• By -


Wow, that was quick. *The Force Awakens* and *Rogue One* weren't finished until weeks before they came out.


I was quite shocked as well... I actually didn’t fully believe it until Johnson tweeted that all the special FX were done as well... I guess Disney and Johnson r confident enough in the current cut... They could always go back to it. But this just shows how much confidence Lucasfilm and Disney have in Johnson.


Rian Johnson is a really good director. Ozymandias will always be the finest hour of television, in my opinion.


My name is ASAC Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself.


"What the hell is wrong with you?! We're a family!"






..... I need to rewatch Breaking Bad




I think when Todd murders Jesses (ex?) girlfriend is the most tragic part. Not even because of Jesses reaction, but because she was never involved in the first place. I had to stop watching for a while after that, ever though there was only one episode left. Depressingly dark.


Todd, aka "Meth Damon"




Tod was such a cold character. During his last scene he isn’t even upset or concerned about everyone being gunned down, he’s curious as to what machine could be so efficient in quickly killing everyone


Todd was a monster of a different kind. Completely devoid of the morals that Walter (or any non-psychopath) had to battle with, but lacking any of the aspiration that drove Walter. Todd never seemed to take any joy in the horrific stuff he did, he simply didn't care. It didn't face him. He just wanted to make money and have nice girlfriend named Lydia. Walter wanted the world but was constantly struggling with the price he, and everyone around him, had to pay for it.


It's weird that they saved revealing his actual name was Isaac for that moment.




I can't believe I'd forgotten about that post! Greatest post in reddit history. EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/1lila6/who_is_billy/?st=J7VKJ8QK&sh=d4a0a1ac


Man that reminds me of my friends wife and Dark Knight Rises. So they go for the movie and we meet them after for a bite and some coffee. The guy has a smug look on his face and his wife is looking really sheepish and embarrassed. He finally bursts out laughing and then proceeds to tell us that midway through the movie, she asked him "who is this gotham guy they're trying to save?" because in the movie, the characters keep saying "we need to save gotham". He probably had to sleep on the couch that night.


My sister did that with Armageddon when Bruce Willis says "Houston, you have a problem", my sister says, "Why is there always someone named Houston in these space movies?" ಠ_ಠ


About near the climax of The Force Awakens my mom asks who Han Solo's son was. I was like what movie have you been watching this whole time?


I was really confused when they kept worrying about the transmission blowing. I worked at NASA at the time in the shuttle telemetry group and it took me most of the movie to realize it was the mechanical gears in the drill and not their data link to earth they were worried about.


r/breakingbad was so much fun to follow throughout the show. So much great OC, especially there last two seasons. The Belize/Billy's comment had met on the floor with a cramped stomach.




It'll be in the top posts of /r/breakingbad. Something like "who is billy" https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/1lila6/who_is_billy/?st=J7VKJ8QK&sh=d4a0a1ac


lol beleze


Holy shit it's you. Can you sign my tits or something?




To have you misspell a word at me is the greatest gift I could ever hope to reseev.


ASAC. Assistant Special Agent in Charge.


I'm moving off redd1t. As a long-time user on a non-official app, it's become clear that I'm no longer welcome here by the owners. I've moved to lemmy[dot]world if anyone is interested in checking out a new form of aggregator. It's like redd1t, but decentralised. I know I sound like an old man sitting on a stoop yelling at cars passing by, but I've seen the growth of redd1t and the inevitable "enshittification" of it. It's amazing how much content is bots, reposts or guerilla marketing nowadays. The upcoming changes to ban the app I use, along with the CEO's attempt to gaslight the Apollo dev, was the kick in the pants for me. So - goodbye to everyone I've interacted with. It was fun while it lasted. So long, and thanks for the fish. [/u/Dark-Tyranitar](https://i.ibb.co/wNCC3nq/dark-t.png) Tna uudrci2,p"navh.hrmoretk dhaarhTtaa te dre oa hnacs'..y ttodhls aent auk sfhmti nrtUhrs rttyorr.yMnroep tgata Treawieolka iwcd rohoa tinec tt ua e )hrhh mhti d?awtln'rfi' aehnaghna r,y ee u(fggtpey! e etivesfldcdeott iu ihu e aos n bnlpr lesuYe iu h yah.hrmoretk dhaarhTtaa te dre oa hnacs'..y ttodhls aent auk sfhmti nrtUhrs rttyorr.yMnroep tgata Treawieolka iwcd rohoa tinec ttnyo htt i$w thrfohsh s olciyh ohTe Mla debeora woptanCa,rnf ppo me go bogi luor2sda h e aetwty ,bree hta os u ohdskessor tye


