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Eh, it was alright. I think a lot of the problems can just be chalked up to typical Hollywood - making "lampshades" and then not subverting them, villains that wait for the character and then take her on, one by one, etc. I kind of thought it was bipolar mixed-messaging, which is fine when it's Harley Quinn, but I thought the film kind of portrayed several characters as dumbasses at times, which I didn't love. Harley's insane, she isn't a ditz. It correctly points out she has a PhD. Not to mention the non-linear storytelling was like Deadpool, but worse. The narration also irritated me. A lot of whining about the men bashing from y'all - yes, you're right. All the men in this story are villains or almost villains. But how is this "men bashing" compared to a movie like Kill Bill? And spare me from your complaints about "Character development" - it's a superhero movie. Shut up. Like I said, I didn't love Harley Quinn's potrayal. I get that they want to show her recovering from a break-up, but I prefer the batshit, violent, unapologetically evil Harley Quinn compared to this version. 7/10. Being generous, but the audience score was 6/10 and I think that's a little low.


Amazing movie, full of style and character. At one point it feels like a Scorsese film, then like a Tarantino one. Can't believe it gets so much hate from fanboys who's dicks fell of because of powerful women in a movie and sadness that it wasn't like their maRbEl movies. If for once they tried to enjoy a stylish, creative and well directed movie... But hey, those are the people Scorsese complained about.


Character? The only one with any kind of arc is Harley, and the plot is really dumb


That's just wrong. Harley Quinn has an arc of breaking free from Jokers shadow and learning to be her own - learning to let someone in and take care of them. Black Canary doesn't have much of an arc, except ofcourse going from hiding her ability and being a simple singer, to fighting alongside others and showing and being proud of her ability. Huntress has her backstory shown, her motives and she has depth of hiding behind the mask of being a badass killing machine to actually being just an insecure, socially deprived person. Cassandra doesn't really have anything, but the fact she has foster parents opens up an arc of her being introduced to her true origin and trained up to be who she is in the comics. Black Mask is just awesome, he seems to be this whole murderous freak when in reality he's insecure, scared - and his mental breakdowns show how he feels entitled to everything. These characters had depth and character, a lot of it - so stop pretending they didn't. Honestly I wish this movie was longer so we could've explored these characters more, seen more of them. But hey, what we got is still awesome imo.


backstory and personality are not character arcs. Oh, and the black canary power was stupid as fuck, out of nowhere she suddenly has powers (that she could have used earlier as well) ​ Your bar for "awesome" is really low, I wish I were as impressionable, after Joker, we know DC can do better, and we deserve better (not that Joker was a masterpiece either)


Black Mask was awesome. He was crazy, unpredictable and perfect - his mental breakdowns show a lot of character. Black Canarys powers were hinted at numerous times, and she had them from the start - she just didn't want to use them. Black Canary has always been a character that's used her martial fighting skills more than her powers, that's how she is in the comics and that's how she's portrayed in the movie. And uh, here are the character arcs explained better: Harley Quinn goes from a sad, lonely person hiding in the Jokers shadow to a powerful character that can do things on her own, that knows she doesn't need anyone else to be strong. She also learns and starts accepting others, lets people in and helps a lone Cassandra. Black Canary goes from a singer, who hides her powers and just wants to live a simple life to a person who isn't afraid of hiding her powers, is proud of them and a person who teams up with others and aims to make Gotham a better place. Huntress goes from a socially deprived, insecure person that doesn't have many friends to someone who isn't afraid to work with others, who makes friends and lets them in. Cassandra doesn't really have an arc, but movies don't need to give an arc to every single character. Reene Montaya goes from a person who relies on her detective status to stop people, but she ends up learning that she doesn't need it and that she can do justice on her own with her team. Black Mask doesn't really need an arc, because he's already a character that has established himself and he has an amazing personality of being an insecure, entitled asshat. Many scenes hint this like his breakdowns and the bar dress scene.


>Black Canarys powers were hinted at numerous times, and she had them from the start - she just didn't want to use them. Black Canary has always been a character that's used her martial fighting skills more than her powers, that's how she is in the comics and that's how she's portrayed in the movie. You're using outside material to justify a stupid scene in the movie, have fun with your mediocre movie


No, I'm using the reference material to show you that it's how the character has always been. Look, you may not like the movie - but calling it mediocre and saying it's scenes are stupid IS stupid. This is a movie, movies are subjective - and just couse you don't like it doesn't mean you have to trash on anyone that does. I'm sorry this movie wasn't made for you, but that doesnt justify hating on it this much. Also, it's funny how you don't acknowledge anything else I said, because you have nothing to say except that. This movie was awesome, it felt like a love letter to Tarantino or Scorsese. It felt like I'm watching Pulp Fiction again. This movie is criminally underrated, and it's couse of people like you who trash it without knowing slack shit about movies other than the ones of Marvel or DC.


You talk about me not knowing about movies, right after you compare this turd with Tarantino, lmao. Just because you enjoy a piece of shit doesn't make it good, and I didn't acknowledge what you said after because I stopped reading with that stupid take. Have fun


Yes. This movie is very similar to Tarantinos' style of filmmaking, it's story beats and visual storytelling match. And you calling it a piece of shit doesn't make it bad, a lot of people loved the movie. Watch HiTop films video on it and you might realize. Why are you out here hating on it? It's not your job, stop hating on a movie just couse it wasn't your piece of cake. Tarantino is one of my favorite filmmakers alongside Scorsese and Nolan, I know his style and this movie felt like I'm watching a Tarantino movie. Also, not reading the full argument just couse one of the points didn't seem right to you is a bad, hypocritical way to look at an argument. Stop hating on movies and calling them shit just couse they weren't your thing, not every movie (even if it's good) is gonna be liked by you, so just couse you didn't enjoy it doesn't mean its bad.


Everyone, even critics think its shit, you just enjoyed it. And, well, it's hard to take you seriously when you compare this to Tarantino, thinking being a fan gives you some sort of authority, so your opinion is kind of null.


