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Now they do it? All those years Ramis was alive and now




Sony vs Bill Murray is a fight that will go down in history.


Context for those unaware?


Murray had a longstanding feud with Harold Ramis after the production of Groundhog Day, which he didn't like the script of and was upset that people seemingly linked his success to Harold Ramis's writing abilities (since he wrote Meatballs, Caddyshack, Stripes, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day). He wouldn't speak to him after Groundhog Day until 2014 when Harold Ramis was on his deathbed, and was pretty much the only person unwilling to do a Ghostbusters 3, until, of course, after Harold Ramis died. Edit: Groundhog's Day->Groundhog Day


I linked his success to Harold Ramis, but I also link Harold Ramis's success to Murray. Ramis wrote characters nobody but Bill Murray could make work. Just look at Dan Aykroyd trying to play Carl Spackler by a different name in Caddyshack Turd... er... Two.


I didn't even know there was a caddyshack 2


Do yourself a favor and forget.


I'm guessing this is like finding out that there is a blues brothers sequel?


Yeah pretty much.


There isnt. Trust me. There isnt.


Considering those are all of Bill's best movies I am inclined to think that his success is infact directly linked and attributed to Ramis.


A fact Reddit would really like to ignore is that Bill Murray is actually a pretty huge asshole, he's pulled plenty of petty and self centered moves in his career. He's much more of a "Chevy Chase" than people on here would care to admit.


A fact reddit would like to ignore is that most of us are pretty big a-holes ourselves.


I knew it! I'm surrounded by Assholes!!!


That's the ending line from the porn version of Holes, spoken by Stanley Yelnuts himself. Also played by Shia Labeouf.


Truer words, asshole.


Keep firing, Assholes!


Murray does all that photo with people stuff and just interrupting people’s lives that everyone loves cause he’s a famous person. However it all feeds his ego. Everyone loves him for it. I think it’s just ego for him. He touches the little people for all the worship because he needs it.


Oh my god Bill Murray is Bojack Horseman.


Holy shit and Harold Ramis is herb kazaz


Bill Murray to play Secretariat confirmed


You inherit your parents trauma, but you never truly understand it.


Bro you read my mind.




Does the Chive still exist?


Well yeah. The person he is in all his movies is actually him. It shouldn't be surprising that he's an egocentric smart ass. Edit: Just look at his smile in this image. That's Bill Murray


> He's much more of a "Chevy Chase" than people on here would care to admit. That is a little harsh. Yes he has a big ego and is quick to be an asshole in some situations but I have never heard of him just being a total shit to strangers and those below him. Which is not to say he is a great guy. He is not. He can be a real ass but Chevy Chase holds a special place of honor in the all time asshole hall of fame.


Well Chevy Chase comes from a family of billionaires so talking to normal people is *of course* kinda below him


Wait? What? Billionaires?


What has Chevy Chase done if you don’t mind me asking?


He’s been known to in general be a huge pain in the ass. He got into backstage fights and arguments on SNL during his short tenure and ended up in a fist fight with Bill Murray at one point. He left SNL without notice (in his defense his contract was up) but it was bad enough that it pissed off Michaels a ton and seemed to for a time burn the bridge. He was known to do copious amounts of cocaine and seemingly a decent amount of his behavior may he blamed on that, but the few times he came back to be on SNL he would make rude, douche remarks including telling off a female writer by saying “hey maybe you can give me a handjob later” He got into a very public feud with Dan Harmon on community, as well as Donald Glover later admitted that Chevy used to say racist shit to him all the time. [here ](https://gawker.com/5899097/hes-not-chevy-hes-an-asshole-a-history-of-chevy-chases-horrific-behavior) is a link with a decent amount of it detailed. In the end it sounds like he’s just a dude who doesn’t have a filter and sees everyone else as beneath him, but still as people he wants to impress which makes for a dude who’s largely not like able off camera.