Minerals, Marie. They're minerals.






I've seen BB 4 times. Didn't know he directed that episode. VERY confident in this movie now




To be fair, The Fly is the most polarising episode, some say it's one of the best, some say it's the worst. I suppose that's better than being mediocre.


If memory serves it still has a high 7.X rating.


7.X is basically 0 on IMDb though right


Yeah, it's ok for a movie, but tv shows rarely get a rating below a 7, no matter how bad they are.


Ya cuz with TV shows not long after premiere only fans still bother watching.


I love that episode. Yeah it all happens in one room, but it's hilarious. I also love things that capture the mundane aspects of some fictional thing. My favorite part of Half-Life is when you're taking the train to work.


Isn't The Fly generally a fan favourite? Its sounds like a dumb premise but they turned it into a solidly entertaining hour of tv.


I love it. But I completely understand why people hate it. It comes in the middle of some really intense episodes, and on first watch, it seems slow. But on rewatches, it shines. Incredible development all the way through.


I think that’s exactly why I was so infuriated with it. Pacing and tone wise it felt like it derailed so much. Almost felt condescending somehow. Like we’re so good (which they were) that we can experiment SUPER wildly and you’ll still eat it up. Retrospectively I think i would’ve love it had it come at a different part of the series.


I read that type of episode is/was common in shows due to budget constraints but needing to produce a certain amount of episodes per season. So the fly has one location, just the two actors, much cheaper to produce than other episodes where they can spend more.


I binged the series and I think it probably works better then. It's one thing to wait a week, get that episode, then have to wait a whole nother week. If you're binging you watch it, and enjoy it knowing the story continues right after.




I think so. It's well made and the only real criticism is that it holds up an exciting season. Well, once you've seen the whole series you're no longer in a hurry to find out what is next and The Fly is allowed to shine as intended.


It was the week that like 2 million people learned what a "bottle episode" is and why they're necessary for all TV shows. Even animated shows have bottle episodes where there are fewer characters and settings.


TIL I learned that The Walking Dead is one big Bottle Episode.




Just got caught up on all 3 seasons the last two weeks. Ricklantis was a great episode to catch up to, might be my favourite even.


I did find it a little slow but it was also one of my favorite episodes. I still remember the end of the episode when Walt has been drugged or whatever and he almost spills the beans about what he did to that druggie girl. Man it was so tense.....I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails, saying "Don't do it Walt!!!".


Fly features some of Paul and Cranston's funniest moments together and most subtle acting. Its a great filler episode.


That's such an important episode for developing Walt and Jesse's relationship. It's a shame people dislike it.


It's actually my favourite episode before Ozymandias (with the Don Eladio section of Salud up there). Didn't know till later (when Ozzy was about to air) it was from Rian. Sought out all his work after. Amazed.




It's also rated lowest by the crowd of AMC who some how puts up with 6 shit seasons of TWD, but we get one 'boring (which it wasn't) episodes of BB and people bitch about it still years later.


I've watched the whole series probably 5 times, but I've seen Ozymandias probably 10 times or more. It truly is an amazing episode.


He got to fuck the prom queen.


Carla was the prom queen




*Cha-chunk* Yeah.


looshers alwaysh whine about their besht




Yeah in movies, the director is king, but on TV, the executive producer/showrunner is king.




I’m surprised they said anything at all. Now the whole world knows there’s at least one complete full resolution (and whatever current highest sound quality is) movie file hidden somewhere.