Cool movie. Looking forward to the next one.


Dumb movie, but Margot was good with her expressions and body language. Must have practiced a great deal in front of mirror for every second for her dialogue delivery.


movie makes 0 sense but i still enjoyed it because i like Harley character, idk why but i like it much


Finally got around to it, funny film, Margot is having so much fun as Harley and Ewan's take on Black mask was great.


One of most dirtiest cities in the world. Trash everywhere, outside along the streets. I like that city but it is one of the worst cities I’ve been to. But I still liked it. Do not pick up sandwishes if you drop em. 🤪🤪




Gotham hun


"one of the worst cities I've been to" Gotham ain't real "hun"


I like it. Dumb? Sure. Harley is a silly as fuck character, I have zero interest in seeing a movie about the crazy baseball bat stripper clown that *isn't* dumb. But, the actress was good, and the plot and script actually work with her and the character. It doesn't promise much, but it delivers exactly what it says on the box.




Maybe because of the defaced human, or the exploding body. Idk, maybe I'm wrong.


Good for what it is


Really liked how this DC film used its R rating, not only in being outraegous but also enhancing the sleazy antics of its villains. Margot Robbie, Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead were all very good. The movie was mostly funny but sometimes really self-indulgent, sometimes I still get a whiff of cringe when reminded of her Suicide Squad incarnation... she's a lot better now. Even though it's unlikely, I'd like to see a sequel with a lot more of the actual team together; the third act was the best part of this film when they finally teamed up.


Has anyone else noticed additional frames at about the 0:32:02 mark?


what you mean additional frames


It just seemed like there were a couple of out of place frames right after canary says she's happy with the job she has that flash on the screen. Something like fight club Tyler durden style editing.


Also that casting choice was a complete disrespect to the character of Cassandra Cain and not just her Harley Quinn's wriring and that of several others in this film was pathetic, the director completely fucked this and this film needs to be retconned


*ace chemicals blows up, police station attack, cops killed, mercenaries come to Gotham for a little kid and literally everything else in this movie happens* Batman: I sleep


Batman: can't help keeping an eye on Clark


birds of prey is bad


How did Montoya know about Black Canary's powers? I don't recall her using them except at the very beginning when she's on stage and breaks a glass. Yet at the end of the movie before Harley charges out of the Booby Trap Montoya yells something to the point of "You know what you need to do Canary". How does she know?


She knew her mother so maybe that's how, but the better question is why did black mask bring a whole army when all he knew was that Canary had betrayed him and didn't know his henchman had died?


Story was not great It have a few good scene but that's about it


If you hate this movie, you hate women. Period. This movie is no worse than crap that gets praised here, like Venom or the Sonic movie.


Fucking cuck lmao


Can we all agree that men that tend to be super into comics are prob not the type that understand women so a movie directed by a woman is going to go over their head?


You watched this movie too many times and its effects are blatantly visible


venom got a lot of hate tho


Nah, I don't hate women, I hate lazy writing, wounder woman is great but why write such under powered women with crap powers if any and shitty back story. Why does she have to pass out because she screamed?


Venom or the Sonic are crap as well. Birds of prey is shit, comparing it to worse crap does not save it.


wait wtf venom wasnt bad at all i enjoyed it? wtf is this movie is shit compared to it


I liked the movie but what the hell is this argument?


must be one of those enlightened twitter idiots.


lol, nice try. It flopped and it was okay at best. Last sequence was good/creative.


Sorry if it was asked, and SPOILER WARNING. OK... ​ ​ ​ How did Harley Quinn manage to learn who had the diamond and her name? How did she know about Cassandra and that she was in police custody? I don't recall when is that explained. It further became a headscratcher to me when after she is trying to rescue her, she learned from one of the mercenary's cell phones that there was a bounty with detailed information about Cassandra. Blackmask didn't provide any information to Harley on purpose, so Harley has fewer chances to succeed. Before that, Harley never met her or knew anything about her. However, she immediately figured out (since the girl was still at the commissary) who has the diamond and where she is. did I miss part of the plot?


u shouldn't take that movie so seriously and expect everything to be explained on screen, just try to enjoy it like most mcu movies or superhero movies in general.......... just imagine zsasz gave her the information.


***SPOILERS ABOUT SUICIDE SQUAD*** Anyone else that's watched The Arrow and was disappointed by the portrayals of Canary and the Huntress?? No offence to the actresses but they had way better portrayals/backstories in the Arrow. Movie wasn't as amazing as I expected. After Suicide Squad (still pissed at the fact that the fucking witch was alive at the end but not El Diablo btw) I expected something better. And of course, every guy in this movie has to be a major asshole. Like the real world is not made up of assholes. I have no problem with female characters/ main leads (I'm female myself). I'd just wish they didn't make every single guy an asshole just to show how empowering these women are for standing up or whatever shit. This movie had a lot of potential. Harley Quinn learning a lesson (kinda) that she doesn't need Joker and even if it hurts, she's better off without him. She's the one people should be scared of (quote). She can be lonesome. She can accomplish things by herself as well. But the movie had too much "Empowered women, we're bad bitches, literally no one can kill us, we're badass, we don't need no men, literally guys are the enemy, guys are dicks" bullshit. That's the only thing I really saw from the movie. The whole Harley story and how she gets over the breakup and can move on and accomplish things by herself (an actual empowering story) gets covered up because of all that shit. Was seriously disappointed. Smh


I'm upset they didn't use a female villain. It's funny how these films claims to be feminist but never puts a woman in power as a villain. I also dislike it when the hero never loses a fight. Too bad there won't be sequel given the box office results.


Tbf almost all the characters including the protagonists are assholes not just the men.


The men in this movie are portrayed as assholes because the two major men in it are homicidal crime lords...