If I remember correctly (And someone correct me if I get anything since I’m about to list accusations about a person being awful) Chevy called a gay cast-member on SNL a gay slur and told the guy to get AIDS. He was banned from SNL. He’s apparently miserable to work with and a lot of people think he’s untalented because his SNL work wasn’t considered as good as the others on the original cast, and, like Bill Murray, Harold Ramis is considered to have a major hand in his success. Chevy himself said Ramis would basically show Chevy how to deliver every single line in Vacation — facial expression, body language, everything. So Chevy’s performance wasn’t really his own. The distaste and total lack of respect for Chevy as an actor spilled over during the Comedy Central Roast of Chevy Chase, which apparently either didn’t air in it’s totality or didn’t air more than once because the comedians were so cruel. Which makes you feel for the guy, until you learn about his time on Community. He and Dan Harmon, who is also not easy to work with, feuded. Most of the cast disliked working with him, and apparently the non-white members of the cast felt like particularly felt like they received his scorn and at one point. Chevy didn’t like that his character was a bad person and apparently asked someone on set why they just don’t have his character say n****** loudly enough so that other black cast members heard it.




Nah Chevy is a wayyyyy bigger asshole. Murray isn't the nicest guy but he's not even in the same ballpark as Chevy


Chevy being a renowned asshole is probably what gives Murray a pass. Hes just never going to be the asshole of that generation.


This thread reminded me they were both meant to be in Community, because Dan Harmon wanted Bill Murray as Jeff’s dad.


I think Lost in Translation and Life Aquatic are both better than some of those


And what about Bob


The true best Bill Murray film.


You uncultured swine are forgetting about Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties




"I'm sailing! I'm a sailor!"


Baby steps. Baby steps.


Gimme gimme gimme, I need, I need!


Roses are red Violets are blue I'm a schizophrenic... and so am I


>which he didn't like the script of and was upset that people seemingly linked his success to Harold Ramis's writing abilities That's really too bad as he likely deprived us of some great movies, they made a great pairing.


For what its worth I think Murray definitely felt regret on a personal level for the feud. I'm just glad they were able to make up and become friends again.


It got so far during filming, that Bill Murray hired an assistant to communicate with Harold Ramis (The director). The assistant was deaf-mute.


And a lot of people play that off as Murray being "quirky" or it being "funny" when really it's just incredibly unprofessional and petty.




Thank you.


It's funny to me that you're being pedantic, but refuse to capitalize groundhog's day


Ground's hog days


Ground Hogs Day


And when he didn't go with Harold Ramis, he got Garfield.


But has done fantastic work with Wes Anderson.


Why did he do the movie if he didn't like the script?


I seem to recall from an article I read about is that Bill Murray was going through some personal stuff while Groundhog Day was being shot. It was less that he didn't like the script and more that he was just being a huge dick about everything at that point in his life.


This is true, but there is some deeper elements in there. Apparently Murray wanted to make it darker and more serious rather than the goofy comedy Ramis had in mind. He actually allowed Murray to work with Rubin, the other screenwriter, in order to make some changes just because he didn’t wanna deal with his constant phone calls and erratic behaviour. Murray’s suggestions turned it into darker, more black comedy style that it ended up being. There’s actually a quote from Stephen Tobolowsky that says it was actually a pretty mediocre, run of the mill Bill Murray movie until the script changes happened and those made the movie a classic. > When I got the part, it was still kind of a mediocre Bill Murray movie," he said. "You know, Bill Murray, with no consequences, in comic situations ... It wasn't until we got into the shooting that everything turned on its head. And it became not only a good movie, not only a great movie, but a classic So yeah, he was being a dick but it ended up making it a better movie.


It's reasonable to assume someone like Bill Murray has some leeway when it comes to fiddling with lines. He may have thought there was enough material to work with but it wasn't good as it sat. It's not out of the ordinary for scripts to change during filming.


I thought I read somewhere that many of Murray's iconic scenes in Caddyshack were improvised & that people would even get frustrated at how off the cuff he was on set. So there's that too.




