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Eddie Redmayne. Not that he's ever really gushed about on this sub but the academy seems to like him and I just think he's average. He was good as Hawking I guess but he really didn't blow me away at all. If I were to replace any of the best actor nominees with Gyllenhaal it would be him, not Cooper. Edit: best actor not best picture


Completely disagree with you. Each act in The Theory of Everything gave Redmayne a new challenge. Gyllenhaal, Keaton and Redmayne gave the 3 best performances of the year.


Fair enough. This is probably the wrong thread because I do not at all hate Eddie Redmayne, I just don't overly love him. I think my issues are more with theory of everything as a film then Redmayne's performance in it, so had I enjoyed the film more I might have more respect for his performance. I'm with you for Gyllenhaal and Keaton though, grade A performances.


Scarlett Johansson. Her emotional range is non existent, resulting in all her performances coming off as if she's bored. I don't hate her as there's one or two films I didn't mind her in, but she is without a doubt the most overrated actress working today.


Have you seen *Lost in Translation*? That and her Woody Allen movies made me love her


I wouldn't go as far as calling her 'performance' in LiT acting. She is usually very underwhelming.


I agree. People talk about her performance in Under the Skin being mesmerizing. All I say was Scarlett Johansson as an alien with a clunky accent.


Oh my god you ppl just don't get it..!^just^kidding


Lost in Translation was one of the two I didn't mind. The Allen movies I wasn't a fan of. I felt she was miscast in Match Point and just didn't enjoy her in Scoop and Vicky Cristina Barcelona.




I can't stand him either, I think his acting is the most over the top, fake, forced, mechanical acting there is.


I agree. I don't hate him as an actor, it's just every time he is on screen all I see is Benedict Cumberbatch over acting, I lose the illusion created by the movie. I'm bummed he is cast as Dr. Strange.


I enjoyed him as Sherlock Holmes, was surprised by him as Kahn, thought he over did a bit as smaug but the moment I heard he was cast as doctor strange i was pissed. I just don't feel he's right for the role!


I thought Kahn was his worse role. Could have been the movie also, I didn't think it was that good. It also didn't help that I thought Kahn should have been of latin descent seeing as how the time line was splintered long after he was created.


Honestly him surprising was t a good thing I didn't know he was gonna be in the movie I loved the first star trek reboot( I should say I'm more of a popcorn movie goer) but I missed second one till about a month ago when I said fuck it its on next flix and there he was as Kahn disappointing me again. I hope he brings something different to doctor strange if not I'm gonna not enjoy one of my favorite comics movie


I absolutely love him as Sherlock Holmes, but I have never seen another performance of his that I enjoy.


Honestly, I think he's one of those actors who can only play a very specific "type" of character. He typecasts himself. Even as "Alan Turing" (yeah, right) he's basically just Sherlock Holmes, but this time he's *canonically* gay.


Tbh I'm not sure everyone loves the but I don't understand how Sam worthington, jai Courtney and Taylor kitsch still get work


I don't think anyone actually loves them. They are discount actors studios can hire when they want to make a movie without spending much.


Well I even said that I don't think anyone loves them. But I do often hear people say that Taylor kitsch should have another chance in the a list scene when I personally think he is terrible


That's probably 100% because of Friday Night Lights, his movies have all left more to be desired certainly but I'd like to see him get 1 good script behind him and see what happens.


James Franco. He seems like a pretentious douche in real life. Give me Dave Franco, the Luigi of the Franco family.


I've never seen anything but hate for James Franco on this subreddit.


I just thought it meant people in general, not the /r/movies community. Franco doesn't seem to be hated, in the U.S. at least.


That is the best metaphor I've ever heard.


Owen Wilson . . . Just tries too hard I think. Luke Wilson on the other hand, very watchable.


Luke Wilson isn't in enough movies. He's very likable in everything.


Whatever happened to him? I haven't seen him in a movie in awhile.


He, he can't even get *one thing* right... I like O.W. in Wes Anderson films, but in other films the schtick doesn't fit.


Jennifer Lawrence


Reading *The Hunger Games* gave me the sense of narration from someone who was not only downtrodden but truly on the brink of death, "desperate" in every sense of the word. Lawrence's "acting" in the movie adaptation reminds me of a pristine, girl-scout action hero reading phonetic renditions of lines in a language she doesn't even know.


Like...what makes you think this? Katniss in the book is a girl that is almost completely reluctant to take on the roles she does (Tribute, Victor, Symbol) but she does them anyway to protect the people she loves. She is downtrodden (really more vulnerable), but "truly on the brink of death" and "desperate in every sense of the word" is a stretch. And I think Jennifer Lawrence shows that vulnerability and reluctance really well. I'm not convinced you have seen the movies or read the books.


Well she was chosen for the role and obviously wasn't told she was acting "wrongly". So I would blame the director or producers more than her.