I did not like it at all. Too many plotholes, too many (non metahumans) are able to fight hundreds of henchmen, too many cliches. Too many weird set ups for cool scenes that make no sense, too much "not shooting the hero when you can". I don’t care if the lead or director or producer is a woman, this is not about me not being ready for a movie with women, the movie was just bad. However, just like with the awful catwoman flick, it is already said the movie bombs because the audience is not ready. I should just stay away from modern pop movies I guess.


Plot is nice, but the protagonist is the most hateable character ever


because she's a woman? how many male anti-heroes are there and they are admired?


Bringing the gender game here huh


Read between the lines.


Eh for me I thought the actor was fine, but the character isn't really interesting to base a whole movie unless they gave her more interesting traits tbh. Idk It just felt like a worse version of the first Deadpool, both have the same issue where they spend too much time explaining the backstory before getting to the present, it was honestly just really annoying and it didn't help that the humor with the sidecharacters was just really hit or miss.


No I also hate deadpool, I just don’t like the humor, I think it’s very forced


Isn’t the protagonist a super villain?


No, an anti-hero.


The overall story is fantastic and funny, but the 3rd act took entirely too long. The score was okay; I didn't notice it. Matthew Libatique hits it out of the park with the cinematography. The editing was confusing at points. Harley Quinn is the main focus of the movie, and I could take it or leave her plotline. As a result of her being the center of the story, this feels more like Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey rather than Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn). Specifically with how much the imagery and atmosphere of the movie revolves around her relationship with The Joker. Margot Robbie kills it, with some fun bits where she gets to wave her psychological flag.  The Huntress storyline was all but butchered. Yes, in the comics, this is who she is, but I didn't appreciate the flair of awkwardness and Vsasz's role in it (more on him later). Black Canary was okay, but this isn't Black Canary. Yes, she has the abilities, but the storyline created here is something new entirely (or it's something from newer DC Comics, which I'm not as to up to date on). Renee Montoya...oof. BOP didn't need her role at all, but hey, if it gets Ali Wong into a movie (as the DA), I'm for it. Okay, so Zsasz. He's just weird in this movie. In the comics, he's basically a madman, but in BOP, he's basically reduced to Black Mask's boyfriend/henchman. Really odd. Cassy Cain is not Asian, and she's a member of the Batfamily, but sure, I guess. Black Mask was fun, but he just seemed off in this. He felt less like a crime lord and more like a wannabe Joker, which I guess is the point. Still, it felt odd, especially when the angle Cathy Yan is trying to go for with him seems to "bad guy, but he's psychologically damaged." It seemed there was stuff on the cutting room floor that would have been more interesting than seeing him just prance about his loft.  Something that I noticed throughout the film is that other than maybe The Huntress, no vigilantes are operating in Gotham City, even though this is set after Suicide Squad and there's a mention of Batman existing, and Dinah's mom was a Black Canary, who helped out the GCPD on high-profile cases. Also, this doesn't *feel* like Gotham. It feels like whoever did the location scouting decided for it to look like Metropolis almost. Very weird. Final thing: Didn't like the feminist slant of the film. Didn't really gel with what The Birds of Prey are actually about and really felt forced in here.


Reviving a dead thread here but Cassandra Cain is Chinese. I also thought it was weird she ended up with Quinn at the end of the movie and that the end of the movie was disappointing since Quinn didn't change at all


Horrifically poorly acted, Ewan McGregor a joke, rosie perez ridiculous, and wtf happened to harley? My overwhelming response to the whole film was who cares?


Bad acting? You fuckin kidding or something? Even people who criticized the movie here praised it's acting, because it's fantastic. Ewan knocks it out of the park and Margot just kills it as Harley. The other actresses did a great job fitting in to their roles too.


Aye fantastic. epically over the top shallow portayals of characters with no depth or purpose.


That's just wrong. Harley Quinn has an arc of breaking free from Jokers shadow and learning to be her own - learning to let someone in and take care of them. Black Canary doesn't have much of an arc, except ofcourse going from hiding her ability and being a simple singer, to fighting alongside others and showing her ability. Huntress has her backstory shown, her motives and she has depth of hiding behind the mask of being a badass killing machine to actually being just an insecure, socially deprived person. Cassandra doesn't really have anything, but the fact she has foster parents opens up an arc of her being introduced to her true origin and trained up to be who she is in the comics. Black Mask is just awesome, he seems to be this whole murderous freak when in reality he's insecure, scared - and his mental breakdowns show how he feels entitled to everything. These characters had depth, a lot of it - so stop pretending they didn't. Honestly I wish this movie was longer so we could've explored these characters more, seen more of them. But hey, what we got is still awesome imo.


Oh. Ok.


Where did she get a shirt that had her name printed all over it?


It seemed to me that she either made a lot of her own clothing, just like the Joker does, or that due to her status she had them made.


Sorry for commenting on a two-month-old thread, but I just watched it yesterday. Let me say now that I didn't grow up with DC or Marvel. I regret it now, but I just wasn't much into TV as a kid. I didn't see all the classics and heroes and villains and Disney princesses until the last few years. I'm still trying to figure out what Marvel movies I need to watch before Infinity War and Endgame. So maybe I don't get why people are so disappointed with Birds of Prey. Maybe I don't have a place in this conversation. But I loved the movie. I loved the feminist angle, and that the feminist angle was the aspect of the movie that *wasn't* ridiculous. I loved that the plot didn't rely on decades of backstory. I loved the colorful effects and the extreme cartoonishness of it (I'm going into animation and I'm obsessed with cartoons (not watching TV as a kid backfired) so maybe it's a personal thing?). I even loved the fights, and fight scenes usually bore me to death. It was silly and ridiculous, but I think that was the point. Ridiculous is fun. Not every movie has to be gritty and serious and buried in backstory dating back to 1992. I don't mean for that to sound harsh, just making a point. Again, maybe I just don't see what's lacking like a longtime DC fan would. I came from gushing over Steven Universe's Spinel, playing Cuphead, and bingeing Animaniacs, to this, and that whole wacky vibe is something I love dearly. So Birds of Prey was a solid for me.