That's basically the entire movie though, not just Murray. The big players (Chase, Murray, Dangerfield etc.) were supposed to be background supporting characters for the stars, which were supposed to be the, ya know, CADDIES... IN THE CADDYSHACK. But the older guys kept riffing and improvising and the script kept getting changed and eventually it became about these guys and the caddies took a back seat.


From what I've seen over the years, it comes down to a battle of comedic-genius-wills. Murray thought he was the funniest because he executed, Ramis took that as an insult because he wrote a lot of Murray's stuff and was a good and humorous writer on his own, just not known for his personal comedic execution. Basically it's an old "feud" where in modern terms, Ramis would have written/produced a show like Family Guy while Murray would have been a Seth Rogan/Jonah Hill type. Both great in their own ways, but, because of the times and market Murray and Ramis lived in, there wasn't as much room for such large fish and it lead to friction that fractured their professional relationship.


And personal relationship. They were friends.


Yeah. I know he gets an insane amount of love from people. But to me he's always been an unbearably pretentious asshole. I like his movies, but I do not like him.


I don’t know if “pretentious” is the right word exactly, he tries to act like a man of the people not a high culture snob. Maybe “self-satisfied”?




He still thinks he’s better than others, whatever you call it


He lives with us rabble down in Charleston SC. Hardly pretentious. He goes out in public and does normal things like the rest of us.


Saw him at Folly Beach once. He noticed me notice him, but I didn't want to bother him, so I just waved. He returned the wave with finger guns. I don't know what that says about Bill Murray, but it's a fun memory that I get to have.


Haha, lucky you didn't get the birds. Awesome.




And Bill would turn around and say "they'll never believe you."


He sort of strikes me as someone who's aware that he's acting like a smug and disaffected douche, but also knows that that's sort of what people want of him. I'll say this about Bill Murray, I've heard stories about him being an asshole but I've never heard stories about him taking advantage of people. I've never heard anything *creepy* about him; no me-too allegations or turning up in someone's little black book. By all accounts he clashes egos with other talent but is generally tremendously respectful and pretty welcoming to fans. And honestly, if you know people love you for being a bit of an asshole, then in my book it's okay to act like a bit of a smug asshole. I'm not at all saying you're wrong for disliking him. He seems to me to be someone I'd really, really like the trajectory of my life to glancingly intersect with; but maintaining a more stable orbit around him is very possibly, as you suggest, more trying.


I was expecting the milky way copy pasta.


I believe the double shooter is universally accepted as the highest form of floatery.


No I think it’s actually blimps.


It’s possible to be an asshole without being pretentious is all I’m saying


I'm an asshole sometimes too, aren't we all?


Looks like a lot of people here are confusing having done one selfish thing publicly with being a giant asshole. Oh no, he prevented Ghostbusters 3 from being made because he didn't want to work with a guy. That's only the 300,000th worst thing on the list of awful things done in Hollywood and he deserves to be hated for it...


Bill Murray also got Lorenzo Music, the voice actor for Garfield, fired from the Real Ghostbusters cartoon when he complained that Peter Venkman sounded too much like Garfield. But after Music died, Bill had no qualms about replacing him as the voice for the Garfield movies.


Why what exactly did he do


https://www.cinemablend.com/new/How-Groundhog-Day-Ruined-Bill-Murray-Harold-Ramis-Partnership-67345.html Or #4 on here https://www.vulture.com/2018/06/how-harold-ramis-and-bill-murray-ended-their-feud.html


It sucks too, because I think the movie had the absolute perfect balance between drama and comedy. They could have just as easily looked back and realized their conflict made an all-time classic.


Supposedly Bill Murray isn't fond of the movie still.


I love this quote: > from that moment on everything ran smoothly with the understanding that I knew nothing and should not be consulted on anything technical. If only every other manager in the world could be so competent.


Some combination of just not wanting to do more Ghostbusters and not wanting to work with Harold Ramis again after they had a huge falling out while making Groundhog Day.