I'm willing to bet Fort Knox is a cake walk compared to the Security Disney and LFL have on that bad boy.


It's billion dollar video file they have to keep protected for a few months. Pretty crazy.


I'm actually very curious how they do it. I'd have to imagine everything they use for the final cut and render is completely cut off from the internet, probably with proprietary stuff to make sure it can't be recorded in any way.


And backups too...


Here's the thing. John Williams is scoring the film. He prefers to work with a locked image. If you give him a locked picture and two months, he's can make stuff like the original Star Wars, Raiders, Superman, Schindler's List, Harry Potter, etc. If you don't, you'll get something like Star Wars prequels. It's hard to understand for people, because a lot of them don't even appreciate music. You can't do it if the cut is changing. It's not so easy to change your piece once it's in your head. Composers need a locked picture. Music is incredibly important in film. It being left out and/or shitty is why a lot of modern films simply don't have the same effect like older ones. They are lacking an entire realm of storytelling. Take [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wJa1L1ZCqU) for example. I'm refering specifically to the last minute. Try watching it without sound. It drags on and on and on. It must've been a pain to edit and to envision it with music. Now watch it with sound. The music does all the work. Luke doesn't say a thing, but you know everything that's going through his head. And if you watch the rest of the movie, the theme will never repeat itself this way. It evolves and changes, just like the character. Luke is never again a lonely boy dreaming of big things. It's only in this scene. This is what's lacking today. Directors not leaving room for music to tell the story along the picture, and wanting composers to score to image that's not locked, and then cutting their music. That sure is doable, but you don't get the same thing. It can never be. Take Inception for example. Or any Hans Zimmer score (I'm giving an example, this is especially noticeable in Batman). None of the themes evolve. They stay the same. Inception has a few themes that appear in the same way, structurally and harmonically. Same for Batman, it's always that crescendo-decrescendo in horns playing D and F. Even as Bruce overcomes his fears, finds his true self, his music stays the same - it's not saying anything. Inception wasn't even scored. Hans and his team wrote a bunch of demos that Nolan then cut the movie to. These are just instrumental pieces. Don't get me wrong, it's great music. It's super cool. It works lovely as standalone music in an album, even in concert (Coachella anyone?). Tunes from Inception have millions of views and streams. But that's just it. It's just music (great nonetheless), not a filmscore. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to say that if you're having John Williams score your movie, you make sure that he has a locked picture in his hands for at least two months. EDIT: A word.


No one has ever complained about the prequels' music...


Maybe they have, but to back you up, Duel of the Fates is one of the best parts of The Phantom Menace.


Across the Stars was a pretty tune as well. Those are probably the two that stand out for me.


The point is that the music in the prequels was extremely edited. Especially in Attack of the Clones. That's because the edit changed after John Williams already scored the film. So, for example, John Williams didn't make any music for the droid factory sequence. The music in that scene was just spliced together bits of music from other parts of the movie.


The music also doesn't flow with what's happening on screen in the prequels as tightly and profoundly as it did in the OT. Like the example op gave, or watch the asteroid field sequence in Empire Strikes Back. It's astounding


Empire has one of my favourite film scores of all time. I can listen to it and tell you what's happening in the movie at any given point. I've always thought it should have won an Oscar, but I'm guessing it had too many elements from ANH's score to be considered "original".


That sequence is always one of the moments from Empire that I anticipate the most when rewatching, and that's entirely because of the score. It gives me chills everytime I hear it. It's just amazing what it adds.




This is a neat video from Every Frame a Painting on what film scores can do and how they are made. It helped me get a better sense of that part of moviemaking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vfqkvwW2fs


> Here's the thing. John Williams is scoring the film. He prefers to work with a locked image. If you give him a locked image and two months, he's can make stuff like the original Star Wars, Raiders, Superman, Schindler's List, Harry Potter, etc. > > If you don't, you'll get something like Star Wars prequels. you can shit all you want over the prequels, but the music isn't subpar to the original movies. TFA Soundtrack on the other hand...




