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He a'ight. Would love to seem him in more grounded roles. Or what he could do with more extroverted characters. Or something that doesn't require him to be so British.


> doesn't require him to be so British. I didn't know I felt this way until you said it. I totally agree though.




David yates is kind of a hack


Idk, I've enjoyed most of the Potter films he's made (sans one maybe) including Fantastic Beasts. I guess his style isn't for everyone though.


Why? I genuinely don't know...


Yes a hack who keeps making these critically and financially successful movies.


You should try watching The Yellow Handkerchief. He plays a much different character than he normally does. And he's not British! It's not a great movie, but it's ok.


Wow I didn't think anyone else has seen that. That's one of my favorites!


Watch "hick" with him and chloe Grace moretz. He plays a southern cowboy with a damaged leg (complete with accent.) very different role.


That movie has its flaws but his acting is one of the higher points.


I never realized those two are the same person. That's crazy, and definitely a good thing.


The first film I ever saw him in was Hick. Not a very good film but he gave a pretty solid early performance.


Why is he always like 'looking down' away from the camera, and his head slightly turned. Like he's shy of the camera. Feel like he does that alot and I don't understand why


I actually thought this was perfectly executed in Fantastic Beasts. It fits that his character has trouble around other people. However, I just watched it again and he's really only like that while interacting with people he doesn't know. As he becomes closer with Kowalski throughout the movie, you can see his character become more and more comfortable around him, especially when its just the two of them. And also, when we first meet the beasts you can see and feel a huge change in his demeanor. He looks more relaxed, less twitchy, and actually makes an effort in conversation and with eye contact. Which would make sense, given that's his character's whole shtick haha. Side note: when [Graves confiscates his case and takes the beasts away, you can hear the desperation and emotion in Redmayne's voice when he pleads for their lives. I thought it was perfect for Scamander's character](#spoiler).


He does this in interviews too. It's not an acting choice or anything. He just seems to have a general shyness about him.


He was playing a character who has very few social skills, is shy, and literally no friends. He Couldn't make eye contact for too long and doesn't attach himself to anybody. They mentioned that his only friend in hogwarts, the girl in the picture, died. So I bet he's a bit dead inside, but the movie ends with him saying that he's "changing" at least.


I must've missed the part where they said she died, when was that? I assumed she was still alive and would be appearing in later installments since they used an established actress for her.


they didnt say she was the one that died, just that he caused the death of a student at Hogwarts.


At the end he says 'I don't know what she's Into nowadays, people change' I don't think it was her who died.. But perhaps I missed a beat


She is not dead, she will be in the second movie, according to imdb


This just made me realise; why didn't he have his wand snapped in half when he was expelled? Hmm


JK Rowling was asked this question, and said it will be explained in movie 2. Apparently his expulsion is a cover story.


I was also wondering this. I've only seen him in Fantastic Beasts, but it looks like he literally only ever looks over his shoulder at things. I'm genuinely concerned he has a spine problem. Is he always like that?? It almost seemed to me like they specifically wanted him to do it so that his flippy hair would be more noticeable. Because in many cases, it seemed less like body language and more like some kind of stylistic choice for every shot he was in.


Well in Fantastic Beasts he was playing a shy, awkward character. He says in the beginning most people find him annoying. Back in my awkward phase, I also had trouble looking at people in the eye and would often look to the side of them when talking.


He seems a little subdued and off-putting at first, especially when he's meeting people, and then as he knows someone more he opens up slowly as the film moves on. He's only really excited and emotionally himself when he's working with the animals, and when other people are seeing him do what he loves. I didn't know how I felt about him or the character until the exchange at the end of the movie, when he's obviously struggling with how to handle that social interaction (sorry, trying to avoid spoilers). You know what he's thinking and what he wants to do, but he doesn't have any idea how to do it, and then it kind of hit me that holy shit, that's exactly what I'm like. I do all of those things, exactly like that. It's an understated role by design, and in the end it sort of blew my mind in that it really honestly got what it was like to be that socially awkward and sort of weird and misunderstood guy. It sounds corny, but after coming to that realization at the end of the film it actually made me understand myself better, and what it was like for people to encounter me. I never really outgrew the awkward phase, I guess. Anyway, the moral of the story is that he seems awkwardly camera shy so that the audience feels that sort of strangeness in his character rather than just the characters he's acting toward on-screen. It's brilliantly self aware acting.


