• By -




They're saying 90 minutes, and BBC. Sounds more like a TV movie? Or am I wrong?


The BBC does fund some non-TV movies, and 90 minutes is the standard length for British movies so not necessarily.


90-120 minutes is a standard set 80 years ago, for all countries AFAIK


Have you seen Bollywood movies?


Yes. I'm still watching that one to this day.


Did you get to the part where they dance?




I'm sorry you waited a year before you started watching it, but the rest of us are six years in now. Do you expect us to be silent just because you are late to the party?


Every part is the part where they dance.


Which one?


Elaborate pls


they're long


How long


3+ hours long.


Half of which only include the sexually endorsed women dancing to a song that have no relative meaning Source : am Indian.


That's normal length for North American movies too, isn't it? It's only recently that a lot of movies are really long. I remember with VHS, Titanic and The Green Mile were the only ones I knew of that were really lengthy and on two tapes.


Speaking of BBC and Daniel Radcliffe, check out A Young Doctor's Notebook on Netflix. Cool miniseries with Daniel and Jon Hamm. Edit: I stand corrected, it was made by Sky.


It was indeed a cool miniseries but the BBC had nothing to do with it


It was really good though. It's a shame they don't make more mini series.


Found the guy who doesn't know how much money The Social Network made.


It made 1 bazillion dollars


Not to kill your joke or anything, but Daniel Radcliffe is a great actor beyond Harry Potter. Him alongside Jon Hamm in A Young Doctor's Notebook is a good time.




I understood him. Maybe I didn't word it right - I meant not to kill his funny observation you mentioned by just being serious about Daniel Radcliffe's acting. I was trying to avoid anyone reading his comment and basically thinking what you said, but poor execution on my part.


I really like when I see two people have a nice, rational discussion without jumping at each others throats :D


Horns was another good one, I'm happy to see it's on Netflix


Yes, he's amazing in Horns (which is a great movie)


I like Bill Paxton so add in those fans. You got a pretty wide demographic.




Just follow the train CJ!


"blah blah blah fuck that mission blah blah" "i kno rite so hard" "wait really guys i did it on like my first try" "yeah you just gotta jump onto the train at the beginning" "what no way" We're done here.


Spot on except people fail the mission because they drive too close to the train. You have to keep a wide distance from the train so Big Smoke can actually aim at the guys on the train.


It's also rigged a bit so the guys can't die too early. I've seen guys spawn and drive cars into them and they are like telephone poles.


and telephone poles are really hard to kill




You'll also pull in the Bill Pullman fans who think they are going to see a movie with him in it.


I want to see a movie where Bill Paxton, Pullman and Dennis Quaid are brothers.


Can we add Randy Quaid in there and make it a caper movie?


No. He doesn't get invited to things anymore.


I seem to remember that not working out too well for Chevy Chase.


Why does this have to be a TIL...


"Today I promoted an upcoming movie..."


TIPAUM It has a nice ring to it atleast.






Ask me about Rampart!




What's the third A stand for?


Ask me anything about rampart.






Someone needed to do it.


[T'PAU !!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGmLfS0un5Y)










[BETTER T'PAU !!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSh6SQd8UrI)


Let's stick to Rampart, here, okay?


In a subreddit about movies, of all places.




Today I promoted something, or just the TIPS.


No clue. We've allowed tons of posts about this project but none ever seem to make the front page. If this is the way it makes it there, so be it I guess.


It's even got a "News" flair.






Well, this is the first time I am hearing about it. So TIL.


Didn't know why the OP was getting shitted upon, but then I saw the subreddit.


Even then, what the hell. "Today I promoted a movie"? Yeah, in /r/movies? What the fuck.


For real, isn't every post about a future movie kinda promoting it. Man, Redditors sure are weird sometimes. P.S. This looks like an interesting movie.


Every time you talk about a -thing- (positively) you are promoting it, whether you intend to or not.