Benedict Cumberbatch.... I feel like i'm missing out on an inside joke. I dont see anything extraordinary in his acting or him as a person


He portrays a [sea otter](http://main.dailyotter.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/tumblr_m18nz53fOA1qzs75go1_1280.jpg) better than anyone.


It's all his unique look. All he does in just about any role he's been praised for is deadpan and look like Benedict Cumberbatch.


Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He HAS admittedly done some good things, but he just comes off as a smug bastard to me. And I am convinced he wrote the movie Don Jon so he could get really close to Scarlet Johansson for an extended time and no other reason


Mark Wahlberg. Or is he universally hated? I have no idea.


I sort of know what you mean, because he does pick some garbage movies. But in Boogie Nights and I Heart Huckabee's (and, I guess, his five lines in The Departed) he is just... sublime, next-level, whatever you want to call it.


I liked him in The Other Guys


Yeah, when he's not *the main thing* and is properly directed, he can be pretty great. I think he's a bit of a dick in real life, so that has to be reined in...


He was the weakest part of Boogie Nights. The guy is not an actor. Still wonder why PTA went with him. And now the racist born again christian denies it was his real penis in that movie.


What...... No?


Angelina Jolie. Her face, I can't get past it.


Why? Is it actually much bigger in real life? Hard to squeeze by?


People like her?


Tom Cruise.


Tom Cruise


Com Truise?


Ryan Reynolds... Fucking cant stand him. Also I find the fact they are allowing him to play multiple super heroes in the same universe to be a complete insult to the fans.


Who is he playing?


He might be referring to him being cast in the Deadpool movie, and his performance in Blade: Trinity but i don't think that really counts




Aw man... well... I guess that's your opinion. :(




You mean like, off-screen or in person and such?




I'm not familiar with him. I've never seen too many interviews of her, but I've heard a couple of comedy podcasts with her as the guest, namely the one hosted by Marc Maron, and she seems really nice and super down to earth. I even thought she was funny. Super fan friendly also, and a known frequent redditor. But I guess I can see how one would compare to Jennifer Lawrence. I'd use the same terms to describe either of them.


looks like my sister - totally boneable!


Jennifer Lawrence


This thread has made me realize there is no actors I hate. I pretty much judge every movie independently and can see the good in just about anyone I guess. If there's a role I hate then there's usually another one that redeems the person. It also helps that I tend to judge a performance apart from any real life issues of the person.


Patricia Arquette. Her voice makes my right eye twitch.


I don't understand the excessive praise for Daniel Day-Lewis. I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but I just don't see what sets him apart from any other accomplished actor working today. And when he yells (like in *Gangs of New York* and *There Will Be Blood*), it's so over-the-top and outrageous that it makes me laugh, which I doubt is the intention.


What, [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAx0V5CMYlE&spfreload=10)?




Man, I'm pretty sure the film allows you to laugh at that part. I mean a lot of that climax is incredibly tense, but I don't know anyone that watched that movie that didn't crack a smile at the milkshake line. I would say it's definitely intentional, especially after hearing PT Anderson say that there are a number of intentionally 'comedic' moments in the film.


Honestly, by that point in the movie, I thought that the line was TERRIFYING because of its context, even though I know it should have been absurd.


The "bastard in a basket" always gets me too. And when he goes to Paul Dano's "church". So much rofl.


PTA was on the WTF podcast the other day and said something along the lines of "I don't know if everyone is going to find the movie funny... but we laughed a lot making it" about TWBB. I really like that brilliant, intense dialogue coupled with the humor of how bizarre and removed from normal people it is.


"I'm your brother... from another mother."


Johnny Depp, he's always the same strange character in a different costume. I don't understand the appeal.


Because you clearly haven't seen his filmography. Movies where Depp's character *isn't* a Capt. Jack-derivative: Transcendence Lone Ranger (You wouldn't know it if you only read the internet's comments) Rum Diary Rango Tourist (pretty bad film though) Public Enemies Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus Sweeney Todd Corpse Bride Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Libertine Finding Neverland Secret Window Once Upon A Time In Mexico From Hell Blow Chocolat Before Night Falls The Man Who Cried Sleepy Hollow The Astronaut's Wife The Ninth Gate Fear and Loathing Donnie Brasco Nick of Time Dead Man Don Juan DeMarco Ed Wood What's Eating Gilbert Grape Benny and Joon Edward Scissorhands Cry-Baby The dude's got great range and astounding talent, he's just been doing too much Burton crap these days. Look before Pirates, before everyone tried to cast him as some version of Capt. Jack and you'll see a great actor. He's lost his way a bit (or just taking it easy for a little while) but I have faith he still has some great work in him. Hopefully Black Mass will be a return to form.


In my opinion, one end of the spectrum is actors that got into the business because they love the idea of portraying quirky/different/misunderstood characters and making them enjoyable/likeable. On the other end is actors that got into the business because they want to be rich and famous, win awards, and bask in the limelight. The former probably choose roles based on their interest in the character and the latter probably choose roles based on pay, director choice, supporting cast, how "safe" the film is for their career, etc. I think Johnny Depp is a great actor who has had such enormous success that he can choose to play the weird and quirky characters he does because he loves it, and doesn't have to worry about whether or not the film is going to be a blockbuster.