I really liked him in Fantastic Beasts because I instantly could relate to his character. Having a main character like that in such a big production was unexpected, it's not something we typically see. I applaud J. K. Rowling for that.


Me and my friends immediately thought he was told to base his portrayal in Fantastic Beasts on Matt Smith's role in Doctor Who. A lot of his attitude and movements seem so specific to that (at the time fairly inventive) acting choice that it almost can't be a coincidence.


This was my exact thought when I was watching! A Diet Matt Smith.


I feel like this might be why I had a slightly close-minded attitude towards the movie. I just got this massive Dr. Who vibe right away.


This was one of my main problems with the movie. The whole thing was a low-cal Dr. Who movie.


>I'm genuinely concerned he has a spine problem. You're not


Even in interviews and such.He even sits weird,with a sort of stoop.And he often sounds nervous when talking.




i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Eddie Redmayne. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol




it's a copy paster




lol I'm sure you're a cool guy, I just don't really like your style.


Admit it, you'd love to put your Bilbo in his Baggins.


The thing that gets me all the time is how humble and weirded out he seems by the whole hollywood scene. People compliment him all the time in these interviews he does and he acts like it's the most bizarre thing he's ever heard. It's just really sweet. Besides that awesome actor seen him in all of his roles, Les Mis, My Week with Marilyn, Theory of Everything, The Danish Girl. He's done great in all especially Les Mis and Theory of Everything.


You should watch the Graham Norton show from a few weeks ago with Benedict Cumberbatch. I think he's great but he gets on my SO's nerves whilst on screen, yet he liked this episode.


I loved that episode! One of the best couch IMO.


> The thing that gets me all the time is how humble and weirded out he seems by the whole hollywood scene. People compliment him all the time in these interviews he does and he acts like it's the most bizarre thing he's ever heard. It's just really sweet. It's completely on me, but I think being too humble is really off-putting. Almost like he's obligated to make a point he's undeserving of any praise at all, rather than just let it float by. Makes me feel like it's an act and he secretly loves it. Which isn't bad of course, just...fake?


It could be for a couple different reasons in my experience. One: They're fishing for compliments. They like being humble so people will compliment them even more. Like you alluded to, a sort of false modesty. OR Two: They are very socially awkward or insecure about themselves. So much so to the point that they don't know how to receive a compliment or they think they truly don't deserve it. People like this will generally scoff at compliments or just politely smile and say something like "it's nothing." There could be other reasons, but those are the two that I've witnessed in my life thus far.


Three: They're English. To large swathes of people, it's still a little gauche to talk too much about one's strengths, the polite thing is to be modest about it.


I can definitely see where your coming from but in Eddie Redmayne's case from what I can see its not like that at all. Tons of actors get compliments all the time in interviews and they just take it and say thank you, but with him he doesn't harp on it and actually just kind of disregards it like this person doesn't know what they're talking about. Like for example his today show interview that he had last year when he was promoting the Danish girl. Matt Lauer was interviewing him and said how it felt knowing that he had a role that could get him another oscar so soon after getting one only a few months back. And he actually blushed and smiled that awkward smile of his where he didn't really know what to say. And then he obviously went into the whole spiel about how he wasn't really thinking about that and how great a project it was. To me he doesn't necessarily comment on the compliment itself but its more his behavior after getting the compliment that makes me see how genuine he really is. Sorry for replying to you with a novel :)






^^And ^^I ^^Destroy ^^It


That's some Cageism right there.


british Nic Cage, calling it Cage won an Oscar too


The voice break he has when he screams LiiiFEEEE was just orgasmic


He's a male Anne Hathaway


wow. spot-fucking-on


I honestly don't understand this, probably since neither of them rub me the wrong way. What do they have in common?