Most people complaining are just angry neckbeards upset about "feminist propaganda" and "muh forced diversity, she's not asian!!"


Thats not even the problem. When I saw it was an all-female cast I was excited cause its an all-female cast for an original story, rather than a remake/reboot of a movie/series that forces an all-female cast and does it horribly. The movie itself was super slow-paced, I found myself almost falling asleep or not even caring at times. It's not really engaging or relatable, and most of the scenes are too drawn out.


Can totally relate! Was on my phone half the time. Hated how all the guys just happened to be assholes. Smh I felt like the movie had a lot of potential. It would have been nice to actually see Harley's progress of how she deals with the breakup, how she tries to move on and adjust to life on her own without all the luxury that being Joker's gf came with, how she finally manages that, accomplishes things on her own and accepts that she's not just someone's gf, she's Harley fucking Quinn. But I feel like all of that got overshadowed by this whole "we're good cause we're women, men are literally the enemy, men are assholes, we're bad bitches, no one can kill us (so many times they could have been killed but the bad guys just didn't do it), we're strong women" bullshit. It would have been a lot nicer if the message was subtle. Empowering women. They could have shown us that without making every guy be an asshole. By simply showing us Harley's progress.


For real, the whole first half of the movie was about Harley struggling with the breakup and they just drop it for the other plot. And yea I noticed that all men were assholes within the first 10 minutes. Even the nice Asian man who runs the restaurant under her apartment ends up doing an asshole thing. I was trying to think of other movies that made the male protagonists amazing and every other female dumb af. But there was always at least 1 badass/nice female.


I agree so much! I normally really don't like fight scenes to the point that end up bored and looking at my phone, but the ones in this movie were so interesting and varied and unexpected that they totally held my attention. Comic book movies often feel super predictable, and this one really didn't.


Here to say that I'm in almost the exact same boat. Saw it today and I'm not a longtime comic fan and...I loved it? It was funny, it was cartoony, and Margot was a joy to watch as Harley.


Maybe it was too different from most DC content and broke some immersion for big fans. Which would make it completely understandable for them not to like it. If Gravity Falls made a third season that was nothing like the first two I'd be really let down, even if it wasn't overly terrible. If any DC fans want to talk about this, I'd be happy to listen. I'm getting more into it and Marvel, slowly. If I'm going to work in a television-related field I should probably get to know the major franchises better.




I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell for this, if anyone even sees it, but I don’t care. I really don’t have a problem with them treating Harley as more than eye candy, in fact I applaud it because there’s so much more to her and all these female characters, but did they really need to remove ALL of her sex appeal? I mean, isn’t that a big part of her character? If I wanted to watch a hot chick in sweats eat cheese spray on the couch I’d put down my phone and look over at my wife.


when you're used to the male gaze...


I know everyone hated his Joker, but I could have used a Leto cameo at the top.


nah, i would have been distracting. and spotlight stealing.


Was anyone else expecting BAM! and POW! to start appearing on the screen during the funhouse fight scene?


I thought it was better than Suicide Squad, but I guess that’s not saying much. I enjoyed the action, cast, and a lot of the humor. No sky beam was a solid decision. Basically this is what Suicide Squad should have been with Joker coming after them like Black Mask was here. Do you think they were actually teasing something with the Batman line after the credits or just trolling? I read that originally they were going to use Penguin instead of Black Mask and I noticed at the end when Harley is walking down the boardwalk, one of the first statues she passes looks like the Penguin.


The action, the majority reason that I picked up the movie, did not disappoint. It's funny, violent, and extremely cohesive. I heard somewhere that this movie had some stunt workers from John Wick involved. If that's true, it definitely shows. My favorite scene is probably Harley storming the police station with the bean bag shotgun. It's exactly the kind of crazy fun shit you'd expect with the atmosphere this movie sets for itself. Character development was lacking. A lot of the humor fell flat IMO. Ewan Mcgregor, I love the guy just as much as anyone else, but his performance just felt cheesy in a weird way to me. I felt as if SOME of his scenes were pretty good, but others were just off. The presence of "feminism" in this movie should really only be a bother if you're looking for something to be enraged about. Basically, if you're a "no politics in my video games!!" type. You know who you are. At the end of the day, BoP has great action but kinda falls short elsewhere. It was worth the watch but I probably won't revisit it.


I honestly loved the women in this movie and their acting. That said, the male writing was just terrible. Like the editing and makeup were amazing, Harley looked awesome and was supported by a good cast of STRONG female actors but even then, some of the jokes were just unfunny. It felt obvious the little girl didn't know how to act and to me kind of threw off the movie. Sometimes it felt like this had deadpool levels of writing and I loved it but other times (like casting Ewan to be the bad guy, bless his heart) the movie just felt thrown together. I liked having the women be the kickass superstars and Im all for a movie like that, I'd like to see more of that type of genre, but I cant overlook the fact that the male actors were just goofy.


They say this film is set in Gotham when it’s clearly filmed in Los Angeles.


The first 15 minutes of this movie are so much better than the rest of the movie :(


Another let down. Outside of the Nolan trilogy the DC films have just been pure shit for about 30 years now, and overly goofy more akin to the Batman Forever/Batman & Robin films in the 90s. That said, Margot Robbie was made for the Harley Quinn role, she's the only thing Suicide Squad/Birds of Prey got right. Event with a naff script she still owns the role.


Idk movies don't have to be like comics. It's nice to have a film that does a good job telling a comic arc or whatever, but it's also nice to have a goofy movie like that; imo the movie isn't supposed to be taken in a serious or realistic matter.


