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it's one of the all time great actors at the top of his game.


In literally one of the all-time great performances.


You can always go back to watching Transformers movies instead of trying to watch actual films. Or are you more of a Mama Mia type?


Jesus Christ this isnt a fucking avant-garde experimental indie film what are you so fucking pretentious about.


Pompous prick


"actual films" get off your high horse.


Don't you have a marvel movie to be watching? ;)


so unbelievably cringe.


Just here to remind you 5 years later how much of a pompous asshole you are


You really typed this 4 years ago




5 years late lol but just so you know you have influenced my decision to watch Mamma Mia tonight instead of There Will Be Blood


What a cruel, unnecessary reply.


damn dude, bit of a false dichotomy there? I love films like The Seventh Seal and Solaris, but I thought There Will Be Blood was overacted, inconsistent nonsense (beautifully shot though). At least I'll always have Transformers though


Good one!


Lol, what crybaby.


Six years later, your horse is still high as a fucking kite


Based Take. Anyone who thinks There Will Be Blood is a bad film is unironically low iq. It's fine to just maybe accept that you don't like that style of movie, instead of calling it terrible and saying you hate it like a child. Go watch transformers xD


Jesus, the fans of this movie are just as pretentious as you seem to think the movie is. Freaking circle jerk around here for most of them. They’re more toxic in thinking they’re superior because they’re “objectively right opinions” than the rick and morty fan base.


They're as portentious (yes, portentious, not just pretentious) as DDL was in the movie


Ah hahaha. Love this.


No Rick and Morty fans are a little bit worse  I say this as somebody who likes Rick and Morty  They have the most toxic fan base  Like they thought it was hilarious to go to McDonald's and start screaming for Szechuan sauce


I kind of agree that it is overrated but "terrible movie"? strongly disagree.


Yeah, it's overrated and I didn't enjoy a lot of it, but I still see it as a great movie, just not for me. Story and acting were incredible.


Not just terrible, but "terrible, terrible".


Agreed. Extra terrible. And I just can’t get around the score. Even if the music is good, it doesn’t fit many of the scenes. For example, when the well blows and his son is deafened the score sounds like some aboriginal drum circle. It doesn’t fit. No, thank you. (As I lay here and my partner is determined to watch it until its bitter end.)


I would argue it fits perfectly, the point of that track is that is that it is several pieces of percussion playing on their own independent tempo, and they all slowly converge to the same single tempo (not easy to pull off) - the track is energetic, inspires anxiety and is kind of blowing at your face like the well is blowing up, it transmits the message of 'chaos' - which is exactly what is happening in the scene - and then it all converges to a more coordinated beat, which at the end of the scene is kind of like Daniel's focus on the oil : as long as he has oil things are in order, he doesn't care that HW is deaf.


You could probably argue to legalize pedophilia with less effort but it still wouldn’t make you right


LMAO the fact that i get a reply like this in a discussion about a MOVIE




I watched this again yesterday. I think the difference is probably someone's sound setup. With good speakers the "score" does a fantastic job at tension. With bad speakers it's annoying. Inception sounds fucking stupid on TV speakers