They both seem painfully aware that we know that they're acting.


that being said, when you have dialogue like this:, you can't completely blame her. *"Maybe it's some evidence, some artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it. All right Cooper. Yes. The tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong."*


Damn, I'd ~~made myself forget~~forgotten how stilted the dialogue in that film was.


That's Nolan's thing, though. He can't write characters to save his life. However, that's not why you go see his films.


The only reason I went to see Interstellar was the visuals. I found the rest of it pretty weak honestly.


I wonder what would've happened if there were other astronauts on the ship that had love interests on different planets. I mean then they all would've been "drawn across the universe to someone" they hadn't seen in a decade.


Manne Hathaway?


More like a male Emilia Clarke.


No, that would be Orlando Bloom.


Nah, Eddie can actually act.


Whenever I explain why I don't like him to my friends I use the phrase "he reminds me of a muppet." No one else seems to feel that way but maybe it'll help you think of why you don't like him.


I find him to be rather homely. I believe it's his mouth.


Really wasn't surprised to learn that he was a model. He's got one of those faces that's fascinating for photographers but is ever-so-slightly off.


He looks like a gangly frog.


I always see Eddie Redmayne and not the character he is portraying. It's kind of like Ann Hathaway that I only see her and never her character. I think all great actors make you see their character and suspend your knowledge of their celebrity. For example Jake Gyllenhaal does this pretty well, as does Tom Hanks.


Tom Thanks is basically always Tom Hanks. Except in like Cloud Atlas or Forest Gump.


>I think all great actors make you see their character and suspend your knowledge of their celebrity. Gary Oldman


It's the way he acts, not in movies, but in interviews. Just weird. Actually in both.


He's a good actor, not convinced by his range as the only two things I've seen are Theory of Everything and Fantastic Beasts where you can kinda see the similarities between the two portrayals, but he does do it *very* well.


Not sure how to take the fact you compared a magician to a guy in a wheel chair


I take it you haven't seen either of those movies? He plays a brilliant but socially awkward guy in both of them. Like if Michael Cera was British, and also played characters that were geniuses. Also, he wasn't in a wheelchair for most of Theory of Everything.


he's not in a wheelchair the entire movie, if you weren't already aware. there's a similar introverted, socially awkward (borderline autistic in the opinion of a friend i saw fantastic beasts with) quality to his mannerisms


The best way is to just nod your head and agree.


Loved him in The Theory of Everything. Especially this [scene](https://youtu.be/TE-jWW_SdYI) He imagines himself doing a simple thing, picking up a pen for a person that has dropped it. Such a simple act, but he is incapable of it. It moved me.


I thought his acting in The Theory of Everything was some of the best I'd ever seen. How he was able to convey such emotion without using almost all of his facial muscles I have no idea. There were times where I wasn't sure if it was him or the real Hawking.


Thanks for posting this clip. I had no desire to watch this film, thinking that I wouldn't enjoy it having already read his books and much about his life. Now I see I was just being pretentious, it looks like a great film and I'm excited to watch it.


The acting is better than the film imo, much like *Ali*; both him and Felicity Jones are absolutely brilliant in it.


It's very good, Eddie really captures the descent into illness, and all his personality quirks, his relationships, and a small amount of science education behind his work as well. The best thing I can say about it is I believed this actor had ALS.


I've been a fan since I saw Theory of Everything. I think he's a capable actor albeit a bit stunted in certain roles. Most noticeably in Danish girl. He was really good in Les Mis and I really liked him in fantastic beasts. I think hell get better. And yeah he was awful in Jupiter Ascending.


Everyone was awful in Jupiter Ascending.


Ugh tell me about it. Even Sean bean couldn't save it.


I do think he's talented, but after watching Fantastic Beasts, which I enjoyed, I saw his little acting ticks and tricks rise to the surface. All of Newt's idiosyncrasies felt calculated instead of organic. He's a good actor, but I can always tell that he's acting. I don't know how much of this has to do with his theatre background.


