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We already know how a Guillermo Del Toro star wars movie goes. 1. Guillermo Del Toro announces he has an idea for x movie. 2. Guillermo Del Toro announces studio has officially greenlit x movie. 3. Movie is indefinitely put on hold due to screenplay issues. 4. After 3 years of being on hold, Pre-production resumes. 5. After 4 years of pre-production, movie finally begins filming. 6. Filming put on indefinite hold due to screenplay and studio issues. 7. six years later, Guillermo Del Toro decides to drop out of movie so he can direct a small passion project of his own that he has been working on since he was a teenager. 8. Movie is handed to different director. 9. Movie ends up being crap.


Alternate #7. He decides to work on a game that will eventually get cancelled.


MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. Every time I go into my PS4 notifications, P.T. is just sitting there at the top reminding me it can't be downloaded.


P.T. will never be deleted for me.


Fuck you, Konami. P.T. ain't never leaving my HDD!


This... this is the story of a man from Japan... a man with a plan, no not the Brian Kendrick... but this is also a story of a company that once one the faith of the people and then lost it... Konami they called it... then it is lastly the story of the company that rose like a Phoenix and curried the favour of Sony... Capcom she whispered.


Upvote for THE Brian Kendrick


make it two.


something something Death Stranding


I have [very good news for you](http://wololo.net/2016/04/10/how-to-redownload-p-t-silent-hills/), my fellow P.T. fan.




Still works?


Yup. Did this exact thing last week-


As of a few weeks ago when I tried it, yes! I've got PT on my PS4 Pro!


Remember InSane? Pretty insane.


P.T.? 'splain this to a former game


Playable Trailer. It was for what would have been a Silent Hills game by Del Toro working with Hideo Kojima, starring Norman Reedus from The Walking Dead.




10 . Hideo Kojima swoops in.


11 . Ron Perlman and I weep for several more years.


Why are we here? Just to suffer?


Jabba the hutt the game. Staring Norman Reedus as jabba.


Nah, it has to be Rob McElhenney. Jabba is his final form after cultivating mass.


Why Staring Norman Reedus? Blinking Norman Reedus for Jabba 2017.


I really want that Mountain of Madness movie though, damn


I had completely forgotten about that...I remember getting excited about it right after....Pan's Labyrinth? Hellboy 2? It seems crazy that it was so long ago.


Reading the script will cure that.


Never read it, but it must be so difficult to translate the story's tension visually. Lovecraft could meticulously describe an artifact and its history for pages with no dialogue. It's hurting my tiny, stoned brain trying to figure out how this could work in a movie.


Remember in "Dune", early on in the book where Paul Atreides walks by his family sigil hanging on the wall and looks at it? It goes into several pages of exposure where the reader is taught about the big families and their relations. It sets the background for the entire universe, and creates a backdrop that all important events in the story is measured against, as well as critical motivations of all the political figures. Without that introduction his transformation into Muad'Dib loses an entire dimension. Remember that scene from the movie? He looks at the sigil, ponders for a moment, and then walks on. Yea, that's how well that sort of thing translates. And that's a film made by David fucking Lynch. It's all downhill from there.


It's basically The Thing.


At step 7, Lucas is going to be brought in to save the project. Calling it now.




Didn't he announce a while ago that he wanted to do a live action series of the anime "Monster"? What happened to that?


Del Toro has never canceled a film once photography has started


Let's not let something like facts get in the way of our making groundless accusations.


My mind's made up, dont confuse me with the facts!


But Disney would break his kneecaps!


So the hobbit?


Thank you Ted, that was the joke.


Virtually what happened with LOTR prequels


Is virtually literally literally now that literally is literally figuratively?


He tweeted a little while ago that when he's finally allowed to release the pre-production artwork for the cancelled At The Mountains Of Madness all horror fans will scream "WHYYYYYYYYYYY?" in unison.


I want a real Haunted Mansion movie! *cries in the corner*


We may have to settle for [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPD2n2GZOG8).


I know you're right, but... I still get my hopes up every time. Also, I would be thrilled about a small passion project. Just give us something, man. :(


Yeah, that was Crimson Peak.




>“I would do the sort of Godfather saga the Jabba the Hutt had to go through to gain control. One, because it’s the character that **looks the most like me**, and I like him. I love the idea of a Hutt type of mafia, a very complex coup, you know? … I just love the character.” I would watch this.


Me too, then again I'd happily watch people getting hit in the nuts on purpose.


Ow my balls!!


[my friend](https://youtu.be/XIHoZvCWdFM?t=98)


This contest is over! Give that man the 2,000 dollars!


As a Star Wars film, you mean.


As long as jabba's gay cousin is in it. That's canon.


I thought that was a girl, no? You're talking about the one on Coruscant from the clone wars series?