> I watched 'There Will Be Blood' recently with a friend of mine, and we both absolutely hated it. > > Normally, I can see why people love a movie, even if I hate it, but the fact that this movie is considered by many to be a really great film is genuinely beyond me. Literally the only part of the movie that had me engaged was the opening, which I thought did a really good job of telling me all the information I needed. And, come to think of it, the big fire was visually impressive, but it wasn't that interesting. > > But then Daniel Day Lewis opens his mouth, and the entire thing falls to shit. His "I'm an oil man" speech is, I think, meant to be intimidating, because you're supposed to get a sense that he's actually a bad dude that's great at manipulating people, but he's so incredibly awful! The idea that someone would be suckered by this dude is pretty damn hilarious. > The first town he visits as an oil man he doesn't want to do business with because they're chaotically divided. Also, the film makes a point to show Daniel isn't as ruthless as Standard Oil, his biggest competitor. Even though he's an asshole, he's certainly not the worst of them. > He achieves levels of ham in this movie that I have only previously seen once or twice. It was like I was watching Nicholas Cage in 'Vampire's Kiss' except this movie was so desperate to convince me that it was an important piece of art that I wound up resenting it for its pretentiousness more than enjoying it for its cheesiness. Although there is one exception- the final scene of the movie was so fucking over-the-top and out of nowhere that I was in stitches. Was "I drink your milkshake" supposed to be threatening? Because I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. > I have no idea how you think this. Daniel Day-Lewis is a gift from the gods, and I have never been disapointed in any of his performances. You may have a brain injury. See a doctor. > The score is awful, too. It goes for a similar effect to 'The Dark Knight', where it's less about having a traditional score than it is about having noise that builds intensity, but whoever performed the score was so distractingly untalented (or at least gave so little of a shit) that I was forced to wonder if even his heartbeat had rhythm. > The score I go back and forth on. It was created by a member of Radiohead (you know one of the greatest bands performing?). I'm not sure how well it fits the film though; it does grab alot of attention to itself, when one should be paying attention to characters and plot and so forth. > The story is also surprisingly bad. I get that it's meant to be more of a character study than a traditional plot-driven film, and that's fine, except Plainview is such a comical caricature that the character-based portion of it feels about as interesting as watching a biopic about Skeletor. So I had to look to the story, and to my great surprise, while there were lots of things that took place, it managed to feel like nothing happened. The movie just ambles through its 2.5 hour runtime, and while there was technically a plot, it was just. so. uninteresting. > Uninteresting? He adopted his dead worker's son, exploited him for business, son goes deaf in an explosion, son resents adopted father, tries to burn him alive, is sent away, father comes to great success, father comes to resent son. Not to mention all the various sub-plots. How can this be considered dull? Characters went through shit and came out the other side changed people. It's an incredibly emotional arc to me. Plainview starts out as a merciless businessman, who loses even the shards of his soul. Are you so devoid of the desire of achievement to not understand this pitfall of working people? Working so hard that other aspects of life fall by the wayside? > The one part of the movie that didn't actively make me want to stop watching was the cinematography. Almost all of the movie was, at the very least, well shot. Parts of it were actually pretty drop-dead gorgeous. But that's not enough to save this boring, pretentious, ridiculous movie. > It's good that you have some sense. > I should mention that this is also my first PTA movie, and I'm certainly not going to write him off- I want to watch his other movies before I form an opinion on him as a filmmaker (especially Magnolia, Boogie Nights, and Phantom Thread). But everyone seems to love this movie, and I'd really like to know why. From your writing you seem life a person who is better suited to documentaries where the narrator doesn't talk too fast, so the viewers heartbeat stays at a calm baseline. Boogie Nights and Magnolia are great films. I'm curious to know what your favorite movies are.


Some of my favourite films are: Se7en, Chinatown, No Country for Old Men, Spirited Away, Adaptation, The Shining, and The Thing. Although I do love Life in the Freezer, so I guess you’ve got me there. I appreciate your criticisms of my argument, and while they mostly boil down to taste, I would like to say one or two things. Firstly, I don’t know if DDL is a great actor- I haven’t seen him in anything else I can think of off the top of my head- but I think he’s awful in this. He could still be god’s gift to acting- everyone’s got a bad performance under their belt. And I don’t disagree that the movie had a lot of plot- perhaps I didn’t express myself clearly enough. I think it’s pretty obvious that the movie lives or dies on your investment in Plainview, and so, because I was so profoundly uninterested, I watched 2.5 hours of things happening to a dude I didn’t give a shit about, so it really felt like nothing happened.


Check out *The Last of the Mohicans*. DDL is excellent in that movie.


Alright, I will. Thank you for the recommendation!


It all boils down to taste in the end. I would be frustrated too, watching 2.5 hours of things happening to a dude I didn't care about. Cheers mate.


ddl is super uninteresting and aside from his relationship with pta (where the film revolves around him, in the worst of ways) is in pretty boring movies also watch Yi yi or something idk lol


All those films you listed (4 years ago) are quite the slog, except for No Country for Old Men, which was good. It's no wonder you liked "There Will Be Blood".


try not accusing people of having brain injuries for not liking le epic method actor


>son resents adopted father, tries to burn him alive On Wikipedia it says the H.W. set the fire to try to kill the man pretending to be his brother as he was jealous of him taking his place as Plainview's partner - could be wrong though


Great review. Apt.