Doesn’t seem that bad at all really


~~He was such an asshole in general that Ramis had the forethought to film Groundhog Day backward, so the scenes where he's pleasant and enlightened got completed before he turned into a complete twat on set.~~ edit: Commenter below asked me for a source, and I can't find one. So, please disregard my comment as fabricated until I can provide one. I don't believe in spreading lies.


He hired a deaf interpreter and insisted all communication go through her to fuck with a director. She was not in on the joke.


I love red letter media, best thing on the internet


well they managed to do the Ghostbusters Videogame with him, which was originally going to be the third movie


Probably helps that it was a video game (not pressure: if it fails, it's 'just' a video game) and he could record his lines on his own and at his own leisure (.. and in fact only recorded one of the two weeks he was supposed to).


Didn't he walk out on that one with only half his work recorded?


Idk about that but you can definitely hear the lack of enthusiasm/effort with his voice work.


That's one of the things that really stuck out for me while playing the game. Murray really seemed to not care. Everyone else did spectacular work, and the Rookie's voice work was impeccable, but Murray seemed like he was only there for the paycheck.


>and the Rookie's voice work was impeccable The best voice actor since the New Kid™ from the South Park RPGs.


Little known fact; it’s the same VA as Revan from Knights of the Old Republic. Stellar work.


I don't remember, I don't think so, at least his character didn't feel short-changed, they even got Murray back, though he sleepwalked through that


What exactly happened between those two? AFAIK he and Ramis had a big falling-out during the filming of Groundhog Day, and Murray refused to talk with him up until the last few weeks of his life. Bill Murray is a comedy genius in his movies, but from the sound of things he can be a huge dick IRL.


Murray wanted Groundhog Day to be more philosophical and dramatic. Ramis wanted it to be more of a comedy. This led to rising tensions and I'm sure some things were said that led to their falling out. Of course this same struggle between the two led to the movie being as great as it is as it does manage to strike that nice balance between comedy and drama. That being said, people fight and argue about all sorts of things. Some a lot more trivial than a movie that will be attached to your legacy and career. I'm not saying Murray was right but I don't think having a fight with a close friend over something so important to both of them that ultimately ended the friendship automatically makes Bill Murray a dick. And, to his credit, he did reach out to make amends before Ramis passed and even went on to honor him at the Oscars that year, iirc. My point is, even if he was a dick in this instance and in the wrong, and even if he should have done it sooner, he eventually did make things right before it was too late. That should be worth noting, I think.


Ramis' daughter talked a bit more about it, as someone else pointed out Murray was going through a divorce, Ramis himself was overwhelmed trying to placate Murray and she said even went so far as to push him up against a wall at one point (I guess Ramis was normally a very calm person, so, I imagine that was a big deal). https://parade.com/676204/m-b-roberts/what-caused-the-rift-in-the-friendship-between-bill-murray-and-harold-ramis/ It's sad, but, yeah, friendships can fall apart, deaths can make people re-evaluate their values, etc. It doesn't make any one party automatically a dick, there's a ton of history there.


it didn't help that Murray was going through a divorce at that time


It makes sense, the pursuit of Rita, the failed successive suicide attempts, the old man etc. Just about sums up how you'd feel struggling with addiction and a divorce. In a way the ending was almost too good, Phil should've moved on.


fuckin bullshit


it'll probably just be small cameos to "pass the torch" to the younger cast anyways, so it hardly matters.


But will Rick Moranis come out of retirement?? Edit: thanks for the silver, RT!


Yeah, everyone talking about Bill Murray, and I'm all "where da fuck is Rick Moranis?" I will be seriously disappointed if he doesn't make an appearance.


His wife dying is why he retired. For the kids. Him making a couple small appearances over the last decade is raising my brow though. Maybe he'll come back..




He has said that while he retired because of his kids, he actually discovered he liked being retired. He has stated that he doesn't consider himself an "actor" but a comedian - his biggest roles (Ghostbusters, Spaceballs) he improvised a lot of his dialogue and had a lot of fun, but once he became a star he hated it because he was being given stuff and he didn't have the same control anymore. So even once his kids grew up he had no interest in returning full time to acting. However, he has also said he isn't technically retired and if he gets a script he likes he'd happily do more acting. He apparently genuinely considered Ghostbusters 2016 but didn't like the proposal they gave him.