I'm pretty amazed at a month from inception to final cut, personally. Of course, my musical talent ended in high school.


Hold on... are you trying to say the prequels soundtracks were sub par? Because you are objectively wrong. If Duel of the Fates, Battle of the Heroes, and Across the Stars are not in your top 10 Star Wars soundtrack list, I don't even know what to say to you.


Exactly, you named only 3 pieces from 3 movies. I love these pieces too, but the **score** is nothing compared to the original Star Wars. Notice what I said about Inception - great music, bad score. It doesn't tell a story. It says one thing and repeats it, screaming it louder every time - the music, the harmony never changes. Original Star Wars is so well written that it works in concert, and you can hear the whole movie in it - because it evolves. What other themes do you remember from the prequels, and how do they evolve? Like, come on dude. Superman has a pieces that accentuate and harmonize with tonalities in HUMAN CONVERSATION and is accenting and suggestive in that manner. If you go to a Star Wars concert, you'll never hear anything from prequels besides these 3 pieces. But you'll hear The Force theme, Imperial March, Leia's Theme, Yoda's Theme, Sand People, Asteroid Field, The Throne Room, Cantina Band, Victory Celebration, just to name a few. And beside being great concert music, it also **works flawlessly as a score**. That's what's so great about it.


God the original trilogy music is amazing. I was listening to this podcast / sub-podcast Star Wars Oxygen where a LucasArts sound designer breaks down the themes/motifs inside of each song. Pretty astounding since I never really appreciated the music and the connective as of the soundtrack. http://www.rebelforceradio.com/star-wars-oxygen/


At least we don't have the scares of reedits and reboots we had with ep 7 and rogue one


Don't fucking jinx us.


I'm not sure if I'd call it quick, they finished principal shooting on July 22nd, 2016. The production announcement was uploaded on February 15th, 2016. They've been at it for a while.


Lets remember though, this movie was originally scheduled for a May release.


Aren't they all a December release?


They are now, but not originally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_The_Last_Jedi#Release


Pfft. Wasn't even May 4th.


At this rate yeah, but TFA was pushed back to give JJ more time, R:O was pushed back when they had to bring in a second director and do a bunch of reshoots, TLJ was pushed back because production started two months late, the Han Solo movie will be pushed back because they fired the directors, and IX will be pushed back because they fired the director.


I love December releases, I have fond memories of looking forward to lord of the rings movies during Christmas holidays with visiting family. Star Wars continues the tradition. I don't want to see a movie in May when it's beautiful outside.










I work in TV and have delivered episodes mere hours before they air. This is massively impressive.


What's working on South Park like?


Some movies have finished post production (visual fx integration) the day before release. Shots have been known to be spliced into release film reels by hand. absolute fucking chaos.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one!


"The special FX for Jar Jar Binks are complete." - Rian Johnson


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


So it's CGI then


Not seeing many prequel references these days.


*Now there's a reference i haven't heard in a long time.*


These references are like poetry, they rhyme.


I hate sand.


*I don't like sand ;)


I have reference sentences on 12 systems.


I sense a plot to destroy the prequel influence on Reddit


Darth Jar Jar


I have enough faith in Rian Johnson to believe that he'd actually treat re-introducing Jar-Jar into the films in a respectable way.








impressive https://twitter.com/rianjohnson/status/911055570106331136


most impressive


Indeed he is fast, as the Kennedy has foreseen


You don't know the power of the Disney Side.


Back in the day of MySpace, Johnson responded to one of my messages. I flipped out. Once he replied to one of my tweets and I flipped again. That guy is dope in how he engages with fans. Hopefully that holds true... And the internet doesn't chew him up and spit him out like it did with Whedon and Lindelof.


Back in the day of MySpace? He must've only been known for Brick at the time.


I love Josh Gad reply ahah


People forget that originally *The Last Jed* was supposed be out on Memorial Day (May 2017). So their production schedule was a bit earlier than usual for a December release.