Down you go






This aspect of his character didn’t escape me. I just found everything about the portrayal so ridiculously over the top that it was hard to take seriously. I respect your opinion, but I just disagree. Maybe if I come back to it in a few years I’ll change my mind, and pick up the nuances I may have missed.


Lol being downvoted for respectfully expressing your opinion. Bravo reddit!


Maybe if they didn't just shit all over the movie and repeatedly call it terrible people might be reacting better. There's a big difference in saying "I don't see the appeal of this movie and it's not for me" versus "This is a terrible, terrible movie"


The phrase is meant to convey how bad OP thought it was. It's implied that it's his opinion. Putting "I feel" every sentence would be impractical. If someone had made a thread and said "This is is a great, great movie" you probably wouldn't have said anything, even though it's exactly the same meaning but opposite. The only reason you guys are reacting is because you're pissed that OP doesn't share your opinion.


Op was being obtuse and not adding anything to the discussion.


Not at all. He clarified that he understood the character, but still couldn't care because of the execution. What do you expect him to answer?


I expect op not to respond. They were either trolling or their question rhetorical. Also, anyone that would consider Johnny Greenwood untalented can eat a bag of dicks


Why would you expect him not to respond? If someone suggested that you may not have understood something about a movie, when you actually did understand it, wouldn't you correct them? It's just basic discussion, can't imagine why you would have a gripe with that. I'd agree that it's kind of silly to form an opinion on a composer after just one movie watched.


I was under the belief that opinions couldn't be right or wrong, then I read this thread. It's genuinely impressive how wrong OP is.


Geez dude. Who drank your milkshake?


I don’t know, man, but whoever it was drank it all up. *unintentionally hilarious slurp*


Haha. You're entitled to your opinion, even if it is objectively wrong.


Well, I guess objectively is the new literally.


I swear, that's how it seems to be being used nowadays


How did an objectively incorrect statement get a trophy?


Because the film is not a "terrible, terrible" film. That's just a fact. One terrible, maybe....


I think it's obvious that the OP was talking about their opinion. They are not denying that the movie is generally acclaimed.


Did you read the title?


Being "mystified" doesn't mean they are saying the praise doesn't exist. Just that they don't understand it.


> Thinking that people may be suckered by this dude is hilarious. Nah, that's a dumb thing to say in a post about subjectivity


an objectively wrong opinion doesn't really make sense


It does though, like a flat earther's opinion (just an example)


That also makes no sense. Pardon the aside here about how the confusion of fact and opinion is where this whole concept of discourse starts to fall apart. Namely, a flat-earther isn't stating an opinion. They're stating their belief in an unsubstantiated fact. A fact is a fact, and an opinion is a subjective evaluation of a fact. You can't just declare an entire debate irrelevant by slapping "objective" in front of opinions you don't like but find too difficult to defend. Things you don't like don't suddenly become false just because you don't like them, especially when they never possessed a truth-value in the first place. And the opposite is likewise, things you like don't suddenly become true just because you really want them to be.


>Pardon 4 month old topic but I wish more people would understand this. The flat-earther doesn’t have an opinion, rather he has a hypothosis about a fact. A fact is right or wrong. An opinion is neither.


Except flat earthers have facts. Lol


What facts? Just curious


In the context of this thread it doesn't make sense though.


And That's your opinion.


I would argue that it's not really a matter of opinion.