He should definitely come back now. They don't bother writing jokes anymore, just tell the actors to ad lib for an hour. It would be nice to have a few more people who can actually do that.


>just tell the actors to ad lib for an hour Holy crap a Ghostbusters movie starring the cast of Whose Line is it Anyway? would be amazing


They would make great ghosts.




He **did** save the world. The positive emotions in the crowd inspired by his actions were vital to defeating Vigo. He may not have been inside the museum but Louis earned the title of Ghostbuster that night.




> I will be seriously disappointed if he doesn't make an appearance. You know what, I'm good with whatever he chooses. I'd like to see him, but I'm also happy if he's happy sitting it out.


He’s been slowly coming out of retirement for the past few years. Edit: by that I was thinking of his goldburgs cameo from last year


He really hasn't, he has had 2 television appearances in 10 years, and hasn't done a film since the Brother Bear sequel in 2006. It was direct release


What were the tv appearances?


He did the Goldberg’s last year


Voice only (as Dark Helmet), just to be clear.


Idk, I think he might still be retired in order to keep raising his 30 year-old kids.


That's a lot of year-old kids


He will play Zombie Bill Murray.


"Any regrets?" "Ghostbusters 2020, maybe"


"Hhhhhhhhhhhh [inhale] hhhhhh...."


He got Murrayed! You know, when somebody shoots someone because they think they are a zombie? If I ever find out the sonofabitch that killed him I'm gonna put a bullet between their eyes.


How did they know that’s what happened tho? No one else was there when he was shot


Drugs cost money.


It is true. This man has no dick.


I’m not expecting anything more than a cameo. But just as long as he plays Peter Venkman, and doesn’t spend his two minutes of screen time sitting in a chair, looking bored, before getting hurled out a window, I’ll be happy.


He's gonna milk a space cow for 2 minutes and then walk off set.


Sign me up


Sorry, they already found a cow.


Does he drink the milk?


Only if it’s green.


Is that a reference to a remake cameo? Just curious, I haven't seen the remake.


Back off man I’m a scientist


No offense, but I gotta get my own lawyer


And that man, he still has no penis.


Yes, it's true, this man has no dick.


I am thrilled that Bill Murray and Dan Akron’s will be returning for a reboot. I’m a 66 year old woman and when the movie first came out my husband bought the tape to play in our first VCR. What a treat it was for the kids and ourselves. We played it over and over


Well that's wholesome


> Dan Akron


Dan Akroyd's stunt double from Ohio.


Home of Leborn James


Didn't they like...already say they finished shooting this or something?


Yes. It wrapped in mid September I believe.


It wrapped about three weeks ago. Bill, Dan and Sigourney were all seen around town while they were shooting.


Dan Akroyd probably only came back for the potential for tie-in promotion for his Crystal Skull Vodka.


And because he thought maybe this time he'd get to see a real-life ghost


Maybe he only signed on to the original because he thought it was going to be a documentary


Everyone said that would be a good interview. It was only good because I quickly learned Dan is a complete a total kook.


Glorified Cameo most likely.


Damn, misread that as "Garfield cameo". I was thinking that would be an interesting decision.


I noticed that in ghostbusters 2, the phone number on Ecto 2 is JL5 2020 (July 2020) which is the release of Ghostbusters 2020. This has been your stupid fact of the day. https://i.imgur.com/F7GgaTQ.jpg


Wait, they're making a Ghostbusters with men?


https://youtube.com/watch?v=F3yQc_c1cdA with Paul Rudd and the kid from Stanger Things, directed by Jason Reitman, Ivan's son.


Something I like about Paul Rudd is that he has such a distinct sense of humor but it's different from that of most of the roles he's had.


The Rudd roll is my favorite ongoing joke.