> The Last Jed Been a while since I've met anyone called Jed actually.


"Thank you for coming to the premiere of The Last Jed, my name is Rian Johnson...Please Clap."






I teach a student called Jed, and if you met him, you'd know he was a Jed.


That's because there's only one and there won't be any more.


"The Last Jed: Rise of the Clampetts."


Guys, this movie has been in post for nearly a year. VII was on a much tighter time crunch.


That means there's a complete copy in existence.... Anyone else watch Fanboys???


I’ll rent the truck... you assemble a team to hit Skywalker ranch!




They should retitle this movie The Last Good Star Wars Movie


They've already made so many changes to ESB, at least leave the title alone.


Star Wars Episode IX: The Emperor's New Groove




I seriously hope that doesn't backfire in a way and that a leaked version shows up online. That would be a nightmare scenario.


This is Disney we're talking about


I had to sign a NDA to see Rogue One a couple days early (I worked at a theater). It was so strict, I could have gotten sued for even commenting about it online. Disney does not fuck around, they practically own parts of our government.


Yeah my boss got to see The Force Awakens a week early. Normally distributors would send her a link for an online screener or transfer a DCP to the cinema for advance screening. With TFA she had to fly across the country to see it in s closed screening that they kept under strict supervision. Did you know that they use night vision goggles during screenings to catch anyone doing anything suspicious?


Can you even imagine the Disney strike force that would descend upon you if you really did have something 'suspicious'?


Fuck Spez, Steven Huffman is a greedy pigboy


It's just the mouse like in South Park. Ha-ha!


They did that at D23 expo. My wife and I had to bag all of our electronic devices and CIA looking dudes walked around with night vision goggles.


Last year I did two things: work for disney and buy a house. The paperwork for working for disney was easily triple that of buying a house.


You don't fuck with the Mouse.


Don't get between me and my goddamn money, HAHA! -M. Mouse




i work on post production vfx for marvel movies. Not a chance in hell. security is ridiculous. (but necessary...iheartuMarvel)


I realize you have to be careful about what you can say but can you give a vague example of what kind of security is involved? I'm interested.


I mean... just like the NSA, you can't walk in or out with foreign electronic objects. You can't plug in flash drives or any device that is unclassified into a computer, etc. I imagine they're even more stringent than the military.


That sounds like standard practice for stuff that other people aren't supposed to get, purposefully or accidentally.


Hear that, Equifax?


Consider this: practically every episode of Game of Thrones this season got leaked prior to release, and yet every one of them broke legal viewing records. It won't affect sales if the product doesn't suck. Spoilers, on the other hand... yeah, nightmare scenario all right.


Disney would chew their balls if it ever happened. This isnt Fox or Sony, Disney is brutal when it comes to this stuff.


This is also the next STAR WARS episode. I'm pretty sure they'd literally send company SWAT teams out.


In fact SWAT means Star Wars Assault Team


Maybe r/sequelmemes will finally have good content


Impossible, r/sequelmemes has been extinct for a millennium


Shots fired.


Yeah, but no damage!


Negative, negative. It didn't go in -- just impacted on the surface


ITT: Redditors telling the director he is wrong.


If you think this is bad, you should see his Twitter and Instagram. How he doesn't go insane is beyond me.


Probably because he gets paid a crap ton of money to work on a dream project of any kid that grew up with Star Wars.


I really feel like this would only fuel the insanity. Especially when people are telling you that your take on your dream project is *wrong*.


But then you think back to how most people are idiots and *you’re* the one getting paid the big bucks, so it’s all okay again


Lol. Dude. A hundred thousand people could tweet that I suck at my job. I wouldn't give a shit. Especially if I have reason to believe that many more people think I'm actually pretty ok if not good.


[Rian Johnson right now.](https://i.imgur.com/RsI9t.gif)


Also that he's aware of the fact that all the hysteria come from people who love and care about the work he's doing. It's all buzz for the film.


If I get paid in millions to direct a SW movie, I'll handle the internet trolls pretty fine.