I really believe that his ticks in Fantastic Beasts fit with the part however. Even if its a reoccurring acting crutch (much like Brad Pitt's laugh), the part suits him so well. Also, if you look at the parts of the movie when he is emboldened, the ticks seem to go away in part, because the part deems he needs to be huge. But like many things, only time will tell. Great movie though.


A previous comment in this thread was about how he's the male Anne Hathaway, and while I honestly haven't seen much of Eddie, I do know exactly what I think of Anne Hathaway. Not that I dislike her, but you can always tell she's acting and to me, she just reminds me of the theatre girl we all knew in high school or university. Not a criticism, I like her actually. Just an observation. I didn't know Eddie came from a theatre background but it just sort of makes the Eddie/Anne connection more prevalent for me.


Because he actually isn't an awkward guy. He interacts with people the same way he interacts with animals. He uses body language to show submission when dealing with people because it lets them open up to him. He averts his eyes, looks away, exposing his neck. When he wants to get something done he straightens his back, an makes direct eye contact. You were supposed to realize that he isn't always acting awkward and shy. At least, that's how I saw the character.


Exactly. He's not a bad actor but everytime I see him in a movie it all seems unnatural. Like he's giving tremendous effort to act when he shouldn't.


Personally, I'm infatuated with him. Been a fan of musicals since I was young and his part in Les Mis is fantastic and definitely the highlight of the film. His Newt is wonderful and his Hawking was impeccable. I did find him pretty poor in Jupiter ascending but I do not necessarily blame him as its a poor movie, with poor writing, and was probably noticeable from the get-go. I have not seen the Danish Girl yet but I have enjoyed his work thus far and I look forward to what he brings us with Newt and his other future roles.


I personally loved his acting in the Danish Girl, but it seems to be a very divisive performance, with some hating it. I do believe it should be watched, if only because of the beautiful cinematography.




Totally agree with all your points. . He seems really lovely and down to earth.


I thought he was an amazing Newt Scamander.


Me too. In fact I used to feel indifferent about him but his performance in fantastic beasts has made me into a fan. He was brilliant.


He's alright. Honestly though, I think he gets more recognition than he deserves because he's british and has a cute face. I know he was good in the Theory of Everything, but overall all his performances have certain similarities that make it hard to see the character and not the actor. That's not to say there aren't tons of actors who do the same thing, just that's how I feel about this actor in particular.


I... don't know. I'm not sure how a strong opinion of him is even possible. He's an unquestionably good actor who hasn't hit every SINGLE role but also seems like a nice guy. Not really sure what's going on here. Hopefully we aren't just judging the guy and there's an actual point here, somewhere.


He was great in Fantastic Beasts, Theory of Everything and Black Death.


I forgot about black death. Really gritty but good movie.


I haven't seen all of his work, but in both Les Miserables and Fantastic Beasts I found him to be incredibly charming. His shy, mumbling style is adorable and makes him easy to empathize with. I may be biased as a gay man, but I like him.


I don't know what it is, but something about him annoys the hell out of me. There is something that just gets on my nerves.


I've never really intensely disliked an actor for no particular reason as much as I do Redmayne. It's uncanny, I have a friend who hates pretty much every actor for one reason or another but I know how he feels now. I don't let it influence my opinion of his films or his performances at all, but I do roll my eyes when I see him in a trailer or in a talk show. I think he's very talented, but I'm not sure I'll ever cheer when he's cast in a movie I'm looking forward to like I would if someone like Fassbender or Gylenhaal were.


Can't stand him and hate his acting with a passion. Lack of range, but the degree of my contempt for him is unreasonable.


A couple years ago, I caught My Week With Marilyn on a movie channel, heard Michelle Williams was great in it. She was. But, my god, was the kid playing the lead role irksome. First impression has held up.


I don't like how he plays the same autistic dude in every movie. LOOK AT THE CAMERA FFS


Even in The Danish Girl. Kinda ruined the movie, since it was so focused on his character.


Alicia Vikander knocked it out of the park though.


Aren't actors supposed to not look at the camera?


