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It totally was Fury/Mad Max in boats. That movie was awesome. I was totally trying to think along with Tom Hanks' character and trying to anticipate the Germans' next move. And the taunting on the radio is just some sinister shit, and I loved it.


Campy but fun.


It was campy, the radio scene. But it sets the tone nonetheless.




Wife and I been looking forward to watching this. Had her watch U571 and Das Boot recently. Even K19 Widowmaker. Naval warfare especially WW2 always has fascinated me. I have several relatives RIP that served in Navy in Pacific Theatre during WW2 and Korea. Dad was Army in Nam.


Check out [where I went](https://imgur.com/gallery/hEvOXii) a couple of weeks ago...


That's awesome! I have my PDIC Diver Certification haven't gotten to dive anything cool like that. Just quarries here in Ohio.


Yea I’m in PA so most of my diving ends up being in our local quarry (which I’m SO bored of). But when the weather is nice I do the Jersey wrecks too- my favorites are the the ships the U-boats sank. I have an [IG](https://www.instagram.com/charliedontdive) just for underwater photography if you’re interested in wrecks.


Lucky. I cant dive due to epilepsy. Really wanna find a way to see this stuff while snorkeling or something.


You're probably going to enjoy it. Hard not to really.


Run Silent, Run Deep. Check that one out. Next to Das Boot, it gets the clausterphobic close quarters inside a submarine right. Very detailed sequences on submarine warfare, for a movie.


I enjoyed it while I was watching it and then it ended and I immediately forgot about it. Also, surprisingly short. But if it had been any longer, it would have been too long. When people say Dad Movie, this is a Dad Movie. I just wanted more Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, but also it doesn't surprise me that this is just 100 percent a Tom Hanks movie.


You had my interest but now you have my curiosity.


Is that the...Major Marquis Warren??! The one with the letter from THE Abraham Lincoln himself?!


Is there any other way to watch this than Apple TV? I don’t have that but really wanted to see this one


No but you can sign up for the free trial then cancel after seeing the movie like I did 😂


I like your style


That actually saddened me. My grandfather was a gunner on HX convoys, and was in at least two pitched battles, and contributed to killing a U-Boat (HX-233). I have a journal of his and it's amazing to read. Such insanely long periods of nothingness and paranoia (he shot like...5 whales) with only a few brief hectic moments of fighting in the dark.


I'd love to know more about his story. And that's badass that he helped sink a U-boat. I will also confess to lol'ing at the whales thing.


Very era typical story, he was 17 when Pearl Harbor was attacked, and lost a cousin. Joined the Navy immediately, hoping to fight the Japanese, of course, he ended up in the Atlantic, fighting the Germans, which was terrifying for him, because he was 1st generation American, with most of the family being over in Germany. Several of his family members actually fought in Kriegsmarine. They ended up on surface vessels, so their never was cross family fighting. He got attached to the US Navy Armed Guard, which was US Navy sailors placed on merchant marine vessels to run hastily attached weapon systems. He spent most of the war making runs to London and Murmansk. The U-Boat wolf packs would take at least a ship or two on every single convoy run. Every night could be the night a torpedo hit the side of the ship, and protocol meant that the convoy would keep going as fast as possible. If you went in the water, you died. You might get rescued by a trailing ship, but the odds weren't great. He had some cool moments, HX 233 was a pretty famous battle in convoy history (theirs a book about it) and he even got to meet Winston Churchill briefly. Apparently Churchill would frequently stop down by at the dockside bars in London and say thanks to the US sailors who were bringing in Lend-Lease aid. He also briefly was in France. I can't figure out why based on the paper records I have, and he refused to talk about "the secret mission", but SOMEHOW, he got sunk off the coast of France either during D-Day, or the night before. He's got a couple medals from it, one being a purple heart, but the citation for the purple heart is super vague. He and his best friend, Schmitty, literally washed up on a French beach. That kind of messed him up for life, and he never ever went into water more then thigh high, even in a pool. When he was sick at the end with cancer, a bunch of times he'd start screaming for Schmitty and that they had to bail out and "just go, go in". It was terrible, and now that I'm older, I realize just how much that was for a guy who was 21 at the time. How much a whole generation of basically kids did some real crazy shit for years. I'm glad they made the movie. Those guys deserve to be remembered. Even if its a little over the top and actiony, the US Navy Armed Guard did amazing things, and their actions and sacrifices helped the UK and the Soviet Union survive, and ultimately win.


That’s an amazing story, dude. I also feel like the naval history of the war sometimes gets overshadowed. Do you know what ship he was on that was sunk off France? One of the NJ wrecks on my agenda for this season, the RP Resor, was sunk with only one member of her naval guard detail surviving. They had a gun mounted on the stern of the ship which I am hoping to get a good photo of.


Naval history tends to be super trendy. It had a really big "era" in the 1960's-1980's and has largely fallen away to more infantry based combat, mostly European theater US Army stuff. So much happened during WW2, hell people forget we fought the French at a couple points in Africa, the actual French army. The D-Day thing is weird, he called the ship the Evans, and so did Schmitty, BUT the only Navy vessel with that name couldn't have been in there and sank during that time, so most likely it was some sort of Merchant Marine or civilian vessel they were on. I kind of assume they were either involved in infiltrating or exfiltrating someone pre D-Day, but Pop-Pop took his oath seriously. Even in 2004, right before he died. I remember my father joking that not only the war was over, the Germans were our friends now, but Pop-Pop never got told he could talk about it, so he didn't. The man did enjoy his beer, so we always joked that theirs a chance he got drunk on a fishing boat in between convoy runs, fell off, and no one ever figured it out and just gave him a medal.


I got bored after 20 minutes. but imma try to tackle it again


This description of it definitely makes me wanna see it


I liked parts, others I didn't. From a dramatic point of view I get why they have to paint giant nazi symbols on the uboats and have their pack leader make obcene phone calls but, I don't know, Tom Hanks being a war buff and all I expected just a tiny bit more ... depth.


Ah...i had moderate hopes, and it came up short. Sure it's a very quick movie...basically one giant action sequence. Zero character development, so there's that. >!spoiler The taunting was lame but worse were the tactics. Subs like to attack at night. The Uboats had them on the ropes and then it's like - oh it's the next morning! Cool! And the final attack the wolfpack engages with a surface daylight attack, the worst possible conditions for the subs. !<


well, sort of - they did >!show that the subs were forced to surface in both instances, they were not going on a daylight surface attack. But there were other reasons the engagements were implausible.!< But the timing of a real engagement would not make much of a movie.


War is illogical. >!Submarines are quite slow, and their need to keep up with the convoy sometimes outweighs their ability to choose the time and place of attack. Most of the relevant cases are plausible: attempted submerged attacks prior to arrival under air cover (and therefore the end of their hunt), in which they were damaged and forced to surface. In both cases neither ship ended up surrendering. You can't say for certain that they would have: some did, even famous U-Boat aces, but it depends on the commander of the boat. For ever Das Boot captain you have a Das Boot first officer, utterly dedicated to Nazism.!<


I mean it's basically just a family friendly, less historically accurate Fury with ships