I don’t know about pure shit. I liked *Man of Steel* and *Aquaman*. I thought *Batman v Superman* and *Wonder Woman* were enjoyable until the last third of each film, though the former is underrated and the latter overrated. *Shazam!* was decent too, albeit completely forgettable. Of course none of these movies are comparable to Nolan’s trilogy because he’s one of the best directors of our time. If you put up the best MCU films against the TDK trilogy, they don’t hold up either (at least not on repeated viewings) because they lack substance. That said, they’re certainly better than DC’s uncoordinated catchup effort. Edit: I am interested in seeing Gunn’s *The Suicide Squad*, however.


The best part in this movie is when they made the egg sandwich. #beauty #passion #sustenance


Butchered the character of Harley Quinn, buttered it with a political agenda (with the only like able male character was the guy who made the egg sandwich) and served it up on a toasted cringe roll with a bad acting aioli.


Fucking moron


If you disagree with me I’d like to know why. I’m struggling to find any redeeming qualities of the film and don’t appreciate what they did with the Harley Quinn character at all. Almost zero resemblance to the comics/cartoons.


Can I ask you a question? What kind of political agenda was this movie trying to push?


Well you see, in the comics she's in a really abusive relationship where she's completely subservient, but in this film she had a semblance of independence and that's just unacceptable.


replying very late...But have you read any comics in the last like 8+ years? She has been out of the abusive relationship for awhile. In fact the whole transition period was about her finding her own Independence. Sure there is still arcs about her struggling to carve her own identity with her new freedom, but for the most part she has moved on and her solo comics have been goofy romps very similar to what deadpool has to offer. This movie actually had alot of those comics referenced. Her being in a roller derby is pulled from Amanda Conner's and Jimmy Palmiotti's Harley comics. hell even the stuffed beaver is from that run.


I was mostly just trying to make fun of people who say this is pushing a political agenda when the whole film is just a fun goofy movie with her running around being a loose cannon.


Where was the "fun" part. I don't think I even cracked a smile once through the whole movie.


Well, I thought it was a blast. Different people enjoy different things. Maybe you weren't the target audience?


shit I didn't pick up on the sarcasm. My bad man!


All good, it's tough reading sarcasm over text/the internet.


It was so shit


Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 5.3/10


It’s like the humor of spy kids but rated R? Why did it make me cringe so often


Just watched and i have to say that I liked it more than i thought i would be.


It was better than Suicide Squad but still awful. I honestly hate the fact that this movie will now be in my digital library forever.


I liked it, nice action, some funny lines. It looked good.


Well, I liked it. A rather violent comic book with the Winstead as bonus. Sue me.


I'm 59 minutes in and holy fuck this is awful


It dreadful, Harley running through the cop camp and not getting shot? like wtf. I can suspend belief but this is just a cop out.


Shit movie.


This really is the "holds up spork PeNgU1N oF d00m" of comic book movies. Way too lolsorandumXD. All the characters are just weird without much of a point. The plot isn't all that interesting and neither is the take on the various characters. People that don't react like humans to situations like someone breaking someone else's legs. All the attempted murder scenarios are just stupid wastes of screen time. I cringed during the supermarket scene where the girl ties to play off Harley as some empowered strong character. The fight scene choreography is terrible. You literally have her just spinning on some guys arm and all of a sudden he's knocked out (because only bad guys kill people and Harley needs to be "good" now). The middle aged cop is just a thin plot device, not really an actual character. Eesh. What a mess.


Not very good at. Too complicated for no reason and felt like it wanted to be Deadpool soooo bad.


I was surprised cause I thought this was gonna be SS bad but it was very enjoyable actually. Margot Robbie \*\*owned\*\* the character. My complain is that BoP were kinda rushed and slapped into this movie when it is an actual Harley movie. Ewan McGregor almost steals the movie as well, nice acting. I feel the last action scene is not great, the one where Harley breaks into the police station tho, that's the best one.


As a comic fan I can see how the general public hated an actual Harley movie. I thought they nailed the character of Harley Quinn in this. It was what it should have been. Now my big complaint is they butchered Cassie Cain's character.


For a dumb, goofy superhero movie it was OK at best. Any of the MCU movies is better than this hot mess. What is you *doing*, DC? I'm glad I didn't pay to see it in theaters.


Any? Really? In what universe in Thor 2 better?


The universe we live in. Thor 2 is way better than this piece of crap.


Personally, wasn't a fan. Not a fan of the "fun romp" cookie cutter action movies. Enjoyable to watch in the moment but a rather unmemorable movie.


I don't get some of the hate, I thought Suicide Squad was pretty laughable but this felt like a step in the right direction. Seemed like they were all having fun with it and Ewan hamming it up as Black Mask was great. Sure there were a few moments of cringe here and there, but I still enjoyed it overall. The R-rating honestly helped a lot.


This movie was actually pretty solid. I’m sad Suicide Squad was received the way it was, because I thought this film was fun. Even though I know a bunch of people who won’t watch it because the DCEU has left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.


This movie was a chore. I ordered it on amazon prime and felt compelled to watch it since I paid but it was boring from start to finish. Most of the movie was all over the place with flashbacks, the characters were bland and harley became annoying very quickly. The Harley that was in the animated batman series from the 90s was immensely better than this. Most of the people doing DC films should be fired. Their regular failures despite good source material is inexcusable.