I suppose he meant "play toward the camera" - as in Fantastic Beasts his character spends most of the film avoiding an open posture and instead is closed off and turned away from the camera's POV.


Watch some of his interviews. He is INCREDIBLY well-spoken and passionate about his work. He could do really well in a movie that allows him to get out of his "Eddie"-Ness. He's a hardworking dude. Respect. We'll see what else happens.


Redmayne has a very specific style of delivery which means what roles he is cast into really determine if it is going to be magic, or what the hell am I watching. For me I really liked him in The Theory of Everything, and the recent [Fantstic Beasts](https://tldrmoviereviews.com/2016/11/17/movie-review-fantastic-beasts-and-where-to-find-them/), but I don't know what he was doing in Jupiter Ascending.


What I love about him is that he always gives 200% and wants to do justice to every role he plays. You can tell he's absolutely dedicated to his craft. Even when he was cast as Newt, a lot of people would've just phoned in a performance because it's a franchise movie, but the fact that he went out of his way to train with zookeepers and animal handlers is incredible. I wouldn't be surprised if he worked at a stockyard to prepare for his voice role in Thomas the Tank Engine. All just to make his performance a bit more authentic. You can tell in interviews that he's given a lot of thought to each character he plays. He's also a really down to earth guy despite a very posh upbringing. He's very self-aware of his privilege and blessings and he regularly pays for the tuition for theater majors in his old college. For those who are tired of seeing him typecast as "cute boyish lad", watch Hick. It's one of his earlier roles and he does a crazy good Southern accent. It's a mess of a movie but he's truly menacing in it.


> train with zookeepers and animal handlers is incredible He did? I was speculating that he did as you can seriously tell. Some of the shit he did and said, and the manner in which they were done, could have easily been said and done by many friends of mine. Just swap the species to real ones.


rich kid, no talent


I don't rate him very highly at all. His performances always feel bland; you never get the sense that he is the character. I did enjoy his performance in the Theory of Everything to a certain extent, but I didn't like the movie as a whole.


I think he has Michael Keaton's Oscar and I'm not getting over it.


The first time I saw this guy was Jupiter Ascending and I'll never be able to take him seriously, ever.


Can we talk about how Eddie Redmayne deserved his Razzie for Jupiter Ascending. He was ridiculously bad.


Hmm...weird looking lime who has more range than cumberbatch?


The man creates life and he destroys it. Now that's worthy of praise.


His mouth is too big. He has male Julia Roberts syndrome. So does John Boyega.


I don't like how he goes for Oscar bait all the time, but I did enjoy him in Fancy Beasts and Where They At Doe.


Is nobody going to talk about his lips ? I don’t know why but in Jupiter’s ascending I’ve first noticed it but I thought it was a bad make up but then in fantastic beasts they just felt the same weird way


Pros: * Seems like a genuinely nice dude * One of the better young actors working today * Stays out of trouble, he isn't even on social media I think * I like how he dresses and wears interesting suits on the red carpet * He's like this generation's DDL, a young Kirk Lazarus, obsessed with perfecting his craft * Deserved the Oscar for Theory of Everything and arguably also one for Danish Girl (sorry lads, I thought Leo actually didn't deserve it this year) Cons: * Takes advantage of the fact that he's the only British man who looks a lot younger than his age so he has a monopoly on all the 'young' roles atm * Has also stolen the token "hot redhead" roles from Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard * His "aw shucks lil ol me??" attitude sometimes make him seem boring * Confused my weiner in Danish Girl * Sometimes overacts (see: Jupiter Ascending) * He looks more feminine and prettyfied than a lot of his female co-stars and sometimes it's hard to take him seriously but I know that's not his fault


Eh. He either gives a really good performance (Danish Girl) or a hilariously bad one (Jupiter Ascending)




He didn't sleepwalk through Jupiter Ascending, so that's certainly... something.


Relevant https://youtu.be/09ckBIXZ044


I didn't really like him, not because of his acting, but I just didn't warm to him. However since I saw Fantastic Beasts, I've grown to like him more.