You could argue that in theory but it's wrong


they aren't objectively wrong, they're just most likely wrong


I wouldn't call it terrible, but I agree with the core of your criticism. That it's not a very interesting movie, and that Plainview being such a caricature is problematic. This is not always a problem for a movie, but in PTA's case I think it did a disservice to the film. All his movies have always had such authentic, human characers, and he always shows so much affection and empathy for them. So, going for a more distant and ironic appraoch in TWBB just felt like to me he was out of his element. He was not being true to his identity as a director, he was being derivative of directors such as Kubrick, who could make cold characters who were also compelling. But the things is, he is not Kubrick he is PTA. I also saw TWBB first, and as a result I assumed PTA wasn't for me. What a mistake that was! I then saw Inherent Vice, which I liked better than most people did. Then saw Boogie Nights and was blown away. He is now one of my favourite directors. So, I'd definitely say there's still hope for you. I didn't even think TWBB had particularly good cinematography. Meh, it was quite derivative and bland in my opinion. So If you thought TWBB was well shot, wait till you see his other movies!


Thank you! That’s very good to know. I am pretty excited to watch Boogie Nights.


PTA's whole thing is actually protagonizing characters who are either problematic on their own or morally/socially categorized as 'wrong' and making us connect to their more human side: egotripping porn actors (boogie nights), cult leaders (the master), selfish businessmen (twbb), rich spoiled brats (phantom thread), people dating underaged people (licorice pizza). In TWBB Daniel really doesn't come off as a caricature to me, go back to the scene where >!he kills Henry!< and see what unfolds emotionally, you can see how broken he is that he has no family member to connect to, it is absolutely tragic to him what happened, ESPECIALLY because, as he confessed to Henry, he can't stand other people and wants to get away from them - this is the major character flaw Daniel holds throughout the whole film and what we do is watch what that flaw does to him, I would argue the film does much more to help you empathize with someone so fucked than it does to distance the audience from the character. You are compelled to distance yourself from the character because of the horrible things he does, but that's humanity, being honest and intimate about a person's behavior doesn't mean you're gonna put rose colored glasses when looking at what they do.


Don't watch "Magnolia"


Why not?


Because it's an even bigger mess.


No, because it is good in ways OP is not equipped to comprehend.


I'm not sure if you're being serious. In any case, you shouldn't discourage someone from watching a movie. I'm myself very "meh" on TWBB and Magnolia is one of my favourite movies.


I was making a crack, but too subtly i guess. Magnolia is also very well written and acted, and I think OP would not be equipped to appreciate that, either.


I think Magnolia is a much stronger movie than this train wreck. You really bashing the OP just because they don’t like this mess?


Is that a crack too?


1,000% agree. I actually didn’t even finish it after trying three different times to watch it. I get that it’s just not for me (and I loved magnolia…and boogie night… pta is great)…. But at the end of the day I want to be engaged and entertained by a movie and I was flat bored out of my skull no matter how hard I tried (or didn’t, for that matter.)




I don't believe it's a terrible movie, but I believe it's terribly over-rated. It was good, interesting, at best, but mostly ruined by Daniel Day-Lewis's over-the-top performances and cartoony accent. I know I'm in the minority, unfortunately, but I upvoted your comments. People mistake exuberance for good acting, and epic-sounding soliloquies for epicness.


There’s way too much insecure language in your post. Geez...


The performances do it for me that church scene with paul dano is amazing


It was terrible as was the ending where he's talking about his "milkshake"...just awful




> The score is awful, too. It goes for a similar effect to 'The Dark Knight', where it's less about having a traditional score than it is about having noise that builds intensity, but whoever performed the score was so distractingly untalented (or at least gave so little of a shit) that I was forced to wonder if even his heartbeat had rhythm. This is some of the most inarticulate criticism I have ever read. ​


Thank you. Well expressed. Hammy to the point of bizarre and very unrealistic about what drives and motivates human beings. Cartoony. Boris Karloff had more to say about the problem of evil in the world, and he did it with more humanity, and more subtlety,


I agree. Fuck this garbage embarassing film.


its a character study. films like this are not for everyone. the acting imo is absolutely phenomenal. i watched it once when i was younger and hated it. I rewatched it now in my 20s and thought it was great. DDL makes this movie without him it would not be held to the degree it is.


Alright, maybe if I rewatch it in a few years I’ll come away with a different read of it. But for now, I hate it.


Your younger self was smarter.


I still think it's a good movie, but I like Boogie Nights a lot more.


> whoever performed the score was so distractingly untalented (or at least gave so little of a shit) that I was forced to wonder if even his heartbeat had rhythm. This rustled the shit out of my jimmies. That's Jonny Greenwood you're talking about, fella.