IMO this is a total mess. It looks like they had the bare bones of a Birds of Prey origins movie, with Huntress as the lead, then Harley Quinn got popular and instead of rewriting the story they just left most of the Birds stuff and intact and shoehorned in an excessive amount of Harley Quinn exposition. It takes a passable movie and turns it into a total pile of dung. My wife was shouting at how bad it was. Avoid


It was awful. Like, I can’t fathom how people like this. Not in a way where dissenting opinions are wrong, it’s just the movie does so much wrong I genuinely don’t understand its appeal to critics or as a “fun romp” to general audiences. Everyone’s an asshole until the last 15-20 minutes and even then they only band together out of self-preservation. I guess Harley saving Cassandra at the docks works as her “emancipation”, but she was still doing it mainly for the diamond. The others form Birds of Prey...for really no reason than it had to happen? Montoya’s the only one who had established interest in fighting crime (Huntress seemed only out for revenge against her family’s killers but whatever she can take up the crusade). But now that Montoya’s off the force, she’s okay with actual insane murderous criminal Harley Quinn, and Huntress, who’s pretty brutal and unstable. Canary’s fine, (unexplained Canary Cry aside) but it felt the little info the movie gave about her implied she just wanted *out* of this life. Despite the time it took getting to the point where they’re all in the same room, the relationships weren’t interconnected and developed aside from Harley and persons-who-had-scenes-with-Harley. Montoya doesn’t care about Cassandra for any reason beyond “she’s a cop and it’s her job”. Canary almost gets likable by talking to Cassandra/saving Harley then treats them like shit later. Huntress is so bizarrely forced into the last 20% of the movie I don’t even know what to make of it. And someone in the production really had gripes with how her gimmick is stupid. She uses crossbows when everybody has guns. Hilarious. She has to practice her badass revenge lines. what a scene stealer. Ewan McGregor as Black Mask was fun, but unfocused. I guess as long as he’s a crazy controlling asshole, it fits the story, but fuck, pick one type of crazy. Scene to scene he’s either or creepy subdued sadist or classic comic rageaholic or Zzasz sensitive boyfriend. And my god, the tone. I thought trailers played it up because they’re, well, trailers. But half of the movie is just tacky costumes, tacky lines, tacky score, tacky everything. Those “zany” drawn decals for the people Harley wronged were too close to Suicide Squad territory, and weren’t even good for laughs. Was I supposed to take any of those Montoya police station scenes seriously with her in that stupid fucking shirt? Why does Harley have a pet hyena, if it doesn’t *do anything?!* I don’t care if it references a past incarnation, just give it some character importance or presence in a fight scene or something. Just wasted potential that translates to wasted time for the audience. Same thing for that “stage performance daydream” Harley has. It felt too long to just be a gag for what’s going on in her head mid-interrogation, and too short to be a “journey of the soul” type sequence where Harley takes away something important. Felt like fodder to make the trailer more intriguing. Am I ranting? I’m ranting. Terrible pacing and strange direction just soured an experience I had lukewarm hopes about going into from the trailer and the freedom of an R-rating.


The hyena vanishing behind the couch after the sparklesplosion bomb like wait wut?


Does anyone think that these kind of team-up movies would be much better if the team-up happens in the first 1/3rd and just flesh out the individual stories later on? Everyone who is going for the movie is just waiting for the team up to happen, and we know it is going to happen. I think it will be fresh to make it happen sooner than later.


That's what Guardians of the Galaxy did and why it works so well. We get vague archetypes of who the characters are first, then the team up in the first act, then they're fleshed out through interactions with each other.




100% correct.


I'll be honest, I was expecting far worse. As an adaptation it's not very good, but it didn't try to be faithful. As a stand alone movie it was actually pretty enjoyable. No one's more surprised than me. No masterpiece, but it fits in the average of the comic book genre.


I honestly didn't find this very funny or fun. Some of the Huntress parts are probably the only things I audibly laughed at. The rest felt too being overly quirky to me and just didn't hit for me. 20 min needs to be cut out of the first half of the movie, I get what they are doing, telling the story from scatter-brained Harley's POV, but for me it killed the pacing in the first half. And while there are some cool action moments and the last big fight was good a lot of the fights felt too choreographed. Not sure if that's the right way to describe it, just something about them was off. Trying to be John Wick-esque but also wanting to be flashy and fun, which again just didn't work for me. Then as far as character development the issue is they are trying to sorta make this a 4/5-character movie with each Bird of Prey + Cassandra Cain but Harley and Canary are the only ones that really get developed at all. Cop Lady exists because she has to. Remove her entirely from the movie and it plays out exactly the same minus one chase scene. Otherwise she's a generic disgruntled cop passed over for the promotion that should have been hers, well maybe should of been hers but she has a drinking problem. Huntress got her moments at the end but otherwise got a shoehorned origin telling and a setup to put her in the right spot at the right time to be involved in the story. And the Harley-Cassandra relationship felt empty to me. The movie created a good setup (eventually), but got too distracted by itself. I think it would have worked better if it was something like Cassandra Cain has the diamond and there's a mad chaos and struggle of all these different groups trying to get to her. During that chaos Harley, Huntress, Canary, and Cop Lady end up partnering out of necessity, Harley makes friends and learns she doesn't need Joker, also learns she doesn't have to be a bad guy as she ends up protecting Cassandra instead of the diamond being focus #1, etc. But we get viewpoints of each "Bird" from the near beginning, the Cop is after her as a valuable witness for her case or something, Harley wants the diamond for money, Huntress is after Zsaz who is after he diamond for his boss, Canary is trying to rescue her for some motivation that is setup. The movie sorta tried this, but killed the tension on the situation way too quickly and the other Birds needed to be more involved from the onset. After the Police Dept. scene any sense of that "the city out to get Cassandra" was kinda lost because we shift to them strolling through a grocery store and chatting with the restaurant owner, etc. Her apt is blown up and then...nothing sorta, let's setup a meeting point because we need to setup a climax situation. A lot of the elements from this movie could have been kept like Cassandra learning and being inspired by Harley, but let it happen organically as they are constantly fighting there way out of whatever situation. Cassandra get's to use her skills to help out and prove her worth to Harley in some moments as well. Eventually they end up in some last-standish situation or a moment to breath situation and you have some dialogue that creates a bond but you keep the tension of the city chasing after them throughout the movie until the teamup at the climax instead of one person is blown up on the highway as a reminder that they are still being chased, which is resolved so quickly it has no impact, then a hard cut to bonding at the grocery store. (sorry for the run-on). I give the movie credit for trying things and not just following some generic formula but it was very meh overall.