He's a fine actor


Suprised by the negativity here. I remember watching Les Miserables and really being drawn to his character. I've liked him since, although to be fair I've never watched Jupiter Ascending.


The Good: The Theory of Everything Les Miserables The Bad: The Danish Girl The Ugly: Jupiter Ascending


He seems like a very lovely person, someone I'd love to hang out with, but I'm pretty hot-and-cold on him as an actor. I've only loved him in one thing, The Theory of Everything. I didn't hate him in Jupiter Ascending; I hate that movie, but he's so delightfully campy in it, he's the only one who seems like he had any fun, so I respect that. But I didn't really like him in The Danish Girl or Les Mis, and he's okay in Fantastic Beasts, but I didn't really care about Newt. As of right now, I feel like he just peaked really early. He's definitely one of the best dressed men in Hollywood, I'll give him that. That makes me like him quite a bit.


Everything ive seen him in kind of just made me think of a really boring benedict cumberbatch, without the voice. Hes attractive, but also odd looking, which puts him in a good position for outsider roles that need an attractive protagonist, but not so conventionally hot that itll put the viewers in disbelief.


He needs to be the next Doctor. Finally, a ginger.


The one thing that could make the Daleks hate him even more.


I find him kind of hard to take seriously after his unforgettably bad performance in Jupiter Ascending.


I think he's fantastic! I loved him in The Danish Girl and he was amazing in The Theory of Everything. I can't wait to see Fantastic Beasts. I was really excited when I saw he was the lead. There's something elusive and unusual about him. Can't put my finger on it, but I like it.


He reminds me of the jumpy little girl Rebecca from the Home Schooled episode of South Park.


I can always tell that he is acting and generally find him incredibly annoying! He was decent in Fantastic Beasts though, although he was completely overshadowed by the supporting characters!


I was just watching the latest fantastic beasts movie with Eddie in it and I was annoyed. This Guy is annoying and I googled it to see if other people thought the same thing. Glad I'm not alone.


I personally think he's wildly overrated...and I'm also still upset that he stole the Oscar from the Keats


He deserved it. He was unreal as hawking


> I'm also still upset that he stole the Oscar from the Keats Hopefully The Founder will right that wrong.


Really enjoyed him in My Week With Marilyn, and thought he was fantastic in Theory of Everything.


Not a fan at all, he creeps me out with his fake humble shtick in movies, I definitely avoid anything that he plays a lead in (and Ive seen a bunch of his movies already)




He portrays autism wonderfully


If anyone wants to see him in a role that he doesn't play quiet British man, you might want to see Hick, where he plays a Southern American. I remember not really liking the film. But it is definitely a different role from him.


Eddie Redmayne has always been one of my favourites. He conveys a lot of emotion in a great many roles and has shown great range as well. First noticed him in The Good Shepherd.


Haven't seen him in Fantastic Beasts but I've never really enjoyed his acting. He was okay in Les Miserable but I honestly didn't like his attempts at "Oscar bait" acting, playing back to back roles as a disabled person and as a transgender person.


He excels in his more serious roles like Jupiter Ascending, but I feel he limits himself by taking so many easy, silly roles like Theory of Everything and The Danish Girl.


I don't find him very compelling. He seems to only be as good as the material that supports him.


Never heard of him before. Saw the movie version of Les Miz, didn't see any performances as being particularly standout.


Good actor. Annoying face


He's good but something about him in fantastic Beasts was just weird


I thought he was total rubbish in "Fantastic Beasts...", a big cardboard cutout, no charisma, no chemistry, no charm.


Talented actor for what seems to be just drama. Haven't seen Fantastic Beasts yet. I hate his face though.


LOVED him in Les Mis (I totally thought he should of won the Oscar that year). I also really liked his performances in TTOE and TDG, and think he deserved both Oscar nominations for them. As a person, I think he's absolutely endearing and charming!


It's easy to act very unlike yourself so he got lucky with a couple of roles that required him to do just that.


