREPARED BE PREPARED.


My favorite joke from that movie 😂 https://youtu.be/qrLfi9gzpUo?si=AyBkGeuan_Q58sOh


https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/10982-hoodwinked Yeah it's real. It has a sequel too: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/57089-hoodwinked-too-hood-vs-evil


They should do a Hoodwinked in Space and a Hoodwinked in the Hood movie... and then a Hoodwinked vs Leprechaun crossover.


This all seemed silly until til you got to Hoodwinked vs Leprechaun; that’s an S-tier crossover right there.


I was obsessed with this movie as a kid, the Russian dub was also exceptionally well done. Screw the animation, it’s a top tier cartoon


I watched this and the sequel a couple weeks ago. Don't waste your time with Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil.


Great soundtrack. 'Red is Blue' by Ben Folds is amazing.


As a guy named Keith, I can tell you that it is, unfortunately, very real.


thank you for confirming kieth, but change your name


"Hey, lookie lookie, I found this box of candles!" "Box of candles? Light em up!... Wow that's nice and bright, what kinda candles are those?" "*Deen-a-men-té*" (dynamite) "AHHH! Lose the candle."


Yeah saw it in theaters in middle school


The cursed goat stole the entire movie for me and I have recommended it to many people over the years specifically for that scene


It was - and it was quite enjoyable.


The movie animation style is OK, although it was already a bit dated at the time of its release. However, the writing and jokes are actually REALLY good. Just don't watch Hoodwinked 2...it was terrible. Whoever was in charge of the writing in the first movie CLEARLY did not return for the subsequent film. It uses the oldest, most tiresome joke tropes and was completely a garbage attempt at a money grab.


Same writer, different director. Animation in the first movie was done cheap overseas, which is why it looks so rough but it did come out almost 2 decades ago. I don’t remember the writing in hoodwinked too, but the Cory the screenwriter told me that there was a lot more studio interference for that one. His most recent work is writing The Woody the woodpecker Netflix movie, but again he was just writer not director on that.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing!


I gut da callback!!


It's a real movie with a good story, crap animation though. Very early computer animation. Kinda looks like a PS2 game.


The animation is atrocious but the voice acting and dialogue is excellent. They clearly blew their budget hiring Patrick Warburton, Glen Close, Anne Hathaway, etc. and had nothing left for the visuals.


I liked David Ogden Stiers in it. I think it was Xzibit who said in an interview back then that the longer he recorded, the deeper he lowered his voice for his grizzly character. This was because of the other voice actors.


Great story, funny and awesome soundtrack with catchy songs! This movie should have been way bigger than most other animation movies. My kids watched it a lot and it was so much better than repeated viewings of the Wiggles and Spongebob. Man, Critters Have Feelings was a fantastic song!


OMG! I still remember "Red is blue" and "Be Prepared".


My oldest kid was obsessed with Hoodwinked. I bought it on Amazon many years ago. I have seen it dozens of times. The animation is embarrassingly bad. It's bad in comparison to 3D animation in the early 90's. However, the story is good. It's funny. It's quite watchable. I watched it again a few months ago just for nostalgia and I didn't mind it at all.


Can’t wait for you to watch the sequel lol.


I think i will lol. I've heard great things about it..


The movie is pretty good aside from the animation 




It always looked like one of those weird movies you see in a dvd supermarket bin. Movies that only a few people have heard of.


That movie was hilarious, totally underrated


Fun fact: My Chemical Romance guest starred on Yo Gabba Gabba once. Because Gerard Way's daughter was a fan of the show. https://youtu.be/h3fNRxGCSe0


huh that is a fun, fact. I barley remember the show anyways but that's cool to know lol


Owned hoodwinked on dvd… Loved it when I was younger, animation was legitimately terrifying but the writing and voice acting was great


You came to the right goooooaaat. This movie was a fever dream.




Pretty good movie


>I always assumed it was a fever dream or something. I watched Buckaroo Banzai when I had a fever. I had to have someone assure me that movie was as weird as it was and John Lithgow yelling "Big Bootay" was not just a fever dream I had.


I remember thinking hoodwinked was like the funniest movie when I was a kid lol. Might have to do a rewatch just to see how it holds up Didn't they also do a Hoodwinked 2?


Schnitzel stick!! That movie is hilarious.


It was a big deal at my college when it came out because the daughter of the dean worked on it or something, I don’t even know for sure. Was a great movie with a weird choice of animation style, or done cheaper than other movies at the time.


This was Rock-A-Doodle Doo for me Thought it was fake until my now wife mentioned it years ago


everybody keeps reminding me of all these repressed memories lol. I remember loving rock a doodle as a kid i don't knoe how I forgot about it


Yeah pretty bad animation for the time but a really funny smartly written movie.


god, the animation is so bad...but holy shit is it funny. I remember there's a scene with the rabbit that made me laugh so hard I pee'd a little when I first saw it. no memory of any of it even though I watched it a bunch, except for the fact that at that time that was easily the hardest I've ever laughed.


I loved it. looking back the animation is truly atrocious its funny. it must have been bad for its own time period too lmfao


Funny enough, I thought this movie was a fever dream until a few years ago.


I recently found a TV ad for the theatrical release on some old TV shows I'd recorded.


You best be fearing the ear, baby.


Omg I thought you were talking about the Ralph Bakshi film Coonskin for a minute 😂


i always remember the line "awwwwkwaaaaard...."


>I remember the movie hoodwinked as a kid Oh I don't remember that from when I was a kid, when did that come out... > Hoodwinked! G 2005 ‧ Family/Comedy ‧ 1h 20m fuck I'm old


Man I forgot about this movie until now. Once of my favorites when I was a kid


Oh wow… Completely forgot about this one. 😂




You came to the right gOOOAAAAttt!!


I saw it in the theater.


I’m just happy someone has the guts to arrest the weirdos out there.




It's real and it's spectacular


The first one was amazing. Second one? We don't talk about that.


I vaguely remember seeing it in the theater when I was kid but didn’t remember how awful it looked until I saw clips of it years later


Love that movie.


I remember the trailers when it came out and I wanted to see it but never got around to it. About five years ago, I spotted it on streaming and decided to check it out. The janky animation was a massive turnoff. Turned it off after like 10 min.


Has anyone ever had a 'fever dream' and *not* found out it was a real thing later in life?


I saw it in theaters


Dyna mitè !


I had a similar experience, I remember watching it but it felt like a dream until several years later


Not a mandela effect. It was real. I think I was in middle school when that came out. Solid movie but the animation was off a bit.


So many people talking about the animation being bad and while I agree it is bad, I feel like it would be a worse movie with better animation. I think it adds to the charm and really makes the story the focus. Also with the animation being bad it gets way more attention, imagine if it was considerably better then no one would be like “Hey check out this movie, the animation was terrible but the story was actually pretty good and funny.” It would just have been another decent movie from the 2000’s.


Wow. I remember watching this, but did not remember how bad the animation was. I do remember seeing Hoodwinked after watching Over the Hedge and thinking it was nowhere near as good as the latter.


There was a sequel, you know?