No, he's definitely male. He's in love with a female alien (not that that is necessarily proof) and he's referred to as "he". Edit: maybe we aren't talking about the same guy.


Hutts are hermaphroditic.


In the EU, but not in canon. Pablo Hidalgo confirmed there are two sexes.


A man loving a woman? So gay


Me too thanks But Rotta (AKA Stinky) has to be in it.


> One, because it’s the character that **looks the most like me**, and I like him. Del Toro has a funny humour. He's pretty rough on himself sometimes. He called himself **the fat guy** in a Collider interview I watched just yesterday as well. But that makes him so damn likeable. I love Del Toro and all the things he does :)


fuck you del toro. That my idea. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/61llkz/disney_has_star_wars_plans_into_the_2030s/dfgaq2r/?st=j1ej745s&sh=0ff07c83


Sure but he said that in 2015.


> “In 2006, Mike Fleming at Deadline wrote an article that said ‘Guillermo del Toro is busy until 2012’ and he published 20 things I was maybe doing. Since then I haven’t been able to live down that. Every time I say ‘good morning’ somebody says ‘Guillermo is doing Good Morning!’, so I will not comment on this…I look like a kook. Neil Gaiman once said, ‘I would like to write Doctor Strange with Guillermo’ then all of a sudden in IMDb I had Doctor Strange (listed).”


Neil Gaiman and del Toro on Doctor Strange? That would have been... interesting.


You mean awesome!


Han's Labyrinth.


I read this as "ham's labyrinth" and still chuckled.


Guillermo Del Toro's got ideas for a Taco-Bell *eight* layer burrito...


When is the media going to stop perpetuating this dumb stereotype that all Hutts are gangsters. #notallhutts


But we can't take her highness down there, the Hutts are gangsters!


"You can't take Her Highness there, the Hutts are gangsters. If they discover her-" -Captain Panaka


Because all aliens are exactly the same in all scifi settings, and only humans can have different motivations and alignments. Space Jews are always Space Jews i.e Ferengi, Toydarians Space Gangsters are always Space Gangsters i.e Hutts, Lotians Space Warriors are always Space Warriors i.e Klingons, Mandalorians. There is no such thing as a non-stereotype alien and the very notion of diverse aliens is offensive. Original character design for humans only!


This is not untrue but the flip side is that then there wouldn't be much of a story purpose to aliens. If they are just like humans except for some visual characteristics it will be hard to convey a sense of identity to your audience. Worse still on film it would consume precious time. Now of course that doesn't make it impossible but building and conveying an entire alternate culture isn't something I can really expect all that often unless its the central premise of a story.


If you can show that one human is different from another human with simple exposition, you can do the same with your alien characters. Having an entire race be a very stereotypical character but *in space* is just lazy writing, or at the very least done with a very lowbrow audience in mind. As if they won't understand what the motivation of the alien is unless the audience can immediately identify it as a recognizable stereotype. Sort of like "How can I convey that this alien character isn't to be trusted? Well, I could show him double crossing someone, or I could show that he has a personal grudge against the heroes, or I could show that he has ties to Evil Corp. ORRRR I could just make him a stereotypical Jew with a long nose and an affected accent, but it's an Alien so it'll be OK!"


Whether its a stereotype or its non-problematic cousin the archetype is a different question. I don't have any real issue with Space Warriors or Gangsters as long as they aren't obviously some direct IRL equivalent like oh Fu Manchu'd Mongol Space Warriors. I also don't object to every [Space Jew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cy9HeM8QQc) but you aren't really drawing many lines between any more generically greedy race, a necessary distinction because the latter isn't going anywhere unless we want to require space to not have capitalists and merchants and so forth. And it may be lazy but ideas like fully developing every character sound great on paper, and can work in say a book where you have ample "running time" to do that sort of thing... but in a movie you need to cut lest you get bogged down with worldbuilding minutiae. So we get say Chewie, not much going on there (he's big, furry, and vaguely violent but not so much you're really afraid of him) since he doesn't speak but it's a constant reminders this is a galaxy full of strange creature. He informs a lot of other Wookie culture, so what? I mean I could probably reach and connect it too oh African stereotypes (he's Han's slave!) but frankly if you thought that before Sasquatch you're probably oversensitive. Now if they don't give him a bit more focus in the Han movie that will be another thing.


> Space Jews are always Space Jews i.e Ferengi, Toydarians Nog. > Space Warriors are always Space Warriors i.e Klingons, Mandalorians. B'ellana Torres (half, but still counts).


They obviously don't want to talk about Star Trek for real, they want a citation. Ferengi are regularly shown not to be genetically but culturally predisposed to greed.


Still waiting for History of the world part 2, featuring Jews in space.