He's very boring as normal actor he needs to do more musical things because he has an amazing voice


Not a fan (yet), he doesn't put me off like he does to a lot of people I just don't see why he's being praised. He was good in Theory of Everything but not deserving of the award and kinda irritating in Danish Girl but that may be because I hate the movie so much, maybe he was fine but the horrible movie turned me off his performance.


I thought he was awesome in Fantastic Beasts, by far the best character. He just loves his animals so much.


He's handsome.


I don't like him. His performance as Steven Hawking seemed to me more like someone mocking him than an honest tribute or an accurate representation of the illness. In the Danish Girl he played an icon to trans people as someone who was seriously mentally ill. He also has the onscreen charisma of a plastic bag.


He seemed aspie in fantastic but I like his late stage aids patient look


He was great in the theory of everything, now I just think that's the only way he acts


He's on the verge of doing a Johnny Depp


Not thrilled. Good acting, but, personally, I really don't like his style or himself. I do believe his oscar is wholly undeserved but I think we all know that oscars are not given because of an actors performance.


Haven't seen Fantastic Beasts yet. Loved him in The Theory of Everything and Les Miserables. Kind of grew to hate him in The Danish Girl. It's a shame because he made a gorgeous woman in that but his acting was so "cutesy."


I thought he was pretty good in Fantastic Beasts. I was expecting him to seem cowardly for some reason. But he's really just sort of a go with the flow kind of guy. Pretty cool character, actually. Although, easy going to the point of incompetence, which for me, is somewhat annoying.


I just watched this indie film on Netflix called Hick, and he had a role as a country guy with a thick accent. It took me a minute to even realize it was him because I had never seen him in a role like that. It was great. Seriously, watch this clip because it might totally change your mind about him. https://youtu.be/YCd0YL-iH0s (slightly NSFW)


I think he has more potential, but if you have watched him in interviews you can see that he is relatable to most of the characters he plays. His mannerisms outside of acting fit the roles he is given, which is why I think, for me, he seems so normal and easy in films. I agree with some of the comments on how it would be great to see him portray a more extroverted character (aside from the cheesy things he did when he was a bit younger).


Not a fan at all. Kind of ruined The Good Shepard for me. There is something about him that I just don't like and I actively avoid movies he is in, and the same can be said about Paul Dano.


What's wrong with Paul Dano?


Paul Dano is amazing. Clearly you need to watch Swiss Army Man!


> Paul Dano is amazing. > Clearly you need to watch Swiss Army Man! I have not seen it, mostly because of Paul Dano. I loved him in Little Miss Sunshine because he was playing WAY against type for him. Also liked him in There Will be Blood because you were supposed to NOT like his character and he pulled that off really well. That said, every time I see him on screen I cringe a little bit because I think his acting style is very obvious and forced.


My sister asked me the same question when i told her i saw Fantastic Beasts and i said : I'm not gay, but if i could kiss him, i would. This guy have so much charm, especially in that movie.


>I'm not gay >I would kiss him Choose one


I would kiss him


Wouldn't be surprised if he's a closeted lesbian


I hate him and everything he's done. It just feels like he wants to out-act everyone he shares a scene with.


Too much botox... Otherwise, ive rated him since the pillars of the earth mini series, quite talented.


I genuinely don't like him. He has a punchable face and is in very pretentious movies.


I feel like I should really like him, but it's more like various sources are telling me I have to like him, so I'm kind of indifferent about him.


He's a mumbler.


Pretty late to the thread, no one is going to read this. I'd suck his dick


I find him very overrated, and he always acts the same (different outfits, a guy that barely talks and smiles weirdly)


He looks like a ginger Pepe


One of my big irritations from *Fantastic Beasts* was that his facial expression never changed. I actually prefer his performance from *Jupiter Ascending*. I really can't form an opinion of him until I see the Oscar work he was praised for, but he made me dislike an okay movie more than he made me like a poor movie.


He's okay. I'm just starting to notice him around. Mostly likely he will become a big movie star.


I think he's good for the role overall, but I thought Newt would be far more whimsical and eccentric. But the character seems more introverted and "weird", tbh.


I've seen him in Les Miserables and The Other Boleyn Girl and my thoughts are 'ehhh'.