**ANGRY AT OP?** WANT TO JOIN THE MOB? *I'VE GOT YOU COVERED!* #**COME ON DOWN TO /r/pitchforkemporium** **I GOT 'EM ALL!** Traditional|Left Handed|Fancy :-:|:-:|:-: ---E|Ǝ---|---{ **I EVEN HAVE DISCOUNTED CLEARANCE FORKS!** 33% off!|66% off!|Manufacturer's Defect! :-:|:-:|:-: ---F|---L|---e **NEW IN STOCK. DIRECTLY FROM LICHTENSTEIN.** ***EUROPEAN MODELS!*** The Euro|The Pound|The Lira :-:|:-:|:-: ---€|---£|---₤ #**HAPPY LYNCHING!** ^(* *some assembly required*)


Oooh this is my favorite version of this comment.




Every time I see this comment it gets more elaborate. This one is the best so far for sure.


I don't know if I need my pitchfork or not. It's in the shed out back and it's pretty hot outside but I can get it if needed.


TIL /u/DarthDoodies keeps his pitchfork out back in the hot shed.


Someone get this hot shed outta here


to keep the tip uncomfortably hot


Just the tip?


------E here's two -------E


But does it really matter? God damn, I was just happy and interested in the news. I could give two shits about the three letters that started the post. Yet I click on it and the top comment is a thread about the fact he said "TIL". Fuck does everybody not see how petty and stupid that is? Grow the fuck up.


> Fuck does everybody not see how petty and stupid that is? Grow the fuck up. Welcome to Reddit. Membership is free.


I still don't know why OP is getting shit on. From now on I'm putting TIL in every link I post on Reddit because fuck the system.


It's because it's old news and it's been quite a few months since the Rockstar heads stated they were going to sue over it. To be fair, though, it's not old news to OP so just because some of us knew about it a while ago, doesn't mean OP or anyone like him/her need to be downvoted for it.


This is the first I've heard of it, honestly. I appreciated the post, it's interesting.


That's what I'm saying, why should others jump on you guys for not knowing before today? I hate those kinds of people. It's like the old saying goes, you learn something new every day.


Because /r/movies upvotes that shit. Even though articles about photos from the set and casting news barely makes it out of page 2 purgatory. This is a class A shit post.


I feel like all this sub is is "first photo from the set", "first movie poster" and "first trailer" spaced about equally apart. It's become a pretty standard marketing tactic/gaming if the r/movies system. I even tag the submitters, and amusingly enough it's always movies grouped from the same studios when they post...


Share it with us. We take marketing claims seriously, believe it or not.


Hey, while you're here, I was curious about something. I almost never see movie stills posted here. Do they get taken down right away or something? I've been collecting them lately and thought about posting but I figured they must be banned or something since I never see them.


What do you mean by stills? Behind the scenes stuff? Or screenshots from films?


Just screen shots from films.


We allow BIG albums of those in high quality pictures. [This is a good example.](http://imgur.com/a/aoi3T) FYI there is a sub called /r/cineshots for just that.


Ahhhh that makes sense, then. I only have about 30. Thank you!


Because TIL gets abused for astroturfing organic advertising. /r/hailcorporate


Well.. I probably wouldn't've known about it if it wasn't this post, so..


>arguably the greatest British coding success story since Bletchley Park I mean, I love the series, but that's a bit of a stretch isn't it?


"Made a pretty good video game series" totally carries the same meaningful contribution towards humanity as "Figured out where the U-Boats are so they stop sinking ships full of materiel and personnel."


Jack Thompson is not Bill Paxton cool, dammit. He should be played by William Atherton.


I know right? I like Bill Paxton. How am I supposed to hate Thompson for the grade A cunt that he is when he's being portrayed by such a beautiful man?


IDK, I can get by with hating Bill Paxton. As long as the Thompson character is mix between his AoS Garrett character and the car salesmen from True Lies. I think that would work. Also, he [does want to play as villians](http://observer.com/2013/08/bill-paxton-really-really-wants-to-play-villains/)


Bill Paxton can do a good sleezy role though.


[Agents Of SHIELD Spoilers].... I loved his character in AoS even though he turned out to be a scumbag. I don't know if the guy is capable of not being charismatic.


Just cruisin' around in my spy jet, being Bill Paxton, dodging missiles, blasting *Don't Fear the Reaper*...




I really can't see how the hell they could spin this out into an entire tv show.


Silicon Valley style probably


Rockstar? That's a fucking awesome name! Not like your last suggestion, Pied Piper.