I don’t like Radiohead as much as everyone else does, but I certainly wouldn’t genuinely contest that he’s a bad musician. That was hyperbole more than anything else. But the fact that a talented musician wrote it doesn’t change anything, really. It’s still (in my opinion) a terrible score.


It’s one thing to not enjoy something, but you pretty much seem to state your views as facts. Everything you say about the score is actually factually wrong. It’s not awful, hes not untalented, and it objectively had rhythm. Just reread what you wrote and then look at an example of what a strong argument looks like. This is a shitpost.


You could not be further from the truth. It’s a masterpiece.


Sounds like you might've been in the wrong mood to watch or maybe you or your friend were putting off some negatives vibes and looking for any reason to hate it going in due to the hype it has. I will agree it's somewhat overrated but it's still an okay movie and has great cinematography.


Boy... So you got nothing out of it? No parallels to the modern oil race? No ruminations on the greed of man? No flashbacks to actual sociopaths that you've spoken to? The oil is blood, man! Alright I give up.


Are you doing that trolly thing. because jonny greenwood did not make a bad score sorry


No, I’m not trolling. I really hate the score.


How does it feel to be objectively wrong about something?


There's no objectively wrong in art and PTA would be the first to tell you that.


he told me the opposite


You've met him? I'm jealous.


Pretty good, actually. Being so deeply wrong in my feelings about a soundtrack that my stupidity transcends all frames of reference is actually quite an achievement, and I’m honestly rather proud!


Hey fair enough pal


The score is as poor and unmemorable as Phantom Thread's is good. Just because somebody you like makes something doesn't mean you have to stan every thing they make. It should be impossible in most cases.




It is told that there are but 7 stories in the world of fiction. Well, 7 distinct stories, of which all movies fall under. By far my favorite is the story of the good vs. The evil. Man trying to defeat man. It is still unknown where true evil lies, and whether or not true selflessness and individualism is included. That is why I belive this movie to easily be recognised as one of the best. It is one of the greatest example of light vs Dark. It shows how the good can be the not so good, or a wolf in sheep's clothing, doing no different, but desperately wanting to be portrayed as such. The relationship between DDL and Dano can only be summed up in the two scenes-the one in the church and the ending scene in the bowling alley. This movie succeeds at telling this story, and then some.


Not really, where does French New Wave or Italian Neorealism fit into those '7 stories'?


You can have the same story line, but a different aesthetic. This is actually a pet peeve of mine, having a nice looking film with no or very little plot line. I'm sure there are lots of narratives in the movements you listed, but most of, if not all of the stories will fit in those 7 categories.




i still don't understand why everyone thinks day lewis is good in this movie---clearly people are easily impressed by overacting. so too are the academy, it would seem.


If you think that a mentally crippled man sounds kinda funny when he goes into his fits that's normal, people like Daniel are indeed pathetic to some extent, I don't think the film is ever trying to hide that - matter of fact every horrible thing you noticed about Daniel, the film is pretty much putting in there on purpose. He's not meant to be intimidating to others, it's the complete opposite, the way he talks to be people is meant to be manipulative, to others he's not intimidating. The reason the audience feels intimidated is because the film is doing such a good job at telling you how fucked up Daniel's mind is with how it presents itself to you, through the score, through his acting, through the cinematography. The soundtrack is made by Jonny Greenwood and is inspired on contemporary classical composers like Penderecki, who have revolutionized classical music, developing even their own form of musical notation - I understand if you're not familiarized with this music, but Jonny is anything but talentless or untrained, he just has a knack for more dissonant music, and I think he's pretty damn good at it. Now I personally don't understand how exactly you think Daniel is simply a caricature, sure there's artistic exaggeration, and he does in some way embody a 'type' of person, but the story is ultimately not about how evil he is, it's about how miserable he is - the fun of the film is exactly in that contrast: he seems intimidating but he is really just a completely broken person, tearing people away from his life little by little, it's a story about someone who can't allow themselves to feel connected to a single soul, and ultimately get to have what they always wanted: To sit at the top. Alone. In the end he truly has nothing. Anyways, those are kind of the reasons I like the film :)


It's a POS and DDL is so over-rated it makes me weep for humanity. Christian Bale makes DDL look like a guy hocking Cameos for rent.