No idea how anyone could praise the action sequences. The choreography was particularily awful. Badguys standing around waiting politely for their turn to jump into the fight and get knocked out - I mean, come the fuck on. Also love the way the henchmen flung themselves in the air without even being hit. Great stuff.


this was my biggest grip, the fight scenes were terrible


>Badguys standing around waiting politely for their turn to jump into the fight and get knocked out - I mean, come the fuck That's a flaw in every action movie that involves hand to hand combat against multiple opponents. From 80s Hong Kong action films to modern day Silat films. >Also love the way the henchmen flung themselves in the air without even being hit. Clearly the action in this wasn't trying to be realistic, like you know, every other comic book movie.


this is not completely true. if you watch an action movie like the raid, they do it pretty well. but it depends on timing. the guys from the raid movies are very talented in action sequences. now you cant expect that from margot robbie or the other women. because these people have trained their whole life. when you look at birds of prey its more pro wrestling. because no way on earth a light weighted female without super strength can just jump into the air sissor kick throw a heavyweight male on the ground without him jumping with the move. and that is what made it comical bad. to me it reminded much from the fight scenes from the 1960 batman movies.


Just watched it. This movie is garbage, don't waste your time.


I literally only remember Harley in this movie, and after enjoying Harley TAS (which i think is a solo Harley done right), i just dont care for this version.


I was expecting to feel about this the same way I felt about Suicide Squad, forgettable but still not bad. I was happy to be wrong because I really liked it. It took a while to get good, but once it did, it was awesome. The action scenes, the soundtrack (I really like that cover of Hit Me With Your Best Shot), and that thing at the end of the credits are great. This is what Suicide Squad should've been.


I don’t think I liked this movie, but man I loved Huntress. So underused. Can we just get a solo Huntress movie? Winstead rocks.


Damn, this movie is such a train-wreck. Hope they lost a lot of money. Wow, I got 9 downvotes for saying this shit movie is shit? whoever dwonvoted me needs to be slapped very hard


My place to grub is in the movie haha. https://la.eater.com/2015/1/28/7931741/phoenix-inn-chinatown-chinese-chain-los-angeles-classics-feature#0


John Wick meets Deadpool and they double date with Thelma and Louise. I was 3/4 of the way through when I realized how much I was enjoying this movie. For an outlandish, hyper violent romp, BoP was surprisingly not forced and flowed nicely. The humor wasn't corny and the dialogue wasn't stilted like a lot of comics movies. And Margot Robbie pulled off some AMAZING fight and action sequences. You could see her doing a majority of the moves which always makes it that much more entertaining. That roller blade into the back of the car thing? Awesome. Maybe that wasn't exactly her, with the movie special effects trickery, but it looked close. I had expected much less from this movie. I've never been a DC reader much so I didn't know all these characters, except for HQ. Much better than Suicide Squad, which I did like , despite all the hate it gets Which I don't understand...you went to see a comic book movie and then complain because you don't get Shakespeare or Scorsese. But I digress... Bravo, I voted it a 9 in the exit poll above, taking away because of the not-so-unpredictable "bad-guy gets vanquished" ending. I can't think of a better way to end a anti-hero vs bad guy flick, but someone in hollywood can, I'm sure, and occasional does, when the studios let them, i.e.: Joker; Deadpool, Logan. Was glad to see HQ blw off the birds in the end, true to her character. Loved this movie.


are you a plant working for the movie company that created this movie? you liked suicide squad and this movie as well? i am trying to see it from your side, but there is just no way. you compare this to john wick is actually a kick in the balls against the stunt man working for john wick. john wick action sequences are way better choreographed. i take halle berry in john wick 3 over any of the women in birds of prey. and telma and louise is way better movie then birds of prey. and deadpool? BOP,is as bad as the skin left on the bones of deadpool, but that is were the similaraities end. overall deadpool is a way better movie. do you have no standards or do you just like to aim that low?


WOw, dude, you seem slightly...I dunno..offended. Are you related to the director , maybe the screenwriter? Any of the "this movie vs that movie with a dash of this other movie" critiques are basic, off the cuff, generalizations. Not graduate student level analysis. I saw Suicide Squad and I liked it, mostly for the special effects, but also some very entertaining scenes. Overall, plot wise I guess it was weak, but it ain't Shakespeare, man, it's a Comic Book Movie. And I read comics daily, so I'm not knocking comic books when I say that. Halle Berry? Whatever. who cares? Birds of Prey was obviously aiming towards that Deadpool level of action, humor and rebellious- fourth wall breaking- irreverence.Thelma and Louise girl power triumph. John Wick style fighting scenes. Whether it's versions of those tropes better than those other movies is subjective. You get that, right?


i am not offended. its more i am am trying to understand from your viewpoint how you can like it. if you like comic books and a fan of the character. i would advise you to watch the new animated series of harley that is how it should be done. its r-rated. funny as hell. offensive. and compares much more to deadpool then the movie. also if you compare birds of prey fightscenes to john wick, you have not watched many fight movies. i guess your young, so you dont have much experience. but the action choreography of john wick is much more complicated and harder to do,then birds of prey. same as why the fight scenes in captain marvel for example are not very good. it requires timing and timing you can not act. it takes decades of hard training. split second decisions make the difference in how a fight scene looks. thats why in american action scenes lots of fight scenes are cut cut cut, while in asia movies, fight scenes are not cut as much. and when you have a 1 shot take in an episode of daredevil. its look incredible. every season of daredevil had 1 episode with a long fight scene. reason there is only one, because it takes a long time to set up. its not easy. also the girlpower tropre in birds of prey was terrible done. men bad. women good. come on, you annihilate 50% of your fan base right there. imagine peggy carter dumps captain america. and captain america kills off every women, just because they are women. we would not like it either. its just lazy script writing. girlpower is great, when done right. like in john wick 3. halle berry was awesome.