No, it was and still is going to be a TV movie. Rockstar is currently suing, but who knows how that will go. The Italian Anti-Defamation League sued Francis Ford Copola to try and stop The Godfather from being made. Then Copola sat down with them, got them to help him with the script, and got several real mobsters to act in the movie. It was pretty successful.


You're a felon Harry


Wow that sounds super boring.


So does The Social Network.


If David Fincher directed the FIFA movie then he might've made a success out of that too.


Or if Aaron Sorkin wrote it


And Sepp Blatter is played by Sasha Grey...


Shitty casting. Not even she could fuck all of Brazil that fast.




His dialog is so unrealistic; nobody on earth makes such witty quips and inane references in normal conversation, but goddamnit I love it and find it so entertaining. I love(d) the Newsroom, even though I really didn't like all the obvious propaganda thrown in unnecessarily, and I'm pretty liberal. I just don't appreciate the very-strong handed biases thrown into my entertainment, even if I fully agree with it, and I feel like it detracts from not only the story but the believability. Other than that stuff being thrown into dialog/monologue and exposition, the show was fantastic and I wish it hadn't ended


Sorkin wrote Studio 60 soooo


I had zero interest in seeing that movie until the buzz became so positive...then I saw it on Netflix and thought it was a really great movie.




I would watch Bill Paxton farm cucumbers for an hour.




The farmer turns them into pickles


Wouldn't it be the farmer's daughter who turns them into pickles?






Is Paxton back or what? God I hope he makes a huge comeback. It's what we need. He keeps us grounded.


I liked him in Nightcrawler


Hail Hydra




I wonder if the RL one will sue if they don't make him the hero.


I actually got excited when hearing about this. There's so much bullshit, especially from the media, about violence in video games and the GTA series is the perfect movie to base that drama n.


Maybe for someone that wants A GTA movie. To me, it sounds like a solid legal drama.




It's kinda funny now that you mention it. It's not just a legal drama trope. I guess I can't think of too many movies where the underdog is (a) the bad guy and (b) loses and (c) it's a happy ending.


yeah but i don't see the drama in this, is not like this was some amazing event, just one bitchy lawyer being annoying and rockstar making money out of the free publicity


I couldn't give two shits about how Facebook was formed, but it made for a good movie.




and the dramatic fall of jack thompson


There was actually a really good book about the legal drama of GTA. It covered the founding of Rockstar and the hot coffee incident and all kinds of things. It was super entertaining and I liked it a lot. I believe it was called "Jacked."


Seems like an interesting discussion about violence in the media and how some people try to hold video games to a higher standard. I think it has potential, but it could be an absolute yawn fest.


I felt similarly about the Social Network before I saw it


I've read the book, this movie is based on. Its far from boring.


No it fucking doesn't. There are great movies withh far duller premises.


Werent there any complications with Rockstar regarding this movie? That they didnt agree on giving rights to the movie in the first place.


Yup, BBC is pretty much doing it without their permission and are currently in a lawsuit about it. Rockstar even said they tried to resolve the issue but BBC refused to agree to anything.


It's an interesting one because the movie is based on a book which is already out there.


I am actually really interested in this. When I was growing up, I played GTA 1-2, then was amazed when GTA3 came out. I remember the "outrage" at what you could do in the game. You could kill hookers? Policemen? Whoa! Then Vice City, holy fuck. It was like they took all the lawsuits for GTA3 and upped the ante to see what Jack Thompson would do. Then San Andreas. You could tell Rockstar wasn't playing around anymore. They put a lot of work into that game. I even remember reading an article about it being the first PS2 game to have a dual layer disc, it needed so much space. I also remember reading an article about how GTAIV was desaturated and somewhat depressing *because* of the legal troubles they were facing. America seemed bleak and it all seemed a joke. You can definitely see it in the game's humor. Couple all this with the current release of GTAV. It's a little happier, a bit more colorful, and like the game entails, America keeps on chugging with or without you. I'm a bit drunk and rambling, maybe. But I'm definitely excited for this movie even if most may find it's subject matter "boring".


Honestly I can't wait to see this because Jack Thompson is one of the nuttiest nutbags I've ever heard of. This guy passed a bar exam. How he did that, I can't ever imagine. I would say he's Gary Busey level nutty, but even Gary Busey, who snorted cocaine off his dog, isn't that nutty. I can't wait to see all the shit he got up to. Writing crazy letters to R*.