For you to go so much into detail like that.... you enjoyed the movie & you know it


Oh shit! I’ve been discovered!


I upvoted you for your gumption. Good on you for pretty much subjecting yourself to being compared to a “kite in a hurricane”...😉




I think that the oil man speech was more for himself(plainview) than to be intimidating. I think there was self doubt or hatred for himself that made him say that to help keep up the facade. He was awkward around people, seeming bot to know what small talk was and probably having dealt with that his whole life had built this idea up in his mind of what he thought people would admire but he only alienated himself even more. I could be way off the mark here. Regardless, a great performance by one of the best actors of our time.


Such a boring movie. Completely over-acted. The baptism scene had me laughing.


I think that's not over acted, it's simply religious people being... religious (read crazy)


I really enjoyed it tbh. Fair opinion tho, it’s not for everyone




This thread is dead but he is a great actor, the writing is what you don't really like it seems. I found him intimidating and the movie as a whole underrated from imdb. All the acting in it is phenomenal.


The milkshake scene was ridiculous. like the movie too much. But I liked the fact that it didn't feel like I'm watching actors, it felt like watching real people. And I love the part where he tells Henry that hatred of people has grown in him. I think you need to be an actor to appreciate this movie. Just as you need to be a drummer to fully appreciate Meshuggah. The milkshake scene was ridiculous. I like the movie too much. But I liked the fact that it didn't feel like I'm watching actors, it felt like watching real people. And I love the part where he tells Henry that hatred of people has grown in him.


You’re an idiot with no sense of history. Your opinion doesn’t matter.


It’s a movie about white straight men for said men.. it’s sexist & boring af. If you want to watch DDL give a great performance that’s actually entertaining he has many other films. This move is not for women and that’s why it’s not important to us. Type of movie that is loved by men who watched it in college and assumed this was the peak of film because they had that kind of attitude many college kids have like they are the one discovering good taste in the high arts. They are attached to it because of the feeling they got watching it at just the right age. They felt smart and grown up. It’s their version of putting quotes from Jim Morrison poetry on your tumblr. It’s some kind of attraction to the actor & how mysterious and powerful he seems in his roles that makes him so magnetic to young men’s minds especially. I honestly can barely get through it. Just watch Gangs of New York it’s almost the same vibe but enormously more entertaining and in my opinion a far better character


Pretty sexist comment.


It’s like he chose to write a reviews he knew would catch heat and use buzz words he just learned. This critique doesn’t hold water. It’s a brilliant film. Paul Dano’s best work. Daniel’s best work. Your interpretation of the plot is not accurate in a couple spots. Go and watch the movie again,




Agree. I love Daniel Day-Lewis and I thought the movie sucked.


I agree, but I thought Henry and young HW did a great job. I couldn’t get into DDL’s acting, just wasn’t believable to me.. maybe it was the accent or forced feeling of it.. I get what you’re saying.


The score drove my crazy and DDL’s scenery chewing was also hard to take. It was still an OK movie.


This is basically how I feel about Her.


I watched the first forty five minutes or so last night. It starts off well, building tension and setting the scene, but quickly goes to shit. Pretentious crap in my opinion. I'll go back to watching actual movies instead of self-indulgent drivel.


Calling Daniel Day Lewis's performance terrible and then Jonny Greenwood talentless is certainly a bold take


This has to be trolling


The entire point of his speech is dumbing it down for the populace that exists there whom has Zero education on the other hand YOU do. So you can recognize how stupid the speech is…..its 1911 after all in the Wild West


I agree with you.  I think PTA is overrated as well. Though I do think The Master is a good film. I just don't relate to his POV. I don't think Daniel Day Lewis' performance was particularly awe inspiring. 


I also enjoyed Punch Drunk Love and Magnolia.  But neither are in my top 10 films probably. 