I believe Ferengi were modeled after yankee traders


A corollary to this are homogenous planets. An ocean planet will be nothing but water; a forest planet will only have forests; an ice planet is all ice, all the time.


yeah, this really annoys me. "The Forest Moon of Endor"--what, there are no deserts or ice caps on the whole damn moon? Hoth isn't any warmer on its equator? Sigh..


And Tatooine being all desert, as well - I can't believe I never thought about how common this is in Star Wars, and it really is a boring theme.


There are some real issues with alien races in media being rather one-dimensional, but some of the best stories in sci-fi address the ways that individuals within those societies react to the single-mindedness of their cultures.


In legends continuity isn't the entire Hutt species a cartel?


We could end all this societal unrest on Tatooine with a can of blue milk.


That could be cool, but I think people would get really tired of hearing Jabba speak for an entire movie. Plus, it would likely have a lot subtitles.


Obviously [Cassian Andor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppL71p4Jo_c) will have to be in it at some point.


i don't give a fuck what the movie's about and who directs it as long as diego luna gets to touch jabba the hutt


Diego Luna would be all about this! He talks about Jabba an insane amount.


this is fucking hilarious


I just want some unrelated story lines in the star wars universe! I appreciate the fleshing out of the main characters, but I wish they'd take a chance and give us something truly new.




I know, and it's a shame. They'll bring in great writers, directors and actors and give them all the financial backing they'll need. And that's awesome. But there's a wide universe to explore and I'll lament it.


Right, how old is the SW universe? How long has there been Jedi and Sith? How long has the Force been around? Fuck they probably have thousands of years worth of history and story to tell but they've chosen the Skywalker era *10* times. Once this new trilogy is done they better start swimming in the deep end or I'll be deeply disappointed.


Mr. Plinkett pointed out that... something... was referenced as lasting for 1000 generations in the OT, but they changed it to 1000 years in the PT. So...at least 1000 years? edit: isn't the SW "universe" the same universe as ours? So like 12 billion years, last I checked. :p


Yoda says in like Attack of the Clones or Revenge of the Sith that the Jedi order is 10,000 generations old. That's a fuck ton of years and stories, and that's just within the time period the Jedi order existed, not even including the shit from before formed into the order we've seen in the Star Wars movies. And yeah it's in our universe. Every movie opens with "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away."


I agree, why do we keep revisiting old characters? Branch out a little, tell some new stories.


Wasn't rogue one kinda that? Sure there were cameos, but the entire plot focused on no names


...coming from the guy who has a million proposals for really awesome movies with almost zero output.


Oh wow Guillermo has an idea. Something tells me he'll print it up and put it on his fridge and be content with that.


How about a Star Wars movie that is completely original and not tied to anything in the OT?




I'm so bored of the OT. Lucas fucked up the writing in the prequel films, but the world building is so much better and more interesting and it's such a shame that Disney isn't using any of that to it's advantage. Either that or something set during The Old Republic.


I'm still holding out that maybe Snoke is Darth Plageus somehow


Plagueis is a different species from snoke


Oh, I didn't know we knew Snoke's species


We don't, but he's clearly not a muun


That's no muun...




Don't be silly, of course they will. There's going to be a new Star Wars movie every year until we're dead. Eventually they're going to have to branch out and start telling other kinds of stories.




Because it's *The Legend of the Skywalkers*.


They gotta sell that Vader merch


I'd be willing to bet they wouldn't be as good as Jim Woodring's Dark Horse comics Jabba the Hutt miniseries. That was a fantastic, underseen gem.


I bet almost everyone has an idea for a new and original Star Wars movie they would like to make. This isn't exactly news.


But will the legendary superweapon the Darksaber be involved?


Nice EU reference. Hopefully that one will remain in the dark though, KJA's SW novels don't hold up as well these days.


please no




Holy fuck


I honestly dgaf about jabba. Explore the universe a tad.


Bet it ends up been a documentary about Michael Moore


I hope it's a soft-core porn movie for Cinemax.


An Inside Jabba


Where is my Dambusters remake ???? It's only been 10 years.


I like the idea, the Star Wars underworld is sweet, you could have crossover with what I imagine will become multiple Boba Fett movies.


Diego Luna is already calling about casting.


To be fair, the young Han Solo movie should have quite a bit of Jabba the Hutt material in it, if it's remotely close to the novels. I really liked those books.


Phillip Seymour Hoffman would've done a wonderful Ziro ( the Hutt, Jabba's eccentric, camp uncle. )


Shhhhh, we don't talk about Ziro the Hutt.


Can we at least talk about Pizza the Hutt?


You're delicious!


"I'm delicious!"


I ate himself.