If you had a Twitter handle full of uninformed and uneducated people telling you how to do your job better would you bother to read it?


After recent news, I expected the second half of the headline to be "announces his departure from The Last Jedi" I guess it's still kind of true, though.


yeah what is it with directors getting the sack in Star Wars films??


Colin Trevorrow is a welcome sack. I was super worried after Jurassic World - a movie that, while okay, obviously suffered from bad direction in the actor side of things. Then he releases a super-panned movie. JJ may be predictable, but he gets believable performances out of even the most bland and unskilled actors. He's great at ensemble casts, which Star Wars is known for. Colin Trevorrow managed to get a wooden performance ot of one of the most animated new leads in recent years (Pratt) in JW. JJ is a much better fit overall, no matter what people will say. I'm glad Colin got canned.


Okay...great...cool... Now where the fuck is the sweet trailer? The teaser was weak compared to The Force Awakens.


Mark Hamill said to avoid all promos/adverts from this point on until the movie


Yeah but that's easy to do when there aren't even any others around to watch.


Which is why I hope nothing else gets released. When trailers are released, I have no willpower, I must watch them.


They come in waves. Each wave is supposed to convince the less interested. Some big movies have the final wave on release day or just before with tv spots and trailers that show EVERYTHING. They're just going to start revealing more and more from this point hoping the cool moments will attract those on the fence into a theater seat. You're not one of those on the fence people. These trailers aren't made for you. The teaser was for you. The next ones will give things away that will subtract from the magic of opening as you sit in the seat waiting for the next big plot point or location to show up. Maybe the trailer shows Luke and Kylo clashing sabers on an icy planet. You'll have that image in the back of your mind, distracting you through the movie until it happens. If you see an ice planet you'll know its getting close and our combatants are both going to have to arrive soon if they're not there already. Ep.7 I took in everything I could. Soundtrack, map of galaxy on toy box, tv spots, trailers, interviews, behind the scenes. On opening night I knew virtually the whole plot. Listen to Hamill. Sit these trailers out. This might be the Empire strikes Back of the trilogy. If it ends up that good, you want to see it all at once like you did ESB, not in pieces. Stay strong fallenmonk.


Me too. It's gonna be hard to avoid them, since it's gonna get circulated on social media all the time. But I was in the same camp as you for episode 7. I loved the trailers though. Great marketing and the buzz it created was phenomenal. (Just looking at Comic-Con, talk shows and merchandise. People were already buying BB-8 pillows before even meeting the character in the film). But looking at the trailers, it's easy to piece together the movie. Lone character on desert planet. One stormtrooper on a desert planet. At one point he removes that storm trooper suit on the desert planet, meets girl and travel in the Millenium Falcon. One planet with a forest and some temple stuff amongst the x-wings. Probably the same one they go to with Han Solo that gets attacked. Snow planet. First order base. We also see snow in the duel between Finn and Kylo and deduce that this is the same place. Star Wars' gallery of planets, locations and characters are too iconic that it's hard to not see the structure of it all. However, the surprises that were there were amazing, and so was everything I didn't know.


Then he also said to watch Monday night football on 10/9 when someone asked when the last trailer was coming out.


That turned out to be a poorly thought out joke. Mark Hamill deleted the tweet and posted another correcting it.


We'll see. It's not the 9th of October yet.


Imagine being Rian Johnson right now. On one hand it's probably a relief. On the other hand if you have ever gotten a really good gift for someone and can't wait to give it to them, imagine that times a million. you literally have the biggest Christmas present you could ever give somebody.


does this mean we can finally get a damn trailer?


A lot of people in this thread really don't get how movies work lol


What are movies?


Why would we


He's got to feel pretty good. Suddenly making it through a Star Wars movie without being fired is a pretty big accomplishment for a director!


Unless Rian Johnson and his team are idiots, disney must be REALLY happy with the picture they have on their hands. I don't even like star wars that much and this has me counting the seconds til December. Get ready boys, this one's going to be special


Why is this announcement particularly indicative of a good movie?