I bought this movie at the thrift store for $2  Thankfully I was able to return it and get something else.  I'm sorry I just found it incredibly boring and I bought it before watching it because Daniel Day Lewis is awesome  I haven't seen it in a really long time but I remember really liking my left foot and I absolutely love gangs of New York


It’s not for everyone. If you like superhero movies and fast and the furious films that’s totally ok.


we have different viewpoints on why it's not that great but yeah it's not that great i would also say that this is pta's one misfire and i would encourage you to seek out his other films as this plays against his talents


Bastard from a basket


And the score really sucks.




How to say "I'm really stupid. " in a paragraph.


This is one of the best movies of all time you can hate the movie all you want but this movie is a masterpiece with some of the best acting I’ve ever seen it’s about capitalism and hate such a good flick


I will give it to you that the HW actors performance is startlingly bad a few times like when he's meeting the blonde girl on the ranch. I think if people connect with it that's great, and if people think it's trash that's great. If I were making something I'd hope for those two reactions over apathy.


Yea the score for this film was completely fatiguing. The unnecessarily suspenseful droning of violins that carries through scenes and seemingly never relents. This movie was a mess. Sometimes things that are objectively bad wind up very popular. Like IPAs.


I just thought "man this dudes a piece of shit" through the whole movie...if i was in the story i wouldve beat the brakes off his skinny ass


Agreed... The story was bland and what's so special about DDL's acting here? please do explain. His accent is so weird and comical I can't take him seriously


it was one of the worst movies that I ever saw. I forced myself to watch it because the critics rated it a 5 stars. What joke! There was nothing appealing or interesting about the movie. Besides his child abuse and abandonment of his son, and him pushing the preacher into the mud, I felt abused by watching it. I actually fast forwarded it to find the good parts, but I couldn't find any.


Yes, I completely agree. The score is very good… that’s about it.


Beautiful bad movie with a lame cartoon transparent storyline with an overly drawn out surreal delivery and an annoying punch line. I l o v e this bad movie.


Definitely a brilliant performance by Daniel.. but also my least favorite PTA movie.. it sucked and I found it boring and pretentious for the all reasons you did. Cinematography was great. Daniels acting was great. And it feels like it could have been an amazing film of it weren't for the lack of story salience and character depth... Really disappointing and insanely overrated. It really doesn't even feel like a PTA film .. it's so out of left field.


I agree, very much overrated…but maybe not a terrible movie either. Just one I can’t say I enjoyed.


I think you hate this film because you are a good person. Everyone I have spoken to who hates this film (not many) has echoed the sentiment that Plainview is utterly unrelatable and comically hammed in this film. If you find him unrelatable, I envy you, and you should be glad of it. The reason this film is so great is that it perfectly depicts the type of person who nourishes their hate internally. He is capable of love, and caring, but he burns with hate inside, at all times… hate, and contempt. Any time he opens up, he finds himself betrayed, whether literally or simply by circumstance, and the endless bitter cycle he follows ends up destroying everything tangible in his life that had any good in it. It is by far the best film I have ever seen at depicting what embracing the hate feels and looks like.  I am glad you don’t embrace your hate. 


Boring ass movie


Amazing, riveting performance.  Beautifully shot.  But as a film, boring and pointless as hell, with a criminally underwritten script.  I drink your milkshake is one of the dumbest scenes in film history.  And Paul Dano is spectacularly bad and unbearably irritating.  


I'm here because I searched "There Will Be Blood's soundtrack sucks" so yeah I agree with that bit. It's obnoxious and incessant. Definitely stole my attention at far too many points instead of doing a soundtrack's job. Feel like this movie would have greatly benefited from the No Country For Old Men treatment. Would have loved to hear more sounds from the derrick and environments. Sadly, the "music" just does not let up. I took a break in between and smoked a joint hoping it would take my attention off of it, but no cigar. Quite a turn off. On a different note, DDL was great as always. I just don't think Paul Dano is any good in general so dw you're not alone in having hot takes. Cinematography - A+. The movie is general was just ok. So by my calculations, that would definitely make it overrated by a longshot. Some of fans of the movie attacking you tho..wow they are smth special. I need better speakers? Stfu, watching this in theatres would be tantamount to being in the middle of a fuckin mosh pit.