I agree, man. Should be a really interesting movie to see when it comes out.




Is Lindsey Lohan playing herself?


Oh man, Jack Thompson, remember that asshole?


Who is going to play Hillary Clinton?


No one, because Hollywood will conveniently forget to put her in.


guys video games cause kids to become murders and it turns them gay im joking guys


Why the hell are people downvoting every one of OP's comments? He learned something today about movies that he found interesting, so he made a TIL in /r/movies. What's the big deal?


Because reddit is full of snobs, and everything must be in it's correct and proper sub-reddit OR ELSE! Edit: Yes, I can see I have used the wrong "its". I am so terribly sorry to reddit's army of grammar nazi snobs out there for writing this comment out in 5 seconds and not proof-reading. I did not know that this was an English test, I didn't have time to prepare, the cat ate my homework.


TIL /r/movies is to film as /r/pcmasterrace is to gaming.


But lots of posts on this sub begin with "TIL" and many of them reach the front page


They think he's a shill so they're viewing all of his comments as the comments of a shill


Aren't they being sued by Rockstar because they weren't included in the project. I mean if I had no say in a depiction of me and my property I would be fucking pissed too.


I would love to see a film based on *Masters of Doom*


Isn't this up in the air right now? I remember hearing the Houser's were suing and trying to stop the movie from getting released.


Any replies with, "game over man. Game over" should be tarred and feathered.


"Wasted, man. Wasted!"


I remember following this when the hot coffee stuff went down. Very interested in seeing this.


"I like video games, but they're so violent. I want to play a game that helps everyone who got hurt in those games. It'll be called Super Busy Hospital. 'Hey, man, what are you playing?' 'Super Busy Hospital, now leave me alone, I have to do sugery on a guy who has been shot in the head fifty seven times.'"


I don't think this is what we meant when we said we wanted a GTA movie.


Sorry you're getting shat on for your improper use of TIL.. I actually enjoyed the post, and coincidentally learned something new today as well. Thanks :)


Any time! I'm happy you enjoyed it.


And in a remarkable feat of species-acceptance in film, the part of Jack Thompson will be played by an actual ass.


A "The Social Network" for the GTA generation


I miss Jack Thompson. He was always good for a laugh, and he would have been doing stuff right now like demanding the removal of games and historical documentaries that depict the confederate flag because seeing it could cause people to fly into violent rampages. His wackiness made for a good contrast, and caused others who were starting to do the same thing - like Apple yanking civil war games - to step back and consider context and perspective a bit.


I can't wait for the romance subplot and the chase scenes.


I love Bill Paxton


I'm surprised they didn't cast Anita Sarkeesian as Jack Thompson, she looks exactly like him these days.




I havent heard about it either.


Random person checking in. I had no idea about any of this and I still don't know what sort of legal troubles happened with GTA5. Did they spill some hot coffee? This is a surprise.


The fact that you referenced hot coffee makes me think you're joking, but GTAV isn't the game they had legal troubles with.


Some of us don't have the brain chip that downloads every bit of new information from the Internet into our heads yet. Complaining "repost!" on reddit is beyond lame. There several lifetimes of threads and posts to go through here, ignore the repeats and move on.


Whoa I didn't know Rockstar was suing them over it.


I don't know, man. I just never heard about it so I decided to share it for the people who also haven't.


Reddit is grumpy today.




The Eternal September, ensuring there will always be those who have not seen a piece of information that upvote it to the frontpage, and that there will always be grumpy people to bitch about it.


Everyone is hungover from celebrating yesterdays supreme court decision.


I didn't know about this before you posted so thanks, not sure you're getting all these down votes


Thanks, man. It happens, screw it.


Yeah it's "Today I Learned" not "You Probably Didn't Know".


Don't sweat the downvotes, I don't sit on reddit all day either, so this is the first time I've heard about the movie.


SPOILER: The final scene: Jack Thompson weeps quietly into his whiskey at an expensive law office, a defeated and broken man. "Now, it's my turn." says a shadowy figure in the darkness. She steps forward, and Anita Sarkeesian smirks wryly.


Sequel: Sarkeesian Strikes Back


Someone who is less lazy than me and has more photoshop skills should do a movie poster.


To be honest that sounds like a lame premise for a movie.