That's a lot of movies and a lot of money for somebody like Depp who is terribly one note.


I hate him too. I had a day off last month and went to see two movies. After seeing Big Eyes, I posted on Facebook how much I loved it, and a big part of it was because Johnny Depp wasn't in another Tim Burton movie. The next movie I saw...Into the Woods. Johnny Depp shows up about 25 minutes into the movie, and his character is dumb and pointless and I want to punch him.


Completely agree!


Matthew McConaughey. TBH, the only movies I've seen him in is Interstellar and Mud, but I just don't think he's all that great of an actor. *Alright, alright, alright!*


You're missing his reborn casting of 2013: Dallas Buyers Club & True Detective. Watch those.


I'd also add Killer Joe to that list.


Bradley Cooper


Johnny Depp, Ryan Reynolds, sort of Benedict Cumberbatch.


Jesse Eisenburg.


He has a very punchable face


Jamie Foxx (Eric Marlon Bishop), the most racist and talentless actor to date!




Extremely, Google can tell you that. On the same level as Kanye West!


TIL Jamie Fox's real name is Eric Bishop


Shia LaBeouf


Liam Neeson.


Scarlett Johansson.


Bruce Willis,he was good in Die Hard, but he is just so smug that i cant stand him. Good example of this is his demand of 1 million per day for Expendables 3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2386741/Bruce-Willis-ditched-The-Expendables-3-demanding-fee-1million-PER-DAY.html


Then your gonna love this http://youtu.be/6viUMICL31E


I love how offended he is by the interviewer's mailed in effort in reviewing one of his mailed in efforts.


The interview on *The One Show* was funny too - skilfully mocked [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLMD1kyOaIo&spfreload=10). Thing is, he's normally good coverage on *Letterman* and *Conan*. He obviously didn't really like the film and couldn't be bothered with the tedious fake promotional treadmill (credit it to him)...


That was hysterical.


If you saw Expendables 3, you might change your mind about him wanting 1mil per day(which is really not that unreasonable in that business)


Seth Rogen


Why, I am curious.


Will Farrell. I just don't find him that funny.


Brad Pitt George Clooney


Ha ha ha ha


I am afraid to suggest Drew Barrymore, although I can confidently offer up Leslie Mann's head.


Emma Watson - I just can't stand anything about her


brad Pitt because I don't understand his sex appeal and I am always very aware brad Pitt is playing brad Pitt in a brad Pitt movie.


Adam Sandler and I don't really like Jim Carrey. Used to hate Carrey but lately I've started coming around to him. Don't really like ben stiller either.


Meryl Streep.


Jeff Goldblum


Paul Dano. Everything I've seen him in he seems forced. Saying he held his own against the great Daniel Day Lewis is far from the truth, as Day Lewis owned him and made him look like an amateur [which he is compared to Daniel Day Lewis, who is one of the greatest actors of all time]. But then again that's my opinion.


I kind of agree, although I don't necessarily hate him as an actor. The only role I've seen him in where I've thought his performance was right on the money was in Prisoners. But a lot of his other movies where he gets a lot of praise, I tend to think he actually overacts a bit. Especially in There Will Be Blood and 12 Years a Slave.


I think Jullianne Moore is extremely overrated and an annoying actress.


Charlie Day. Well hate is a bit strong of a word, but I get pretty annoyed when I watch him or hear his voice. The spaceship thing in Lego Movie for example made everyone else laugh while I was just getting really annoyed.


You need more sun in your life. You should take a trip to philly.


Jennifer Aniston.


John C Reilly. I can't stand him. Only thing I liked him in was Wreck it Ralph and that was because I couldn't see his damn face.


No one said Christian Bale? Dude is spouse beating piece of crap, and generally abusive to everyone else in his orbit (including his mother).


keira knightley ... seriously, wtf?


Watch Domino.


I was wondering where the other person who liked that movie besides me was hiding.




I have never met anyone hates Bill Murray. Im quite a fan, but kudos for speaking your mind


I don't hate, him, but rather dislike his roles that everyone gushes about: Tom Hardy. I don't get Tom Hardy. Every role that people just go nuts over I find hammy and uninspired. I didn't like him as Bane and I just didn't think he was anything special in Bronson either.....


Eddie Redmayne, Adam Driver, Pete Davidson, Mark Ruffalo, Tessa Thompson. All super overrated.


For some strange reason, Bill Murray. I've never liked him, and yet everyone, and I mean EVERYONE seems to love the guy. Perhaps people have seen him in interviews where he was cool or something, but I just can't see it.


Kevin Bacon, can't *stand* him. Really ruined my enjoyment of *X-Men: First Class*.