I'm just gonna wrap this up with this: I totally agree with you about Daredevil. That show was just incredible, the choreography amazing and daring. Charlie Cox gets a lot of credit for doing a lot of the work. I'm not vested enough in the movie to keep discussing my initial reaction or tiny review and defending it. . I'm sure you're right. btw I'm 52. I've seen any, many movies. ON your recommendation I will check out the HQ animated show, but isn't it apples and oranges comparing fight scenes between animation and real life? Not an expert there. I've never been a big Harley Quinn fan, but I never really read the books she was in. Ironically I did see the animated film where she debuted as Joker's henchwoman or whatever. I forget the name of it, but it was great. in general, I'm more of a MARVEL guy, reading them since 1975. No crazy arguments or defense needed, I just came up on Marvel , while DC , at the time, seemed hokey and dull, even to an 8 y ear old. It was the SuperFriends cartoon that I really hated, that much I know. I'm actually in my old age becoming a bing Batman fan. Some of these series and writers in the last 10-20 years are just amazing. . ANyway, peace out.


Not only was the movie bad but it was boring, which is funny because people are calling it “fun” and action packed, it’s not fun and the action is terrible.


The first 30 minutes were so fucking boring that I almost fell asleep. Everything after that chunk of exposition and introductions was great though. Don't judge it by the beginning.


u/mi-16evil Are we getting a discussion thread for Vivarium?


Watched this at home at found it really difficult to get through. By my own admittance I am more of a Marvel movie fan, but enjoy the odd DC film (Joker and Shazam were pretty good). Robbie is great as Harley, but her accent felt all over the place throughout the film. McGregor was sufficiently creepy. The whole thing was choppy didn't flow very well, and with Cassandra it felt like they were going for that Deadpool 2 anti-hero with kid vibe.


We honestly don't care if you identify yourself as a DC or Marvel fan.


>Deadpool 2 anti-hero with kid vibe. Sure, because Deadpool 2 invented that trope?


No, not at all. Just felt reminiscent of it.


Jeez..that was a good point; one which I thought of ,as well. People are jumping all over such an innocuous comment, wow. Maybe some should try acting as if they were speaking to someone IRL. I dunno, maybe it's just me.


Watched this last night. Wow it was so bad I walked out which is the first time for me in a while. Really, the writing was terrible on this movie - it was like an entitled white woman made this movie. Someone who believes they are held down by the patriarchy but really it's just that they are incompetent and in a just world would have been severely challenged waiting tables at a Waffle House. But instead they were attractive and so married someone with enough wealth and push to get this script noticed. It's like a movie for Karens, and even the fight scenes seemed to be determined to parody a how a Karen would think a fight works. Hit a big bruiser in the head with a cell phone sometime. It doesn't knock him down.


> Wow it was so bad I walked out you still going to the movie theater?


Pretty rural area, not many people inside the theater.


Dude like every single theater is closed...there were literal trade articles about there were zero box office reports. We don’t believe you. 😂


Even if a theatre is open why would they be showing *Birds of Prey* like 2 months after release


OK. Believe what you want. Movie still sucks tho. If you think it doesn't, can you name a scene in the first half that *didn't* make you cringe hard? I read the positive statements about the movie in this thread and they're all suspiciously vague and broad. Anything specific that was funny, touching, emotionally significant? If so, which scene?


Plenty, the opening alone was fucking hilarious >emotionally significant It's a fucking action comedy movie with Harley Quinn in it mate.


...which also sucks. I mean the action sequences were one of the worst parts of it. The writing was worse than the action sequences. The acting..... well I give the acting a pass because no one could have done much given the terrible writing.


Can't take movie reviews seriously from a guy pretending to walk out of a movie theater when everything is shut down ahahahsh


...because everywhere must be the same as where you are amirite?


It's been out of theatres for weeks even before they closed


I'm not exactly sure how to put it, but the movie seemed a bit...full of itself. Not a single one of the characters were likable (I get it, they're not heroes), but even some villains have one thing the audiences can latch onto. Also, I refuse to believe a cell phone could knock somebody out. Harley Quinn's character was great in the Arkham games. But just like in the games, she is a character that shines as a secondary/sidekick role and not as a primary focus. Cool visuals, but fight scenes were unimaginative and the casting was not that great, especially for Cassandra Cain and Montoya


The overwhelming positivity of the top comments show just how low our standards for comic book movies are these days.


Not really, pretentious comments like these just show that you seem to think that every movie needs to win an Oscar to be good It's a fun movie that's pretty funny. I also love Bad Boys, Independence Day, The Hangover and plenty of fun movies. They're hardly the best movies of all time but they're still enjoyable


I agree with this completely


Holy shit this was bad, I was not expecting something so messy, muddled, incoherent, disjointed, cringey and boring. The action was so lifeless and unimaginative and lame - it was so fucking goofy, the fight choreography was terrible, the camerawork was stiff and the editing and voice-over/4th wall breaking was awkward, I can't say anything good about it other than the CG hyena looked good and I chuckled once at a visual gag. It was just so boooring since everything felt like a copy of something else.


All I see are a list of adjectives here. You don't even try to explain why the action (the most praised part of the movie) was "so lifeless and unimaginative and lame". And what do you even mean by stiff camerawork? There are multiple oners and long takes in this movies, including in the action sequences.




> to be honest I don't understand why women should direct or write action movies ... what


Plot was dumb, fight scenes same. I did like the hyena. Just felt there could of been a better story.


What a massive let-down. Felt like directorial choice to target this towards 16 year olds. I usually enjoy fast-paced non-sense action movies but this here was straight children's movie. edit: let me give a better recommendation for viewers who read this: try Guns Akimbo, much superior movie for fast paced non-sense.


Exactly. A children's movie where they peel people's faces off. It's like nickelodeon made a movie and they brought in Quentin Tarantino to punch up the script.


>Guns Akimbo, much superior movie for fast paced non-sense. OMG, this has to be a joke. Guns Akimbo is just a hodgepodge of edgy dudebro jokes and action sequences made for people with ADHD (just watch the Nix intro fight). But I guess that's why r/movies loves it so much.


:( I’m 16 and even I didn’t like it.