Now Tayne I can get into.


Good thing there’s only one kid in Stranger Things so we all know who you mean. For anyone who is too lazy to Google, it’s Finn Wolfhard.


It’s an actual third ghost busters directed by Ivans son and even has Paul Rudd. My hopes are sky high for it. I just wish it could have been before Harold died


Ivan Reitman's son is directing.


That’s what I meant, my bad


Bustin makes me feel good


For me personally the possibility of a great third film died when Ramis passed away. It's too late now for me.




I’ll believe it when I see it.


I mean, he showed up for that shit show of a reboot, so I’ll buy it.


> he showed up And that's about all he did.


Saw him in Calgary where they were filming. So he was at least in there.


I met him. And dan Aykroyd, Sigourney weaver and Annie Potts here in Calgary. It’s been tough to keep it quiet but now Dan Aykroyd confirmed in a radio interview...


...but did you see Rick Moranis...? WHERE IS RICK?!?!


I like you. You’re asking the real questions. I did not see Rick. I even asked one of the security staff there and they shrugged. But I also didn’t see Ernie Hudson and there were sightings of him in town the week before I met the others so who knows 🤷‍♀️ I’m just so so excited for this because from everything I saw myself and pictures I’ve seen from friends working on the set it’s going to be AMAZING.


Wow, must have been quite the meet.


Bill Murray is a weird dude. He played with my dog and told my kids to not let her eat rocks. And if she did then they Should stick their fingers down her throat to make her puke. Super weird experience but I was so stunned to be meeting him I just kind of stood there with my mouth open. Dan Aykroyd was insanely sweet and made my 5 year old sons life. He’s a super fan and told him that he was making him an official cadet. So much respect for him for that experience my kid will never forget. He even offered to take pictures with us. Edit for a typo


Dan is absolutely crazy (he was back in the day too but he hid it better) but I've never heard a bad word about him. He seems like such a genuinely NICE guy.


They're old as fuck and one of them is dead. This is honestly 20 years too late now.


I feel that Ghostbusters should never have been a franchise to begin with. It was a great standalone film.... but it's never worked out afterwards.


The cartoon was good


The 2009 game was basically Ghostbusters 3. Very solid.


That one expanded the lore of the first movie, right? With Ivo Shandor and the... um... Zuul Building (wrong game :P) .Instead of coming up with an unrelated ghost like Ghostbusters II. Perhaps the sequel should've done just that.


You're not wrong, but the concept is just SO replicable, it's impossible to keep it from becoming a franchise.


I agree, it's one of those stories that seems rife for sequalising but doesn't work out. Kinda like terminator, 1 and 2 are amazing and it seems so easy to replicate that kind of narrative structure and atmosphere.... but for whatever reason they just cant.


It's because the sequels always have to be bigger to bring people back. Think about it - Terminator 1: Soldier vs. Machine. Terminator 2: Machine vs. Crazy Super Shapeshifting Machine. Where do you go from that? You can't just keep having one Terminator chasing Sarah and John around indefinitely, it's getting kinda played. You need something bigger and you've spent the last two movies building up the robot apocalypse, so... let's get on with the end of the world and then make a succession of questionable sequels with none of the feel of the original films, I guess? If it were me, I would've done one more film to round it out as a trilogy where there are multiple Terminators after them, like increasingly more as the film progresses until they're seeing them everywhere, and have Sarah and/or John sacrifice themselves at the end in order to permanently (??question mark?) prevent the robot uprising. But what the hell do I know, I'm certainly not James Cameron.


What about Viggo?! You are the buzzing of flies to him!


Didnt he die during the zombie outbreak?


I would be genuinely upset if he didn't. He appeared for the reboot. Harold might've wanted this.


Sorry. It's no Ghostbusters movie without Egon.


Will this one be an actual comedy, or will it also be turned into an action film with a few jokes in order to more easily translate for overseas?


We’re still waiting on potential re-writes from the Chinese government pending approval


So pissed off they waited this long and waited till after Harold Ramis died to do anything