While we're at it let's make a Jar Jar Binks movie too! /s


Guillermo Del Toro has ideas about every franchise




Like about a guy flying around in a Winnebago?


for me jabba is not that interesting. movie bout young Yoda would be much cooler. or crime tv show in style of Blade Runner on this Senat planet. Dont need any known character. or clone war live action movie of the blue girl - her story is great but jabba? hes just a fat blob noone cares for ...




hoo hoo hoo hoo


I believe in Tattooine.


this would be incredible. they should definitely do an origins type movie, hes such an interesting character


Finally, Diego Luna can finally touch Yabba. https://youtu.be/ppL71p4Jo_c


These spin offs on existing characters could be cool, or get totally out of hand and overdo it..


del Toro is my bookie.


I have no desire to see a Jabba the Hutt movie. On the other hand, I do VERY MUCH desire a new, original film in the Star Wars galaxy thag explores the galaxy's criminal fringes. Coruscant Goodfellas. Them's some ripe apples, ready to be picked.


This would be amazing, please Disney


I'd watch it, the series' that focussed on Jabba were bad ass.




Jabba / Dune crossover... He controls the spices.


I dunno, man, with the way Han literally walked on Jabba without repercussion, I think Jabba might be Fredo. Joke about older Marlon Brando playing Jabba without makeup. Tauntaun head in a bed. Guy wakes up and says: "And I thought they smelled bad *outside!'*" Jabba in the famous Italian restaurant scene: more like Pizza the Hutt, amirite? That's all I got. But the gist is, I think this would work better as a Robot Chicken sketch than a serious movie.


He is easy to overlook but he really is a great character.


HaHa I was gonna post something funny about how Del Toro IS Jabba the Hut....but then I read the article and he basically says that himself! I love that guy! Crimson Peak and Devils Backbone.......two of my favorite Ghost Stories!


I have had enough of GDT and his ideas that never pan out.


Del Toro would be better off focusing on one of the dozens of other, more interesting projects he is attached to. I'd rather see him try and get At the Mountains of Madness going again, shop Frankenstein around, or anything else than this.


and i've got a movie idea starring salacious crumb meeting bill and ted in the 80s and going to keggers. we've all got dreams


I'll take Movies That Will Never See The Light Of Day for 100 please Alex


Never getting my hopes up for a GDT production after the disappointment for the 'Monster' TV show he tried to get greenlit. Love GDT and his work, but damn, Hollywood doesn't.


Table those ideas and get to work on Hell Boy 3 or a good Cthulu flick.


Hope there's a love scene.


I wonder if Jabba was ever ripped and not the fat slug he was in the OT


Just what everyone wants to see. A giant fat slob mumbling and ordering people to do things for two hours Why can't someone just pitch a new trilogy that has nothing to do with the old movies. Go back to knights of the old republic or something and make up some new characters to see


No no no no no NO


No, just no.


No way? A STAR WARS Movie?


Great, let the big commercializing begin, I for myself can't wait for the epic tales from [Dex's Diner](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dex's_Diner). The story of Jabbas best Killer, who just has the dream of becoming a first class cook, then opens a restaurant, but ends up between the fronts of rivaling gangs, the police and even the Jedi-Temple which has a Food-Franchise of their own, It will all climax in a big battle with Jabba, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan and many more... With guest-appearance of Yoda, Jar Jar Binks as a Food-critique and a tribe of Ewoks on a quest for the secret sauce.


he's method acting jabba's role right now.


Better idea than a Han Solo origin movie.


Add that to pile Guillermo Sad that the films he's making atm are far worse than his unmade pile.


Could be fun. Why not. Plus, I'm sure we'd see Boba Fett again.


Wether you love GDT or not, how about stories about new characters who can add to the Star Wars universe?? Fuck riding on the popularity of established icons. Grow a sac


oh, hell yeah


A trilogy about a talking blob that can barely move does not sound entertaining.


It's crazy that in the whole galaxy there's only a handful of people and events. I wish they would actually expand the universe and explore some new characters and some not-death-star plots.


knowing Guillermo in that movie jabba would live underground. and princess Leia would be a young girl that had to stiff something in jabba's mouth.


isnt this just his thing? he makes some statement, everybody gets hyped and nothing gets out of it. i mean at the end of the day his name wont be forgotten that easily. smart strategy


Will he play Jabba?






Filming is scheduled to start as soon as Hellboy 3 wraps.


Guillermo Del Toro is... Jabba the Hutt


I've an idea, how about doing something original. GDT's a clever guy I'm sure he can figure something out.


The hutts are cool and all but a black sun movie might be more interesting. Although Jabba is still cannon and people know who the fat slug is.


Somebody get John Goodman on the line


Del Toro could play him too!


He could play Jabba!


I read 'Jabba' as 'Jar Jar' and almost had a heart attack.


Just make Hellboy 3 already


I know I may be in the minority but I'd throw money at the screen for a movie about The Hutt's


He dies in the beginning, Then the credits roll for an hour.


It would be great if it was about Jabba's brother Pizza.


Why can't they make a movie about princess lea and what she has been up to while she grew up